Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/12/20
Episode #13871 ~ Melinda tries to unnerve Kristen; Eli struggles with his huge dilemma; Abigail asks Chad for a favor regarding Jake; Gwen gets to know Jack and Jennifer.
Provided By Suzanne
Jack: Hey.
Jennifer: Hey, where'd you go?
Jack: To get abigail's favorite muffin, celebrate her first article since returning to work.
Jennifer: You know what, jack--I just read it. It is so terrific. I mean, she really captures the emotion of this story, a woman who lost her child, a woman who thought lost her child. I mean, it--it really makes you feel for melinda and kristen, and honestly, I think they both are victims in this whole thing.
Jack: I agree. She nailed it.
Jennifer: Yeah. Our daughter is a great writer.
Jack: That she is, totally proud.
Jennifer: I'm proud of her too, and you know what, jack? In the midst of all of her struggles, she has been so resilient and so strong.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Gwen: Well, that is a load of malarkey.
[Tense synth music]
Abigail: Better not be work.
Chad: Morning, beautiful. And no, it is not work. It's actually a brilliant article about the trial of one kristen dimera written by the hottest journalist in salem.
Abigail: What? Oh, my god, I didn't know my dad was gonna make it the lead story.
Chad: Yeah, front page, right where it deserves to be, I mean, kristen retaliated against victor because he led her to believe her child was dead? It's gonna--it's gonna resonate with any reader who has a heart. Let's just hope belle's defense is as strong as your article.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: My sister could use a break. You know what?
Abigail: Hmm?
Chad: You know what I wanna do?
Abigail: What?
Chad: Show my wife just how much I appreciate her journalistic genius.
Abigail: You know, I think your brother could use a break too.
Chad: Excuse me?
Kate: So this is your workshop?
Jake: Kate, hey.
Kate: Hey. I was told that I could find you here.
Jake: Huh. Well, you found me. What can I do for you?
[Tense music]
Brady: Hey.
Kristen: Rachel is still sleeping.
Brady: But I don't think her mom got a wink, did she? Hmm?
Kristen: How could I, brady? Hmm? What if this is the last morning I'm free to wake up with you and rachel?
Brady: Oh, hey, that's--you gotta be positive. You gotta be positive, okay? Okay?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: All right. Now, I did something for you.
Kristen: What?
Brady: I wanted the day to start off right, so I--I went ahead, and I ordered pretty much every one of your favorite foods from room service, okay?
[Knock at door] Right on cue, right?
[Dramatic music] What are you doing here?
Melinda: I thought I'd deliver some fresh pastries. I just wanted to make sure that your girlfriend savored her last meal, because after I'm through with her, she won't have any appetite left.
Lani: Eli, wake up! What the hell were you thinking?
Eli: What are you--what are you talking about?
Lani: I just found a recording of you and kristen on your phone.
Eli: Honey, I can explain.
Lani: No, she--she confessed to stabbing victor. Why would you even record this unless you were gonna use it against her?
Eli: Lani, please listen--
Lani: No! How could you do this? How could you betray my best friend? How could you betray me?
Brady: Get the hell out of here.
Melinda: Under the heading of no good deed.
Brady: Good deed, my ass. You're trying to get into her head because you don't have one single shred of evidence to convict her, and you know it.
Melinda: Is that the lie you tell yourself so you can sleep? Because it looks like someone didn't close her eyes at all.
Kristen: My daughter is still sleeping, so please just leave.
Melinda: Be sure to kiss your daughter goodbye when you leave. Thanks to you, I didn't get that chance.
Brady: Get out. Now.
Melinda: I'll see you in court. Ooh, god, I love saying that.
[Uneasy music]
Brady: Come here. It's okay. It's okay.
Chad: Wow, what a way to ruin the mood. Why are we talking about my brother?
Abigail: Because we share a home, and it sometimes feels like it's a war zone.
Chad: Yeah, so I'll ask him to move into the gatehouse.
Abigail: Well, jake's a dimera, just like you, and he wants to be a part of this family. Don't you think that's understandable?
Chad: This is--when did you start sticking up for jake?
Abigail: Since he asked me to.
Chad: When did this happen?
Abigail: Yesterday. It was yesterday. My car wouldn't start, and he offered to fix it if I would--
Chad: If you what, went to bat--went to bat for him?
Abigail: No, it wasn't like that.
Chad: Well, then what was it like? What was it like? Why didn't you bring it up last night?
[Dramatic music]
Jack: Excuse me, but do you have a problem with our daughter?
Gwen: What? Did you not just hear me go on about how much I adore abigail and what a wonderful person I think she is? No, I'm talking about kristen dimera. She stabbed an old man and threw the da's child down the stairs. Not exactly a victim, is she?
Jennifer: Well, she thought that she had lost her child forever.
Gwen: Well, the only one who lost a child is the da.
Jennifer: Right, which is why melinda blames kristen for her pain, just like kristen blames victor for her pain.
Gwen: Right. So two people got hurt, and two people wanted revenge. Who can't relate to that? you've been there.
Jack: It sounds like you've been there.
Gwen: Really? What gave it away?
[Tense music]
Look, I'm sure that you're both very curious, but I also know that you're both very polite, so I'll tell you because I like you. I trust you. It was jake. Bastard cheated on me, and then he dumped me for gabi, and then, after he found out that gabi doesn't want him, he dumped me anyway, so... said I was toxic.
Jennifer: So you--you want revenge?
Gwen: Well, the prat basically got his ass handed to him when gabi ditched him, so, you know, maybe he already actually got his revenge.
Jack: Well, they--they say what--what goes around--
Both: Comes around.
Gwen: Yeah, actually, um, what's the other thing that they say? Oh, yeah, that's right, karma's a bitch. That's what it is.
Abigail: I didn't say anything about jake because I was waiting for the right moment.
Chad: This is--this is the right moment, right now? I'm getting dressed.
Abigail: No, I didn't--no, I didn't mean to upset you. I didn'T.
Chad: Well, no, he upsets me. You know that. Since when did you become a fan of jake?
Abigail: A fan? I'm not a fa--I'm a fan? I'm a fan because I'm trying to broker peace between the two of you when it would actually benefit everybody in this entire house if the two of you got along, including charlotte and thomas?
Chad: Our chil--what the hell do our children have to do with it?
Abigail: Jake's their uncle. They're very curious about him, as he is about--I mean, wouldn't it be ni--would it not be nice if he could be a part of their lives?
Chad: No. No, absolutely not. I want him nowhere near our children. He's--he's coarse and ill-mannered. Those are his--and those are his good qualities.
Abigail: Stop. Just listen to me for one second, okay? Jake is very proud of everything that he did to make the collins deal happen.
Chad: The collins had nothing to do with him. That was my deal.
Abigail: Li--I thought you were listening.
Chad: No, no, stop. Let me give you a little history lesson here. He was only involved in that deal because gabi used him to screw me over.
Abigail: And he regrets that. I told--I told jake he messed up. If he wanted to be a part of this family, that he was gonna have to prove himself, but, you know, he can't really do that if you're not willing to give him a chance, which I understand the reason you don't wanna do that is because of me. It's why I feel very responsible for all of this and why I'm trying to persuade you to try to work it out.[
[Melancholy music]
Chad: Kate does think that when I look at jake...
Abigail: You see his--
Chad: Yeah.
Abigail: Stefan. Is she right?
Kate: So what you working on there?
Jake: I'm repairing a carburetor.
Kate: Ah, impressive. So what does a carburetor do?
Jake: It regulates the flow of air and gasoline to the engine cylinders. Whoops, there we go.
Kate: Oh, that's fascinating. Is this a bad time?
Jake: No, kate, it's not. Like I said, what can I do for you?
Kate: What about if I keep an eye on him for you?
Chad: Really?
Kate: Yes, really. I'm sure you know that I would do anything to help you, right? Yes, even if it means spending time with jake. I need some help.
Jake: Oh, yeah? Like what? Did harold mix up our dry cleaning again?
Kate: Ha, ha, ha. No, abigail told me that, um, you did a repair on her car.
Jake: I did. It's no big deal. Timing was off on her alternator.
Kate: Oh, her alternator?
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: Oh.
Jake: So you having car trouble, kate? Hmm?
Kate: Well, when I started my car, it started to make this kinda [Coughing] Sound, you know? So, um, I was wondering if you could fix it.
Jake: Uh, yeah, I'm gonna need a little bit more to go on than that. When did this, uh,
[Coughing] Start?
Kate: Probably at the same time that I turned on the radio 'cause I didn't want to hear it.
Jake: Hmm.
Kate: Do you think you could take a look?
Jake: Sure. Wouldn't want you to break down, not in those heels.
[Dramatic music]
Brady: Don't--don't let trask scare you.
Kristen: Oh, my god, brady, she scares the hell out of me because she is exactly the way I used to be: Angry, vindictive, willing to win at any cost, even my soul, to get what I want.
Brady: No, you--you aren't that woman anymore. You're not her.
Kristen: She's going to destroy me, and she has the power to do it, brady. She has the power. Oh, at least, um--at least if I do go to prison, you and rachel will be taken care of.
Brady: What do you mean by that?
Kristen: Uh, yesterday, I-- I--at the hospital, I talked to marlena, and I asked her if she would help take care of rachel if I go to prison, you know, be the mother that I--be the mother that I won't be able to be.
Brady: That was the reason for the hug, right? Kristen.
Kristen: What?
Brady: Look at me. That woman can--can yell and scream and try to pull any stunt that she wants, but the bottom line is, she doesn't have the evidence against you. You--you are gonna be acquitted, and you've gotta believe that. You will, and you are going to be the only mother in the world that is ever gonna raise little rachel isabella.
Eli: Lani, I'm doing this for you, so you can be a mother to our babies.
Lani: I don't care why you're doing it, okay? It is wrong.
Eli: Honey, listen to me. I am trying to keep you free.
Lani: Yeah, by destroying my friend to do it. Eli, I swear to god, if you even think about giving that recording to trask, I will never forgive you.
Eli: Please.
Lani: Never, eli. Never. I will never forgive you! Eli, wake up. Noooo.
Eli: What is it?
Lani: It's trask. She wants to talk to you.
[Tense music]
Eli: Good morning.
Melinda: Tell me you got a recording of kristen's confession, unless you want me to have lani arrested immediately.
Eli: Yeah, I, um--I got you the information on vincent belman.
Melinda: You can't talk. Get rid of your wife. Then call me back.
Lani: Trask was calling about ciara's case?
Eli: Uh, she--she just wanted a update on the--the evidence against vincent belman.
Lani: I figured she would be calling about kristen, since her trial starts today. You know, I--I really can't imagine what she's going through right now. Thank you.
Eli: For what?
Lani: For convincing me to do the right thing about that footage and for being the father of my babies. You okay?
Eli: Yeah. I'm just trying to wake up. That's it.
Lani: Well, I made you some coffee so you can get your caffeine fix, and I am gonna head to the courthouse.
Eli: Hey, no, lani, I--hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait, no, I don't--i don't think you should do that.
Lani: Why? Kristen's my friend. You know I want to be there and support her.
Eli: Because it's gonna be intense and stressful.
Lani: So because I'm pregnant, I can't handle a little drama? Baby, I will be fine, okay?
Eli: Hey, babe, please. I don't want you to go.
Lani: And I bet I know why.
Gwen: You know, about what I said earlier, I don't want you thinking that I'm the "hell hath no fury" kind of woman.
Jennifer: Oh.
Gwen: That wouldn't be a good look for a nanny, now, would it? Sugar?
Jack: Mm, no.
Jennifer: So--thank you. Uh, you're enjoying the job?
Gwen: Oh, I am. Your grandchildren are adorable.
Jack: It's really very generous of you to look after them.
Gwen: Yeah, well, I saw how very excited abigail was to go work for the paper, and, um, I piped up. So glad I did. How very cool that you all get to work together.
Jennifer: Yeah, it is. It's very cool. We love having abigail at work with us.
Gwen: Was that planned, for her to go work at the paper?
Jack: Oh, no, no, no, that was actually--well, that was abigail's choice when she came back from paris. She decided to--to pitch in when jennifer was in a coma.
Gwen: In a coma?
Jennifer: Yes, for an entire year.
Gwen: Bloody hell.
Jack: My sentiments exactly.
Kate: So how's my car?
Jake: Mm, that noise, it could be a number of things, so I had a tow truck take it to the shop. They're gonna run some diagnostics, figure out what the problem is. It could take a while.
Kate: Well, I have a while, I guess. Can I wait here?
Jake: Sure.
Kate: So I--I guess if you give up working at dimera, you can always get your old job back, right?
Jake: I don't give up on things that I want.
Kate: Yeah, I could relate to that, too, at one time.
Jake: Guess I'm just waiting for the right opportunity.
Kate: What would that be?
Jake: The one where my ass of a brother gives me the shot I deserve in our family company. I was doing well with collins. I was off to a great start, and then chad shut me down and shut me out.
Kate: Well, I don't think it was you, exactly. It was more the fact that you're a dead ringer for your twin brother.
Jake: Yeah, yeah, I got the same talk from abigail. Chad hates me because of my face, but just because I have stefan's face doesn't mean I'm stefan.
Kate: Okay, I'm sure you're aware that stefan seduced abigail.
Jake: Again, not stefan.
Kate: Okay, well, that's understood, but do you know that chad actually walked in on his naked wife in his naked brother's arms? And I think every time you walk into a room, you're a reminder of that moment.
[Dramatic music]
Chad: Jake's resemblance to stefan doesn't help. Resemblance, they could be the exact same person, the exact same dna, which means whatever stefan is capable of, jake is too.
Abigail: No, no, I disagree. I mean, I don't think stefan is the way he is because of his genes. I think it's because of his upbringing. And he's dead. Chad, I don't think it's fair. I mean, is it fair for us to just blame jake for stefan's sins?
Chad: No, in my head I know that it isn't, but every time I look at him, you know what I see? Walking in on you and stefan, and it kills me all over again.
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Chad: I thought I'd gotten over what stefan did to you, but then jake showed up, and it's--it's just in my face every day.
Abigail: I'm sorry. I mean, I know that's why it's hard for you to have him around.
Chad: I don't want to feel this way, but it's, um--it's every time I look at him, it's like a kick in my gut.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. It's understandable, but, you know, you have no reason to feel threatened by jake or by stefan or by anyone. I mean, do you know how much it means to me that you never stopped loving me, that you never stopped believing in us? I mean, I'm here and I'm healthy because of you, because of your love.
Chad: I almost lost you to gabi, again.
Abigail: She's gone, and nobody, especially your brother jake, is ever gonna come between the two of us ever again. I need you to trust me. Can you trust me? Can you trust us? Huh? Can you?
Chad: I believe in us.
[Tender music]
Jake: Wow, that'S... I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was that--
Kate: Shocking? That traumatic? Chad almost beat stefan to death.
Jake: Right, which is what chad wants to do to me every time he sees me. I get it. What stefan did was monstrous, but I'm no monster. It's not fair.
Kate: Oh, poor baby. Why don't you tell me when life is fair?
Jake: Well, I'll tell you, life's not fair right now because my brother hates me because I look like stefan. Gabi couldn't find a way to love me because I'm not stefan. What the hell?
Kate: Gabi's out of the picture now, so you can go trotting back to gwen. I mean, that's probably what's gonna happen, right?
Jake: Gwen and I were no good together.
Kate: Oh, but that's what makes it so irresistible, isn't it?
Jake: Hmm. Here's an idea, kate. Instead of you grilling me about my love life, why don't you tell me about yours?
Jack: It was beyond painful to have the woman I love, to have a woman as strong as jennifer to be completely helpless.
Jennifer: Mm-hmm, yeah, and when I woke up, jack was right there by my side. Abigail said he hardly left the hospital room for an entire year.
Gwen: Well, that's romantic, isn't it?
Jack: Well, I had the support of my family and abigail holding my hand every step of the way.
Gwen: How wonderful that is to be so close to your daughter. Not everyone's so lucky.
Lani: You're afraid that if I show up in court to support kristen, that it's gonna remind trask that we're friends, and she's gonna rethink this whole security footage thing.
Eli: And what if it does?
Lani: You already said it yourself. She is not gonna pursue it any further, so why are you all on edge?
Eli: I'm not on edge. Baby, I just don't want you to go. That's it.
Lani: Hey, well, you are definitely freaking out.
Eli: I just woke up from a call from melinda trask that would annoy the hell out of anybody.
Lani: True, but look, I am not worried about melinda. I am gonna go and be there for my friend, and there is nothing that you can do or say to stop me, so can you just kiss me, and I'll see you later, okay?
[Gentle synth music]
Hey. Look, I know--I know we have our issues about kristen, but you are the best husband ever. You do know that, right? Gotta go.
Eli: Hey. Your keys.
Lani: Ah. I love you.
Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!
Abigail: Please, yes.
Jennifer: Oh. Good morning, sleepyhead.
Jack: Oh.
Jennifer: Hi, there.
Chad: Good morning.
Jack: Yes, and for you, for salem's breakout journalistic star.
Jennifer: Yes.
Abigail: Did you get me a pecan pie muffin?
Jack: The last one. Had to elbow an old lady out of the way.
Jennifer: Jack.
Jack: Kidding, I'm kidding. I know this isn't exactly a pulitzer, but given your writing, I'm pretty confident that there's gonna be one in your future.
Abigail: Well, I don't know. You're my dad, so I think you might be a teensy bit biased.
Jennifer: No, baby, listen, you are blowing up online. Our readers love you. I mean, I'm just so proud of you. You're such a wonderful writer. There's so much ahead for you.
Jack: Mm-hmm.
Abigail: Hmm. Well, you know it's because I have the best parents, right? I have the best role models in the whole entire world.
Jennifer: I love you so much.
Abigail: I love you.
Jack: I love you, sweetie.
Jennifer: We just think you're so great.
Abigail: Aww, I love you.
Jennifer: You're doing such a great job.
Jack: Sweetheart, so great.
Jennifer: Okay, then you should just split the muffin with us.
Abigail: Yeah, yes, definitely.
Jake: Well?
Kate: I'm not gonna talk to you about my love life.
Jake: Oh, sure, but you had no problem asking me about mine. Come on. I would be willing to put money on the fact that your love life is a hell of a lot more interesting than mine ever was.
Kate: Yeah, well, you'd probably win because it probably has been.
Jake: Okay, so? Have you ever been in love?
Kate: You know, I'm gonna let you in on something.
Jake: Okay.
Kate: I was in love with your father, with stefano. Our marriage actually started as a--a business arrangement, but we fell in love, and it was volatile, and it was tender, and it was strong.
Jake: You think you'll ever find love like that again?
Kate: I think you ask way too many questions.
Kristen: Oh, my beautiful girl. Do you know how much mommy loves you?
[Somber music]
Brady: She still asleep?
Kristen: Yeah, she's still sleeping. Can--can you tell marlena that, um--just tell her thank you for babysitting while we're at the trial?
Brady: Of course I'll do that.
Kristen: I'll just--just give me one more minute?
I just want you to know I will always, always love you.
Brady: Hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Okay? Come here. Hey. It's okay. I will see you later. Promise me, promise me you're gonna find a way to stay positive.
Kristen: Yeah. You know, you should go.
Brady: Hmm.
Kristen: You're gonna be late.
Brady: I know. I love you.
Kristen: Oh, brady, I love you too.
Brady: All right. Come on, sweetie.
[Line trilling]
[Phone ringing]
Melinda: Hello?
Eli: Lani left.
Melinda: Did you get kristen's confession?
Eli: Yes.
Melinda: Thank god. I need it asap. I want to play it at the trial today.
Eli: I want something in writing. I want a signed agreement saying that you're not gonna go after lani. That's the only way you're getting this recording.
Melinda: Fine, I'll draw something up right now. Just get over here and give me that bitch's confession.
Jake: So? Well, I take it you've given up?
Kate: On love?
Jake: Yeah.
Kate: No, I just prefer to think of it as not oversharing.
Jake: Oh. Well, hopefully this doesn't fall under the heading of oversharing, but, uh...
Kate: But, uh? But, uh, what?
Jake: I, uh, wasn't unhappy seeing you in your robe the other day.
Kate: Well...
Gwen: How about a nice cup of decaf to go with that muffin of yours?
Abigail: Mmm. Would you like some?
Gwen: Oh, I don't think I'm worthy.
Abigail: Oh, very funny. No, my parents--they can be a little over the top, especially my dad.
Gwen: Yeah, your dad--he, um--he seems like a dear, doesn't he? Your mum too.
Abigail: Mm-hmm, yeah, I definitely got lucky in the--the parent department.
Gwen: My parent department was a lot more like lots of rows and yelling and screaming and the divorce kind, so...
Abigail: Oh, I'm sorry.
Gwen: Yeah, but I survived. Anyway, your parents were telling me about the, uh, coma that your mum was in. That's absolutely bonkers, losing a whole year of her life, and your father was right next to her the whole time.
Abigail: Oh, yeah, he was a wreck. He was--yeah, but, you know, he never gave up.
Gwen: One of those fairytale marriages, I suppose.
Abigail: Oh, uh, you know, not exactly. Um, a lot of drama, but I'm very blessed to know that my family and my parents were able to stick it through, just through good times and bad times.
Gwen: Well, I'm glad that you appreciate that 'cause so many families just crash and burn during those bad times, don't they?
Jennifer: No, I'm just impressed with her, right?
Jack: Absolutely.
Jennifer: It was so great to read--hey.
Brady: Hi.
Jennifer: You're on daddy duty.
Brady: Yeah, marlena was nice enough to offer to babysit.
Jack: Well, you know, a courtroom is no place for a baby.
Jennifer: Hey, will y--will you tell kristen that I'm praying for her today?
Brady: Yeah, I'll do that. I think that'll mean a lot to her, actually.
Jack: You know, kristen couldn't have a better lawyer than belle. Hopefully that's gonna give her some confidence.
Brady: Confidence, yeah, she's gonna--she's gonna need some of that, given what melinda trask pulled this morning.
Jennifer: What did she do?
Brady: Oh, she showed up to our room with kristen's "last meal," gloated about how she was going to put her away.
Jennifer: Brady, that is terrible.
Brady: Yeah. Needless to say, kristen was shaken up about it.
Jack: Well, if that was trask's opening gambit, I just wonder what she's gonna pull in court.
Eli: I give trask kristen's confession, and you'll hate me. If I don't, you go to prison.
[Melancholy music]
Kristen: I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest. It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges.
Kate: Is that supposed to be a compliment?
Jake: Well, I was--
Kate: Coming from a guy who sleeps with trashy women and a--and a gorgon who would sleep with absolutely anyone to get ahead. Oh, I'm sorry, do you even know what that is? No, of course you don'T.
Jake: Huh, so you don't take compliments well.
Kate: Have I heard one yet?
Jake: I was only trying to say that--
Chad: Am I interrupting something?
Abigail: The year of my--my mother's coma was a total nightmare. I mean, my brother, jj-- he had his own issues, and, um, you know, my dad and jj and I, we were all just hoping and praying for her recovery, and then, all of a sudden one day, our prayers were answered, and--and she woke up, so... actually, you know what? In two weeks, it's the anniversary of--of her waking up, in two weeks, yeah.
Gwen: We have to celebrate, do something. I've got the best idea.
Melinda: Come in, detective grant. I've been waiting for you.
[Uneasy music]
Detective price, I was expecting your husband.
Lani: He's not in yet.
[Knock at door]
Kristen: What do you want?
Eli: I need to talk to you. About this.
Kristen: Your phone?
Eli: I recorded our conversation yesterday. Kristen, I have your full confession right here.
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