Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 10/7/20
Episode #13870 ~ Steve and Kayla are shocked when they learn what Allie said about Tripp; Claire gets to know the new Titan intern, Charlie; Victor fires Xander; Philip makes a mysterious call.
Provided By Suzanne
Tripp: I swear I didn't do anything; I was just trying to help her.
Justin: Okay. Tripp, I am not gonna lie. "He said, she said"s suck. If you're charged, this is gonna be a long, nasty process.
Tripp: She's trying to say this is my kid. Okay, this can't be happening.
Justin: Okay. So just tell me what went down in detail.
Tripp: Nothing! Nothing happened.
[Exhales] I--I--I cat take this. I've got to get outta here.
Justin: Tripp. Tripp!
Allie: He just... held me down and didn't listen when I said no.
Claire: Was he drunk too?
Allie: No. Well, maybe. I don't know. I mean, we came from a club, and everyone there was drinking, so I assume he was too.
Claire: [Sighs]
Allie: But claire, even if he was drunk...
Allie: No, no, no, no. I know it's not an excuse. There is no excuse for rape. Oh, my god.
[Exhales] I am so sorry, allie. And look, now that you've reported it, maybe you should find someone to talk to, you know? We could talk to grandma--
Allie: Oh, my god. Nicole. I left her with the baby. Oh, my god. I totally lost track of time.
Claire: Okay, well, just, if you wanna talk more, I am here.
Allie: Thanks. I'll remember that.
Claire: Okay.
Philip: Just wanted to report... that it was xander who put jan up to having me arrested. Yes, he's right here, right.
[Phone beeps]
[Phone rings] It's father. He wants to talk to you.
Xander: You wanted to speak to me?
Victor: I hear you orchestrated this mess with jan spears. What have you got to say for yourself?
Charlie: Aw, shoot.
[Both gasp]
Claire: Oh, my god. I am so sorry. I didn't even...
Charlie: It's okay.
Claire: See you.
[Warm music]
Kayla: Well, I am tripp's stepmother, so I have to admit to a little bias. But I have watched him grow into a principled, caring young man, and I really think that he will be a fine physician. Yes, I--I appreciate that. Thank you. Okay, well, listen, if you have any questions, feel free to call me. All righty. Thanks. Hey.
Nicole: Hi.
Kayla: Is everything okay with henry?
Nicole: Ah, yes. He just had his checkup. He's doing great.
Kayla: Good.
Nicole: I, um-- I couldn't help but overhear the end of your phone call.
Kayla: Oh, yeah. It's the, uh, dean of the medical school. Tripp put me as one of his references and, uh, well, he wants to transfer here. Something bothering you?
Nicole: Kayla, there's something you don't know about tripp.
[Mysterious music]
Steve: Guy at the desk told me they've had tripp in here.
Justin: Well, lani was interviewing, but I shut that down.
Steve: Where is he?
Justin: He stormed out. Steve, this, um... this isn't good.
Steve: If tripp is being charged with committing a crime, I need to know what it is.
Justin: Well, he hasn't been charged yet. But allie horton made a statement to the police.
Steve: Saying what?
Justin: That tripp raped her.
Allie: Nicole?
[Exhaling] Okay.
[Knock on door] Did you forget your-- I don't know what you're doing here, but I'm not letting you in.
Tripp: Fine. Then you and your neighbors can all hear what I have to say.
[Dramatic music]
Why did you tell the cops that I raped you?
Allie: Because you did.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kayla: I assume that you're gonna tell me that tripp and allie met in london.
Nicole: Kayla, they didn't just "meet" in london.
Kayla: Well, I also know that, given the dates, there is a chance that tripp is henry's father. Steve talked to him.
Nicole: Allie is 100 percent sure tripp is his father.
Kayla: I can see that you believe her.
Nicole: I do believe her.
Kayla: You know, trip hadn't even spoken to her since the night he met her. He didn't even know that she was pregnant. I haven't talked to him or steve this morning, so I don't really have any more information on the situation, but I will tell you that if it turns out that he is henry's father, he will step up and take responsibility. I know that.
[Tense music]
Nicole: It's more complicated than that.
Kayla: Will you just tell me what you're getting at here?
Nicole: Allie spoke to the police today.
Kayla: Police? What do they have to do with it?
Steve: No. No. It's got to be a mistake. Tripp told me all about the night he met allie horton, okay? They met at a club. He liked her. He ended up taking her back to her place, but he did not sleep with her, let alone rape her.
Justin: He told me the same thing, but before he could tell me any of the details, he took off.
Steve: He just took off? Where the hell did he go?
Tripp: There's no way I raped you, okay? I didn't even go to--
Allie: You were at that club in london, okay? And you asked me to dance with you and I said no, but obviously, you don't know the meaning of that word.
Tripp: And I left you alone when you turned me down. And when I saw you again later, you said you wanted to dance. And when I asked if you wanted me to take you home, you said yes to that too.
Allie: Okay, so you're saying that I asked for this?
Tripp: No, I'm telling you, I volunteered to take you home because you were so wasted. I had to practically carry you to the cab and upstairs to your apartment. And that was a year ago. Why are you making such a big deal of this now?
Allie: Because I just remembered what you did to me.
Tripp: You were so drunk, you could barely tell the cabbie your address. So how could you possibly remember anything else that happened after that? When migraine strikes,
Allie: You were counting on that, right? Me being too drunk to remember?
Tripp: No, I tried to look after you. You couldn't put words together. You could barely walk.
Allie: Yeah, which shows that I could not have consented to having sex with you.
Tripp: Which is why we did not have sex. All I did was help you get into your apartment and then get you into bed.
Allie: Yeah, I bet you did.
Tripp: The only contact we made was when you kissed me and I stopped you because I didn't want to take advantage of you. I--I liked you. And then when you passed out, I left my name and number on a pad by the bed, and then I went home.
Allie: Well, I never got any note. And if you were such a perfect gentleman, then how did I end up pregnant?
Tripp: Must've been some other guy.
Allie: There was no other guy. I didn't have sex with anyone during that time, except you, when you raped me.
Tripp: That is not what happened.
Allie: All right. Yeah, I was drunk. I don't remember everything from that night, but I do remember you being on top of me and you holding down my wrists and me saying no and me yelling for you to stop, and you didn't stop!
[Intense music]
Kayla: Allie told the police that tripp raped her?
Nicole: Yes.
Kayla: After all this time?
Nicole: Allie admits that she had too much to drink the night she and tripp were together. But all her memories of that night just came back, and she knows that she was in no state to give consent to having sex.
Kayla: I see.
Nicole: So allie... allie remembers telling tripp to stop, and she remembers him holding her down.
Kayla: Well, when did these memories come back?
[Henry crying]
Nicole: Kayla, I'm sorry. That's all I wanna say. I need to get henry back to his mother.
[Tense music]
Steve: Call me the second you get this, tripp. I mean it.
Justin: He's not picking up.
Steve: This is wrong. When tripp told me about the night he met allie, I could see that he was telling me the truth; I know my son. He's not a perfect person, but he would never do a thing like this to a woman.
Justin: Steve, this isn't going away. I mean, the police are in on it now.
Steve: You said they haven't charged him yet. If they had any proof, they wouldn't have let him leave here.
Justin: Well, we don't know what they have other than allie's statement.
Steve: But you can find out. I mean, the da has to show defense counsel their case. Hey. Come on. You're still his lawyer, right?
Justin: When you told me lani brought tripp down here for questioning, I agreed to meet him here, but I had no idea what this is about.
Steve: Neither did I.
Justin: Allie's made a sworn statement that tripp raped her. Okay, will is my son-in-law. Allie is his sister.
Steve: Tripp is adrian's nephew. And yours too. Now he needs you. He needs a good lawyer.
Justin: This case could get moved to a courtroom in london.
Steve: What about while it's still here?
Justin: Okay. All right. Why don't I just-- I'll get a copy of allie's statement, and then let's go from there.
Steve: Thank you.
[Intense music]
Claire: Ugh. Looks like I owe you a new shirt.
Charlie: Uh, this, uh-- this was a new shirt.
Claire: Oh, boy, I-- I gotta make this up to you.
Charlie: No, no. Don't worry. I have other new shirts. This--this...
Claire: Are you a shopaholic or something?
Charlie: No, not on my salary. I just... well, this is the second time today that somebody's nailed me with a smoothie. So...
Claire: Wow.
Charlie: Yeah.
Claire: You are having a really bad day.
Charlie: Yeah. And I--I just started a new job today. And my two bosses, I'm pretty sure they hate each other's guts. So they were, like, having it out when I walked in and I ended up wearing one guy's smoothie. Yeah, so... he, uh, gave me some money to buy the shirts.
Claire: Where do you work?
Charlie: Titan industries.
Claire: Right. Your two bosses, they wouldn't happen to be philip and xander kiriakis?
Charlie: How--how do you know?
Claire: Because I'm related to them.
Xander: Look, I may have misunderstood the situation, but when I heard philip threatening to deal with this woman "permanently," I--
Victor: Alexander, I thought you'd grown up enough to share authority. Obviously, I was wrong. Clean out your desk and get out of the building.
Xander: You're firing me over this?
Victor: I gave you a chance and you blew it. Now I'm going to have my son run titan as he sees fit.
Xander: You can't do this to me.
Victor: I just did it. The next time you're gonna hire a woman to do your dirty work, make sure she's not a homicidal maniac like jan spears.
Jan: Better watch who you're calling a homicidal maniac.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Victor: How the hell did you get into this house?
Jan: I told henderson that xander left me a message saying he wanted to see me, which is the truth.
Victor: And then you figured you'd tiptoe in here and give me a heart attack.
Jan: Is xander here?
Victor: Your partner in crime is cleaning out his desk even as we speak. So don't think that you're gonna sashay in here one night and finish what you started all those years ago.
Jan: Oh, victor. You're still so sure the whole world revolves around you and your money.
Victor: You, of course, are above all that now.
Jan: I'm not the same girl who you used to know. I'll tell you that much. Not by a long shot.
Claire: My great grandfather is victor kiriakis. He's philip's father, xander's uncle. I'm--I'm claire, by the way.
Charlie: I'm--I'm charlie.
Claire: It's nice to meet you. Sorry I had to ruin a brand-new shirt to do it.
Charlie: Um, you said you wanted to make it up to me?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Charlie: Do you have any advice on, like, how to climb the corporate ladder at your family's business?
Claire: Ah. Are you sure you really wanna do that?
Charlie: Why wouldn't I?
Claire: [Exhales slightly] Well, you only got hit with a smoothie today. From what I've heard, most days, those sharks at titan are out for blood.
Philip: Jan spears tried to blow up a bunch of people about eight months ago. Belle and I were two of those people. I threatened jan because she just told me she was planning on making friends with belle's daughter.
Xander: Well, I didn't hear her say any of that.
Philip: Well, she did. And then you tried to talk her into getting me in trouble with the cops. That was a rookie mistake. That was out-and-out stupid, which is why it blew up in your face.
Xander: What do I have to do to make you shut your gob?
Philip: Simple. When charlie gets here, have him help you move your desk, chair, and the rest of your crap, and then get your sorry ass out of this company. And stay out.
Xander: You're having your fun tonight. But you're gonna end up very, very sorry for doing this to me.
[Tense music]
Kayla: [Sighs] Just...
[Door clicks open]
Steve: Have you seen tripp?
Kayla: No, but--
Steve: I don't know where he is. He's not answering his phone. I was just down at the police station. You're not gonna believe what's happening.
Kayla: Nicole told me. Allie horton says that tripp raped her.
Tripp: Look, I--I obviously don't know everything that happened to you that night--
Allie: Yeah, of course you don'T. You were wasted too.
Tripp: No, I wasn'T. I meant I don't know what happened to you after I left.
Allie: Well then I'll tell you. After you left, I fell asleep. And I woke up in the middle of the night, and... I knew. I knew what you did to me and I was so sick that I puked my guts up.
Tripp: You puked because you drank too much. I didn't do anything except get you home and help you into bed.
Allie: Yeah, you helped me into bed, and then you took off my clothes and-- and took advantage of me.
Tripp: No, I didn'T. I would never do that to anyone. And what? Do you think by the way you were acting, I was attracted to that? Not in the least. I mean, you could barely walk, you could make no sense, your eyes were bloodshot, you reeked of booze. Why the hell would I want to have sex with you?
Allie: Because you're disgusting. You're disgusting, and I don't want you here. Get out. Get out now!
Tripp: No, I'm not going anywhere until I make you see that you're wrong about me.
Allie: You not gonna make me do anything.
Tripp: You're going to ruin my life over something that I didn't do.
Allie: I'm calling the police; I'm gonna call the--I'm calling the police.
Tripp: No, no, no, no, no.
Allie: Give me my phone!
Tripp: No! No!
Nicole: Hey! Hey, hey! What the hell are you doing in this apartment?
Victor: You may have fooled those quacks at the cuckoo's nest were they had you, but you don't fool me. You're still same girl who tried to electrocute me in a bathtub and who takes orders from other people.
Jan: That's not true.
Victor: Oh, really? I understand the xander talked you into filing false charges against philip.
Jan: Those charges are not false. Xander heard philip threaten to kill me.
Victor: So he did put you up to it.
Jan: Nobody puts me up to anything. That message that I mentioned? That was xander calling me, telling me to back off.
Victor: You're lying.
Jan: You can listen to it for yourself.
Philip: Your threats don't scare me. I've called an emergency board meeting to inform the members of the change in leadership. Once I do that, your brief tenure as co-ceo of titan will be officially over. You need to accept that.
[Dark music]
Oh, and if you're looking for work, I wouldn't give me or my father as your references. Although father did say the gardener's assistant just gave his notice.
Xander: Careful. You might end up pushing up daisies in that garden.
Philip: Hey, hey, the salem pd has a low threshold for filing assault charges. You so much as breathe on me, you'll be back behind bars where you belong.
Claire: I'm telling you, charlie, titan industries is not like other companies.
Charlie: Thanks, uh, for the advice. Th--then--then maybe I should change my shirt and get back to work before I get fired... or worse.
Claire: Don't say I didn't warn you.
Charlie: You--you know, there is... maybe one other way that you could make this up to me.
Claire: What's that?
Charlie: Do you wanna go out with me a-after work?
Claire: For smoothies?
[Both laugh]
Charlie: Or... something stronger.
Claire: Ah, not tonight.
Charlie: Sorry. I... I--I get it.
Claire: Hey, it's not you. You made me laugh and forget about the rest of my life for a little while.
Charlie: I've been going on and on about the trials and tribulations of being an intern. I... I didn't even ask about your life.
Claire: No, you didn't do anything wrong.
Charlie: Tell me.
Claire: I thought you said you were late for work.
Charlie: Do you not want to talk about it?
Claire: Not the details. Th--there's been a death in my family. Someone my age.
Charlie: Well, that's-- that's brutal.
Claire: Yeah, yeah, it is. And to top it all off, I just found out something awful about my ex. Really the awful.
Nicole: What the hell is he doing here?
Allie: I opened the door, and he was standing there. I tried to have him leave, but he wouldn'T.
Tripp: I just wanted to talk to her.
Allie: He took my phone so I couldn't call anyone for help.
Tripp: I was trying to find out why she's lying about me.
Nicole: Okay, why don't you keep it down before you wake up your son.
Tripp: That is not my baby. There's no way.
Nicole: Honey, why don't you take henry and go put him in his crib?
Allie: Okay.
Tripp: I'm not here to make trouble.
Nicole: Really? Barging in where you're not wanted and scaring allie to death is you not wanting to make trouble?
Tripp: I don't know what she told you about that night, but I know for a fact allie and I did not have sex.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Steve: Listen, tripp told me everything that happened the night he met allie horton. And I know when one of my kids is telling me the truth or not.
Kayla: Then you believe him.
Steve: Absolutely. He said that allie was at a club alone. She had way too much to drink. So he put her in a cab and helped her get home. That's it.
Kayla: That is not the way nicole tells it.
Steve: What does she say?
Kayla: She says that allie remembers telling tripp to stop... but that he was holding her down.
Steve: Oh, that's just not true.
Kayla: It's disgusting and violent.
Steve: And not true. Wha--wha--what is up with nicole? What? Is she egging allie on or something?
Kayla: Uh...
Steve: Wait a minute. You don't think tripp did this, do you? It's my 4:10 no-excuses-on- game-day migraine medicine.
Charlie: Are you sure you don't want to talk about this?
Claire: Ah, I just-- I always thought of this guy as a good person.
Charlie: And you found out differently?
Claire: Yeah.
Charlie: You... wouldn't have that problem with me. What you see is what you get.
[Both chuckle] I'm just saying. Oh, um... I hope that this isn't too pushy, but... here's my card.
Claire: Wow.
Charlie: I always wanted to say that.
Claire: That's pretty fancy for an intern.
Charlie: I kinda had them made up myself. I--I--I do really wanna make a name for myself at titan, despite your warning.
Claire: Well, good luck.
Charlie: If you wanna get together, you know how to find me.
Claire: [Clicks tongue]
Charlie: In the meantime, I'll try to be keeping my head above water at the shark tank.
[Warm music]
Claire: Bye.
Jan: See? You heard it with your own ears. Xander was trying to convince me not to go to the cops. You shouldn't be going after him. It's philip you should keep your eye on. He was not kidding when he threatened to kill me.
Victor: That's the way people talk to people who try and blow them up.
Jan: I'll admit. I kind of like the idea of philip being in trouble with the law. Belle would rush to defend him. Shawn would just hate that.
Victor: [Chuckles] That would give you a clear shot at shawn, huh?
Jan: I don't want to talk about my personal life.
Victor: Oh, of course you don'T. It's insanity.
Jan: You're from a different generation, victor. You're used to mistreating women and getting away with it. Those days are over. Men like you and philip, you need to realize you can't threaten to kill a woman without having to answer for it.
Kayla: Are you sure that tripp told you the whole story?
Steve: Yes. I'm telling you, kayla, I practically grilled him.
Kayla: But men and women often have different ideas of what "no" means.
Steve: Do you really think that tripp did this thing? That he raped this young woman and he's trying to cover it up? After how hard he's worked to turn his life around?
Kayla: But before that, he was fairly dangerous.
Steve: Is this about him threatening you with a scalpel?
Kayla: This is kind of what I'm talking about. You can call it "threatening." I call it, "he had a blade of a knife against my jugular."
Steve: I'm not trying to soft-pedal it. But I thought... I... I thought you'd forgiven him.
Kayla: I had.
Steve: You "had"? "Had"?
Kayla: Listen. Tripp and i were discussing him staying in salem. And he said that he was worried what people still thought of him. And I said he didn't need to worry because he had turned his whole life around. He was a different person. You know what he said to me? He said maybe he hadn't changed as much as we had all hoped.
Steve: What do you mean by that?
Kayla: He admitted to me that... he had planted evidence to frame ben weston for the fire that almost killed ciara. He was okay with sending an innocent man to prison.
Nicole: [Sighs]
Tripp: Look, I'm sorry if it seems like I barged in here.
Nicole: You did barge in here.
Tripp: I was the one who was sober that night. And I didn't do what allie thinks I did. Okay? All I did was help her get home, and then I left. But if the police believe her, it will ruin my life. I came back here to finish medical school, okay? Just become a doctor. I would never force myself on any woman. And I don't know why allie's lying, and I don't really care her reasoning, but she listens to you. So you have got to get her to tell the truth.
Allie: I already did tell the truth.
Nicole: I know you did, honey.
Tripp: How? How--how do you know that? My god, you weren't there.
Nicole: Excuse me. I want you to leave here, or I will call the police. And I think you're in enough trouble with them already.
[Intense music]
We are the thrivers.
[Intriguing music]
Charlie: All right, I have the, uh... the receipt and the rest of mr. Kiriakis's money.
Philip: You keep the money. You don't work for xander anymore. He's out. Next order of business is for you to call maintenance. Get them up here immediately.
Charlie: To do what?
Philip: I want you to get all of xander's stuff and dump it in the trash.
Xander: [Huffs] What are you doing here?
Jan: I was just leaving. There's nothing to worry about.
Xander: Is victor in there?
Jan: I didn't lay a finger on the old coot. Not that I wasn't tempted. And from the look in your eye, maybe I'm not the one victor should be worried about.
Xander: I don't know what she told you, but...
Victor: She was waiting for you.
Xander: You've just been waiting for a reason to throw me out and hand the company over to philip.
Victor: I didn't have to wait long, did I?
Xander: I paid my dues, done your dirty work, proved my loyalty a thousand times. So if you think that I'm gonna go back to being your lackey, you can just--
Victor: You tried to stab philip in the back. Then you're banging on about how you're being wrongfully treated. You know, there are a lot of ways to describe you, xander. But "innocent victim" is not one of them.
Steve: Okay, so tripp made a bad call with ben. But I'm sure he thought he was protecting ciara.
Kayla: Or maybe he couldn't deal with the fact that ciara preferred ben over him.
Steve: Oh, come on.
Kayla: No, maybe he is one of those kind of guys that can't take no for an answer.
Steve: Kayla, you weren't there when I talked to him.
Kayla: No, I wasn't there, but you told me that when you asked him if he could possibly be the father of allie's baby, he dodged the question.
Steve: That's because claire came up right after I asked the question, and he didn't want to get into it in front of her. And I don't blame him. Sweetness, we're talking about my son here. A young man who has had so many painful struggles in his life and--and he's turned things around now. He wants to be a doctor. And that's mainly because he admires you so much. And you can't give him the benefit of the doubt. You choose to believe someone you--you hardly know instead of my son... and your stepson. I can't tell you how much that hurts me.
Tripp: Claire, hey.
Claire: You son of a bitch.
Nicole: Here you go, honey.
Allie: Thank you.
Nicole: Welcome. You know what, allie? I am so proud of you. You stood up to the man who raped you, and you didn't show any fear.
Allie: Yeah. I'm just thinking about everything he said.
Nicole: Well, you know, he had to deny it.
Allie: It's not that. He--he just... seemed so shocked by all of it.
Nicole: Well, allie... are you absolutely sure it was tripp? My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
[Somber music]
Allie: I... I remember him holding me down. And--and I remember saying no, and--and saying to stop. I just thought he was gonna say something different.
Nicole: Like what?
Allie: Like I wanted it as much as he did. But he's just saying nothing happened. How could he say that? I mean, my son is on earth because of him. Henry is proof that something happened that night, and tripp is still lying about it.
Kayla: You know, steve, I would never wanna hurt you. You have to know that. I--I just don't understand why allie would lie. I mean, what could she possibly gain by making up such serious charges?
Steve: I don't know.
Kayla: Well, I think that she has everything to lose.
Steve: I don't know why allie is saying the things she's saying. But I know that she was very drunk that night and she probably had her facts mixed up.
Kayla: Oh. Oh, oh.
Steve: And talk about having everything to lose? All of tripp's hopes and dreams for his future could go up in smoke because of this lie.
Tripp: Why am i a son of a bitch?
Claire: I talked to allie. I know what you did.
Tripp: Look, she's got it all wrong. I'm telling you.
Claire: You know, I can't believe that I used to be in love with you. I mean I-- I thought you were a good person. I mean, I know that you had your issues, but you were always so respectful of women. Or maybe you just wanted me to think that.
Tripp: I--I don't know what you're talking about.
Claire: I see you for what you really are now. And so will everybody else.
[Tense music]
Xander: Look, I made a big mistake with jan, but... I tried to fix it.
Victor: I know.
Xander: What?
Victor: Before I sent jan packing, she played the message that you left for her. I heard you urging her not to press charges against philip.
Xander: Did she agree to that?
Victor: No. She has her own reasons for wanting to prosecute philip. I'm sure belle won't have any problem getting the charges dropped.
Xander: Philip is not the innocent that you seem to think he is.
Victor: I know what my son is. I also know the kind of man you've become.
Xander: If you're gonna start in on me, you can j--
Victor: Shut up. I decided that I may have been a hasty in letting you go.
Xander: What?
Victor: So I'm going to give you another chance. And I strongly suggest that you work with philip. Think about something besides yourself. Think about what's best for the family... the company.
Philip: Guess what? Xander was fired today. And the board just signed off on it. There's no one to stand in the way of our plans for titan.
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