Days Transcript Tuesday 10/6/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 10/6/20


Episode #13869 ~ Bonnie attempts to gain Justin's forgiveness; Allie gives Claire shocking news about Tripp; Philip realizes Xander has been plotting against him; Eli pleads with Kristen to help keep Lani out of trouble.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: Helen, could you come in here a minute? Please.

Charlie: Yes, mr. Kiriakis?

Xander: You're not helen.

Charlie: No, I'm not helen.

Xander: Then who the hell are you?

Charlie: I'm charlie dale. Helen had a, um, dentist appointment. I'm the new intern.

Xander: Well, charlie, I want you to run out and get me a protein shake. See if you can handle that.

Charlie: No problem.

Xander: Keep the receipt for reimbursement.

Charlie: Okay. Will the other mr. Kiriakis want one?

Xander: Oh, the other mr. Kiriakis won't be in today.

Philip: There you go again, xander. Assuming things without checking the facts.

Allie: I want to report a rape.

Lani: Who's the victim?

Allie: [Sighs] It was me.

Claire: Allie. I know, it's so horrible.

Lani: I need to talk to tripp about a recent statement I've taken. Someone made some allegations.

Steve: What allegations?

Kristen: Brady, no. No, no, no. You just stay with john and marlena and... it'll be good for john to spend a little more time with his granddaughter.

[Knock at door] Oh, you know what? Belle's here. Um, let me talk to you later. Okay. Hey, belle. Brady was--

Eli: Not who you were expecting, right?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Justin: Bonnie, this is not a good time. Or make yourself at home.

Bonnie: [Sighs]

[Mumbles] Look, uh, I know you're busy and all, but this won't take long, I promise. I--I have something for you.

Justin: Okay, since this is not a good time didn't register, how about if I try if you don't leave, I'm calling the cops?

Bonnie: Why is it that lawyers always have to make a big deal about everything? Look, I think you're gonna like this.

Justin: If it's that hat, I don't want it.

Bonnie: [Sighs] No, it's not the hat, though it does look great on you.

Justin: Okay, I'll just call my friends downtown.

Bonnie: Omg! Just stop. Read this and then you can call the cops, all right?

[Paper rustles]

Xander: The hell are you doing here?

Philip: My job. Philip kiriakis. And you are?

Charlie: Charlie dale. I'm the new intern. I was just getting mr. Kiriakis-- well, that mr. Kiriakis a protein shake. Can I get you something?

Philip: That's okay. I grabbed a bite in jail.

Charlie: [Stutters] I'll get on that shake.

Philip: Tell them heavy on the prunes. Your perpetual irritability suggests a problem with constipation.

Xander: [Chuckles] You're such a witty man. Get your ass off my desk.

Philip: Sorry. Forgot which one was which.

Xander: So why didn't victor fire you?

Philip: For assaulting jan spears? Why would he fire me when he hates her guts? Along with everyone else she's ever met.

Xander: When sonny was accused of sexual harassment, victor got rid of him in a heartbeat.

Philip: Best laid plans, right? Xander, you can't really handle machiavellian. When you interrupted me and jan, you were looking for these keys. And then I left you alone with her.

Xander: I don't know what you're driving at, mate.

Philip: Well, let me spell it out, mate. You obviously put her up to having me arrested.

Allie: You know?

Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I just--I just talked to my dad. I hope that man burns in hell.

Allie: That man?

Claire: That psycho. Not only did he kill ciara--

Allie: He what?

Claire: He told my grandma to her face.

Allie: Ciara's dead?

Claire: You didn't know?

Allie: No.

Claire: Well, then what were you crying about? These are real people, not actors,

Bonnie: [Sighs] Did you get to the good part yet?

Justin: Good part?

Bonnie: Yeah, where it says I'm giving my entire settlement from the publishers to sonny's new company.

Justin: What?

Bonnie: Uh-huh. In adrienne's name. I know. You think you're dreaming, right? This can't possibly be happening, but I can pinch you so you know you're not dreaming.

Justin: No, no, no, no. I-- I know, I know that this for real. So--[Stutters]

Bonnie: What, you just think I'm scamming you, right? As usual? But not this time. Look right there, see? Notarized. You know they charged me 20 bucks to say that I signed that?

[Chuckles] I'm thinking about getting in that business. 20 bucks to look at a driver's license and that big stamping thing's pretty cool, too.

Justin: Bonnie.

Bonnie: What?

Justin: Why are you doing this?

Bonnie: [Sighs] Because I-- because I feel horrible, all right? Worse than horrible. For what I did to adrienne, you know? And to you. When I kissed you and you pulled away from me like I was becky?

[Groans softly] Oh, god.

Justin: Becky?

Bonnie: You know, from "invasion of the body snatchers"? I realized right then that you would never, ever believe me. That I am so sorry.

[Sighs] So I decided to put my money where my mouth is.

Kristen: Is lani all right? Eli, are the babies okay?

Eli: Physically, they're fine. But we got a bigger problem. Melinda trask has lani in her crosshairs.

Kristen: Oh, god.

Eli: As she so delicately put it, "it would be a shame if those babies were born in prison."

Kristen: She's not going after lani, is she? She's only doing that to-- to get to me. I'm the one she wants, eli.

Eli: Yes, you're the one that she wants, but she has lani over a barrel. She has footage of lani letting you go and footage of lani talking to brady right before he hopped on a titan jet to follow you. And this is all in the same night that victor claimed that you stabbed him.

Kristen: I was so scared this might happen.

Eli: Not scared enough to keep lani out of your damn mess. And not scared enough to tell her not to risk her career and also risk going to prison. Did you and brady have fun up in there in paris, dancing up and down the boulevards?

Kristen: Eli, I am so sorry. Really, I feel horrible.

Eli: I don't give a damn how you feel! I wanna know what you're gonna do to help my wife.

Lani: Mr. Johnson, I understand your concerns and all I will say in response to them is that the allegations are serious enough that your son is gonna have to come down and answer our questions. So tripp, you can come voluntarily. And although you haven't been charged with anything, you can call a lawyer.

Steve: A lawyer? What for?

Lani: But--but we need you down at the station so we can get your responses on record. It is for everyone's protection.

Steve: But how the hell does that protect him? I'll tell you what. You go get a warrant and come back here.

Tripp: No, dad, dad.

Steve: No, no. But I don't think you will because I don't think you have anything on him.

Tripp: Dad, it's okay, it's okay, I'll go to the station.

Steve: It's not okay! She's not even telling you what she's bringing you in for.

Tripp: It doesn't matter. I didn't do anything, okay? So the sooner I answer the questions, the sooner this will all be over.

Allie: Oh, my god. Ciara?

Claire: I'm so sorry, allie. I'm so sorry you didn't know. I--I didn't mean to pry. I just thought-- look, I get whatever it is, you don't want to talk about it.

Allie: I-- uh, I--I don't know.

[Sighs] There's something that I've been keeping inside for a long time, and everyone's going to know sooner or later. No, sooner.

Claire: Know what?

Allie: I was raped. We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.

Xander: I, uh, put her up to having you arrested?

Philip: That's right.

Xander: Well, I did tell her that I think that people who make death threats should be reported, but it wasn't hard to convince her. Hate to say this, mate, but she's not your biggest fan.

Philip: No, she's not one to seek out interaction with the police, either. I think there might've been some financial motivation.

Xander: I just wanted to support her during a difficult time. She was very shaken by your outbursts. I think she just wanted to feel safe.

Philip: Right. There's your deep-seated concern for women again. Tell me, have you caged-- or I mean, have you seen nicole lately?

Xander: [Sighs] You know, jan and I did bond over one very important thing. We both think you're an entitled jerk.

Philip: So you recruited her to get me in trouble so victor would fire me and leave you in charge? I may be an entitled jerk, but you really are a dumb mother--

Xander: Watch it.

Philip: You think he'd be upset that I threatened to kill her? You ignoramus. He wouldn't care if I did kill her.

Xander: Why, you--

Charlie: I got your--

Xander: [Sighs]

Justin: Uh, I don't even know what to say. I mean, this is just so generous.

Bonnie: Well, it's kind of selfish, too, truth be told.

Justin: Selfish?

Bonnie: Mm-hmm.

Justin: [Scoffs]

Bonnie: No. Giving all that money for a good cause made me feel better about myself. Better than I have my whole life.

[Chuckles] I finally understood that it's true. It is better to give than to receive. I mean, I don't know who said that. I think it was dolly parton.

Justin: It's from the bible, actually.

Bonnie: Oh, right. Should've known that.

[Chuckles] Anyway, giving that money in adrienne's memory just lifted my spirits to no end, you know?

Justin: Well. And you've lifted my spirits too, bonnie. It's very generous.

Bonnie: So it's okay? You'll take it?

Justin: Of course, of course. And thank you, thank you, on behalf of adrienne.

Bonnie: [Chuckles] You know, when I was trying to be her-- no, after I tried to be her, I realized something. I realized I fooled everybody. But it was just 'cause I look like her, you know? I could never be her. Not ever. There was something inside her that I just don't have, you know? And whatever that something was, I think that's what made people love her so much. And I hope that you are crystal clear about this. That for once, I don't want to buy anything from you, okay? This is for adrienne because it's the right thing. And I would hate to ask for anything in return, but, um... I was just wondering...

Justin: Go on?

Bonnie: Well, now that you know I'm not so greedy, that I actually do have a heart, now that you know all that, I was just wondering if maybe you could-- you could forgive me.

Steve: Justin, I need to-- what the hell is she doing here?

Eli: I didn't mean to lose it on you.

Kristen: I get it. Your wife and kids are in jeopardy because of me. And instead of saying, "I'm sorry," I should've said, "what can I do?" I will not let lani pay for helping me.

Eli: You mean that?

Kristen: I mean that.

Eli: I don't-- the big thing that melinda has on lani is the footage of her letting you go. I told her that she was just trying to get you past reporters, so if you can back that up, we can--

Kristen: Eli, of course I will, of course I will. I will do that and more. But I repeat, I will not let lani pay for helping me.

Eli: Thank you. Maybe I underestimated you.

Kristen: Yeah, well. Beginning to understand what lani sees in you.

Lani: Have a seat. I'm going to record the interview. Are you okay with that?

Tripp: Do I have a choice?

Lani: Yes. You can call a lawyer.

Tripp: No, it's fine. Just tell me whatever the hell this is about.

[Recorder beeps]

Lani: Were you in london last december?

Tripp: Yes.

Lani: And did you ever go to a club named jubilee?

Tripp: Yeah.

Lani: Were you there alone?

Tripp: Talked to some girls there.

Lani: Was one of those girls allie horton?

Tripp: Yeah.

Lani: And did you and allie part ways at the club?

Tripp: No, we didn't part ways. I took her home.

Lani: To your home?

Tripp: No, hers. What--what happened? Why are you asking me all this?

Lani: Tripp, allie said that you raped her.

Claire: You were raped? Oh, my god. When?

Allie: Last year in london. It was the baby's father.

Claire: [Exhales deeply] So that's why you never wanted to talk about him. That's why-- why you gave up your baby. I am so sorry, allie. No woman should ever have to go through that. So what happened to the guy? Did he get arrested in london?

Allie: I didn't-- I didn't report it then. I only reported it now because I ran into him here in salem.

Claire: He followed you?

Allie: No, he lives here. Claire... it's tripp.


Steve: You just can't leave him alone, can you? After everything you did to adrienne? Why the hell did you let her in here?

Justin: Okay, not that it's any of your business, okay? But I did some legal work for bonnie. Now, is there something I can do for you or did you just drop in to throw your weight around?

Steve: Weren't you just leaving?

Justin: Steve, if you've got something to say, say it. But you don't just barge in here and tell my client to leave my house.

Steve: All right, I'm sorry. I need your help.

Justin: Okay. What, are you in trouble?

Steve: No, it's my boy, tripp. Lani came over in full cop mode. She took him down to the station for questioning.

Justin: Why?

Steve: That's the problem. I don't know why.

Tripp: Allie said I raped her? Wait-- wait a minute. She trying to say that kid is mine? Tell me what she said.

Lani: She said she was intoxicated at the club.

Tripp: Yeah, yeah. She was wasted.

Lani: And that you took her home.

Tripp: 'Cause somebody had to, but I didn't rape her. I was trying to take care of her.

Lani: Well, that's why I asked you here, tripp, so I could get your version of the story.

Tripp: It's not a version, it's the truth. Look, at the club, she was wasted, okay? So wasted she could barely stand up. So wasted that I could not leave her there alone in a club full with guys on the make. So wasted that it took her five minutes to give the cab driver her address and so wasted she couldn't possibly remember anything about that night, okay? She's freaking lying. I'm telling you.

Lani: Okay, so you got in the cab and you took her home. Did you get out the cab with her?

Tripp: Are you listening to me? Okay, she couldn't have made it from the cab to her door, so yes, I got out of the cab with her. Yes, I found her key in her purse. Yes, I opened the door for her, and yes, I helped her get in the bed. And then she passed out and I left.

Lani: So there was nothing physical?

Tripp: No. Well--

Lani: Well what?

Tripp: Like I said, she was drunk and she said she wanted to dance.

Lani: At the club?

Tripp: No, when I got her home. I was trying to get her in the bed and I had to help her walk and she kissed me. But I stopped her, okay? She needed to sleep it off.

Lani: Tripp, she says that she remembers you holding her down on the bed.

Tripp: No, I didn't hold her down and I didn't rape her. I would never rape anyone.

Claire: Tripp? I was just with him. He said that he knew you, but you say--

Allie: He raped me.

Claire: Oh, my god. Allie, I know him. It's--it's hard for me to think that of him. He was my boyfriend, you know?

Allie: I know.

Claire: Did he attack you?

Allie: He took advantage of me when I was drunk.

Claire: Oh, my god. So you said it was in london? What was he even doing there?

Allie: He was on break from med school. I'm assuming you guys didn't stay in touch.

Claire: No. No, we didn'T. The whole time he was gone, he never reached out and I didn't ask anyone about him. I was-- I was still kinda hurting from everything that went on with us. More than just hurting, it was-- it was a really horrible time for me. It was when I wasn't in my right mind.

Allie: Then I know that this must be really hard for you to hear. And I know it's a lot. I'm sorry for dumping it all on you.

Claire: No, no, it's okay. I was bound to find out sooner or later.

Allie: But claire, I was pretty drunk that night and I admit, my memory is spotty. Um, I'm sure that was tripp who raped me, but since he's denying it, it could help, I think, if I knew more about him.

Claire: I understand.

Allie: And since he was your boyfriend for a while, you got to know him pretty well, right?

Claire: Yeah. Definitely.

Allie: So what I need to know is-- is any of this shocking at all to you? Or... do you think that he's capable of rape?

Eli: Kristen, thank you. And I'm sorry that I came off so strong. I'm just so damn worried about lani.

Kristen: I understand, eli.

Eli: Look, I think that if you swear that you didn't tell lani that you stabbed victor, we should be all right.

Kristen: I'm just so sorry I put her in that position in the first place. But lani knows me so well. And... when I heard that victor had woken up...

[Sighs] I mean, she just knew I was hiding something, eli. And it was just a matter of time before victor said I was the one who stabbed him.

Eli: I'm not condoning it. And after what victor did, I understand why you wanted to hurt him.

Kristen: I wanted to kill him. A year thinking that my child was dead, knowing what I had done to poor haley, and watching brady grieve for a whole year? And then on top of it, sarah runs off with our baby. Our baby. And now that I know that our child is alive, I don't even know where she is. And I am sitting across from that man. Victor. He just sits there. He's smug, he's superior, he's remorseless. Brady is his grandson, for god's sakes. It just--I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest. It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges. But that man, victor kiriakis, should be punished for what he did. But lani? No. No, she should not be punished for what I did.

Eli: Thank you.

Kristen: [Breathes deeply] Would you mind, um-- I need a little time to myself. This conversation is not the most fun I've had in a long time.

Eli: Yeah. Well, I-- I gotta go anyway, but, um... kristen?

Kristen: Hmm?

Eli: Thank you for helping me.

Kristen: I'm helping lani.

[Door closes]

Eli: Yeah, you helped her. You just have no idea how much.

Is now a good time

for a flare-up?

Philip: [Cackles] Great right hook, xander. You ko'd the protein shake. Wait a minute, wait a minute. That was an assault, xander. The shake should call the police so it can feel safe.

Xander: [Sighs] I'm sorry, mate. Just, um, buy yourself another shirt. And keep the receipt.

Philip: And stop by human resources. Tell them you need hazard pay.

Charlie: Uh, okay. Thanks.

Philip: Well... I, for one, think we should get down to work. I have some calls to make.

[Dramatic music]

Steve: Justin is on his way there. Don't say anything until he gets there.

Bonnie: Voicemail?

Steve: Damn it. Why are you still here?

Bonnie: [Sighs] I was just gonna say sorry about your son, that's all.

Steve: Let me tell you something. Justin is coping with a lot of loss right now and his guard might be down, but not me. I will not ever forget what you did and who you are, so you need to back off. You need to stay the hell away from all of us.

Bonnie: You don't have to berate me, all right? I feel bad enough as it is.

Steve: Oh, you feel bad, do you?

Bonnie: Yeah.

Steve: Who would believe that?

Bonnie: [Scoffs] No one. It's why I did this.

Tripp: Just goes to show no good deed goes unpunished.

[Door latch clicks]

Justin: Officer ruiz said I'd find you here.

Lani: You'll have to wait. I'm in the middle of an interview.

Justin: Actually, you're at the end of an interview.

Lani: What do you think you're doing?

Justin: Representing my client. And I think I'm the one who should be asking you what the hell do you think you're doing? Has my client been charged with a crime?

Lani: No, not yet.

Justin: Then you need to leave. I need to consult with him.

Lani: No. Look, justin--

Justin: Why don't you let me take a look at the warrant?

Lani: It was a preliminary interview. I told him he could have an attorney.

Justin: And here I am. You're done here. Oh, and just so you know, anything on that recorder is, and here's the legal term, bupkis.

Lani: We'll see about that.

Tripp: How'd you know where to find me?

Justin: [Sighs] Your father. So... why did lani bring you down here? What's this about?

Tripp: God... allie horton said I raped her.

Allie: You're not saying anything.

Claire: It's-- this is a lot to take in, you know? Like you said.

Allie: You were in love with him, right?

Claire: Obsessed, actually.

Allie: And he never?

Claire: What, forced himself on me? No. No, never. Tripp, he wasn't like that.

[Sighs] I mean, when we were together, he was really sweet to me and shy in a way. Aggressive, no. But--

Allie: But what?

Claire: Well, when he was jealous of ben weston, jealous because he was crazy about ciara and he was worried that ben was still dangerous, he framed--he framed him for starting a fire.

Allie: What? That's awful. Why would nobody tell me this?

Claire: I don't know. But-- well, I feel kind of bad for telling you now.

Allie: Claire, why do you feel bad? He raped me. Okay? Like, I think that I have the right to know these things.

Claire: But why? So that people will believe you?

Allie: Yeah. Because everybody seems to think he's, like, the nicest guy in the world. Did he ever do anything violent? Claire, please answer me.

Claire: When he first came to town, he thought that kayla had murdered his mom.

Allie: What?

Claire: It wasn't true, but he had reason to believe that it was. Look, tripp had a difficult childhood, and he kind of went nuts wanting to avenge his mom's death.

Allie: And how did he do that? You said he was violent?

Claire: He held a scalpel to kayla's throat.

Allie: Oh, my god.

Claire: I thought that he had changed. But I guess he hasn'T.

Steve: Is this real?

Bonnie: [Sighs] Well, you don't have to take my word for it. It's notarized.

Steve: Well, I'll be damned.

Bonnie: [Sighs] Right? Seems out of character, I know. Good luck to your son, okay?

Steve: Wait. This would've meant a lot to adrienne. Thank you.

Bonnie: Well, thank you for saying that.

Tripp: I swear I didn't do anything. I was just trying to help her.

Justin: Okay. Tripp, I am not gonna lie. He said-she saids suck. I mean, if you're charged, this is gonna be a long, nasty process.

Tripp: She's trying to say this is my kid. This can't be happening.

Justin: Okay, so just tell me what went down in detail.

Tripp: Nothing. Nothing happened.

[Stuttering] I can't take this. I've gotta get out of here.

Justin: Tripp, tripp.

Allie: A scalpel?

Claire: Yeah. Wait, did he do anything like that to you?

Allie: No, no. Uh, he--he just... held me down and didn't listen when I said no.

Claire: That's bad enough. My god. Was he drunk, too?

Allie: No. Well, maybe. I don't know. I mean, we came from a club and everyone there was drinking so I assume he was, too. Claire, even if he was drunk--

Claire: No, no, no, no, I know. It's not an excuse. There is no excuse for rape. Oh, my god.

[Sighs] I am so sorry, allie. And look, now that you've reported it, maybe you should find someone to talk to, you know? We could talk to grandma marlena--

Allie: Oh, my god, nicole. I left her with the baby. Oh, my god. I totally lost track of time.

Claire: Okay, well, just-- if you want to talk more, I am here.

Allie: Thanks. I'll remember that.

Claire: Bye.

Kristen: It just-- I don't even remember grabbing the knife. I just remember plunging it into his chest. It's just because victor is too evil to die that I am not facing murder charges.

Eli: Don't be too sure of that.

Lani: Eli?

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Eli: Lani.

Lani: Hey. What a day I have had. Horrible day.

Eli: What happened?

Lani: Well, I caught the worst case and justin kicked me out of the interrogation room.

Eli: What?

Lani: He was just doing his job. Speaking of people doing their job, what did melinda want? I know she called you in there to talk about the footage.

Eli: She's just asking a bunch of questions to try and imply that you aided and abetted kristen.

Lani: Okay. Should I be worried?

Eli: No. She's not gonna pursue it any further. You can be sure of that.

[Soft tense music]

Philip: Just wanted to report that it was xander that put jan up to having me arrested. Yes, yes, he's right here. Right.

[Telephone ringing] It's father. He wants to have a word with you.

[Telephone ringing]

Charlie: [Sighs] Okay. Oh, shoot.


Claire: [Groans softly]

Steve: The guy at the desk told me they had tripp in here.

Justin: Well, lani was interviewing, but I shut that down.

Steve: Then where is he?

Justin: He stormed out. Steve, this, um-- this isn't good.

Steve: What isn't? Why'd they bring him in?

Justin: [Clears throat] You better sit down.

Allie: Nicole? Oh, damn.

[Knock at door] Did you forget your--

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