Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 10/5/20
Episode #13868 ~ Vincent reveals Ciara's fate to Ben and Hope; Allie tells Lani what happened in London; Tripp recounts his side of the story to Steve; Melinda pressures Eli to help her nail Kristen.
Provided By Suzanne
Tripp: I'm not the father of that baby.Steve: How can you be so sure?
Tripp: 'Cause I never slept with allie.
Steve: You never slept with allie? You can tell me if you did.
Tripp: But I already told you I didn'T.
Steve: I know, but you see--
Tripp: But what? No, no, dad... are you saying that I'm lying?
Nicole: Allie needs to talk to you about something, and she didn't feel comfortable going to the police statN.
Lani: Okay. Allie, is it okay if I sit down next to you?
So what is it that you wanted to talk about?
Allie: I wanna report a rape.
Lani: Who's the victim?
Allie: [Sighs] It was me. I was raped.
Melinda: This one incident notwithstanding, I do believe that detective price is a good cop. I'd rather put away kristen dimera than her.
Eli: What do you want me to do?
Melinda: Simple. I need undeniable proof that kristen dimera is guilty. Something that'll put her away for life. You get me that, and I'll drop this entire investigation into detective price.
Eli: Quid pro quo.
Melinda: Detective grant, you yourself arrested ms. Dimera just a few days ago. You know as well as anyone else the things she has done. It's not like we'd be fabricating a case. But wouldn't it be a shame if your wife had to give birth to your children in prison?
Eli: Melinda, you're making this sound simple, and it isn'T.
Melinda: Sounds pretty uncomplicated to me. We either have a deal or we don'T.
Kayla: Ah. "Double, double, toil and trouble."
Roman: What are you doing here this time of day?
Kayla: Well, my first appointment was canceled, and it occurred to me that I have not seen my big brother in a very long time.
Roman: All right. Well, good. You can help me with this stuff.
Kayla: Boy, you don't seem very excited about halloween.
Roman: Your nephew was supposed to help, but he bailed on me. Some lame excuse about helping starving people in africa.
Kayla: Oh, right; your son, the oddball who believes in helping people.
Roman: Yeah, bad person. Bad person. All joking aside, though, I... you know, I thought, since he was married, that maybe... I don't know, kayla. Seems like I'm losing family left and right. Eric, sami, will. But at least we know they'll be back some time, or we can visit, but... the worst... the saddest...
Kayla: Is ciara.
Roman: Yeah.
Hope: We were told you wanted to see us.
Vincent: Yeah. I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Ben: You better spell it out or I'll rip--
Hope: Ben. Why don't you wait in my office? I'll fill you in after I've taken his statement.
Ben: I'm not going anywhere.
Vincent: Let him stay.
[Disturbing music]
Hope: Was my daughter in that car when it exploded? Is she still alive?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Steve: Tripp, I'm not saying you're lying, but you have to admit, the timing works out. I mean, you met allie in december. Eight months later, she had a baby.
Tripp: No, I know how it looks, but I didn't have sex with her, so there's no way I got her pregnant.
Steve: Okay. So... what did happen between the two of you?
Tripp: Not a whole lot. I'm actually surprised she even remembers me.
Lani: I wanna make sure I take down your statement correctly. So I need to take a few notes. Are you comfortable with that? Okay. Let's start with some basics. Can you tell me when the rape occurred?
Allie: Last december. I know it's a long time ago.
Lani: No, no, no. That's okay. The statute of limitations on rape hasn't expired yet. So we can still prosecute your assailant.
Allie: My assailant?
Lani: The man who raped you. What can you tell me about him? Did you know him, or was he a stranger?
Allie: Sort of both, I guess. I met him that night.
Lani: So you know his name.
Allie: [Softly] Uh... yeah. It's tripp. Tripp dalton.
[Intense music]
Vincent: In order to explain what happened, I need to back up.
Hope: Just... start talking.
Vincent: I took ciara to wendy's house with every intention of doing to ben's wife what he did to my fiancéE. Turnabout is fair play. Isn't that what they say?
Hope: There is nothing fair about this.
Vincent: I was preparing to inject ciara with a drug... to make her more...docile. I think that's the word. But then she fought back and managed to stab me with my own syringe.
Ben: Good.
Vincent: But I managed, still, to subdue her and stop her from running away. But then the drug started to affect my mind. I became confused. I thought ciara was wendy, who'd come back to me. I decided to drive to the airfield so that she and I could go away together. But as we got to the gate, I saw the wedding rings on wendy's hands... and was hit with the painful truth yet again. Ciara was in the car with me, but my wendy was gone forever.
[Stirring music]
I couldn't let her make her way back to ben, could I? So I picked up my gun and pointed it at her.
Hope: And--and then what?
Vincent: What do you think? I shot her. These are real people, not actors,
Tripp: Hang on. Like I said before, I went to london with a couple guys from med school. They decided to stay in the night we got there, but I was jetlagged and was wide awake, so I went to a club. I saw this, like, really cute girl standing by the bar. She was checking out the room and she had this look in her eye that she wasn't scared of anything. You know, so I walked up to her and asked her her name. She said, "allie." No last name. So there was no way to know that she was kayla's niece.
Steve: The odds of you two running into each other have to be pretty low.
Tripp: Yeah, I agree. But it happened. We made small talk for a little while and I thought we were hitting it off, and so I asked her to dance. She said she'd rather not.
Steve: What'd you say?
Tripp: I said, "why not?" She said she didn't really like the song, but she said it with, like, a little bit of a smile. So I thought I still had a chance with her, you know? I figured she was just playing hard to get or something.
Steve: [Chuckles]
Lani: Tripp dalton? Isn't that...
Nicole: Steve johnson's son.
Allie: But I didn't know that at the time. He was just this guy.
Lani: And where did you meet him?
Allie: At a club. And then we went back to my flat. We were in london.
Lani: Is that where this happened?
Nicole: Oh, is that a problem?
Lani: It is outside the U.S. Jurisdiction.
Allie: Are you saying he's gonna get away with this?
Melinda: Let me reacquaint you with what I have on your wife.
Eli: That's not necessary. You've already--
Melinda: The security footage directly implicates lani with helping her friend evade arrest. Then it shows you confronting her, and then lani seemingly acknowledging her guilt by putting out her wrists to be cuffed. It also implies that she knew that kristen fled to paris. Because after she had an urgent conversation with brady black, he flew straight there.
Eli: You don't have any concrete proof of that.
Melinda: No, but I'm pretty sure I have enough to bring it to a grand jury. And I think by then, I'll have found out more.
Eli: Like what?
Melinda: Like when exactly you knew that kristen was back in salem this time around.
Eli: What does that matter? I arrested kristen one day after she came back to town.
Melinda: And how did you know it was only one day later?
[Tense music]
You got that information from lani, didn't you? Oh, and I don't think you got that willingly from her. No, I think maybe you found that out. You knew that lani knew when her pal kristen was arriving in town.
[Scoffs] I think you also knew that your wife didn't lift a finger to take her into custody. So you waited a day, and then you did it yourself. How am I doing?
Ben: You... you shot her?
Vincent: You shot wendy. So save your outrage.
Hope: Oh, my god.
Vincent: You made this happen to ciara.
Hope: When the car exploded... was ciara...
Vincent: Alive? No. As far as the explosion goes, she never knew what--
Hope: Ben!
Ben: Look at me. Look at me!
[Intense music]
We're being played. He's lying. Admit it! You son of a bitch! He's lying! When migraine strikes,
Steve: So after allie turned you down for the dance, was that the last you saw of her?
Tripp: No, I lost track of her for, like, an hour or so, but then I caught sight of her again, so I went up to her and asked her if she liked this song. This time, she agreed to dance with me. But it was pretty obvious she had gotten pretty wasted since the last time I saw her.
Steve: How wasted?
Tripp: She couldn't walk a straight line, let alone dance. So I offered to take her back to her place.
Steve: Were you drunk too?
Tripp: No, no. Just exhausted. We took a cab back to her place and I had to help her inside, and then she put on some music. She tried to get me to dance, but she was stumbling all over the place. And then...
Steve: What?
Tripp: She wrapped her arms around my neck and she kissed me. Then I guess I kissed her back for a couple of seconds, but then I realized I was basically holding her up, and so I just helped her get into bed, and I wrote her a note with my first name and phone number on it and took off. I was hoping she would call me the next day, but she never did. And I never heard from her or saw her again until I ran into her yesterday.
Steve: And you said that didn't go so well.
Tripp: She--she looked at me like she hated me. She slapped me across the face.
Steve: Why'd she do that?
Tripp: Dad, I-- I have no clue.
Lani: Allie, this should've been something that you reported when you were in london.
Allie: So that's it? You know what? No. I knew this was gonna be a huge mistake. Just forget the whole thing.
Nicole: Okay, wait, wait, wait, there... there must be something you can do.
Lani: I will take down all the information, and then I will check back with the da's office and see what the next step is. But I cannot guarantee you that I won't be told that this falls under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan police.
Allie: [Sighs] What do I do?
Nicole: Well, I don't think you have anything to lose by telling detective price your story. She can get the ball rolling, and at least you'll feel like you fought back.
Lani: I think that's good advice. So do you wanna proceed?
Allie: Yeah. I guess so.
Lani: Okay. So let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything that you remember.
Melinda: You know as well as I do, if I throw lani in front of a grand jury and they wanna know what she knew about kristen's whereabouts, she'll have to answer their questions. They'll indict her. She'll lose everything. Her freedom, her career. You will have to raise your children alone. But I'm willing to forget everything I know. Because I don't want to take down lani. What I want is to put kristen dimera away once and for all.
Eli: I know that kristen pushed your daughter down the stairs.
Melinda: Look, I don't wanna talk around it. She murdered haley! And she also tried to kill victor kiriakis. She has been a danger to this society for more than 20 years, and she never has to pay for it. I couldn't care less that she's found happiness with brady black and their daughter. She hasn't changed. Something will set her off and she will kill again.
Eli: Well, victor kiriakis and brady, they're both covering for her.
Melinda: So then you're gonna have to work extra hard. I need irrefutable proof of her guilt.
Eli: And how do you expect me to get that?
Kayla: How did you find out that hope caught vincent?
Roman: Hope came by this morning. Told me all about it.
Kayla: I can't believe that she hunted him down so quickly.
Roman: She's a good cop. Highly motivated.
Kayla: So did vincent say anything about ciara?
Roman: No, he wouldn't talk without a lawyer present.
Kayla: Surprise, surprise.
Roman: Yeah. But she did get a phone call while she was here from lani. Lani said the guy changed his mind, so she could be getting answers about ciara as we speak. Hopefully... it's the answer she's looking for.
Hope: Ben.
Ben: He's lying.
Hope: Ben.
Ben: He's lying; he's telling that story about ciara because he gets off on seeing what it does to us. Leave me alone with him. I'll get the truth out of him.
Hope: Ben.
Vincent: You already know the truth. Ciara is dead, and it's all because of you. What I can't fathom is how you rationalized starting a happy, married life here--
Hope: That's enough.
Vincent: In the same town--
Hope: I said that's enough!
Vincent: Where you murdered three people!
Hope: Shut the hell up.
Vincent: I didn't want to have to take your daughter from you. Truly, I wish there'd been another way to make him pay.
Hope: Did you not hear me order you to shut...the hell up? You killed my daughter. You killed... you killed my daughter.
[Cuffs jingling] Get the hell up. Put your hands behind your back. Turn around. Turn!
Vincent: Ciara's blood is on your hands. And don't you ever forget it.
Hope: Go!
[Tragic music]
Lani: And that's all you remember?
Allie: It wasn't until today that I realized what happened to me. That I was raped.
Lani: You're doing great. I just have a few more questions. Do you know if... if tripp used a condom?
Allie: I don't think so, since I ended up pregnant.
Lani: Then you believe that he's the father of your child?
Allie: He has to be. I didn't have sex with anyone else. Detective price... I know how this looks. I was drunk, and my memory from that night sucks. But... you believe me, right?
Tripp: You know, seeing allie on the street, it was... it was so weird. You know, it was like she hated me.
Steve: I don't know. Maybe she was embarrassed.
Tripp: For what?
Steve: For getting so drunk you had to take her back to her place. Passing out.
Tripp: She was probably embarrassed, but you'd think she'd also be grateful, right? And she was, now that I think about it; I... I remember her thanking me for getting her home safely. You know, like--I mean, she was slurring her words a lot and i could barely understand her, but I remember a "thank you" in there somewhere.
Steve: But when you saw her again in salem, she was really angry at you.
Tripp: "Angry" doesn't quite catch it. I was, like, the last person on earth she wanted to see. She had this horrified look on her face.
Steve: You can't figure out why?
Tripp: No. No, unless... maybe she remembers how I put the brakes on after she kissed me. Like I was saying she wasn't good enough or something?
Steve: I guess that could be it.
Tripp: Yeah, but to still be that furious after all these months, you know, just because you felt rejected that one night? That doesn't make any sense. Not to mention the fact that I explained why I stopped kissing her and she knew that it was because she could barely stand. I mean, dad, it was like she was about to pass out.
Steve: Well, son, if she was that drunk, maybe she can't remember anything you said.
Tripp: That's true. She probably doesn'T. But if she has any memory of that night at all, I mean, before she got totally drunk, she had to have known that I liked her, right? I mean, I came up to her and I asked her for her name. I asked her to dance. I even took her home.
Steve: Well, you think she'd be grateful then, right, that you didn't take advantage of her, that you left her place so she could sleep it off.
Tripp: Right, right. And like I told you, I left her a note with my phone number on it so she could call me if she was interested.
Steve: But she never did?
Tripp: Nope, I never heard from her or saw her again until I got back here.
[Chuckles] And it's crazy, right? Like, crazy coincidence that she's kayla's niece.
Steve: Yeah. That's crazy. So I'm assuming that when you saw her here in salem, you never got a chance to ask her what was going on.
Tripp: No, no. She belted me and then took off in the other direction., you threw me for a loop when you said she had a baby, but... I don't know what to make of this whole situation.
Steve: Neither do I. But I have to ask you one thing. Why am I just hearing about this now?
Hope: Shawn... belman is now claiming that... that he... that he shot ciara... before the car exploded. No. No, he said she was in the car. No, don't come here. I'll talk to you later. I love you, shawn.
[Phone beeps]
Ben: He's lying, hope. He will say whatever it takes to torture me.
Hope: And what better way to do so than to take ciara away from you?
Ben: I still think he has her locked up somewhere or something.
Hope: I wanna believe that more than anything. But why? Why would he do that?
Ben: I don't know. But I know I won't take that bastard's word for anything. There is zero evidence to back up his story.
Hope: Now there may be. Hang tight. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Roman: So did I tell you tripp came by this morning?
Kayla: Well, you know, he's back here to stay. He wants to finish medical school here.
Roman: Steve's gotta love that.
Kayla: Well, we were both really happy about it. It's just...
Roman: Just what?
Kayla: Well... tripp ran into allie this morning and realized that he had met her before.
Roman: Where?
Kayla: In london.
Roman: Okay. Why does that look on your face tell me this is a big deal?
Kayla: It was december. And given the timing and the circumstances... steve and I think that maybe tripp is the father of allie's baby.
Steve: I told you last night that allie had had a baby. And I asked you if you could be that baby's father. Why'd you stonewall me?
Tripp: [Chuckles] How did I stonewall you?
Steve: You didn't answer my question.
Tripp: Because claire showed up.
Steve: What, you couldn't have said a simple no? So I didn't have to wonder all last night and this morning if I was a grandparent or not?
Tripp: That is not fair, okay? Come on. You really expect me to be comfortable keeping up a conversation like that in front of allie's cousin? Talking about how I hit on her? Okay, no, no, no. Things are awkward enough between claire and me right now. I didn't feel like getting into it right then and there.
Steve: Well, she's gonna find out eventually.
Tripp: She kinda already knows.
Steve: What does that mean?
Tripp: I ended up telling her that I had met allie before.
Steve: Is that all you said?
Tripp: Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's all there is. But allie clearly thinks there's something else, or she wouldn't have slapped me. But, dad, I swear to you, I have no idea what I did to offend her.
Lani: Allie, of course I believe you. But I still have to take down as many facts as I can.
Nicole: Do you have enough to arrest tripp?
Lani: I don't wanna speculate about that. But I do have to tell you guys that there is a very small percentage of rape accusations that actually get a felony conviction.
Allie: I can't believe that.
Nicole: Neither can I. It's disgusting.
Lani: That doesn't mean you can't win your case. You took a big step coming forward. And I know that wasn't easy.
Allie: People are just gonna say I was drunk, that I had it coming.
Lani: Hey, allie. You did nothing wrong. You do understand that, right? Do you have any more questions or concerns?
Allie: No. Not right now, at least.
Lani: Well, I'm gonna give you my card. You call me if you need anything, and especially if you remember anything more. No matter how trivial it is, okay?
Nicole: I'll make sure she does.
Lani: I'm gonna get going. You did great.
Allie: Detective price?
Lani: Yeah?
Allie: I know I don't remember much, but I remember saying no.
Eli: You know, I'm sure you've probably memorized the case file from when kristen stabbed victor. So you know that there are no fingerprints on the knife and victor is the only witness and he's not willing to testify.
Melinda: Brady's his grandson. He wanted to stay on good terms with him.
Eli: And that hasn't changed. How am I supposed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that kristen did it?
Melinda: You're smart. You'll figure something out. What I'd really like is a taped confession.
Eli: From kristen?
Melinda: Right.
Eli: She'll never consent to that.
Melinda: Who said anything about getting her consent?
Eli: That's entrapment.
Melinda: The law's complicated. You leave that part to me. You just focus on getting the confession, or your twins are gonna grow up without their mother. Your mission:
Roman: All right. Let me get this straight. So you are saying... that tripp is the father of allie's baby. Where in the hell has he been? I mean, what kinda guy gets a young girl pregnant and then lets her fend for herself?
Kayla: You know, tripp didn't even know that allie had been pregnant until steve told him yesterday. I mean, we don't even know if tripp is really the father. But they met in london and... I mean, allie was living there by herself. We don't even know what her life was like.
Roman: Well, if he was my son, I'd sure as hell find out what happened.
Kayla: Well, steve tried to talk to him about it yesterday, but they were interrupted, so he's talking to him about it right now.
Roman: All right. Well, like I told you, tripp came by. He did bring up allie's name.
Kayla: Well, what did he say?
Roman: Well, he... I don't know. He was just being casual. Now that I look back on it, he could have been fishing for information. I told him that nobody around here has any idea who henry's father is.
Kayla: Well, steve and i certainly don'T. But we're gonna find out soon enough.
Tripp: Dad, do you have any idea how weird it is--or I guess "shocking" might be a better word for this case--to just have somebody straight up slap you, and you have no idea why?
Steve: Pretty weird.
Tripp: Could it be that allie's an alcoholic? Maybe she was drunk when I ran into her.
Steve: Apparently, she doesn't drink anymore. Not since she got pregnant.
Tripp: Right. Right. You know, the truth is, she didn't seem drunk. Just angry and miserable, like I was some horrible villain. But dad, I swear to you, okay? As soon as I saw how wasted she was that night in london, all I wanted to do was get her home safely, help her out. I mean, I was attracted to her, but, like, not when she was like that.
Steve: Hey, buddy, listen. Preaching to the choir, okay? I believe you.
Tripp: Right. I know. Now you can stop worrying about being a grandpa. That kid is not mine.
Steve: I get that. Just for the record, I would love to be a grandpa.
Tripp: [Laughs] We're gonna need to wait a little while on that one, okay?
[Knock at door]
Steve: Okay. Hey, lani. What can I do for you?
Lani: Actually, I need to speak to your son.
Eli: If I help you put kristen away, lani will never forgive me.
Melinda: Even after you tell her it was to keep her from delivering the twins in prison?
Eli: Lani sees a side of kristen that you and I don't see, okay? She calls her her best friend.
Melinda: Oh, come on, eli! Kristen is working her just like she is working brady black. She has also hurt or destroyed countless other people who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with her, and yet she's your wife's best friend? Well, let me tell you something, and you better listen hard. You will be doing your wife a favor if you destroy that friendship.
Hope: Ben. This is the gun... vincent placed on the ground before he took off and the car exploded. I checked the magazine, the chamber. There's a bullet missing.
Ben: My god.
Hope: Hold on. We don't know-- we don't know when he fired it.
Ben: No, that's right. That's right; that doesn't mean anything.
Hope: So if it was fired in the car, forensics would've found a bullet casing. Right? There. You see that?
Ben: What is that?
Hope: Looks like a bullet casing to me.
Ben: But we don't know that for sure.
Hope: I'll have forensics confirm it. And if it is, I wanna know why the hell it wasn't in the report to start with.
Ben: Hope... was vincent... was he telling the truth?
Hope: I don't know.
Allie: I wish I remembered more from that night.
Nicole: Honey... you remembered what's important. You've been so brave, and I am so proud of you.
Allie: But that thing that detective price said about london... what if there's nothing she can do? I mean, what if tripp gets away with this?
Nicole: What's important is you spoke up and you told the truth. And right now, that's all that matters. Come here.
Kayla: If tripp turns out to be the father of allie's baby, how will you feel about him?
Roman: It depends if he steps up and takes responsibility.
Kayla: I know he would.
Roman: You know, it still bothers me that... allie clammed up about who the father was. I mean, hell, we didn't know him. He could've come into salem, do god knows what to her. But if it is tripp, he had problems when he was younger, but... he seems to have learned from his mistakes, and... he's turned out to be a pretty decent guy.
Kayla: Yeah, he has.
Steve: Why do you need to talk to tripp? Is this official police business?
Lani: Yes, it is.
Tripp: What's this about?
Lani: I think it's best if we speak down at the station.
Eli: What if I can't give you the kind of case that you want against kristen?
Melinda: Let's not talk about what might happen.
Eli: God, you--do you know what kinda position that you're putting me in?
Melinda: No, no, no, kristen put you in this position when she conned lani into being her accomplice.
Eli: Do you know how many times I've tried to convince lani of that? She's not gonna see it that way.
Melinda: Okay. I'm gonna give you some time to think it over. But I promise you this: Kristen dimera is going down. And whether or not your wife goes with her-- that's entirely up to you.
Ben: All we know for sure is that vincent may have fired that gun off in the car. That does not mean that he shot ciara.
[Dramatic music]
Hey, vincent. There's something maybe you didn't think about. If you killed ciara... I got nothing to live for. So if she is dead, so are you.
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