Days Transcript Friday 10/2/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 10/2/20


Episode #13867 ~ Melinda puts Eli in a tough spot; Ben and Vincent have a heated encounter; Steve wants to know if Tripp is the father of Allie's baby; Allie has a horrific realization.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: Here you go. It's a list of everyone that was on duty the day that victor accused kristen, and she left the station.

Melinda: And the footage I asked for?

Lani: It's right here.

Melinda: [Scoffs] As if on cue. Where can I set this up? Hello?

Eli: Huh? Um, yeah. Wait, are you gonna watcit right now?

Melinda: I'm not gonna schlep this back to my office. Yeah, with all the budget cuts around here, there's gotta be a free desk somewhere.

Eli: You can use the interrogation room.

Melinda: Thank you. I'll let you know if I need anything.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: Did you delete the footage?

Steve: Hey.

Kayla: Oh.

Steve: What are you doing here?

Kayla: Well, a cheery "how do you do" to you too.

Steve: No, I meant, I thought you had a patient to see.

Kayla: He canceled. So I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make you your favorite breakfast-- a little belated "welcome home."

Steve: Oh, that's so sweet, baby. I should come home more often.

Kayla: Mm-hmm.

Steve: Oh, my favorite, bacon and eggs.

Kayla: Uh-huh.

Steve: Where's tripp?

Kayla: Um, you just missed him.

[Suspenseful music]

Tripp: Wait, allie. Wow, this is crazy. I never thought I'd see you again.

Allie: Neither did I.

Tripp: This is so random. What are you doing in salem?

Allie: My family's from here.

Tripp: Really?

Allie: Yeah, really. What is this? I mean, why are you here? How'd you find me?

Tripp: Find--find you? No, no, no, no, I didn'T. My family lives here too.

Allie: You've gotta be kidding me.

Tripp: No, it's true. My dad lives here. Like, this is--this is crazy. I mean, after all this time, what are the chances, right? are you? What have you been up to?

Allie: What have I been up to? What the hell do you think I've been up to, you son of a bitch?

Tripp: The hell did you do that for?

Allie: Please, like you don't know.

Tripp: I don'T.

Allie: You really are the biggest jerk. You know what? No, you're not even worth it.

Tripp: No, allie, wait. Talk to me.

Allie: Get your hands off me!

Tripp: Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'm just confused. I don't understand what's going on here.

Allie: Nothing's going on here; I just have nothing to say to you.

Tripp: Okay, why are you being so hostile? If you think I forgot about you, I didn'T. I've actually thought about you a lot since that night we met in london.

Allie: Really? Well, I didn't think about you at all, so...

Tripp: Well...yeah, well, that's a bummer. I was hoping to hear from you.

Allie: [Sighs] Okay, well, I am so sorry. Forgive me for not getting in touch. I had something a lot more important on my mind than you.

Tripp: What?

Allie: Oh, I don't know. Uh, global warming, the bears, my toenails.

Tripp: Okay, okay, allie. Clearly, you're upset, but I'm telling you the truth, okay? I really have been wondering what happened to you ever since I left london.

Allie: Yeah, I bet.

Tripp: I mean it.

Allie: Whatever. You know, I have to go. Just pretend you never saw me, okay? And I'll do the same.

Steve: I can tell something's wrong, son. And you know you can talk to me.

Tripp: Look, on my way over to the school, I ran into this girl I met a while back, and it was kind know, it was very awkward.

Steve: Well, you're not talking about claire, right?

Tripp: No, no, no, no. It's a girl I met last year, when I was in london over christmas break.

Steve: British girl?

Tripp: No, she's american, and you're never gonna believe this, but she said her family lives here too. Her name's allie.

Steve: Allie horton?

Tripp: Allie horton, as in, like, horton-horton?

Steve: Yeah. She's john's granddaughter. She was living in london last year, till she came back to salem to have her baby.

Tripp: Her baby?

Steve: Uh-huh.

Tripp: Wow.

Steve: So you met allie in london around christmastime last year?

Tripp: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: Mm-hmm. She had her baby-- it was in august. It was a month early. Do the math...I'm gonna ask you, son, could you be that baby's father?

Nicole: So they were so happy to see you at the village? Aww. That is so sweet. Oh, he is such a delight. I forgot how wonderful it is to have a baby in the house--well, except for 2:00 in the morning, of course. Allie? Um...that--she's fine. No, nothing. Everything's fine. Honey, I just--I miss you so much already. Yeah, well, um--hey, listen. I know that you are busy, so why don't we talk tomorrow? Okay, I love you too. Bye. Oh, allie, wait. Wait. Where are you going?

Allie: Uh, well, henry's asleep, and--I'm sorry. I think I used all your shampoo.

Nicole: Oh, please, that's okay.

Allie: No, it's fine. I'll just go out and get another bottle. Is there anything else you need?

Nicole: Yeah, I need to talk to you.

Allie: Okay, great. Well, when I come back, we can--


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Kayla: Here you go.

Steve: Oh, thank you. Did tripp say where he was going?

Kayla: Well, he mentioned that he was gonna go to the pub.

Kayla: Do you need to see him about something?

Steve: No, nothing that can't wait.

Kayla: Is everything okay?

Steve: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

Kayla: I don't know. But the last I saw tripp, I heard him say that he didn't go to the medical school, but then I was called away before I found out what happened. Is it something about the transfer?

Steve: No, it wasn't about the transfer. He didn't make it over to the med school because he ran into allie horton.

Nicole: [Clears throat]

Allie: Okay, this is weird. Talk about what?

Nicole: I think we need to finish our conversation from last night.

Allie: We did. I had a one night stand, and I got pregnant. I really don't think I need to give you the details.

Nicole: Allie, I'm not prying. I'm just trying to understand why you're making this sound like it's no big deal.

Allie: You sound like my mom right now, and that's not a compliment.

Nicole: Something's bothering you.

Allie: I'm fine.

Nicole: Really? So fine that you were desperate to get out of this house without seeing the baby or talking to me because of the shampoo crisis? Look, something is really wrong here.

Allie: Okay, and what if there is something wrong? What if I don't wanna talk about it? What if I don't even wanna think about it, okay?

[Sighs] I just--I don't see any point in talking about it. It happened; it's over.

Nicole: Is it? Allie, I don't think it is.

Eli: Did you delete the footage?

Lani: No, I didn'T.

Eli: So trask asks you for a smoking gun and you give it to her? Lani, you know that you can--

Lani: I know. I could lose my job, eli. That didn't slip my mind, okay? And, yes, I wanted to edit that footage.

Eli: But?

Lani: But I kept thinking about what you said and how i keep bending the rules. And, eli, that's not the kind of cop that I wanna be.

Eli: If you didn't delete that footage, you're not gonna be any type of cop at all.

Lani: Thanks for sugarcoating it.

Eli: You know, I do not understand for any reason why you keep covering for kristen dimera.

Lani: Because she is my friend.

Eli: But I love you for doing it.

Lani: You love me for aiding and abetting kristen's escape?

Eli: I love you because of how freakin' loyal you are, that being a friend means more to you than being a cop.

Lani: Kristen got me through the worst time of my life, and i can't just forget about that. And not to mention she is the reason that you and I are together. So if I have to choose between my job and my friend, I'm letting the job go.

Eli: Well, I hope that's all we're talking about because you know how vindictive she is, and if she sees that you're helping kristen, she is not above using her office to settle scores.

Lani: Yeah, you're right about that, but that ship has sailed. Right now, she is looking at everything that she needs to just blow me out of the water.

Eli: Let me go talk to her.

Lani: Hey, wait, should I go with you?

Eli: Absolutely not. What you need to do is stay out of her way. Work on the mcclean case or something. Just let me see if I can defuse the situation.

Lani: Detective grant, I love you.

Eli: Detective price, beat it.

Hope: Excuse me. Interrogation room open? Is it free? I'm gonna need it.

[Dramatic music]

Allie: Of course it's over. It's in the past.

Nicole: Just because it's in the past doesn't mean it stops hurting. Come on, allie. I mean, you have to know I've been around the block a million times, and when you say that you don't even wanna think about that night, it means it's tearing you up inside.

Allie: I'll get over it.

Nicole: Not by denying it. You told me how you met tripp. You told me what happened at the club.

Allie: Yeah, I shouldn't have told you that much.

Nicole: But when you got to the part when tripp took you home, you shut down. Allie, I told you I'm not gonna judge you.

Allie: Only because you don't know what I did. And god knows, neither do I.

Kayla: I didn't even know that they knew each other.

Steve: I didn't either. Turns out, tripp met allie when he was on break from med school before.

Roman: Tripp! I heard you were back in town. What, looking for a free lunch? I'm sure we can figure that out.

Tripp: No, actually, I came to talk to you. I, uh, you know, I'm so sorry about ciara.

Roman: Yeah. So damn hard to believe.

Tripp: I heard from shawn that hope thinks there's a chance that ciara might still be alive.

Roman: Yeah, she hadn't given up. In fact, she made progress.

Tripp: Yeah?

Roman: Yeah, she texted me. She nabbed the psycho that blew up the car.

Hope: I tracked her to a town that was the last stop and a bus he was on, and I got a hit on a stolen credit card he used.

Eli: Is ben with you? Where's he at now?

Hope: We came back in separate cars. I don't think vincent would have made it back alive if ben was in the car with him. He's lucky I didn't kill him myself.

Eli: Did he say if ciara was in the car?

Hope: Won't talk without a lawyer. So let's see what we can do about that.

Ben: Talk. Talk. Talk, you son of a bitch! Or I'll kill you. We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.

Ben: What did you do to ciara?

Hope: Ben, let go of him.

Ben: Was she in the car or not? Was she in the car?

Eli: We'll handle this!

Ben: Answer me.

Eli: Look, you need to leave now. Hope, you too.

Hope: No, I'm staying.

Eli: Well, you need to take a break from this case.

Lani: Look, hey, hope, he's right, okay? You're exhausted. We will get vincent booked. We'll get him a lawyer, and when he's ready to talk, we will call you. Okay?

Ben: I'm not leaving.

Eli: You can walk your ass out of this door, or you can thrown in a holding cell.

Ben: [Chuckles]

Eli: Ben, look at me! You found him, okay? You didn't give up, and you found him. Now we need to go by the book. You really want him walking out of here on a technicality? Please, for ciara's sake, both of you, go. Please!

Hope: He's right. You call me.

[Tense music]

Melinda: Detective, I'd like to speak to you in here, please.

Lani: I'll be right there.

Melinda: Actually, I was talking to detective grant.

Eli: We're trying to book a perp right now.

Melinda: Detective price can handle that.

[Uneasy music]

Eli: So what do you need?

Melinda: I need you to give me one good reason not to charge your wife with obstruction of justice.

Steve: So, yeah, tripp met allie in london on his christmas break.

Kayla: And they had no idea that they both were from salem or that their families were connected?

Steve: No, I don't really know what they knew about each other. We didn't get that far.

Kayla: So they met at christmas break, and then eight months later, allie has a baby a month early. Do you think that tripp is the father?

Roman: [Sighs] So everything's on hold. But I think that hope not knowing whether ciara was in that car or not, I think it's her own special kind of hell.

Tripp: You said that she got the guy who kidnapped her, right? So maybe now she'll find out, one way or another.

Roman: But what? Anyway, really is good to have you back. The more family around, the better.

Tripp: Right. And speaking of family, I heard allie is back too.

Roman: Yeah, and that's good for allie and her baby.

Allie: [Sighs]

Nicole: blacked out.

Allie: Yep. Got so drunk, I passed out-- wasn't the first time either.

Nicole: You were drinking a lot then?

Allie: Yeah, but I used to be able to hold it a lot better. My friends used to be amazed at how much I could drink and still make sense, still be standing up. Pretty pathetic, right? When that's what you're admired most for-- being able to hold your booze?

Nicole: I was pretty good at that myself way back when.

[Chuckles softly]

Allie: Yeah, but...this night, I didn't hold it at all. I got crazy drunk and blacked out and ended up with a baby.

[Sighs] Now do you see why I want you and uncle eric to have henry? He does not deserve a mother like me, he--

Nicole: Okay, now hold on a minute. Hold on. Do not beat yourself up.

Allie: [Sniffles]

[Softly] Why? I think I have it coming.

Nicole: No. No, no one has it coming, allie. Okay, so you couldn't cope with whatever it was you were going through then, okay? And you didn't have the right kind of guidance and support.

[Tender music]

But you only hurt herself. Isn't that punishment enough? You're sober now, right?

Allie: Yeah, ever since I found out I was pregnant.

Nicole: Okay.

Allie: I didn't wanna hurt the baby, even before I, you know, I was sure I was going to go through with actually having it. To hurt yourself is one thing, right? But to harm an innocent life, I...

Nicole: Okay. So the fact that you could do that, that you could stop should give yourself a little credit.

Allie: Why? I shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.


Nicole: Allie, please. You've gotta stop that. You have to stop with the "i shouldn't haves" because it-- there's just no point. I mean, my god, if I thought about all the things I shouldn't have done in my life, I... anyway, the whole reason I want you to open up is that you don't feel so alone.

Allie: [Breathes shakily]

Nicole: Okay, come here. What is the last thing you remember?

Allie: I remember tripp taking me home, but I don't remember anything that happened in my apartment until-- until the next morning when I woke up and he was gone. That's how wasted I was.


Nicole: So wasted that you couldn't agree to sleep with him?

Allie: I'm not--I'm not sure. I mean, maybe it was my idea. Maybe I jumped him. Maybe...

Nicole: Allie, what is it?

Allie: I--I didn't jump him. I just remembered. He was on top of me. Is that for me?

Nicole: He was on top of you?

Allie: [Sighs] I mean, that doesn't mean anything. You know, I could have invited him in, into my apartment, into my bed. There's no way of knowing.

Nicole: Exactly, because you were too drunk to remember.

Allie: Yeah, I think we established that.

Nicole: If you needed tripp's help to get home, then he knew you weren't in control, which means you weren't able to give consent.

Allie: But, nicole, how do you know I didn't?

Steve: Well, the thought did cross my mind, but when I told tripp that allie had a baby, he seemed genuinely surprised. He didn't even know she was pregnant.

Kayla: Well, allie wouldn't be the first woman in history to not tell the father. Did you ask him if he slept with her?

Steve: No, I didn't ask him if he slept with her. I asked him if he thought he could be the father.

Kayla: And what did he say?

Steve: I didn't get an answer. Claire came up. She wanted to talk to him about ciara's memorial, and he went off with her.

Kayla: Do you think he's avoiding you? I mean, is that why you wanna see him this morning?

Steve: Bottom line is, if he is the father, I need to help him step up to the plate.

[Tense music]

Tripp: Yeah, my dad said she had a baby.

Roman: Yeah, little boy, two months old, named him henry. Cute as hell. I have forgiven him for making me a great-grandpa.

Tripp: So why'd she name him henry?

Roman: I don't know. I don't know--not a family name, at least not our family, and I don't know anything about the father. Hey! Hope, what happened with belman?

Hope: He's at the station now.

Roman: What did he say?

Hope: Hasn't said anything yet.

[Phone ringing]

Lani: You need to sign this. Belman--is that one or two ls? Right. You're not talking without a lawyer. Look, I get it. Everyone here gets it. Ben weston has done a lot of horrible things to a lot of people. I know he murdered your fiancée, and I can only imagine how much that hurt, how much you want him to pay, and he walked on all of it. Ben is free, and you and eve will live with what he did for the rest of your life. And I know you wanna hurt him like he hurt you. But, vincent, you're not hurting him. You are hurting all of the other people who love ciara, like her mother. Hope has never done anything to you, and you are putting her through hell.

Eli: I'm not sure what you mean.

Melinda: Let me enlighten you.

[Dramatic music]

So, detective...what does that look like to you?

Eli: Looks like detective price is leading kristen dimera out.

Melinda: Looks a little furtive, doesn't it?

Eli: From what I recall, there was a lot of press there that day, so I believe she's just trying to get kristen past them.

Melinda: You know what I think? I think kristen dimera just confessed to stabbing victor kiriakis, and your detective price is helping her escape. To be honest...a little dust? It never bothered me.

Eli: Lani's a cop. If kristen confessed, why would she help her get away?

Melinda: I don't know. Maybe because they're very close friends.

Melinda: Her father said that they had bonded when they were "nunning" it up in italy. Talk about sisterhood, huh?

Eli: Just because they were in italy together doesn't mean that they--

Melinda: Oh, are you implying that mayor carver lied?

Eli: No.

Melinda: And we have much more than the mayor's word. They were both at the same convent for the same amount of time. Then they both came back here at the same time and hilarity ensued. I am talking about a cop helping a suspect escape, a suspect that killed my daughter. Do not mess with me! Watch this. I want you to tell me what's going on here.

Eli: It was months ago. I can't remember.

Melinda: Lani puts her hands out for you to cuff her, and you don't remember? What is this, a commonplace occurrence for your relationship, some kind of foreplay?

Eli: Watch it.

Melinda: I did watch it, three times, and it was at this time that you attempted to arrest kristen dimera only to find out that she'd disappeared. This is you confronting detective price for what she had done and her telling you to go ahead and arrest her, except you didn'T. You did absolutely nothing.

[Phone rings]

Lani: The evidence against you is overwhelming. You are going away for a very long time. Maybe you're okay with that. Maybe your plan succeeded. Ciara's dead. Ben's been paid back. Or maybe it failed, and ciara survived. Either way, it's over. So what you need to do now is, you need to give hope some closure. Don't you think that if her daughter is dead or alive that she deserves to know? How would your fiancée, wendy, feel about what you're doing? She died helping complete strangers. She went up to a cabin, delivered a baby. She dedicated her whole life to helping mothers. So how would wendy feel that the man that she loved is putting a mother through what hope is going through?

Roman: So this guy won't talk without a lawyer present?

Hope: Eli and lani are booking him now and arranging representation.

Roman: Hey. You know I love you, and I am here for you.

Hope: Yeah, of course I know that.

Roman: I can't imagine how hard this is.

Hope: I'm managing, uh... the way I'm managing to keep going is... to be numb, somewhat, not all the time, but-- I mean--what I mean is that when I need to think straight, I force myself to push my emotions down.

Roman: I know what you mean. I understand.

Hope: But right now... I'm feeling it. I just want my baby girl back, roman. I just want my sweet girl back. Oh, dear god. Please, sweet jesus. Give me my daughter back.

Tripp: Well, I just wanted to say that, uh--that I'm really sorry.

Ben: Thank you.

Tripp: You wanna be alone?

Ben: [Sighs] I'm not really great company.

Tripp: I got ya.

[Cell phone beeps]

Ben: Something wrong?

Tripp: No, my dad just wants me to get home.

Nicole: Okay. Say you did invite tripp into your bed. Wouldn't you wanna know for sure? Wouldn't you want peace of mind? Are you sure you don't remember anything else?

Allie: No.

Nicole: Is it possible that maybe you don't want to? Because every time we mention the father, you shut down.

Allie: Because I'm embarrassed.

Nicole: I think maybe it's more than that.

Allie: [Sighs] Whenever I think about that night, I get a really bad feeling. I don't know why.

Nicole: And that's never gonna change until you know.

Nicole: Honey, as hard as it is--

Allie: No.

Nicole: Allie, what is it?

Allie: A--a hand.

Nicole: What about it?

Allie: That night, there was a hand on my wrist. He was holding me down.

Nicole: Anything else?

Allie: I, um...

Nicole: Oh, honey, what is it?

Allie: I, um--I... I said--I said "no."

Melinda: Of course, at this point, that's just conjecture. But guess what? I have more footage. We can actually see what happened next. Right here is what I'm looking for. Here we have detective price again uncuffed, un-arrested now with brady black in this very room. Ooh. Looks like they are having an intense conversation. Ha. And right after that, mr. Black leaves. Seems like he left here and went directly to an airstrip. He boarded the titan jet to paris, the very same city that apparently ms. Dimera fled to. Now how do you think that he was able to deduce her location? The only logical explanation to me is that detective price told him. So I'm not talking about an isolated interaction. I think this footage builds a very strong case against your wife--one that could put her away for years.

Eli: Why are you telling me this?

Melinda: Because I wanna give you one last chance to save her.

Ben: He's not gonna say anything. He's got me right where he wants me, hope. The guy couldn't make me kill ciara, but he could make damn sure that I don't know if she's dead or alive.

[Cell phone rings, beeps]

Hope: Lani? Did you get him a lawyer?

[Phone rings]

Lani: No, but he says he wants to talk to you and ben right away.

Tripp: Hey. Is something wrong?

Kayla: Um, I need to get to work. I'll see you later, all right?

Tripp: Okay, something is wrong. Hey, you rang?

Steve: Yeah. I think we need to finish the conversation we started yesterday.

Tripp: What conversation?

Steve: You never answered my question. You think it's possible you're the father of allie horton's baby?

Nicole: Allie, if you said "no," we have to go to the police.

Allie: What?

Nicole: You were assaulted. We have to report this.

Allie: No, I can'T. They'd arrest tripp. That's uncle steve's son.

Nicole: What he did was wrong.

Allie: But what am I supposed to even say? I barely remember what happened.

Nicole: You remembered you said "no." That's all you need to remember.

Allie: I'm scared.

Nicole: I know, but you're not gonna go through this alone. I'm going with you.

Allie: To the police station? No, no, I can'T. I--there's way too many people I know there, and to have them looking at me, knowing what happened...

Nicole: Okay, okay. Maybe there's another way.

Melinda: This one incident notwithstanding, I believe that detective price is a good cop. I'd much rather put kristen dimera away than her.

Eli: What do you want me to do?

Melinda: Simple. I need undeniable proof that kristen dimera is guilty, something that'll put her away for life. You get me that, and I'll drop this entire investigation into detective price.

Eli: A quid pro quo.

Melinda: Detective grant, you yourself arrested kristen dimera just a few days ago. You know as well as anyone the things that she has done. It's not as if we're gonna be fabricating a case. But wouldn't it be a shame if your wife gave birth to your children in prison?

Nicole: Hi.

Lani: Hi.

Nicole: Thanks for coming.

Lani: Of course. You said it was important.

Nicole: It is. Come in.

[Dramatic music]

Steve: Well?

Tripp: I am not the father of that baby.

Steve: How can you be so sure?

Tripp: Because I never slept with allie.

Nicole: Allie, this is detective price. Lani, this is eric's niece, allie horton.

Lani: Nice to meet you, allie.

Allie: Hi.

Lani: Hi.

Nicole: She has something she needs to talk to you about, but she didn't feel comfortable coming down to the police station.

Lani: Okay. Well, can I sit next to you?

Allie: Yeah.


Lani: So what's going on?

Allie: [Exhales sharply]

Lani: [Softly] It's okay.

Allie: I want to report a rape.


Hope: We were told you wanted to see us.

[Phone rings]

Vincent: Yeah. I'll tell you everything you wanna know.

[Suspenseful music]

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