Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 10/1/20
Episode #13866 ~ Eli warns Lani her past actions may come back to haunt her; Kate offers to keep an eye on Jake for Chad; Abe unwittingly tips off Melinda; Kristen makes a special request of Marlena.
Provided By Suzanne
[Both laugh]
Melinda: Well, this is very nice and rather unexpected, given our history. But thank you for breakfast, and for asking me back as da.
Abe: [Sighs] That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have some concerns, melinda.
Melinda: [Laughs] I understand that you're not the biggest fan, mayor carver, but you and I both know that I know this job, and when I go for a conviction, I get it.
Abe: No one would ever question that you are a highly qualified prosecutor.
Melinda: Then what's the problem?
Abe: Look, when I offered you this position, kristen dimera wasn't in custody, and I never anticipated you would be prosecuting the woman--
Melinda: Who murdered my daughter?
Brady: Mm. Oh, hey. You're here.
Kristen: Sorry I woke you.
Brady: No, it's okay. I'm really glad to see you. I was afraid you might bolt in the middle of the night.
Kristen: Well, rachel and i had a little talk while you were sleeping.
Brady: Did you?
Kristen: Yeah, and even though we think her daddy is a bit optimistic on how this all is gonna play out, you do give me strength to fight for what I want. 'Cause for the first time in my life, brady... I'm not alone.
Brady: And you'll never be again. When we beat these charges, kristen--and hey, we will. We will beat them-- we'll be able to raise our daughter and live our lives in the open. No running, no hiding, no worrying, no looking over our shoulder.
Kristen: That sounds like heaven.
Brady: Well, believe it. Because with the exception of victor's statement, the authorities, they don't have one ounce of incriminating evidence against you.
Eli: We need to talk. Privately.
Lani: What's going on?
Eli: Like I told you last night, trask wants the duty list, the call logs, and the surveillance footage from the day that kristen got outta here. I was able to stall her last night, but I don't know how much longer I can put her off.
[Mischievous music]
Jake: Can I help ya?
Gwen: You and I never had the pleasure of meeting, sir. From what I understand, I think I would've liked your style. And you would've liked mine too. Especially 'cause you and I both think that abigail is a conniving bitch. Between you and me, we're going to destroy her. And you are going to have a bird's eye view of the entire thing.
Abigail: Hi, there.
Gwen: Hi.
Abigail: Having a little chat with stefano?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gwen: Uh, actually, I was-- I was just talking to myself.
Abigail: Oh, right.
Gwen: You know, as a matter of fact, that portrait's kind of creepy, isn't it? I mean, especially the eyes. If you look at them, it's like they kind of follow you, don't they?
Abigail: Oh, yeah. It is kinda like that.
Gwen: Yeah.
Abigail: I mean, it's definitely creepy.
Gwen: Yes, you should take it down.
Abigail: Take it down? No. No, no, no, no. To even suggest it would be disrespectful. I mean, chad loved his father. He was a very important figure in his life.
Gwen: Mm. Yeah, well, that must be nice now that he's got this lovely, warm relationship with your father.
Abigail: Mm. Yeah, it is. I'm so grateful for that, and, you know, my dad's not perfect, but he's definitely a kind and compassionate man. He's nothing like stefano. Mm-hmm.
Chad: Good morning.
Abigail: Good morning. Hi.
Chad: Talking about my father?
Abigail: Yeah, I was. I was just--mentioned what a unique and complicated man he was. There's never really been anyone like him.
Chad: Mm-hmm. Yup, that is very true.
Gwen: Oh, abigail, I've had harold make you a pot of the decaf mocha java for you, just over there.
Abigail: Oh, thank you. Gosh, you know, but I actually-- I gotta get ready for work, but thank you so much.
Chad: Ah, "the spectator" awaits the brilliance of mrs. Abigail dimera.
Abigail: Mm, how did they ever survive without me, huh?
[Both laugh]
Gwen: It's your first day? You must be so very excited.
Abigail: Yeah, I am, actually, and thank you so much for offering to take care of charlotte and thomas.
Gwen: Of course. It's my pleasure. They're absolute lovely angels.
Chad: Ah, she obviously hasn't had to put them down for naps yet. Or keep charlotte from attacking thomas's pancakes.
Abigail: True. But seriously, if you ever decide it's too much, just--
Gwen: No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop, really. I love children. Really, I do. And I was a babysitter when i was a teenager. So you just go and focus on your work, and I will take care of everything here at home.
Kate: What the hell? I didn't realize you were here.
Jake: Obviously. What are you snooping for in there?
Kate: Well, actually, I'm not snooping. I was missing a dress and harold told me it was probably in with your dry cleaning, so...
Jake: Oh. Let me help you out.
Kate: Oh.
Jake: Excuse me.
Kate: Oh, my god.
Jake: Oh, look at that. Found it.
Kate: Great. Fabulous. Oh. Wow. Well, that's a nice suit. I mean, especially for someone who is usually in a t-shirt and jeans.
Jake: It's stefan's suit, all right?
Kate: Stefan's suit? Why are you wearing your dead brother's suits?
Kristen: I am trying to stay positive, but trask is out for blood. She hates me, brady. And you know her reputation. She's relentless, she's ruthless...
Brady: Yes, I know, I know, I know; she's all those things, but I also know something else: That you're out on bail. Your trial isn't for a week. That means you can do whatever the hell you wanna do right now. Anything. Anything. We could take that little girl and we could--we go to the zoo, we go to the park, we could go to a pumpkin patch, I don't care. Whatever you wanna do, you name it.
Kristen: Anything I wanna do?
Brady: I know that look. You seriously--you don't wanna go to the pumpkin patch?
[Baby cooing] Oh, no. God, she's--
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: Hi, rachel.
Kristen: [Laughs] Okay.
Brady: She's up.
Kristen: Well... guess we'll have to put that idea on hold.
Brady: I guess so, yeah.
Kristen: Mm. You know, there is something important that I need to do today. And it is long overdue.
Lani: Maybe the surveillance video isn't as bad as you think.
Eli: It's already cued up. Take a look for yourself.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: Damn. It's worse than I thought.
Eli: And what if this isn't it? What if there's more? Like when I found out that you helped kristen escape, and we were butting heads out there? Trask is gonna be all over this and anything else that shows up.
Lani: Okay, eli, you are-- you are scaring me.
Eli: Lani, you should be scared. I have to turn this over to trask, and she's gonna see exactly what I saw: You helping kristen escape. Ahoyy!
Abe: Melinda, I... I'm just so sorry for your loss. You know, haley... haley was a lovely young woman, and a dedicated nurse, but kristen--kristen wasn't charged for your daughter's death because the evidence didn't warrant it.
Melinda: Mayor carver, you seem to be forgetting that that woman has terrorized the citizens of this city for years, and she's always walked away. Untouched. And yet you still defend her. Why?
Abe: No matter what you or anyone else thinks about her, she has certain rights and protections under the law.
Melinda: And I will use the full weight of that same law to bring her to justice.
Abe: For your daughter's death? Or for the charges she's currently facing?
Melinda: How dare you?
Abe: Melinda, given the depths of your personal feelings, I think it's best for everyone involved if you would recuse yourself.
Lani: What does the footage actually prove? Kristen wasn't even a suspect yet, and all I did was question her about brady's confession, and then I let her out of the station. It really is as bad as it looks, isn't it? Eli, say something.
Eli: I've already said it. Yes, it's bad. It's a nightmare. It's everything you should've anticipated and didn't, and yes, trask will definitely use it against you.
[Elevator dings]
Brady: Marlena.
Marlena: Oh, hi, brady. Hi, kristen.
Kristen: I am happy to hear that john is doing better.
Marlena: Thank you. I guess you're pretty relieved. Belle told me she was able to get you out on bail.
Kristen: Yes. I wanna make the most of it. That's why I suggested that brady bring rachel to spend some time with her grandfather.
Marlena: Oh. Wish you hadn't done that.
Jake: Look, it was gabi's idea, all right? Put a fancy suit on me to help woo collins into investing in dimera.
Kate: Gabi only knew how to play dirty, all right? She was using you.
Jake: Maybe she was using me, but you know what, miss thing? In the end, collins actually liked me.
Kate: Yeah, I know. I heard. It's probably all that business acumen that you accumulated, you know, sliding under the cars and rotating the tires, huh?
Jake: Are you always this charming? I was real. Collins and I, we connected. And I'm expecting to close the deal any day now, which is why I had the suit cleaned.
Kate: Well, the deal's already been done.
Jake: What are you talking about?
Kate: Chad took care of it.
Jake: [Chuckles] That bastard. You'd think my brother could show me some respect!
Abigail: You are such a godsend, gwen, really, and I'm sorry if we shortchanged you in any way.
Gwen: [Laughs] Yeah. That's all right. Really. When I first moved in with jake, everyone looked at me as a gold digger. I mean, girl from the wrong side of the tracks. You know. It's easy to assume the worst, isn't it?
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Chad: Well, if I can say something real quick--
Gwen: Yeah, sure, chad. Go ahead.
Chad: As much as I agree with my wife here that you shouldn't make assumptions about people, truth is, we don't really know that much about you, gwen.
Gwen: There's not much to know.
Chad: Nah, I don't think that that's true. And considering you're gonna be taking care of our children, i think now would probably be a pretty good time for you to fill us in. People everywhere living with type 2 diabetes
Gwen: Yeah, so... I didn't have many advantages growing up, but I still like to think that I'm a good person, and I always tried to--
Kate: So, thomas cannot find his backpack and charlotte has gum in her hair. Don't you think the nanny should be attending to her charges rather than chatting up her housemates?
Gwen: You know what? Yeah. You're right. I should actually be doing that, and I'm a whiz with gum, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go tend to my job now, so--
Abigail: But one second. Just to be clear, I really don't want gwen to be treated like she's a servant. While gwen's taking care of our kids, could we please just treat her like a member of our family?
Kate: That's good to know.
Abigail: Okay, so I'm gonna go ahead and go with you. I wanna say bye to the kids.
Gwen: Yep.
Chad: Hey, lady. Have a good day at work.
Abigail: I will. I love you.
Chad: I love you.
Abigail: Be good.
Kate: Ugh. Really?
[Sighs] So hiring jake's ex as a nanny. Do you really think that's smart? I mean, is she even qualified?
Chad: We were in a bind. Abby wanted to go back to work and before we could start looking for someone else, gwen offered.
Kate: Oh. Well, that's a real solid plan.
Chad: Well, at least she wants to pay her way and she's not a freeloader like jake.
Kate: Jake's your brother, okay, and he's a-- he's a little angry.
Jake: Oh, I'm a hell of a lot more than just a little angry.
Brady: Marlena, I know you've had your issues with kristen--
Marlena: No, no. It isn't always about kristen. It's about john. I don't know if brady has told you, but... john hasn't been himself since the aneurysm. And I'm just afraid that seeing you might trigger him.
Brady: That's a good point. I didn't think about that.
Kristen: Nor had I. Would it be all right if brady still takes rachel in to see him?
Marlena: Oh. You know what? I think he'd like that.
Brady: I think I'd like that too.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: Wait for me, okay?
Kristen: Yes. I will. I will. And hey.
[Laughs] You have fun visiting grandpa, okay? All right.
Brady: I'll see you soon.
Marlena: Bye, honey.
Brady: Bye.
Marlena: I'm sure you understand.
Kristen: No, I do. I do. Actually, marlena... I'm grateful I have a chance to talk with you in private. I have something important I do want to ask you.
Melinda: Recuse myself? Oh, no. Mayor, I'm a professional. No matter what my personal feelings are, I took an oath to uphold the ethical standards of the office of the district attorney, and that is exactly what I intend to do.
Abe: Well, I hope that's the case, but you know it's obvious that you have a vendetta against kristen dimera.
Melinda: Abe, if you think that I would ever let my personal feelings or my prejudices interfere with my job ever, then why the hell would you bring me back as da?
Abe: Look... there's more involved here than your personal feelings, melinda. You lost your daughter.
Melinda: But I haven't lost my integrity. Or my professionalism. Which is why I want to follow the facts. And if that exonerates kristen dimera of the attempted murder of victor kiriakis, then so be it. But if it doesn't, then she will get the punishment she deserves. Either way, justice will be served.
Lani: Eli, I... I can't go to prison.
Eli: No, you can'T. You won't, all right? I'm not gonna let that happen. Why don't we just tell your dad the truth? All right, let's just tell him that you helped kristen escape.
Lani: Mm-mm. No. I don't wanna get him involved in this. He's gonna be so disappointed and so heartbroken that I lied to him, that I helped kristen escape, and he's gonna think that he has to resign because he is so honorable and his daughter is a dirty cop. And now I will be in trask's line of fire when she sees this footage. Unless...
Eli: Unless what?
Lani: Unless she never sees it.
If you have postmenopausal
Jake: The collins deal. What the hell?
Chad: I told you I was gonna handle it, and I did. Deal's done. Go away.
Jake: You could've at least given me a chance. Dimera's a family company, and i deserve as much of a chance as you do to make my mark.
Chad: You deserve nothing! You're lucky I don't kick you out of the house. I sure as hell ain't working with you. You ready?
[Dramatic music]
Eli: Honey, what are you talking about? I already told you, I stalled trask for the night, and she made it very clear she wants all of this surveillance footage this morning.
Lani: And there is plenty of footage for her to see. Just maybe not specifically the one where I am leading kristen out of the station.
Eli: What are you saying? You want me to delete it?
Abe: If you won't recuse yourself, I'd like to suggest a compromise. Instead of you trying the case, let one of your adas do it.
Melinda: [Laughs] Okay, even if I agreed to that, which I'm not saying I will...
[Laughs] I would still be leading the investigation. Gathering evidence.
Abe: Would you at least consider it?
Melinda: This case has been grossly mishandled from the beginning, and as mayor, I think it'd be in your best interest if this time, we got it right.
Kristen: I'm sure you were hoping never to see me again.
Marlena: I know how much you and the baby mean to brady. I also know that you jeopardized his future.
Kristen: Please know that i didn't ask brady to take the blame for what I did to victor. I will take responsibility for what I did and accept the consequences if I am found guilty.
Marlena: Brady seems to think that you'll be acquitted.
Kristen: Well, he is noble and optimistic. How can I not love your stepson? He is so sure that everything is gonna go our way. Who knows? Maybe there is a picket fence in our future. And I love him even more for that. But the reality is, is that I've done something that I could be punished for, and if I am, that means prison, and that means that brady will have to raise our daughter alone. And he is such a wonderful father... but a little girl needs a woman-- a woman in her life to help her, to guide her. So what I'm asking you is, if I do go to prison, would you help raise rachel? These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Marlena: Wow. Help raise rachel? I--I didn't see that coming.
Kristen: It would mean everything to me if you were there for brady and... and my little girl. I mean, after all, you were there from the very beginning.
Marlena: Yeah, I think we were the first people you told.
Kristen: Marlena, I will understand whatever you decide. But just know that I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking for rachel.
Abe: You know, the optics of this case and your obvious conflicts of interest, it's all very troubling, melinda.
Melinda: Then let me put your mind at ease. Again, I will do my job. I will follow the facts and the evidence wherever they may lead.
Abe: That's all I can ask. You know, in a town this small, where everybody knows everyone and personal feelings kind of bump up against everything... I'm sure you know that my daughter lani is good friends with kristen.
Melinda: Lani and kristen are friends? I had no idea.
Lani: I love you so much. And I have already put you in a horrible position by helping kristen. And I don't wanna do that to you again. Okay? So maybe you should just go to your desk.
Eli: I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what you're thinking.
Lani: Okay. Well, what if while you are hard at work at your desk, the footage is... accidentally deleted? And then your hands are clean, eli, and you won't have to lie. The problem will just go away.
Jake: Thought you'd be at work.
Abigail: My car won't start.
Jake: Want me to take a look?
Abigail: I don't need your help.
Jake: Ouch. Did I do something to upset you?
Abigail: You wanted me to believe that there was more to gwen kissing my husband than there actually was when, really, she was just trying to make you jealous.
Jake: Guilty as charged. I was just trying to stir up trouble for chad and wasn't fair to you in the process, so I'm sorry.
Abigail: Wow. You admit it and you apologize.
Jake: Well, yeah. I was an ass. Most of the time, I'm a pretty decent guy, despite what your husband believes. So yeah, I screw up, I own it. Apology accepted?
Abigail: Okay.
Jake: Good. Now let me give you some advice. Watch out for gwen. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Kate: Did you really have to go off on jake like that?
Chad: He's proven he has zero loyalty.
Kate: What? He was in over his head with gabi. I think he realizes that now.
Chad: I don't care. After what he pulled, there's no way in hell he'll have anything to do with dimera.
Kate: Hmm...
Chad: What? What's that look?
Kate: What's that look? I think that it's not jake, really. I think it's the fact-- I think the fact that he gets under your skin because he looks like the man that slept with your wife.
Abigail: "Watch out for gwen." Because she kissed chad? But she apologized.
Jake: She didn't mean it. The apology, that is.
Abigail: And you know that because...
Jake: Because I know gwen.
Abigail: Yeah, well, you also dumped her after you cheated on her with gabi, so, you know, back to what a decent guy you are.
Jake: I didn't say I was perfect, okay? I just thought that you should know gwen doesn't do anything that doesn't help gwen.
Abigail: I don't know. I don't know, because, you know, offering to take care of my kids so I could go back to work seemed pretty generous.
Jake: Maybe she thought you'd send her packing otherwise.
Abigail: She and I had a pretty rough start, but she's putting forth a lot of effort, so I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt.
Jake: [Chuckles] I wish your husband could take a page and give me the benefit of the doubt.
Abigail: You worked with gabi against him.
Jake: I had no idea what i was walking into. Not a clue. But bottom line, that whole collins deal happened because of me.
Abigail: Mm. So you think you deserve a seat at the table.
Jake: I just want my brother to appreciate me for what I've done, to give me a chance, but the guy hates me. It's like every time I walk into a room, he wants to punch me.
Abigail: Well, he and stefan had a very, um... complicated relationship. When he looks at you, he sees everything that he hated about his brother.
Jake: Oh. So me and this face, we don't stand a chance, huh?
Abigail: You will have to prove yourself. And preferably by trying not to screw chad over this time.
Jake: Just wanna be a real part of this family, abigail.
Abigail: Well, good luck with that.
[Phone beeps]
Jake: Hey, look, I know this is a lot to ask, and i completely understand if the answer is no, but... is there any way you could go to bat for me with chad? Tell him I'm not the enemy?
Marlena: Do you remember... before you went into labor, you came by the apartment and... I told you then that I hope being with brady and having a child... I hoped it would change you. And I didn't have a lot of high hopes for that, but I actually think that it has.
Kristen: Yeah. They've given me the love that i never thought I deserved. And I hope I can be worthy of the both of them.
Marlena: Well, whatever happens, if you--if you end up going to prison, I'll keep an eye on your daughter.
Kristen: [Laughs] Thank you. Thank you so much.
Marlena: Oh, goll.
Kristen: [Breathes deeply]
Brady: Did I miss something?
Marlena: Oh. Um...oh. Well, no, not exactly. We were just... saying how much we love you and your daughter.
Kristen: Yeah. How was rachel's time with her grandfather?
Brady: Oh, it was good. No, he very much enjoyed his one-on-one time with this little angel here. The only reason we left is, I didn't wanna tire him out too much.
Marlena: Thank you for that.
Brady: Sure. But what do you say we take her for a little stroll around the park and get some lunch? Sound good?
Kristen: Yeah, sounds great.
Marlena: And good luck with your trial.
Kristen: Thank you, marlena. I'll need it.
Marlena: I'm gonna go see your dad.
Brady: Okay. Will you keep me--keep me posted on his condition, okay?
Marlena: Oh. I will. And if you need a babysitter, I'm your first call.
Brady: Okay.
Kristen: [Mouths "thank you"]
Brady: Wow. Wow.
Abe: I assumed you knew.
Melinda: It's not a friendship I would've predicted.
Abe: Well, they met in italy, and kristen was there when lani really needed a friend.
Melinda: Interesting.
Abe: Look, the point is, I would like you and lani both to keep your personal feelings out of this case.
Melinda: You have my word.
[Clears throat] Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to check in with detective grant about some evidence I asked him for.
Abe: Take care.
Melinda: Mm.
Eli: So that's your answer? Destroy the evidence?
Lani: [Scoffs] Eli, if it was just about me, i would be ready to accept whatever is gonna happen, but i cannot go to prison. Not now. Not with the babies coming. I have to protect them, eli, and I have to figure out some way out of this.
Eli: Enough of this "I" talk. "I have to." Lani, we're in this together. All right? We'll figure it out and we'll do whatever we need to. We'll face whatever comes.
Lani: I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
[Cell phone ringing]
Eli: Hey, I gotta take this. It's the mitchell case. I will be right back. Detective grant.
Chad: Stefan didn't sleep with abigail. He raped her. When she wasn't in her right mind.
Kate: Okay. I know how painful that situation still is for you, i really do, but that was stefan, not jake.
Chad: Are you defending him?
Kate: No, of course I'm not defending them. I'm just saying that they are two completely different people. I mean, jake has this kinda, you know, "man of the people" vibe that's actually kind of appealing.
Chad: To who?
Kate: To collins. Maybe you should use him for your advantage.
Chad: I don't trust him.
Kate: Okay. What about if I keep an eye on him for you?
Chad: Really?
Kate: Yes, really. I'm sure you know that I would do anything to help you, right? Yes, even if it means spending time with jake.
Abigail: I can try to talk to chad. He is very stubborn, and the history with stefan's very, very ugly, so I don't know how much good it would do.
Jake: But you're willing to try. That means a lot.
Abigail: I'm not gonna promise anything.
Jake: Understood.
Abigail: Okay, well, I'm gonna go to work, so I need to call a driver.
Jake: Or I could fix your car for you. I mean, if it's something small, it'll only take me a couple of minutes. That way, you can drive yourself to work, if you prefer.
Abigail: I do, actually. Yes, I do.
Jake: Great. Let's go have a look.
Abigail: Great; thank you very much.
[Shady music]
Gwen: Well, your daughter-in-law is certainly trusting, isn't she? Now she and jake are practically best friends. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I bet you are. Now I just have to figure out how to do it.
Kristen: [Laughs]
Brady: Look at that. She is totally knocked out. Completely.
Kristen: Completely.
[Laughs] It's probably from all those selfies you took with her grandfather.
Brady: Oh, speaking of pictures and selfies, I wish i had a camera to capture that hug between you and marlena. That was something I thought i would never see in my lifetime. You wanna tell me how that happened?
Kristen: [Laughs] Well, it's like marlena said. We both love you and rachel.
Brady: And I love you. I love you with all my heart.
Eli: I'll get back to you as soon as I know something.
Melinda: Detective grant. I hope you have that evidence i requested yesterday.
Eli: Yeah. Here it is. A list of everyone that was on duty the day that victor accused kristen and she walked outta here.
Melinda: And the footage i asked for?
Lani: It's right here.
[Dramatic music]
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