Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/30/20
Episode #13865 ~ Sarah lays into Xander for his role in Philip's arrest; Belle comes to Philip's aid; Kristen tells Brady they need to flee Salem; Ben and Hope track down Vincent.
Provided By Suzanne
[Door lock chimes]Kristen: [Sighs] Oh, my god, it's so good to be back here. Thank you so, so much, belle. Oh, sorry.
Belle: [Sighs]
Kristen: Um, look, it was just short of a miracle, you convincing that judge to grant me bail.
Belle: Well, I didn't do it for you; I did it for brady.
Kristen: Yeah, I know that. But we're both mothers, and you gave me a chance to be with my little girl again, and I can't thank you enough. I'll always be grateful.
Brady: Look who I got.
Kristen: Hi, honey. Hi. I'm gonna--oh, my goodness. Mommy missed you.
[Both chuckle] Hey.
Jan: Okay, so you know how we bonded about how everyone judges us based on our past? How they only see the bad things we've done instead of how we're trying to heal and make amends?
Claire: Yeah.
Jan: Well, you understand that change like that is possible, but your parents don't, at least not with me. So they'll probably tell you that I went to the police station because I'm stalking shawn.
Claire: Are you?
Jan: No. I swear, I was there for a legitimate reason. I was making sure justice is served.
Claire: Okay, so what is this legitimate reason you were at the police station? What did you do, jan?
Jan: I swear to you, claire, I wasn't the perpetrator of this crime. I was the victim.
Philip: This is a damn joke.
Shawn: Wow, you just won't shut up, will you? You keep this up, I'm also gonna charge you with resisting arrest.
Philip: You've finally lost your mind, shawn... what's left of it.
Shawn: Just doing my job.
Philip: The hell you are. This is personal. I'm not gonna let you get away with it.
Hope: Shawn, it's me. I just want you to know I'm closing in on vincent. I can feel it, honey. I'm close. I know I am. I'm gonna find out what happened to your sister. I'll keep you posted. I love you. I'll talk to you soon, all right?
[Dramatic music]
Don't move! Ben?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kristen: Oh.
[Both chuckling]
Brady: She likes-- that's her favorite.
Kristen: That is her favorite. Mommy misses you so, so much.
Brady: Abe was watching her, and I think he was actually sad to see her go.
Kristen: Yeah? Yeah, well, 'cause that's because everyone who sees you falls instantly in love with you.
[Chuckles] Oh, my god, I can't believe this is happening.
Belle: [Chuckles]
Kristen: Thank you. Thank you so much, belle.
Belle: Yeah. All right, enjoy your little girl. I'm gonna go.
Brady: I'll walk you out. Thank you. I know this was not one of the things that you wanted to do, but you fought for kristen and you fought for rachel, and I owe you big-time.
Belle: Mm-hmm. Just try and stay out of trouble, at least until her court date.
Brady: I will. I promise you.
[Both chuckle]
Kristen: [Gasps] Oh!
Philip: Why the hell am I the one arrested? Do I have to remind you about what jan did to us in new york? How she kidnapped you and tried to kill us all?
Shawn: Believe me, I remember.
Philip: So why in god's name are you on her side?
Shawn: On her side? The mention of her name makes me sick, philip. In a perfect world, I'd want her to spend the rest of her life in prison, but I'm not stupid enough to lay hands on her.
Philip: But you are stupid enough to arrest me when all i was doing was trying to protect your wife and daughter.
Shawn: How about this? From now on, you leave that to me.
Claire: You were the victim of a crime?
Jan: Yes. My life was threatened and I was assaulted. It was pretty scary.
Claire: I am so sorry that i jumped to the wrong conclusion.
Jan: No worries. I'm used to being blamed for things I didn't do.
Claire: Hey, but I should know better. You were assaulted? What happened?
Jan: It doesn't matter. The point is, someone suggested it's time I finally stand up for my rights, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I've gone too long letting other people push me around.
Xander: I didn't want to have that conversation downstairs, not within earshot of victor and maggie, you know?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Well, I guess that answers my question.
Xander: What question?
Sarah: You did have something to do with it, with jan spears having philip arrested?
Jan: [Sighs] See, when you're someone like me, people think they can take advantage because they know no one'll ever believe my side of the story. No matter what I do, everyone thinks I'm crazy and that I'm always manipulating someone.
Claire: Yeah. I totally know what that's like. Ever since I got out of bayview, people have been looking at me the exact same way.
Jan: I'm glad I finally found someone who can relate. It's too bad the two of us can't be friends.
Claire: Jan, I--
Jan: No, I--I get it. I mean, your parents have good reason to be suspicious of me, given our history.
Claire: Well, I don't judge you.
Jan: And that means a lot. But I know how this is gonna go when they hear about what happened to me. I mean, I bet that they would view this totally innocent conversation as part of some nefarious master plan, right?
Claire: Probably.
Belle: Hey! What are you doing with my daughter? When migraine strikes,
Hope: I thought you were still in the hospital.
Ben: I just got released. But when I got home, claire was there, and she said that you went after vincent, so I came looking for you. But she also said that you think ciara might still be alive.
Hope: I do.
Philip: Leave it to you? How the hell were you supposed to protect your wife and daughter when you weren't there? What, was I supposed to wait for you to show up, ignore the fact that jan spears is a clear and present danger to every single one of us?
Shawn: How about you exercise your right to be silent and shut the hell up so I can finish your arrest report and I can go back to my family?
Belle: I thought I made myself perfectly clear that you were to stay away from my daughter.
Jan: I can explain that--
Belle: And I am pretty sure that philip warned you about that too.
Jan: Belle, I'd be careful about what you say next.
Belle: Oh, you'd be careful?
Jan: I'm just saying, if you're about to threaten me like philip did, the two of you might just share a cell together.
Belle: What the hell are you talking about?
Jan: I reported philip for assault.
Belle: What?
Claire: It was philip?
Jan: Yeah, he put his hands all over me.
Claire: Did he hurt you?
Belle: [Chuckles] Claire, do not buy into this. Only a total idiot would believe anything that came out of that woman's mouth.
Jan: Well, then you're with a total idiot, because shawn's the one who went to question philip about what he did.
Sarah: So the business call you took while I was in the shower, it was jan?
Xander: It was, but--
Sarah: Damn it, xander! You lied to me.
Xander: Sarah, will you just calm down for a second?
Sarah: No, I will not calm down, not when you encouraged that bitch to have philip arrested only because you want to run titan by yourself.
Xander: Sarah, you got it all wrong. All I did was suggest to jan that maybe she should stick up for herself. I mean, philip's a hothead and a bully and he deserves to face the consequences of his actions for a change.
Sarah: Mm-hmm. And we all know how much you hate hotheads.
Xander: Look, jan called me. All I did was offer her the support she needed to do the right thing.
Sarah: Uh-huh. And what is the right thing, xander?
Xander: Well, that's up to the criminal justice system now. We just need to step aside and allow it to run its course.
Sarah: [Sighs]
Kristen: Wow.
[Chuckles] She went right to sleep, our little sweetheart.
Brady: Yeah, she did. I think abe tired her out.
Kristen: [Sighs] Okay.
Brady: Hmm?
Kristen: We need to pack up our things and get out of salem tonight.
Brady: What?
Kristen: Yes. We have to leave town now, brady.
Brady: Wait, you're talking about skipping bail?
Kristen: Yeah, exactly. These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Hope: We have a photo of ciara in the car at the toll booth, but that was 30 minutes before we cornered vincent at the airstrip. A lot can happen in 30 minutes.
Ben: And vincent's the only one who knows the truth.
Hope: Exactly. I tracked him to this town. It's the last stop on a bus he was seen boarding.
Ben: A bus? Why would he be on a bus?
Hope: Well, if I had to guess, any cash he had for his getaway probably burned up in the car when it exploded. Listen, a man matching his description used a stolen credit card to buy groceries at a local market about a half mile from here.
Ben: Which means if he uses it again, we can catch him.
Hope: That's the plan. You and I haven't talked since that night.
Ben: No.
Hope: When shawn and I went chasing after vincent before the explosion... ben, is there anything that you remember that might indicate if ciara was or wasn't in the car?
[Tires screeching]
[Siren wailing]
Hope: Vincent belman, step out of the vehicle with your hands up!
Shawn: Drop your weapon now! Nice and slow.
[Gun scrapes]
Ben: Where is she? Where's ciara?
Hope: On the ground. Move!
Shawn: Damn it.
Hope: Ugh! Stop!
Ben: Ciara. Ciara? Ciara?
[Explosion booms]
[Tense music]
[Coughing] Ciara!
No. Hope, I didn't see anything. I just saw smoke and flames. But I never saw her body. I never heard her voice.
Hope: Then there's still hope.
Kristen: Brady.
Brady: Should've known.
Kristen: I can have the dimera jet gassed up and ready to go in less than an hour. We can be in europe by morning.
Brady: No. Will you stop talking like this?
Kristen: Why should I stop? Why? Why should I stop, hmm? I'm not gonna waste another chance to stay out of prison.
[Scoffs] God, this is--this is-- this is just temporary.
Brady: No, unless it's not, unless we beat the charges.
Kristen: Okay. Trask wants to see me in prison forever, and I can't risk that. I can't risk losing her again.
Brady: What are we gonna do? You just want to run?
Kristen: I did itef bore. I mean, they would never have caught me if I didn't come back. Hey, listen. I'm gonna take rachel and we are gonna... get as far away from this town--
Brady: No, we're not. No, you're not. Listen to me. Listen to me. I can't let you do that.
Belle: You called the police on philip?
Jan: He threatened my life. Not that I'm looking for him to be locked away. Honestly, I'm not.
[Sighs] But I just want to feel safe.
Belle: [Scoffs]
Jan: Hopefully, he can find a good lawyer to help get him out of this mess. Maybe you know one?
Belle: I am so done with you. Claire, let's go.
Claire: Mom, no.
Belle: Now.
Sarah: No offense, but your story doesn't hold up.
Xander: Okay, look. I may have suggested to jan that she file a complaint against philip.
Sarah: Oh, you may have?
Xander: And I don't deny that I want him out of the company.
Sarah: Well, what an honorable way to do it, by having him arrested.
Xander: You're the one who told me you want me to go for it at titan. You want me to get everything that I've worked so hard for.
Sarah: Yeah. But not like this, xander. Philip is family, and he has had a tough life, so if you could just try and put your differences aside and get along. I mean, wouldn't that be a more dignified way to go about it than if you just tried to treat philip, who is your cousin, with even a modicum of respect?
Xander: So I have to treat him with respect while he treats me like I'm still the bloody gardener?
Sarah: Yeah, actually, you do. It's called taking the high road. It's called not being childishly vindictive and/or spiteful. It's called being mature, xander. Well? Say something.
Xander: Well, I'm a little flustered, to be honest, being scolded like this, especially by you.
Sarah: Oh, poor, sweet baby. Did I hurt your feelings? I mean, gee, especially when you went back on your word to me.
Xander: I don't enjoy being talked to like I'm a child, sarah, and I don't really need a lecture on how to live my life, thanks.
Sarah: Oh, well, I completely disagree. I do think that you need to be lectured. Otherwise, you'll continue to demean yourself by trying to ruin philip in any way possible just so you can run titan all by yourself. Do you know what? This conversation is over because frankly, I'm afraid I'm gonna say something that I might regret.
Xander: Oh, I'm so sorry. What's the thing that you're afraid you might say that you'll regret? Is it--
[Scoffs] Is it that you now want philip to start running titan 'cause I disappointed you so much that you no longer feel that your loyalty is to me?
Sarah: What are you talking about? That's crazy.
Xander: Why is it crazy? Sarah...
[Scoffs] Honestly, I thought you'd be supportive of me. I thought you'd try and see things from my point of view, but instead you're going on and on about how disrespectful I'm being to poor, wee philip. So my burning question is, why are you being so protective of him?
Philip: So what is this really about?
Shawn: As if you don't know. You put your hands on jan spears and you threatened her life.
[Dramatic music]
Philip: You sure this isn't about your jealousy clouding your mind? You sure this isn't about you coming home to find belle in my arms the other night?
Shawn: I just want to get this over with. I'm gonna process you, and then we're gonna move on.
Philip: You really are gonna go through with this charade of arresting me?
Shawn: See, you confessed to assaulting jan spears and she filed a formal complaint. Oh, and for the record, me finding belle in your arms-- it only upset me because you're a devious swine who wants to get in between the two of us. Well, our relationship is solid. We are committed to each other and we have never loved each other more. And I'm 100% certain that she doesn't want anything to do with you.
Belle: I heard what happened to philip. So I'm here to represent him.
Sarah: I am not protecting philip; I'm protecting you, you idiot!
Xander: I hardly need protection from jan spears.
Sarah: Oh, my god. Have you not heard a word I've said? It's not about jan spears or even philip, for that matter. It's about you falling back into old habits, habits that got you in trouble before, like ruthlessness and vindictiveness. And look, I get it. I know that people in town here and, hell, all over the world think that those are qualities that help you succeed, but I would much rather watch you fail miserably in business than know that you got there by being underhanded and amoral.
Xander: Okay. Good to know. Point taken. Now I know where you stand.
Sarah: Wow. Now? Now you know where I stand, like this is the first time that we've ever had this conversation before. This is where I have stood since we have gotten together. Xander, I need you to care. I need you to care passionately about being a decent person and not about being like your uncle, who is corrupt and greedy and power-hungry.
Xander: But you worry needlessly, sarah. I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have.
Sarah: But I'm not so sure of that. I need you to hear me. I need you to know that if you do go back to your old ways, if you go back to being a man who lies and cheats or, for example, switches a mother's baby with another one, I will not put up with it ever again. It will be over between us.
Rachel: [Fussing]
Brady: Kristen. Kristen, you can't leave. If you go, you can never come back. You'll be a fugitive again. Yeah, but it's better than... being locked up in a cage away from our daughter. And I-- I promised our little girl that I would never leave her again.
Brady: All hell is gonna break loose if you go.
Kristen: Are you worried that belle's gonna get in trouble if I leave town?
Brady: No, no, my sister can take care of herself. I'm worried about us, worried about her, and I'm worried about you.
Belle: I will be doing all of the talking for philip from now on.
Shawn: Wow. Word travels fast. I just brought him in.
Belle: Jan told us that she reported him.
Shawn: You saw jan?
Belle: Mm-hmm, yeah. She was trying to get her hooks into our daughter again.
Claire: We were just talking. I--
Belle: Maybe you can lecture some sense into her while I go and confer with my client.
Shawn: He's all yours.
Philip: After you, counselor.
[Tense music]
Claire: I don't need a lecture, dad.
Shawn: Actually, you do. Sit down.
Claire: [Scoffs]
Shawn: We have been over this, but somehow, you just seem to not understand that jan spears is a sick woman and you need to stay the hell away from her.
[Melancholy music]
Hope: What? Why are you looking at me like that?
Ben: You fold your slice the exact same way as ciara.
Hope: Well, it keeps the cheese from falling off and grease and-- I taught her when she was a little girl how to do this.
Ben: [Chuckles softly] She got a lot of things from you.
Hope: I hope a lot more than folding a slice of pizza.
Ben: The way you tilt your head to one side when you laugh. The way you tap your fingers when you're restless. And you're both fearless.
Hope: She gets that from her dad.
Ben: Maybe. Hope, I have seen firsthand just how hard you fight for the people you love, just like ciara fought for me. I was a dead man walking, and she never gave up on me. That's why, just like you, I will never give up on her.
My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Brady: Sit. Listen. Life on the run, it's horrible. It's a horrible existence. Trust me. You wake up every morning wondering if today is the day you're going to get caught. Never being able to relax, never being able to trust. I don't want that life for you or her.
Kristen: Neither do I.
Brady: I want to be able to raise our little girl without having to constantly look over our shoulder. I want to be able to wake up with you and not have to wonder if I'm gonna lose you again. Kristen, say--say yes. Please tell me that you will stay and we will fight this thing together.
[Soft dramatic music]
Xander: Sarah, you are the most important thing in my life, and... god, I hate it when i disappoint you in any way.
Sarah: Then why don't you think before you behave in ways that make me question whether or not you are fully committed to trying to be better? Xander, you promised me that you would never deceive me again and that you would try your hardest to lead a good and honorable life.
Xander: And I intend to keep that promise. Yes, I'm ambitious and... sometimes that ambition makes me a bit, you know, ruthless. But... my main ambition in life is making you happy, sarah. Every other ambition pales in comparison.
Sarah: Okay, well, then... what would you say if I told you that you have to let philip run titan and that you have to give up all of your ceo ambitions and spend your days completely devoted to doting on your significant other? Would you do it?
Xander: Well, I'd do that in a heartbeat. The only thing in this whole world that I won't give up is you. I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry... if the way I've been behaving recently had made you think less of me. I love you so much, sarah. All I can do is beg your forgiveness and promise to do better in the future, 'cause my priority is making you happy. It's my main ambition in life.
Sarah: I want to make you happy too... because I am so hopelessly in love with you, xander. And I'm in love with a man who wants to be better for me out of love for me, so... I'm not gonna let that guy go, not without a fight.
Claire: You seem confused, dad. Isn't jan the victim here?
Shawn: Jan spears is a pathological liar. My god, claire, why would you believe anything that she says?
Claire: Philip threatened her. He put his hands on her. If you didn't believe it, then why did you arrest him?
Philip: I can't believe shawn actually arrested me.
Belle: Well, jan reported you. He had to do his job.
Philip: Let's be honest, belle. This isn't about the law. It's about your husband still hating me.
Claire: Are you saying that jan somehow asked to be assaulted? Because that would be victim blaming, and victim blaming is both misogynistic and gross.
Shawn: Claire, you don't understand how this woman can manipulate and change the facts and it-- look, claire. I know that you think that you and jan came from similar situations, but you're better now. She isn'T. You have a good heart. She doesn'T. She is vicious and she's dangerous, and you are not safe being around her.
Claire: I don't want to argue about this anymore.
Shawn: So does that mean that you understand?
Claire: No, it means that I have more important things to worry about.
Shawn: I know you have your hands full preparing for ciara's memorial.
Claire: Yeah. Unless ben and grandma hope can bring her home to us.
[Cell phone rings]
Ben: How long can we just sit around here and wait, hope? We got to go after vincent.
Hope: Brady. Got it. Thanks. Vincent just used the stolen credit card again. I know exactly where he is. Let's go. Is that for me?
Brady: Kristen, look at me. Look at me.
Kristen: [Breathes deeply]
Brady: I know that the idea of staying here and facing these charges is scary. Hey, I'm scared. But I also believe that this is really our only shot at having a normal life, to be a family.
Kristen: Okay. So if I, um... if I don't stay, if I choose to run--
Brady: If you-- god, kristen, if you run, I'm going with you. I can't-- can't handle another goodbye like the one we had in paris on that platform at the train station. I'm not going through that again. I can't do it.
[Soft dramatic music]
Kristen: You-- you have given me so much and done so much for me.
Brady: Well, I love you.
Kristen: [Chuckles]
Brady: I love our little girl, and I'm not gonna be without either of you ever again. But the call is yours. What do you want to do?
Xander: I never want to be any other man than the one you love.
Sarah: I'm very glad to hear that.
Xander: [Chuckles] I'm gonna make this right.
Sarah: Who you calling? The police?
[Line ringing]
Xander: Philip is victor's son. It's time to do the right thing. After all, he is family.
[Cell phone ringing]
Jan: What do you want?
[Cell phone beeps] Don't worry, xander. I'll make sure philip gets what's coming to him.
Belle: How shawn feels about you in all of this is completely irrelevant.
Philip: Tell him that.
Belle: Philip, jan is targeting us again. We need to stick together. This is no different than it was in high school. She will do whatever it takes to divide and conquer.
Philip: Well, it seems to be working.
Belle: Okay. You saw what she did at the last blast reunion in new york. Jan is still a threat to us, and right now, she is trying to get to us through my daughter.
[Tense music]
Claire: [Gasps] What are you doing here?
Jan: I have something for you, claire.
Shawn: Hey, mom. I'm, uh--I'm sorry that I missed your call. I, uh--I know that you're out there trying to find the truth about ciara. I just, uh-- I just want to make sure that you're being careful.
Hope: Hands up, belman. I have some questions for you.
Vincent: Ben, you will let me go.
Ben: I'm sorry to inform you you no longer have control of my mind.
Hope: Where's my daughter? Is she alive? Tell me!
Brady: Kristen. Hey.
Kristen: Well... we both know that I'm not one to run from a fight. And the fact that you and I are together after all that happened, it's a miracle.
Brady: Sure as hell is.
Kristen: [Chuckles]
[Inhales deeply] I guess--oh.
[Chuckles] I guess I'm gonna have to have faith that it's all gonna work out in the end, right?
Brady: That means you're gonna stay, right? Yeah?
Kristen: It means we're staying.
Brady: Yeah?
Kristen: Yes.
Brady: Gonna stay.
Kristen: [Chuckles]
Brady: It'll be all right.
[Tender music]
Xander: There you have it. I left a message with jan strongly suggesting that she drop the charges against philip.
Sarah: You did the right thing.
Xander: Anything for you.
Sarah: Yeah, but I want you to want to be a better person. You can't just want to be a better person for me, you know?
Xander: Yeah, I do know. It's for myself too. I... like myself even better when I'm not being a total snake.
Sarah: Oh, good.
Xander: And I'm enjoying all the benefits of being a stand-up guy.
Sarah: Mm-hmm?
Xander: Beyond pleasing my beloved and keeping you happy, I'm sleeping better, I'm considerably less stressed, and I'm digesting food more efficiently.
[Both chuckle]
Sarah: Oh, good. That's great. Especially if those things are gonna motivate you to be a perfect person from now on.
Xander: Indeed they will.
Sarah: So does that mean that you are going to steer clear of jan?
Xander: Yes. Our business is done.
Sarah: Good. Because, like I told you, you don't have to fight dirty to beat philip. You are smart and loyal, and victor will see that you are the right man for the job. I'm very confident that the man that I love will end up on top.
Xander: That sounds good to me.
[Both chuckle]
Belle: Okay. Hang tight. I'm gonna go see about getting your bail set.
Philip: Thanks. Belle. I know this isn't easy for you. It's making things a little messy for you and shawn.
Belle: It'll be fine.
[Suspenseful music]
Shawn: Hey, you, uh, ready to head out for dinner?
Belle: Dinner?
Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, we have a reservation at the new sushi restaurant.
Belle: Oh, right. Um, well, I'm supposed to go down to the courthouse to arrange philip's release.
Shawn: Now?
Belle: Well, I don't want him to spend the night in jail.
Shawn: Okay, fine.
Belle: Okay. Why don't you keep our dinner reservation?
Shawn: Okay, and, what, have dinner alone?
Belle: No, but I'll be there for dessert.
Shawn: How about don't worry about it? I'm just gonna go stop by a drive-through. Take care of philip, okay?
Belle: Shawn.
[Dramatic music]
Jan: I hope you don't mind me letting myself in. The door was unlocked. I tried knocking.
Claire: I didn't hear you.
Jan: You really have to be more careful, claire. Anyone could just come in here. Anyway, here. You must've dropped this in the square when your mother dragged you away. I know how much ciara meant to you.
Claire: Thank you.
Jan: It's my pleasure. I'll let myself out.
Hope: Talk. Was ciara in the car when it exploded?
Ben: Did you let her go, vincent? Or did you lock her up somewhere?
Hope: Is she alive? Is my daughter alive? Tell me!
Vincent: I refuse to answer any questions without an attorney present.
Hope: You-- you son of a bitch. Turn him around.
Vincent: Aren't you gonna read me my rights?
Hope: I'll do that in the car. Let's go.
Ben: We're gonna get answers out of you one way or another, you bastard.
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