Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 9/29/20
Episode #13864 ~ Philip's welcome home dinner takes a surprising turn; Jan files a complaint with Shawn; Steve questions Tripp's involvement with Allie; Allie confides in Nicole about meeting Tripp in London.
Provided By Suzanne
Shawn: No, galloway, stay on the scene--I dispatched another unit. They should be there any minute.[Phone beeps] Granddad...what, uh, what are you doing here?
Victor: Well, I could ask you the same question. Don't you live in hong kong?
Shawn: I've come back to the salem pd. At least...for the time being.
Victor: Oh, good. I'm sure that'll be very useful to your mother. Speaking of which, is she around? I need to talk to her.
Shano. She's, uh, she's out trying to track down vincent belman.
Victor: Good. Hope she finds him and puts him away for a long time. Better yet, kills him. He deserves that after murdering ciara.
Shawn: mom thinks there's a chance that ciara might still be alive.
Maggie: Well, there's been so much sadness lately, I-I wanted to make tonight's dinner special... so it's your official welcome home party.
Philip: Thanks, maggie. I'm touched.
Maggie: Good.
Philip: So who else made the guest list?
Maggie: Uh, it's a very exclusive group. It's, uh, victor and me and you and sarah and xander. I mean, you and xander have just been named co-ceos of titan. That's a very important partnership. So please tell's off to a good start.
Philip: We talkin' physical violence, cook?
Xander: The name is kiriakis. And if you're planning to muscle me out of this office and my share of the title, then, yeah. You're gonna have a fight on your hands.
Philip: What are you gonna do, you gonna tattle to my father that I moved your lucky pen?
Xander: I don't need my uncle for this. I can handle you by myself.
Philip: You're not getting me out of this chair.
Xander: Well, I don't need to get you out of the chair.
Philip: What the hell are you doing?
Xander: Relax and enjoy the ride, mate.
Philip: Let's just say our partnership is... more like a match made in hell.
Sarah: My mom has put a ton into this dinner, so as much as I would very much like to stay in bed and cuddle and watch movies...we need to shower and get downstairs.
Xander: We could shower together...
Sarah: Mmm, I like the sound of that.
[Phone rings]
Xander: Unknown number.
Sarah: Ignore it.
Xander: Ah, sometimes I get work calls from numbers I don't recognize. I should take it.
[Phone beeps] Hello?
Jan: Xander kiriakis?
Xander: Yeah, who's this?
Jan: Jan spears. I think we need to talk.
Allie: Tripp dalton? Should I know who that is?
Nicole: It's steve johnson's son.
Allie: Wait. So you're saying that tripp's father is my uncle steve?
Nicole: Well, technically, steve is your great-uncle by marriage... which means that he's not a blood relative, which is a damn good thing, considering you just told me that steve's son tripp is henry's father.
Tripp: Allie horton, as in like horton horton.
Steve: Yeah. She's john's granddaughter. She was living in london last year till she came back to salem... to have her baby.
Tripp: Her baby.
Steve: Uh-huh.
Tripp: Wow.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: Who is it? You had better tell me that you don't know who that is.
Xander: No, we just met.
Sarah: Oh, okay. Well, then in that case, let me do the honors. Xander, this is jan spears. Hi, jan, long time no see. Tried to blow anyone up yet?
Xander: That jan spears?
Sarah: Yeah, that jan spears. The one that tried to kill your uncle victor.
Jan: Okay. That wasn't my idea. Nicole walker put me up to it.
Xander: You tried to kill my uncle.
Sarah: No, she thought the radio needed a soak--of course she tried to kill your uncle! And she hasn't stopped trying to kill people ever since. So...why don't you and I get the hell out of here?
Xander: Uh, it's a work call. You go ahead--I'll jump in when I can.
Sarah: You'd better.
Xander: [Chuckles] Why are you calling me?
Jan: It's in reference to the convo we had in the square the other day?
Xander: Yeah, what about it?
Jan: When you heard your cousin philip threaten to kill me, you said I should report it to the police. I've, uh, given it some thought, and I've come to believe you're right.
Xander: What changed your mind?
Jan: A few things, but mostly I realized if I play my cards right...I could end up with shawn.
Shawn: You know, belman used a detonator. He blew up the car, and he ran. But there was A...there was about a half hour between the time that we actually saw ciara in the car and then when we actually saw the car explode. So my mom is fixated on the possibility that maybe during that window of time... maybe ciara might have been able to escape.
Victor: What do you think?
Shawn: I mean, ciara's my baby sister. So the idea of her being gone--
Victor: Horrifying. Beyond words.
Shawn: Yeah, so...obviously, I would love more than anything for my mom to be right about this.
Victor: But you think she's grasping at straws?
Shawn: My mom, she's already lost one child, so...the idea of losing another, it's just... it's unimaginable. So I can understand why she wouldn't wanna go there. But I also hate seeing her get her hopes up. I told her that, and she told me that...the only way that she would ever be at peace is if she knows exactly what it is that happened to ciara... and that she needs to hear directly from the source. So if vincent can confirm that ciara [Voice breaks] Is dead... that ciara is gone...
Victor: Then we'll all be devastated. All of us.
Shawn: No matter what, my mom's determined to find him, and she's going to. I have never seen her more driven in my entire life.
Victor: Of course she is. She's a mother.
Allie: No. No way. Steve's son is not the guy I met in london--that's impossible.
Nicole: Why?
Allie: Well, first of all, he never said he was from salem. And second of all, he sure as hell never mentioned that steve johnson was his father.
Nicole: Okay, well, just because he didn't mention it, allie--
Allie: Come on, nicole, no. That would be way too big of a coincidence. There has to be another tripp in this town, right? I mean, the tripp you're thinking of isn't necessarily my baby's father.
Nicole: There's only one way to find out.
[Suspenseful music]
Tripp dalton... and search.
Allie: That's him.
[Tense music]
Tripp: Allie has a baby.
Steve: Yeah. When she came back to town, she was pregnant. It was back in june, I think. She had the baby later in the summer.
Tripp: I had no idea.
Steve: So you met allie in london...around christmastime last year.
Tripp: Yeah. Yeah.
Steve: Mm-hmm. She had her was in august, it was a month early. Do the math... I gotta ask you, son. Could you be that baby's father?
Maggie: I'm sorry that you and xander aren't getting along. I mean, your father had such high hopes that his co-ceo idea would work. What's the problem?
Philip: For starters, xander's a total idiot. Unsophisticated, inexperienced. Totally out of his league.
Maggie: You sure about that? Because from what I've heard, in the short time that xander's been running titan on his own, he's been doing quite well. I mean, your father said the fourth quarter profits have far exceeded expectations.
Philip: It's a fluke. Xander's future's in the backyard, not the boardroom.
Maggie: Ha. Philip... I know you think the job should be yours and yours alone. But after being gone for five years, I think was a bit presumptuous of you to just walk in and give victor an ultimatum.
Philip: I'm claiming my birthright.
Maggie: More like demanding it, weren't you? I mean, you told victor if he didn't give you the job, you were out of his life for good.
Philip: Tough negotiator. You want that in a ceo.
Maggie: Titan had a ceo. Xander. I know your father didn't appreciate you strong-arming him, but he loves you and he wants you in his life. And that's why he gave you a second chance.
Philip: Half a chance.
Maggie: Now you and xander have an excellent opportunity to help titan and victor.
Philip: Meaning what?
Maggie: Your father puts on a strong front... but he has a broken heart. He's lost ciara. Sonny and ari have moved away. Knowing that his son and his nephew are getting along, taking his company to new heights-- I mean, it would do wonders for his spirits.
Philip: Will it do wonders for his spirits...if xander destroys everything that he's worked so hard for? No. And I won't stand for it, maggie. I'm not gonna let some thug steal what is rightfully mine. I mean, somehow, he has pulled the wool over my father's eyes. And in spite of your protestations, there's no way that he could have fooled you, is there? I mean, maggie, you have to see where I'm coming from. I mean...I know you tend to see the best in people, but surely you see that xander is bad news and my father is making a terrible mistake by trusting him.
Maggie: No. I don't know that.
[Tense music]
Victor: I pray that hope is right about ciara, even though it is a long shot.
Shawn: Me too.
Victor: I'd better get back to the house. Philip moved into the mansion last night. Maggie's planning a special dinner this evening.
Shawn: I bet you're glad to have him back.
Victor: Ah, indeed I am. Listen, I know there was bad blood between you and philip, but I assume you're past that by now. Especially since he rescued you all when jan spears tried to blow you all up at your reunion in new york.
Shawn: So you know jan's back.
Victor: Yes. Can't believe that dingbat is walking the streets free.
Shawn: That makes two of us.
Jan: If I report philip to the police for threatening my life, he's gonna need an attorney, and who's he gonna ask? Belle, of course. And of course she won't be able to turn him down.
Xander: How, exactly, does that help me?
Jan: Try to keep up, okay? Shawn hates philip, so if belle is helping philip with his briefs, that could lead to serious trouble in their relationship. When it all falls apart, yours truly will be right there to pick up the pieces.
Xander: Sounds...convoluted, but, uh, you had me at reporting philip to the police. So do it. The sooner the better.
[Phone beeps]
Steve: I know it's a tough question, tripp... but is it possible you're the father of allie's baby?
Claire: Hey, I was gonna visit with grandpa john, but he's sleeping. I was wondering if I could talk to you guys for a minute. Unless I'm interrupting.
Tripp: No, no, no. Not at all.
Allie: [Exhales]
Nicole: Allie... I know this is a lot. And I'm--I'm sorry this came up so suddenly. I know that you didn't want to talk about henry's father.
Allie: No, I didn'T. But that definitely him.
Nicole: So I'm guessing, since you didn't know tripp's last name and you didn't really know each other at all that you two didn't have a relationship.
Allie: No, not even close. Until today, I'd only met him once.
Nicole: That's all it takes.
If you have postmenopausal
Claire: I was thinking about putting together a memorial service for ciara.
Tripp: That's a really nice idea, claire, but do you think you should really do that since hope thinks it's possible ciara's still alive?
Claire: [Sighs]
Steve: What?
Tripp: Yeah, that's what claire's dad told me.
Claire: Yeah, he told me the same thing.
Shawn: Hey, I know that you're probably still at kristen's arraignment, but, uh, I'd love to meet up and...and grab dinner after you're done. much has been going on lately, I just...I feel like you and I haven't had the chance to be alone. I, uh...I miss you.
[Phone beeps]
Jan: Maybe I can keep you company.
Shawn: Jan, what the hell are you doing here?
Jan: I didn't know you were back on the force. How serendipitous.
Shawn: I heard what you have been up to--trying to befriend my daughter? Just stay the hell away from her, do you understand me?
Jan: Shawn, relax. I didn't have some nefarious agenda. I was only there to offer my condolences for your sister. Now I can do the same for you. I'm truly sorry for your loss.
Shawn: Yeah, right. You said what you needed to say. Now get out.
Jan: There's another reason I'm here.
Shawn: Well, spit it out, because I'm busy.
Jan: Hey, turn that frown upside down, because I have some wonderful news. I'm about to help you get philip kiriakis out of your life.
Philip: Oh, no, no, no, no, no--please don't tell me you're on team xander.
Maggie: Actually, I am. I've seen another side of the man since you left town.
Philip: Did he threaten you? Is that why you're talkin' like this? Because if he did--
Maggie: No! Xander saved my life.
Philip: What are you talking about?
Maggie: When I was in prison, when I believed that I had caused the accident that killed adrienne and my granddaughter...
[Sighs] I tried to take my life. Xander found me in the cell... and he saved my life. That's why I'm alive. Has he made mistakes? Yes. But he is sincerely trying to do better by loving my daughter with his whole heart, by working hard at titan, by being A...a kind, if unexpected, friend to me. Now, you don't have to like him, but he is as much a part of this family as you are. My advice to you, philip-- try to get along with xander. Because he's not going anywhere.
Sarah: I thought you were gonna join me.
Xander: Ah, just got hung up on that call--sorry.
Sarah: Yeah? Was it important?
Xander: Nah, just wouldn't stop talking.
Sarah: Well, you had better hop in there while I get dressed.
Xander: Why don't you, uh, join me?
Sarah: I just got out.
Xander: I'm sure you're still a little dirty.
Sarah: Mmm. Yeah? You think so?
Xander: Well, we could just go and find out, couldn't we?
Sarah: We sure could.
Allie: You know what? I'm not pregnant anymore. I'm gonna have a drink.
Nicole: Uh... allie, honey, wait, wait. I-I don'T...I don't think that's a good idea. You know that I respect you and your privacy... but keeping this bottled up inside, hidden from everyone you love--that's gotta be really hard.
Allie: I'll be fine. I'll deal. I have for this long, right?
Nicole: Yes. But now I know who the father is, he's here in salem. You two have seen each other.
Allie: Oh, I get it. Small town, big mouths. People will talk.
Nicole: Forget them. Allie, I want you to talk to me. If you're comfortable. I am on your side, no matter what.
Allie: Where do I even start?
Nicole: Wherever you want. This is your story. I'm not here to judge... just to listen.
Allie: [Sighs] Okay, then... buckle up. Ahoyy!
Steve: So hope went to search for vincent.
Claire: Ben is helping too. I told him to stay here and let the cops handle it, but there was no chance.
Steve: I hope they find vincent and ciara.
Claire: Yeah. We all do. Of course. But if the worst has happened, I just--I wanna be prepared with something to help ease the pain for when they get home.
Tripp: Well, when you say memorial service, what are you thinking?
Claire: People could speak. They could share stories, memories. We could have a slide show of nice pictures. I would sing, of course. I don't know, I haven't got it all figured out yet, I just-- I just know that I really wanna plan it because...ciara was my best friend. She was my family, and I just love her so much.
Tripp: That is a lot to take on yourself. Will you let me help you with the planning?
Claire: That's really sweet, but I wanna get on this right away.
Tripp: Yeah, let's go sit down somewhere.
Claire: Now? Really?
Tripp: If you want me to.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I would love that.
Steve: You know, I'd really like to help out too, but tripp and I need a few minutes to finish our conversation.
Tripp: Uh, dad, we can finish that later, okay? Okay? Come on. Come on, claire.
Claire: Okay.
Victor: Well, what happened with sarah and xander--their invitation get lost in the mail?
Philip: One can only hope.
Maggie: They'll be down shortly. Um, I would like to propose a toast. To philip. May this be a prosperous, permanent, and peaceful homecoming.
Philip: Speaking of prosperity...father, I wanted to show you a proposal I've been working on. Investment opportunity.
Maggie: Um, philip, I vote put business aside for this evening.
Victor: Two yeas in one day. The yeas have it.
Maggie: Yay!
Philip: This company is the real deal--solid business model, tremendous potential for growth. But we need to move fast before dimera gets wind of it.
Victor: Eh, looks interesting.
Philip: So I have your okay to move forward?
Victor: Well, it's not my okay you need--it's xander'S.
Philip: I don't see why we need xander involved in this.
Xander: Involve me in what?
Jan: Hello! Did you hear what I said? Philip threatened to kill me. You don't believe me. You think I'm making it up?
Shawn: I'm not saying that i don't believe you.
Jan: Good. 'Cause I'd like to file a formal complaint.
Shawn: What, about a comment that philip made?
Jan: Not a comment. A threat, and it was more than words. Philip grabbed my arm, he got right in my face...and I could see the hatred in his eyes. I shudder just thinking about it. You have no idea how terrified i was, how terrified I still am!
Shawn: Look, jan, if you're just trying to do this to get brownie points with me, then you know what? It's not gonna work.
Jan: I'm doing this because I'm in fear for my life, and something has to be done about it. You're a cop. You're supposed to take me seriously.
Shawn: But I am also somebody who knows that you are a homicidal maniac, so I don'T.
Jan: You can't ignore this, shawn. You can't ignore me. I'm a citizen, and you're an officer of the law. So...are you going to do your duty or not?
[ Snoring, indistinct talking on tv ]
Claire: Thank you for offering to help me, tripp. I...I didn't mean to pull you away from your dad.
Tripp: No, no, no, it's fine. We were just chatting.
Claire: Okay. I, um... so I pulled together some photos of ciara. I thought that we could go through them and pick the best ones for the memorial?
Tripp: Yeah, yeah.
Claire: Okay. These are from the wedding.
Tripp: Wow. Ciara looks gorgeous.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, you know... she was so happy.
Tripp: Look, we can do this later, okay? It's okay.
Claire: Uh... no, um, I'm fine. I'm fine.
[Sniffles] Ohh...
[Clears throat] Okay, so this is ciara with grandma hope... and julie.
Tripp: Mm-hmm.
Claire: Oh, and this is my cousin allie. Allie was ciara's maid of honor. Allie's been in europe for a while, and she came back a few months ago, like super pregnant.
Tripp: I can see that.
Claire: Yeah. The whole thing was a total mess. She wanted to give her baby to nicole and eric, but her mom fought her on it.
Tripp: Her mom...
Claire: My aunt sami, aka hurricane sami. Yeah, allie had to get away, so she left the baby here and took off. But my grandma marlena told me she's back in town. I've been meaning to go and see her, but with everything going on, I just...haven't had the chance. Allie's really cool, though. You'd like her if you met her.
Tripp: Actually, I have met her..
Allie: I'd been in london for a while, and I was supposed to be finding a job. But between the pub scene and the club scene...
Nicole: Let me guess. You were having too much fun.
Allie: Yeah.
Nicole: Yeah.
Allie: And I had plenty of money, so even though my mom texted me like a hundred times a day asking if I was employed yet, I never really felt a sense of urgency to earn a paycheck.
Nicole: Because you were enjoying yourself.
Allie: Hell, yes.
[Nicole chuckles] I was shopping all day and then hitting the hot spots at night, rolling in at dawn and doing it all over again.
Nicole: Did you even try to get a job?
Allie: I had some interviews. But...I kinda slept through all of them. I know, I know it's bad.
Nicole: No, like I said, no judgement.
Allie: Well, there's this one club in kensington that I used to hang out a lot at. Um...and that's where I met him.
Nicole: Tripp.
Allie: Yeah. He just came up to me, started talking. He seemed nice. He said he was from california, visiting on school break.
Nicole: And what was your first impression?
Allie: He was a little more clean-cut than my usual type, but cute, and he asked me to dance...and I turned him down.
Nicole: Why?
Allie: So many guys used to hit on me, so I wanted to see if he was serious, you know, make him work for it a little. So I said I hated the song that they were playing.
Nicole: [Light laugh] And?
Allie: And...he walked away. And I thought that was the end of it.
Nicole: But it wasn'T.
Allie: No. There's more. A lot more.
Nicole: I'm all ears.
Victor: So, what do you think?
Xander: I'd be hesitant to pull the trigger on this. There is significant risk.
Philip: Oh, come on!
Maggie: Philip!
Philip: I'm sorry, I'm not gonna listen to xander bloviate--he should just be straight with everyone and tell them he hates the idea because it came from me.
Xander: That's not what I was gonna say.
Philip: Please. If I suggested we acquire the sun, you'd argue that there were far better sources of solar energy.
Sarah: Why don't you just hear him out instead of just assuming?
Philip: What, that he would dismiss anything that I propose? Because he will. He just did.
Xander: I'm actually quite familiar with this company, and I agree that they do have great potential.
Philip: I thought you said there was a significant risk.
Xander: The risk I was referring to is one of the partners--he can be a bit... eccentric. But I'm sure you and I can find a way to work it out.
Maggie: Well, that's the attitude I like!
Victor: So what's the next step?
Xander: Well, I think philip and I should discuss that first thing at the office tomorrow. I'm very much looking forward to starting my first joint venture with my co-ceo, but tonight's not supposed to be about business--it's about welcoming philip home.
Philip: That's bull, and you know it. You hate that I came back to town, and you hate working with me just as much as I hate working with you.
Victor: What the hell is the matter with you?
Xander: It's all right, uncle.
Victor: No, it's not all right--you're being very gracious and courteous, and philip's acting like a spoiled brat.
Philip: I can't believe this. T-this neanderthal has you all snowed!
Sarah: Hey, watch it!
Xander: Can we all just calm down? There's absolutely no reason for us to be fighting, especially when maggie's worked so hard to bring us all together for a lovely meal.
Maggie: Speaking of which, why don't we all go into the dining room?
Shawn: Sorry to interrupt.
Victor: Any news on ciara?
Shawn: No, I'm actually here about another police matter.
Maggie: What kind of matter?
Shawn: It involves philip.
Philip: What?
Shawn: Yeah, I need you to come down to the station with me for questioning--now.
[Suspenseful music]
My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.
Nicole: So tripp walked away, and then...
Allie: The club got more crowded, you know. Drinks were flowing and music was pumping. I...kinda forgot about him. Well, almost. And then an hour or maybe two hours went by, and he tapped me on the shoulder.
Nicole: And what'd he say?
Allie: He said that they were playing his favorite song and he hoped I'd changed my mind about dancing with him. Turns out, it was one of my favorite songs too, so I said okay.
Nicole: And how was it?
Allie: By this...time, I was pretty wasted. And...I think it was some kind of a slow dance, but...I was just stumbling all around. And at one point, I think i almost fell, and then tripp picked me up, I think. It was--it was all kind of a blur.
Nicole: God knows I've had nights like that... where you barely remember anything.
Allie: Yeah. But...I do remember that tripp asked me if I wanted him to take me home... and I said yes.
Claire: You met allie? When?
Jan: Claire! Hey, girl. Who's your friend?
Claire: Uh, this is tripp. Tripp, this is jan.
Tripp: Hi, how's it going?
Jan: Good, thanks. Claire, can I talk to you for a sec?
Claire: Uh, I'm actually kinda busy right now.
Tripp: No, it's okay. I actually have some stuff i need to take care of. Do you remember when I told you I was thinking about staying in salem?
Claire: Yeah.
Tripp: Well, it depends on whether or not I can transfer into med school. Semester's already started, so i really need to get over to the admissions office. officer still stands, so if you need help planning, just gimme a call, okay?
Claire: Yeah, I will.
Tripp: Nice to meet you, jan.
Jan: Cute. Future doctor? Nice catch.
Claire: Tripp and I aren't dating. We used to, but... it--it's a long story.
Jan: I have time.
Claire: I really don't wanna talk about it.
Jan: Gotcha. Well, if you change your mind, I'm an excellent listener.
Claire: Noted. So, uh, what did you wanna talk to me about?
Jan: Actually, it's about your dad.
Philip: Questions? What kinda questions?
Shawn: We can talk about it down at the station.
Philip: We can talk about it here.
Shawn: Okay, if that's what you want. This is about you threatening to kill jan spears.
Philip: You're kidding, right?
Shawn: No, I'm not. Now, if you'll please just come with me.
Philip: I told you that in confidence, and now you're goin' all cop on me.
Victor: Shawn, what the hell's going on? What are you doing?
Shawn: Jan came down to the station, she gave a formal complaint, all right? So my hands are tied. I'm just following up.
Philip: God sakes, jan was trying to attack your wife and daughter! I was only trying to warn them.
Shawn: Did you or did you not threaten to kill jan?
Philip: It's a figure of speech. Like belle said, I didn't mean it literally.
Shawn: But jan says that you grabbed her by the arm and you got in her face--is that true or not?
Philip: I don't know. I mean, probably I did. I-I don't know. What's the difference?
Shawn: The difference is that's assault, and you just admitted it, so now I'm gonna have to arrest you.
[Tense music]
You're strong.
Claire: What about my father?
Jan: I ran into him at the police station earlier. Honestly, claire, I had no idea he was working there.
Claire: Yeah, he's helping out while my grandma's away.
Jan: Okay. So remember when we bonded over the way everyone judges us based off of our past? How they only see the bad things we've done...instead of how we're trying to heal, make amends?
Claire: Yeah.
Jan: Well, you understand change like that is possible. Your parents don'T. At least not for me. So they'll probably tell you that I went to the police station because I'm stalking shawn.
Claire: Well, are you?
Jan: No! Claire, I swear I was there for a legitimate reason. I was making sure justice is served.
Shawn: You have the right to remain silent; anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
Philip: I was lookin' out for your family, trying to protect belle and claire from that sick freak, and now you're arresting me?
Victor: Come on, remove those cuffs at once!
Shawn: You have the right to an attorney; if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you.
Philip: How could you listen to anything jan says? She's a pathological liar!
Shawn: Do you understand the rights as I've explained them?
Philip: I understand that this is insane!
Shawn: Let's go.
Victor: Well, don't just stand there--get me a phone. I gotta call a lawyer.
Xander: No worries, uncle. I'm on it.
Sarah: You were behind this, weren't you?
Tripp: So how are you? What have you been up to?
Allie: What have I been up to? What the hell do you think I've been up to, you son of a bitch?
[Somber music]
Nicole: So you and tripp went back to your place. Allie. What happened next?
Allie: What do you think happened next, okay? We had sex, I got pregnant. End of story.
Nicole: Thank you... for sharing that with me. I know it's not easy. How 'bout I make us some tea?
Allie: No, I'm exhausted and done with this conversation, so I'm going to bed.
[Somber music continues]
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