Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 9/28/20
Episode #13863 ~ Allie and Tripp have a tense encounter; John continues to have mood swings; Melinda grills Eli as she tries to build a case against Kristen; Kayla relays good news to Steve.
Provided By Suzanne
Steve: Gin!
John: Oh, come on, man. One-eyed jack, seriously?
Steve: You know it's my lucky card, dude.
John: Oh, you don't need luck when you cheat.
Steve: I only cheat when there's money involved.
John: [Laughs]
Steve: Look at you. You're gonna be a sore loser now?
John: Only when there's money involved.
Steve: Mm-hmm.
John: [Sighs] Hey, buddy, this is still working me.
Steve: Hmm?
John: I wanna apologize again for biting your head off earlier.
Steve: Aw, come on. We all know it's a part of your recovery. Come on, don't sweat it. Your job now is to focus on healing the brain inside that thick skull of yours. All right? Meantime, your friends aren't going anywhere. Okay?
John: I can count on you.
Kayla: Special delivery! Apple pie.
Steve: I smell something. Apple pie a la sweetness! Ooh, my favorite!
Kayla: No, no, no, don't touch. I made this especially for john. Can I cut you a slice?
John: I hate apple pie.
Abe: Mm. Well, I hope lani shows up soon. I may have to move my meeting to a restaurant that serves chicken fingers.
[Laughs] Oh, hey! The cavalry has arrived.
[Laughs] Hey, sweetheart.
Lani: Hi, dad.
Abe: So rachel and I have had a wonderful day.
Lani: Yeah?
Abe: We did some reading, we played games, and she had lunch, and she conked out, and oh-- here, this is yours.
Lani: Change of plans, dad. I am not actually picking up rachel.
Abe: You're not?
Lani: I was hoping to pick rachel up after the charges against kristen were dropped, but that's not gonna happen now.
Abe: And why not?
Lani: Because the new da wants kristen's head on a platter. What the hell were you thinking rehiring melinda trask?
[Phone rings]
Brady: Da trask?
Melinda: You can't see ms. Dimera right now, if that's why you're here. She's in with your sister, conferring about the arraignment this afternoon.
Brady: I know; I actually wanted to talk to you.
Melinda: Ugh, if this is another one of your pathetic attempts to confess to a crime, we all know your baby mama committed them--
Brady: Look, hold on. I want justice served just as much as you do.
Melinda: Ooh, is that right?
Brady: That is right. That's why I wanna know what i have to do to make you let go of this vendetta against kristen and just drop the case.
Nicole: Oh, I really put my foot in it, didn't I, henry?
Henry: [Cooing]
Nicole: And--oh, I shouldn't have asked. But why doesn't your mommy wanna talk about your daddy? I know; it's none of my business, but I can't help but wonder who your father is. And does he even know you exist?
Tripp: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Allie: Oh, my god, it's you.
Tripp: Allie, wow. This is crazy. I never thought I'd see you again.
Allie: Neither did I.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Nicole: Oh, you sweet little guy. I am so happy you are here... especially since holly and i already miss her daddy eric so much. Thank you, henry, for being the best kind of distraction.
[Knock at door] Oh. Your mommy must have forgot her key. Kate.
Kate: Hey.
Nicole: What are you doing here?
Kate: Well, I'm here to check on my granddaughter, see how she's settling in. Hi, honey.
Nicole: Please, come on in.
Kate: [Scoffs] So where's allie?
Nicole: She went to the drug store to get some diaper cream.
Kate: [Scoffs]
Nicole: She should be back any minute.
Tripp: This is so random. What are you doing in salem?
Allie: My family's from here.
Tripp: Really?
Allie: Yeah, really. What is this? I mean, why are you here? How'd you find me?
Tripp: Find--find you? No, no, no, no, I didn'T. My family lives here too.
Allie: You've gotta be kidding me.
Tripp: No, it's true. My dad lives here. Like, this is--this is crazy. I mean, after all this time, what are the chances, right? So--so how are you? What have you been up to?
Allie: What have I been up to? What the hell do you think I've been up to, you son of a bitch? When migraine strikes,
Lani: Melinda trask? Why in the world would you bring that woman back?
Abe: Honey, please--
Lani: No, no, dad. This about kristen, isn't it? You brought her back so she could go after my friend.
Abe: I swear this has nothing to do with kristen. When I made my decision, i didn't even know she was in town.
Lani: Then why did you do it?
Abe: Da giddens has quit out of the blue. I needed to just get somebody who would come up to speed fast. And melinda knows the job, the town, the office.
Lani: Okay. Okay, I get that, but you could have at least given me a heads-up. We were all blindsided by this, dad, and now kristen may spend the rest of her life in prison.
Abe: For what, stabbing victor? I heard brady confessed.
Lani: He did, and belle tried to cut a deal, but trask rejected it all--the plea, the confession. She's going for the max against kristen, dad. She doesn't care about the stabbing. This is all about getting revenge for haley's death.
Abe: What do you want me to do about it?
Lani: Fire her ass.
Melinda: Are you offering me a bribe, mr. Black?
Brady: No, no. I'm just asking you to be reasonable.
Melinda: Oh, yeah? I really don't have time for this.
Brady: Can you just please-- just please hear me out. I know that you're in agony over haley's death. I completely, completely empathize with you, okay? When kristen and I were under the impression that our little girl was dead--
Melinda: If you're trying to make me feel bad for kristen, you can stop right there. Okay? Your daughter is alive. Mine is dead.
Brady: And it's a tragedy, and I'm sorry. She was a lovely girl. She was a wonderful nurse. She was there when rachel was born.
Melinda: At university hospital, where shortly after giving birth, ms. Dimera pushed haley down a flight of stairs.
Brady: She had just been told that her daughter was dead. She was stricken with grief.
Melinda: That doesn't give her the right to commit murder.
Brady: It was an accident. It was an accident. Even da giddens understood that. That's why he declined to press charges. Kristen in no way meant to hurt your daughter--in any way.
Melinda: Yeah, but she meant to hurt your grandfather. Nobody believes that she plunged that knife into his chest as an accident.
Brady: There is absolutely no proof that kristen did that. None.
Melinda: I have a statement from the victim.
Brady: Yes, but it was taken in the hospital, when he was barely conscious and he later retracted that statement. Listen, without evidence, you can't do this.
Melinda: Oh, fear not, mr. Black. If I need more evidence, more evidence I shall get. I believe we're finished here. Excuse me. Detective grant. Just the man I was looking for.
[Monitor beeping]
John: [Stammering] Kayla... I'm sorry. What I just said about your apple pie was unbelievably rude.
Kayla: No, no, no.
John: I don't even know why i said that.
Kayla: It's fine; it's fine. It really is fine.
John: No, no, it's not fine. I mean, my doctor--my--my dear friend was kind enough to bring me a homemade apple pie, and I'm--
Steve: You know why it's not a problem? Because now that baby is all mine. Yeah? Did I mention that kayla's apple pie is my absolute favorite?
Kayla: He'll eat it. Not to worry.
Steve: And tripp--forget about it. He can sit down and eat this whole thing in one fell swoop.
John: Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard your boy's back in town. That's good news. So is he planning on sticking around?
Steve: Well, we hope so. We'll see how things shake out.
Tripp: What the hell did you do that for?
Allie: Please, like you don't know.
Tripp: I don'T.
Allie: You really are the biggest jerk. You know what? No, you're not even worth it.
Tripp: No, allie, wait. Your mission:
Abe: What did you say?
Lani: You heard me, dad.
Abe: I can't fire the da because my daughter has a problem with her.
Lani: Yeah, you can. You're the mayor.
Abe: I have no grounds. Melinda's just doing her job.
Lani: No, that's the thing. She's not, dad. She's using her job to settle a personal grudge. She is on a mission to punish kristen for what happened to haley.
Abe: We don't know that.
Lani: Yeah, I do. You should have heard the way she was talking to me and eli this morning. She said that her first order of business was to throw the book at kristen. You can't let her prosecute this case. She's totally biased.
Abe: Lani, I'm proud of your loyalty to your friend, but if kristen is proven guilty of attempted murder, then she has to be punished for it.
Lani: Not by melinda trask. If she's running the show, kristen will not get a fair trial. Dad, that's not fair.
Eli: What can I do for you, ms. Trask?
Melinda: In preparation for ms. Dimera's arraignment this afternoon, I've been reviewing the file on victor kiriakis' stabbing, and since you are the lead detective on this case, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Eli: Sure.
Melinda: I see here that you and detective price found brady black at the crime scene.
Eli: That's correct.
Melinda: And then you brought him in here, and that's when he made his first false confession. Now I've gone through the sequence of events here several times, and I'm sorry, but there are several glaring holes. I'd like you to fill those in for me.
Steve: Why don't I get this out of your face?
Brady: Hey. Well, if I knew there was gonna be pie, I would have brought ice cream to serve with it.
Kayla: Hey, how are you?
Brady: Okay. I'm hanging in there. The real question is, how's this guy doing? Is he causing trouble or... ?
Kayla: No, no, he's fine, but I think he is certainly ready to get out of here.
John: Boy, you got that right. I'm so sick of this place, I'm never coming back. Hope that wasn't too blunt.
Kayla: No, it's fine. We're gonna leave you guys with some time here, and we're gonna head out. Let's go.
Steve: Yeah, yeah. Hey.
John: Yeah?
Steve: Be good.
John: Yeah, see ya, partner.
Kayla: Bye.
Brady: How are you doing?
John: Well, kid, before i answer that, I'm going to have to apologize in advance if I say anything that is harsh, rude, or totally off-color.
Brady: Why would you feel the need to do that?
John: Well, because doc tells me that I--oh, the hell was she calling that? Emotionally labile.
Brady: Emotionally labile, what does that mean?
John: It means that I threw a cactus at sami. It means that I accused steve of coming onto my wife. Kayla--she makes me a homemade pie, brings it here, and I tell her, "I hate apple pie."
Brady: That doesn't sound like you at all.
John: No. Well, apparently, erratic behavior is just a common after effect when you blow a fuse in your brain, so I've been flying off the handle. I've been going off on people i love, saying--just blurting out the most hurtful things that i don't even mean.
Brady: [Groans] I'm sorry about that. That sounds like something that's gonna wear off. All right?
John: Yeah, well, I hope so. I was just on the phone with allie earlier. You know, I was trying to tell her that I was really happy that all this custody stuff was finally sorted out and...
Brady: Sure.
John: Well, let's just say that it didn't come out the way I intended it.
Brady: I'm sure she'll understand. Don't worry about it.
John: Yeah, I hope so. I just, you know, wanted allie to know that I'm really happy to have her back home.
Kate: Well, this custody compromise certainly worked out well for you.
Nicole: [Scoffs] Kate, what does that mean?
Kate: Well, it means that you fought for allie's baby in the court, and you lost, and yet here he is.
Nicole: he is, as you well know because, miraculously, we all agreed. Eric and I and allie and even sami--we all agreed that this is what's best for everyone.
Kate: Mm. For you to raise allie's baby?
Nicole: [Sighs] On the condition that allie lives here too. Kate...I know I'm not your favorite person, and this isn't what you wanted, but at least this way, allie is here, and she's being a mother to her son.
Kate: Actually, I'm grateful, and I'm relieved that sami couldn't take my great-grandson all the way across the world.
Nicole: And now you can visit little henry any time you want.
Kate: Henry?
Nicole: Yeah, that's what allie named him.
Kate: Henry, that is such a good name. It's classic and it's refined. I wonder where she got it from.
Nicole: Well, it definitely didn't come from the father's side.
Kate: How do you know that?
Nicole: I was i asked allie if henry's name came from the father, and she just about bit my head off.
Kate: Hmm. It's very interesting. You know, that every time I ask her about the father, she always has this rather extreme reaction and just shuts the conversation down.
Nicole: When she first came back to town, she said she didn't want anyone to know about it because she wasn't sure how anyone would react. Do you know anything about that?
Kate: All I know is that... whatever happened between allie and the father of the baby, it just ended so badly that she's adamant that he not be part of her son's life.
Tripp: Allie, just talk to me.
Allie: Get your hands off me!
Tripp: Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm just confused. I don't understand what's going on here.
Allie: Nothing's going on here; I just have nothing to say to you.
Tripp: Okay, why are you being so hostile? If you think I forgot about you, I didn'T. I've actually thought about you a lot since that night we met in london.
Allie: Really? Well, I didn't think about you at all, so...
Tripp: But--okay. Well, that's a bummer. I was hoping to hear from you.
Allie: Well, I'm so sorry. Forgive me for not getting in touch. I had something a lot more important on my mind than you.
Tripp: What? Never run dry of...
Eli: Of course there are holes in the case. The only hard evidence that we have is the victim's initial statement.
Melinda: This is not about the lack of evidence.
Eli: Okay, then what's it about?
Melinda: There is no report of you questioning ms. Dimera after mr. Kiriakis stated that she stabbed him in cold blood. That should have been your first stop, but it wasn'T.
Eli: Not for lack of trying. I was on my way to the salem inn to talk to kristen, and then i ran into rafe at the hospital, and he told me that she was here.
Melinda: What was she doing here?
Eli: Hey, rafe. I just took victor's statement.
Rafe: Oh, yeah? Did he corroborate what brady said?
Eli: Absolutely not. He said it was kristen and brady's covering for her.
Rafe: Huh. Well, a knife to the chest, that does sound more like kristen's M.O.
Eli: Yeah. I'm on my way to the salem inn to talk to kristen right now.
Rafe: Oh, well, she was just in the interrogation room right before I left here, talking to lani. I assumed that they were talking about her missing baby. Maybe I was wrong.
Eli: I assumed kristen came here to talk to brady, who was in custody at the time, so i came straight here to question her.
Melinda: And then what happened?
Eli: Victor was lucid when i went back to his room, and he stated clearly that it was kristen who stabbed him. Where the hell is she? By the time I got back to the station, kristen was gone.
Abe: Let me tell you. Long before I was mayor, I was a cop. And well, I may be in the minority these days, but I still believe in letting justice run its course.
Lani: Even if the da has a conflict of interest?
Abe: Belle can bring that up at kristen's arraignment. She could argue that melinda should recuse herself and let one of her assistants take the lead, but ultimately, it's up to the judge to determine whether she can set her personal feelings aside.
Lani: Dad, I'm telling you, she can'T.
Abe: Well, which could ultimately end up hurting her case.
Lani: How?
Abe: Well, it's like when a defendant represents themselves. They can go in with all the passion in the world, but they can't really argue effectively because they're too close to it all.
Lani: I do not see that being a problem for melinda.
Abe: Well, whoever is the prosecutor, there will be a trial, and there'll be a verdict. And when there is a verdict, all we can do is accept it and move on.
Nicole: So you don't know anything about who got allie pregnant?
Kate: All I know is that she doesn't wanna talk about it. I mean, lucas said that she says that the father isn't important.
Nicole: She said that, but that is not true.
Kate: Mm. Well, you would think he'd have an obligation to be in this baby's life.
Nicole: I think he should be a stand-up guy and take responsibility. Right now, I'm concerned about allie because it's not good keeping all this inside.
Kate: Yeah, well, if she wants to move ahead in her life, she definitely has to deal with what happened.
Nicole: I blame sami. Her daughter shows up here pregnant, terrified, overwhelmed, and instead of offering comfort and understanding, sami goes on the attack, and she rips into allie about how reckless and irresponsible she is. No wonder she doesn't wanna share her story. I mean, she probably feels ashamed.
Kate: Hmm. Well, now, maybe, that she's living here, she'll confide in you.
Nicole: I hope so.
Kate: Mm.
Nicole: God knows I have experience in lousy relationships.
Kate: Not gonna argue with that. Sorry. That's--that is from force of habit.
Nicole: Yeah.
Kate: I would love to see allie, but I have an appointment with abe. So...
Nicole: Oh, tell him I said "hello."
Kate: I will. I absolutely will. Please give allie my love. Tell her I'll be back to see her, and I'm going to be back to see you, my sweet henry. Thank you.
Nicole: Hmm.
[Door closes] Wow. Oh, henry, your mommy's been gone a long time. Hope she's okay.
Allie: [Sighs] What could be more important than you? Oh, I don't know--uh, global warming, the bears, my toenails.
Tripp: Okay, okay, allie. Clearly, you're upset, but I'm telling you the truth, okay? I really have been wondering what happened to you ever since I left london.
Allie: Yeah, I bet.
Tripp: I mean it.
Allie: Whatever. You know, I have to go. Just pretend you never saw me, okay? And I'll do the same. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Melinda: Let me make sure i got the chronology right here. At the hospital, you took mr. Kiriakis' statement, implicating ms. Dimera. Then you came here to question her, and in the meantime, she left the police station, collected her things at the salem inn, and then fled town.
Eli: That's correct.
Melinda: Hmm.
Eli: What?
Melinda: Well, I just can't help but wonder how she knew to run.
Eli: I have no idea.
Melinda: I do. Someone tipped her off. The question is, who?
Abe: You know, if I may ask, how are you?
Lani: I'm fine.
Abe: And you and eli--you talk to him?
Lani: Mm-hmm. And while I am still really upset that my friend may be going to prison for something that he did...I do realize that I put him in a horrible position by asking him to keep secret about kristen being here. Bottom line, he's my husband, and I love him with all my heart. And I don't wanna lose him over this.
Abe: Well, I am glad to hear that.
Rachel: [Cooing]
Lani: Well, little one, I was really hoping that I would take you back home with me, but unfortunately, I have to go back to the station. So, dad, do you mind just watching her for a little while longer, just until after the arraignment?
Abe: [Chuckles] Yes, of course, of course.
Lani: Thank you. And hopefully the judge will grant bail and hopefully melinda trask will remove herself from the case.
Abe: Fingers crossed.
Lani: Yeah, fingers crossed. In any case, brady will be in touch about picking rachel up.
[Monitor beeping]
Brady: You really are feeling better, right?
John: Oh, kid, don't worry about your old man. Just tell me about rachel. How's my little granddaughter doing?
Brady: She's beautiful. She's talking up a storm, and I'll get her in here to visit you as soon as I can.
John: I'd love it, but that's not what I meant. I is she doing after her mother's arrest? I heard about it from belle.
Brady: Yeah, well, dad, she's a little too young to really know what's going on, but... I think she suspects that something is up.
John: I feel responsible for that. And after all, kristen wouldn't have come back to salem if i hadn't gotten sick.
Brady: Don't apologize for that. Kristen knew the risks that she was taking by coming back into town. She was coming to support me, and as touched as I was about it, I really wish she hadn't done it at this point.
John: Hey, hey, hey. Your sister's a damn good lawyer.
Brady: Yeah, so is melinda trask.
John: Trask? I thought she was long gone.
Brady: Yeah, me too. Da giddens, he just quit and so abe had to rehire melinda trask, and she is hell-bent on punishing kristen because of what happened to haley. She flat-out denied my confession.
John: Your co--what? Your confession?
Brady: Dad, I tried to confess to victor's stabbing.
John: Why the hell would you do something like that?
Brady: Because I knew that i would have a much lighter sentence, most likely, than kristen would. With her record, she'd probably go to prison for god knows how long.
John: Oh, god, kid, I am sorry that you had to go through this, but thank god you're not going to prison.
Brady: No, I'm not.
John: No, you know who should be going to jail and that is vic because none of this would have happened if that lousy son of a bitch hadn't tried playing god again and...
Brady: It's okay. Dad, dad, dad, dad. Hey, hey, take--
John: [Groans]
Brady: Take it easy. You all right? You all right? You want me to get kayla?
John: No, just--just give me a second.
Brady: All right.
Steve: Ooh. Oh, man, this is one of the best looking apple pies you've ever made, baby!
Kayla: Well, keep your hands off of it. You know, tripp and I made this together.
Steve: Did you now?
Kayla: Mm-hmm. Yes, we had a nice, little chat while we were baking together. It turns out he wants to transfer to salem university for his last year of medical school.
Steve: That's right. You know, he was a little nervous you wouldn't be on board because of everything that went down before.
Kayla: Well, he needn't be. I told him that despite our rocky beginning, I know what a good guy he is and what a good heart he has. And he has my blessing to come back here.
Steve: You sure, baby?
Kayla: Yes! Look, I know that he was a troubled kid, but he completely turned his life around, and i know that he would never hurt me or anybody else.
Steve: There's my boy now.
Kayla: Hey.
Nicole: Yes. Oh, just in time. Somebody's getting a diaper change. You were gone so long, I thought maybe you got lost.
Allie: Sorry. How's henry?
Nicole: Oh, he's been sleeping like an angel. Oh, thank you. Allie, what's wrong?
Allie: Nothing, I'm fine.
Nicole: Honey, your hands are shaking. Talk to me. What happened?
Allie: [Sighs] Um, on my way back from the store, I ran into somebody that I hoped I'd never see again.
Nicole: Who?
Allie: Henry's father.
You clean dishes as you cook,
Melinda: Any idea who might have been feeding this information to ms. Dimera?
Eli: As I told you, I wasn't here at the time, so I really can't say.
Melinda: But whoever tipped her off, must have been on the inside.
Eli: Why would you say that?
Melinda: After you took victor's statement, you told detective hernandez that he was pointing the finger at kristen. Who else knew?
Eli: I have no clue who rafe told. I mean, he could have called it in, for all I know.
Melinda: Yeah, but why would he do that if he knew you were coming straight here from the hospital?
Eli: I don't know, melinda. I--I don't know who he told, who he called, and if he did call it in, then maybe kristen overheard.
Melinda: Okay. I think we're finally getting somewhere. I want a full account of everything that happened in this station that day, a list of everyone who was on duty, a log of all the incoming and outgoing calls, and, of course, all of the security footage.
Eli: That's gonna take a while.
Melinda: Have it ready for me when I get back from ms. Dimera's arraignment.
[Dramatic music]
[Door slams]
Abe: Well, you know, as much as I enjoy spending time with rachel, I--well, I hope she's not separated from her mother much longer.
Lani: I'll be praying for that too.
Abe: Well, as I said, I trust the justice system to do its job, and from what I understand, the case against kristen isn't very strong. So what does trask have besides victor's statement?
Lani: I really wish there was something that I could do for kristen. The thought of her being locked away and kept away from rachel...
Eli: Maybe she won't go to prison.
Lani: You really think that's a possibility?
Eli: There's not that much hard evidence, and there was no prints on the knife 'cause brady wiped 'em off.
Lani: But victor gave you a statement, naming kristen as his attacker.
Eli: He also gave a different statement claiming that she didn'T.
Lani: That was a lie.
Eli: Yeah, but only you and i know that because kristen confessed the truth to you. And if they don't ask me anything, then I won't say anything.
Lani: Really? You would do that? Because, eli, you and I are the only ones with the most damning evidence.
Eli: Yes. And I know that I brought kristen in...but I promise... I won't--I won't go after her.
Lani: Thank you.
Eli: If the da and the judge decide to let her go, I won't stand in the way.
Lani: Give me your lips. You know another side effect of pregnancy hormones?
Eli: And what's that?
Lani: Mm. They make me wanna do this.
[Uneasy music]
Trask doesn't have anything else.
Abe: Is there something that I don't know?
Lani: No. Look, dad, I gotta go. I love you. Thank you for watching rachel. Okay?
Abe: Mm.
Lani: I will talk to you soon.
Abe: Yeah.
Lani: Good day.
Steve: Hey, son. Kayla just gave me the good news about med school.
Tripp: Yeah, it's not a done deal yet. I still have to apply and get accepted.
Kayla: Well, what happened in the admissions office?
Tripp: I hadn't had a chance to go over there yet.
Kayla: Really? You were so excited, you practically flew out of our house. I thought for sure you were headed right over there.
Steve: Why didn't you go, tripp? What happened?
Nicole: Henry's father? Did you plan on--
Allie: No, no. I just bumped into him. He said he has family here. His dad lives in salem. I had no idea.
Nicole: Well, maybe I know them. What's his name?
Allie: Tripp.
Nicole: [Sighs] Tripp--tripp who?
Allie: I don't know.
Nicole: Tripp's not a very common first name. I wonder if it could be tripp dalton.
Brady: Dad, are you sure you don't want me to get kayla?
John: No, no, no, no, no.
Brady: It's okay, I--
John: It's okay, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Brady: All right. I'm sorry I upset you. I shouldn't have been talking about my confession and all that.
John: You should have. Kid, I may be stuck in here for a while, but I need to know what's going on out there so i can try to help out however i can.
Brady: I know; you always wanna help. I know, I know. Listen, I'd love to hang around. I--I have to get to kristen's arraignment.
John: All right, just stay positive. At least you're not living on the run anymore, right?
Brady: I just have to pray that kristen gets off somehow.
John: Yeah, what's belle's take?
Brady: Belle thinks the da's case is weak. So unless this melinda trask comes up with something miraculous, I like kristen's chances to beat this.
[Door opens]
[Phone rings]
Lani: Hey.
Eli: You talk to your dad?
Lani: Yeah, and he is not gonna fire melinda. It will be up to belle to convince the judge that trask should remove herself.
Eli: We better hope she does.
Lani: What does that mean? Did something happen?
Eli: Trask was just here grilling me about my initial investigation into victor's stabbing.
Lani: And?
Eli: And she sees "glaring holes." She wants a full report on everything that happened at the station that day. I'm talking duty roster, call logs, and she wants security footage. Yeah. We both know where that's gonna lead.
Kate: Okay! I have a draft of that statement about trask's rehiring....
Abe: Oh, ooh, ooh.
Kate: If you wanna take a look at it.
Abe: It's okay. It's gonna be okay.
Kate: And who do we have here?
Abe: This is kristen dimera's daughter, rachel. It's a long story, but I should be a babysitting pro by the time lani's twins arrive.
Kate: You are going to make a fabulous grandfather. And trust me, nothing gets old about it, and in fact, it even gets better when you're a great-grandparent.
Abe: Don't rush me.
Kate: Actually, I was just over having a little visit with little henry.
Abe: Henry?
Kate: Allie's son. She finally named him, and he is the most precious little baby ever, I swear. Sorry. No offense, rachel.
Abe: So how is allie?
Kate: She's been through a lot, you know, but I'm just thankful. I'm thankful that she's decided to stay in salem and be a part of her son's life.
Allie: [Sighs] Tripp dalton? Should I know who that is?
Nicole: It's steve johnson's son.
Allie: [Softly] Oh.
Steve: So what happened? You change your mind about transferring?
Tripp: No, no, not at all. I just got held up. It's really no big deal.
[Pager beeps]
Kayla: Oh, sorry. Oh, I'm needed in the emergency room. I gotta go. Will you make sure that pie gets to my office, and I'll pick it up in a little bit?
Steve: Sure, baby.
Kayla: See you later.
Steve: I can tell something's wrong, son. Now you know you can talk to me.
Tripp: Okay, I--on my way over to the school, I ran into this girl I met a while back, and it was kind of, you know--it was very awkward.
Steve: Well, you're not talking about claire, are you?
Tripp: No, no, no, no. It's a girl I met last year when I was in london over christmas break.
Steve: British girl?
Tripp: No, she's american, and you're never gonna believe this, but she said her family lives here too. Her name's allie.
Steve: Allie horton?
Tripp: Allie horton, as in, like, horton-horton.
Steve: Yeah, she's john's granddaughter. She was living in london last year till she came back to have her baby.
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