Days Transcript Friday 9/25/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/25/20


Episode #13862 ~ Sami and Nicole argue before Sam's departure; Tripp asks for Kayla's blessing; Abigail plans for the future; Claire tells Ben about Hope's search for Vincent.

Provided By Suzanne

[Metallic clanking]

Rolf: This is a surprise.

Gwen: [Exhales] Ahh. What's up, doc?

Rolf: [Sighs] Ms. Rizczech, what are you doing here?

Gwen: Well, for starters, I've got bad news. The plan just had a major setback.

Rolf: How so?

Gwen: Abigail's home.

Abigail: Okay, this coffee stain is not coming out, so why don't you give me the shirt, and I will put it in the laundry. Uh-huh.

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: Uh-huh.

Chad: Mm-hmm.

Abigail: Mm-hmm.


Lucas: Whoa! Whoa, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Not looking.

Abigail: [Laughs] You're not interrupting, uncle, 'cause he just spilled coffee on his new shirt.

Chad: No, actually, the coffee was spilled on me, to be more accurate.

Abigail: By accident, to be more accurate. Are you moving?

Allie: Uh, no, that's mine. I'm moving back in with nicole.

Nicole: I'm so glad you made it to the village safely. But I miss you so much already. Eric, I am...I'm so proud of you... helping people who need it most.

[Knock on door] Oh, you know what? That must be allie. She's moving in today. Uh, no, no, no, not yet. Sami's bringing the baby by later today. Oh, and don't worry. Of course, I am expecting your sister to be her usual nightmare self, and I am prepared to handle it.

Sami: You were saying?

Nicole: [Sighs]

Tripp: Hey.

Kayla: Hey, yourself.

Tripp: What are you makin'?

Kayla: I am making an apple pie.

Tripp: Can I help?

Kayla: Sure. Um, grab an apron.

Tripp: All right.

Kayla: And, uh, you can help me...cut the apples. Here you go.

Tripp: Okay.

Kayla: Everything okay?

Tripp: I just can't stop thinking about ciara.

Kayla: Yeah, I know, neither can I.

Tripp: Yeah, I just got back from hope'S. Wanted to give her my condolences.

Kayla: Poor hope. How is she? As if I need to ask.

Tripp: She wasn't home. Shawn said she left town to find vincent belman.

Kayla: To arrest him?

Tripp: To get answers. Hope thinks it's possible ciara's still alive.

[Suspenseful music]

[Dramatic musical sting]

Ben: This is her bag.

[Door opens]

[Tense music] Ciara? Oh, my god, ciara, is that you?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Claire: Ben!


Ben: What the hell are you doing here?

Rolf: [Sighs]

Gwen: Two nights ago, abigail checked herself out of that florida clinic, and she flew home.

Rolf: What, she's fully recovered?

Gwen: Apparently, she still has hallucinations, but then she pops a pill, and...she's all better.

Rolf: Huh. Surprising. Abigail is much more resilient than I would have imagined.

Gwen: Yes, exactly. I know. You told me that that drug would melt her brain...permanently. But now it's six months later, and she's good as new.

Rolf: [Huffs] What, you're blaming me for this?

Gwen: Well, who else? You promised me that drug would take her out. Now you're going to help me get rid of her once and for all.

Abigail: So, allie, does this mean you decided to keep your son after all?

Allie: Well, not exactly my decision. You see, my mom was ready to drag the baby off to italy even though she knows I want nicole to raise him.

Abigail: Mm. But sami has legal custody, right?

Allie: Yeah, it's a tiny, irritating fact. But uncle eric came up with a compromise, so basically, if i move back in with nicole and help raise my baby, my mom agreed to back off.

Abigail: Okay. technically, sami is going to let her grandson be raised in nicole's home.

Allie: Yep.

Abigail: Did hell freeze over while I was away?

Lucas: Yeah.

[Clears throat]

Abigail: Well, because the sami I know, I mean, she would never let her grandson grow up anywhere near nicole... much less be raised by her.

Nicole: Well, your sister's here. I should go.

Sami: Tell my brother I say hello.

Nicole: She says hello. I love you too.

Sami: [Snorts]

Nicole: Bye.

[Phone beeps] Uh, I thought you weren't coming over until later today.

Sami: I thought you and i should have a private chat first.

Nicole: I'm not feeling very chatty.

Sami: That's too bad. If my daughter's gonna live here with you, you and I need to get a few things straight first. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back,

Claire: You scared me half to death. I thought that you were still at the hospital.

Ben: No, I just got released. How the hell did you get in my room?

Claire: I went to school with the front door clerk. She knew that ciara and I were family, so she let me in.

Ben: To do what?

Claire: To return ciara's suitcase.

Ben: Claire, when I... when I saw this suitcase, i thought--

Claire: Oh, my god. I am so sorry. You thought that I was ciara.

Ben: How did you even have it?

Claire: Ciara packed it when we went to new york to look for eve. When she and grandma hope found you, they flew straight back to salem with you and they left their stuff with dad and me. I never got the chance to return it.

Ben: What's the point? Ciara's gone.

Claire: I-I just--I thought that you might want it. I'm so sorry, ben. I know how much you love ciara, and how much she loved you.

Kayla: Why would hope think that ciara's still alive?

Tripp: The forensic report showed her dna in the car but no remains. So hope thinks it's possible that ciara wasn't in the car when it exploded.

Kayla: Well, I can understand why hope would pursue that. I mean, I imagine that hope would go to the ends of the earth if she thought that ciara might be alive. I mean, a mother would do anything for their child.

Nicole: There's nothing to straighten out, okay? I'm going to raise the baby, allie's going to live here, you're going back to europe, so it's all good, okay? Have a nice flight.

Sami: All right. I'm only leaving because ej and the kids need me. I still hate you. You are still the worst person on earth. You are just...a necessary evil right now.

Nicole: Oh, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Anything else?

Sami: Yes. I only agreed to this compromise because all I want, more than anything in the world, is for allie to have a chance to fall in love with her son, for her to choose for herself that she wants to raise him.

Nicole: Of course this is about what you want.

Sami: I know my daughter. She just needs a little time. But I know you too, so a word of warning... baby snatcher.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Sami: Do not get too attached to my grandson.

Nicole: Okay.

Allie: You know my mom. She only does something if something's in it for her. And she thinks that if I get back in my baby's life, I'll swoon into motherhood and never look back.

Lucas: It could happen.

Allie: Dad...

Lucas: I'm just saying, you know, supporting you. Either way--whatever you want.

Allie: And what I want is someone like nicole, you know, someone who's responsible, who's already a great mom. Who can give my kid the security I can'T.

Abigail: Mm. Well, if you need anything, anything at all, just--just let us know.

Allie: Thank you.

Abigail: Mm-hmm. I can't wait to spend time with my cousin's little boy!

Allie: Sounds like a play date.

Abigail: Great, great.

Lucas: Uh, allie, it is getting kinda late. We should probably go.

Chad: Where you going? I want a hug.

Abigail: Aw.

Lucas: Oh, do me a favor, okay, tell gwen that I'm not going anywhere. I kinda like it here now, so she better not try to steal another bedroom out from under me. That's a low blow. What?

[Allie huffs, lucas murmurs]

Gwen: When I was at bayview, I did my research on abigail. She's the poster child for nuts. Then when I heard about a dr. Morris who had made this experimental drug with some very interesting side effects... boom. I had my answer. You are my answer.

Rolf: Mmm.

[Laughs] Yes. Well, I was very impressed you were able to track me down.

Gwen: Well, when I want something, I don't stop until i get it. And you were perfect. The whole dr. Evil th--


Rolf: I am not evil! I simply like thinking outside the proverbial box.

Gwen: [Giggles] All right. When I learned that you had not only made the drug, but you also were not a fan of stefano dimera's daughter-in-law...

Rolf: Yes. She never showed the proper respect.

Gwen: I knew you wanted her punished as much as I did.

Rolf: She was always a thorn in stefano's side.

Gwen: So help me get rid of her once and for all.

[Suspenseful music]

If you get me another dose... I can melt her brain permanently.

Rolf: [Chuckling] No, I'm sorry, ms. Rizczech. I'm afraid I can't do that. Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.

Sami: I may be out of the country, but I still technically have custody of my grandson, so you try to pull anything--

Nicole: Okay, sami! I thought I made it clear. If your daughter wants to be a mother to her son, I will not stand in her way.

Sami: You better not. Because you don't exactly have a great track record with letting go of other people's children, nicole.

Nicole: Wow. I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response.

Sami: Well, you can't, because--

[Knocking on door]

Nicole: Okay, that's probably allie. Hi!

Allie: Sorry we're late.

Nicole: That's okay.

Lucas: Excuse us.

Allie: Is he awake?

Sami: He just woke up. Oh...

[Laughs] You did just wake up, didn't you, buddy? Yeah. Hey, come say hello to your mommy. You wanna take your bag down?

Allie: Thanks.

Sami: Okay. Yeah, you got him.

Lucas: There you go.

Nicole: There you go.

Lucas: You got him.

Allie: Well, hey, little man. Do you remember me?

Sami: Do you think maybe it's time to move on from little man? Maybe,'s time for you to give your son a name.

[Soft music]

Kayla: So when are you heading back to california?

Tripp: Actually, I wanted to, uh, talk to you about that. I was gonna bring it up the other night at dinner, but then we found out about ciara, and i didn't think it seemed so important.

Kayla: Bring what up?

Tripp: I'd like to finish out my last year of medical school here in salem. But before I make a decision, i wanted to know how you feel about it first. Uh, given our history, I'd understand if you didn't want me there.

[Somber music]

Ben: I gave this to her. To put on her motorcycle for protection.

Claire: She said she always traveled with it. Are you okay?

Ben: [Quietly] Yeah.

[Soft laugh]

[Exhales] I remember the last time I saw her in this. I was trying to be all romantic. And she told me that we had to come talk to you about the wedding. And even though I warned her that I didn't think you were--

Claire: You didn't think that I should be the maid of honor.

Ben: Yeah. I was wrong about that, claire. I'm sorry. Maybe if I...if I did listen to you...if I trusted you...

Claire: Look, you had... you had plenty of reason not to.

Ben: Aren't I always the one complaining about nobody giving me the benefit of the doubt? I'm doing the exact same thing to you. Who knows, maybe if I wasn't so fixated on you being the bad guy, I would have figured out that it was eve sabotaging my wedding. None of this would have happened. Ciara would still be here.

Chad: What are you reading? You look riveted.

Abigail: [Giggles] It's my dad's article on ciara's death. Gosh, it's awful.

Chad: Yes, it is, which is why I am so happy that you are home. You know what, why don't, uh, i take off work and we do all of the things we never got a chance to do--you, me, and the kids. Make some memories.

Abigail: Mm. That'S...sweet.

Chad: There's a "but".

Abigail: But... I think I'd like to go back to work.

Gwen: You won't give me another dose? Why not?

Rolf: Oh! Must I really connect the dots?

[Scoffs] When you dosed abigail the first time, gabriella hernandez was conveniently around to take the fall. But I hear that she and her dummkopf brother have left town which means, if you will attempt anything else, it would raise a lot of questions.

Gwen: Chad would follow those questions back to me.

Rolf: Ah! Finally, she catches on!

Gwen: Oh, damn it.

Rolf: So, if there is nothing else,'s cheeseburger day. But if one doesn't make it to the front of the line, well...

Gwen: Hold on. Hold on. Yes, I might not be able to use

[Lowers voice] The drug. It does not mean that the plan has changed. I need something else to bring her down--what else do you have up your sleeve?

Rolf: Well, perhaps you should stop thinking about instant gratification and begin to consider the long game.

Gwen: I could do that. What do you have in mind? These are real people, not actors,

Kayla: Tripp, why wouldn't i want you here? O-okay, we--we had a rough start...but it's behind us. I really thought that we were pretty close now.

Tripp: No, we are, we are, and I'm so grateful for that. But if I transfer to salem university medical school, then I'm gonna be spending a lot of time at the hospital... at your hospital.

Kayla: So are you worried about accusations of nepotism?

Tripp: No, I'm worried about how badly I screwed up back in the day. I was...I was so angry and... there's just no excuse for what I did. How I hurt you. And I'm ashamed of that and i always will be.

Kayla: Tripp--

Tripp: No, I-I know, and you forgive me and all that. But the last time, you pretty much told me I could never work at university hospital again, so...I'll understand if you don't want me anywhere near that place.

Allie: A name? You didn't name him?

Sami: I didn't think it was my place.

Nicole: When has that ever stopped you?

Sami: Ha. Excuse me?

Nicole: Nothing.

Allie: Um, well, maybe since nicole is gonna raise him, nicole should name him.

Sami: Over my dead body. Honey, listen, I know you're not ready to be a mom yet. But you did create this beautiful human being, and he has your eyes, and he is stubborn just like you.

[Baby fussing]

Allie: Hey, little man.

Sami: I think he deserves for his mother to give him a name.

Nicole: Hey, I agree with sami, honey. You should be the one to name your son.

Allie: Uh... okay then. What should we name you? He kind of looks like a niall.

Sami: Really?

[Baby fussing] He doesn't like that name.


Allie: Uh, what about zayn or harry?

Lucas: Well, now you're just naming members of one direction, right?

Nicole: How do you know their names?

Lucas: What, I can't be a fan?

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Allie: What about... I know. What about henry? Henry lucas horton.

[Baby fussing]

Lucas: Really? Like the cat said, I think that is a puuuufect name.

[Baby fusses] Oh, it's okay.

[Overlapping chatter]

Sami: Shh...

Lucas: Shh.

Chad: Go back to work? You just got home. You should be taking it easy, spending time with thomas and charlotte. Your husband.

Abigail: Hmm... well, I'm definitely gonna spend as much time as possible with my kids and with you. But part of coming home is getting back into my regular routine, and that means going back to work so I can have a normal life again.

Chad: I get that, but what about the...stress, the pace? The deadlines.

Abigail: You're not possibly insinuating that I'm a fragile little doll, are you?

Chad: Absolutely not. Absolutely not, I just--I don't want you putting too much pressure on yourself.

Abigail: I love working at "the spectator." I do, it gives me purpose, and i think if I go back to work, it'll make me feel like I have control of my life again. And, you know, after six months at a clinic, I need that. I need to do whatever I can to put all of that behind me.

Rolf: So what do you know about abigail?

Gwen: Well...besides the loony tunes part, she's, um... well, she's perfect. Perfect husband, perfect children. Perfect life, perfect hair.

Rolf: So begin to dismantle that life...piece by piece.

Gwen: What do you mean?

Rolf: Well, target everything abigail holds dear--her husband, her, uh, her offspring, her home--and take it all for yourself.

Gwen: I did get a kiss out of chad before abigail got home. But now that that snip's home, she's gonna be hanging all over him--how do I do it?

Rolf:: Well, I don't think the term "subtle" is in your skill set, but still, I would urge you to strive for some finesse.

Gwen: Stealth. I like it.

Rolf: Mm.

Gwen: Abigail will never see me coming. And then, once I bring her down, I will let her know exactly who's destroyed her life.

Rolf: You know, I find the woman to be a sanctimonious prig. But why do you want to ruin her life?

Gwen: [Whispering] Let's just say...I have a very good reason to hate abigail deveraux dimera. And you will find out when everybody else does.

Rolf: Hmm.

Gwen: Auf wiedersehen.

Rolf: Auf wiedersehen.

[Uneasy music]

Tide power pods one up the

cleaning power of liquid.

Chad: So then you're, uh, going back to work.

Abigail: You're not gonna fight me on it?

Chad: No. If you think that it'll help you get back to your old self then, uh, I'm all for it. Just promise me you'll let me know if it gets too overwhelming.

Abigail: I promise. You know what else makes me feel like my old self...

Chad: What, this whole thing?

Abigail: Yeah.

Chad: Yeah? I think I can help you with that.

Abigail: Mm-hmm.

Gwen: Still going at it, are you?

Chad: Um...where have you been? You were gonna send in harold to clean up this mess.

Gwen: Oh, yeah, whoops. But I did pick up a gift, abigail. I just wanted to apologize. It's, um, mocha java, but decaf, so you can have it with your medication.

Abigail: Oh! Thank you. That was so thoughtful.

Gwen: Well, you know, we got off on the wrong foot and I just wanted to apologize, 'cause I really think you're terrific, and I would really like if we could be friends. Do you think that'd be possible?

Abigail: I don't see why not.

Gwen: You're the best, really, that means so much to me.

[Uneasy music]

Lucas: Henry lucas is a strong name, isn't it?

[Laughs] I think it's great, but...he might have...

[Laughter, overlapping chatter]

Sami: That...

Lucas: Is that what I smell?

Sami: Sounds about right.

Nicole: Aw...

Sami: Lucas, it's nicole's turn.

Nicole: Okay. I'd be happy to, yes!

Lucas: That means he really likes you.

Nicole: Let's get you out of that stinky diaper. Let's get you out of it. I know!

Sami: Oh, yes, I'd love some water when you come back. Thanks, nicole.

Nicole: Don't you have a flight to catch?

[Baby fussing]

Lucas: Well, she's right. We should probably leave right now if you wanna be on time.

Sami: Oh. Um...maybe I could just meet you at the car?

Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, you can do that. You I will see later.

Allie: Bye.

Lucas: I love you.

Allie: I love you.

Lucas: I'll see my grandson later too!

Both: Henry lucas!

Lucas: What?!

Allie: So...what now? You gonna tell me how nicole is gonna try and steal my kid in the middle of the night? How I'm making another huge mistake?

Sami: I was just gonna say that it's been a rough couple months for us.

Allie: Years.

Sami: Right. Right. But I guess it's sort of... in the family genes or something. The thing between mothers and daughters, I mean. And I think it's because we're know, and... stubborn. We don't like to be told what to do. And we're right... even when we're wrong. I think it's because...we love so deeply that we fight so much. There were a lotta times that i thought I would never speak to my mother again. But every time I needed her, she was there for me. She is always there for me. Just like I will always be there for you, allie. This bond between us is... unbreakable. Whether you like it or not.

[Emotional music]

I love you so much.

Allie: Mom...I love you too.

[Sami gasps]

Sami: Oh, allie!

Kayla: Tripp, there's no doubt that you could have hurt a lot of people. But you thought I killed your mother... and you were grieving and angry. You've grown up a lot since then. You took responsibility for what you did. To me, you're not even the same person you were then.

Tripp: That's not exactly true.

Kayla: What do you mean?

Tripp: I framed ben for setting the fire that almost killed ciara.

Claire: What happened to ciara is not your fault. You were a victim too, ben. The only people that should feel guilty are eve and vincent.

Ben: Well, at least eve's locked up. But that bastard's still out there.

Claire: Not for long. Grandma hope left town to track him down.

Ben: Yeah, that makes sense. She wants him locked up just as bad as I do.

Claire: That's not the only reason she's gone after him.

Ben: What are you talking about?

Claire: According to my dad, grandma thinks it's possible that ciara wasn't in the car-- that she's still alive.

Ben: What?!

Lucas: You okay?

Sami: Our daughter doesn't hate me.

Lucas: No, she doesn't hate you. She knows that you want what's best for her and her child.

Sami: I hope so.

Lucas: You took the high road--I'm proud of you.

Sami: You know, I only did it because I want allie to decide that she wants to raise henry herself.

Lucas: I feel the same way, but we can't push her on that. We have to be patient.

Sami: That is not my strong suit.

Lucas: No kidding.

[Both chuckle]

Sami: Hey, wait--what do you think? Are we making the right decision here about nicole? Eric isn't gonna be here to keep nicole on the rails, you know? We don't know what that woman is capable of.

Lucas: I am not her biggest fan either but, you know, she's a good mother, so...

Sami: Oh, wait, you don't have to go that far, okay? She's a train wreck waiting to happen. The idea that that witch is gonna play mom to my grandson makes me wanna... pull my hair out. Better yet, hers.

Lucas: Well, so much for the high road.

Nicole: He fell asleep before I finished putting his diaper on. Must be all the peace and quiet.

Allie: [Small laugh] Yeah, peace and quiet isn't exactly my mom's style.

Nicole: I think that we should get you two unpacked and settled in. What do you say?

Allie: I have to ask. Are you having any doubts about taking us in?

Nicole: Are you kidding? Holly and I love having you and this sweet little guy here. And I absolutely love his name. Henry.

Allie: Yeah.

Nicole: it by chance his father's name?

Allie: No, no. I would never, never name him after that bastard.

Nicole: Uh...why not? Wait--no, mmm, I'm sorry. I know, off limits. I totally respect that.

Allie: It's just easier to never think about him again.

Nicole: Okay. Why don't we think about diaper rash?

Allie: Henry's?

Nicole: Yeah, a little. Um, I tried looking in the bag for some cream, but there was nothing.

Allie: Okay, well, I'll go get some.

Nicole: Are you sure?

Allie: Yeah. Um, I mean, you're already doing so much. The least I can do is get the tube of cream, so...I'll be quick.

Nicole: Okay.

Kayla: I thought ciara's friend wyatt framed ben. I mean, he confessed.

Tripp: Yeah, because claire convinced him to take the blame. But I was the one who planted ben's fingerprint on the can of accelerant and left it at the cabin for the cops to find.

Kayla: Tripp...

Tripp: I know, I know. Hey, I was such a coward, I... I was so afraid of losing ciara that I convinced myself that this was the only way to keep her.

Kayla: So that's why you and ciara broke up?

Tripp: Partly. I'm so ashamed.

Kayla: Um... I appreciate your honesty. And you know, tripp, I... I know what a good and compassionate and sincere person you are. And I do believe that you'll be a brilliant doctor. I also think that university hospital would be lucky to have you.

Tripp: So...

Kayla: So I'm gonna give you my blessing to transfer here.

Tripp: Really?

Kayla: Yes.

Tripp: Oh, thank you so much. Ohh...oh, thank you so much.

Kayla: Listen, you are done with all this. Seriously.

Kayla: Why don't you go over to the school and see what you need to do to transfer?

Tripp: Good idea, good idea.

Kayla: Wait, tripp, um...i don't think that'll work there.

Tripp: Yes.

Kayla: Thank you.

Tripp: Yes, thank you.

Kayla: Good luck.

Ben: Why does hope think ciara wasn't in the car? We found her rings.

Claire: Yeah, and her dna and a surveillance photo from a toll booth showing her in the passenger seat.

Ben: I don't understand. What are you saying, claire?

Claire: But my dad said that forensics didn't find any of her actual remains in the car. So now grandma thinks that it's possible that she got out of the car before you three arrived.

Ben: We never actually saw her in the car. Why didn't anybody tell me this?

Claire: My dad thinks that grandma's getting her hopes up for nothing, and he probably just didn't want you to do the same thing--it would be cruel--

Ben: Not if ciara's still alive, claire!

Claire: Well, the only person that knows that for sure is vincent. That's why grandma has gone after him.

Ben: Where is hope right now?

Claire: I don't know. I don't know. Hey, what are you doing?

Ben: I'm going to help her. Just don't know if I'm gonna have time.Nt to have a friend under the same roof..

Gwen: It's gonna be brilliant to have a friend under the same roof...especially after having to deal with that bitch gabi. I've got to say, her room is just... hey... why don't we do yoga in the mornings as friends by the pool?

Abigail: Oh! Oh, I-I would love to, but i just don't know if I'm gonna have time. I'm actually getting ready to go back to work.

Gwen: Oh. Oh, that's great.

Chad: Oh, but wait, there's a problem.

Abigail: What?

Chad: Our nanny had an eye on that other job, so...I mean, I figured you were gonna be at home with the kids, so I told her it was cool. We'll have to find a replacement.

Gwen: You found her.

Abigail: You?

Gwen: Well, yeah! I can't be the only one not working.

Chad: Thought you said you liked not working very much.

Gwen: That was before... when I thought that jake was gonna support me. But now I have to be... financially stable on my own, don't I? So what do you say? You know what, actually, just wait. You can just talk about it amongst yourselves, think about it, but just know that whatever it is that you decide is good. But, honestly... this could be exactly what i need right now.

Claire: Ben, I really don't think this is a good idea. Would you please just let my grandma handle it?

Ben: Vincent belman is the only person who knows if ciara dead or alive, so you can be damn sure I'm gonna help hope find him, and we're gonna get the truth out of him.

[Door opens and closes]

Claire: [Whispers] Oh, my god.

Lucas: We still got a little time, you wanna say good-bye to your family.

Sami: [Sighs] Probably not.

Lucas: That bad, huh?

Sami: This is a record visit for me. I managed to piss off, uh, eric and belle, my mom and john, and will and allie all in one trip. No, I don't think anyone is gonna be sad to see me go.

Lucas: I am.

Sami: You're just saying that.

Lucas: No, I am. Things are a lot less interesting when you're not around.

Sami: Thanks.

[Sighs] I'm gonna miss you too. You'll keep a eye on allie and henry for me?

Lucas: Henry lucas?

[Sami laughs] What're you talkin' about? I'm all over it. You can count on me.

Sami: I know I can.

Nicole: I really put my foot in it, didn't I, henry? God, I shouldn't have asked. But why doesn't your mommy wanna talk about your daddy?

[Uneasy music]

Tripp: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Allie: Oh, my god, it's you.

[Dramatic music]

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