Days Transcript Thursday 9/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/24/20


Episode #13861 ~ Justin confides in Jack about Bonnie; Gwen plots against Abigail; John lashes out at Steve; Ben faces life without Ciara.

Provided By Suzanne

Bonnie: [Laughing] Oh! [Laughs]

[Intense music]

Justin: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Steve: You up for a visitor?

John: [Exhales] You know, if it's my best friend and partner, always.

Steve: You know... last time I was here, you slept the entire time. Pretty rude, dude, if you ask me.

John: Well, sorry about that. Maybe today there's some way I can make it up to you.

Steve: Well, as a matter of fact, I was hoping I could beat your butt in a game of texas hold'em.

John: [Laughs]

Steve: Maybe marlena wants to play too. Where is she?

John: She just went to check in on ben weston.

[Tense music]

Ben: Ciara? Ciara! Ciara! Ciara! Ciara, I'm coming!

Marlena: Ben! Ben! Ben! Okay. It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here.

Ben: [Panting]

[Mischievous music]

Gwen: Right. Well, then, let's just have a quick drink, shall we? Yes. And I will stay out of your hair. 'Cause I'm sure you're desperate to be with your husband.

Chad: And vice versa. Sorry that took so long.

Abigail: No, no. It's okay. Gwen and I were just catching up, here. Getting to know each other.

Chad: All right. Good night, gwen. See you tomorrow.

Gwen: Yup. You can count on it. So maybe yesterday, you were saved by playtime with those little brats of yours. Today is your lucky day, abigail. Or maybe I should say "not so lucky."

[Fabric rustles]

Abigail: Oh, breakfast with our little munchkins. Definitely my favorite part of the day.

Chad: How lucky are the kids and I to have you back?

Abigail: I really missed them. Just getting them ready for school and hearing about their day, putting 'em to bed and... hearing their prayers and... all of it. Just the daily routine... being their mom and your wife and... all things that make me me.

[Tense music]

Who the hell is this?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Marlena: Here, have a sip.

[Solemn music]

Ben: How long have you been here?

Marlena: Not long. I didn't want to wake you.

Ben: It's always the same thing. Every time I sleep... the car is exploding. Ciara is inside it. I can't get it out of my head.

Marlena: I'm so sorry.

Ben: Ciara was always there for me. But when she needed me the most... I failed her.

Gwen: Good morning. I didn't hear you two in.

Jack: I-- so much for a nice, quiet breakfast alone.

Jennifer: But you are more than welcome to join us. She does still live here. But clearly, we were interrupting you. You--you were on the phone?

Gwen: Uh, no. I was-- oh, I was just talking to myself, actually. Um, it's a habit, I guess. Or a sign of insanity. I did spend time at bayview, you know.

Jack: But w-w-we thought you weren't a patient. You were just lying low.

Gwen: I was. But, you know, imagine spending all day long with all those nutters. It can really, like, rub off on you.

[Mysterious music]

Abigail: Who is this with you?

Chad: What are you t--

[Sighs] Abby, that's you.

[Dark music]

Abigail: Oh. Yeah, um... hmm.

Chad: Wh--I-- are you having an... hallucination again? What's going on?

Abigail: I guess I did.

[Mysterious music]

Back off!

Jack: "Nutters rubbing off"? You think that's funny?

Gwen: Oh! Damn. Look... [Sighs] There I go again, me and my knack for just saying the wrong thing. Oh, gwen. Oh, that was really insensitive of me, wasn't it? Making light of mental illness.

[Clicks tongue] Especially after I know what your daughter has endured. Yeah, I'M... so sorry. Well, it's all right, 'cause I know that she's fine and she's with her family and she's functioning normally now, right?

Jack: Yes. Obviously.

Gwen: Mm. Well, you--I just-- I know that mental illness is, um... it's complicated and, uh, certain cases can be very difficult to treat. And, uh, even though abigail is here and she seems fine-- I'm--I'm sure that there's still that horrible lingering feeling that she might, you know, possibly...

[Whispering] Relapse. Oh, dear. Look at that. I've put my foot in it again, haven't I? Oh.

Chad: Are you sure you're okay?

Abigail: It was a little disconcerting, but... it's nothing I can't handle. That's the thing about the meds. It makes the hallucinations a lot more manageable.

Chad: Good. I can't imagine what it's like, seeing something that's not there... and to look at a picture of yourself and not... know that it's you.

Abigail: Well, I guess, all things considered, there are worse things than seeing a picture of you with another woman. I mean, at least you guys weren't kissing, right?

Bonnie: I was... I was celebrating.

Justin: Celebrating?

Bonnie: Well, you showed me a settlement with more zeroes on it than I've seen in my entire life! I'm appreciative. So I hugged you. And the next thing I know, we were...kissing.

Justin: No! "We" were not kissing. You were kissing me. I most certainly did not kiss you back.

Bonnie: You sure about that?

Justin: Excuse me?

Bonnie: I'm just saying, it seemed to me I wasn't the only one doing the kissing.

Marlena: Oh, ben. No. No, you did not fail her. You did everything that you could to rescue her, and... she knew how much you loved her.

Ben: [Sniffles]

[Breathes shakily]

[Stirring music]

Ben: Ciara was the best thing that's ever happened to me. She was... everything. Now what do I have? I got nothing. I got nothing but these rings.

Steve: I still think of ciara as bo's little girl. For her life to be cut short like that... [Exhales] God. I guess the only comfort is knowing that, uh, she's with her daddy now.

John: Ah.

Steve: And poor ben. I mean, her husband of what? Less than a month? It's a good thing marlena's with him.

John: "Good"? Strange, if you ask me.

Steve: "Strange"?

John: Oh, come on, man. After what the hell he did to will, I can't believe she's in the same room with him, let alone trying to help that bastard.

Steve: Man, come on. Marlena's a compassionate woman. You know that. She sees the good in people even when they might not deserve it. I can't count the number of times she's stood up for me.

[Dark music] You know, given me the benefit of the doubt. She's an angel, and I'm grateful to have her in my life.

John: What are you doing, man? You planning on moving in on my wife?

Steve: [Exhales] We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.

Bonnie: I mean, I have kissed a lot--well, not that many, uh, men. But I kissed you. I mean, you thought I was adrienne. But nonetheless, I know what it feels like, honey, when somebody's into it.

Justin: [Scoffs] Bonnie, I don't give a damn what you felt. Okay? I wasn't into it. All right? Not in the least. In fact, I was stunned. Shocked. You know what, though? It's all my fault because I should've never taken your case. Not after what you did to adrienne. But somehow, I convinced myself that you were a victim, that even you-- someone like you-- deserved representation.

Bonnie: "Someone like me."

Justin: Mm-hmm. A con artist. Right? I mean, this is all a-- a game to you, right? I mean, I thought maybe you'd learned your lesson. But obviously I was very naive, because you are the same con artist you've always been. You may look like adrienne, but you are not adrienne, okay? You're not half the woman she was! You're not one millionth the woman she was. So you can just take this hat and shove it.

[Melancholy music]

Jack: We don't really need to discuss our daughter's mental health with y--

Jennifer: Because it's none of your business. That's why we don't need to discuss it with you.

Gwen: Yes, yes. You're right. You're right. You are. I was just expressing concern, but, you know, I... really do like abigail. I mean, who wouldn't? She's, um... perfect human being, really. She's so kind, and do you know that she hardly knows me, and yet, she totally forgave me?

Jack: Forgave you?

Jennifer: For what?

Jack: Actually, uh, we don't need to know. We don't need to know, and if we need to know anything, I'm sure abigail will fill us in. So let's just--we'll just get on with our day, shall we?

Jennifer: Yes.

Gwen: Okay.

Jennifer: See you, gwen.

Jack: See you, yes.

Gwen: Bye. It was lovely chatting with you. I'm really so fond of your daughter. You must be so proud of her.

Both: Yes.

Jennifer: We are indeed.

Both: Thank you.

Gwen: Well, I mean, who wouldn't, right? Yeah, 'cause, as I say, she's just... she's marvelous, really. And now she's totally healed, thank god, and, you know, healthy in the mind.

Jack: She is all that!

[Suspenseful music]

Gwen: Yeah, but not for long.

Chad: Why would you say that? That at least--at least the woman in the photo and I weren't--

Abigail: It was a joke. Yeah, honey, it was-- it was just a joke. Um... I just said it because gwen kissed you, and so then it was a relief that you and the--I-- it's not even worth explaining. I shouldn't have said it. It was a silly comment. Just trying to be funny.

[Chuckles] Too soon?

Chad: No, it's--I just-- it makes me feel like you're still upset about it. About the kiss.

Abigail: No. I'm not, no. I promise you, I'm not. I'm fine. I genuinely believe in the sincerity of gwen's apology, and I trust that she wants us all to be friends.

Chad: 'Cause look, I... I am sorry if... if I caused you, for--even for a second to think that you are not the one and only woman for me. Abby, I love you with all of my heart. Now and forever. My beautiful, beautiful wife.

[Stirring music]

And I don't want to interfere with your recovery.

Abigail: Thank you.

And on that note, I am gonna go and I'm gonna get out of this robe and I'm gonna get in the shower and I'm gonna get dressed like a normal person.

Chad: Why don't you just... wait, mrs. Dimera. 'Cause I happen to think that you look perfect in this robe. And out of it.

Abigail: Mm.

Steve: "Moving in" on marlena? You're joking, right?

John: Do I look like I'm joking?

Steve: Well, aside from the fact that I would never do that to you or to her, have you noticed I'm back with kayla?

John: Wasn't always that way, though, was it? It wasn't too long ago you went to extreme measures to move in on marlena. Kind of forced yourself on her, didn't you?

Steve: Come on, man. You know that wasn't me. You know damn well it wasn't me. My mind and my body had been hijacked. I'm gonna say this again. But listen. It wasn't me. Okay? That wasn't the man who is your best friend, who loves you like a brother--

John: Just screw it, man! Screw your cards and your best friend brother bull... just go on. Just--just--

Steve: John. John.

John: Get outta here!

Steve: Listen, buddy! Listen to me! It wasn't me. I did those things because rolf messed with my head. I wasn't in my right mind! You know that. Don't you?

[Tense music]

John: [Exhaling] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, man. I'm afraid that I'm, uh... the one who's not in his right mind. I'm sorry, man.

Steve: It'll be all right. It's all right.

[Stirring music]

Ben: I put this on ciara's finger... because I couldn't afford A... a diamond. Called it a placeholder... until I could give her the ring that she deserved. The life she deserved.

Marlena: I understand.

Ben: I lived a whole lifetime in my dream. Ciara and me, w-- we were so happy. And it just... it just flew by. It'S... it's how I always feel with... that's how I always felt with her. No matter how much time we had together, it was... it was never gonna be enough.


Marlena: Ben.

Ben: How do I do this? How am I supposed to live my life when she was my life?

Marlena: I can't tell you... how long it's going to take for you to feel a little less pain. Nobody can tell you that. But I do know, in time, the memory of her will... will bring you comfort. She lives in your heart. She'll always be there.

Ben: I don't want her to be dead.

[Sobbing softly] I don't want her to be dead.

Marlena: I know. I know.

Tide power pods one up the

cleaning power of liquid.

Ben: [Sniffles] I'm sorry.

Marlena: You have no reason to be sorry.

Ben: Yes, I do. I should be stronger right now.

Marlena: You shouldn't "be" anything right now. You should just be hanging on, doing the best you can.

Ben: Thank you. Thank you for helping me, as always.

Marlena: You don't have to thank me, ben. If I can be of any comfort to you, even... even in the slightest way, that's what I wanna do.

Ben: [Exhales heavily] I didn't even ask about you. How's your husband? How's john?

Marlena: Oh. He's out of the coma.

Ben: That's good news.

Marlena: Mm-hmm.

Ben: How's he doing?

Marlena: He's, um... he's doing fine.

Ben: Thank god.

Marlena: Yeah.

Ben: I'm happy for you.

Marlena: Thank you, ben.

Ben: So what are you doing here? Go be with your husband.

Marlena: I can stay with you as long as you need.

Ben: No, no, no. I'll be okay. I want you to go be with john. He needs you too.

Marlena: Mm. Okay. Ben. Don't forget... you are not in this alone.

Bonnie: [Sobs] Where's a tissue when you need one?


[Intriguing music]


Jennifer: Uh... will this help?

Bonnie: Thanks.

[Blows nose loudly]

Jennifer: Uh, uh, you-- you can keep it, uh...

Bonnie: Oh. Good idea.

[Mumbles indistinctly]

Jennifer: Oh, gosh. I know that I'm gonna regret this, but, bonnie, what's wrong?

Bonnie: [Sighs] I got my settlement from my publisher today.

Jennifer: Didn't you get what you wanted?

Bonnie: No. I got more than i ever possibly dreamed.

Jennifer: Then what is the problem?

Bonnie: My lawyer hates me.

Jennifer: Bonnie, what did you do? Did you not pay him?

Bonnie: No! I kissed him.

Jennifer: Kissed him? You kissed your lawyer? You're his client. He could be disbarred.

Bonnie: [Stammers] I would never let that happen. Please, I am team justin all the way.

Jennifer: Justin? Justin kiriakis is your lawyer?

Bonnie: Not anymore.

[Chuckles sadly]

Justin: [Exhales]

[Country music playing]

Jack: A little early for happy hour, don't you think?

Justin: But there's so much to rejoice about. Not just in my life, but in the world! Right?

Jack: Uh-huh.

Justin: Certainly in salem, where everything is just, uh, fine and dandy. Comin' up roses.


Jack: Bad day?

Justin: Mm! With only myself to blame.

Jack: Can you tell me about it?

Justin: Not very coherently, which... may be for the best, since who wants to be coherent when they're talking about a woman?

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Justin: Eh? I mean... you would think that... at my stage in my life, that I would have acquired at least a modicum of wisdom re: The opposite sex. But all I am feeling right now at this moment is confused, foolish, pathetic. And on top of all that, this drinking, it's making me feel incredibly sorry for myself.

Jack: I assume this is all about kayla.

Justin: [Exhaling] Ah. Kayla. No. This is about...

[Imitates drumroll] Bonnie lockhart.

Abigail: [Giggles]

Gwen: My. Well, don't you two look happy?

Abigail: We are. Very happy. Breakfast with the kids and quality time with my husband. I'm feeling pretty wonderful.

Chad: I am all for quality time, just the two of us.

Abigail: [Giggling] Chad, stop.

Gwen: Just pretend I'm not here.

Chad: Okay.

Abigail: Stop. Well, that smells amazing.

Gwen: Yes. Harold just made a fresh pot of mocha java.

Abigail: Mmm. That's my favorite.

Gwen: Is it? Why don't I pour some for you, then?

People everywhere living with type 2 diabetes

Marlena: I spoke to sarah. You're ready to be discharged. You can go home whenever you want.

[Somber music]

Ben: Home?

Home is with ciara.

Marlena: I understand. There's no rush. You can--you can stay. You know, stay for a day, stay a couple days. Whatever it takes--

Ben: No, no, no, no. I'm not gonna hide. And you were supposed to go be with your husband.

Marlena: I'm going.

Ben: Yeah?

Marlena: Mm-hmm. I will be here for you any time.

John: Ever since I came out of that coma, it's like... I don't know. It's like my brain's scrambled.

Steve: Well, you've been to hell and back. You need to cut yourself a break. It's got to be frustrating, a man like you stuck in a hospital bed like this. You deserve to fly off the handle once in a while--

John: No, and that's just the thing; this isn't the first time.

Steve: Here's the deal. I sat here for hours watching you hooked up to all those machines, thinking you might die. So to have you alive and yelling at me? I'm grateful for that.

[Both chuckle] Okay? So whatever's going on with you-- you wanna yell at me, I'm right here. I don't care. I can take it.

[Both laughing] All right? Okay.

John: [Laughing]

Steve: So listen. How 'bout we get back to me kicking your ass at some poker?

John: [Laughing] Yeah, right.


Steve: It'll be all right.

Chad: Have I--have I told you how beautiful you look this morning?

Abigail: Um, I don't exactly get tired of hearing it.

Gwen: [Exhales] Okay, you two lovebirds. Here's a mocha java just for you.

Abigail: Mmm. Mmm, this smells like heaven. Can this morning get any better?

Chad: Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait. You can't have that. Can't have caffeine with your meds.

Abigail: What? Why?

Chad: I read it on the label.

Abigail: Of course you did. Yeah. He takes very good care of me. But... you're right; I forgot. It's just decaf for me. So, um... I'm sorry you went through the trouble.

Chad: Well, I mean, you know, there's no point in letting it go to waste.

Gwen: No, no, no, don't-- don't drink--don't drink-- drink that.

Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.

Abigail: Are you okay? You didn't get burned, I hope.

Chad: No, no. I didn'T. Luckily it wasn't that hot. What the hell, gwen? What are you-- care to ex--stop! Care to explain?

Gwen: Well, I--I-- I don't know. I mean, you--you saw how very excited abigail was to have a cup of coffee after god knows how long. She hasn't had coffee. And then you just denied her? I mean, you can't just drink coffee in front of her. It's rude.

Chad: What?

Gwen: You're right. I'm sorry; I'm being presumptuous; it's between the two of you. Sorry.

Chad: Yes, it is. Give me--

Abigail: She said she was sorry. She said she was sorry.

Gwen: Look, I think I maybe just--I went overboard because of, um... chad and me and that kiss. It meant nothing. But I-I guess I'M... just...

Abigail: Trying a little too hard?

Gwen: Yeah, it's a character flaw of mine.

Abigail: It's okay. I get it. I have a tendency to try a little too hard myself from time to time.

Gwen: Wow, you really are such a sweet dear, aren't you? And you are one lucky guy. So how about I get harold in here to clean up this mess, and you two can go back to having quality time together. Okay. Okay.

Chad: Great.

Abigail: She meant well.

Chad: [Exhales]


Abigail: Come on. Come on. It's no big deal. It's just a little spilled coffee. Why don't you wipe this-- this frown situation off your face so we can do some more catching up, huh?

Chad: All right. All right. I'm all for that.

Abigail: [Laughing] Oh, no!

Chad: [Laughing]

Abigail: Terrible.

Jennifer: I can't believe this. After everything that you have already done to justin and-and-and the horrible things that happened to adrienne, you're trying to take his money?

Bonnie: No! No! Have you not heard me? He won me a huge chunk of change. I don't need his money. I have my own now. The kiss just...

[Sighs] Happened.

Jennifer: Bonnie, nothing with you "just happens."

Bonnie: That attitude... I've had to live with forever.

Jennifer: Because you have done horrible things to so many people in this town; that's why.

Bonnie: So I deserve what I get? Is that it?

Jennifer: No--no--

Bonnie: No, really. No, you know what? Jennifer... maybe you're right. But this time, I was in a real bind. And I just figured, "okay. Gotta take my beating." But then... justin, out of nowhere, just swoops in like A... like... [Breath hitches]

Jennifer: Like a knight in shining armor.

Bonnie: More like john wayne. And I know this is gonna sound stupid... but he was kind to me. And what's gonna sound even more stupid is...

[Inhales] I thought that if justin-- a man who has every right to hate me-- could be kind to me, then maybe I could be kind to myself. Maybe I could forgive myself for what I did to his wife. Maybe I could finally put my terrible past behind me and be the person I'd like to be.


Jack: So let me get this straight.

Justin: Thank you.

Jack: You're in a relationship with bonnie lockhart.

Justin: No! No. Of course not. Well, not that kind of relationship. But apparently bonnie thinks so, because she kissed me. She laid one on me. And sonny warned me.

Jack: Sonny warned you? Well, what did sonny warn you--

Justin: I should've suspected something when she bought me a hat. A cowboy hat. [Laughs] Me! [Laughs]

[Both laughing] Can you imagine?

Jack: No! I mean--but, well--I mean-- you know. [Laughs]

Justin: And it's my own fault, jack!

Jack: What?

Justin: My own fault!

Jack: What? For the hat? Or the kiss?

Justin: I'm trying to explain!

Jack: Okay, just--just-- let's just start over at the beginning, shall we?

Justin: Okay. Bonnie's book publisher tried to cheat her out of her royalties. Now, there is nothing I hate more than when the big guy takes advantage of the little guy. Even if the little guy is bonnie lockhart.

Jack: So you took her case?

Justin: I did. And we won big.

Jack: And that's a good thing, right?

Justin: How is that a good thing? Look what it got me.

Jack: Kissed. In a hat.

Justin: Why in the hell did I give her the benefit of the doubt? Oh! Whoa, whoa. I know why. Because she looks like adrienne. Which is exactly why I shouldn't have given her the benefit of the doubt! Because adrienne spent months in prison because of bonnie lockhart. I should've just walked away! And instead...

[Sighs] I betrayed her. I betrayed... my wife.

Jack: No, no, no, no. Hey. Justin, I don't know why you feel like you betrayed adrienne, because it's not like you have any feelings for bonnie. Right?

Justin: [Sighs]

[Sultry saxophone music]

Justin: Feelings? For that woman? Are you insane? She's a convicted felon! She uses everyone she's ever met. I mean, to even think about bonnie lockhart in the same sentence with the word "feelings" would be A... travesty! A mockery! An insult to adrienne, to my marriage, to my sons! To anyone who ever gave a damn about my wonderful wife! And honestly, jack, as adrienne's brother, I would hope that you would see that!

Jack: Oh, I do. I do--I-I see that. I d-- forget it. Forget I even thought of it. I-I didn't even say it. Forget it.

Justin: [Sighs]

Bonnie: Oh, who was I kidding, right? Thinking justin could be my friend and... [Sighs] Giving him this hat?

Jennifer: I-it's an interesting choice.

Bonnie: I know. As if... a person as good and decent and kind as justin could ever forgive me me for what I did to his wife.

[Chuckles] Joke's finally on me. No, feel free. Laugh your ass off.

Jennifer: No. Bonnie... I know that--that you are upset. I--and I know that justin was very kind to you. But you don't really believe that there could ever be anything between you two, right?

[Forlorn music]

I have to go.

Bonnie: [Sobbing shakily]

Chad: Did--didn't she say she was gonna send harold in to help us clean this up?

Abigail: He's probably busy.

Chad: Stop. No, you shouldn't be cleaning up her mess.

Abigail: What? No. I don't mind.

Chad: Okay. [Laughs]

Abigail: I actually kind of appreciated the way she stuck up for me.

Chad: Yeah, I could tell by the way you stuck up for her.

Abigail: Oh, I'm sorry. Did that make you mad? Huh? Would it bother you if gwen and I became friends?

Chad: No. I would not presume to tell you who you can and cannot be friends with. I respect you too much for that.

Abigail: Mm. Well, that's just one of the many things I love about you.

[Heartwarming music]

[Door slams]

Rolf: This is a surprise.

Gwen: [Exhales] What's up, doc?

[Mysterious music]

Ben: This is her bag.

[Floorboard creaks] Ciara?

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