Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/23/20
Episode #13860 ~ Eric and Nicole say goodbye; Sami presents Allie with a compromise; Kristen's past haunts her; Bonnie kisses Justin.
Provided By Suzanne
Justin: So good to hear your voice, sonny. I'm glad you and will are settling in. I did, I did get the pictures from the groundbreaking. Amazing. I'm so proud of you, you and your brothers.[Doorbell rings] And I know if your mother were here, she'd be proud too. Gosh, just to see the smile on her face.
Eli: Do you think that you can ever forgive me?
Lani: I don't know, but I'd like to try.
Eli: That's all I can ask for.
Lani: Do you think that you can forgive me?
Kristen: I can't let you plead guilty to a crime that I committed, brady.
Brady: It's too late to stop it. Belle is, uh, she's talking to da giddens as we speak.
Kristen: I can't believe this. I can't believe that you confessed without talking to me. It-it didn't work the last time you tried to take the rap.
Brady: You weren't in custody the last time. I'm doing this. Rachel needs you, she needs--
Kristen: Yeah, well she needs you too, brady.
Brady: I have a better chance of avoiding prison than you do, do you understand that?
Kristen: You could go away for a long time.
Brady: Baby, let me do this, okay? I'm gonna do this. Rachel, she needs you. She's not gonna lose you again and I don't wanna lose you either.
[Door opens, closes]
Nicole: Did you say all your goodbyes?
Eric: All but one.
Nicole: Oh, gosh. You know what? No. No goodbyes, no tears, okay? Because I wanna enjoy every last minute I get to spend with my husband before he leaves tonight. Deal?
Eric: Deal.
Nicole: So... but first, um, I need to know something.
Eric: Okay.
Nicole: 24 hours ago we were both so upset that we didn't get custody of allie's baby, and we were planning a nice, quiet life in salem, just you, me, and holly, and then things changed so fast.
Eric: I know. I know, I definitely didn't see this coming.
Nicole: So I was wondering, how would you feel if you came home from the congo to me, holly, and a baby?
Sami: [Scoffs] I didn't say anything about giving this baby up. I have him now, and I have legal documents proving I have custody. It gives me a window to...
Kate: Window to what?
Sami: To take him back to italy with me.
Kate: Oh.
Sami: And I'm gonna do it now before anyone can stop me.
Allie: Stop you from what?
Sami: Oh, allie. Um, well, I was just taking the baby back to grandma marlena's because I thought you weren't here.
Allie: Is this true?
Kate: No, allie, your mother's not telling the truth.
Sami: Kate.
Kate: She was going to take the baby back to italy before you could stop her.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eric: Are you--
Nicole: Oh, no. No, no, no, I'm-- I'm not pregnant.
Eric: Then what did you mean, you, holly and a baby?
Nicole: Allie came home last night.
Eric: She was here?
Nicole: Yes, while you were saying goodbye to your family, she found out sami got custody of her son.
Eric: Yeah, she must have been upset.
Nicole: You could say that, yeah.
Eric: So what is she gonna do?
Nicole: She wants to go back to court and fight the judge's order, and I explained to her that we can't raise the baby the way she originally thought we could because you're leaving. So... she asked me if i could do it on my own.
Eric: How do you feel about that?
Nicole: I always imagined that it would be you and me doing it together.
Eric: Yeah, me too.
Nicole: And I would definitely have my hands full raising two little ones.
Eric: You would definitely be very busy.
Nicole: Yes, I would. But maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I would be so busy that I wouldn't have time to-to miss you.
Allie: Damn it, mom. How could you?
Sami: Thanks a lot, kate.
Kate: Well, I'm not gonna be a party to this because allie would hate me.
Allie: Don't worry, grandma, you're not the one I hate.
Sami: Look, all I care about is this baby not going with nicole. Even with eric there to protect him--
Allie: You don't even know, do you?
Sami: Know what?
Allie: Uncle eric's leaving salem.
Sami: What?
Allie: Yeah. He's-he's going back to the congo for a while to work with the relief agency there.
Sami: He's moving, now?
Allie: Yeah, he was out saying his goodbyes to the rest of the family when I was visiting nicole.
Sami: His goodbyes? Do you know when he's leaving?
Allie: Tonight, I think.
Sami: Oh, my god. I ha-I have to go find him.
Allie: Mom, don't you dare try to take my baby out of this house.
Kate: I'll watch the baby. I'll make sure that no one does anything rash.
Sami: Oh, right, like I'm gonna trust you?
Kate: You have no choice, sami.
Sami: All right. All right, I'll be back and we will talk about this.
Allie: Thank you for telling me the truth, grandma.
Kate: Well, she's going to make me pay for it.
Brady: I love you. Let me do this for you, I wanna do it.
Kristen: It's not right.
Belle: Hey, the guard said I could come in.
Brady: Yeah, sit down. Tell me--tell me that da giddens has accepted my plea, tell me that.
Belle: I'm sorry.
Brady: Sorry? What--you told me that you you were positive that he would be receptive.
Belle: And I believe he would have been, but he resigned two days ago.
Brady: Who's the new da?
Melinda: Me.
[Dramatic music]
Justin: Uh, sonny, I gotta go. I'll-I'll talk to you later. Love to will. Come in bonnie.
Bonnie: I thought you'd never ask. How's your boy?
Justin: He's great. He's great. Yeah, he and will seem to be enjoying arizona.
Bonnie: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I remember how hard you took it when he told you he was moving so soon after adrienne-- well, god rest her soul. So I got your message. Yoo-hoo? Justin?
Justin: Huh, what? I'm sorry.
Bonnie: I said, I got your message and I'm here. What's up?
Justin: Yes, well, I got some news about your settlement.
Bonnie: Good or bad?
Justin: That depends.
Eli: Why-why would I need to forgive you? I'm-I'm the one that went behind your back and arrested kristen.
Lani: Because I put you in an impossible situation, which i promised I would never do again, and asking you to look the other way when it comes to kristen.
Eli: Still, I shouldn't have lied to you.
Lani: Then why'd you do it? Was it really just because of the job?
Eli: I don't know. When I left here, I was planning on going straight to the station.
Lani: Yeah, you were upset about ciara.
Eli: Lani, losing her the way that we did, I mean, it just felt so unfair. I wanted to see justice done somewhere.
Lani: If there's justice, kristen will go free.
Brady: [Sighs] Melinda trask.
Melinda: In the flesh.
Belle: Apparently giddens resigned unexpectedly. Sold the tv pilot to the peacock.
Brady: Good for him.
Melinda: Mayor carver needed somebody who could get up to speed quickly, and that would be me.
Kristen: Lucky us.
Melinda: You should have known better than to set foot back in this town again, ms. Dimera.
Brady: Trask, if you wanna reject my plea and prosecute me to the full extent of the law, that's one thing. But either way, kristen, should go free, right?
Belle: I'm sorry. The da didn't just refuse your plea. She refused your confession.
Brady: What? Why?
Melinda: Because we all know the truth, mr. Black. There's only one murderer in this room, and that's kristen dimera.
Kate: What are you doing?
Allie: I'm calling justin. I want a restraining order to stop my mom from taking the baby to italy.
Kate: Oh, okay. But, uh, well, what happens then? What happens with your son?
Allie: He goes to nicole, like he was supposed to.
Kate: Mm-hmm, wow. That's-that's reasonable. Assuming that she still wants to-to raise the baby with eric not in town.
Allie: She said she's thinking about it.
Kate: So what if she says no? Or what if the judge refuses the custody order?
Allie: I'll figure something out. I always do.
Nicole: I'm leaning towards saying yes to allie. But god knows whether the judge would agree to overturn the custody order, especially since the only fit parent is leaving town.
Eric: Are you kidding me? Nicole, you're the best mother I know.
Nicole: Thank you.
Eric: That baby would be lucky to have you.
Nicole: Thank you.
Eric: It's true. You should only do this if it's what you truly want. I mean, it's not gonna be easy at all.
Nicole: Believe me, I know what it takes to raise a baby.
Eric: No, I don't mean the baby; I mean, sami.
Nicole: Oh. 'Cause she thinks she's won.
Eric: Yeah. Exactly. When she has the rug yanked out from under her...
Nicole: All hell could break loose again.
Eric: And I don't want her to make your life miserable, especially, if I'm not here to protect you.
Nicole: Aw. You're so sweet and noble to say that, but I'm a murderer, right? So I can handle myself around sami.
[Banging on door]
Sami: Eric, open up.
Nicole: Speak of the devil. I got this, I got this.
[Door clicks open]
Sami: You're really gonna leave without saying goodbye?
Eric: Yes I was, but seeing you are here. Goodbye sami.
Justin: I wanted you to know that your publisher requested a hearing today.
Bonnie: Today?
Justin: Mm-hmm.
Bonnie: Like today, today? Oh, my god, you could have at least warned me.
Justin: It's okay. You don't need to be there.
Bonnie: [Chuckles] You mean you don't want me there? You think I'll stick my foot in it or something, right?
Justin: Well, it wouldn't matter if you did. This is a hearing, not a trial. We presented our settlement offer and now the publisher's attorney will present a counteroffer which you can accept or reject.
Bonnie: Do you think it'll be better than the offer you already ripped up?
Justin: Well, based on the fact that they're asking to settle, I'm sure it will be.
Bonnie: Oh, justin, that is the best news ever.
Justin: Hey, whoa, don'T.
[Knocking at door]
Sami: Open this door before I break it down. You know I will.
Eric: I'm only doing this because I don't want you to replace a broken door on your first night alone.
Sami: Oh, okay. So I know you are angry with me, eric.
Eric: Angry?
Sami: Just give me a chance.
Eric: Angry does not even begin to catch it. You've not only put my wife through hell, but you bring back a vicious lunatic with you. It was only gonna torment our sister.
Sami: Okay, look. Jan was going to be released soon anyway, and it's a good thing the judge did give me custody since you're leaving your wife.
Eric: What-what? I'm not leaving my wife. Let's set that straight.
Sami: You're just going halfway around the world, okay. Guess I don't know why bother with my big goodbye tour since no one cares anyway.
Eric: And where are you going?
Sami: Back home to italy, with my grandson.
Nicole: I'm pretty sure allie told you she didn't want you to do that.
Sami: Hm, but she doesn't have custody, so she doesn't have a say.
Nicole: She can try to fight you.
Sami: By the time she can legally stop me, I will be long gone.
Eric: What the hell is wrong with you, sami? Look at what you were doing. Allie came home. You have every opportunity to set things right with her, and I suggest that you do it or you're gonna lose your daughter forever.
[Baby cries]
Kate: Hey, allie, look who's awake. Look who's awake.
Allie: [Softly] Yes.
Kate: You wanna hold him?
Allie: Oh, no. Um, no.
Kate: Allie. Did you look at him? Honey. I know the last time you held him, you felt something. You felt a bond and then you just--you took off.
Allie: He is so precious, so sweet.
Kate: Why did you run away?
Allie: Because every time I was holding him in my arms, looking at a beautiful face. I was just so terrified of screwing him up for life the way my mom did to me.
Kate: Allie, you're not screwed up.
Allie: No?
Kate: Not any more than anyone else in this town, okay? But I know that you're scared.
Allie: Yeah, with good reason. I mean, you know, what do I know about being a mother?
Kate: Not much, okay? But you love your baby. I mean, you came all the way back to salem just to find a stable--
[Baby cries] Stable home for him in salem.
Allie: Yeah, look how that worked out.
Kate: The point is you spent weeks--you spent weeks planning, making plans to have the very best home you could for him. And then when the plans weren't followed, what did you do? You came back.
Allie: I couldn't let my mom take him away.
Kate: Aw. But you missed him, allie. I know you did. It's okay to-- it's okay to admit it, right? Yes. It's okay to admit that you love him. That you miss him.
Allie: Yes. I miss him so much. Like, I think about him every minute of every day. That's why I'm scared that if I hold him, I-I won't wanna ever let go of him.
Kate: Well, if that's true, you have to give it a try. Oh, yes. Yes. Let's give it a try. You wanna give it a try?
Allie: Sure.
Kate: Here we go. There we go.
Allie: Hi.
[Baby crying] Oh. Oh, angel. Aw, you're crying.
Kate: It's okay. You're with your mom.
Allie: Hi. Ou wanted to come home with me earlier. You seem pretty upset. What happened?
Lani: I talked to kristen.
Eli: Kristen changed your mind?
Lani: Mm-hmm. Believe it or not, she forced me to forgive you.
Eli: Even though i arrested her?
Lani: Yes. Look, babe, I know you don't understand why I'm friends with her but if it wasn't for kristen, you and i wouldn't be together.
Eli: Well, I think you're giving her too much credit.
Lani: No. I-- I'm not. There were times where I wanted to give up and she-she wouldn't let me.
Eli: You do know that these issues, they're not gonna go away. You, me, our jobs?
Lani: Mm-hmm. I know. And kristen will always be my friend. But you, you are my husband. And I don't want to lose you over this.
Eli: You never will.
Lani: I don't ever want to lose you. Okay?
Eli: Okay.
Lani: I love you.
Eli: I love you too.
Melinda: This woman pushed my daughter down a flight of stairs and was never even put on trial for her murder.
Brady: We know that haley's death was an accident.
[Melinda scoffs] What's happening here has nothing to do with that terrible tragedy, okay? Please, please, please don't make this a personal issue.
Melinda: I'm just doing my job. It's too late to find justice for haley, but your attempt to murder victor kiriakis, that was no accident. And this time you're not gonna get away with it.
Bonnie: Did I do something wrong?
Justin: No, no, no. I just don't want you to get too excited yet. That's all.
Bonnie: But you just said that they might.
Justin: I said that opposing counsel has signaled a willingness to settle but as you know they're not the most reputable of publishers
[Bonnie chuckles] And they may, you know, just impose certain conditions that you may not wanna accept.
Bonnie: What kind of conditions?
Justin: Well, they could ask you to reduce all your future royalties in exchange for a lump sum total.
Bonnie: I just got a royalty check for six cents I'm not too worried about that.
Justin: Okay, well, I just want you to be prepared for anything.
Bonnie: I always am, cowboy.
Justin: Right.
[Bonnie giggles] Well, um, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go call the courthouse and make sure everything's on schedule.
Bonnie: Sure, do your thing.
[Chuckles softly]
[Whistles, sighs]
[Soft instrumental music]
Yeah, not today, thank you.
Sami: For your information, I asked allie to come with me.
Eric: And I'm sure she said no.
Sami: I'm not giving up.
Eric: So stealing her baby, violating her wishes, for a second time, I'm sure we'll convince her. It's a perfect way to show allie how much you love her.
Sami: Look, there are not a lot of options here, eric. Will and sonny are gone, so is rafe. You're leaving town. Look, I have to get home to aj.
Nicole: What about allie?
Sami: I'm sure the judge would be willing to give her custody. But I don't think allie is ready for that.
Eric: Maybe there's another solution. But you'd have to get over yourself first.
Lani: I really wish there was something I could do for kristen. The thought of her being locked away and kept away from rachel.
Eli: Maybe she won't go to prison.
Lani: You really think that's a possibility?
Eli: There's not that much hard evidence and there was no prints on the knife because brady wiped them off.
Lani: Yeah, but victor gave you a statement naming kristen as his attacker.
Eli: He also gave a different statement claiming that she didn'T.
Lani: That was a lie.
Eli: Yeah, but only you and I know that because kristen confessed the truth to you. If they don't ask me anything, then I won't say anything.
Lani: Really? You would do that? Because, eli, you and I are the only ones with the most damning evidence.
Eli: Yes. And I know that I brought kristen in. But I promise I won't-I won't go after her.
Lani: Thank you.
Eli: The da and the judge decide to let her go, who am I to stand in the way?
Lani: Give me your lips. You know, another side effect of pregnancy hormones?
Eli: What's that?
Lani: Mm. They make me wanna do this.
Brady: Ms. Trask, I know you're looking for revenge for your daughter. But you have to understand that her case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.
Melinda: My daughter would be alive if it weren't for her. That's all the evidence I need.
Kristen: All right and you have every right to hate me. But don't take this out on brady, please.
Melinda: I won'T. You're the one that I want.
Brady: This case will be thrown out too.
Belle: I completely agree.
Melinda: Says the unethical attorney who tried to force the fake confession on the prosecutor's office.
Brady: You want it to be fake but once you talk to my grandfather, the victim, you'll find that it's anything but.
Kristen: Okay, brady.
Brady: I promise you, ms. Trask, if you pursue this, you're going to regret it.
Melinda: That's a chance I'm willing to take. I'll see you in court, ms. Dimera.
Justin: Bonnie. Bonnie!
Bonnie: Did you miss me?
Justin: Where did you go?
Bonnie: Little girls room, one of the 25 you have.
Justin: Right. You know where they all are because you used to live here, didn't you? Anyway, I--the courthouse is all ready for us but I got a-- another call from a client that I need to make an emergency filing right away.
Bonnie: Does that mean you can't represent me at my hearing after all?
Justin: No, I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Bonnie: That makes two of us. I'm going to be beside you the whole way, counselor, cheering you on.
Justin: Right. Okay, I will, um, take care of that filing and then I'll just, uh, see you over at the courthouse.
Bonnie: Okay. Oh, wait! Wait. Uh, we can't go yet.
Eric: I know that this idea doesn't give everyone exactly what they want, but I think it's a way of moving forward with compromise.
Nicole: Compromise?
Eric: Assuming you are willing.
Nicole: I'm on board.
Sami: [Scoffs] Of course you are.
Nicole: Look, I-I'm just trying to do what's right for your daughter and your grandson.
Sami: And I'm not?
Eric: Sami we know you are, but allie is not getting on that plane with you to europe.
Sami: You don't know that.
Eric: Honestly, sami, this is not what you want, and if you get on that plane with that baby, it's not only gonna be the end of allie's relationship with their son but with you. I know that's not what you want, is it? Okay?
Sami: Okay. If it means losing my daughter forever, then yes, I will compromise.
[Tense music]
Justin: What exactly am I waiting for?Bonnie: Well, you can't go to court looking like that.
Justin: What's wrong with the way I look?
Bonnie: Something's missing. Don't you think?
Justin: Uh, okay.
Bonnie: Brb.
Justin: Br...b, right. Oh.
Bonnie: I asked henderson to fetch you a lucky cowboy hat from the closet.
Justin: [Laughing] You want me to wear that in court?
Bonnie: Well, sure; why not?
Justin: I'm not sure the judge will appreciate the wyatt earp I'd look.
Bonnie: Well, you're a dimple-totin' lawman from the wild, wild west. How could she not appreciate that?
Justin: Uh, how could she not?
Bonnie: I know it's not your style, but... I think down inside, you kinda like it.
Justin: You do, huh?
Bonnie: Mm-hmm.
[Justin chuckles] And it suits you. I just have a great feeling about today.
Justin: Me too. After you, ma'am.
Bonnie: [Laughing] Okay.
[Both chuckle]
[Justin sighs]
Eli: I never wanna hear another man complain about pregnancy hormones again in my life.
Lani: They do have their upside, don't they?
Eli: Yes, they do. You know, I wouldn't mind if you stay pregnant forever.
Lani: Oh, yeah?
Eli: Yeah. I really hate fighting with you.
Lani: I hate it too.
Eli: But I do love the making up part.
Lani: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well, how about next time, we just skip to that part? Mm-hmm.
Allie: Thank you so much for helping with him.
Kate: He is a little sweetheart.
Allie: Yeah.
Kate: Allie, regardless of who gets custody, do you want to continue to be part of his life?
Allie: I don't know what I want, grandma kate.
Kate: But you do know what you don't want.
Allie: I am not going back to italy with my mom.
Kate: Okay. Well, your dad and I are going to be very happy to have this little boy in salem, let me tell you that.
Allie: I hope that justin can get the restraining order in time because knowing my mom, she'll be on the first plane to italy.
[Cell phone ringing] It's justin. Hopefully, he has good news.
Eric: I'm glad you agreed to my plan. I think it's best for everyone, especially allie and the baby.
Sami: Well, hold on now. It's not a done deal. Allie has to agree to it too.
Nicole: I think she will.
Sami: Well, I still have to pitch it to her, and allie hasn't agree with me on anything since she was in diapers.
Eric: Yeah, but you're her mom, you can do it.
Sami: I just want her to have a better relationship with her son than I have with her.
Eric: I know it's a big step, but it's in the right direction.
Sami: You are so annoying.
Eric: Me?
Sami: Why do you have to be right all the time?
Nicole: Because... he's eric brady.
Sami: Well, that's one thing we can agree on. So... how long are you gonna be gone? I can't believe you are actually leaving. I mean, when we finally got back together, all we did was fight.
Eric: We, uh, we were fighting? I don't remember.
Sami: How long are you gonna be gone?
Eric: I don't know.
Sami: You have to be back. Okay? 'Cause... because you're gonna be missed.
Nicole: That's the second thing we agree on.
Sami: [Sobbing] Eric, I love you so much.
Eric: I love you. These are real people, not actors,
Brady: I don't get it. I don't get it! How can a judge allowed trask to prosecute a woman who she blames for her daughter's death? How is that fair, belle?
Belle: There's a lot of unfair in the legal system, brady.
Kristen: You know, brady, it's okay. I mean, we've done all we could. I mean, maybe my past is finally catching up on me.
Brady: This-this is what I don't want you to do. Hey, come on. It's not like you're giving up.
Kristen: I'm not giving up.
Brady: Don't do that.
Kristen: I'm not. I'm being honest. I have wanted a child my whole life. And now I-I've gone through so much pain and so much heartache. And I finally have rachel, and I finally have you. And I'm gonna have to say goodbye for a long time.
[Distant phone rings]
Melinda: Hello, detectives.
Lani: Ms. Trask, what are you doing here?
Melinda: Oh, you didn't hear. I'm the D.A. Again.
Eli: They gave you your job back?
Melinda: That's right. And my first order of business is making sure we throw the book at kristen dimera. Thank you for bringing her in, detective grant.
Eli: Do you think you have enough evidence to make those charges stick?
Melinda: Not yet, but I know that there's more evidence out there.
Lani: More evidence?
Melinda: And I'm gonna find it.
[Suspenseful music]
Nicole: I really hope allie agrees to your plan. I want it to work out.
Eric: Yeah, me too.
Nicole: Now, I'm, um, I'm dreading telling holly that you're leaving. She's going to take it so hard.
Eric: I know. Like you said, it's not forever. No goodbyes, just see you later. I really want to enjoy this last day we have together and salem.
Nicole: What did you have in mind?
Eric: Well, I, uh, everything, you know, I want to go to buddy's burger barn for sure, and then maybe that lookout viewpoint.
Nicole: Oh, yeah.
Eric: With you. Hey, are you sure you're okay with this?
Nicole: I love you for wanting to make the world a better place. But I will be counting the seconds until you come home.
Eric: Me too. See you later.
Nicole: See you later.
[Soft piano music]
[Both laugh]
Sami: Allie.
Allie: Before you say anything, mom, you should know that justin is in the process of getting a restraining order, you legally cannot take my son to italy.
Sami: Okay, fine.
Kate: What? That's way too easy? What's going on?
Sami: I was with your uncle eric and nicole, and we, um, we had a nice chat.
Allie: You did?
Sami: So I'm willing... I agreed not to fight you, giving custody of your baby to nicole on one condition.
Allie: Here we go. What is it?
Sami: You have to agree to live there with her too.
Bonnie: I gotta be honest, I didn't understand any of that legal gobbledygook. From the moment the man with the big gun said-- Justin: The bailiff?
Bonnie: Yeah, him, from the moment the bailiff said, "all rise."
Justin: Let me translate for you.
[Clears throat] This is what the publishers have agreed to pay you.
Bonnie: [Laughs] I get all of this? Oh, this is way good to be true.
Justin: No, no, no, I get a third of that, but you get this much.
Bonnie: Wyatt earp! We're both rich. Yee haw! Ugh! I told you this hat was lucky, right? Well, now can I hug you?
Justin: Oh, well--
[Straining] Okay.
[Both laugh]
[Soft dramatic music]
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