Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 9/22/20
Episode #13859 ~ Sami realizes she must act fast to retain custody of her grandson; Brady convinces Victor to support his confession; Lani tries to forgive Eli for his deception; Marlena, Roman, Belle and Brady say goodbye to Eric.
Provided By Suzanne
Sami: [Sighs] Oh, look at that, you're sleeping. You are such a good boy, oh. Okay, listen to me, perfect little angel, your mommy is home. She's back in town. But maybe not for long. 'Cause grammy has a plan. Don't you worry about it, your mom is gonna take one look at you, so handsome, and she's gonna wanna move with us back to italy and we can raise you together. Yeah, I think it's gonna work out.
Kate: [Gasps] Oh, yay, my great grandson's here.
Sami: Okay, okay, relax. Shh, he's sleeping. Don't wake him up.
Kate: Oh, little touchy this morning? Are these for me?
Sami: Oh, no. Leave them alone they're allie'S. They're her favorite.
Kate: Oh. You know, if you came over here to sweet talk your daughter into going to italy with you, it's not gonna work. Because she's not here.
Nicole: Oh, my god.
Allie: Surprise.
Nicole: Allie! Oh! I am so happy to see you. I'm so happy you came back.
Allie: Well, yeah, I had to after I heard my mother pulled to get custody of my son. I mean, dragging some poor mental patient into court to testify that you're an unfit mother? Nicole, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how awful that was.
Nicole: It was devastating, but not surprising. I mean, nothing your mother does surprises me.
Allie: Yeah, me neither. But this isn't over.
Nicole: What do you mean?
Allie: Now that I'm back, I'm going to get the judge to change her mind and give the baby you and eric.
Belle: [Laughs]
Marlena: All righty. What are you laughing at?
Belle: I'm just imagining dad hurling a cactus at sami's head.
Marlena: Oh, actually it isn't funny. Sami had, uh, brought him a plant to, um--well as a sort of a way of apologizing, and he just blew up at her for no reason.
Belle: Well, it's not for no reason. Sami said some horrible things to him before he collapsed, mom. And besides, after everything she's done, I would've thrown a cactus at her too.
Marlena: No, I wasn't talking about that, I-- was talking about your father's outburst, that's not a thing that he does. It scared him. It frightened him. He thought he might be losing control.
Belle: Well, should we be worried?
Marlena: You know, that sort of, uh, outburst is not unusual after an aneurysm. I think we'll just, uh, keep an eye on him, make sure he's okay.
Belle: Of course. Dad's gonna be okay, right?
Marlena: Of course he is.
Belle: Okay. Well, any idea why eric wants to see us all here?
Marlena: I don't know. He did say it was important.
Belle: Mm.
Eric: It is.
Marlena: Hey.
Brady: I need an answer.
Victor: My answer is I didn't like your idea yesterday, and I don't like it today.
Brady: Look, I'm-- I'm desperate here. You're the only one that can help me out here.
Victor: If you think I'm gonna go to the police and tell them that you stabbed me, you're crazier than the woman who did.
Lani: One egg sandwich and coffee from outside the station.
Kristen: Thank you so much. You are such an angel.
Lani: Oh, wait, and that is not all. I brought some pictures of rachel.
Kristen: Oh.
Lani: Here she is with my dad.
Kristen: Oh.
Lani: Oh, by the way, he needs to give up this whole mayor nonsense to become a full-time nanny, because he is incredible with your little girl.
Kristen: Oh my god, lani, look at her.
Lani: I know.
Kristen: Thank you so much for taking good care of her.
Lani: Of course.
Kristen: Oh, god, I miss her so much.
Lani: Kristen... I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I'm just--I'm so angry at eli. You wouldn't be in this mess is it wasn't for my husband.
Male narrator: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Lani: What do you want?
Eli: I just got a call from belle, figured kristen would wanna know right away.
Kristen: Yeah, what did she say?
Eli: She agreed to take your case.
Kristen: Oh, thank god.
Eli: She knows your arraignment is today, so she said she will be here in plenty of time.
Kristen: Thank you.
Lani: Okay then, you can go.
Eli: Lani, don't do this. Please, don't shut me out like that.
Brady: You don't have to go to the police. You don't have to tell them anything, I'll--I'll go to the police and tell them that I was the one that stabbed you. You just have to back up my story just like you did last time.
Victor: Last time all I had to do was say that she didn't do it, not that you did.
Brady: Granddad, if I don't get kristen out from under these charges, she's gonna go to jail for a really long time and i don't want that, I can't have that. So please, just--just do as I ask.
Victor: I mean, brady, you know, we've changed this story so many damn times, the cops are never gonna believe it.
Brady: Yes, they will. Yes, they will because they caught me right here at the murder scene with the murder weapon in my hand, all right? And the prints were wiped clean.
Victor: Kristen's prints.
Brady: They have no way of knowing that. Look, I will tell them that you accused kristen because you wanted her out of my life. And the truth is, we got in a terrible argument and I, in a moment of rage, stabbed you.
Victor: Yeah, and then you go to prison? And she goes scot-free after she damn near killed me?
Brady: That's the idea, yeah.
Victor: Yeah, well, I don't like it.
Brady: I don't care that you don't like it. Listen, I'm gonna do this whether you cooperate with me or not. When migraine strikes,
Kate: Wow, I can't believe that you thought you could use muffins to manipulate your daughter.
Sami: I am not manipulating her, okay? I just want allie to see that-- that raising him with me is what's best for him. I know that allie loves this baby.
Kate: Loving him and being prepared to take care of him are two separate things.
Sami: I understand that. I understand how scared she is. I felt that fear when I had will and I rode it out.
Kate: Yes, I know, and I'm glad that you did. But the thing is, allie is not you.
Sami: But she has a connection to this child. I know she does. I saw her hold him right after he was born. Kate, it meant something to her. And when I was talking to her about him last night, I could see that she wanted to see him and the only reason she said no was because of me. She doesn't want me to be right. She's just being...willful.
Kate: Wonder where she gets that from.
Sami: [Sighs] Look, I--I can't do this right now, okay, I have to go because she's probably with the judge right now convincing him to throw out my custody or something, okay? So I have to go and I can't let nicole--grandson--
Kate: The courthouse isn't even open yet.
Sami: Oh, right. Okay. I also said to her that she shouldn't have just run off and written a letter, that she should have hired a lawyer. So maybe that's what she did. Maybe she's at justin's right now. I'll go there.
Kate: Hey, sami, she didn't go to see justin. She went to see nicole.
Sami: [Scoffs]
Nicole: Allie, I appreciate that you wanna talk to the judge but I don't think she'll listen.
Allie: Why not?
Nicole: Because your mother's smear campaign was effective and she made me out to be a monster.
Allie: Well, that's a complete lie.
Nicole: No, honey, no. I've--I've made some terrible choices.
Allie: That is all in the past. I'll tell the judge who you are now. You're understanding and compassionate, just like uncle eric. And that's what I want the judge to know, what I want her to hear directly from me. All the reasons why you and eric would be the best parents my son could ever have.
Nicole: I'm touched that you still believe in us. But circumstances have changed.
Allie: Wait, are you saying that you don't want my baby anymore?
Nicole: What I'm saying is that it wouldn't be eric and me raising the baby, it... would be just me.
Allie: What do you mean?
Marlena: All right. What's going on?
Eric: Where's dad?
Roman: Right here.
Eric: Hey.
Roman: Got your message. Sounded serious.
Eric: Well, it is. I'm leaving salem.
Marlena: Where are you going?
Eric: Africa.
Belle: What? Why would you go to africa?
Eric: Well, I got a surprise visit from an old friend, angie. We met while I was living in the congo.
Roman: What brought her to salem?
Eric: Well, she's here to raise money. She works for a relief agency and well, she was showing me some photographs of the village where I used to live and there was an ebola breakout and then there was a recent earthquake, which was devastating.
Marlena: I'm so sorry about that.
Eric: Well, they need a lot more than that. They need comfort and reassurance. And I know I'm not a priest anymore, but she believes that i can still help.
Belle: Mm-hmm. And what about nicole and holly?
Eric: Well, nicole and I had a long talk because I told angie no, I have a life here in salem, I just can't leave. But nicole made me realize how much my work in africa and the people there they meant to me, and I prayed about it. I believe it's something i really need to do. She gave me her blessing.
Marlena: Oh, my. When are you going?
Eric: Tonight.
Victor: You realize you're asking me to lie for you.
Brady: You already have. Months ago when you told eli that kristen wasn't the one that stabbed you.
Victor: And eli lied warned me that if I stuck with that lie, you could end up in prison which would defeat the whole purpose of getting the charges against kristen dropped.
Brady: Yeah, I wanted us to have a life together. And for a brief, blissful time, we did. Now she's under arrest again and she's-- she's liable to go to prison for god knows how long. I on the other hand, I can cut a deal, granddad. I can cut a deal for a much lighter sentence.
Victor: How do you figure?
Brady: Because the D.A. Is sympathetic to what kristen and I went through, more specifically what you put us through when you had us believe our child was dead.
Victor: Brady, you know I did that to protect maggie.
Brady: [Chuckles] And I'm doing this to protect kristen. Please, tell the police that you drove me to do it. Tell them that you understood my anger. Hell, tell them that maybe even you deserved what you got.
Victor: Maybe I did.
Brady: So you'll do it?
Victor: But for you, not for kristen.
Lani: I'm visiting with kristen right now.
Eli: Okay. Well, can you talk to me when you're done?
Lani: No, because when I'm done, I need to go and be with rachel.
Eli: Fine. Then I'll just say whatever I need to say in front of kristen.
Lani: Eli, no, this is not the time.
Eli: No, listen lani, I was really upset that you didn't come home last night.
Lani: You expected me to come home after what you did?
Eli: I didn't expect you to do anything. I mean, I--I missed you. I was worried about you. You're pregnant with our kids.
Lani: But kristen, who already has a baby, you're just not worried about her at all?
Eli: Lani--
Lani: No, eli, I am fine. Rachel and I stayed with my dad last night.
Eli: Lani, look, I know that you feel betrayed by me, okay? But I still love you with all my heart. I mean, you're pregnant with our twins. Is there any way that we can move past this?
You must go and I must bide
Lani: Can you just let us know when belle gets here, okay?
Eli: I'll do that.
Lani: I can't believe he was so out there in open with his feelings in front of you. I guess he is really desperate for me to forgive him.
Kristen: And maybe you should.
Allie: Oh, my god. You and uncle eric didn't break up, did you?
Nicole: No, no, honey, of course not.
Allie: Well, then I don't understand. Why would you be raising my baby alone?
Nicole: Eric's going to africa. Well, back to africa.
Allie: Why?
Nicole: Well, a friend of eric's from his time in africa stopped by last night, and she was on her way to chicago to raise money for this village in the congo where eric was. And apparently in the past few years, there's been devastating earthquakes and disease and the people are losing hope.
Allie: That's awful.
Kristen: Yeah. So she asked eric if he would be willing to go back to the village to help.
Allie: Help how?
Nicole: In any way he can.
Allie: But that's a big commitment.
Nicole: Yes, it is. But it's in his soul. And we talked about it all last night and we both agree that this is the right thing to do.
Allie: Are you going with him?
Nicole: No, we can't bring holly into that situation.
Allie: So would you consider raising my baby by yourself?
Eric: I know this seems sudden.
Marlena: That's because it is sudden. Look, you just married the woman you've always loved, you have the family you've always wanted. Are you sure this is what you wanna do?
Eric: I am. I'm gonna miss each and every one of you, but I don't think I could be fully present in my life here knowing that people in africa are suffering.
Roman: So nicole is really all right with this?
Eric: Mm-hmm.
Roman: What about holly?
Eric: We haven't told holly yet, but she's fully behind me. She's even gonna help, you know, fundraising, awareness. It's gonna be a team effort.
Belle: Long distance team effort.
Eric: It's not gonna be forever. I'm still gonna video chat nicole and holly every day. We can do the same with phone calls and e-mails. Mom, please say something.
Marlena: I'm so incredibly proud of you.
Roman: Same here, same here. Putting people first like you always have. You are a damn good man. An example for all of us.
Belle: I mean, it's just like we've been on the same continent for five minutes and now you're leaving and I'm-- I'm just gonna miss you.
Eric: I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you all so much.
Marlena: You know, leaving so soon, are there other people that you have to say goodbye to?
Eric: I, um--well, I left brady a message, but he hadn't gotten back to me yet. I'm sure he's tied up with kristen's arrest.
Roman: What about sami?
Sami: I just don't understand it--why would allie go to nicole?
Kate: [Scoffs] Probably because she wants to talk to someone. Someone who's going to listen. Someone who isn't going to steamroll over all of her wishes.
Sami: Oh, did she say that to you?
Kate: Well, she told everyone, didn't she? In that letter. You know, like it or not, she feels close to nicole.
Sami: Oh, just can't even stand it, nicole freaking walker. That murdering, baby-stealing whore has brainwashed my daughter. And just because she can't have her own kids does not mean I'm gonna let her steal my daughter's child. Custody was awarded to me.
Kate: I know, but now allie is back and she's the mother and she still has rights, sami.
Sami: The court made its decision.
Kate: Yeah, but you said to yourself, she's gonna try to get that thrown out. Whatever she has to say to the judge is going to hold weight.
Sami: Not if she doesn't have a chance to say it. I'm gonna stop her. I'm gonna stop her right now.
Kate: No, no. No, you're not. (Vo) if you have even 1 migraine day a week,
Sami: Kate, all I am trying to do is make sure that allie doesn't hand her baby over to nicole walker. You hate her just as much as i do. I can't possibly believe that you want your great grandson to be raised by nicole.
Kate: No, no. Of course, I don'T.
Sami: Then why are you trying to stop me?
Kate: Because I don't want you to drive her away again. And if you go charging over there right now, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
Nicole: Oh, allie, uh-- to honest, I mean, my head is is still spinning; I'm still overwhelmed that eric's leaving tonight.
Allie: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to pressure you.
Nicole: No, no, not at all. Um, just that, you know, raising a baby is a big responsibility. And, you know, you remember-- we never really discussed this in person. All eric and I had to go on was your letter.
Allie: I know, I meant every word. Nicole, I know you would be the the most amazing mother to my son.
Nicole: But in your letter, you said that eric would raise the baby too, that we were kind of a package deal.
Allie: Yeah. A great package deal.
Nicole: But allie, that's not true anymore.
Eric: Honestly, I have nothing to say to sami, not after what she did to nicole.
Marlena: I understand your feelings. But to leave without saying goodbye?
Roman: Yeah. You could just meet up with her quick.
Eric: Yeah, well, I don't have a lot of time before my flight, and I just don't wanna spend one moment of it fighting with sami. Listen, I really--I gotta go.
[Phone rings]
Belle: Oh, wait, it's brady, hold on. Hey.
Brady: Hey, I need to talk to you right away. Uh, are you with kristen?
Belle: Not yet. I was actually on my way to the station, but, um, I got sidetracked. I'm here at the pub with eric and mom and roman.
Brady: Yeah. He left me a voicemail, I haven't had a chance to check it yet. Is everything okay?
Belle: Eric is leaving town tonight. He's going to africa for a while.
Brady: Wow, really?
Belle: Yeah. He called everyone here to say goodbye. I'm sure he'd like to say goodbye to you too.
Brady: Stay right there. I'll, uh--I'll be there soon. I have to go, but... thank you for agreeing to help me.
Victor: Remember, for you, not for her.
Brady: Got it.
Victor: You're so stubborn.
Brady: Just like my grandfather, right?
Victor: Maybe I deserve that. I really hate what you're doing. The only reason I'm going along with it is because it's obvious, you're not gonna change your mind.
Brady: I won'T. Just another thing we have in common. Seems we'll do anything we have have to do to protect the people that we love, right? Thank you.
Lani: Forgive eli? Kristen, you do realize that it is because of eli that you are in the situation. No. No way in hell. I will never forgive eli.
Kristen: All right. Please do not say that. I--I don't-- I don't want you to lose your husband. Hm? And like eli said-- like he said... you have two beautiful babies you're bringing into this world, and I don't want you to do that alone.
Lani: You were prepared to raise rachel alone.
Kristen: Okay. Yes, but I did not have a choice.
Lani: And brady couldn't stand being apart from you and rachel. So he left salem so he could be with you, kristen, and now he is back because his father is sick and you're here supporting him, and eli took that as an opportunity to just destroy your family and your future.
Kristen: And if I can turn the other cheek, you can too.
[Reflective music]
Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.
Kate: Don't be so dramatic, kate, I'm not gonna just push allie away forever.
Kate: Okay. Every time that you have interfered, every time that you have tried to bend allie to your will, it has backfired sami.
Sami: Not if I can convince her to come with me to italy, and we can raise her child together.
Kate: Seriously, you really need to stop, you really do, because you're only going to make things worse.
Sami: Really? What could be worse than her handing her baby over to nicole walker?
Kate: Gee, I don't know. Maybe the fact that she tried three times to give her baby to someone she knew and she trusted, and each time, you messed that up. So I don't know, maybe she'll do something like give the baby up for adoption.
Sami: Oh, don't even say that. Allie would never do that.
Kate: You don't know anything about allie, okay? You don't know what she'll do. The last time you cornered her, what happened? She took off and she left a letter saying that she wanted nicole and eric to raise her baby. You need to stop. You need to stop now or everything is just gonna get worse for you.
Sami: Well, I can't just sit here and do nothing, kate. I mean, I have to stop her somehow.
[Sighs heavily]
Allie: How long is uncle eric gone for? Not forever, right?
Nicole: No, of course not, but we don't really know. I guess it just depends on how long he feels he needs to be there.
Allie: If my mom had just respected what was in my letter, the baby would be with you right now.
Nicole: Okay, I know how frustrated you are, but looking backwards, it won't help, allie.
Allie: Yeah, you're right. I need to stop being angry about what didn't happen and make sure that the right thing happens from now on, which is why I'm going to tell the judge that her choice was not fair. It's not what I wanted, and she has an obligation to fix it.
Nicole: Those are some pretty powerful words, but I am not sure it's enough to change her mind.
Allie: Well, that's why i have justin, I mean, he's a great lawyer. And together, I am convinced that we'll get the judge to change her mind and give the baby to you. But first... I need to know if you still want him.
Brady: I hate to see you go. I understand it's a really good cause, but... I'm actually really excited that we're parting on good terms for a change.
Eric: Yeah. We've come a long way.
Brady: You've been-- you've been forgiving, very forgiving of me more than i deserved.
Eric: That's all behind us. I am really happy for you and kristen. I hope everything works out between the two of you and rachel.
Brady: I'm gonna miss you. I'm gonna miss you.
Belle: Oh, okay. Can I get some of that?
Eric: Yeah.
Brady: Yeah. Come on in.
Eric: Love you, and please tell claire how much I love her.
Belle: I will. And, you know, roman is right. You're really a good man. And it's not just because you're selfless, and giving, and perfect.
Yeah, I'm hearing all of this.
Belle: It's that you don't even have to work at being all those things. That's why I love you so much.
Eric: I love you, too. I love you both.
Brady: Man, I love you. Oh man, I wasn't expecting this, belle.
Belle: I know. But he'll be back, right? And we'll just throw, like, a big old homecoming party here at the pub.
Brady: Yes, yes, yes. And that sounds like a plan.
Belle: All right, well, i have to get down to the station and talk to kristen before the arraignment so, um, why don't you just come with me?
Brady: Oh, that's actually-- actually before you go, I need to talk to you about something.
Belle: Okay, but we really-- we don't have a lot of time.
Brady: I know, but it's important. Um, there's been a change of strategy.
Lani: I can't believe you've forgiven eli.
Kristen: Okay. I didn't say I've forgiven him, I said I'd turn the other cheek. You remember that in our convent days, right?
Lani: Kristen, you were my best friend.
Kristen: Yeah, and he is your husband, and anyone can see how much he loves you. I didn't do everything I did to reunite the two of you so you could be apart.
Lani: He put his job ahead of me.
Kristen: Mm-hmm, and you're putting your friend ahead of him.
Lani: No, I'm doing what's right.
Kristen: Oh sweetie, I know you're lonely. Ah, I know that it took every ounce of strength you have to not go flying into his arms just now.
[Sighs] I can see it in your eyes, I can. And I... I know that you made him leave before he could see it too.
Lani: How am I ever supposed to trust him again?
Kristen: Well, I'm gonna tell you, it may not happen overnight, it may not. But I really think you need to hear what he has to say, okay? So go on out there. Please.
Lani: Yeah.
Eli: I haven't heard from belle, if that's what you wanna know.
Lani: No, it's--it's not about that. I wanted about us.
Sami: Well, if you know allie so well, then help me. You're as crafty as they come.
Kate: I don't think I can. Because right now, allie is probably at nicole's, asking her if she's still on board with raising the baby. And if she is, they'll go to justin, then they'll go to the courthouse.
Sami: It doesn't automatically mean she's just gonna hand her baby over to nicole.
Kate: Well, I'm sure she's also capable of making a really good case why you shouldn't have custody either.
Sami: You're right. Even if nicole doesn't get the baby, I could still lose custody. I can't let that happen.
Kate: Well, at this point, I don't think there's anything you can do to stop it.
Nicole: Allie, I--I wish i could give you an answer right now, I know time is of the essence. But like I said, it's--this is a really big decision and i can't make it alone. I have to talk to eric. And even though he's going away, we need to do it together.
Allie: Just promise you'll at least to consider it.
Nicole: Oh, of course I will.
Allie: Thank you, nicole. Thank you.
Nicole: Oh.
Belle: Brady, what you are asking--
Brady: I know--stop, stop. I know. Tink, just do it, please, just take my confession to the da and try to make a deal or something.
Belle: Okay. You have two children who need you and dad needs you. So we can discuss all of this.
Brady: No, no, no, no. My mind is made up, okay?
Belle: All right. Fine. What about kristen? She has to go along with this, you know, for it to work.
Brady: I know, I will talk to kristen, I will. But first, we--let's--
Belle: Yeah, okay.
Brady: You. Hey, you keep in close touch. I mean, really close.
Eric: You too, because i promise I will.
Belle: Oh, I love you. All right, I gotta go. I gotta get out of here before I lose it all.
Brady: Yeah, I'm gonna lose it too, I hate the goodbye, man. Be good. Roman, marlena.
Roman: Belle. Brady.
Belle: Bye, mom. Take care.
Eric: Well, I'm gonna get home to nicole and holly.
Roman: I'm gonna miss you kid, you know that? You know that.
Eric: I'll miss you too, dad.
Marlena: I know you said you were traveling light, but is there anything that we can pick up for you, just some small things to carry in your pocket, very tiny things?
Eric: No, no.
Marlena: Well, I guess you have all you need.
Eric: I got everything i need.
Marlena: Mostly, you have a heart that is so full of love.
Roman: And do you know what? One more hug, man.
[Laughter] Oh, okay. Travel safe, okay?
Eric: I will. I love you both.
Marlena: I love you.
Roman: I love you.
[Both exhale] When migraine strikes,
Eli: You said that you wanted to talk to me.
Lani: Earlier, you said you wanted to talk to me, so... you go first.
Eli: Fine, okay. Lani, I know-- I know that you're upset with me that I went behind your back and arrested kristen, and I've told you on numerous occasions that I was just doing my job, but I can see when I look in your eyes that... it's no excuse. Baby, you're the love of my life, and you're carrying our future children. I do not wanna lose you over this. Is there any way that you can forgive me?
Lani: I don't know. But I'd--I'd like to try.
Eli: That's all I can ask for.
Kristen: Hi, where's belle? She said she'd represent me, but she's not here and I have to be at the arraignment soon.
Brady: Belle, is, uh, talking to the da, she's trying to cut a deal.
Kristen: Wait, without talking to me?
Brady: Kristen... the deal isn't for you, the deal is for me. I'm gonna confess to stabbing victor.
Nicole: [Scoffs] Like hell you are.
Marlena: Wow, this has been quite the whirlwind.
Roman: Hoo-hoo, sure has. And I gotta give you props for keeping it together 'cause i know that you are hurting as much inside as I am.
Marlena: I-- just having him close by was almost such a comfort.
Roman: Yeah. God, I feel the same way. But listen, we've said goodbye to our son before and, uh, he always comes back.
Marlena: You think he will?
Roman: I do. You?
Marlena: Mm-- oh, I hope so.
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Hey. Did you say all your goodbyes?
Eric: All but one.
Nicole: [Crying]
Sami: Thank you, kate.
Kate: For what?
Sami: For making me see that there's no point in talking to allie because she's never gonna change her mind.
Kate: Well, you put up a fight, but sooner or later, you had to come to terms with the fact that you have to give up the baby.
Sami: I didn't say anything about giving up the baby. I have him now, and I have legal documents proving I have legal custody. No, if there's a window here now--
Kate: The window here now for what?
Sami: To take him back to italy with me. But I have to do it now when no one can stop me.
Allie: Stop you from what?
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