Days Transcript Monday 9/21/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 9/21/20


Episode #13858 ~ Allie is upset with Sami for going against her wishes; Shawn finds Belle with Philip; Marlena warns Claire about Jan; Xander tries to manipulate Jan.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: I'm not sticking my nose in your business. I just don't think philip should get away with making threats like that. Do you?

Jan: Do you work for him or something?

Xander: We work together, for now. I'm xander kiriakis.

Jan: Kiriakis? Like our mutual friend philip?

Xander: He's my cousin, and we're not exactly close.

Jan: I kind of got that.

Xander: Yeah, well, the truth is, I can't stand the guy, but i really can't stand him threatening a woman.

Jan: A greek knight in shining armor, right here in the horton town square. And you're gonna protect me from the dastardly sir philip?

Xander: No, but he must be stopped. You don't need me to do that though. You can do that all by yourself.

Philip: I swear I will not let jan spears hurt you or claire. That's a promise.

Belle: Thank you. Thank you, philip.

Shawn: Oh, god. Not this again.

Eric: What do you mean? Are you saying you want me to go to africa?

Nicole: No. Of course not. But I know how much the people in the village mean to you. I saw myself when you took me there. And I saw how much you meant to them. I don't think you should've decided not to go without talking to your wife. I mean, isn't that what married couples are supposed to do? Make decisions together?

Sarah: Marlena.

Marlena: Oh, hi.

Sarah: I just saw john's latest test results. They look very positive.

Marlena: Yeah. Yeah.

Sarah: No?

Marlena: Um...yeah. Yeah, it's just that... sometimes, things are really good and sometimes they're... not so good.

Sarah: Yeah. Well, as you know, I mean, that's pretty normal for someone recovering from a brain aneurysm.

Marlena: Yeah, I do know that.

Sarah: Do you wanna be a little bit more specific about the not so good moments?

Marlena: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, sometimes, he's having...well, just some emotional aftereffects, like anger. He got...he got angry with sami. They had a terrible fight.

Sarah: I know that she's your daughter, and I do mean this with the utmost respect, but fighting with sami isn't exactly the same as fighting with mr. Rogers. She does have a way of pushing people's buttons.

Sami: I need to book two first-class direct tickets from o'hare to rome as soon as possible. Oh, that's fantastic. Yes. Okay. So my name is samantha dimera, and my grandson will be traveling with me. Well, we haven't given him a name yet. He's just an infant. Can't he travel on my passport? Listen, I live in rome and i need to get that baby home as soon as possible.

Allie: Like hell you are.

Sami: Allie. Oh, my god. I can't believe this. You're--

Allie: Yeah, I'm back. And it looks like I'm just in time.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sami: Thank god you're safe. Thank god you came back. You came to your senses.

Allie: I didn't come back to my senses. I knew exactly what I was doing when I left, and I knew exactly what I was doing when I wrote that note saying that I wanted uncle eric and nicole to raise my baby.

Sami: That note is proof that you didn't know what you were doing.

Allie: Wow, what a surprise. You're not listening to me. You decide what you want, and to hell with whatever I think.

Sami: Allie, I was just doing what--

Allie: You were doing what you want, what you always wanted to do, which is take my son and run his life, just like you ran will's life and johnny's life--

Sami: That's not fair.

Allie: And my life and sydney's life. Well, you know what? It's not gonna happen to my kid. I won't have it.

Sami: Honey, please.

Allie: As soon as I heard that you stole my baby from nicole and eric--

Sami: I got legal custody, allie.

Allie: I came back. So that plane ride to rome? You're going alone.

Eric: I just didn't think there was a decision to make. How could I take a job in africa? We just got married. My life is here. With you and holly.

Nicole: And I love our life. But I also love you-- the man whose whole heart goes out to people in need. The man who would be miserable if he couldn't help the people that he loves.

Eric: I love you.

Nicole: I know. And doing the far, far better thing doesn't come easy to me. Especially in this case. But I don't want the fact that you love me to change who you are. I want you to stay the man I married.

Philip: Shawn, I heard about ciara. I'm so sorry.

Shawn: So this is a condolence call?

Belle: Shawn, no. He is not here about ciara. He is here because of jan spears.

Shawn: Oh, god. What now?

Xander: Shall we...

Jan: So what are you suggesting?

Xander: Well, if someone threatened to kill me, I'd go to the cops.

Jan: I don't think they'd take me seriously. My relationship with them is a little less than cordial.

Xander: Well, that's something we have in common, but, I mean, he did actually threaten you. They have to take that seriously.

Jan: Is it my safety that's so important to you, or is this actually about philip?

Xander: Excuse me?

Jan: I speak fluent kiriakis. "He needs to be stopped" translates to "I wanna stick it to him." I also know that no kiriakis man expresses concern for another human being if there's not something in it for him. When migraine strikes,

Sarah: I'm sorry.

Marlena: It's all right. It's not like I don't know my daughter. She's a world-class provocateur. So when I came in and saw the fight, I thought she was to blame. I thought it was her fault.

Sarah: Let me guess. She denied it.

Marlena: No. John did. John said that he had picked the fight for no good reason.

Sarah: But it's not unexpected. I mean, I think the best that you can do right now is just let everyone know that john isn't feeling like his old self and that's not his fault.

Marlena: Yeah. The thing is that he knows that he's having a problem. And he gets upset, frustrated. He wants me to tell him how soon this is all going to be over.

Sarah: And you can't do that because no one knows. This is so hard on both of you. Marlena, I am so sorry. Will you please keep me updated? I'm gonna go check on john.

Marlena: I will. Thanks, sarah.

[Elevator bell dings]

Claire: Hey, grandma. How's it going?

Marlena: I love that new haircut. Cute. It's going... well, it's one step at a time.

Claire: Yeah. I just came by to see if I could visit grandpa john, give you a break.

Marlena: Hmm. He's resting right now. But I'm glad to see you. How are you holding up?

Claire: I'm just... I'm just kinda numb. I can't believe that ciara's really gone.

Marlena: Yeah. Would you like me to recommend someone for you to talk to?

Claire: Actually, i have someone.

Belle: So I come home to find jan here, alone, with our daughter.

Shawn: Jan was here, in my mother's house?

Belle: I mean, you can't say she doesn't have any nerve, right? Not only was she here alone with claire, she was hugging her.

Shawn: Wait, jan was hugging claire? What the hell?

Belle: Yeah, well, not only is she mentally ill, she is still a conniving bitch. Like she came here to comfort claire about ciara. Claire doesn't even know who jan is.

Shawn: Oh, my god.

Belle: Well, I mean, at least we know now why jan is back in salem, right? She's here to screw with us, and she is gonna use our daughter to do it.

Xander: And then philip shows up out of the blue and starts demanding my job. Entitled little prat.

Jan: Always was and always will be. So papa kiriakis dumped you for the prodigal son?

Xander: Not quite. Philip and I are now co-ceos.

Jan: Oh, I can only imagine how galling that must be. Philip can be insufferable.

Xander: That's a nice word for it.

Jan: So you want him out of the picture, and if I report him to the police...

Xander: Well, I don't think it will play too well that the co-ceo of titan industries issued a death threat.

Jan: And now it's crystal clear why you're so concerned about my safety.

Xander: I can make it worth your while. I promise.

Sarah: Xander, what the hell are you doing? Don't you know who that is?

Sami: Look, allie, you're upset.

Allie: I am furious. You knew what I wanted and it meant nothing to you, because it never does.

Sami: I couldn't let nicole raise your child. She's a murderer.

Allie: Oh, my god. I mean, it's not like you're mary poppins. Did it just not sink in that i did everything, anything, i could to get away from you? I didn't even want you to know about the baby because I knew what you'd do.

Sami: Try to take care of you? Try to take care of the baby?

Allie: You don't know how.

Sami: And nicole walker does?

Allie: She knows how to listen. She and eric gave me time and space. They made me feel like I could think and breathe. And then along came sami. And it was déjà vu all over again.

Sami: Doesn't mean anything to you that a court of law gave me custody? An impartial judge decided.

Allie: Impartial? In salem? How much are judges going for nowadays, huh? How much did you have to pay to get your hands on my child?

Sami: Believe me, that judge did what she thought was best.

Allie: Bull. You bought her a condo or something, and then you brought that psycho woman in to testify against nicole.

Sami: Yeah, she testified that nicole was going to murder her own husband. Is that the kind of person you want raising your child?

Allie: Yeah. And I'm going to make it happen.

Eric: Angie was right. Those people do need help, but that does not mean that I need to be there. I can stay right here with you and we can raise awareness and money. Together.

Nicole: Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. I can--I can raise money. A lot of it. But you know what I can't do? I can't look someone in the eyes and give them the strength to keep going, or get kids who don't have enough to eat to laugh, or to make people feel strong and capable. That is what you do, eric.

Eric: Nicole, maybe--

Nicole: No, that is what you do--listen to me. Look, yes, yes, I can write a grant proposal, but you? You can make people believe that things are gonna get better, and then you make them get better.

Eric: But that's a maybe. Maybe I can take you. But I can't take holly. My life is right here. This is not a decision that needs to be made.

Nicole: Okay. Let me just ask you one more question. If holly and I weren't a factor, would you still have turned angie down?

Feel the clarity of

non-drowsy claritin.

Claire: Ciara and I, we were just starting to get back to a good place, you know?

Marlena: I do. We've talked about that.

Claire: She was so forgiving. After all the horrible things i did to her, she forgave me.

Marlena: I understand.

Claire: And now she's gone. Just like that. I don't know what I'm gonna do without her.

Marlena: No, you're not alone. You've got a world of people that care about you, really care about you.

Claire: But you--you've gotta take care of grandpa john, and now mom is mad at me, and dad is gonna be even madder when he finds out.

Marlena: When he finds out what?

Claire: [Sighs] I told you that I was talking to someone. She was really nice and she really understood everything that I was going through.

Marlena: Well, that's good.

Claire: No. No, it's not good at all. It turns out it was jan spears.

Shawn: Well, there's one good thing.

Belle: Really? I sure don't see one.

Shawn: Claire's never gonna speak to that loon ever again now that she knows who she is. What?

Belle: I'll tell you later.

Shawn: Philip, thank you for coming by. Please, don't let us hold you.

Philip: Right. Look, I don't wanna butt in.

Shawn: Then don'T.

Philip: It's just jan. Can we agree we have a common enemy? And that I could be a resource?

Shawn: Philip, I'm a cop. I'm not a corporate suit, so if you've got something to say, then just please spit it out.

Philip: Okay. A cop, a lawyer--you all have to play by rules that I can skirt. So if jan tries something again, maybe you could let me know.

Shawn: And why would we do that?

Philip: Because I told her if she tried to hurt anyone I cared about, I'd kill her. And I meant it.

Sarah: You had better tell me that you don't know who that is.

Xander: No, we just met.

Sarah: Oh. Okay. Well, then, in that case, let me do the honors. Xander, this is jan spears. Hi, jan. Long time no see. You tried to blow anyone up yet?

Xander: That jan spears?

Sarah: Yeah. That jan spears. The one that tried to kill your uncle victor.

Jan: Okay, that wasn't my idea. Nicole walker put me up to it.

Eric: Damn it, nicole, how can you say you and holly aren't a factor? You're my life.

Nicole: I know I've hit a nerve when you swear.

Eric: I can't believe you're even doing this.

Nicole: I don't want you to go. I wanna live in a cocoon here with you and our daughter, but-- but that wouldn't be you, and we both know it. I love you. God only knows how much I do.

Eric: [Sighs]

Nicole: But I don't want you here if your heart is 7,000 miles away. And it already left. It left when you looked through this file of photos that angie left behind.

Eric: Nubia was actually in one of those photos.

Nicole: Yeah. She made you that basket on your nightstand.

Eric: [Laughs]

Nicole: Where you keep your watch.

Eric: You know, she was being raised by her dad, and angie said that he died of malaria.

Nicole: I'm trying to do the right thing. And you know how bad I am at that. So please, baby, just do what you have to do. Do it for me.

Allie: Where is he?

Sami: I think your father's giving him a bottle.

Allie: Great talking to you.

Sami: Where are you going?

Allie: To get my baby and bring him to eric and nicole.

Sami: You can't do that, allie.

Allie: Of course I can. I'm his mother.

Sami: But you're not his guardian. Not anymore. The court awarded me full custody. So you can't take him anywhere.

Allie: Watch me. Back off!

Sami: I don't know why you hate me. Guess I just have to accept that you do and accept that it is all my fault.

Allie: I don't hate you.

Sami: I need you-- the baby needs you to set aside that hate and do what is best for him.

Allie: I am.

Sami: No. Allie... you are using that baby to hurt me. You could've given him to anyone to raise, but you chose nicole walker... the woman who stole your sister from me. And now you wanna hand her my grandson. Because you know that there is nothing in the world that would hurt me more.

Allie: I am thinking about him.

Sami: Were you thinking about him when you took off without a backward look? Leaving a note? "Ah, give my baby to nicole, and hold my mail for me." Allie, you left. You didn't hire a lawyer, you didn't stick around and make sure he was settled somewhere. You just ran. I did what I had to do.

Allie: Again, i underestimated you. I should've known you'd get what you want. You always do. You wanna take my son back to rome. His family's here, but ej's in rome. So you'll go back to your little palazzo and you'll hand my kid off to your servants and you'll go back to looking over your own personal english patient. Not gonna happen.

Sami: You don't have custody. You don't have a say in what happens to him now. You gave that up.

Nicole: I don't know if you know this, but I was pretty cynical kind of a gal for a long time. I always envied your faith.

Eric: Yeah?

Nicole: Yeah. But I think it's starting to rub off on me. I've been looking at things differently. After we didn't get allie's baby, I thought I really screwed that up for you.

Eric: No, sami is the one who screwed things up for both of us.

Nicole: No, honey, that was me. And I felt horrible. Because I knew what a wonderful father you would be and how lucky that little boy would be to have a dad like you. But then angie showed up, and I thought... I don't know, maybe...

Eric: Maybe. Maybe he is up there. Maybe he does have a plan?

Nicole: Yeah. Oh, eric. My love. I am happier than I ever thought possible. You are my husband. And our daughter is healthy and safe. And if he could give me that after all the crap I've pulled, I guess I could loan you to him for a while. And if he wants you to go, then who am I to stand in his way?

Marlena: Do you know what that woman has done to your parents? To a lot of people?

Claire: Right. I know. She has done terrible things, just like I have. But when I told her about how i was feeling, about ciara, she just--she really understood, you know?

Marlena: She's a sociopath. She's great at mimicking empathy. She's a major manipulator.

Claire: Right, and I am just too stupid to know the difference.

Marlena: I never said any such thing.

Claire: You didn't have to. Mom did.

Marlena: Honey, she's just worried that jan will take advantage of you because you're so vulnerable.

Claire: It couldn't possibly be that jan understood how I feel. Or that I understand how jan feels. You know, maybe jan just wants somebody to give her a second chance. I got one. Ben got one. Why can't she?

Jan: Nicole took advantage of me when I was in a fragile place.

Sarah: Aww, so fragile that you threw a radio into victor's bathtub?

Xander: You tried to kill my uncle?

Sarah: No, she thought the radio needed a soak. Of course she tried to kill your uncle! And she hasn't stopped trying to kill people ever since. So why don't you and I get the hell outta here?

[Dramatic music]

Shawn: Wow. Wow. You threatened to kill her. Wow, that's a smart move, philip. You know what? She's a dangerous psychopath. You just upped the stakes. You're pushing her buttons.

Belle: Philip, philip, thank you. I think that shawn and I need to speak privately.

Philip: Shawn, I really am sorry about ciara. Must be hell for you and your mother. Belle.

Shawn: So what is it you need to tell me? Did jan threaten you? Tell me everything that she said.

Belle: No, it's not what jan said that scares me. It's what claire said.

Colgate optic white renewal

Belle: So after I got rid of jan, I was trying to explain to claire who she was and all the things that she's done.

Shawn: And what did claire say?

Belle: She, like, kinda stood up for jan, you know? She said that she felt a connection with her.

Shawn: A connection? A connection with that crazy woman?

Belle: Okay, well, you can't use words like that about jan with claire anymore because she thinks when you call jan crazy, it's the same as other people calling claire crazy and, you know, they're the same and they're both misunderstood and just--okay. My point is is that claire feels like she sees a side of jan that none of us can see.

Shawn: Oh, my god. Please tell me that this is not happening right now.

Belle: Right? I mean, I am-- I am scared, shawn. Because I just see this side of claire where she just grabs ahold of this idea, and you can't talk to her and you can't reason with her, and I watched her just, like, shut me out and let jan in.

Marlena: Claire. Listen to me. Sometimes, mentally ill people are treated badly, so I can understand why you would feel empathy for her.

Claire: I feel as though there is a "but" coming.

Marlena: Yeah. But if she needs compassion and understanding, that has to come from a trained professional. How would your family feel about the fact that you were standing up for someone who would so deliberately try to destroy their lives?

Claire: But I did the exact same thing to ciara. I can't--I can't judge someone for being like me.

Marlena: Okay. I'm gonna go see john. Listen, have I ever insisted on you doing something? Have I ever made rules or made orders for you?

Claire: No, never.

Marlena: Then you must know that this is important. Stay away from jan spears. Just do that. Okay? For your own good, as well as your family'S.

Nicole: [Sighs] You know what I think? I think we have said everything there is to be said.

Eric: I think you are right.

Nicole: Let's go to bed. And we can talk or think about this tomorrow.

[Sobbing softly]

Allie: I'm his mother.

Sami: There's a simple solution here, allie.

Allie: Yeah. I cave and you win.

Sami: You could come to rome with me. You could give yourself a chance to fall in love with your baby. I know how hard this is. I know how scary it is. But look at me and will. It's so worth it, and I will be there to help you every step of the way.

Allie: And now I get it. This is what you wanted all along. You didn't just sue for custody of my son. You thought you'd get me back too.

Sami: I want what's best for you, allie. I saw you hold him in your arms. I know you love your baby. Just like I love you. Please. Please. I'm just trying to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life.

Belle: I mean, I was already scared that what happened to ciara would be too much for claire to handle.

Shawn: And now here's jan, moving in on her.

Belle: She was hugging our daughter!

Shawn: Come here. Don't be scared. I'm not gonna let anything happen to claire.

Belle: What if something already has?

Jan: Claire. I'm so sorry. I should've told you right away who I was.

Claire: Yeah, you should have.

Jan: It's just, I wanted to say that I was sorry about your friend and go, just 'cause i thought I understood how you felt, because--

Claire: Because what? Because you've done terrible things and I have too?

Jan: Because I know how feelings can be so strong that it's like you just disappear into them. And people act like that shouldn't happen. Like you could stop it. Like it's your fault. I know. Don't listen to the crazy lady.

Claire: No, wait.

Xander: I swear, I didn't know who she was. I just heard philip say that he wanted to kill her.

Sarah: Mm-hmm. And you saw it as a way to pay philip back for trying to steal your office. You have to promise me that you will steer clear of her.

Xander: I promise. I'll find another way to deal with philip.

Sarah: Oh, my god, here we go.

Xander: He's not gonna get away with what he's tried to pull.

Sarah: Xander.

Xander: He's not gonna be so smug when I'm done with him.

Sarah: Xander.

Xander: What?

Sarah: Can you please do me a favor?

Xander: Anything.

Sarah: All right. Listen, I know that you and philip are at war. I get it. But could we maybe leave that at the office and not bring that home? Or I could start talking about surgeries that went real wrong.

Xander: Point taken. Got it. I'll make the kiriakis mansion the dmz--won't even mention his name.

Sarah: I will make it worth your while. Why don't you go grab a bottle of wine, and I'm gonna go upstairs, and then you can meet me up there?

Xander: Sounds like a plan.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: [Sighs]

[Door squeaks] What the hell are you doing here?

Philip: You can kick me out of the office, but you can't kick me out of my house.

Sami: You need me to be the bad guy in your story. Well, that's--it's okay. I can take it. I push you around. I'm trying to run your life. You can hate me if you want to. I get it. The only thing that matters is you. And your baby, and that you both are happy. So hate me if you need to. But go see your baby. Hold him in your arms. Feed him. Then you'll see that it's not about me. It's all about him. These are real people, not actors,

Xander: You're moving in?

Philip: That's right. We'll be one big, happy family. And look, about the office...

Xander: What about it?

Philip: I shouldn't have tried to kick you out. We're supposed to be equals. So how 'bout we share it? That way, I can keep an eye on you.

Xander: Is that a promise or a threat?

Philip: Take it any way you want.

Shawn: So you told claire everything that jan tried to do to us, right?

Belle: Mm-hmm. I think that she feels like she's not allowed to ask for forgiveness if she doesn't forgive everybody else.

Shawn: But she thinks that she should forgive jan spears?

[Scoffs] Wow. You know what? Maybe philip is right. Maybe we should just let him kill her.

Jan: Yes?

Claire: Don't use that word. Don't call yourself crazy, no matter what anyone else says.

Jan: I call myself that to make it not hurt so much when others do.

Claire: Yeah. You--we--we have to take care of ourselves.

Jan: Claire, it really means a lot to me that you talk to me like a human being.

Claire: Because you are one.

Jan: Please make sure I don't come between you and your parents. You're really lucky to have parents who love you as much as they do. Almost as lucky as they are to have a wonderful daughter like you.

Claire: Yeah, I--

Jan: We don't want anyone to see us together, but if we do bump into each other, don't think you need to talk to me. Just keep walking. I'll understand.

Allie: You know what I was thinking about on the way back here? All the things you've gotten away with. Your whole life is a list of things you've gotten away with. Your parents, your grandparents, your husbands--nobody ever tells you no, except me. Your daughter is saying no. I'm going to the judge tomorrow morning. And don't even think about getting on that plane with my son.

Sami: Allie, wait.

Allie: No.

Nicole: Eric.

Eric: Yeah?

Nicole: Holly and I will be here for you when you get back.

Eric: I would have never agreed to go if I didn't know that. I love you.

Nicole: I know. I love you.

[Emotional music]

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