Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/16/20
Episode #13857 ~ Belle is horrified to find Claire with Jan; Xander discovers a way to solve his Philip problem; John lashes out at Sami; Eric receives a life-changing offer.
Provided By Suzanne
[Upbeat music]Philip: "Have a great first day on the job. You'll have xander out in no time. Love, mom." "World's greatest ceo." Vote of confidence.
Xander: What do you think you're doing in my office?
Claire: So you've hurt people that you cared about too?
Jan: I have.
Claire: What did you do?
Jan: I used to get really obsessive about things. Like, I'd have these reoccurring thoughts or overwhelming feelings and... it's like they would take over my entire life.
Claire: Me too.
Jan: And even though, deep down, I knew what I was doing was wrong, it was like I couldn't help myself.
Claire: I felt the exact same way. You don't--you don't feel like that anymore?
Jan: No. I've learned to manage those emotions.
Claire: You said that you went to therapy.
Jan: That's right. I'm a much more well-adjusted member of society these days.
Claire: That's good.
Jan: Yeah, it is. In fact, I came back to salem to right some of the terrible wrongs I committed in the past. Things I deeply regret to this day.
Claire: I came back to salem to make things right too. I was, um-- I was just starting to rebuild my relationship with ciara. And now I'm never gonna have the chance.
Jan: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Claire: I just--I thought that we would have time to grow close again. I thought that I was gonna get my best friend back, and now she's gone. I just... [Sobs] I feel so alone.
Jan: Oh, honey. You're not alone. I'm here for you.
Claire: [Sobs]
[Baby crying]
Lucas: Look, look. No, no, no. [Shushing] It's okay. It's okay. Come on. What's the matter, little guy? Grandpa's tried every trick in the book, and nothing's worked. Look. Right here. Look. Come on.
Nicole: [Clears throat] You want some help?
[Baby continues crying]
Eric: Please. Don'T. Don'T. Don't apologize, justin. You told nicole and i from the very beginning that you were gonna do your best, and our case, it may not be strong enough for custody. I don't care what the judge said. Sami tried to smear nicole in court, and I know that played a big factor in her decision. All I can do is pray for sami that she doesn't push away the people that love her.
[Monitor beeping]
[Knock at door]
Sami: Hi, dad.
John: Sami.
Sami: Mom told me the good news. I'm so happy for you. I... got you something to humanize your room. Ow. [Chuckles] Um...
John: A cactus.
Sami: Yeah. Well, the guy in the plant store said that it's really low-maintenance. Like me. [Chuckles]
[Dramatic music]
[Dramatic percussion
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Claire: Ah, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't be breaking down like this in front of a total stranger.
Jan: It's okay. I know we just met, but I feel like I know you.
Claire: It's just, it's kind of embarrassing.
Jan: It shouldn't be. I'm glad I could be here for you. Sounds like we have a lot in common.
Claire: Yeah, it does.
Jan: Like I said, your parents mean a lot to me.
Claire: I'm sorry. I just realized that I spilled my guts to you and I don't even know your name.
Jan: Oh, I'm--
Belle: You get the hell away from my daughter.
Jan: Hey--
Belle: Get out of here.
Claire: Wait, mom! What are you doing? Your friend was being really nice to me about ciara.
Belle: This is not my friend. This is jan spears.
[Solemn music]
[Knock at door]
Eric: Angie?
Angie: Hi. It's been a long time.
[Baby crying, lucas shushing]
Nicole: Come on. Let me deal with him, all right? I'll give you a break. Lucas. Remember what the judge said, okay? The restraining order has been lifted and eric and I are free to spend time with our nephew.
Lucas: Shh, I know. It's okay. It's okay. It's not the judge I'm worried about.
[Shushing] Come on. Come on.
Nicole: Sami, right?
Lucas: Yep. Bingo.
Nicole: Okay, I know I've asked you this question before, and I'm just gonna ask it again. What's better for the baby? What sami wants? Or what's best for your daughter's child? Come on.
Lucas: [Shushing] It's okay. It's okay.
Nicole: [Cooing] Hi. Yes.
[Laughs] I know.
Sami: I didn't expect--
John: Oh, you got a lot of nerve, coming in here with a potted plant after what you said to me.
Sami: I didn't know you remembered.
John: Yeah, well, I didn't, not for a while. But then it all came back to me. I simply stood up for eric and nicole. So you told me that i wasn't part of your family. I never would be. You said I was nobody.
Sami: I was upset. I was hurt and--
John: Leave it to you to bring in a plant that doesn't need any care. But that's how you treat people anyway; you think they can survive on nothing. But you, on the other hand, you need all the love and attention because you're so special. Do you have any idea how sick I am of you? So why don't you scrape up what's left of that damn plant and get the hell out of here?
Sami: Okay, john, please just give me a chance to apologize to you for what I said. Like I said to mom, I-- I didn't mean a word--
John: Yeah, but you said it anyway; you know why? Because you knew it would hurt!
Sami: I was hurting too.
John: Oh, spare me the act. I've watched it for years. You're the same person you've always been, samantha gene. You're nothing but a mean, nasty bitch.
Claire: This is jan spears? You kidnapped my dad.
Belle: Yep. And last winter in new york city, she tried to blow me, philip, and all our other high school friends to kingdom come. Right, jan?
Claire: No wonder you didn't tell me who you were.
Jan: You were so upset when i came in, it... it didn't seem like the right time for a formal introduction.
Belle: What are you doing in this house?
Jan: I heard what happened to ciara. I stopped by to say how sorry I am.
Belle: Because that's so you.
Jan: No, I really am so sorry for your loss. These are for you.
Belle: [Scoffs] I want you to get the hell out of this house, and don't you dare show your face around here again.
Philip: This is brady's office, not yours.
Xander: I moved my things in last night.
Philip: Right after we agreed to share the ceo job so my father wouldn't be caught in the middle while grieving for ciara?
Xander: I claimed this office first.
Philip: That's a matter of perspective. One of those things you picked up in the joint, I suppose. Anyway, you were locked up, and that's when my father gave me the ceo job and that's when he gave me this office.
Xander: And then you went sulking off when you got your wee heart broken. I came back and proved to uncle victor what I can do.
Philip: I hear nobody spreads the manure on the rosebushes like you do.
Xander: Where's my lucky pen?
Philip: Oh! Your lucky pen and your silly chair and your stress balls and your hockey stick and all your other badges of masculinity are locked up in the janitor's closet.
Xander: Oh, I see you need a chair with extra lumbar support since you don't have a spine of your own.
Philip: [Laughs] I'd love to keep up the witty repartee, but I have a company to run. So why don't you get your chair and your stress balls and take 'em to your new office, which is right across from the executive washroom?
Xander: [Scoffs] Where'd you get this? Some souvenir stand on the turnpike?
Philip: That was a gift from my mother.
Xander: Really?
[Ceramic chatters] It's garbage now. Never run dry of...
Philip: Let's talk about qualifications. While I was running the chicago office, I picked up an mba. You, on the other hand, got out of prison and became my father's favorite leg breaker.
Xander: If that's all I was, victor wouldn't make you share this job with me, would he?
Philip: Whatever. I've gotta get moving. The painters are coming.
Xander: I just had it repainted last night.
Philip: I should've known. The colors are dull and depressing.
Xander: Sarah picked them out.
Philip: I heard you were back together.
Xander: With maggie and victor's blessing.
Philip: I've gotta stop drinking the water in this place. It's making people crazy. Anyway, if you don't wanna be covered up by a drop cloth--
Xander: Yeah, you can tell your painters to get back in the truck. The walls are staying as they are, and you're on your way out.
Jan: I am genuinely so sorry about what happened to ciara.
Belle: I don't know what kinda game you're playing here, and I don't care.
Jan: It's not a game, belle. I understand why you might be suspicious. I did do horrible things in the past, but it's because I was ill.
Belle: And you're all better now?
Jan: Belle, I am so sorry for the pain that I caused you. A big part of the reason I accepted sami's invitation to come back to salem--
Belle: Was because you wanted to help her shaft nicole.
Jan: Was because I wanted a chance to make up for the harm that I've done. Don't people deserve a second chance? Especially after they've overcome mental illness?
[Tense music]
Lucas: Oh, man, look at that. I did most of the work. I guess he wore himself out.
Nicole: You're welcome.
Lucas: What are you doing here?
Nicole: Well, holly wanted to bring her cousin a book that I used to read to her when she was a baby, so we chose "the runaway bunny."
Lucas: Oh, I love that one.
Nicole: Mm-hmm.
Lucas: That's very nice. Very considerate of you and holly. Thank you.
Nicole: There's one condition.
Lucas: No, of course there is. What a surprise.
Nicole: You know what? Stop. Holly just started to read, so she would like to read the book to the baby sometime.
Lucas: I'm sure that can be arranged.
Nicole: Mm-hmm. But I don't want sami to treat my daughter the way she treats me.
Lucas: She won't, okay? I'll see to it.
Nicole: Thank you. Where is sami, by the way? She swore to the judge that she would devote herself to this child around the clock.
Lucas: Yeah, no. No. She gets out every now and then.
Nicole: Well, must be important. Who's she sticking it to now?
Sami: Ow! Ow. This thing is sharp.
John: Leave it. Just get outta here.
Sami: You know, I've had it with you. I came here to apologize for what I said, but now, you can just forget it.
John: Never bought it for a second. See ya.
Sami: You know what? You hate me, don't you? You have always hated me and you were just faking it for my mom. I hope you get another blood clot and I hope it goes right to your cold, dark heart.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh. What is going on? Get out of here.
Sami: Mom--
Marlena: Now. Now!
Sami: He started it--I swear to you, this is not my fault!
Marlena: Why in the world would you say a thing like that to john?
Sami: Hey, I went there to apologize to john. I brought him a cactus as a gift to make his room nice and he threw it against the wall. He said a lot of hurtful things and he called me a bitch.
Marlena: Wow. That does not sound like john.
Sami: I agree, but that is what happened.
Marlena: Well, until I get to the bottom of it, I'd like you not to bother him, please.
Sami: Listen, I didn't start anything with him.
Marlena: You have been starting things since you first came back to town. You've antagonized everybody in the family, and I will not have you doing that to john. Geez, he could've died.
Sami: Where are you going?
Marlena: I'm going to find somebody who can check on him and make sure that he's all right.
Sami: [Sighs, scoffs]
Angie: Can I maybe come in?
Eric: Y--yeah, please.
[Laughing] I'm sorry. I'M... I'm just so stunned just to... to see you here. I...
Angie: Nice place.
Eric: Thank you. I'm sorry, what-- what brings you to salem?
Angie: I'm hoping to make you an offer you can't refuse. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Philip: Look, you need to accept reality. I'm the son. You're the ne'er-do-well nephew. I'm my father's only surviving child, which makes me the heir to his throne.
Xander: Monarchies get overthrown, you know. I mean, if it's blood you want...
Philip: We talking physical violence, cook?
Xander: The name is kiriakis. And if you're planning to muscle me out of this office and my share of the title, then yeah, you're gonna have a fight on your hands.
Philip: What are you gonna do? You gonna tattle to my father I moved your lucky pen?
Xander: Oh, I don't need my uncle for this. I can handle you by myself.
Philip: Good luck getting me out of this chair.
Xander: You know what? I don't need to get you out of the chair.
Philip: What the hell are you doing?
Xander: Just relax and enjoy the ride, mate.
Philip: Hey!
[Mischievous music]
Xander: Much better.
Jan: I was hoping you'd accept these in the spirit I meant them.
Belle: [Chuckles] Yeah. You are good. See this? This is all an act. I am not interested in your phony apologies or your empty gestures. I just want you to get the hell out of this house and stay far, far away from me and my family. In case you have forgotten, I know how to get a restraining order.
Jan: Fine. I'll go.
[Somber music]
I didn't mean to mislead you, claire. And I'm sorry if I caused trouble for you and your mother during this time. And I'm so sorry about ciara.
Belle: Okay. What did she do to you?
Claire: She was nice to me.
Eric: I want you to know, I, uh-- I thought about you and all the villagers when I read about the ebola outbreak.
Angie: We lost a lot of people.
Eric: I'm so sorry to hear that.
Angie: And it's not just sickness. You know, we had to deal with the rebel militias when you were there, but it's worse now. 65% of the population is living below the poverty level, and president kabila's gone all out to stop foreign aid. He wants investors for his industries instead.
Eric: And what're your bosses saying now?
Angie: That we're not going to give up. I'm on my way to a fundraiser now. That's why I'm in the country.
Eric: What can I do for you?
Angie: It's funny you should ask. The elders have asked me to come and find father eric and beg him to come back.
Marlena: Look, I don't know what happened in here, but I don't believe sami's version. She... she said that you called her a bitch. I know you. You would never say such things--
John: She's right, doc. I did exactly what she said.
Lucas: Well, thank you. He's asleep now. You can put him back in his crib, okay?
Nicole: I miss holding an infant.
Lucas: I'm sorry about that.
Nicole: Holly's in school and, well, I don't have a job right now. I could've devoted myself to this baby, and you and sami don't have that kind of time.
Lucas: Nicole, it's been decided.
Nicole: Only because sami trotted out in court something I did 10 or 15 years ago.
Lucas: Yeah, but you did do them.
Nicole: Yeah, but she's one to point the finger, and you know it. She was so desperate to win one over me that she had jan spears released from a mental hospital, for god's sake.
Lucas: I know. I know. I couldn't believe that one either.
Nicole: It wasn't long ago that jan tried to blow up belle and philip's high school reunion. If she hurts someone again, it will be on sami's head. And you know what, maybe yours for not stopping her.
Lucas: Really? Did you come here to work on me or spend time with him?
Maybe you should go. Come on. It's time. Hand him over.
Nicole: Okay, little boy. I gotta go. I'll be back to see you, and so will your uncle eric. You'll always be a part of our family. And if you ever wanna come to me because your mean ol' granny is driving you crazy--
Sami: Whoa, who you calling old?
[Quirky music]
Lucas: [Clears throat] Do I use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth?
Sami: I'll take him now. Did you hear what I said?
Lucas: Keep your voice down. We had a hard time getting him to fall asleep, okay?
Sami: [Whispering] Give me the baby.
[Chilling music]
Nicole: [Clears throat]
Sami: Mm. Aww. Hi, little guy. Did you miss me? I missed you so much. Now, don't you worry. I'm always gonna come back for you. We're together now. And there is nothing anyone can do about it.
Eric: I can't tell you what it means to be remembered by all the villagers, but... but I'm not a-- I'm not father eric anymore.
Angie: You may not wear the collar, but you're still that man.
Eric: Angie...
Angie: You are. You still have that big heart. You still believe in service. I can see that just by looking at you. I know what I'm asking, but these people have so little, and it would mean so much to see you again. Won't you at least think about it?
[Tense music]
Xander: That's more like it. Now, back to work. Lucky pen. Thank you very much. Why is that locked? Where's the key? Bloody hell.
[Dramatic music]
Jan: Philip.
Philip: You got a hell of a nerve, showing your face around this town.
Jan: It's good to see you again.
Philip: I don't share the same feeling. Last time I saw you, I was trying to pry a detonator outta your hand.
Jan: I know I let my anger get the better of me, but I'm not like that now, or I wouldn't have been released from shady pines.
Philip: Thought sami brady got you out of there.
Jan: She may have sped up the process, but I was gonna be released anyway.
Philip: You stay the hell away from belle.
Jan: I wouldn't think of hurting her. In fact, I just left her.
Philip: What?
Jan: I had to tell her how sorry I am about ciara.
Philip: Don't give me that phony crap.
Jan: [Scoffs] Belle wasn't even home when i got there. So I had a very nice conversation with her daughter.
Philip: You were alone with claire?
Jan: We really bonded. We have a lot in common. I think we could even become friends.
Claire: I don't know why you're so upset. I told you, jan was being really nice to me until you came back.
Belle: Honey, she was trying to bond with you because she knows about your situation.
Claire: My "situation"? What, are you saying that she was reaching out to me, one nutjob to another?
John: So let me ask you something, doc. Do you think that... whatever has happened in my head has somehow... oh, I don't know--I don't know. Left me unbalanced?
Marlena: No.
John: What sami told you was the truth. I mean, she came in here with a peace offering. She was gonna apologize, and... and I just blew a fuse. I threw that plant against the damn wall. I said things to her I would never say to a woman, especially if that woman were your daughter.
Marlena: I can't imagine you doing that.
John: Nah. I mean, I'm the guy that always wants to kinda put a lid on it, right? So what's going on with me, doc?
This is hal.
Sami: Don't you worry about nicole. Don't listen to her, okay? She's just trying to come between you and me. I'm not a bad person. I'm not.
Nicole: Oh, no, sami. You are a great role model. You drove his mother away when she needed you the most and moved heaven and earth to stop her from doing what she wanted for her son. You scammed a judge so you could take the baby away from your brother, who is... far and away a better person than you could ever be. I hope you're proud of yourself.
Eric: I can't tell you enough how much I respect what you do and all the things you continue to do with your work and for all those people in the village. My obligation was to be of service, but things are different now. I'm newly married to the love of my life. I have an incredible 5-year-old stepdaughter. My home is here now. So I'M... I'm sorry, but I can't accept your offer.
Claire: I heard the way dad talked about jan. That they should never have let her out of the loony bin, that she should be locked up in a padded room. Mom, that is the way that people talked about me.
Belle: No, honey. That is not the way that we ever talked about you. And for the record, your father and I have complete confidence in your recovery, honey.
Claire: But not in jan'S.
Belle: No, not in jan'S. I have known jan since I was in high school, honey. She is a master manipulator, and she is trying to use you to get to your father and me.
Claire: Yeah, because of my "situation."
Belle: That's not what I-- what I meant is, she is aware that you are in a fragile emotional state because of ciara. Honey, we all are. We are all suffering a tragic loss.
Claire: Yeah.
Belle: I still think jan is dangerous, honey. You know what she's done.
Claire: Yeah, but you know what I've done. Mostly to ciara. Do you know how hard it is for me to live with that? God, the biggest reason that I can is because ciara gave me the second chance that jan wants. She let me prove to her that she could trust me again. Mom, jan came back wanting that second chance, and... I really think that she deserves to get it.
Jan: Lovely talking to you.
Philip: You're not gonna be friends with claire. Do you hear me?
Jan: Ow! You're hurting me!
Philip: You're not gonna go anywhere near her or belle.
Jan: Ow, let go of me! Damn it!
Philip: If you pull anything, I'm not gonna call the authorities like I did in new york to get you locked up. This time, I'm gonna take care of you myself. Permanently. You probably think all pads are the same
Philip: Have I made myself clear?
Xander: Hey, sorry to interrupt, mate. Need the keys to my desk.
Philip: How'd you track me down?
Xander: Knew you'd be in a hurry to replace mummy's wee gift. The keys, please.
Philip: Ah, you must be confused. These are the keys to my desk. The keys to your desk are in the top right-hand drawer of the desk in your office, which is right across from the men's room.
Xander: Tosser.
Jan: What does that mean in american?
Xander: Bloke who's all mouth and no action.
Jan: Oh.
Xander: Well, you better hope I'm right. Couldn't help overhearing philip just threaten to put an end to you.
Jan: Anybody ever tell you to mind your own business?
Belle: If you let jan into your life, you will regret it.
Claire: I don't wanna argue with you anymore. Okay? I'm gonna go and visit grandpa john at the hospital. I wanna be around someone that's not always mad at me.
Belle: Claire.
Marlena: Look, you had-- you had one huge outburst, and it was with sami, you know? I mean, sami could-- sami could incite a sphinx.
John: No, I felt like I went crazy, and I embraced it 100%. I had no control.
Marlena: You're not crazy. Look, an aneurysm is a-- it's a trauma to the brain. It isn't unusual that you would have an outburst. You must be feeling so frustrated and angry and-- and powerless.
John: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Marlena: Maybe that'S... maybe that's what made you blow up at sami.
John: Uh... so then let me ask you this: Is it permanent?
Angie: I can't say that I'm not disappointed, but I totally understand and respect your decision. If you happen to change your mind, you know where to reach me.
Eric: It was really good to see you.
Angie: I brought this for you. So you can read about the work we are doing.
Eric: Thank you.
Angie: [Sighs]
Nicole: Uh...hi.
Eric: Hey.
Angie: You must be eric's wife. You're a lucky woman. I have a plane to catch. Nice meeting you.
Eric: So good to see you.
Nicole: [Scoffs] So what'd I miss?
Sami: Well, lucas, you're off the hook. I got it from here.
Lucas: Well, I do have work to do. Listen, I know that you can't stand nicole, but you have to stop rubbing her face in it. Stop rubbing her face in the fact that you have custody of this baby.
Sami: She has to face reality. I can't believe that you let her talk her way in here and get her hands on him.
Lucas: The judge ruled in two parts. That is your sister-in-law. She has a right to see this baby, and if you continue this, if you keep--what are family gatherings gonna be like between the two of you and everybody else? It's gonna be a nightmare.
Sami: Well, you're right about that.
Lucas: Whoa. Whoa. Did heaven and earth just move? Did you just say I was right?
Sami: There's only one thing to do.
Lucas: Make peace with nicole?
Sami: No. Get the hell out of salem and take that baby with me. Alright, everyone, we made it.
Philip: I can tell how upset you are. It's jan, isn't it?
Belle: How did you know that?
Philip: I had the pleasure of running into her at the square. She told me she thought she and claire could be friends.
Belle: Yes, well, apparently, she just barged in here while I was gone, didn't introduce herself to claire, just said that she was here to offer her condolences about ciara.
Philip: She doesn't give a damn about ciara.
Belle: Yeah. And then she went on and told claire that she was also a patient in a mental institution, which of course claire just responded to.
Philip: I put her on notice.
Belle: You did?
Philip: I swear... I'm not gonna let jan spears hurt you or claire. That's a promise.
Belle: Thank you. Thank you, philip.
Xander: I wasn't sticking my nose in your business. I just don't think that philip should get away with threatening people like that, do you?
Jan: Do you work for him or something?
Xander: I work with him, for now. I'M... xander kiriakis.
Marlena: Look, in most cases, the loss of control begins to subside once the patient makes progress. Hopefully in time, this isn't--
John: Don't jerk me around! Just how much time?
[Monitor beeping]
[Eerie music]
See? Just like that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Marlena: It's not unexpected. Please. You don't have to apologize every time it happens, okay?
John: Yeah, yeah. We'll figure this out.
Nicole: I mean, it looks like you could do a lot of good in the village.
Eric: Yeah. Don't worry, I said I couldn't possibly leave you or holly.
[Stirring music]
Nicole: Are you sure that's what you really want?
Lucas: We had a deal. I'd back you; you stay in salem with the baby.
Sami: Listen, what am I supposed to do? I can't stick to a deal like that; I've got johnny and sydney and ej to think about.
[Baby crying] Oh, sweetheart. Grammy's here. Shh. Sorry. Shh.
Lucas: That's my grandchild too.
Sami: I know. I know that, lucas. I'm sorry. But I can't stand it, eric and nicole and my mom and john judging me for doing what I knew was right for this baby. I can't stay in salem. Not one more day. Listen... do you have his diaper bag? I'll take him back to my mom's and we can talk about this tomorrow. We will figure something out.
Lucas: Yes, I have everything. I will get it together.
Sami: Okay, and his bottles and everything.
Lucas: I know, I know.
Sami: Okay.
Lucas: Shh.
Sami: Thank you, lucas.
[Line rings]
Can I help you?
Sami: Yes, I'm hoping you can. I need two first-class tickets direct from o'hare to rome as soon as possible. Fantastic. Yes. My name is samantha dimera, and the other passenger is my grandson. Well, we haven't named him yet. He's just an infant. Can't he travel on my passport? Listen, I live in rome and i need to get that baby home as soon as possible.
Allie: Like hell you are.
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