Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 9/15/20
Episode #13856 ~ Hope suspects the truth isn't as it appears; Brady is stunned to learn of Kristen's arrest; Lani has an angry confrontation with Eli; Jan encourages Claire to open up to her.
Provided By Suzanne
[Dramatic music]
Maggie: What in god's name are you doing?
Victor: What's it look like I'm doing? I'm loading a gun.
Maggie: Yes, but why?
Victor: So I can go to the hospital and kill ben weston.
[Somber music]
Hope: [Sniffs]
Abe: Oh...
Hope: [Sobbing]
Abe: I'm so sorry.
Hope: [Sobbing]
Abe: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Shawn: Uh... can I ask what it is that you're doing?
Claire: Uh, cleaning.
Shawn: [Laughs] Yeah, I see that. I'm just a little confused as to why.
Claire: Well, I figured that grandma hope has enough going on as it is. The least I could do was make sure the house was okay. Is that dumb?
Shawn: No, it's not dumb. No, it's sweet that you're trying to help.
Claire: Oh, I just wish that I could do more.
Shawn: I know. Me too. You know, you didn't have to stay here with me. You could've gone with your mom to see your grandpa at the hospital.
Claire: I wanted to keep you company. Besides, as happy as I am about grandpa john's recovery, I don't think I could stop thinking about ciara long enough to hold it together.
Brady: My dad woke up. He was a little foggy for a while, but it looks like he's gonna be okay.
Kristen: That's wonderful, brady.
Brady: Yeah, I'm pretty relieved. So I'll be back at the inn soon.
Kristen: Um, that's why I've been calling. I'm not there.
Brady: I thought we agreed you'd stay at the room.
Kristen: I was. I'm at the police station. I've been arrested.
Brady: Oh, my god. What--what happened? Did someone recognize you, or what?
Kristen: Just...I'll tell you when you get here. Please--please, brady, just hurry.
Brady: I'll be right there.
[Elevator dings]
[Phone beeps]
Belle: Hey, I heard the great news. Dad's awake.
Brady: Yeah, he's awake. He's awake, um, but before you go in there, um...I need a huge favor.
Eli: I know that you consider kristen to be your friend.
Lani: She's my closest friend, eli. You and I wouldn't even be together if it wasn't for her.
Eli: Look, I had a duty to arrest her.
Lani: Your duty?
Eli: Yes. She's a fugitive, and I've sworn to uphold the law.
Lani: Okay, yes, eli, you are a cop, but you are also my husband, and you swore to take an oath to me, too, or did you forget about that?
Eli: No, of course not.
Lani: Is this--is this how our marriage is gonna be? Are you always just gonna be choosing your job over your wife?
Eli: That's not what I did.
Lani: No, of course that's what you did. You knew how strongly I felt about keeping my friend out of prison, and you went behind my back and arrested her anyway. You betrayed me, eli. How am I ever supposed to trust you?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Hope: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for crying all over your nice suit. Sorry.
Abe: No apologies necessary. It's what nice suits are for.
Hope: [Sniffs, cries] Has theo heard?
Abe: Yeah, he's, uh... he's devastated, of course.
Hope: He and ciara were so close. I mean, he was such a good friend to her always.
Abe: Hey, how are you holding up?
Hope: Taking it moment by moment. I was just with my dad and julie. It's good to be with family.
Abe: Oh, are they inside? I'd like to offer them my condolences as well.
Hope: [Crying] No. Oh, abe. They just went home. I convinced them to let the manager open up so... they need some time off.
[Sighs, sniffs]
Abe: You know, speaking of time off, I know I made you the interim police commissioner until I can find a replacement for rafe...
Hope: Right.
Abe: But if it's--if it's too much right now--
Hope: No, no, no. Um, no, no. Busy--busy is good.
Abe: Are you sure?
Hope: Yes, of course. I'm--I'm--I'm sure. I'm positive, 'cause i personally want to see to it that...that vincent belman is found and brought in and charged.
[Sniffs] He needs to pay.
[Sighs] He needs to pay for what he put my daughter through.
Abe: I understand. I see. If you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know.
Hope: Thank you. Thank you, abe. Thank you.
Eli: I didn't want to go against your wishes, but I had to do what was right.
Lani: What was right according to you.
Eli: And to the law, okay? It wasn't like I--I nailed kristen for jaywalking. She tried to murder someone.
Lani: Someone who made her think that her child was dead, eli.
Eli: Okay, so--so it's okay to exact vigilante justice?
Lani: No, but it is okay to feel sympathy for someone who felt the same thing that we did.
Eli: That's not right, lani. David abraham had nothing to do with it. She committed a crime. She needs to be behind bars.
Lani: And rachel? She just deserves to not have a mother?
Eli: That's--that's not for me to decide.
Lani: Oh, okay, so now you don't want to make decisions. That little girl has already lost so much time with kristen because of victor, and now she may lose her forever because of you.
Eli: Where are you going?
Lani: [Scoffs] To get rachel from the aide that's watching her. I have to look after that little girl because her mother can'T.
Belle: So you've been with kristen all this time?
Brady: I hated to leave her and rachel behind, but I had to come and see dad.
Belle: Right, and she followed you here.
Brady: She wanted to support me while dad was in the hospital.
Belle: Mm-hmm, good, and now she's been caught and arrested for trying to kill victor all those months ago.
Brady: Yeah, and that's where the favor comes in, belle. I need you to represent her.
Belle: Brady, after everything she's done to mom and dad--
Brady: I know you have your issues with kristen--
Belle: Everybody has their issues with kristen.
Brady: That's why it's a big favor.
Belle: [Scoffs]
Brady: Do it for me, please. Okay? Just say you'll do it. You're the best lawyer I know.
Belle: Oh, god. Guilt and flattery. Awesome. That's a lethal combo.
Brady: Does that mean you'll do it?
Belle: I'll think about it, but that is all I'm gonna promise for now.
Brady: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Belle: Oh, my gosh. All right, but listen. Let me give you some free legal advice.
Brady: Okay.
Belle: You need to tell kristen not to say anything to the cops, for her sake and for yours.
Brady: For mine?
Belle: Yeah, you could get in a lot of trouble for aiding and abetting, brady.
Brady: I don't care. I don't care. I--I--I need to keep kristen out of prison. She needs to be with our daughter.
[Phone beeps]
Shawn: Oh, that's the, uh-- the station. Listen, I gotta--I gotta head down there.
Claire: Okay.
Shawn: Hey, do you want me to give you a ride to the hospital?
Claire: No, thanks. Like I said, I don't want to go into puddle mode in front of grandpa john.
Shawn: Are you sure you're gonna be okay alone?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine. I still have dusting and laundry ahead of me.
Shawn: I'm proud of you. I know that this isn't easy, but we're gonna get through this.
Claire: Yeah.
Shawn: Listen, I love you.
Claire: I love you too.
Shawn: I'll talk to you later.
Claire: [Sniffling]
[Door opens] Uh, did you forget something?
Jan: I don't think so. You probably think all pads are the same
Jan: I'm sorry to barge in, but the door was open. You must be claire.
Claire: Yeah. Uh, who are you?
Jan: I'm an old friend of your parents. I heard about shawn's sister, so I wanted to come by, offer my condolences.
Claire: That's really kind of you. You just missed my dad.
Jan: That's too bad. And your mom?
Claire: Uh, she's not here either.
Jan: So you're here all by yourself?
Claire: Yeah.
Jan: Interesting.
Maggie: What on earth are you talking about? You can't kill ben.
Victor: Of course I can. He's laid up in a hospital bed. He's a sitting duck.
Maggie: [Sighs] Victor, I know you're upset about ciara, but her death is not ben's fault.
Victor: The hell it isn'T. Vincent, that psychopath, only kidnapped her to get at weston. The blood is on his hands.
Maggie: Ben loved ciara. I'm sure he's going through hell right now just like you are.
Victor: Well, in that case, I'm doing him a favor.
Maggie: Victor, you can't go into a hospital with a gun. Do you want to end up in prison?
Victor: I suppose you're right.
Maggie: Thank goodness.
Victor: I'll hire somebody else to do it.
Abe: Hey.
Lani: Hi, dad.
Abe: Mwah. So--
Lani: [Chuckles]
Abe: I told you guys I was gonna buy you a stroller. This isn't gonna work for twins.
Lani: I know, it--it-- it's not mine, and neither is the sweet little girl sleeping inside of it.
Abe: Who's that?
Lani: That's rachel... kristen dimera's daughter.
[Phone ringing]
Brady: Where's kristen? I need to see her.
Eli: Go ahead. She's in there.
Kristen: Oh... thank god you're here.
Brady: You all right? You okay?
Kristen: No. No, not really.
Brady: Okay, what happened?
Kristen: Um, well, I went to open the door for room service, but it wasn't room service.
Brady: 'Cause the police knew you were there. Did lani turn you in? Is that what happened?
Kristen: No, no, no, no, no. She would never do that. It was all eli. Eli arrested me. I'm sorry.
Brady: It's all right.
Eli: Lani...I'm sorry, okay? I want to make things better. Please just give me a call back so we can talk.
[Phone beeps]
Hope: What's going on? Any news?
Eli: Oh, hey. I need to talk to you about an arrest I made.
Hope: Wa--was it belman? Was it vincent belman?
Eli: I'm sorry, no.
Hope: The man responsible for what happened to my daughter is still out there. That's who we need to find. These are real people, not actors,
Claire: Why is it interesting that I'm alone?
Jan: You just lost someone very close to you. I wouldn't think you'd want to be by yourself at a time like this.
Claire: There's just, uh-- there's a lot going on right now for my whole family.
Jan: I see. Well, I'm not doing anything at the moment. Maybe I can keep you company. I could even help you clean.
Claire: You don't need to do that.
Jan: I don't mind. I adore both of your parents, and I'd like the chance to get to know their daughter.
Brady: I knew--I knew if eli found out about you being here, he wouldn't be quiet about it. I knew that.
Kristen: I honestly thought that lani would be able to talk him into it, but apparently, eli wouldn't look the other way, even for his wife.
Brady: And lani had no idea that eli was gonna show up at that door; is that what you're telling me?
Kristen: No, no. No, she didn'T. She was very upset when she came to the hotel, and then eli handcuffed me.
Brady: What about rachel?
Kristen: Uh...she was with lani, and they walked right into it.
Brady: No. No, come on. She saw--
Kristen: Yeah, and I--i hate--I hate that she saw me like that, brady. I mean, the look on her face...
Brady: Where is rachel? Where is she?
Kristen: She's--she's still with lani, she's--lani's taking care of her. It's okay. I know that I messed up everything, and I'm so sorry. I should've been careful. I should've listened to you, and now I could lose you and rachel forever.
Abe: So kristen dimera is back in town, and you're babysitting for her?
Lani: I guess you could say that.
Abe: You do realize she's a fugitive?
Lani: I know. She's also my friend, probably the best friend I have ever had. Dad, she was there for me at my lowest point, when I had to walk way from eli.
Abe: Yeah, I know she was.
Lani: And she trusted me to be there for her now, and I let her down.
Abe: How?
Lani: She trusted me to protect her, to keep it a secret that she was here in salem, but eli came home and found me with rachel, and I told him, and I thought that he would keep it a secret, too, but it was a huge mistake.
Abe: So I take it he didn't keep it a secret?
Lani: No, he didn'T. He went right behind my back, and he arrested her. Dad, my own husband double-crossed me. I have never felt more betrayed.
[Phone ringing]
Eli: Hope, I'm sorry, but we don't have any new leads since you left the station.
Hope: Why is this so difficult? I--vincent took off on foot before the explosion. He must've left some kind of a trail.
Eli: None that we can track, and I promise you, we are doing everything we can to find him.
[Phone rings] Detective grant. Go ahead. Okay. Good work. Thanks. Bye.
Hope: What?
Eli: I think we got a potential lead.
Hope: Vincent? Is it vincent?
Eli: Yes, yes. A man was seen getting on this bus headed south.
Hope: This bus makes 20 stops. He could be anywhere by now.
Eli: But it's a lead. Look, I know how close this case is to you. Hope, maybe you should go home and get some rest.
Hope: No. No. No. Not until I get answers. I need to know what happened to my daughter.
Shawn: I think I might be able to help with that. I have the forensics report on the explosion. you happen to have a tamp..?
Victor: What the hell are you doing?
Maggie: I'm stopping you from making a terrible mistake. No one is shooting anybody.
Victor: That son of a bitch weston has got to pay for what he's done.
Maggie: And if it isn't his fault? Victor, you have to admit ben never wanted to hurt ciara.
Victor: But he did hurt her. Maybe not with his own hands but... I tried to warn ciara. I tried to show her how wrong he was for her.
[Solemn music]
Maggie: She loved ben. You did everything you could to protect your granddaughter.
Victor: Well, I should've done more and found another way to keep them apart. I should've killed weston when I had the chance. I failed, maggie. I failed her, and now she's gone.
Kristen: Hey. You've sacrificed so much for me to be with our little girl.
Brady: Because she belongs with you.
Kristen: Yeah, well, she belongs with you too. I've screwed up everything, haven't I? And I'm sure you're angry with me.
Brady: Not angry--look at me. I'm not angry.
Kristen: Yeah, but you know what?
Brady: How am I supposed to be angry with you when all you really wanted to do was be here for me?
Kristen: Yeah, but I was being cocky, thinking that it-- that I'm too smart to get caught. Brady, I should've been more careful...'cause if you get in trouble because of me--
Brady: I won'T.
Kristen: You don't know that!
Brady: I won'T.
Kristen: You helped a fugitive, and you--you could go to prison for aiding and abetting, and then-- and then--then our daughter has lost both her parents, and that is my fault, brady.
Brady: Hey, look, look, you-- you're just beating yourself up now. It's not doing any good. What's done is done. We need to focus on getting you out of this mess, all right? Focus on that.
Kristen: Yeah, but how do we do that, huh?
Brady: Number one, I asked belle to represent you, okay?
Kristen: Okay. Thank god. I mean, is she--is she on her way?
Brady: She--she's-- she hasn't agreed yet. She said she needs to think about it, okay?
Kristen: I, uh... that's just great.
Brady: What?
Kristen: I've been away for so long, I forgot that, uh, everyone in this town hates me. Brady, no one is gonna be on my side.
Abe: [Sighs heavily] Sweetheart, I understand that you're upset, that you feel that eli betrayed you, but honey, he was just doing his job.
Lani: [Scoffs] I can't believe you're taking his side.
Abe: I'm not taking anybody's side; I'm--I'm just--I just understand his point of view.
Lani: Look, I get that. Technically, as a cop, he did the right thing. But as a husband, he totally screwed me over.
Abe: It's--it's-- it's a complicated situation.
Lani: Is it? I mean, at the very least, dad, he could've just warned me that he was gonna go and arrest my best friend.
Abe: Sweetheart, you know how much eli loves you. He'd never do anything to hurt you.
Lani: He is tearing a family apart. How could someone who is about to be a father want to rip a child away from her mother?
Hope: What does the report say?
Shawn: I just picked it up from the lab. I--I haven't read it yet, but they did say that the explosion was definitely caused by a bomb, and it was remotely triggered, so I think it's safe to say that vincent set it off when we were pursuing him.
Hope: And ciara? Did they-- did they... find any of her remains?
Shawn: Look, I don't-- I was too afraid to ask, but I'm sure that it's right here in the report.
Hope: Let me see the report.
Eli: No, hope, maybe i should look it over.
Hope: No. No! No. I need to know everything. Please, hand me the report. Excuse me.
[Suspenseful music]
Wait a minute. I don't understand.
Shawn: What's the matter? What does it say?
Hope: What I'm reading, it... doesn't make any sense.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Brady: Belle will come around, okay? She will help us. In the meantime, she advised you not to say anything to the police. Not a word.
Kristen: Well, if that's the best advice she can offer, i probably should get myself another lawyer.
Brady: Kristen. Kristen.
Kristen: What? I'm scared.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: I'm just scared. God, this is so unfair! I mean, after all that victor did, he's out on the street, free and clear, brady.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: But if you ask me, I was doing society a favor.
Brady: I wouldn't mention that on the stand, kristen.
Kristen: [Sniffs] God, nicole had the right idea. If you're gonna take out victor kiriakis, you better get someone else to do the dirty work. Where's jan spears when you need her?
Jan: So wanna hand me a broom?
Claire: [Chuckles] I really do appreciate the offer, but I'm fine on my own.
Jan: Okay, if you're sure. Look, I certainly don't want to intrude. I know everyone grieves in their own way. Me, I like being around other people. Talking about the ones I've lost makes me feel close to them. Something I learned after a lot of years of therapy. Anyway, please pass along my condolences to your parents.
Claire: Wait. Maybe you're right. I think that talking about ciara would help.
Jan: Well, I'd be happy to lend an ear. People tell me I'm an excellent listener.
Claire: Thanks.
Jan: So tell me what you loved about her, how losing her makes you feel.
Claire: Uh...I loved her because she was so sweet...
[Chuckles] And smart, loyal, and I just-- I feel so guilty.
Jan: About what?
Claire: Well, I've been thinking a lot about how I've treated ciara in the past, and the truth is, I did some terrible things to her a couple of years ago.
Jan: What sort of terrible things?
Claire: It was kind of extreme. I--I wasn't in my right mind.
Jan: I'm sorry to hear that.
Claire: Yeah, I mean, I loved her so much, but i almost killed her. I'm--I'm sure that sounds so crazy to you.
Jan: No, no, not at all. I completely understand. Sometimes we hurt the ones we love.
Abe: I know that eli didn't handle things the way you wanted.
Lani: That's an understatement.
Abe: He's your husband. You know, it's going to take the two of you working together with these twins. This is a very special time in your life, and you can't let kristen or anybody else come between you.
Lani: I don't want it to.
Abe: Then go back, talk to eli.
Lani: [Sighs] I--I really don't have anything to say to him right now, dad. And besides, I'm-- I'm watching rachel.
Abe: I'll watch her.
Lani: You?
Abe: Yeah. You don't think I can take care of a little kid?
Lani: [Laughs] No, it's not that, I just, uh...
[Laughs] I would never ask you to do that.
Abe: You didn'T. I offered. Look, I'm gonna need all the practice I can get. I'm gonna be doing a lot of babysitting when those two little bundles of joy arrive.
Lani: You sure you're up for it?
Abe: I can run the city of salem. I can handle one little girl. So why don't you take my advice and go back and talk to eli, work things out?
[Phone ringing]
Hope: [Gasping] Am I--am I reading this correctly? They found dna evidence of ciara being in the car, and they found her wedding rings, but... they didn't find any of her remains.
Shawn: What, nothing?
Hope: Yeah, that's what it looks like. Here, look at that. No bone fragments, nothing.
Shawn: Wow, that is what the report--that's what--wait, that's what the report says, but how is that possible?
Hope: Because maybe there's another possibility, shawn.
Eli: What's that?
Hope: That ciara wasn't in the car when it exploded.
Limu emu & doug
Brady: I don't think it's useful to talk about other tactics that you could've used to murder my grandfather, okay?
Kristen: You're right. I'm sorry.
Brady: No, you're not.
Kristen: No. No, I'm not, but he is still your family.
Brady: You and rachel are my family, and yes, what he did was unforgivable.
Kristen: Yeah, but he's out on the street. I'm locked up in here.
Brady: That's why we're not gonna focus on victor anymore. We're gonna focus on helping your case.
Kristen: Okay, how? How? How do we do that?
Brady: [Mutters indistinctly] There's gotta be something I can do.
Kristen: Well, I mean, you've already talked to victor to try to get him to recant his statement. That didn't go over very well.
Brady: No...but that gives me an idea.
Maggie: You didn't fail ciara. You did everything that could've been done.
Victor: She's dead, and i didn't stop it.
Maggie: Victor, it may come as a surprise, but you don't control everything. Instead of blaming yourself or ben, you should just let yourself grieve.
Victor: What good would that do? Sitting around feeling sorry for myself?
Maggie: You're allowed. You're allowed to be sad. You're allowed to miss your granddaughter. I know how much she meant to you.
Victor: She was a miracle, maggie. When all the kids started abandoning the company, abandoning me, I looked up, and she was there. She gave me hope.
[Somber music]
Maggie: Ciara was an amazing woman. She was passionate, and she was brave, and she was so smart.
Victor: She could've done so much with her life.
Maggie: So how is your anger servicing her memory? Why not let it go? Be there to help those who also loved her, like hope and shawn and claire. They need you. That's what ciara would've wanted for her family and for you.
Victor: She really was an extraordinary young woman, wasn't she?
Maggie: Yes. Yes, she was. Oh, honey.
Claire: So you've hurt people that you cared about too?
Jan: I have.
Claire: What did you do?
Jan: I used to get really, um, obsessive about things. Like, I'd have these reoccurring thoughts or...overwhelming feelings,'s like they would take over my entire life.
Claire: Me too.
Jan: And even though, deep down, I knew what I was doing was wrong, it was like i couldn't help myself.
Claire: I felt the exact same way. You don't--you don't feel like that anymore?
Jan: No. I've learned to manage those emotions.
Claire: You said that you went to therapy.
Jan: That's right. I'm a much more well-adjusted member of society these days.
Claire: That's good.
Jan: Yeah, it is. In fact, I came back to salem to right some of the terrible wrongs I committed in the past, things I deeply regret to this day.
Claire: I came back to salem to make things right too. I was, um--I was just starting to rebuild my relationship with ciara.
Jan: How was that going?
Claire: Well, it was--it was rocky at first, but we were finally back on track, and now I'm never gonna have a chance.
Jan: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Claire: I just--I thought that we would have time to grow close again. I thought that I was gonna get my best friend back, and now she's gone, and I just-- I feel so alone.
Jan: Honey, you're not alone. I'm here for you.
Claire: [Crying]
Shawn: But, mom, they found ciara's dna and her rings in the car.
Hope: But we all know that doesn't mean that she was actually in the car when it exploded. Ciara could've escaped.
Shawn: Okay, but we have a surveillance photo of the car exiting the toll road, and ciara was in the passenger seat.
Hope: I know, but that was 30 minutes from where we caught vincent. Your sister's clever. She could've found a way out. She could've escaped before vincent made it to the air strip. We never saw her in the car that night.
Shawn: You're right. You're right. I mean, we didn't actually see her in the car because it was dark there--
Hope: She could be alive. She--
Shawn: The windows were tinted.
Hope: Shawn...what if your sister is still alive?
Eli: If that's the case, then where is she?
Hope: That's what I'm gonna find out. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
[Tense music]
Eli: Hey. Hey, I'm--I'm--I'm so glad you came back. We got a lot to talk about.
Lani: Yeah, we do, but not now. I'm here to see kristen. Hi.
Kristen: Oh, lani.
Lani: Hi.
Kristen: Oh, my god. How's rachel?
Lani: She's fine.
Kristen: Yeah?
Lani: Yeah. She's fine. My dad is watching her. I--I figured you wouldn't want her to see you like this.
Kristen: No, no. It was bad enough that she saw me get arrested.
Lani: Hey, how are you doing?
Kristen: I'm scared. I really am scared.
Lani: I know, I know.
Kristen: [Sighs] I mean, I finally found true, true happiness with brady, and now I could lose that forever.
Lani: Kristen, I am so sorry. I begged eli, I begged him to keep it quiet.
Kristen: I know you did. I know.
Lani: I--and I thought I'd convinced him. I had no idea he would do this to you. And I let you down, and I am so sorry.
Kristen: Oh, my god, no. No, you did not let me down. Lani, I couldn't ask for a better friend. I love you so much.
Lani: I love you too. I'm gonna make this right.
Victor: Brady, you're here.
Brady: I came back to see my father.
Victor: How is john?
Brady: He's finally awake. He's gonna be okay.
Maggie: Thank god. I, um...I assume you've heard about ciara.
Brady: I did. I'm very sorry. It's--it's absolutely tragic. But it's not why I'm here.
Victor: Why are you here?
Brady: Kristen's been arrested, and I need your help to save her.
Shawn: Mom, where are you going?
Hope: I'm going to find your sister.
Shawn: How?
Hope: The only person who knows for sure if ciara was in that car when it exploded is vincent. We just got a lead that he's taking a bus out of salem, right?
Shawn: Yeah, but like you said, he could be anywhere.
Hope: Then I will search! I will search everywhere. Shawn, my daughter may still be alive, and if there's even one millionth of a chance that... I will never give up until i know for sure what happened to your sister.
Claire: I'm sorry. I shouldn't be breaking down like this in front of a stranger.
Jan: It's okay. I know we just met, but it feels like I know you.
Claire: It's just--it's kind of embarrassing.
Jan: It shouldn't be. It sounds like we have a lot in common.
Claire: Yeah, it does.
Jan: Like I said, your parents mean a lot to me.
Claire: I'm sorry, I just realized that I spilled my guts to you, and I don't even know your name.
Jan: Oh--
Belle: Get the hell away from my daughter.
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