Days Transcript Monday 9/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 9/14/20


Episode #13855 ~ John wakes up, but there are complications; Ben dreams about a future with Ciara; Julie delivers heartbreaking news to Doug; Eli betrays Lani.

Provided By Suzanne

Lani:  l'il cutie pie, but it's time to take you back to your mommy and daddy. And I know you missed your mommy. And she definitely missed her sweet, little baby girl, huh? Yeah, she did.



Rachel: [Coos]

Lani: Yeah.

[Tense music]

Kristen: [Gasps] Eli. Well, it's been a while.

Eli: May I come in?

Kristen: Uh, no. Right now is not a really--

I know that lani told you I'm in town. I'm sure you heard about brady's father. Look, I'm sorry I put you in such an awkward position, but I really do appreciate you covering for me.

Eli: Who said I was covering for you?

Eve: Well? Did you find vincent?

Hope: Yes.

Eve: Okay, well--well, what happened?

Hope: Last night, we found him. Shawn and i got a lead that-- that led us to the house... vincent had been hiding out in.

Eve: Was ciara with him? Is she all right?

Hope: No. She is not all right.

Ben: [Crying]

[Somber music]

Oh, please. Please just leave me alone.

Ciara: Hey, grease monkey. Up and at 'em.

Now that's more like it.

Ben: You can't be here.

Ciara: [Scoffs] Why not?

Ben: Because your mom-- your mom said you were dead.

Ciara: Yeah, but if I was dead, I couldn't be here with you... yet here I am.


Ben: [Sobbing happily] Oh, my god.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eve: What happened to ciara?

Hope: Vincent took her to an airfield for-- for private planes.

Eve: Oh, god. He got--he got away with her?

Hope: We spotted the vehicle and we cornered it and we stopped it, but then shawn-- no, ben-- oh, it was ben--ben-- when ben approached... when ben approached the car...

Eve: What, hope? What happened?

Hope: [Sniffles] It exploded.

[Inhales sharply] It ex--

[Sighs] Exploded.

Ben: Let me see you.

Ciara: Hi.

Ben: It's really you?

Ciara: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Ben: Oh, my--

Ciara: Wow, you are one shrewd observer, ben weston. You know, you might have a future in law enforcement or something.

Ben: Oh, my god. Are you all right? Are you all right? Did vincent hurt you?

Ciara: Yeah... yeah, baby, I'm fine. You know I can take care of myself.

Ben: I know, but--

Ciara: It looks like you got the raw end of the deal, though.

Ben: No, no, no. It's--it's nothing, it's nothing. Ciara, when I-- when I saw that car, when I saw it explode, it was the worst pain of my entire life. Without you, I don't want to live.

Ciara: Well, you don't have to worry about that, because I am right here.

Ben: [Sighs] I can't believe this. I cannot believe this. We are together right now.

Ciara: Oh?

Ben: We are gonna have the future that we always talked about. I love you.

[Soft music]

[Soft somber music]

Kristen: I didn't mean to put you in such a terrible position, eli.

Eli: No, you put my wife in a terrible position. She's pregnant with twins, and it's not a easy pregnancy. And she's a cop. But you didn't care about any of that, did you? Used your friendship as a way to make her turn a blind eye to a serious crime again.

Kristen: No, no, I-I didn't ask lani to turn a blind eye to anything. I just needed someone I trusted to watch rachel so that I could be here for brady. That's all.

Eli: Since when did the salem pd start offering daycare to fugitives? You may have got lani to rationalize what you did, but not me. Kristen dimera, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of victor kiriakis.

[Handcuffs click]

Marlena: John? Do you know where you are?

Brady: It's okay, dad. We're here, we're here. We're not going anywhere.

[Somber music]

Marlena: You're in the hospital. You had-- you had surgery on your brain. The doctors thought it would be better for you if you were unconscious for a few days.

John: Days?

Brady: Well, it's good to-- to hear your voice.

[Both chuckling]

Marlena: Yes.

Brady: Yeah.

Marlena: A few days. Do you remember what happened to you? Sami said you were alone and she said that you were arguing.

John: I don't know what you're talking about.

Marlena: That's okay. That's normal. That's normal. That's called retrograde amnesia. Nothing to worry about.

John: This sami...

Marlena: Mm-hmm.

John: Who is he?

I'm a performer.

Eve: Did vincent put a bomb in the car? Hope, I swear to god, that was not part of the plan.

Hope: Vincent had his own plan. A plan that had nothing to do with you, eve.

Eve: What do you mean?

Hope: He had his own motive to go after ciara. You see, he... was engaged to a woman named wendy taylor at the time of her murder.

Eve: Why do I know her name?

Hope: Because that was ben's last victim.

Eve: Yeah, the midwife.

Hope: [Scoffs] Vincent would've done whatever you wanted him to do to ben. You and vincent are the same. A life... for a life.

[Suspenseful music]

Ciara: I can't believe they cancelled our flight.

Ben: At least we're on one for tomorrow. I'm sure the weather will clear up by then.

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, I know, but still, babe, I just--


Ben: That's the problem with a honeymoon in a tropical paradise. We can't exactly take a bike there. Come on.

Ciara: I know, we should've just gone to yellowstone like you wanted.

Ben: It's only one more day.

Ciara: Yeah, I know, but I've been counting down the hours until we're on that white sand beach and I have a mai tai in one hand and--and you by my side. Oh!

Ben: Well, I'm pretty sure i can probably get a few mai tais from room service. I am right by your side. I think we're gonna get this honeymoon started right now.

[Warm music]

[Somber music]

Lani: Hi, cutie. I am so sorry that you had to hear me and eli arguing. One thing that you are gonna learn as you get older is that us grown-ups, we argue. Even grown-ups who love each other. He and I, we just can't agree on your mommy being here. And he doesn't understand why she's my friend. But you know what? She is, and I stand up for my friends. So hopefully, he will learn to let this go.

Kristen: No, wait, please, please, please! Do not do that! I cannot go to prison. My little girl needs me.

Eli: You should've thought about that little girl before you shoved a knife into victor kiriakis's chest.

Kristen: God, eli. I wasn't thinking. That's the point. Victor made me believe that my little girl was dead, and I know you know how that feels because you and lani had a stillborn son!

Eli: Hey, don't you ever use my dead child as a way to get to me.

Kristen: Oh, my god. I was just trying to make you understand. How'd you like it if someone made you believe that your son--your son was dead and you went through all this pain and grief for no reason?

Eli: Then I'd haul that person into a courtroom and I'd make their ass pay. I wouldn't commit a felony, but you took the law into your own hands and now it's my job to arrest you and take you into custody.

Kristen: And if you do that to me, eli, what is lani gonna think?

Brady: Uh, hey, it's okay. All right, I got it, I got it.

John: Thank you.

[Monitor beeping]

[Dramatic music]

I'm sorry there's so much I don't remember.

Marlena: That's okay. You're conscious. You're talking to us.

Brady: She's right. Dad--dad, we've been-- we've been so worried about you.

Marlena: You're-- you're in the hospital, where all the doctors and nurses know you and they care about you and brady and I are here. We're not gonna leave your side until we know that you're well.

John: Well, you both are being very kind to me, but I'm sorry because I don't know who you are.

[Dramatic music]

When our daughter and her kids moved in with us...

Brady: Here.

Marlena: Oh, honey, honey.

Brady: The doctor's still in there with him?

Marlena: Yes, they are.

Brady: They don't know what caused this at all?

Marlena: No, nobody's quite sure. Hopefully it'll be short-term. But if he doesn't recognize us, then...

Brady: Is it brain damage?

Marlena: But--[Sighs] That's kayla. I want to talk to her. Excuse me.

Brady: Oh, I'll be right with you. I'm gonna make a call.


Kristen: If you arrest me after you promised lani you wouldn't, she's going to feel betrayed. Is that what you want?

Eli: That's between lani and me. It's none of your damn business.

Kristen: Oh, really? Really? I mean, you two wouldn't be married right now if it wasn't for me. No--hey. I convinced lani to fight for you, eli. I'm the reason that you found out about gabi blackmailing lani. You might be married to gabi right now. Have you thought about that?

Eli: You're probably right.

Kristen: So please, I am begging you, if your marriage means anything to you, you will walk right out that door and you will forget that you ever saw me.

[Knock at door]

Lani: Kristen, it's lani. I'm here with rachel.

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: [Laughing]

Ben: Are you sure?

Ciara: Yeah. And it's not just me. The doctor says so, too.

Ben: We're having a baby?

Ciara: We're gonna have a baby.

Ben: We're gonna have our own little baby?

Ciara: We're gonna have a baby.

Ben: Oh, my god. Wait, we got so much to do.

Ciara: Uh-huh.

Ben: We have so much to do right now.

Ciara: [Laughing] Okay. Well, that's why they give you nine months to do it all. Well, I mean, you know, 7 1/2.

Ben: 7 1/2? You think that's enough time? We gotta get the baby's room ready. We gotta get a house.

Ciara: [Chuckles] You wanna buy a house?

Ben: Yes! What, you gonna raise the kid in the salem inn?

Ciara: Well, no, but I'm thinking we could start with an apartment, maybe.

Ben: An apartment? I want the biggest apartment. I need room for my kid to run around and play and--and, like, build a fort and--

Ciara: Okay. Okay, what's wrong?

Ben: What if I suck at being a father? Babe, I had clyde. I have no idea what it takes to be a good dad.

Ciara: Yeah, but you're already being a good dad.

Ben: Uh...

Ciara: Babe, you're putting the kid's needs first and it's about the size of a tadpole. It's, like, this big.

[Chuckling] It's so small. And, I mean, look at david. That kid adores you.

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: Well, do you hear me complaining about the way you treat me? No. You will not do to our baby what clyde did to you, okay? You're gonna be an amazing father.

Ben: I'm gonna be a father.

Ciara: Gonna be a father.

Ben: I'm gonna have a family.

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: In my wildest dreams, I never thought this was possible, and now-- now it is. Because of you.

Ciara: Yeah, well, it was because of you, too. I mean.

Ben: Aw.

[Both chuckling] When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything. We're having a baby.

Ciara: We're having a baby.

Ben: We're having a baby.

Ciara: We're having a baby.

Ben: We're having a baby!

[Both laughing] We're having a baby.

Ciara: We're having a baby.

[Somber music]

Eve: [Sighs] How can you just sit there so quiet? You saw the car explode.

Hope: Shut up! Shut up.

Eve: I just want to know. Did you get to see her? Did you get a chance to say good-bye to her?

[Soft music]

Hope: The fire chief... wouldn't let me. He said there was-- there was nothing to see.

Eve: Well, what does that mean, hope?

Hope: All the firefighters found... were ciara's wedding and engagement rings. That's it. And--

[Sniffles] That was it.

The first fda-approved

medication of its kind,

[Somber music]

Ben: Hey, little man. Hey.

[Tender music]

You want your mama?




Ciara: Oh, my god.

[Gasps] Oh, my god.

[Sighs] You are so beautiful. Hi, baby. We have waited such a long time for you.

Ben: We gotta give this little guy a name.

Ciara: Yeah, but we don't agree on any of the names on our list.

Ben: There was one name that I wanted to bring up, but I didn't know how you'd feel about it.

Ciara: And what's that?

Ben: Bo. How 'bout bo brady weston?

Ciara: You wanna name him after my dad?

Ben: Ciara, I want our kid to grow up knowing that he was named after somebody people looked up to. I know how much you loved your dad. I know how much he loved you. And I know right now, he is looking down and he's loving your son just as much.

>Ciara: [Sniffles]

[Sighs] I think that's a wonderful idea.

Ben: Yeah?

Ciara: Mm-hmm. And I love you so much for that.

Ben: I love you so much for it.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Ben: So that settles it?

Ciara: Bo brady weston it is.

[Bittersweet music]

[Knock at door]

Lani: Kristen, did you hear me? I'm out here with rachel. What are you doing here? You said that you were on your way to the station.

Kristen: I think eli had a change of plans. Hi, sweetie. Mommy missed you--mwah--so much last night.

[Chuckles] Look at you. Oh, I was trying to convince eli not to arrest me, and, uh, I think maybe-- maybe he has a change of heart.

Lani: Eli, please tell me she's right.

Eli: I'm sorry. I have a job to do. Kristen, put your hands out in front of you.

Kristen: Lani, please.

Lani: Whoa, wait, wait, wait. Eli, eli, eli.

Kristen: Uh, sweetie, mommy loves you so, so much. Will you promise you'll take care of her?

Lani: Yes.

Kristen: Okay?

Lani: Wait, eli, don't--

Eli: Kristen, let's go.

Marlena: How are you feeling now?

John: Well, dr. Johnson said that I'm doing all right. So...

Marlena: Mm-hmm?

John: What about you? Are you one of my doctors also?

Marlena: Well, I'm a doctor. I'm also your wife.

[Delicate music]

John: You are?

Marlena: Yes. We've been together a-- a very long time. We--we have a daughter. Her name is isabella. We call her belle.

John: Isabella.

Marlena: Yes. That was your first wife's name.

John: That young man that was with you...

Marlena: Mm-hmm?

John: Is he our son?

Marlena: No. No, he's your son, uh, with isabella. She was the mother. She-- she died very young.

John: Sounds like I've been through a lot.

Marlena: Yes. Well, you've-- you've been through quite a lot. We've-- we've survived a lot together. It's never been ordinary.

John: Okay. Tell me about it.

Marlena: Oh, um, well, uh, for instance, um, on the day we were about to be married, before I had a chance to say, "I do," I was shot.

John: What? Why?

Marlena: Well--

[Sighs] I'll explain it at some point. But the thing is that, um, when I was shot, I-I went into a coma. It didn't look very good for me. But you never left my side.

John: And here you are.

Marlena: [Chuckles softly] I survived because I had to find my way back to you.

John: [Sighs]

Marlena: And I am going to sit right here at your bedside until I know that you are well again. John... you mean the world to me.

John: So let me ask you something.

Marlena: Mm?

John: Do I call you doc?

Marlena: [Chuckles] Do you remember that?

John: I might've been pretty out of it when I came to, but I could never forget you for long, doc.


Marlena: [Sighs] It's my 2:05 every-match-counts migraine medicine.

[Suspenseful music]

Ciara: Okay, well, I finally put little baby bo to bed, and it seems as though you have been quite busy, ben.

Ben: Yeah, I just want this place all unpacked...

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: So it starts to feel like home.

Ciara: Yeah, we had to pack up in such a hurry. We really should've tossed some of this stuff.

Ben: Uh-huh. I don't think I'm gonna need a lot of these anymore.

Ciara: Wait, no, no. Give those to me.

Ben: Okay.

Ciara: Yeah.

[Chuckles] Ben.

[Sighs] You can't get rid of this one. This is the shirt you gave me at the cabin.

Ben: [Stutters] I didn't think you wanted it anymore. I haven't seen you wear it to bed in, like, forever.

Ciara: Yeah, well, I was a little too pregnant for a while, but--

Ben: Oh, come on.

Ciara: Baby, I would never get rid of this. Like, ever.

Ben: What do you mean? It's not, like, a collector's item.

Ciara: Yeah, kind of is to me because...

[Sighs] I don't know, babe. The cabin is where we first started living together, technically. And, um, it's where you got to know me and you got to take care of me. I don't know, it's where we started. End of story. And this place is where the three of us are gonna be living out the rest of our story.

[Peaceful music]

John: [Sighing happily]

Brady: Uh, is everything okay?

John: Hmm.

Marlena: Your father's had a breakthrough. He remembers who I am.

Brady: I'm glad to hear that. Hey, how are you--how are you-- how are you doing?

John: Well, I'm doing better, bob, thanks.


Brady: Oh, my god.

John: Good to see you, kid. Where the hell you been?


Brady: I've missed you so much.

John: Give your old man a hug, come on.

Brady: Dad, dad, don't ever do that to me.

John: [Laughs]

Brady: [Sighs] He's back.

John: He's back.

Brady: I think everything's gonna be okay.

Eli: Sit down.

[Tense music]

Kristen: I hope you enjoyed arresting me in front of my daughter and my best friend.

Eli: You did this to yourself. Don't try to put that on me.

Kristen: Lani was furious when you dragged me out of there.

Eli: I'm gonna get started on some paperwork. It won't take long, so... don't try anything.

Kristen: Don't I get a phone call?

Want the cream winning beauty's best?

Brady: So I've spent the last few weeks with kristen and rachel.

John: Mm, how'd that go?

Brady: Oh, dad. Being with them, you know, family together, it's--it's been the best, but I came back as soon as I heard about you.

John: Oh, thank you.

Brady: Oh, dad, don't thank me. There's no place I-- place I'd be other than by your side, but, I mean, there's so many people in this town that have been worried about you and love you so much--

John: No, no, no, they told me that I had a ruptured aneurysm, so I know I'm damn lucky just to be talking to you right now.

Brady: Well, I-I know you two want some time alone, so I will allow that, and, uh, did you want anything? Can I get you anything?

John: [Stutters] I'm good.

Marlena: I've got everything I need right here.

Brady: I'm sure you do. Okay, I'm gonna give kristen a call at the salem inn and tell her the good news about you.

Marlena: I'm sorry. Kristen's in salem?

Brady: Yeah. Yeah, she and rachel.

Marlena: Hmm. Is that a good idea?

Brady: No. She wanted to be with me. Love you.

[Dramatic music]

Eli: What'd you do with rachel?

Lani: She's being watched by an aide. And what do you care anyway? After you handcuffed her mother in front of her?

Eli: I didn't know you were gonna show up with the baby.

Lani: I didn't expect to run into you either. I thought we had an understanding, so maybe next time, you can level with me instead of lying to my face.

[Somber music]

Ben: Happy mother's day.

Ciara: [Gasps] Oh, ben! Are you kidding me? Thank you.

Ben: Do not thank me. Thank bo.

Ciara: Mm. Well, he must've saved his allowance up for this. Um... my rings?

[Chuckles] Ben, why would you give me something that I already have?

[Tense music]

Eli: I didn't lie to you, okay? I was planning on coming straight here.

Lani: What changed?

Eli: I started thinking about ciara. Lani, she didn't do anything to anyone, okay? But that didn't matter to eve donovan and it didn't matter to vincent belman. I just feel like all the bad guys are getting all the wins and there's no justice in this world. The more I thought about it, the madder I got, and the next thing I knew, I was at kristen's door.

Lani: And this is justice?

Eli: The rule of law is for everybody. I mean, it won't mean anything if we just bend it for ourselves and for our friends.

Lani: The only reason you knew kristen was in salem is because I told you. Eli, you traded our personal relationship so you could feel like a hero. How could you do that to me?

Brady: There's all these calls from a number I don't even recognize.

[Phone rings] Same number--what-- brady black.

Kristen: Uh, hey, it's me.

Brady: Oh, I'm sorry--

Kristen: I've been trying to call you.

Brady: I know, but I didn't recognize the number. Is this a burner phone, or-- you know what? Kristen, it doesn't matter. What I wanted to tell you is dad woke up. He woke up and he was pretty foggy for a while, but it looks like he's gonna be okay.

Kristen: Okay, that is wonderful, brady.

Brady: Yeah. I am--I'm very relieved. So I'll probably be back at the inn shortly.

Kristen: That's why I'm calling. I'm not there.

Brady: We agreed that you would stay at the room.

Kristen: I was. I'm at the police station. I've been arrested.

Marlena: [Chuckles] Can I-- can I get something for you? I could call for a tray. I don't think you might get anything more than clear liquids, but it might be nice.

John: Maybe you can-- you can sneak out, pick up some strawberries, some whipped cream.

Marlena: [Sighs]

John: [Chuckles] What?

Marlena: I've... been so worried about you. I-I-I was afraid that the aneurysm might've caused some-- you know, some permanent damage and then when you woke up and you didn't really know who I was... I thought of losing you. I thought I might've lost you forever. It was just so scary.

John: I'm sorry, sweetheart. I can only imagine what that must've felt like.

Marlena: But you're okay, thank god. You're here. You're with me. I'm so lucky.

John: I'm so lucky.

Marlena: [Sighs]

John: [Sighs]

[Peaceful music]

[Tense music]

Ciara: Ben, why would you give me these?

Ben: [Stutters] I didn'T. I-I swear to you. I got you something else, ciara. I swear to you.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but how did you even get them? I never take them off.

Ben: I don't know, ciara. I don't know. I-I didn'T.

Ciara: What do you mean, you don't know, ben? You're the one who put them in the box.

Ben: I don't know, ciara! I'm telling you I don't know!

[Gasps] Ciara!

[Somber music]

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