Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/11/20
Episode #13854 ~ Eli shares upsetting news with Lani; Marlena scolds Sami for her actions; Eric and Nicole anxiously await the judge's ruling regarding custody of Allie's baby; Kristen and Brady argue about Victor.
Provided By Suzanne
[ Speaking foreign language ]
[Soft music]
[Monitor beeping]
Sami: [Exhales sharply] Mom. Hey, mom.
Marlena: [Gasps]
Sami: Mom, I--did you spend the night here?
Marlena: Yeah. Yeah, I--I did.
Sami: Well, you have to take better care of yourself. I mean, john wouldn't want you to do that. John needs you to be--
Marlena: I know what john needs. I'm terribly concerned about him, but I'm also upset about you and what you did.
Eric: [Inhales deeply]
Nicole: Mm...[Chuckles] Good morning.
Eric: Good morning to you, mrs. Brady.
Nicole: What time is it?
Eric:'s a little after 7:00.
Nicole: What? Why didn't you wake me?
Eric: Well, you were tossing and turning all night, and i just thought you needed your rest.
Nicole: Yes, I was having this terrible nightmare. I was carrying the baby through this dark forest, and this hideous witch was flying around trying to take him away.
Eric: I'm sorry. Wonder what that means.
Nicole: Ow.
[Both chuckling] No, it just means that--that, you know, waiting for this judge's decision is brutal. You know, every time we think we're gonna get an answer, sami drops a bomb, and please tell me we're gonna find out something today.
Eric: I hope so, but you know what? I believe--I believe we're still gonna win.
Nicole: Honey, every time you say that, our case gets worse.
Eric: What, because of jan spears? There's no way the judge is gonna believe that you're an unfit mother just because of her testimony.
Nicole: Yeah, well, jan might be crazy, but she's not lying. Everything that jan and victor and even sami said about me is true.
Eric: You know what's most important? It's where you are now.
Nicole: [Chuckles]
Eric: And who you are. You see what we have here? Just look around. We have each other, our marriage, holly-- it's all good.
Nicole: Is it?
Eric: Yes, it is. It's perfect, and I'm so proud of you, and I love you so much, and I think we are gonna be great parents to that baby.
Nicole: [Laughs] I love you.
Eric: I love you.
Nicole: [Laughs] I love you. Mm.
[Both gasping]
[Both sighing]
Kristen: Oh... oh, my god.
Brady: I know, right?
Kristen: No, no, I mean... oh, god, it's morning.
Brady: Time flies, right?
Kristen: No, I just--I have to pick up rachel before eli's shift ends, and he's gonna be there any minute.
Brady: [Stammers] Kristen, kristen, if he sees rachel, then--
Kristen: I know, I know, he's gonna know that I'm back here in salem, and I can't lose you and rachel all over again, brady...I can'T.
[Dramatic music]
Lani: Hey, you're home early.
Eli: Is it early? I can't even tell anymore.
Lani: You must be exhausted. With rafe out of town and me on light duty, you're doing all the heavy lifting. Why don't you lay down?
Eli: Well, unfortunately, I can't stay. I'm gonna take a shower and head back to the station.
Lani: Hey, babe, look, I know you are on a mission to find ciara, but you-- you really should sleep.
Eli: We found ciara. It's not good news.
Justin: Kayla, hey.
Kayla: Oh, hi, justin.
Justin: Long time, no see. How you been?
Kayla: I've been better.
Justin: Yeah, I know. You must be worried sick about ciara. So am I. But you know, I'm hopeful the police will find her now that they figured out that she was kidnapped by vincent belman.
Kayla: You haven't heard...
Justin: What?
Kayla: Um, hope and shawn and ben tracked vincent and ciara down late last night.
Justin: They found her?
Kayla: They cornered belman near an airstrip, and uh, he took off on foot. Uh, hope and--and shawn went after him, and uh, and ben-- ben tried to rescue ciara.
Justin: Tried?
Kayla: He didn't get to her in time, and the car that she was in...exploded. It was incinerated.
Justin: Oh...
Kayla: Um, last I heard, the only thing they could recover was ciara's rings. They're waiting for the full forensic report, but um... my understanding is that no one could've survived it.
Justin: Kayla... I'm so sorry.
Kayla: Ciara's dead, justin. She's dead.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eli: When the car blew up, hope and shawn had to stop going after vincent. They did everything they could to get to ciara, but the flames were just too intense. There was nothing they could do.
Lani: Oh, my god. Poor hope. She's already lost her husband and one of her sons.
Eli: This is the worst thing that I could imagine. I--I gotta take a shower.
Lani: Wait, eli.
[Phone ringing]
[Phone beeps] Hey.
Kristen: Lani, I'm so sorry. I--I'm on my way. I just--I lost track of time.
Lani: It's fine, okay? Rachel is fine. I have everything under control.
Kristen: And--and eli?
Lani: Don't worry about eli. Okay? You're good.
Kristen: Okay. Thank god.
Lani: Take your time and just be there for brady, okay? I know he could really use your support.
Kristen: Well, what do you mean, support?
Lani: You didn't hear?
Kristen: Hear what?
Lani: Kristen, I am so sorry that I have to be the one to tell you this. I assumed that brady found out from victor,'s about ciara.
Sami: So I guess you've heard that jan spears is back in town.
Marlena: I heard that jan spears got sprung from the sanitarium and brought back to salem by you.
Sami: Well...yeah.
Marlena: In order to cause problems between eric and nicole.
Sami: No, to try to get custody of my grandson, but obviously, that's not what eric said when he tattled to you. Or was it belle?
Marlena: Neither one of them. I had the great pleasure of bumping into jan in the hospital. In fact, she asked me to be her therapist.
Sami: No kidding?
Marlena: No kidding.
Sami: Huh.
Marlena: At least she knows that she needs psychiatric help.
Sami: Good for her.
Marlena: Yeah, good for her. I really like it when somebody is that self-aware.
Sami: What is that supposed to mean?
Marlena: That means that little stunt that you pulled was selfish and self-serving and dangerous, even by your standards, because I think that jan spears is dangerous.
Sami: Well, I think nicole walker is dangerous.
Marlena: Do you really think that eric would ever endanger that child?
Sami: I think nicole is capable of manipulating men into behaving like idiots.
Marlena: I think that child would do very well being raised by eric and nicole, and you know what? Allie thought so too. But you didn't think that. You thought you had to win. You thought that you somehow had to hurt nicole.
Sami: Clearly, you are just on nicole's side.
Marlena: No, I'm on the side of reason. Do you not know that jan spears hurt members of our family? And I'm not talking about years ago. I'm talking about very recently. And now you've unleashed her on our family. Thanks a lot. Nicely done, sami. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Kayla: [Cries]
Justin: Here you go.
Kayla: Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Justin: What hope must be going through right now...
Kayla: What she's going through again. I'm sorry, I--I'm sorry to tell you about ciara like this. I mean, she is your family too.
Justin: Yeah, but I... know how close you two were.
Kayla: She was such a good soul.
Justin: Yeah.
Kayla: There's a part of me that just wants to go home, pull the covers over my head, and fall apart.
Justin: You're allowed.
Kayla: No, no. I have to be strong for hope. I gotta keep it together.
Justin: Well, you don't need to be strong for me, okay? Kayla, it's okay to let it out. It's okay.
Kristen: Oh, my god. Ciara...
Lani: It's so awful.
Kristen: Brady and ciara were very close. He's--he's gonna be crushed when I tell him the news.
Lani: I don't mind keeping rachel a little bit longer if you need me to.
Kristen: What about eli?
Lani: Don't worry about eli. I will handle him.
Kristen: Are you sure?
Lani: Yes, kristen, I'm sure. Just go and be there for brady, okay?
Kristen: Thank you, lani. You're a lifesaver. I love you.
Lani: I love you, too, and I will kiss your baby girl for you.
Kristen: Thank you.
Eli: You'll "handle me"?
Lani: That was kristen.
Eli: Yeah, I figured. You know, just because I didn't tell anyone that my wife is helping a fugitive evade the law doesn't mean that I've been "handled."
Lani: Eli, I--I--I just-- I thought you understood.
Eli: No, I don't understand. I don't understand how you can put our family in jeopardy for her.
Lani: Eli, you said that--
Eli: No, I didn'T. I didn't say anything. Actually, I never even got a chance to voice my opinion before you included us both in this mess.
Lani: Kristen is my friend. How many times do I have to tell you that?
Eli: Yeah, I know that you think she's your friend, but someone like that could never be your friend, lani. She's a criminal and a sociopath. She's never gonna change. I just hope you don't find that out the hard way.
Sami: Jan was gonna be released anyway. I just sped up the process. I mean, isn't that sort of what you did with claire?
Marlena: No, it's not the same thing, and you know it.
Sami: Why? Because she's family? What about ben weston?
Marlena: What about ben?
Sami: You vouched for him, too, didn't you? He's a serial killer. He tried to strangle my son, and you vouched for him, said that he was better. Just like claire, right? She tried to torch ciara, and you said she was better. Why can't jan be better?
Marlena: Everybody knows jan is not better.
Sami: Well, I don't know that. I think jan deserves a second chance.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh. Can we stop pretending that you care about jan? Can we just stop that? I mean, I--I hope that she's no longer a danger to herself or anybody else, and I especially hope that for your sake.
Sami: Mine?
Marlena: Yeah, because you caused all this. You brought her back, and if she does anything to hurt anybody, that really is your responsibility.
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cleaning power of liquid.
Kayla: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I--I didn't mean to fall apart on you like that. I'm sorry, I--I really--I have no right.
Justin: Well, of course you have every right. I'll never forget how you were there for me when I lost adrian. I mean, you--you're the only reason I got through that. And I just want you to know that I am here for you any time you need a shoulder. As a friend, always.
Kayla: Thank you. It really means the world to me.
[Phone beeps]
Justin: [Sighs] Oh, I gotta get to the courthouse.
Kayla: Uh, yeah, yeah, I-- I need to get to the hospital.
Justin: You okay?
Kayla: I will be.
Justin: I know you will. Take care of yourself, kayla.
Kayla: You too. Sorry.
Justin: It's okay.
[Gentle music]
[Both moaning]
[Phone ringing]
Nicole: Mm.
Eric: Mm, I'm sorry.
Nicole: It's okay. You better get that, and I will get holly ready for school.
Eric: Mm.
Nicole: Get it!
[Phone beeps]
Eric: Justin, hey. Yeah, we'll be right there.
[Phone beeps]
Nicole: Is it time?
Eric: Yeah, we need to go to the courthouse. Judge has made her decision.
Sami: I am not gonna let you make me feel guilty about fighting for my grandson. Allie is the one who put us in this mess when she took off.
Marlena: Shall we try to be honest here?
Sami: I'm being honest. Are you? You obviously think I'm a lousy parent and that I failed with my daughter.
Marlena: I do not think that.
Sami: I know I'm not perfect, but I'm a damn sight better parent than nicole the murderer. I have to go. I'm due in court.
Marlena: Sami. Try to do the right thing.
Sami: I am doing the right thing.
[Tense music]
Marlena: I have never needed you more than I do right now.
Lani: You know kristen didn't kill haley chen in cold blood. Eli, it was an accident.
Eli: She pushed her down the stairs. It doesn't even matter, all right? She's not a fugitive because of what she did to haley chen. She's a fugitive because she stabbed victor in cold blood.
Lani: What victor did to kristen is--is unforgivable.
Eli: And I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve to be punished for what he did, but we're cops. You can't just go around stabbing people.
Lani: I don't condone what she did, okay? But I do understand it.
Eli: So what about all the other crimes that she's committed and never had to pay for? Does she just deserve a slap on the wrist for those too? Aren't you tired of the bad guys getting all the wins? And people that we care about suffering and losing? Lani, I don't want to bring our babies into a world like that. Do you?
Brady: I don't believe it. Ciara? She was-- she was so young. She was smart. She was so damn smart, she--
Kristen: She was. I'm so sorry, brady.
Brady: It's too...
Kristen: I'm so sorry.
Brady: It's too much. It's--no, I can'T.
Kristen: Where you gonna go?
Brady: I gotta go see my grandfather. He adored her. He's probably a mess right now. I gotta see him.
Kristen: Wait, wait, wait, no--like hell you're going. No.
Brady: So excuse me. What are you doing right now? I'm going.
Kristen: You're gonna leave me to run to your grandfather's side? Rachel and I won't be here when you get back. It's my 2:05 every-match-counts migraine medicine.
Brady: You're not serious, right? You're not gonna try to stop me from seeing my own grandfather, are you?
Kristen: I am so sorry for ciara's death, but I am not sorry for victor's pain. He deserves it after what he put us through, brady.
Brady: I inflicted a lot of pain on that man for what he put us through, okay? I ran his company into the ground.
Kristen: Right, and so you're gonna go crawling back to him like you always do?
Brady: I told you, the man just wants to make amends.
Kristen: Amends? Amends, right, brady.
Brady: He was willing to recant his statement implicating you in the stabbing. Remember that? But the police got in the--
Kristen: Yeah, way too little way too late.
Brady: Kristen, he's an old man. He--he just wants to do right for the things that he's done wrong.
Kristen: Oh, my god, he would have to live 100 more years to even come close.
Brady: Let me ask you something. When stefano came to you for help, did you turn your back on him?
Kristen: Oh, god. He's my father, brady.
Brady: Right.
Kristen: Brady, he's my father.
Brady: I know. And when he came to you and he needed your help, after all the terrible things that he did to my family, did I even once ask you to walk away from him?
Kristen: No. No, never. Go. Console the pathetic old man if it's really that important to you, brady.
Brady: No. I won'T.
[Dramatic music]
Eric: Ciara, she was-- she--she was a kid.
Nicole: I'm so sorry, eric.
Eric: It feels like she was just born yesterday. I mean, I remember how much joy she brought to the bradys and the hortons...or how she helped bo and hope heal after they lost zack. And now ciara's gone now too.
Sami: Oh, no. No.
Eric: Sami...
Sami: Ciara's gone? She--she's dead?
Eric: I'm so sorry you had to find out this way.
Sami: I thought they were gonna find her. I--I thought she was gonna be okay. Oh, our sweet little cousin. She...
Eric: I know.
Sami: I knew that ben weston was gonna do her in.
Eric: It wasn't ben. Sami, I think we should talk.
Sami: No.
Duncan: I'm ready to render my decision.
[Tense music]
Marlena: I'm so sorry about ciara. Hope must be devastated.
Kayla: Yeah, she is. She's thrown herself into trying to catch the perpetrator.
Marlena: Mm. And ben?
Kayla: He is, uh, recovering from his burns and smoke inhalation. We've got him sedated for the time being.
Marlena: Mm. I wish I hadn't had to cancel my last appointment with him. I don't know, if I'd been there, if I'd spoken to him, maybe i would've realized that... well, that ciara was in danger.
Kayla: John was fighting for his life. You were exactly where you needed to be.
Marlena: Is there any change?
Kayla: Unfortunately, he'S... making progress slower than we had hoped. He is showing signs of depressed cardiac function.
Marlena: So his heart is being weakened by the sedatives?
Kayla: That's right. The cardiologist has recommended that we bring him out of the coma.
Marlena: Even if he's not ready?
Kayla: We don't have a choice.
Colgate optic white renewal
Lani: You're upset about what happened to ciara. I am, too, and this is not all about kristen.
Eli: Like hell, it isn'T.
Lani: Can you not raise your voice? You're gonna wake the baby up.
Eli: Why is this baby still here?
Lani: Because... it won't be that much longer, okay? I will take her back to kristen at the salem inn as soon as i can, and then they will leave, and no one will ever know that they were here.
Eli: I'll know.
Lani: I know, eli, and i appreciate that. I appreciate you so much for what you are doing for my friend.
Eli: I--I gotta go back to the station.
Lani: Wait. Eli. If you see hope, can you at least tell her that I love her and if there's anything that we can do, that we're--we're here?
Eli: Yeah. I will. I--I gotta go.
[Somber music]
Brady: [Sighs]
Kristen: You're not gonna go see victor?
Brady: No, victor has plenty of family around him right now anyway.
Kristen: You changed your mind for me?
Brady: No, you just made me realize what's important, why I'm here. I'm here for my dad. That's why I came back to salem. The man is in a coma. I need to be there with him right now.
Kristen: I just want you to know that you--you don't ever have to choose between me and your family.
Brady: You and rachel are my family.
Kristen: You're ours. I'm sorry I lost my temper.
Brady: It's okay. Hey, victor is a sore spot. I know, he is.
Kristen: He is more than a sore spot.
Brady: I know.
Kristen: [Sighs] I really am sorry for your loss, brady.
Brady: I will see you and rachel later, and thank you for being here for me.
[Somber music]
Duncan: Before I make my decision official, I want to make sure that there has been no contact with the mother, allie horton.
Sami: No, your honor.
Duncan: On either side?
Justin: No, we're still looking for her, your honor.
Duncan: Well, seeing that we do not know the biological father's identity, there's only two more viable options: Samantha dimera, the grandmother, and mr. And mrs. Eric brady, the aunt and uncle. Frankly, from what I've heard, neither option is ideal. Mrs. Dimera, over the last few days, you have made A... litany of semi-substantiated allegations against mrs. Brady, but as a longtime resident of salem, I am very much aware of samantha dimera's own colorful history.
Sami: Objection, your honor. You can't consider evidence that wasn't introduced--
Duncan: Stop talking. I have given you a mountain of leniency because of your inexperience in this court. I let you turn a simple custody hearing into a circus. My patience is exhausted. I'm done.
[Sighs] My goal from the very beginning has been to do what is in the best interest of this child. You would agree with that, wouldn't you, mrs. Dimera? N'est-ce pas?
Nicole: That means--
Sami: I know what it means, you snooty bitch.
[Sighs] These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Marlena: All righty, you, we are going to have some challenges ahead of us... some hills to climb. But we have climbed hills before, together. We'll be fine. We'll get there; we will.
Brady: He will be fine. Am I interrupting?
Marlena: Uh, no, no. In fact, I was, uh, just about to call you.
Brady: Something wrong?
Marlena: Mm-mm, no, uh, kayla says that they're, uh, they're gonna be easing off the medication.
Brady: Well, that means he's ready to come out of the coma. That's--that's good news, right?
Marlena: Yeah.
Brady: Yeah.
Marlena: Yeah, that's-- that's good news.
Brady: But you're--you're still worried.
Marlena: Well, I know that, um, he's got a--a long road in front of him. Brady, you don't have to stay. I mean, I love that you're here, but you have such limited time with kristen and your daughter. I know that.
Brady: I've made up my mind. It's okay. I want to be here for as long as you and dad need me to be.
Marlena: [Laughing]
[Phone beeps]
[Line ringing]
[Phone ringing]
[Phone beeps]
Lani: Hey. How's brady?
Kristen: Ugh, he's-- he's hurting. Uh, he went to see john at the hospital, and I'll be over to pick up rachel.
Lani: No, no, look, kristen. I'll--I'll bring her to you. You--you can't risk being seen.
Kristen: Thank you. Thank you for keeping her for so long. How did you manage to avoid eli finding out?
Lani: I didn'T.
Kristen: He knows I'm in salem?
Lani: Yeah, he came home unexpectedly, and I--I had no choice but to tell him.
Kristen: Oh, god. Lani, he's gonna turn me in.
Lani: No, he won't, kristen. He promised that he won't say anything.
Kristen: But he was upset with you, wasn't he?
Lani: Yes, a little, but it will work itself out.
Kristen: [Sighs] I am so sorry for putting you through this again. I mean, I really feel terrible, lani.
Lani: You'd do it for me, right?
Kristen: You know I would. Of course.
Lani: Then I know I did the right thing, and I don't regret it.
Marlena: Belle, no. No, honey, just, um, stay where you are, all right? Stay with your family. I know how upset everybody is about ciara. I--I--of course I will. I will let you know if there's any--any change at all with your dad. Yeah. Love you too. Bye.
[Phone beeps]
Brady: You want me to get in touch with sami and eric?
Marlena: Uh, uh, no. Actually, they're, uh-- they're in court. The judge is making the decision about custody today.
Brady: [Sighs] Talk about everything happening all at once.
Marlena: Yeah. Yeah. So here we are, the two of us.
Brady: And dad.
Marlena: And dad. Gosh, I think this would make him pretty happy.
Brady: Yeah?
Marlena: I mean, the two of us here together, supporting each other after--you know, after the time that things weren't so good between us.
Brady: You know, I never, never doubted that...
[Sighs] You were always the best thing that ever happened to him.
Marlena: And you've always been a wonderful son to him, to both of us. Brady, thanks for being here.
Brady: Of course. I love you.
Nicole: I'm a bitch, sami?
[Scoffs] What, are you gonna call another ten witnesses to corroborate that?
Sami: It would be easy to do, nicole. Believe me, it's the nicest thing I can think of to say about you.
Duncan: Mrs. Dimera.
Sami: I'm sorry, your honor. I apologize. We've just received some very tragic family news, and I am a little emotional thinking about my grandson.
Duncan: If you're done with the drama, I'm ready to get to the point. Now, the facts of this case are somewhat straightforward. I have a letter from the mother that clearly indicates what her wishes were. Ms. Horton's wishes was that mr. And mrs. Brady, her aunt and uncle, take care of her son.
Sami: But that letter is not legally bonding.
Duncan: I know that, counselor. Stop talking. It's my turn.
Sami: Of course. Go ahead.
Duncan: Mrs. Dimera has contended that mrs. Brady is a criminal and an unfit mother. Okay, well, victor kiriakis's damaging testimony was somewhat substantiated by jan spears' testimony. However, I must say, I am not fully persuaded.
Sami: Why the hell not?
Duncan: I'm just not.
Sami: Well, I don't understand--how could you not believe jan spears? I mean, she has no reason to lie.
Duncan: While ms. Spears gave a compelling story, her mental capacity cast doubt on the veracity of her recollection, especially with her coming forth after all these years.
Sami: What about her diary? I mean, doesn't that just prove what she was...
Duncan: Thank you. After careful consideration, i am lifting the restraining order so that mr. And mrs. Brady can spend time with their nephew, like the mother wanted.
Sami: You can't do that!
Duncan: I can, and I have.
[Dramatic music]
Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Kristen: Lani, thank you so much, and I promise, I will never put you in this position again with eli.
Lani: It's okay, kristen. Honestly. It was a pleasure watching rachel, and it gives me good practice for when I have my two babies.
Kristen: [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Room service.
Kristen: Oh, hey, it's my breakfast. Um, I'll see you soon? And lani, thank you, again.
[Phone beeps]
Eli: Kristen.
Brady: [Sighs] Dad, if you can hear us, why don't you give us a--give us a sign, huh? Give us a--how long is this supposed to last?
Marlena: We have no idea when he'll wake up.
Brady: Or?
Marlena: Or, uh... he won't wake up at all.
Brady: And if he does wake up, I mean, is he--is he even gonna be himself?
Marlena: I don't know. We just can't even tell that. Can't predict that with the brain swelling.
[Monitor beeping]
Brady: Marlena, look--look.
Marlena: [Gasping]
[Hopeful music]
[Whimpering softly]
Duncan: I'm warning you, ms. Dimera, one more outburst--
Sami: What? I'll double lose? You'll take away the rest of my family?
Duncan: It is impossible to know whether the letter is ms. Horton's current wishes, seeing that we don't know her whereabouts, we don't have a sworn statement. Considering the competing allegations, there's one differentiating factor. Samantha dimera is the closest relative. Samantha dimera is the grandmother. Therefore, I am ruling in favor of...samantha dimera. You may keep custody of baby boy horton.
[Gavel pounds] This hearing is adjourned. Ms. Dimera, do not make me regret my decision.
Sami: I won't, your honor. I promise, I won'T.
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