Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/10/20
Episode #13853 ~ Ben struggles to rescue Ciara; Philip's reunion with Belle doesn't go as planned; a devious Gwen attempts to finish what she started; Abigail is livid over Chad's confession.
Provided By Suzanne
Abigail: Gabi has been kicked to the curb, and can't hurt us anymore.
Chad: I would say that deserves a toast.
Abigail: Indeed... with the finest champagne julie's got to offer. I'll order it.
Chad: All right, I'm gonna-- I'll call home, check on the kids.
Gwen: Maybe it's time for another dose up again.
Jake: Gwen?
Gwen: What do you want?
Jake: An explanation.
Sarah: Mm. Who is that back there? Ah, it's you!
Xander: Yeah, me. There's other possibilities?
Sarah: [Laughs] I'm glad it was you. That's the best moment of my day. I've been swamped.
Xander: Yeah, I figured when you didn't text me back.
Sarah: You're on my list. So how was work, my love? Did you earn victor another trillion dollars? That was clearly the wrong thing to say.
Xander: Remember how I told you philip wasn't interested in titan?
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Xander: I was wrong.
Belle: I know, mom. I'm sure the swelling's gonna go down soon, though. No, I haven't heard anything about ciara. Oh, I forgot to tell you, it turns out though, that that guy vincent, the one who was helping eve, his fiancée was the midwife that ben killed. I know, it's so scary. So anyway, shawn texted me earlier; they did get a lead. He and hope are on their way to her now.
[Tires screeching]
[Sirens chirp]
Hope: Vincent belman! Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!
Shawn: Drop your weapon, now! Nice and slow.
[Tense music]
[Kicks gun]
Ben: Where is she? Where's ciara?
Hope: On the ground. Move! Ah! Stop!
Ben: Ciara. Ciara!
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Intense music]
Ben: Ciara!
[Coughing] Ciara!
Sarah: So victor wants you and philip to be co-ceos?
Xander: That's what I said.
Sarah: Like hoda and jenna? Sorry, it's too soon. But is it really so terrible?
Xander: Yes, it is really so terrible.
Sarah: No, it's not. Victor could've just handed everything over to philip. He did it once before with brady.
Xander: The difference there was that at least brady was, you know, somewhat competent. Victor can't say no to sonny boy philip. He'll run away again or something. But he also knows that pip isn't up to the job, so I've got to prop him up and pretend like we're equals. I earned this.
Sarah: And you still have it.
Xander: For how long? It's not just my hurt pride. This is terrible for titan. It's management 101--you have one person in charge with a vision, calling the shots.
Sarah: Well, what about ben?
Xander: What about ben?
Sarah: And jerry?
Xander: [Laughs] Well, one of them wasn't a 90-pound nitwit. You know, it's-- philip doesn't just want money. He wants to feel important. So what happens when he makes some idiotic decision? What happens when I disagree with him? What are we gonna do? Arm wrestle? Actually, that would work out kinda great for me, but it's not gonna happen, is it? We'll go to victor, and victor will back his son, philip. And when it all goes totally south, I'll get the blame.
Sarah: Xander, my sweet, sweet boy, she said ever so carefully. Do you think that maybe you are just choosing to look at it in the worst possible light and deciding how it's gonna turn out before it's even started?
Xander: Well, maybe the answer is to not start at all. Maybe I should quit.
Belle: Okay, well, are you sure you don't want me to bring you some take-out? Oh, no, I'm not gonna go to the townhouse. I'm trying to steer clear of sami. Mom, she brought jan spears back to salem because, I don't know, smallpox wasn't available. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know you don't need that right now, I'm just-- I-I will. I'll be careful. Love you.
[Gasps] Jan!
Philip: [Exhales] Actually, it's philip.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Gwen: An explanation for what?
Jake: This. You beg chad and talk him into letting you stay here. Now, all of a sudden, you're packing up?
Gwen: What, are you here to plead with me to stay?
Jake: Far from it. I'll actually call you a cab if you want. I'm just curious as to why you're leaving the lap of luxury.
Gwen: Is that because you think I'm so shallow and money-grubbing?
Jake: Eh, yeah.
Gwen: Well, you know what, actually, you're not wrong. I'm not leaving chez dimera. I'm just leaving this room. And I'm moving into gabi's larger, lovelier, more luxurious room, where I don't have to share a bed with you.
Jake: Does that mean you've finally accepted that you and me are through?
Gwen: Oh, yes, I have accepted it, and I am moving on, and I am rejoicing.
Jack: Hm. Yeah, wouldn't it be easier for you to just carry the stuff to your new room as opposed to packing it and unpacking it?
Gwen: Oh, jake, what do you even care?
Jake: Well, it just seems like so much wasted time and work, especially when you're gonna be packing it all up again in no time.
Gwen: What does that even mean?
Jake: It means how long do you think you're gonna be able to stay here now that chad's wife is back?
Gwen: You know what? Abigail and I are gonna get along just fine.
Jake: Right, of course.
Gwen: I think she's a lovely person, actually.
Jake: Hmm, well, she's gonna stop being so lovely when she realizes you're hot for her husband.
Gwen: Okay, not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm not hot for anyone. Okay? In fact, I've decided that I'm much better off without a man in my life. It just complicates things.
Jake: Huh, right. Is that how you see it now?
Gwen: Yes, it is. I've realized that I'm so much better off being single and independent and not with a selfish, egotistical bastard like yourself. In other words, I'm enjoying my freedom.
Jake: Oh, okay. Just wait until you're forced to enjoy your freedom from a crappy little apartment with half a window and a hot plate on the wrong side of the tracks.
Gwen: Oh, goodness me, jake. God, you just don't get it, do you? I'm not leaving this mansion. And thank god it's large enough where I won't even have to run into you at all. So I will leave when I damn well bloody please. Whenever I like. And that is until I've completed my mission.
Abigail: Do you have any idea how hard I've worked to get back here to you and the kids? And then to find you you've been carrying around with whoever the hell that woman is?
Chad: That woman is a manipulative wannabe, all right? Jake saw her kissing me because that's what she wanted. I wasn't in on the plan.
[Stammering] I was--I was stealth kissed.
Abigail: Don't make me laugh when I am so mad at you right now.
Chad: You can't be mad at me because I didn't do anything wrong. I mean, not really. I did go along--I played along with it.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. So you let her kiss you.
Chad: No, I didn't let her kiss me. I just let jake think it was a thing when it wasn'T. I needed gwen on my side so she could help me get rid of gabi.
Abigail: Okay, well, it doesn't sound like you got rid of her; it sounds like you just replaced her.
Chad: Huh?
Abigail: From the very little I know about gwen, she kinda sorta sounds like gabi 2.0 to me, and also, like gabi, living in my house.
Chad: Well, hey, yeah, the more the merrier.
Abigail: Yeah, it just seems like no matter where I go...
Sarah: You are not going to quit. It's like you said. You have earned this. And I know firsthand that you don't give up on anything without a fight. I mean, it wasn't my bright idea that we belong together, but you chose me and then you wouldn't take no for an answer.
Xander: I couldn'T.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: Without you, I'm nothing.
Sarah: And maybe you don't want me to point this out, but to win me over, you had to change and make compromises and be patient.
Xander: Your point?
Sarah: Don't quit until you are sure that it won't work. Figure out a way to play the hand that victor dealt you.
Xander: But the game's rigged. Philip has the ultimate trump card: He's victor's only son. And he'll keep playing that card until he's running titan solo.
Belle: Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
Philip: I hurt, and I feel really stupid. I'm so glad it didn't happen in a public place.
Belle: [Laughs] Well, I'm sorry I didn't know when you came up behind me and put your hands around my neck that it would be a friend.
Philip: On your shoulders.
Belle: Okay, yes, well, wherever you put your hands, you should've just, you know, used your words. Anyway, um, I'm sorry. I'm just a bit on edge. I thought you-- I thought you were jan spears.
Philip: Oh. That's not at all flattering.
Belle: [Laughs]
Philip: But wait a second, wasn't she supposed to be--
Belle: Locked up, under constant supervision, maybe in a straitjacket? Yeah, mm-hmm, yeah. But, uh, thanks to my big sister sami, the bitch is back.
Hope: Oh--
Shawn: No, she can't be in there. Oh, no, don't!
Hope: Ben must have gone for her.
Shawn: No, go get the fire extinguisher; I'll find ben. Go, go! She's not in there. Go! Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Jake: Your mission? What the hell is your mission?
Gwen: Uh-uh, you lost the right to interrogate me when you slept with gabi.
Jake: Okay, you can't seriously be thinking of going after chad now that his wife is back.
Gwen: [Sighs] Did I not just explain to you that men are now superfluous in my life, and that I am enjoying my freedom?
Jake: You did, and I didn't buy a single word of it. You know, even if you were not going after chad--which, let's be honest, we both know that you are--his wife cannot be too thrilled that he's got yet another star boarder of the female variety.
Gwen: You know what?
Jake: Especially when she walked in with you in his arms.
Gwen: I've got to say something now. I'm glad that gabi ended up opening her legs to you, jake, because do you know what that did? It opened my eyes to see what a worthless loser you really are.
Jake: Not financially. Not anymore.
Gwen: It's a good thing she's gone, for abigail's sake.
Jake: Your concern for abigail--it's sweet.
Gwen: Come on. Imagine having to share a house with the same woman who poisoned you.
Chad: [Chuckles] I am really sorry that your homecoming wasn't what i would've planned it to be.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, it's my big idea to show up unannounced here, but it was really, really special to walk in on you with your arms around another woman. I know, you were comforting her. I know.
Chad: Gwen really did get a raw deal. Gabi recruited jake to screw me up with shin. And then gwen walked in on gabi thanking jake... horizontally.
Abigail: Mm, mm. Well, you know, it's too bad gabi had to go. She's really just my favorite kind of girl, you know?
Chad: Look, she's gone. And you're home, so let's just forget about her and focus on you, me, and the kids.
Abigail: I know, you're right, but I swear, sometimes i wish we didn't have a single guest room or a guest or anything like guests.
Chad: Well, you know what?
Abigail: What?
Chad: Our room has a lock on it. Mm.
Abigail: Mm, mm.
[Phone ringing] Oh, oh, it's that look? Oh, I know that look; that's--
Chad: It's shin. I'm sorry. I'll make it fast. Shin, how are you?
Abigail: [Sighs] Well, I see nothing's changed. Yeah.
Sarah: Okay, so philip is victor's one and only son, and he has played that card.
Xander: To a bloody fare-thee-well.
Sarah: Okay. But victor is not all sentiment. When it comes to business, he is as pragmatic as they come.
Xander: Not when it comes to his children.
Sarah: Oh, I disagree. I think if philip is anywhere near as incompetent as you say he is, then victor's gonna fire his ass in no time and never look back.
Xander: I wish I believed that.
Sarah: Xander, baby, look at me, look at me. Have you not told me multiple times that I am far more intuitive than you? And also psychologically more mature and just generally smarter.
Xander: Yes, I have told you that.
Sarah: [Laughs]
Xander: And it's true.
Sarah: Mm-hmm. You have to trust me when I tell you that you just keep doing what you are doing, and philip will be left in your dust. But you know what?
Xander: What?
Sarah: You can't do that if you quit. You gotta be in the ring if you wanna win the fight.
Philip: So sami brought jan spears back to win a custody case.
Belle: Mm-hmm.
Philip: I can't see that a psychotic killer would make a great character witness.
Belle: Yeah, well, she's using jan to trash nicole.
Philip: Imagine sami stooping to something like that.
Belle: [Laughs]
Philip: So after she testifies, does jan to back to happy valley or wherever they're keeping her?
Belle: Nope. No, she's free. They deemed her sane.
Philip: Oh, she's sane.
Belle: [Laughs]
Philip: That must make it true. And if she's sane, she can take off her tin foil hat and stop trying to blow up rooms full of people. She can stop trying to get rid of you so she can have shawn and they can go to jupiter for their honeymoon.
Belle: [Laughs] Well, thank you. You made me feel a lot better.
Philip: Whoever said small towns were boring?
Belle: [Laughs]
Shawn: Come on. Come on, let's go, come on.
Ben: Ciara.
Shawn: No. Ben, no.
Ben: Ciara!
Shawn: No!
Ben: Ciara!
Shawn: No!
Ben: [Coughing]
Shawn: No.
Ben: Ciara!
Hope: Where's ciara?
Ben: I tried to get her.
Hope: What?
Ben: I tried to get her.
Hope: Ciara!
Shawn: Mom, no, no!
Hope: Ciara!
Shawn: No! Come on, gimme this, gimme this.
Ben: Ciara!
Shawn: Gimme the fire extinguisher, come on.
[Fire extinguisher whooshing] you happen to have a tamp..?
Gwen: There, now you've got this bed all to yourself. And I've got gabi's lovely, spacious appointed suite.
Jack: You might wanna wait to unpack until you hear how abigail feels about chad taking in another stray cat.
Gwen: Oh, god, look, there you go again obsessing over how abigail feels about me. The woman hardly cares. I mean, I would think that she'd be much more consumed with spending time with her husband and children rather than who she's sharing this 50,000 room mansion with. For heaven's sake, we'll likely even run into each other. And as I said before, I think she's a lovely person. I feel like we'll probably be friends.
Jake: I was afraid you might do that, which is why I warned her about you.
Gwen: Warned her?
Jake: Yeah.
Gwen: What possible threat could I be?
Jake: [Screeching like a cat]
[Hisses] Crazy.
Xander: Ah, that speech was something out of "rocky," the old trainer pushing the beat-up boxer back into the ring.
Sarah: Yes, I'm very comfortable with sports metaphors.
Xander: Mm, you're the hottest trainer I've ever seen. Let's go home.
Sarah: [Laughs] I mean, I really, really, really want to, but... unfortunately, I am still on call, so--
[Beeping] Oh. And it seems that I am going to be here for even longer. Apparently there was some sort of explosion at the airfield off of route 46.
[Sighs] I have to go to the er. There's possible burn victims.
Xander: Want me to wait? Drive you home?
Sarah: Mm. From the sound of it, I am not gonna be going anywhere any time soon.
Philip: Look, I didn't mean to freak you out.
[Both laugh] If you're really that worried, i can get you a security team.
Belle: No. I mean, I have thought about that, but I don't wanna overreact.
Philip: Also, shawn knows she's back, right? He won't let anything happen to you.
Belle: Right.
Philip: Speaking of shawn, he might not be too happy about me showing up again, looking you up.
Belle: Shawn knows that you and I are ancient history. Besides, he's got enough to deal with, with ciara still missing.
Philip: My father's going nuts.
Belle: Yeah. Well, let's pray that shawn and hope are able to find her soon.
Fire chief: How is he?
Hope: You gotta get my daughter in there. You've gotta get my daughter!
Fire chief: I need a gurney here! Oxygen--
Hope: Just get my daughter out of that car.
Fire chief: Ma'am, I need you standing over there.
Hope: You need to get my daughter out of that car!
Fire chief: Ma'am, stand over there.
Hope: You need to get my--
Fire chief: [Coughing]
Hope: Ciara!
Jake: Gwen's moved down the hall.
Chad: I'm here to talk to you.
Jake: Dude, I was just about to go to sleep.
Chad: So your old pal collins is coming into town to sign the deal, and I want you to stay out of it.
Jake: Why? That whole deal happened because of me.
Chad: Only because gabi played me. Now she's gone, and I have no need for your brand of help.
Jake: What's your problem, man?
Chad: You. My wife's been in town for a couple hours and you're already starting trouble, telling her that there's something going on between gwen and me?
Jake: Yeah, I felt she deserved to hear the truth.
Chad: Yeah, and I told her the truth. And she believed me.
Jake: Huh.
Chad: I may have class now, especially in comparison to you, but I wasn't born that way. I was born a fighter. So do not push me.
[Tense music]
Gwen: Abigail? Hi. Um, do you have a moment to talk? I-I'm sorry about, um, you know, what you saw.
Abigail: You mean when chad was comforting you? 'Cause I didn't see you kiss him; I just, you know, heard about that.
Belle: Can I buy you dinner? I mean, it seems like the least I can do after, um--
Philip: Publicly humiliating me?
Belle: [Laughs] I just think, you know, it might be good for us to put the past behind us. You know, be on friendly terms. Shawn and I are gonna be here for a while, and you are too, obviously.
Philip: Yeah, friendly terms would be good. And exceedingly mature of us.
Belle: [Laughs] Something to aspire to. Maturity.
Philip: Definitely. But as for dinner, can I have a rain check? I've got a lot of work to catch up on.
Belle: Work--yeah, I mean, why did you come back, actually? Shawn said it was something to do with your legacy.
[Laughs] What does that mean?
Xander: It means he's here to steal my job.
Ciara: Ben, ben, it's ciara.
[Echoing] Ciara...
Ben: Ciara. Ciara...
Sarah: Ben? Can you hear me?
Ben: What's going on? Where am I?
Sarah: You're in the hospital. You're being treated for burns and smoke inhalation. There was an explosion.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: Ciara!
[Coughing] Ciara! Ciara... where is she? I--I-- I need to get to her.
[Dramatic music]
Hope: [Sobbing] Are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
Chad: I didn't grow up in this family. I... made a late entrance, just like you, so I know it's not easy.
Jake: Hmm. Are we about to bond, huh?
Chad: No. Far from it. You didn't take the time to get to know this family. You didn't take the time to get to know me. You didn't wanna find out who we were or what we were about. Instead, you placed all your chips in gabi--not to place or to show, but to win. Now, this family can be very, very flexible when it comes to right and wrong, but... not winning and losing. And certainly not loyalty.
Jake: Is this where I promise to be a better boy?
Chad: No. It's where you start looking for a new place to live.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Chad: Closed?
Jake: [Sighs] Oh, my god.
[Groans] Son of a carburetor.
Gwen: [Laughs] So chad told you, did he?
Abigail: Yeah, he and I have a full disclosure kinda relationship.
Gwen: Yeah, right. Course you do. You know what then? I owe you a huge apology. Really, I'm so sorry. And this does not excuse what i did, but I was not making a play at your husband. I was trying to make jake jealous.
Abigail: Hmm. Well, that worked out well for you, didn't it?
Gwen: [Sighs] Yeah, no, not really. And now chad's pissed off, and now you're pissed off, and, um, well, he ended up sleeping with gabi anyway, so...
[Sniffs] I really underestimated her, gabi. That's a mistake I won't make again.
Abigail: Certainly one I have made for the last time.
Gwen: Yeah, I don't suppose that... a mutual loathing of someone named gabi might be basis for a friendship, would it?
Abigail: Oh.
[Laughs] Mm. Well.
Gwen: Or a truce?
Abigail: You know, I think maybe it could.
Gwen: You know what? I could really use a drink. Will you join me?
Abigail: I'll have a white wine.
Gwen: White wine. All right. Thanks for letting me off the hook. I'm sure you must be thrilled that gabi's gone, especially after all the things that she's done to you.
Abigail: That's a bit of an understatement.
Gwen: Mm. Well, then, how about... we make a toast? To better days.
Philip: I didn't steal your job from you.
Xander: Right. Just half of it.
Philip: I'm no happier about that than you are.
Xander: Yeah, well, I was this close to quitting.
Philip: And what stopped you? The realization that there's more money in co-ceoing than mulching?
Xander: The realization that I'm gonna bring so much more to this job than you ever could...
[Phone rings] And uncle victor's gonna figure that out.
Philip: Yeah, I was hoping we could work as a team.
Belle: Wait, shawn? Wait, what? I can barely hear you--what? Did you find ciara? Oh, my god.
Philip: What?
Belle: I-I'll be right there. Oh, my god. There was an explosion. I have to go.
Xander: It was at the airfield?
Belle: How did you know that?
Xander: Sarah got a call. Burn victims? Was ciara there?
Belle: I don't know.
Philip: Do you want me to drive you?
Belle: No, I'm gonna go. I'll text you when I know more, okay?
Xander: Yeah, I gotta go too.
Philip: No. There's something I wanna talk to you about.
Sarah: No, no, no, no.
Ben: No, where is she?
Sarah: Ben, ben--
Ben: Ciara's in that car.
Sarah: No.
Ben: She was in the car.
Sarah: Okay, if you promise to stay still, I will go and find out what's going on, okay?
Ben: [Coughing]
Sarah: Okay?
Ben: Thank you.
Hope: Chief, chief, chief. Was my daughter in that car? Was she? Chief?
Fireman: Move it out.
Shawn: I know, I know.
This week on
"the upper hands"...
Gwen: I'm not dumb, you know?
Abigail: Did I say you were?
Gwen: Well, it's just that... I can't just say sorry and expect you to just forget all the things that I've done or that you're even thrilled to have me here.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Well, you know, I have a very, very big house, and chad has welcomed you, so...
Gwen: Yes, he is very, very generous. He's one of the good guys for sure.
Abigail: He is.
Gwen: And you're so lucky. I've seen-- I've seen how much you both love each other.
Abigail: We have a great marriage.
Gwen: And your beautiful children--not just beautiful, but... so well-behaved. I saw them in the playroom, and they're just--they're so adorable.
Abigail: Mm. Well, I would have to agree.
Gwen: Right. Well, then. Let's just have a quick drink, shall we? Yes. And I will stay out of your hair, 'cause I'm sure you're desperate to be with your husband.
Chad: And vice versa. I'm sorry that took so long.
Abigail: Oh, no, it's okay. Gwen and I were just catching up here, getting to know each other.
Chad: Okay. Good night, gwen. We'll see you tomorrow.
Gwen: Yep. You can count on it.
Philip: I don't think much of you...
Xander: I'm crushed.
Philip: But I do think you care about my father. If something's happened to ciara--
Xander: I know, yeah. He'll be a mess.
Philip: I think we should put our differences aside... for the time being. For the sake of the family.
Xander: I agree.
Philip: Good. Thank you.
Xander: All right, for the record, I-- I don't trust you. I've seen the way you play the family card. Now I'm gonna do whatever I can to get uncle vic through what might be coming, but I won't let you play that against me. Don't think you're putting one over on me.
Philip: Well, when I do... you won't know it.
Belle: Hey. Oh, wait--ciara? Oh.
[Both crying]
[Knock at door]
Ben: Did you find ciara?
Hope: The firemen--
they did everything they could.
Ben: [Sighs]
Hope: Nothing...
Ben: [Sighs]
Hope: But this...
[Somber music]
[Both crying]
Ben: [Sniffs]
Hope: [Crying]
[Both sobbing]
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