Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/9/20
Episode #13852 ~ Jake suggests to Abigail that something is going on between Chad and Gwen; Tripp and Claire catch up; Shawn, Ben and Hope's frantic search for Ciara continues; Ciara finds herself in a deadly predicament.
Provided By Suzanne
Claire: Hey.
Tripp: Hey.
Claire: I guess it's too late for me to run and hide? What are you doing in town?
Tripp: I'm visiting my dad and kayla. I'm actually meeting them here for dinner.
Claire: Oh, nice.
Tripp: Yeah, I heard you got out of bayview. Look like you're doing really well.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.
Tripp: Glad to hear it.
Claire: T, wait.
Hope: Ciara? Ciara! Where are you? Ciara!
Shawn: There's no one here.
Ciara: Where are you taking me?
Vincent: You'll see.
Claire: Look, if you're just gonna shoot me, then why don't you go ahead and do it already?
Vincent: What? Why would I shoot you, wendy?
Ciara: Wendy?
[Dramatic music]
Vincent: My sweet wendy. So beautiful. I have big plans for you, my love.
Ciara: Like what? Vincent, where are you taking me?
Vincent: If I told you, wouldn't be a surprise.
Jake: Hey. Have to try harder than that if you plan on busting outta here.
Ben: What are you doing here, man?
Jake: Ciara's missing. Thought you could use a friend.
Abigail: Well, I'm sorry to hear about gabi's mom, but not at all sorry that she's gone. How long will she be in mexico?
Chad: Indefinitely. Tell you what, I am not the least bit sorry. In fact, I am thrilled. Every time I would see her smug, self-satisfied face, it would just remind me of what she did to you, and that she was the reason why you were having those hallucinations, that she is the one that put that drug in your champagne at julie's place.
Abigail: It's too bad we can't prove it. Gabi's been kicked to the curb and can't hurt us anymore.
Chad: I would say that deserves a toast.
Abigail: Indeed.
Chad: Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore. Gabi is gone and the threat to you is over.
Abigail: Gabi's been kicked to the curb and can't hurt us anymore.
Chad: I would say that deserves a toast.
Abigail: Indeed. With the finest champagne julie's got to offer. I'll go order it.
Chad: Great; I'm gonna go-- I'll call home. Check on the kids.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Chad: What is it?
Abigail: Oh, I just--I think I had a lot of time to think when I was down in florida. Kinda too much time.
Chad: What were you thinking about?
Abigail: 'Bout how much i missed you and the kids, mostly. 'Bout how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband and sweet children. Those were the pleasant thoughts.
Chad: Think I can guess what the unpleasant ones were.
Abigail: If you guessed gabi and all the ways she's hurt us over the years, then yeah, you're right, but I have been thinking. Been thinking about that night at julie's place, the night i was drugged, and I am wondering if maybe we were wrong.
Chad: Wrong?
Abigail: About who put the drugs in my champagne. We don't have any proof, so why are we so sure it was gabi?
[Suspenseful music]
Ben: You didn't have to come here.
Jake: Course I did. Couldn't risk losing my best mechanic. And hey, I would've been here sooner, but it has been a wild couple of days. Broke up with gwen.
Ben: Again?
Jake: Again. And gabi left town.
Ben: Why? For how long?
Jake: Sick mom. Whole family just up and went to mexico. No idea when they're gonna be back.
Ben: Geez.
Jake: Hey, look, I'm more worried about you right now. I know there's no way in hell you'd ever hurt ciara, so what the hell are you doing here?
Ben: I'm waiting for justin to get the damn charges dropped so I can get outta here and find ciara. Before it's too late.
Hope: [Sighs] Nothing. Except we know for sure that vincent has been living here.
Shawn: Memories of his dead fiancée and what? What, planning his revenge?
Hope: Wait. Shawn. Ciara was here. She was.
[Breathing heavily]
Vincent: This is true love. You know that, don't you?
Ciara: You might wanna keep your eyes on the road.
Vincent: Hard to when you're so pretty.
Ciara: Vincent, I... I'm not wendy.
Vincent: [Chuckles] Course you are. Who else would you be?
Ciara: I'm ciara brady.
Vincent: That's silly. You're wendy. My wendy.
Ciara: Look, vincent, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but wendy's dead.
Vincent: Don't even joke about it. Of course you're not dead. Not yet. Ta-da!
Claire: I'm really glad that we bumped into each other. Well, kind of. It's weird and embarrassing, and I'm sure that I am the last person that you ever wanted to see again, but since we're here, I really--I wanna apologize for everything that I did.
Tripp: You've already apologized, claire.
Claire: Yeah, right before they carted me off to bayview, but that wasn't enough. And I still wasn't in my right mind.
Tripp: So--so are you saying that it wasn't a sincere apology?
Claire: No. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'M...
[Sighs] I shouldn't have said that i want to apologize again, because I want to do more than that.
Tripp: That's not necessary, claire, okay? I mean, you've been through hell yourself, and you've obviously worked really hard at getting better.
Claire: Look, I've had so much time to think about what i did, and to the people that i love, and... and you were one of the people that I loved the most, and the one that I hurt the most. And so what I would really like to do is to somehow, someway make it right.
Chad: Abby, I understand that you always wanna be fair and you wanna give people the benefit of the doubt. So then if it wasn't gabi who drugged the champagne, then who was it?
Abigail: I don't know. But think about it. Gabi loves to gloat when she gets away with something. How clever she is, blah, blah, blah. So I just think, once she was actually acquitted of the crime, that she would've bragged about it endlessly if she'd actually done it.
Chad: Okay. That's a fair point.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. And she claimed that rolf set her up and that he admitted it.
Chad: With zero witnesses to substantiate that.
Abigail: I know that's true, but I just--it doesn't make any sense. She also tried to inject jake with the same substance, but she knew it was poison. Why would she do that? She was desperate to try to help jake remember that he was stefan. She wanted to help him, not hurt him.
Chad: [Clears throat] All right, so I admit, there are some holes. But gabi is the only one that had the means, the motive, and the opportunity. She was the only one that handled the champagne that night.
Abigail: That's true.
Chad: I get why you're skeptical it was gabi, and i agree, it's not like her not to gloat when she's done something, especially when she's gotten away with it. But on the other hand, there's no one else who has a vendetta against you and me. And there is no one that would wanna hurt you like that.
[Tense music]
Abigail: Perfect timing.
Chad: Indeed.
Abigail: Kids are okay?
Chad: Sound asleep.
Abigail: That's great. And look at that. Champagne's already poured.
Chad: Wow. Excellent.
Abigail: Mm-hmm.
Gwen: Excellent is right.
Jake: So this vincent guy, he drugged you?
Ben: Yes. And I blacked out, jake. That's what I thought. I was so terrified that maybe i hurt ciara, or worse. That's why I told hope to arrest me.
Jake: But you're innocent. At least you told me that's what the hypnotherapy proved, and hope knows the truth, so why doesn't she come in here, pop the cuffs off, and let you go?
Ben: These official channels and all this crap, man. Regardless, this lunatic vincent took off with ciara and I'm stuck in this damn chair again, worrying out of my mind, and nobody in this entire place is willing to tell me anything! Nobody's on a rush to tell me anything here.
Jake: All right. Let me see what I can go find out, all right?
Ben: All right.
Hope: I gave this bracelet to ciara for her birthday almost two years ago. Shawn, it's not broken, which means that ciara left it for us to find so we'd know we're on the right track.
Shawn: Sounds like my little sister.
Hope: We're gonna find her.
Shawn: We're gonna find her.
Hope: Oh, god, we're gonna find ciara.
Vincent: We have plans together, my darling, remember? We're going to buy a farm. Have kids. You're my life, wendy. Without you... it doesn't mean anything. Nothing is real.
Ciara: Vincent, I know. I know you loved her very much. It seems like you did. But I am so sorry to tell you this. Wendy is dead. She's dead, vincent. You told me yourself.
Vincent: No. No, I was confused. I thought that, too, when the police called me. They told me that ben weston had tried to kill you and I thought it was true, that I'd lost you forever. I was wrong. Because we're here. Together. Finally able to start living the life we've dreamed of for so long. You remember what we promised, don't you? We'd stay together until death do us part. I'm going to hold you to that. Your mission:
Tripp: Claire, you honestly don't have to make amends or make anything up to me. Okay? It's not like I didn't make a mess of things myself. I made some really bad choices, and I... I look back on them and i realize that I... that I was totally insensitive to you.
Claire: That was only because I was so needy and clingy. I look back on that and--god, it's so embarrassing.
Tripp: Yeah, you were needy, but I was really selfish. I mean, everything was about me, you know, what I wanted, and... I should've been thinking about what that did to you. Especially with that stunt marriage, haley, I... just pushed it too far.
Claire: Did you... did you hear that she died?
Tripp: Yeah. Yeah, I got in touch with her mom.
Claire: Melinda. That was really kind of you.
Tripp: They had just started getting close.
Claire: Yeah. Yeah. Haley was a--a really great person. And she was so happy, so in love with jj, and then in a minute, everything just changed.
Tripp: What is it?
Claire: I'm just... I'm thinking about ciara.
Hope: That oil leak is recent.
Shawn: Which means there's a good chance that vincent is behind the wheel with ciara.
Hope: Let's find that car.
Shawn: Listen, I'll do a dmv search. It says it's registered to wendy taylor.
Hope: All right. I'll get it on the wire.
Shawn: All right, we just gotta hope that somebody spots it and calls it in.
Vincent: What's wrong? Still love me, don't you?
[Tires squeal]
Ciara: You know what? You seem a little tired, vincent. Maybe you should pull over.
Vincent: Oh. Oh. Get over it all? End it all? Is that what you want?
Ciara: No. No, no. No. Vincent, I want you. Yeah, I want us to be together.
Vincent: We will be, wendy. Forever. I promise you that. Ben weston tried to stop us from living our dream. I swear on my life, won't happen this time.
Jake: Hey. So I found justin. He spoke to the da and he's optimistic that you're gonna get released soon.
Ben: Soon?
Jake: Yeah.
Ben: Jake, I need to get the hell out of here right now. I need to get out of here three hours ago.
Jake: Okay, okay, look. What else can I do, huh? You name it.
Ben: Nothing, man. Thank you. Thank you. This is in justin's hands now. I'm sure you got places to be.
Jake: Anything at all, you let me know. All right?
Ben: All right. Thank you.
Jake: And hey, ciara's as smart as they come. And she's tough. She's not the kind of person to sit around and wait for someone to rescue her. I know for a fact she's gonna break free from that maniac and she's gonna find a way back to you. Hang in there. All right?
Ben: Back at you.
Chad: Why don't we table the discussion about gabi and just focus on you and me?
Abigail: Mm. I think that's an excellent idea.
Chad: Especially since I have not been able to welcome you home properly.
Abigail: Oh. Well, don't worry, because I'm gonna give you plenty of chances.
Chad: Yeah?
Abigail: Uh-huh.
Julie: What? What? Leaving already? You hardly touched your champagne.
Chad: Yeah, well, gabi kinda killed the mood.
Julie: Yeah. Mouthy little sociopath, isn't she? But the good news is, you've tossed her out of dimera. Darling, she can never hurt you again.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. And you know what? That really is something to toast. I feel good about that.
Gwen: [Sighs]
Julie: Oh.
Gwen: Sorry.
Julie: Beg your pardon. Wait. Don't I know you from somewhere? I'm a performer.
Julie: I'm julie williams. I own the place.
Gwen: And I'm just another happy customer, so--
Julie: No, no, no. You look very familiar.
Gwen: got me.
[Laughs] I was actually involved in a little...incident here with chad dimera.
Julie: Chad is married to my cousin, abigail. What incident are you referring to?
Gwen: Ah. Yeah. Well, I had a drink or two... or too many, actually, and...
[Clears throat] He helped me get home, and he was a perfect gentleman.
Julie: Chad is always a perfect gentleman, but I'm sure I wasn't working that night. However, I do have a memory for faces, and I've definitely seen yours before.
Gwen: [Laughs]
Abigail: I--I have an idea.
Chad: I can't even imagine what it is.
Abigail: [Laughs] I think we should take this upstairs.
Chad: You are never gonna believe this.
Abigail: What?
Chad: I had the exact same idea.
Abigail: Mm. That is wildly coincidental.
Chad: Mm. I just remembered, though, i have to make one work call.
Abigail: One.
Chad: Cross my heart.
Abigail: Promise? How many?
Chad: One. Cross my heart.
Abigail: One? Okay.
[Sighs] No more gabi. No more hallucinations. They're done ruling my life.
[Dramatic musical flourish] Stefan?
Tripp: Yeah, my dad and kayla told me what was going on with ciara.
Claire: It's so horrible. She and ben had been married for, like, a minute, and then everything just went to hell.
Tripp: So since you got out, you and ciara--
Claire: Yeah, can you believe she actually forgave me? And she didn't just say the words. She's actually let me back into her life again. I have so much I need to make up to her. Tripp, what if I've lost her? What if I've lost her again, for good?
Tripp: That is not going to happen, okay? Not with hope heading the search. She will not stop until she finds ciara, okay?
Claire: But what if they don't find her? Or what if they find her, but it's too late?
Tripp: Hey, hey, hey. We both love her. Hey.
Claire: [Sobbing]
Shawn: Here, let me see if anybody spotted wendy taylor's car.
Ben: What are you guys doing back? Did you find ciara?
Hope: No, not yet, but we may have a lead.
Ben: What is it?
Hope: Shawn and jack found an old application for a marriage license belonging to vincent belman... and wendy taylor.
Ben: Wendy...the midwife.
Hope: Vincent wants you to suffer. He wants you to pay for what you did to wendy.
Ben: And ciara's paying for it.
Ciara: A life with you is all I want, vincent.
Vincent: That's my girl.
Ciara: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my goodness, I just--I just realized, I didn't pack anything. We have to go back. We have to go fetch my things.
Vincent: Don't worry about a thing, wendy. I have enough money to buy you anything and everything you want. A whole new life, with all new things.
Ciara: Then I can't wait. But you do know how I--how i just hate surprises. Where is this new life of ours?
Vincent: Give you a hint. Old car like this, we can't get too far.
Ciara: Oh. So we're close.
Vincent: Heck no. We're getting on a plane.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Abigail: Either I forgot to take my meds or you are stefan's twin brother.
Jake: Twin. You must be abigail. I've seen your pictures all around the house. Didn't realize you were coming back from florida so soon.
Abigail: You're not the only one.
Jake: Oh. So you're--
Abigail: Not a crazy person? No. Not as long as I take these.
Jake: Ah. That was none of my business. I'm sorry.
Abigail: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I'm being cavalier about something that's actually very serious to me, and if you would allow me to amend what I said about the pills being the only reason I'm not a crazy person.
Jake: Sure. Okay.
Abigail: I'm actually better for a lot of reasons. Been to therapy and I've been meditating and thinking and have benefited greatly from the support of my family. Pills are actually a very, very small part of it.
Jake: I get it. Thank you for sharing.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Well, enough about me. What's going on with you?
Jake: Oh, me. Well, I am adjusting to this very...different life I'm leading now.
Abigail: I'm sure it is an adjustment. Living here with your ex-girlfriend, that's gotta be kinda weird.
Jake: You know about that?
Abigail: Yeah, I met her. Uh-huh.
Jake: Mm.
Abigail: Actually, she was-- well, she was in chad's arms when I came home, because you had dumped her. That's--she was upset and he was comforting her.
Jake: Right. Comforting her.
Abigail: Why do you say it like that?
Jake: Maybe you should ask your husband.
Gwen: I know. You're claire's great-grandmother, right?
Julie: That's right.
Gwen: So there you have it. You saw me with claire.
Julie: No. That isn't it at all. And I don't think it was recently either.
Gwen: Well, I suppose I just have one of those faces. Anyway, I really must go. Um...I heard about ciara and I'm really sorry. I will--I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Julie: Oh, thank you.
Ben: I took the woman he loved. Now he's taken mine. This is that maniac's revenge. It's a life for a life.
Hope: Ben, stop. Stop. Ciara needs us to find her. That's what we're gonna do.
Claire: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Tripp: Don't apologize.
Claire: You didn't have to do that. Hug me.
Tripp: You're upset.
Claire: Yeah, and I'm also the crazy girl who was obsessed with you.
Tripp: In the past. Remember?
Claire: That will never be in the past for me. What I was capable of doing to the people that I love? And I wanna remember, tripp, because I don't wanna ever go back to being that person.
Tripp: I have faith in you. Because you're stronger than you give yourself credit for. Maybe it's time you own that.
Claire: Goals, right?
[Laughs] Hey, I swear to you, I will do whatever it takes to stay healthy. 'Cause the idea of going back to that dark, scary place, it freaks the hell out of me.
Ciara: A plane. Aw, gee, I don't know, vincent. I'm--I'm terribly afraid of flying.
Vincent: That's why you have me. I won't let anything happen to you.
Ciara: I...I feel so safe with you, vincent, I do. But you know we don't need the gun, right?
Vincent: I have to be ready. I have to protect you from ben weston. The maniac tried to kill you once. Who's to say he won't try it again? These are real people, not actors,
Claire: Hey, I'm really grateful to you for being so kind to me.
Tripp: And I'm really grateful that you're back to being yourself. A really cool person.
[Both laugh]
Claire: I don't know about cool.
[Cell phone beeps]
Tripp: My dad said the fries are getting cold.
Claire: Oh, well, you can't have that.
Tripp: Yeah.
Claire: You should go, before he eats 'em all.
Tripp: Yes. Claire... would you wanna join us?
Chad: I see you've met my wife.
Abigail: Your brother was just insinuating that there might be something going on between you and gwen.
Chad: My brother doesn't know what he's talking about. I am a happily married man.
Abigail: Exactly what I was about to tell him.
Jake: Right, and you're just allowing gwen to stay here out of the goodness of your heart.
Chad: No, I'm allowing gwen to stay here to make your life miserable.
Jake: You're gonna pay for that.
Chad: What does that mean?
Jake: You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. You'll find out, brother.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: You're right. We're gonna find ciara and we're gonna fight for her the exact same way she's always fought for me.
Shawn: I got a hit on wendy's car.
Hope: Where?
Shawn: Right there, a toll booth and an exit ramp. It leads to an airstrip just right outside of town.
Hope: That son of a bitch. He was planning on flying her out of here. Let's go.
Shawn: Let's go.
Ben: I'm coming with you.
Vincent: Damn it, damn it, damn it!
Ciara: What's wrong?
Vincent: Damn gate is locked. How the hell are we supposed to get to the plane?
Ciara: Okay. That's fine. That's fine. We can just--we can leave and we can come back tomorrow.
Vincent: No, we can't come tomorrow. Has to be now, damn it! Why does everything always have to go wrong? Where do you think you're going, wendy?
Shawn: No, ben. Just let us handle this, okay?
Ben: That's my wife.
Hope: You're too emotionally involved.
Ben: And you're not?
Hope: Let's go. Come on!
Ciara: I was just gonna see if I can open the gate for you. So that you can drive the car through and we could get on the plane and we can leave the rest of this world behind.
Vincent: You always do that. Calm me down. Make me feel good.
Ciara: What? What is it?
Vincent: You're not wendy.
Chad: Sorry about jake. Just ignore him.
Abigail: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, you know, we agreed to--if anyone tried to get in between us, that we'd work on it together, remember?
Chad: I do. Yeah.
Abigail: So was there anything you wanted to tell me? Like why jake is so convinced there's something going on between you and gwen?
Chad: So you're not gonna ignore him.
Abigail: How am I gonna just ignore him? I mean, why would he say something like that if he knew you could refute it? Can you?
Chad: I can refute what he thinks. I can't refute what he saw.
Abigail: What he saw?
Chad: Is gwen kissing me.
[Dramatic music]
Gwen: Maybe it's time for another dose, abigail.
Jake: Gwen?
Claire: Cold fries sound great, but I really need to get back and see if there's any news on ciara.
Tripp: Yeah, I understand. Let me know if you hear anything?
Claire: Yeah. Yeah, I will. And hey, have a safe trip back to california.
Tripp: Actually, I'm thinking about staying in salem.
Claire: Oh. Right. Well, then, I guess I will be seeing you around.
Tripp: I guess you will.
[Both chuckle]
[Tires squeal]
[Sirens wailing]
Hope: Vincent belman, step out of the vehicle with your hands up!
Shawn: And drop your weapon, now! Nice and slow.
Ben: Where is she? Where's ciara?
Hope: On the ground. Move. Ah!
Ben: Ciara. Ciara! Ciara!
[Explosion booming]
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