Days Transcript Tuesday 9/8/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 9/8/20


Episode #13851 ~ Jack and Shawn uncover the truth about Vincent; Ciara turns the tables on Vincent; Abigail's return prompts a shocking reveal; Tripp informs Steve why he's back in Salem.

Provided By Suzanne

Gwen: Thank you for being so nice to me.

Abigail: [Clears throat] Hi, honey.

Chad: Abby.

Abigail: I'm home.

Chad: What are you doing here?

Abigail: Um, better question, what is she doing here?

[Dramatic music]

[Tense music]

Steve: Son of--what the hell are you doing?

Tripp: Dad, stop. It's me.

Steve: Tripp? What the hell are you doing here, man? Come here.

Tripp: [Laughs]

Steve: Aw, man.

Shawn: Yeah, it's a whole new low for sami, I agree. I mean, to get a maniac like jan spears released just to bolster her case? I mean, I don't understand. Why in the hell would they release her from that loony bin in the first place? They need to lock her back up again now.

Claire: Were you just talking about me?

[Knock at door]

Hope: [Sighs]

Jennifer: Hey, is it a bad time?

Hope: No, please--no, it's fine.

Jennifer: Okay, we just wanted to--we just wanted to come check on you.

Hope: Thanks. I'm really glad to see you.

Jennifer: Oh, come here.

Hope: Oh, cousin.

Jack: We just saw eve being taken back to her cell. Did she tell you anything valuable about vincent?

Jennifer: Yeah, did she tell you where vincent may have taken ciara?

Hope: [Sighs]

Ciara: When's the last time you slept... or ate? Maybe you should get some food.

Vincent: Maybe you should shut up.

Ciara: You said that you kidnapped me because ben cost you someone you loved... and that you were gonna return the favor.

Vincent: That's right.

Ciara: What does that mean? What are you gonna do to me?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Chad: I can't believe you're here. Well, you didn't tell me that you were gonna be here.

Abigail: Mm-hmm. Hi, I'm abigail.

Chad: Sorry. Abigail--gwen, this is abigail, my wife.

Gwen: Gwen. Yes, hi. It's lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about you.

Abigail: Yeah, I've heard a lot about you too. You are chad's brother's girlfriend, so what are you doing in my husband's arms?

Gwen: [Laughs]

Steve: [Groans] Man. I'm sorry for jumping you like that.

Tripp: Oh, no, it's my fault for coming in unannounced.

Kayla: Steve! Steve! Are you okay?

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm okay. Look who's here.

Kayla: Oh, my gosh, tripp!

Steve: Give me that.

Kayla: Tripp! Oh, my gosh! I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry about the bat, but I-- we thought somebody was breaking in.

Tripp: No, no, I owe you guys a picture frame. Sorry.

Steve: No, no.

Kayla: No, you absolutely do not. But why didn't you just knock?

Tripp: I did, you know, a few times, actually, but nobody answered.

Steve: Yeah, we didn't hear you; we were in the shower.

Tripp: Ah.

Kayla: Um, anyway, we're so happy you're here. You know, we were just talking this morning that we really missed seeing you.

Tripp: Yeah, I missed you guys too, and sorry again for barging in like this. The door was unlocked, so I just--

Steve: You don't have to explain. We're happy you're here no matter how you got in. But why are you here, son?

Hope: Eve insists that she has no idea where vincent might have taken ciara.

Jennifer: Well, can she contact him?

Hope: We asked her to, to tell him to call this whole thing off, but she wasn't able to get in touch with him. We tracked all of his last known addresses. There's just no sign of him.

Jack: But the going theory is that vincent took ciara as a bargaining chip for eve's freedom.

Hope: Yes, jack, that's what we thought, but eve says that vincent doesn't give a damn about her.

Jennifer: Okay, well, what do you think?

Hope: Since he still hasn't made contact or made any demands, I tend to believe eve this time. I don't think this has anything to do with her.

Jack: Well, then what's it about? Why did vincent take ciara if eve had already dropped the plan?

Hope: When eve thought back on some of the conversations she had with him, she realized that vincent may have his own vendetta against ben.

[Dramatic music]

Vincent: This was wendy's home. Came here to feel closer to her. All I have left are photos... memories.

Ciara: I'm sorry.

Vincent: Wendy is gone... forever, thanks to your serial killer husband. So in answer to your question, what I should do is take you outside and shoot you like a dog, just like ben did to the woman I loved. It's my 9:12 no-days-off migraine medicine.

Steve: So don't leave us hanging, son. What brings you back to town?

Tripp: I just wanted to be with my family, you know. I missed you guys, like I said.

Steve: And we missed you too. Skyping just doesn't cut it, right?

Kayla: Mm-mm.

Steve: But what about med school?

Kayla: Hasn't the fall semester already started?

Tripp: Yes, I will explain everything, okay? Are you guys free for dinner?

Steve: Yeah, yeah, we're free. How about we all go over to the pub, have some dinner?

Kayla: That would be nice, except for I really wanna go check on hope after everything that she's been going through with ciara.

Tripp: Well, what's going on with ciara?

Kayla: Haven't you seen the news?

Steve: Well, it's a long story, but the bottom line is, she's missing. Her life might be in danger.

Claire: "Why the hell would they let her out of the loony bin in the first place?" If that is how you really feel about me, why didn't you just say it to my face?

Shawn: Claire, honey, I was not talking about you, all right? That call had nothing to do with you, I swear. Okay?

Claire: I'm sorry. You know, I'm just really oversensitive.

Shawn: I know, and that's okay. I understand why you would be. I need you to understand that I'm confident that you're better, and I couldn't be more proud of you.

Claire: I came by to see if there's any news on ciara. Grandma marlena told me that she hypnotized ben and that he remembers that he didn't hurt her.

Shawn: Yeah, so it turns out that eve's sidekick vincent was in the dorm room with them, and when ben refused to follow his orders, he knocked him out and he took ciara with him.

Claire: And you have no idea where she is?

Shawn: No. I mean, we are doing everything that we possibly can. We're also trying to figure out why vincent decided to carry on eve's plan without her.

Claire: Do you have any leads, like anything to go off at all?

Shawn: Unfortunately, we don't have a lot.

Claire: I'm so sorry. Is there anything that I can do to help?

Shawn: Actually, yes. Can you call doug and julie, please, and can you fill them in on what's going on? All right? They keep calling my mom and me, but we just--we haven't had the chance to respond.

Claire: Yeah, of course, and will you just promise me that you will call me if there's any news?

Shawn: Listen, I swear. You have my word.

Claire: Okay.

Shawn: All right? Okay. [Sighs]

[Dramatic music]

Vincent: In case you were wondering, we're in mammoth falls, not far from the cabin where ben held abigail deveraux captive. You know abigail, yes?

Ciara: Yeah, abigail is my cousin.

Vincent: At the time, she was your very pregnant cousin. When she went into labor, ben needed help, and wendy showed up. She brought that baby safely into the world. And what did she get in return? Your husband dragged her outside and shot her at point-blank range.

Ciara: [Sighs] Um...[Clears throat] I know that you're still in a lot of pain--

Vincent: Shut up. You have no idea what I feel. You're married to a murderer. If not for you, that monster would have been executed, which is what he deserved.

Ciara: You're wrong, all right? Ben didn't kill jordan--

Vincent: Ben didn't kill? Ben didn't kill? He slaughtered my fiancée and walked away scot-free! But that ends now.

Ciara: So what are you gonna do?

Vincent: Like eve, I want ben to feel the same agony I've felt ever since he took away the person I loved most in this world. But unlike eve, I don't think you're innocent in all this. You stopped ben from being put down like the animal he is, and for that, you deserve to die.

Ciara: Yeah, right.

Vincent: You're gonna make this difficult, aren't you? Well, I don't need all the kicking and screaming. This should keep you quiet.

Gwen: No, please don't get the wrong idea. Chad was just comforting me.

Chad: Gwen, I'd like to talk to my wife in private, please.

Gwen: Yes, of course. It's a real pleasure to meet you, abigail.

Abigail: Mm, likewise.

[Clears throat]

Chad: Abby.

Abigail: Hmm?

Chad: What are you doing? You're supposed to be in florida.

Abigail: I am done with florida and the clinic. Checked myself out--permanently.

Chad: But I saw you last week. We talk on the phone every day. You didn't mention you were checking yourself out.

Abigail: Well, I hadn't made the decision yet, but after i spoke to you on the phone yesterday, I gained some clarity about how I wanna handle my health moving forward, and, uh, I acted on it.

Chad: So it was an impulse?

Abigail: No, no-- an epiphany. I realized I need to be home with my husband and my kids.

Chad: Did you talk to anyone about it?

Abigail: Just my doctor, yeah.

Chad: And?

Abigail: He was against it, but he did mention that he thought that I had made a lot of progress, but he wanted me to stay. And why? I'm just gonna listen to him say the same thing over and over again. And, chad, I know myself better than anybody, including my doctor, and I know that I am fine. And I missed my kids. I missed my parents. And I missed you.

Chad: I missed you too.

Abigail: I know that you're concerned--you're concerned, but I promise you, I would never come home where my kids are if i didn't know I were emotionally stable and able to take care of them.

Chad: So then the hallucinations are gone?

Abigail: They're under control. I still have them but not as often, and I've learned how to manage them with medication.

Chad: [Laughs] Abby, I don't know. I don't know.

Abigail: Well, I do. I want my life back, chad, and i need you to please not fight me on this.

Claire: Gwen? Oh, my god! Hi, stranger.

Gwen: Claire?

Claire: Hi!

[Both laugh]

Gwen: Hi. Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry about ciara.

Claire: Oh, thank you. Yeah, I was just giving my great-grandparents an update, but there really isn't any news.

Gwen: The cops aren't any closer to finding her?

Claire: No, and I feel terrible. I just wish that there was something that I could do.

Gwen: Like what?

Claire: I don't know. I just--I hate seeing my family in this much pain.

Gwen: Well, that's 'cause you've got a good heart. I saw that about you the first day we were at bayview. Remember, you're the one who got me out of making those paper puppets.

Claire: [Laughs]

Gwen: [Clears throat] You were a really good friend to me, actually.

Claire: Hey, and you to me. Honestly, if I hadn't have had you to complain to and laugh with and cry with...

Gwen: Same here. You know what? Actually, I could really use a friend right now.

Tripp: I can't believe that ciara's been kidnapped. God, I hope she's okay. But--oh, and poor hope.

Kayla: I know. That's why I wanna go check on her, and then I'll meet you guys at the pub afterwards, all right?

Steve: Yeah.

Tripp: Please tell hope that she's in my thoughts.

Kayla: I'll do that.

Steve: Mine too, baby.

Kayla: Okay, I'll see you soon, all right?

Steve: All right.

Kayla: And then we'll catch up. I'm so happy you're back.

Steve: So listen. I know time must be tight with school starting again, but... maybe you can stay through the weekend? When do you have to be back in california?

Tripp: Uh, actually, I'm not going back.

Hope: Eve remembers this one conversation she had with vincent where he told her that he understood her pain because he'd also lost someone.

Jack: Was it a child?

Hope: Shawn and I looked into his personal history. There was no record of a child or a wife.

Jack: Uh, I'm gonna go see shawn right now. I'll bring him up to speed on everything that eve remembered.

Jennifer: I am so sorry that you are going through any of this right now.

Hope: I'm trying to be strong.

Jennifer: You are strong. You are.

Hope: Ciara's out there somewhere. She's waiting for me to find her, coz. I have to find my daughter.

Jennifer: You will. You're gonna find her. You will.

[Dramatic music]

Vincent: Just relax.

Ciara: Don't you dare. Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Claire: You and jake broke up? Are you sure?

Gwen: Claire, what do you mean, am I sure?

Claire: Well, that it wasn't just another one of your fights. No offense, but you guys split up and get back together so much, it's kind of hard to keep track.

Gwen: No. This time, it was real. Caught him in bed with gabi.

Claire: What?

Gwen: Yeah. He said to me he wants to "explore, to see where it might go." But you know what? It's not going anywhere because gabi's gone to mexico, and so he just decided to go out and get smashed. He's sleeping it off now as we speak.

Claire: So, what, are things on hold between them or...

Gwen: No. Gabi doesn't give a damn about him. She was using him the entire time. You know what the worst part is? The night it happened, jake said he wanted to take me out to dinner, right? So I get all dressed up, look really nice, and I'm waiting for him downstairs. And as I'm downstairs waiting for him, he's bloody upstairs getting busy with gabi.

Claire: Oh, my god. I can't believe that he would treat you like that. What a jerk. Well, I hope that when he comes crawling back to you, you tell him to forget it, to consider himself dumped once and for all.

Gwen: No, it was the other way round. He dumped me. Oh, I didn't even tell you! He's asked me to move out.

Claire: Hey, I'm so sorry, gwen. Look, this is a total bummer, but, honestly, I think you're better off without him. And if you need somewhere to crash, I can ask grandma marlena if you can stay with us again.

Gwen: Thanks. That's really nice. But actually, I don't think i have to move, because chad took pity on me, and he said I could stay. But that might all change, 'cause his wife is back.

Abigail: I need you to trust me, please.

Chad: I do trust you.

Abigail: You're not gonna fight my decision?

Chad: No, I just want what's best for you, and if you think that is being home, then I am behind it all of the way. And selfishly, I am glad that you're home.

Abigail: Well, thank you for your support.

Chad: I have missed... waking up to you every day.

[Soft music]

Abigail: And thank you for your encouragement...

Chad: [Chuckles]

Abigail: And for keeping my connection with the kids so strong. Those video chats before bed every night are the thing that kept me going.

Chad: I wish I could have flown there, been with you more often.

Abigail: You were amazing. Taking care of the kids and me and running dimera-- can't imagine how stressful that must have been.

Chad: The stressful part was not being with you.

Abigail: Which is why as much as I believe being home will be good for me, I also believe it will be good for you and the whole family. Look, I'm already happier.

[Both laugh]

[Sighs] God, I can't believe this is real-- this home, the man I love. My goodness. I can't wait to tell the kids. Are they asleep?

Chad: Yeah, they should be. I put 'em in bed a while ago.

Abigail: Mm. Well, I promise I won't wake them, but I won't wait another second to see their beautiful faces.

Chad: I love you.

Abigail: I love you.

Steve: Why wouldn't you wanna go back to school? Are you in some kind of trouble?

Tripp: No, no, no, it's nothing like that, okay? I'm doing really well, actually. I've aced all my classes, so they put me in an accelerated program.

Steve: Yeah, I know. You told me that, but this is your last year, so I'm confused. Have you had a change of heart about getting into medicine?

Tripp: No, no, no, not at all. I still want to become a doctor, but I was thinking about maybe transferring.

Steve: Closer to home?

Tripp: Yeah, a lot closer. I was hoping that I could finish my degree here in salem.

Jennifer: Here, drink this.

Hope: Thank you.

Kayla: Oh, hi. Jenn, I'm so glad you're here.

Jennifer: I'm so glad to see you.

Kayla: Hi.

Hope: Hi.

Kayla: Just wanted to check on you and if there's anything you need.

Hope: You just being here, and jenn, I mean, that's really what I need most right now... till my precious girl is found.

Kayla: And she will be.

Hope: Yes, she will.

Kayla: It must be so comforting having rafe here to help you look for her.

Hope: Well, he's gone. He's not here right now.

Kayla: Gone? Where did he go?

Hope: His mom, she's not well. He and gabi went back to mexico to be with her.

Jennifer: Oh, no.

Hope: He didn't wanna go. I know how much he cares about ciara.

Jennifer: And you.

Kayla: I am so sorry.

Hope: I told him that he needed to focus on his family right now, and I need to focus on mine.

Jack: Eve doesn't know the specifics, but she does remember vincent telling her that he'd once lost someone too.

Shawn: Okay, so wait. So does he have a wife? Does he have kids?

Jack: Not that the records show.

Shawn: Okay, what about a girlfriend?

Jack: Let's find out. There's a reason this guy went rogue. We just have to keep digging.

Shawn: Please, god, let this lead to something, 'cause we need to find my sister before it's too late.

Ciara: [Grunting] Oh, god.


Vincent: [Grunting]

Ciara: Let go! Let go!

[Both grunting]

Vincent: [Yells]

Ciara: [Panting] You son of a bitch.

[Soft music]

Chad: Sound asleep?

Abigail: Mm-hmm, angels. I missed 'em so much.

Chad: They are gonna be over the moon when they wake up and they see their mom.

Abigail: I can't wait. So what was gwen so upset about? What were you comforting her about?

Chad: She and jake broke up.

Abigail: Mm. And she's still here?

Chad: Yeah, I told her she could stay.

Abigail: Yeah, that was nice.

Chad: I felt sorry for her. She doesn't have any money. She doesn't have any place to go.

Abigail: So sorry that you invited her to stay here even though she's not with your brother anymore? That's a pretty generous offer to make to a virtual stranger.

Chad: She's not a stranger. We've gotten to know each other a little bit since she got here.

Abigail: So you're friendly?

Chad: [Laughs] I don't-- I mean...sure. I don't know. I mean, yeah, it's--look, it's just a friendship, all right? I swear to you. You are the only one for me.

Abigail: I'm not jealous. Do I look jealous? I'm not.

Chad: [Laughs]

Abigail: I'm just curious how this friendship came to be.

Claire: Why would you have to move out just because abigail came home?

Gwen: Because she, um... kind of walked in on chad comforting me.

Claire: "Comforting"?

Gwen: It was a hug, claire. Okay? Calm down.

Claire: Okay. Well, look, just because you would go ballistic if jake so much as looked at someone else, it really doesn't mean that she's gonna be the same way. Hey, she might be totally fine with you staying.

Gwen: I really hope so. The thought of moving out now is just...

[Sighs] Especially 'cause I'm-- I'm so hurt. It's not fun being dumped, you know?

Claire: No, it's not. It totally sucks. When tripp dumped me, my life went completely off the rails.

Gwen: Tripp? Is this that guy you told me about at bayview? Is this the one you were completely obsessed with, claire?

Claire: Yes, it is. I was paranoid and possessive and insanely jealous.

Gwen: Mm.

Claire: [Sighs] But I am not that person anymore, thank god.

Gwen: So you're saying that you are over tripp, or you're not?

Claire: More to the point, i am sure that he is way over me after all the stuff I pulled.

[Sighs] And I'm just so glad that he moved out of town while I was away, because he is the last person that I need to see right now.

Tripp: It's just the whole time I was away, I just kept thinking about salem, you know, missing you, missing kayla-- started to really feel like home to me, you know?

Steve: I'm glad it did. But, you know, california, man--

Tripp: Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong; it's great, but I never thought I was gonna get into that school, you know. They wait-listed me, as you know, and then when a spot just happened to open up and given what was going on at the time, a new beginning someplace far away was definitely the right move. At least, it seemed that way.

Steve: This because of haley?

Tripp: Yeah, it was mainly because of haley. I didn't wanna became a problem for her and jj.

Steve: Well, sadly, that's not an issue anymore.

Tripp: Yeah. Hearing haley was gone... it hit me hard. I mean, she was an amazing person.

Steve: Yeah. Kayla told me she loved working at university hospital. So you come back here, in a way, it would be like you carrying on her legacy.

Tripp: Yeah, I'd like to think of it that way. And it'd be like honoring her memory.

Steve: Yeah. So why didn't you just say that up front?

Tripp: I'm not sure kayla would be on board.

Kayla: Listen, I'm only a phone call away, all right?

Hope: Thanks. I'll keep you posted.

Kayla: I love you.

Hope: I love you too.

All: Bye.

Jennifer: All right. You good?

Hope: Yeah, I'm gonna get back to the search.

Jack: We got it.

Both: What?

Jack: The person vincent said he lost--we know who it is.

Shawn: We found an old application for a marriage license. Vincent had a fiancéE. Her name was wendy taylor.

Jennifer: Wendy taylor?

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Jennifer: Wait, wendy taylor was the midwife that delivered thomas when ben was holding abigail hostage in the cabin, the one who--

Hope: The one ben shot and killed. That's it. That's why vincent took my daughter.

[Tense music]

Vincent: Stupid girl.


Back off!

Steve: So why would kayla have a problem with you staying in salem? Didn't the two of you get really close when I was away?

Tripp: Yeah, we did. We did, but that doesn't mean that she wants me at the medical school affiliated with her hospital.

Steve: Why would you say that? She was the one who first suggested that you would make a good doctor, and that's why she invited you to shadow her at work.

Tripp: Dad, are you just conveniently forgetting about what I did? I took that incredibly generous opportunity and tried to ruin her career.

Steve: Tripp, you thought that she was responsible for your mother's death, and I know for a fact that kayla has moved past all of that, and she would love to have you around. But if you wanna get it from the source, talk to her at dinner.

Tripp: Okay. Okay, I will.

Steve: Let me tell you son, I would really love having you back home.

Claire: I don't wanna talk about tripp anymore.

Gwen: Okay. All right, fine. How about we order a fabulous bottle of champagne, and--wait. Hang on, hang on.

Claire: Okay.

Gwen: We're gonna make a toast to all those stupid losers out there that do not appreciate us. What do you say?

Claire: I am going to pass. Yeah, I just--I just really wanna get back and see if there's any news on ciara. But, hey, it was so good to see you, gwen, and I am around-- I'm around if you need me.

Gwen: Okay.

Claire: Okay? Okay.

Gwen: All right.

Claire: See ya.

Gwen: Bye.

[Scoffs] Guess I'm drinking alone.

Chad: You just got home, so why don't we focus on you and me? And it's really not that interesting.

Abigail: I'm just curious. I'm curious how you and gwen got to be friends.

Jennifer: Abigail!

Jack: Abigail?

Abigail: Hi!

Jennifer: What in the world?

Jack: Oh, my gosh.

Jennifer: Hi, baby!

Jack: Baby.

Abigail: How are you?

Jack: Better now. Oh, it's so wonderful to have you home! Oh, my gosh!

Jennifer: We got a call from your doctor down in florida.

Jack: Yes, what is this? You checked yourself out of the clinic?

Abigail: Yeah, I just wanna be home.

Jennifer: No, I want you here, but I just--wanna make sure that you're ready. I mean, your doctor advised against it, and--

Abigail: I know. I-- okay, I might not be all the way better, but I'm very, very close, and I'm just really happy to be home.

Chad: I was very surprised, but if it's her decision, then I have to respect it.

Abigail: I just missed my family, you know, and I really-- I know, and I hope that you believe me, that the best way for me to continue to recover is to be here with all of you. And I know I have just put you through a lot, especially this one, but he's with me on this, and I really hope that you will be too.

Jennifer: Abigail, we love you so much, and you know that we support you completely.

Jack: And we're thrilled that you're back home where you belong.

Abigail: I love you both so much!

Jennifer: Oh, I love you, baby; I'm so glad you're here.

Jack: Welcome home.

Jennifer: And I know you're probably exhausted, so we're gonna let you just get back to your guy, and we're here.

Jack: We'll just keep checking in.

Jennifer: Yes.

Jack: Just keep checking in.

Jennifer: Very often, we'll just keep checking in.

Jack: Don't mind us.

Abigail: [Sighs] I can't tell you how grateful i am that you're with me on this.

Chad: Now and forever...

Abigail: Mm-hmm.

Chad: I promise.

Abigail: Don't look now, but I think we're alone. Wait. Are we alone? Are gabi and jake out?


Chad: What, you don't know?

Abigail: Know what?

Chad: Gabi's gone. She left salem.

Abigail: Hmm.

Hope: [Sighs] Wendy taylor. That's it. That's where vincent may be holding ciara. Let's go.

Shawn: Come on, let's go.

Ciara: [Grunts] Oh, come on. Come on. Oh, thank god.

[Both grunting] Your mission:

Kayla: Hi.

Steve: Hey, baby. Here you go.

Kayla: Thank you.

Steve: So any word on ciara?

Kayla: No. I mean, hope is really trying to be strong, but my heart just breaks for her.

Steve: I know. I bet they're gonna get a break soon.

Kayla: I hope so. Where's tripp?

Steve: He had some errands to run.

Kayla: Right. Did he tell you how long he's gonna stay in town?

Steve: Well, I'll let him fill you in. He should be here any minute.

[Dramatic music]

Abigail: Well, I'm sorry to hear about gabi's mom but...not at all sorry that she's gone. How long will she be in mexico?

Chad: Indefinitely. And tell you what: I am not the least bit sorry. In fact, I am thrilled. Every time I would see her smug, self-satisfied face, it would just remind me of what she did to you and that she was the reason why you were having those hallucinations, that she is the one that put that drug in your champagne at julie's place.

Abigail: It's too bad we can't prove it. Gabi's been kicked to the curb and can't hurt us anymore.

Chad: I would say that deserves a toast.

Abigail: Indeed.

Chad: Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore. Gabi is gone, and the threat to you is over.

[Tense music]

Abigail: Gabi's been kicked to the curb and can't hurt us anymore.

Chad: I would say that deserves a toast.

Abigail: Indeed... with the finest champagne julie's got to offer. I'll go order it.

Chad: Okay, I'm gonna go-- I'll call home, check on the kids.

Gwen: [Sniffles]

Hope: Ciara? Ciara, where are you? Ciara!

Shawn: There's no one here.

Ciara: Where are you taking me?

Vincent: You'll see.

Ciara: Look, if you're just gonna shoot me, then why don't you go ahead and do it already?

Vincent: What? Why would I shoot you, wendy?

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