Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 9/4/20
Episode #13850 ~ Eli is upset to learn Lani is helping Kristen; Steve and Kayla are surprised by an intruder; Kristen and Brady argue about her coming to Salem; Gwen tries to play on Chad's sympathies.
Provided By Suzanne
Jake: Here's to you, my brother, the one and only stefan dimera.[Mimics gunshot] Oh, I should have known.
[Melancholy music]
Whoever said that the clothes make the man-- they're full of crap. Ba-ba-booey. Gabi would give me your fancy suit, and I thought I'd turn into you. Jacket and a pair of pants, and I'd be running your company. Hell, maybe even married your wife.
So stupid. Who am I to think I had a shot, huh? What do I know about trying to make a woman like gabi love me? Nothing. Nothing. She was just using me the whole damn time.
[Uneasy music]
Eli: The guy's name is vincent belman. Yeah. He's a known associate of eve donovan, and I believe that he has detective brady's daughter with him. Please. Any information will help. Okay. All right, well, look, I just got to the house, to give lani something, but I will get right back to it. I'll let her know. All right, bye.
[Cell phone beeps] Hey, babe. Got a surprise for you.
Lani: I have a surprise for you too.
Brady: Oh, god. I'm gonna sleep for a week. What the hell?
[Mysterious music]
Kristen: We really do need to stop meeting this way.
Brady: Kristen?
Kristen: Yes. Surprise!
Brady: What are you doing? What are you doing? All right, what are you doing?
Kristen: You have to ask, I must not be doing it right.
Brady: No, I mean, what are you doing? What are you doing here? What the hell are you thinking?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are "the days of our lives".
[Soft orchestration]
Jake: You love me in that tone of voice.
Gwen: Need some help?
Jake: No.
Gwen: I used to be rather good at getting you out of your clothes.
Jake: Well, gwen, I don't need help. Just tired. I thought I'd, you know, grab a nap.
Gwen: Wow, you are sloshed.
Jake: Mm. What are you doing here, gwen? I thought I told you to move out.
Gwen: I know, and then I ran into chad, and I told him about how you dumped me, and how I have no money, and I have nowhere to go, and he was kind enough to tell me that I can stay here for as long as I like.
Jake: [Laughs] You're good.
Gwen: Look at me. I'm dead serious, but you would have known that, if you'd have bothered to come home last night. Sorry, love. I'm not going anywhere.
[Tense chime music]
Kristen: I'm getting the feeling that you're not happy to see me.
Brady: We talked about this, okay? You can't show your face here in salem. You're risking getting arrested. You understand that?
Kristen: I know, but john is in bad shape, and I'm worried about you, brady.
Brady: He's in really bad shape. He's got a ruptured aneurysm, all right? It's no joke.
Kristen: So you saw him?
Brady: I saw him, but he barely recognized me, 'cause he's so heavily sedated right now.
Kristen: I am so sorry. I know that you were hoping for better news.
Brady: Thank you. No, no, no. Listen, you gotta-- I appreciate you wanting to be here for me, but you have to go.
Kristen: I won't leave this room. No.
Brady: No, you have to leave this room, because I-- room service could come. A maid could come in and recognize you. You could get turned in. You're a fugitive, honey. You're a fugitive, and rachel needs you. My god. Where is rachel, by the way?
Eli: My surprise was a blt with avocado from the pub. Mind explaining yours?
Lani: I'm babysitting.
Eli: Oh, okay then. Who are you babysitting for? Hey there, little cutie! Hey there. Yay. What's your name? What's your name?
Lani: Her name is rachel.
Eli: Oh, hey there, rachel. I like your doll.
[Melancholy music]
Please tell me this isn't the rachel that I think it is.
Lani: Depends on what you think.
Eli: What the hell, lani? What are you doing with kristen dimera's child? When migraine strikes,
Jake: Gwen, listen to me.
[Hiccups] You and me--we're through. You need to leave.
Gwen: Oh, really? Well, that's not what chad said to me. He said I can stay. Besides, I've gotten rather used to this place. It's a gorgeous room, don't you think? Butlers and maids. Oh, and that's right. I get the chance to make life absolutely miserable for you and your new girlfriend.
Jake: She's not my girlfriend.
Gwen: It's a little late to take things slow, don't you think? You've already got her in bed. You both didn't come home last night, or were you out celebrating?
Jake: Let me ask you something, gwen. Chad asked you to live here. What, so you can spy on me and gabi, right?
Gwen: That's not how he said it.
Jake: Well, what is it? For the pleasure of your company? You got it all wrong.
Gwen: You're not making any sense, jake.
Jake: I was alone last night.
Gwen: What, did gabi have a business meeting or something?
Jake: Wrong again. She left town.
Kate: You cannot possibly see jake as a threat.
Chad: Jake has collins on his side. Collins is a major client.
Kate: Okay. All right. Have you ever had dinner with collins? Because I have, and he eats like a caveman, which makes me think that he probably sees jake as a kindred spirit, right? I mean, I was not impressed.
Chad: Well, shin was.
Kate: Whatever. That's a fluke. It's a fluke, and gabi isn't here to coach jake anymore. And the amount of knowledge he has about running a multinational corporation could be contained in a gnat's navel.
Chad: All right, fine. You're right.
Kate: So gabi's gone, okay? I think you should really consider kicking jake out of the house, and evict that trashy, money-grubbing girlfriend while you're at it, before it's impossible to get the stink of her cheap perfume out of the furniture.
Chad: Well, legally, this is still gabi's house. I'm pretty sure she gave jake permission to stay.
Kate: Why?
Chad: I ran into gwen. She said that she and jake broke up.
Kate: Because of gabi?
Chad: I don't know. Could be.
Kate: Oh, whatever. Well, at least we can get rid of gwen.
Chad: I said she could stay.
Kate: Oh!
Chad: Well, I felt--
Kate: What?
Chad: I felt sorry for her.
Kate: Is that all you felt for her, chad?
Chad: Oh, come on.
Kate: Oh, come on what? I see the way you've looked at her, okay? Please tell me that you haven't developed a thing for that woman.
Brady: Kristen. Kristen, where is rachel? Where's my kid?
Kristen: She's with lani.
Brady: She's with lani?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: That means the cops probably already know you're here. She's with lani! Why would you--
Kristen: She's with lani. Lani's my best friend. She's not going to say anything, brady.
Brady: She's married to eli grant. He's no friend of yours.
Kristen: Okay, but she didn't say anything when I came to town for her wedding.
Brady: Yeah, but back then, you didn't give her our child to take care of. How is she gonna explain that to eli?
Kristen: She'll find a way.
Brady: She better get really creative, because if eli knows that you're here with me, we're both screwed.
[Soft synth music]
Lani: She is out like a light.
Eli: Is kristen still in salem?
Lani: Probably.
Eli: And you didn't turn her in?
Lani: She's my friend, eli.
Eli: She's wanted for attempted murder. Last time you helped her, you got suspended. If you do it again, you could lose your badge permanently.
Lani: Not unless somebody finds out.
Eli: Honey, we are cops 24/7, not just when it's convenient. Unbelievable.
Lani: What are you doing? Eli, what are you doing?
Eli: What do you think? I'm putting an apb out on kristen. You're not using too much are you hon?
Steve: My dear.
Kayla: Thank you very much. Well, let's see what you got there. I want to see the mail.
Steve: We got mail, mail, mail, and mail. Bills.
Kayla: Oh, you can keep the bills.
Steve: Uh-oh. Oh, whoa, whoa. What's this? It's a postcard from stephanie.
Kayla: Let me see.
Steve: From hawaii.
Kayla: Ooh, nice.
Steve: Check it out.
Kayla: Oh, oh, it looks like she's having so much fun.
Steve: Mm-hmm.
Kayla: I wish we were there with her.
Steve: I'm sure her new boyfriend would love that.
Kayla: No, I'm serious. I just feel like we don't see our kids enough.
Steve: It's kind of hard with tripp on the west coast and joe only having two visiting days per month.
Kayla: I know.
Steve: Hey, one of those days is next week. We can go see him together.
Kayla: I would really like that, and I know he would like that.
Steve: Yes he would, so why don't you go get changed, get a shower, and I'll figure out dinner over here?
Kayla: No, you were with john since early this morning, and you said you were dying for a hot shower, so you go first.
Steve: Well, could double up, baby.
Kayla: Well, I like that idea.
Steve: So do I.
Kayla: Lead the way.
Steve: Let's go.
Kayla: Okay. I'll lead the way.
Steve: You can do it.
Chad: I do not have a thing for gwen. It's ridiculous that you'd even think that.
Kate: Oh, my god. Well, when you said you were working closely together, I figured that that was a euphemism for fooling around.
Chad: She was spying on jake and gabi for me. It was strictly business.
Kate: Mm-hmm. 100% strictly business? A-ha!
Chad: It didn't mean anything.
Kate: What didn't mean anything? Oh, come on. Chad, you might as well tell me.
Chad: She kissed me.
Kate: I knew it.
Chad: It was to make jake jealous, and I made it very clear that abby is the only woman for me.
Kate: Oh, and did she buy that message?
Chad: She knows that I'm not interested in her. She's not interested in me. She's in love with jake.
Kate: Mm-hmm. Even though jake broke up with her.
Chad: From what I understand, that's business as usual. They break up, they get back together, and with gabi gone, I'm sure it's not gonna take very long.
Gwen: So where did gabi go? Kansas city, to talk to that collins person? I thought he only wanted to deal with you.
Jake: It wasn't business. Her mother got very sick. She left for mexico last night. Come on.
Gwen: Wow. Look at that. Looks like you're going to have to put your little blossoming relationship on hold, aren't you? Or at least until after her old lady croaks.
Jake: There's no relationship. Never will be.
Gwen: Jake, come on. You can't give up that easily, mate. Come on.
Jake: I didn't give up, all right? She told me that she loves stefan, and that I'd never take his place.
Gwen: She said that, did she? Because I was under the impression that she definitely moved on, onto you.
Jake: She made it very clear that what she wants is to take over dimera, and since I am technically a dimera... she was just using me the entire time.
> Gwen: Oh, no. Oh, jake. I'm sorry. That is just so, so unbelievably pathetic.
[Laughs] Oh, no! Aw.
Kristen: I am not worried about eli. Lani said that every cop in the area is on some big manhunt, and eli's working around the clock.
Brady: He's gonna come home sooner or later. He's gonna walk in the door. He's gonna see our little girl. He's gonna put two and two together, and he's gonna figure it out in five seconds. Baby, he's dying to turn you in, and he will.
Kristen: I just--I didn't have any other option. I needed someone to watch rachel so that I could talk to you about us staying here.
Brady: Why couldn't rachel be here for that? Come on.
Kristen: Because I knew that you might put up a fight, and I don't know. I figured that things might get a little heated, in more ways than one.
Brady: You are not gonna use sex right now to get what you want. Is that your plan right now? Really?
Kristen: Well, it usually works.
Brady: Come here. Come here. Give me your hand. Not this time. Look at me. I want you to get rachel, and I want you to leave town, and I need you to do it now.
Eli: Lani, give me my phone.
Lani: No. Not if you are gonna arrest kristen. She trusted me to keep this quiet.
Eli: Well, she shouldn't have involved you in her mess!
Lani: I am her only friend.
Eli: You're gonna be her only cellmate too. You ever heard of aiding and abetting? What kind of friend keeps putting you in a position to risk everything?
Lani: The kind of friend who risked everything to be with me on my wedding day.
Eli: What?
Lani: She wanted to tell me how happy she was for me, for us, eli. She even helped me get dressed.
Eli: You didn't tell me about that.
Lani: Because I knew that you would react just how you are acting right now.
Eli: So I guess if I wouldn't have come home unexpectedly, you wouldn't have told me about this either?
Lani: I am trying to keep you out of it, okay, for your sake.
Eli: I'm in it. I'm in it now.
Lani: Can you please just keep this quiet? Please just keep it between us.
Brady: Look at me. Turn around. Look at me. These two months that just went by--they've been the best. Traveling around with you and raising our little girl. Watching her grow and change. That is-- it's all I've ever wanted.
Kristen: Yeah. Me too. Well, I am sure marlena asked you a lot of questions about where you've been, and--
Brady: Oh, she and eric both, and I leveled with them.
Kristen: Oh?
Brady: Mm-hmm.
Kristen: I can only imagine what you said to them.
Brady: They're gonna keep their mouths shut, which is basically all I care about, because they know how much you mean to me, and my family means to me, and how much I want to be with you.
Kristen: Then stop pushing me away. Come on, please.
Brady: Kristen--
Kristen: No, listen to me. Let me help you, hmm? Please. Please.
Lani: Brady and kristen will probably only be here until brady's dad is better, so can't you just look the other way until they're gone? Think about rachel, okay? Look, if you--hey. If you arrest kristen, she will not have a mother.
[Tense music]
Eli: Okay.
Lani: Really?
Eli: Honey, I said okay.
Lani: Thank you.
Eli: I guess the department has got bigger problems than kristen anyway.
Lani: Still no sign of ciara?
Eli: Nope, and we don't have a police commissioner.
Lani: Well, what about rafe?
Eli: I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you. Rafe went to mexico to be with his mother. She's extremely sick. I mean, they don't even know if she's gonna make it.
Lani: I'm really sorry.
Eli: Me too.
Lani: I hope she pulls through.
Eli: Well, there is an upside to this.
Lani: Okay. What's the upside?
Eli: Gabi. She went with him.
Lani: Wait. Gabi's not in salem?
Eli: No.
Lani: Oh, my god!
[Both laugh joyfully]
[Tender music]
Kate: You know, I think I'm gonna miss gabi.
Chad: Not me.
Kate: Well, I mean it's not like we didn't have our share of disagreements, for sure, but I've always had a soft spot for her, you know?
Chad: Really? After everything she did to my wife? Making her think she lost her mind, and making me think the same thing?
Kate: Okay, okay. I mean, granted, she did go overboard with that.
Chad: Yeah, she did.
Kate: How is abby?
Chad: She's better. I mean, she's still not 100%. I just don't--I don't get it. You know, the--the drugs are out of her system, but she's still having these hallucinations. The doctor thinks that they might never go away.
Kate: That's terrible. I'm sorry.
Chad: I mean, at least she's learning how to manage them, and the meds are helping.
Kate: So when do you think she can come home?
Chad: Last time I was in florida, the doctor said that it could be a couple of months.
Kate: You miss her?
Chad: Yeah. It feels like a part of me is missing, and the kids--they miss her too.
Kate: Okay. Well, two months is not an eternity, and when she does get back, you are going to get right back to normal.
Chad: Yeah, normal. Whatever that is.
Kate: Yeah.
Jake: It's not funny.
Gwen: [Laughing] I beg to differ. I mean, you dumped me for that stupid bitch, and then you have sex once, and then she just stomps all over your tiny, little heart. I mean bless you. It's just a bloody riot.
Jake: You need to get out. Now.
Gwen: No. See, your misery is just really making my day right now. You have no idea. I mean, don't you think you just deserve it a little bit, though, jake? Don't you know I'm head-over-heels bloody in love with you, you idiot?
Jake: I didn't want to hurt you.
Gwen: Yeah, well, you did, didn't you? Even though I tried to warn you about gabi.
Jake: I know.
Gwen: All right then. Go on.
Jake: Go on what?
Gwen: Go on, grovel. Beg. Beg for my forgiveness. If you try hard enough, I might actually just take you back.
Jake: Gwen.
Gwen: Yes?
Jake: You don't get it, do you? Gabi, no gabi... we're never getting back together. Back off!
Brady: I'm just trying to do what's best for you.
Kristen: Yeah, well, what's best for me is to be here with you.
Brady: I'm gonna be spending days at the hospital. I mean, kayla said that my father could be-- he could be asleep for weeks. Months. He might not even wake up for months, so what am I supposed to do with you? I mean, you're gonna be here in a hotel room cooped up with a toddler. It's not a great idea.
Kristen: Brady, it's okay. It's okay, and if I get too squirrely, I can always, you know, dig out my old nicole mask.
Brady: Don'T. Why are you joking about that? Don'T.
Kristen: I'm sorry.
Brady: I don't want you to joke about that right now, because you're with me because you're a changed woman, right? And you told me that raising rachel had changed you, and that everything is different now--
Kristen: Brady, it has. It has changed me, and that is why I'm here right now with you. Please.
Brady: Well, I am stressed.
Kristen: I know you are.
Brady: I'm stressed out, and the jokes about nicole, and the mask, and everything-- it's not working for me right now, okay? Stressed out.
Kristen: I got it. I got it, and you know what?
Brady: Yeah.
Kristen: I promise it won't happen again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Brady: I accept your apology. Thank you.
Kristen: Okay.
Brady: Thank you.
Kristen: So why don't you...
Brady: What are you doing?
Kristen: Take off your shirt, and hop on the bed...
Brady: I'm not doing it.
Kristen: And I will give you one of my famous massages, hmm?
Brady: That's a bad idea. It's not a good idea.
Kristen: It's a good idea.
Brady: It's a bad idea.
Kristen: You said you were stressed out, brady. Come on.
Brady: It's a bad idea.
Kristen: It's a great idea.
Brady: I don't want to do it. I'm not doing it.
Kristen: You're doing it. Come on.
Brady: Not doing it. I'm just... can't believe I'm doing this. Okay.
Kristen: Honey, you're stressed. You just need--
Brady: Just go--
Kristen: Easy? No. Take a deep breath.
Brady: Oh, that's good.
Kristen: Yeah, I know. You're knotted.
Brady: It's really good. Oh, god.
Kristen: You are so knotted. See? Aren't you glad I came?
Brady: I'm very glad you came, actually.
Kristen: I know.
Brady: Oh, don't do that. Don't do that.
Kristen: Mmm.
Brady: This was your plan, wasn't it?
Kristen: Mm-hmm.
Brady: You use your talents on me, get your way.
Kristen: Pretty much.
Brady: You win.
Kayla: Well, that was sure a nice way to get clean.
Steve: Oh, it sure was.
Kayla: I can't help but feeling kind of guilty, though, you know? I mean, so many people we love are going through so much.
Steve: Yeah, but we've been through a lot, too, and I think we deserve this happiness. And I don't think anyone who loves us would disagree with that.
Kayla: No. You're right, and I am happy that we have this time alone when we can just shut out the world and just reconnect. Just the two of us.
[Tender music]
[Suspenseful music]
Gwen: How many times have you and I gone through this? And how many times do you come crawling back to me?
Jake: This is different.
Gwen: No way. It's not different. Some stupid slut wiggles her hips in front of you. You go panting off to her. Things don't work out, and then you come crying after me. And like a fool, I take back your cheating, bloody arse. That is us, jake. That is us. That is our dance.
Jake: Okay, first of all, I never cheated on you, all right? Except for this time, okay, but you--you just think about it, and you talk about it, because you're like-- you're paranoid. And secondly, all this breaking up and making up--it's not healthy. It's wearing me out, and it has to end.
Gwen: Okay, so fine then. It's ended. It's ended. I didn't even want to get back together with you anyway. I just know how much you hate being alone, and I wanted to see you beg, jake.
Jake: Well, you'd be waiting a long time.
Gwen: No. I'm not doing that anymore. I mean it. That's the last time. I want to be with somebody who appreciates me, not some stupid loser.
Jake: What? Like chad?
Gwen: Yeah, actually. Chad. Maybe.
Jake: I thought you two were just pretending.
Gwen: Did you? You know, when we kissed, I think he liked it.
Jake: I don't care, because the dude is way too rich and way too married to get mixed up with somebody like you.
Gwen: He's not that married. His wife's been in hospital for months, and you know what? I know how lonely he is, and I know what he's missing, and I know exactly how to give it to him.
[Uneasy music]
Chad: Did you hear the good news? Gabi's out of the country for a while.
Gwen: Jake just told me.
Chad: So I guess that means gabi and jake aren't gonna get together after all.
Gwen: Maybe.
Chad: I figured you'd be happier.
Gwen: Yeah, well, normally I would. Jake just made it real that he doesn't want to be with me anymore... gabi or no gabi.
Chad: I'm sorry. I know you loved him.
Gwen: Yeah. I wish I could say that that wasn't true, but really, just--I'm so heartbroken. I'm so heartbroken.
[Disquieting music]
Kayla: Hey.
Steve: I don't see why we can't just stay in bed.
Kayla: Because there is no food in the house. I have been too busy to shop or cook, and we would die of starvation.
Steve: I'll tell you what. Why don't we order some takeout?
Kayla: Mm-hmm.
Steve: And while we're waiting for it to get here...
Kayla: Yeah?
Steve: We can--you know.
Kayla: No, I don't know.
Steve: Oh, no?
Kayla: I like the way you think.
[Glass shattering] Did you hear that?
Steve: I did.
Kayla: Is there somebody here?
Steve: Shh. Be right back.
Kayla: No, no, no! Just try to be careful.
Steve: Shh.
Kayla: Be careful!
Steve: Stay here.
[Suspenseful music]
Did you know the source of odor in your home...
Kristen: I guess I'm staying.
Brady: I never said I don't love having you with me. I never said it.
Kristen: Uh-uh?
Brady: No.
Kristen: I won't do anything stupid, I promise.
Brady: Well, you're gonna have to keep me sane, because my family drama is intense lately.
Kristen: Not just john?
Brady: No. It's sami. She's in high gear.
Kristen: Well, it's not news.
Brady: Exactly. Hey, thank you for wanting to be here. I love that. I just pray to god that nobody finds out.
Kristen: They won'T. I promise.
Lani: Oh, she is such a little angel.
Eli: Well, think about doing that times two.
Lani: And there's two of us. We can have a little man-to-man defense.
Eli: All right. Look, I better get back to the station. Still no lead on ciara.
Lani: Keep me posted.
Eli: I will. Hey, and eat your sandwich please.
Lani: You are too good to me.
[Rachel fusses] Oh. Hey, I'm really sorry for not telling you about kristen.
Eli: Don't worry about it.
Lani: Babe, you're not gonna say anything to anyone, right?
Eli: Not a word.
Lani: Rachel, I am one lucky woman.
[Tender music]
[Dramatic music]
Steve: Son of a bitch. What are you doing in my house?
Tripp: Dad, stop. It's me!
Steve: Tripp?
Jake: So much for unconditional love.
Kate: Why are you throwing things?
Jake: Because it was empty.
Kate: Oh, no. No. There's a bar downstairs. Get your own.
Jake: "Get your own." Oh, man.
Gwen: Oh, I'm sorry.
Chad: It's fine. It's fine.
Gwen: Sorry, really. Oh, god. Dumb gwen. It's just, I really, really loved the bum, you know?
Chad: It's his loss. Honestly, you're better off without him.
Gwen: Really? You really think so?
Chad: Yeah.
Gwen: Thank you for being so nice to me.
[Uneasy music]
Abigail: [Clears throat] Hi, honey.
Chad: Abby.
Abigail: I'm home.
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