Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 9/3/20
Episode #13849 ~ Ben recalls a key piece of information; Vincent makes a shocking confession to Ciara; Belle and Sami have a huge showdown; Kristen returns to Salem.
Provided By Suzanne
Belle: At least that psycho's locked up in the loony bin where she can't hurt anyone ever again.Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Jan: Poor belle. As usual, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's been forever.
Belle: Yeah, it doesn't seem that long to me.
Jan: Did you kids miss me?
Shawn: Now, how the hell did you get out of shady pines, jan, huh? Belle, will you call some backup for me, please?
Jan: Yo, belle, calling the police isn't going to get you anywhere.
Shawn: Don't listen to her, okay?
Jan: Try listening to my doctors at shady pines. I didn't break out of there. I was released.
[Dramatic music]
[Unsettling music]
Vincent: What the hell are you waiting for?
[Door bangs] Do it! Kill her now!
Ben: I remember. I remember everything.
Marlena: Okay, ben. Tell me what you remember.
Ben: It's vincent. Vincent, he's the guy working with eve. He was in the dorm room with ciara. He was with me.
Vincent: Do it! Finish her off!
Ben: He told me to kill ciara.
Ciara: [Groans] What happened?
[Sighs] Where am I?
Vincent: You've had a nice long nap.
Ciara: I gotta get out of here.
Vincent: I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere for a while.
Ciara: How did I get here? What did you do to me?
Vincent: You really don't remember?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
[Soft music]
Brady: All right. We both know that I haven't been in a church in a while, so... but my dad, he'S... you know he's devout. He's--he's a good man. He's probably the best man that I know, so... he's very sick. So my hope is that if there's anything you can do for him...
[Sighs] Will you just do it? Please.
Eric: Oh.
Brady: Hey, man.
Eric: Brady. Hey, when'd you get back?
Brady: I-I--just a little while ago after I heard about my dad.
Eric: Does my mom know you're here?
Brady: Yeah, I checked in.
Eric: Is there any change?
Brady: No, eric, he's so sedated right now. They're keeping him that way as his--as his brain supposedly heals, but I don't think there's a lot of that going on right now.
Eric: Well, kayla, she brought in some specialists that are the best.
Brady: Yeah.
Eric: They're gonna get him through this. Hey, he's gonna be okay.
Brady: Yeah, he's-- I-I believe he's gonna be all right. How are you? I mean, are you okay?
Eric: Actually, no.
Brady: What happened?
Eric: A word: Sami.
[Door clicks open]
Sami: Hey. How's the baby? Is he sleeping?
Lucas: Yeah, yeah, he's still sleeping. He's been sleeping the whole time. I was hoping I'd get a chance to get to know him, but not today.
Sami: Well, I guess that means he'll be up all night.
Lucas: Yeah, he's got his days and his nights turned around.
Sami: [Chuckles] Right. But he is a really cute little guy. He reminds me of allie when she was little. Thank you so much for watching him while I was at court.
Lucas: You seem pretty chipper for being sleep deprived. You all right?
Sami: Yes, I am chipper. I'm damn chipper.
Lucas: Does that mean you got custody?
Sami: [Inhales sharply] The judge recessed for the day. She said she will make her ruling from the bench tomorrow.
Lucas: Well, that probably means she's already made her decision and she needs time to think about it.
Sami: It's gonna be me.
Lucas: How do you know?
Sami: Because I never go into battle without a secret weapon.
Shawn: Why the hell would shady pines cut you loose?
Belle: You just kidnapped shawn and tried to blow up dot com café.
Jan: I understand this is a lot for you to process. But if you'll look in my purse, you'll find a document that explains everything.
Shawn: No, she's setting us up.
Jan: I'd do it myself, but I'm sort of incapacitated.
[Dramatic music]
Shawn: It says that she's legally sane. What, did you download this off the dark web?
Jan: Show it to her.
Belle: Well, I know this judge. It has his seal on it.
Shawn: So it's real?
Jan: Told you. I'm free and clear. So if you wouldn't mind taking your paws off me?
Belle: So they let you out and then you just come directly here?
Jan: No, of course not. Running into you was just a happy accident. Part of my outpatient care is seeing a therapist. And I was hoping your mother was available.
Belle: [Laughs] My mother?
Jan: She was always such a wonderful, caring doctor.
Marlena: You remember vincent telling you to kill ciara?
Ben: I said I couldn't do it. I would never do that.
[Unsettling music]
There's nothing you're ever gonna say to make me hurt her.
Vincent: That's where you're wrong. You no longer have any free will. You're mine now. You have no choice but to do whatever I say.
Ciara: You were there. You were in that dorm room.
Vincent: Oh, yes, I was there. I had to intervene. You and ben were just delaying the inevitable.
Ciara: Oh, my god, I know you. You work for eve donovan.
Vincent: I'm not just the hired help. It was my genius that turned your husband into this blubbering mess. Ben... let's not waste time, shall we? Do what you came here to do.
Ciara: No. No, ben, don't you listen to him. You are stronger than he is. We are stronger than he is, okay? We can beat him together.
Vincent: Sadly, it's not me you need to beat. Now that your husband is under my power of suggestion, he's a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. And that time is now.
Ciara: No, ben, don't listen to him. Don't you listen to him. You have to fight this.
I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Belle: My mother would never consider treating you.
Jan: She didn't have a problem with it back in the day.
Belle: Because you were pretending that you had changed into a decent person. What you were really trying to do was break up shawn and me. She knew your therapy was a con, just like the one you're pulling at shady pines right now.
Jan: I haven't conned anyone. You saw that piece of paper. You said it was legit. Can I have it back, by the way?
Belle: This paper might be legit, but the reasons behind it definitely aren'T. I mean, why would they ever let you out of that place?
Jan: Most of the credit goes to your big sister sami.
Lucas: Jan spears is your secret weapon?
Sami: I needed a backup witness.
Lucas: Why?
Sami: Well, I had victor testify to that time that nicole talked jan into, you know, dropping the radio in victor's bathtub, but I was worried that the judge would say that that was hearsay. It's, you know, a legal term.
Lucas: Yeah, yeah, I know. You broke jan spears out of the loony bin so she could provide corroborating evidence?
Sami: I did not break anyone out of anywhere, okay? Jan was deemed totally sane by the doctors at shady pines.
Lucas: And where did those doctors go to med school, someplace you read about on the side of a bus?
Sami: [Laughs] She was a terrific witness.
Lucas: I'll bet she was. You did this, didn't you? You fixed it so she'd get out.
Sami: Well, it worked. She helped me prove that eric's wife is not a fit parent.
Eric: Sami threw everything she had at nicole. She covered the sydney switch, putting jan spears up to killing victor. She even talked about the deimos murder.
Brady: How could sami even know about that?
Eric: Well, she didn'T... till I told her.
Brady: You--
Eric: Listen, I believed that nicole died in that explosion. And I told her the only reason that she died is because xander kept her prisoner, and she asked how. Brady, I couldn't think of any reason why not to tell her the truth.
Brady: Did you also explain to her the person who was at the bottom of that whole thing, hmm?
Eric: No.
Brady: Me? Oh, come on.
Eric: Brady, no, I didn'T.
Brady: Come on, brother. Look, if I hadn't made that recording of nicole confessing to deimos' murder, xander would've never gotten his hands on it, right? And then you and nicole would've probably been happy all those years, right?
Marlena: Keep breathing, ben.
Ben: [Breathing deeply]
Marlena: Good. What happened next?
Ben: I went after vincent. I wanted to kill him.
[Both grunting]
[Unsettling music]
Vincent: Do you see? You are still...a killer.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, ben? Oh, my god.
Ben: Ciara.
Ciara: Oh, my god, ben. Ben. Ben.
Marlena: Ben, are you still with me?
Ben: Yeah.
Marlena: Tell me what happened next.
Ben: I don't know. He knocked me out. He knocked me out.
Ciara: You, uh-- you gave ben some kind of shot. And then he passed out.
Vincent: What choice did I have? The man was attacking me.
Ciara: Ben. Ben, can you hear me? What did you give him?
Vincent: Relax, it's just a fast-acting sedative.
Ciara: Fast-acting sedative? What, the kind that they shoot at charging rhinos?
Vincent: He'll come out of it any moment now.
Ciara: And then what?
[Scoffs] You're gonna try to make him kill me again? You saw for yourself, dude. He won't do it!
Vincent: I have to admit, I didn't see that coming. With the amount of conditioning I gave him, he should've been my puppet.
Ciara: Maybe you can see now that you're just wasting your time. Because he is a kind, caring, amazing man, and you can condition him for a thousand years, and nothing will ever make him hurt me, okay?
Vincent: Maybe you're right. I suppose we'll just have to move on to plan B.
Ciara: No.
[Screams] What's plan b? (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?
Ciara: I asked you a question. What the hell did you do to me?
Vincent: Don't worry, dear. I gave you the same sedative as your husband... only a stronger dose. Then I stashed you in the trunk of my car and brought you here. Until you woke a few minutes ago, you'd been sleeping unmolested.
Ciara: Okay, so... so what happens now? Why the hell did you bring me here?
Marlena: You're doing great.
Ben: [Exhales deeply]
Marlena: I'm gonna count you out. I'll count to three. When I get to three, you'll be wide awake, relaxed. You will remember everything we've talked about. Good. One... two... three. Open your eyes.
Ben: It was vincent. It was vincent belman. He was in the room the entire time. He was in the dorm. I didn't remember it until now, but he's gotta have ciara. He's gotta have her.
Marlena: Go.
Hope: Oh, my god, thank you. I'm gonna check on the apb on vincent.
Ben: Oh, my god. Oh, god.
[Exhales sharply]
Marlena: You must be a little thirsty by now.
Ben: Oh, my god.
Marlena: How do you feel?
Ben: [Sighs] I'm scared to death for ciara. But I know I didn't hurt her. I didn't kill her. I didn't do it.
Marlena: You're stronger than you think you are.
Ben: If I am, that's because of you. Again... thank you so much. Thank you.
Marlena: The only thanks I want is getting ciara home safe and sound.
Ben: [Sighs]
Brady: You lost a lot of time with nicole, and it was because of me, and you know it.
Eric: Brady, we're together now. Look, she's my wife.
Brady: [Laughing] Yeah. I'm really glad that you two found your way back to one another. I really am, and I-I'm sorry I missed the wedding.
Eric: Yeah, we missed you too. I mean, you took off so suddenly. By the way, where were you?
Brady: [Sighs]
Sami: Hey. Is he still sleeping?
Lucas: Yes, he is. I had to shut the door. I didn't want him to hear what his grammy was doing, how she was trying to hold on to him.
Sami: Okay, okay, don't be so melodramatic.
Lucas: Don't be so nonchalant about this. You don't think it's a little bit over the top freeing a woman from a mental institution?
Sami: Okay, you weren't there. You didn't see how badly I was losing that case. Justin was knocking down everything that I put up! Ugh, and nicole was just sitting there with that smug look on her face. You should've seen her mouth drop when I announced that victor was my next witness. But the judge wouldn't accept his testimony without evidence to back it up, so what was I supposed to do?
Lucas: I cannot believe you set jan spears loose on the poor, unexpecting world.
Sami: But you should've seen nicole's face when I said she was there. Oh, she was livid.
Lucas: I'll bet she was. I'll bet, but I know someone who's gonna be even more livid.
Belle: So sami got you out of there?
Jan: I have worked very hard on my recovery. You know how frustrating a bureaucracy can be. Sami was kind enough to use her money and power to cut through the red tape.
Shawn: Why would she do that?
Jan: For her court case. I was her star witness.
Belle: Are you kidding me?
Jan: No. Sami needed someone who had firsthand knowledge about why nicole shouldn't be trusted with a child. I was happy to provide that.
Shawn: Wait a sec. You expect us to believe that sami greased a judge to get you out on the streets just to help her custody case?
Belle: Oh, I believe it. When sami's back's against the wall, she doesn't care who she hurts-- even her own sister.
Jan: I'd love to stay and chat, but, uh, I really do need to see about that therapist. You're sure your mother's not available?
Belle: I am dead sure.
Jan: Well... I'll just have to find someone else. Toodles.
Belle: [Sighs] You know... why don't you and claire, um-- I don't know--go up to new england for foliage season or something?
Shawn: Why would we do that?
Belle: Because I really don't want you two there when I kill sami. Did you know that feeling sluggish or weighed down
Belle: Oh, there's mom.
Shawn: Hey, marlena, did you--did you talk to ben? Did you get anything out of him?
Marlena: I did. Under hypnosis, he remembered everything that happened at the dorm.
Shawn: Oh, my god.
Marlena: He didn't kill ciara.
Belle: [Sighs] So you believe him, though?
Marlena: I do.
Shawn: Okay, then where is she?
Marlena: We don't know.
Ben: Have they found her?
Hope: Not yet. They're searching the surrounding areas.
Ben: Hope, they're not gonna find him that way. Vincent's not stupid! The guy knows how to move around without attracting attention to himself. He's a genius at getting people to do what he wants!
Hope: If vincent was only in it for the money, only acting on eve's orders, then wouldn't he just take off and disappear? Why did he go to the dorms? Why did he take ciara?
Ben: Maybe he doesn't know that eve's locked up.
Hope: No, no. We made a statement to the press. Vincent had to have seen it.
Ben: Then maybe he's trying to keep his ass out of prison and he's using ciara as a bargaining chip.
Hope: Then why hasn't he made contact?
Ciara: Okay, look, you don't have to do this. Okay, you don't have to do this. My grandfather is totally loaded and he's not exactly the law-abiding type, okay? So whatever eve is paying you, he's gonna double it. Yeah, he's gonna triple it. He's gonna quadruple it, man-- whatever you want.
Vincent: This has nothing to do with money or with eve.
Ciara: What are you talking about? This entire idea was eve's plan.
Vincent: It's true that eve wanted ben to feel the same pain she felt after he strangled her daughter to death. But unfortunately, she didn't have the stomach to follow through on that plan.
Ciara: What does that mean?
Vincent: Eve's been arrested. She's in custody now. When the police questioned her, she folded like a house of cards. And then she sang like she was on a broadway stage. Apparently, your mother convinced her that you're nothing but an innocent victim. So eve decided she doesn't want to use you to punish ben.
Ciara: Okay, well, if that's true, then... why did you bring me here? Why won't you let me leave?
Vincent: I took this assignment because I have my own reasons for hating ben weston.
Lucas: You really didn't think about how belle was gonna react when you freed jan from a mental institution?
Sami: Come on, what happened between belle and jan was years ago. They were kids.
Lucas: No, no, no, it wasn't years ago. Jan just kidnapped shawn a couple months ago, and she tried to blow up belle and all of her friends. You didn't know that? What, did you forget?
Sami: Okay, okay.
Lucas: Seriously, how are you gonna explain this to belle?
Sami: I'm not gonna have to explain anything, okay? She's a lawyer. She knows that sometimes lawyers have to pull dirty tricks sometimes. I bet she's gonna be proud of me.
Lucas: I'll bet not. I think you're living in sami's world right now and it's just a matter of time before the real world comes crashing down on you.
Sami: Oh, come on.
Belle: [Scoffs] What the hell were you thinking?
Lucas: What, am I psychic? I rest my case. You're strong.
Eric: So all this time, you've been with kristen?
Brady: And my daughter, yeah.
Eric: I thought you had no idea where they were.
Brady: Kristen snuck back into town to see lani on her wedding day. While she was trying to leave, I...I ran into her. And I saw her again, eric, and I couldn't let her go. I-I couldn't deal with not knowing where she and rachel were.
Eric: And I don't suppose you're gonna tell me where they are now.
Brady: You know I can't risk her getting caught and going to prison.
Eric: Yeah, but she still stabbed victor.
Brady: We know why she stabbed victor, okay? 'Cause victor was responsible for leading her to believe that rachel was dead in the first place--no.
Eric: Brady--
Brady: I mean, she was out of her--
Eric: I know, but still--
Brady: Kristen and rachel, they're good. They're good, man. They need each other, and they're finally safe.
Eric: [Sighs] How is she doing? Rachel.
Brady: She's beautiful. She's beautiful, and she's changing every day.
Eric: [Chuckles] No reoccurrence of cancer?
Brady: No, none. She's clean. We get her--we get her checked all the time.
Eric: That's good. That's real good.
Brady: Hey, I... I know it's hard for you. It must be really tough to-- to think of kristen with rachel, but they're great together, man. They're--they're beautiful together. They love each other. Kristen takes such good care of her.
Eric: Well, she always had a protective streak.
Brady: [Laughs]
Eric: I'm just glad to see that she's using it for a good cause.
Brady: Look, I don't expect you to understand... let alone make peace with some of the decisions that I've made.
Eric: Have you made peace with it?
Brady: What do you mean?
Eric: Kristen's on the run. She'll always be on the run. Brady, how do you see the three of you having a future?
Ben: Could he may have left a note or something in the dorm room?
Hope: No, no, no, forensics has been all over that room. They would've found it.
Ben: You're right.
Hope: All right, I think our next step is to nail down whether vincent thinks he's still acting on eve's orders.
Ben: Then you have to talk to eve.
Hope: She's in a holding cell. I'll have her brought in. Hang tight.
Ben: Like I have a choice.
[Dramatic music]
Vincent: Eve and I had a lot in common... more than she knew. I let her think that I was only interested in helping her "brainwash" ben for scientific reasons. The truth was, I wanted revenge on him as much as she did.
Ciara: Why?
Vincent: Have you ever seen crime scene photographs, ciara?
Ciara: No. My parents never let me see them.
Vincent: They did you a favor. I've seen the crime scene photograph of one of your husband's victims. I'll never be able to forget it.
Ciara: Why did you see it? Were you--were you a cop or something?
Vincent: No. I was a man in love.
Ciara: With the woman in the picture?
Vincent: Right.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Serena mason?
Vincent: No. Her name was wendy. Wendy taylor. I was planning to spend the rest of my life with her.
Shawn: So nobody in that dormitory saw ciara get taken out against her will?
Marlena: Not that we know of.
Shawn: I gotta go to the police station.
Marlena: Okay. I'm gonna check on john. Uh, where's belle? Is she in with john?
Shawn: She went to go see sami.
Marlena: Oh! I thought they weren't speaking. Did they patch things up?
Shawn: Not exactly.
Sami: Okay, so, um, let's just be adults about this, shall we?
Lucas: She didn't mean that.
Belle: Adults? Jan spears, sami? Jan freaking spears? She kidnapped shawn! She almost killed me and all of my friends! And you brought her here and unleashed her on me?
Sami: I didn't unleash her on you, okay? I wasn't even thinking about you.
Lucas: That much is clear.
Sami: Would you just please stop, okay? Belle, look, all right? I had to bring jan in. I was losing the case. If you'll recall, I-- my lawyer quit on me.
Belle: Yes, because you almost killed my father!
Sami: No, I didn'T. Mom said that was not my fault. Maybe it's a good thing you weren't my lawyer. You would've botched the case.
Belle: Oh, god. How am I gonna get this through your head, sami? You don't have a case!
Sami: I don't have a case? I didn't even go to college and I'm a better lawyer than you are. Ooh. Ah. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Brady: Honestly, I-I don't know what kind of future I have with kristen and my baby. All I know is that my place is here. You know, it's in salem, and... kristen can't be here.
Eric: I'm sorry.
Brady: Me too. Listen, I'M... I'm pretty beat from the trip, so I'm gonna probably go to the salem inn and-- I don't know--sleep for a couple years or something.
Eric: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, it's a good idea. With any luck, by the time you get back, there's gonna be some good news about john.
[Soft dramatic music]
Belle: I'm sorry. I lost it. I-I shouldn't have done that.
Sami: It's okay, belle. I shouldn't have insulted you.
Belle: What, you think that I'm upset because you insulted me? No, sami. It's because yet again, you went after what you wanted at the expense of everyone else.
Sami: Oh, my god, belle, I don't understand why this is wrong. I want to be the one to raise my daughter's baby. Okay? And look, maybe I did grease the wheels at shady pines, but I hate to break this to you, but jan spears was gonna be released. She's recovered.
Belle: She is psychotic!
Sami: Well, apparently, people can come back from that. I mean, look at claire.
Lucas: Uh, don't--
Sami: Oh.
Lucas: Don't go there.
Sami: Sorry. Look, uh, anyway, I apologize. Uh, I just didn't think it was that outrageous an idea, and for what it's worth, I'm--I'm sorry, belle.
Belle: That right there. You're always so good at saying you're sorry after you get what you want. I mean, did you really not think about how this would affect me? My father is in critical condition. Shawn's sister is missing. And now, thanks to you, there is a crazy person on the loose who is obsessed with shawn and me. How could you?
Marlena: [Scoffs] Jan spears is in salem?
Shawn: Sami got her released from shady pines.
Marlena: She should not be walking around free. What is the matter with that place?
Shawn: What is the matter with sami?
Marlena: Oh, well, here we-- oh, my god.
Jan: Dr. Evans! How lovely to see you. Did shawn mention that I'm looking for a therapist?
Marlena: I'm not looking for patients. Will you be all right here?
Shawn: Yeah, I'll be fine.
Jan: So... it's just the two of us.
Ben: Where's eve?
Hope: She's at her arraignment.
Ben: You can't bring her back up here?
Hope: She's in front of the judge right now.
Ben: Who gives a damn, hope? Ciara's life is in danger right now!
Hope: She's my daughter! Don't you think I know that?
Ben: I'm sorry.
[Both sigh]
Hope: She'll be brought back here as soon as her hearing ends.
Ben: This is unbelievable right now. Ciara's out there with some maniac and we don't even know where the hell they are!
Hope: I am just as worried and concerned as you are, ben. But us at each other's throats is not gonna bring us any closer to finding ciara.
Ben: I know you're doing everything you can to find her.
[Sighs] I just--I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do if I lose her.
[Tense music]
Ciara: Wendy. Wendy taylor. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, she must've been the midwife--
Vincent: Who was forced by your beloved to deliver abigail deveraux's premature infant at gunpoint. And after she did that, your darling husband escorted her outside the cabin and shot her at point-blank range.
Ciara: [Sniffles] I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I forgot about her.
Vincent: Of course you did. All of the news coverage on the necktie killer stressed his connection to his victims. Serena mason turned down his advances at a bar. Paige larson got in his way. Will horton figured out who he was. But my wendy didn't fit that nice neat pattern, so she was seldom mentioned. She was just a gentle soul who only wanted to help other women and bring life into this world. But your beloved husband disposed of her like she was so much trash. And you've been helping him get away with it. How in god's name do you live with yourself? Your mission:
[Soft dramatic music]
Marlena: How are you holding up? I heard what your sister pulled in court today.
Belle: I have to get to the hospital.
Sami: Uh, okay, belle, tell mom I love her and... and I'm praying for your dad.
Belle: Wow. You--you really do always get what you want, don't you? And you don't care what it costs.
[Door slams]
Lucas: Hoo!
Sami: She's gonna get over it.
Lucas: Ha, you think?
Shawn: Listen, I don't have time for your crap, jan. I need to get to the police station.
Jan: Oh, right. Your sister's missing. It's all over the news. I want you to know I'm praying for ciara. I can't imagine what it's like to have a lunatic after you.
Shawn: Well, I have a pretty good idea.
Jan: See you around.
Hope: Thanks for letting me know. Eve's arraignment just ended. She's on her way back here. If vincent is using ciara as a bargaining chip, we'll know soon. You okay?
Ben: I just wish I remembered everything sooner. I wasted all this time thinking I did something awful to ciara. Meanwhile vincent had her. I was on the receiving end of everything he does.
I'm sorry.
Hope: The important thing is that you did remember and now we know who has ciara.
Ciara: I'm so sorry for what happened to wendy.
Vincent: Something didn't "happen" to wendy. She didn't fall out of a window or get hit by a car. She was murdered in cold blood by your devoted husband!
Ciara: What are you gonna do to me?
Vincent: Your ben took away the love of my life. Now I'm gonna return the favor.
Brady: I'm gonna sleep for a week. What the hell is--
Kristen: We really do have to stop meeting this way.
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