Days Transcript Wednesday 9/2/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 9/2/20


Episode #13848 ~ Marlena helps Ben get answers; Ciara's fate is revealed; Nicole takes a major hit in court; Shawn and Belle are confronted by an old foe.

Provided By Suzanne

[Soft dramatic music]

Belle: Mom.

Marlena: Oh!

Belle: Hi.

Marlena: Hi, darling.

Belle: Hi. How's dad?

Marlena: No change. Um, brady's in with him right now.

Belle: Oh, brady's here? I didn't know he was back.

Marlena: Well, yeah, I was kind of surprised myself. But I'm so glad he's here, and I think it'll do your dad a lot of good.

Belle: Yeah. I'm sorry I haven't been here more.

Marlena: Please don't apologize for that. With shawn's sister missing, you need to be with him.

Hope: Where are you, ciara?

[Sighs] Come on, eli. Answer my texts. Tell me you found my daughter.

Claire: Grandma, is there any news on ciara?

Hope: No, nothing yet.

Claire: Oh, god. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Hope: Eli's leading the search. I-I'm sure we're gonna find something. We're gonna find her.

Claire: Yeah, of course. Um, what's going on with ben?

Hope: Your dad's in there right now, trying to get answers out of him.

Shawn: You need to go over everything that happened in paige's dorm room.

Ben: I have!

Shawn: Look, again! And try harder!

Ben: I told you and your mom everything. I already did.

Shawn: And ciara is still missing, so again and again until you remember what it is that you did to my sister! Now, what is the last thing that you remember saying to her?

Ben: That I loved her and that I was sorry but I didn't have a choice. But, shawn, I swear to you, I don't remember hurting her! I would never do that! I love her! She is my life!

Shawn: If you love her so much, then you need to start remembering what happened to her!

Duncan: I'm ready to render my decision. Mrs. Dimera, you presented some incredible information, information that could have affected my decision, had it been substantiated. The fact that there was no proof just confirms my original decision. Mr. And mrs. Brady, the restraining order has been lifted, and custody of baby boy horton goes to--

Sami: Your honor, I can substantiate my allegations.

Eric: Sami, that's enough.

Sami: I would like to call jan spears to the stand.

[Tense music]

Nicole: [Mouths words]

Jan: Long time, no see. Aren't you gonna say hello to your old friend?

Hell are you trying to pu but here I am!

Jan: Bet you thought you'd never see me again. But here I am! Kind of sucks about the circumstances, though.

[Tense music]

Nicole: What the hell are you trying to pull?

Eric: You told us this woman was still in a psychiatric hospital.

Sami: Well, she was, until I persuaded her to testify against nicole.

Marlena: Have you heard anything from shawn? Is there anything--any news on the search for ciara?

Belle: No, nothing. No news, no update. It's like she just vanished.

Marlena: [Sighs]

Belle: Which means that ben may have followed through with what he was brainwashed to do.

Marlena: Dear god.

Claire: Grandma, if anything has happened to ciara... if only I could've got through to eve when I ran into her. But all she cared about was making ben pay. And--and I tried to stop her, but she pushed me--

Hope: Claire, claire, claire, honey, you cannot blame yourself for any of this. Eve's grief and rage, that's what pushed her over the edge; there was no getting through to her.

Claire: But you did. How?

Hope: I understand her rage because I lived it when... when I lost zack. I begged her not to force me to live through that kind of pain again. And she found some humanity.

Claire: Thank god.

Hope: And now we just pray to god that your dad can get through to ben and get some answers that'll help us find ciara. We have to find her.

Ben: Don't you think I want to know what happened to ciara?

Shawn: I don't know. Do you?

Ben: I told you I love her! She is everything to me! That girl is my world! Nobody wants those memories back more than I do, man! It's like somebody ripped out part of my brain. My god, if I did something to hurt her... my life will be over.

Shawn: Yeah. You got that right. If you did anything to my sister, your life... it will be over.

[Suspenseful music]

Shawn: All this whining and crying about how you can't remember.

Ben: It's the truth!

Shawn: Maybe you're lying to me because you've already been on death row and you're afraid to go back because you know that if you do go back, you're gonna get what's coming to you. You're gonna get a needle in the arm.

[Dramatic music]

Ben: I cannot wait for it to be just you and me and white sand beaches...

Ciara: [Chuckles]

Ben: And piņa coladas...

Ciara: Oh, baby, I'm actually more of daiquiri kind of girl.

Ben: I'll get you whatever the hell you want, always.

Ciara: I love you, mr. Weston.

Ben: I love you, mrs. Weston.

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: Hmm. Whoa, and I love this. I cannot wait to see you in this. Hold--ugh! I can't wait to see you out of it.

Ciara: [Laughs] Ben.

Ben: What? I think we need to take a little break from packing.

Ciara: Ben, we don't have time. We have a plane to catch.

Ben: We have all the time in the world... the rest of the days of our lives, wife.

Ciara: Okay, husband.

[Romantic music]

Sami: Well, you kept saying that I have no proof, that I had nothing to back up the idea that you had put jan up to murdering victor. Well, here's my proof. She's alive, well, and ready to tell the truth.

Nicole: Except she's insane. Tell me, sami, did you bust her out yourself?

Sami: Of course I didn'T.

Nicole: Oh, and we're just supposed to take your word for it, I see.

Duncan: Mrs. Dimera.

Sami: Your honor, uh, no. In fact, the head of shady pines himself released jan to appear at this hearing. She has an escort with her. And if you like, I can provide a phone number for you to call to confirm with shady pines.

Justin: Your honor, your honor, I'm aware that mrs. Dimera is new to the legal profession, but, uh, she's supposed to give prior notice of any witnesses slated to appear, and no such notice was given.

Duncan: Well, let me remind you again, counselor, this is a hearing, not a trial.

Justin: Be that as it may, but procedures are in place--

Duncan: Are you arguing with me?

Justin: No.

Duncan: Good. Mrs. Dimera's allegations are very serious, if they're true, and that's all this court wants: The truth. So I'm gonna allow jan spears to testify. Okay? Quickly.

[Dramatic music]

Marlena: I just feel so guilty. If anything happens to ciara, I don't know what I'll do.

Belle: Why would you feel guilty?

Marlena: Ben came to me. He was troubled. He needed help, and I... I canceled his appointment.

Belle: Mom! Dad is fighting for his life.

Marlena: Yes, I know that, but I also knew that ben was in crisis and... and he needed some help. That young man was in trouble. I wasn't there for him.

Claire: I know ciara's okay. I can feel it.

Hope: She's already been through so much in her life.

Claire: Ciara's strong. She is the strongest person I know. She's gonna come home to us, grandma.

Shawn: Damn it, weston! I will beat the truth out of you!

Hope: Hey, get off of him! What are you thinking?

Ben: That I deserve to have the crap beaten out of me. And he's right.

Hope: Yeah, well, he's done. Let's go. Come on.

Claire: May I stay and talk to ben?

Hope: Yes. Officer galloway will be right outside.

Shawn: So, what, you want me off the case now?

Hope: No, no, not at all. With rafe gone, I need your help more than ever. But you need to cool down.

Shawn: How am I supposed to do that when ciara's god knows where? Eve is no help, that maniac vincent is still on the run, and the only hope that we have is just drawing a blank.

Hope: So we keep going. We keep pushing and we keep going, following any and every lead we have, shawn.

Shawn: [Sighs] I'm sorry that I lost it. Look, as difficult as this is for me, I can't even imagine what you-- it's just a shame that rafe had to leave with his family.

Hope: Honey, honey, did I mention how happy I am that you're here, how grateful I am that you're here?

Shawn: Look, I'm gonna go to the hospital. I'm gonna check in with belle.

Hope: Okay.

Shawn: I'm gonna see how her dad's doing.

Hope: Give marlena my love.

Shawn: I will.

Hope: Okay.

Shawn: And, mom, hang in there. We're gonna find ciara.

Hope: We have to.

[Soft music]

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: Remind me to drive next time, please.

Ciara: Oh, you don't like the way that I took those curves?

Ben: I like all of your curves.

Ciara: Mm.

Ben: Every single one.

Ciara: [Chuckles]

Ben: And I definitely worked up an appetite.

Ciara: Mm, good, because I'm thinking... that you should start with dessert.

Ben: Oh. What, before dinner?

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Really?

Ciara: Why not?

Ben: Who am I to argue with my beautiful wife? Sold.

[Both sigh]

[Paper crinkling]

Ben: You're pregnant? You're--you're pregnant? No. Yes?

Ciara: Yeah, really.

Ben: You are? You're--

Ciara: Yeah. I'm pregnant.

Ben: Get out. Yes, you are! Yes, you are. Are you kidding me? Oh, my god!

Ciara: [Squeals, laughs]

Ben: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, ciara brady-- I mean weston.

Ciara: Ciara brady weston.

Ben: Oh, my god. Just when I think that I could not ever be happier, you find a way to make me the happiest man alive.

Nicole: Oh, my god. This can't be happening.

Eric: Sami... your actions against nicole are bad enough, but to drag this poor woman out of a facility where she's getting help? Do you have no compassion at all?

Sami: Of course I do-- for allie, for my grandson.

[Scoffs] Those are the only two people I am thinking about. Everything is for them.

Nicole: Sami, you are so mean and vindictive!

[Gavel bangs]

Duncan: Order. Listen, I've told you about your outbursts. Now, the next time you do it, I'm gonna have you removed from the court, okay?

Nicole: Sorry.

Duncan: Proceed, mrs. Dimera.

Sami: Thank you for joining us, ms. Spears.

Jan: My pleasure.

Sami: Can you please tell us how you know nicole walker brady?

Jan: She befriended me years ago. I was young, miserable, always in trouble-- and all because my parents didn't love me enough, according to my shrink. But you didn't exactly win the parent lottery either, did you? At least mine died and left me filthy rich.

Sami: Ms. Spears.

Jan: Yes?

Sami: Can we stay on track, please?

Jan: What track are we on?

Sami: You are telling us about the details of your involvement with nicole.

Jan: Yes, right. Um...[Clears throat] So anyway, I was, uh, at a pretty low point in my life. Crazy in love, so to speak, with a man who was stupid enough to love somebody else.

Sami: And you are referring to shawn brady and my sister belle black, right?

Jan: That's right. I was devastated by his rejection. Nicole understood my pain in a way no one else did.

Sami: In fact, she offered to help you get shawn away from belle. Isn't that right?

Jan: She did.

Sami: But it wasn't out of the kindness of her heart. She wanted something in return, a quid pro quo.

Justin: Objection. Leading the witness.

Duncan: Overruled. Answer the question, ms. Spears.

Jan: Oh, yeah. Nicole was all about the pro quo.

Sami: And what was it? She wanted you to kill her husband, victor kiriakis.

Justin: Your honor!

Duncan: I'll allow it. I'll allow it.

Jan: Yes, she did.

[Tense music]

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Ben: Go ahead. Lay it on me. I know you hate me.

Claire: Ben... we both love ciara. And you would never touch her, no matter what eve and her thug did to you. You don't have it in you.

Ben: You know I do, claire. You know what I did to innocent people.

Claire: That was a long time ago. You're better now.

Ben: That's a hard concept for a lot of people to accept.

Claire: Yeah. Yeah, that's why when your sister was murdered, you ended up on death row and when I set fire to that cabin with ciara in it, you were blamed. But I get it now, ben. I have been where you are, literally. And I know you. I know what you are capable of, the kind of love that you are capable of. And there is just no way that you would ever hurt ciara. I just... I just wish that I could say the same about myself.

[Soft dramatic music]

Ciara: [Grunts]

Ben: It's okay, ciara. Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.

Ciara: Oh, man!

Ben: Breathe. In through your nose, in through your nose. Out through--out through your mouth.

[Both breathe deeply] Long and slow. You're doing so good. You're doing so good, baby.

Ciara: Oh, my god, I can feel--I can feel another contraction, babe. I can feel another contraction!

Ben: You're doing so good. Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Ciara: [Grunts]

Ben: We got this. You got this. You got this. You got this. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. You're almost there. You're almost there.

Ciara: [Grunts]

Ben: Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe!

[Baby crying]

Ciara: [Sighs]

Ben: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

[Both laugh] It's a boy. We have a son. Oh, my god. You did it. You did it. Oh, my god.

Shawn: So ben claims that he's desperate to remember what happened with ciara.

Marlena: And you don't believe him?

Shawn: I don't know what to believe. I mean, if he is truly brainwashed, that means whatever happened with ciara is locked inside of his head and we can't get to it.

Marlena: But I could.

Shawn: No, I-I can't ask you to do that, not with everything that's happening--

Marlena: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Brady's in with john. The two of you are right here. You can--you can tell me if I'm needed here.

Shawn: Look, I don't-- I don't know.

Marlena: I do. I need to do this.

Sami: You were vulnerable and desperate, and nicole took advantage of that.

Nicole: Oh, come on, that is--

Eric: Hey.

Sami: It's okay. Ms. Spears, you don't need to worry. You don't need to feel intimidated. We're on your side. Just go ahead and tell the court what happened.

Jan: The worst I'd done before I met nicole was high school pranks, like putting a rat in another girl's locker-- chloe lane. There was a weird one. All that black. And what she did to me with that rat? I should've done a lot worse back than I did.

Sami: I can only imagine how traumatic that must have been for you. But today we're here to focus on how nicole used you in her murder plot.

Justin: Objection.

Sami: Alleged, alleged murder plot. Anyway, go ahead.

Jan: I was very, very clear: No shooting, no stabbing, nothing violent. But nicole had it all figured out: Death by radio. No one could ever call you stupid.

Sami: Let's just focus on the details, shall we?

Jan: Sure. It seems her old geezer of a husband liked to soak in the tub while listening to the radio. All I had to do was dump the radio in the tub and get out of there. He'd be a crispy critter and everyone would think it was an accident. Although I have to admit that I did feel kind of bad. The old guy never seemed that bad to me.

Justin: If you felt so bad, why didn't you say anything to anyone?

Jan: I thought about it. I-I was very conflicted. I even wrote about it in my diary. But not too long after it happened, I ended up in a coma.

Justin: What about since you came out of your coma?

Jan: Nobody asked.

Sami: Now, ms. Spears, don't you think a woman who attempted to murder her husband is an unfit parent?

Justin: Objection! Your honor, her opinion is irrelevant.

Sami: Okay, right. I'm not asking her opinion, your honor. I'm just trying to establish the facts here. The facts are that nicole was unhappy in a marriage to a controlling older man and she still wanted to keep the money. So death by radio. That way, she gets to be a grieving, rich young widow. That was the plan, wasn't it, ms. Spears?

Duncan: The person to answer that question is not ms. Spears but mrs. Brady. Is it true?

[Tense music]

This is hal.

Hope: Thanks, eli. Keep me posted. Marlena.

Marlena: Hi.

Hope: How's john?

Marlena: No change. Brady's with him at the moment.

Hope: Oh, brady's home?

Marlena: Brady's home. Shawn and belle are home. John's got a roomful of company. So I thought I'd come here and see if I could help. Catch me up on ben and ciara.

Hope: Ben, uh, still doesn't remember what he did to ciara, if he did anything, or where she is.

Marlena: Well, maybe I could help with that. I could hypnotize ben, help him get past whatever block he has. If he remembers where ciara is, then we can find her and bring her home.

[Soft dramatic music]

Ben: Home, sweet home.

Ciara: [Sighs] We really did it. You... me...[Sighs] And baby makes three. Oh, yes, it does. Oh, yes, it does. And our very own home.

Ben: You know the best part about this whole thing?

Ciara: Hmm?

Ben: We did this all on our own.

Ciara: Mm. Ben, you were absolutely brilliant to focus your repair shop on vintage cars and bikes.

Ben: Mm, you're about to be ruling at titan.

Ciara: Well, we just make quite the pair, don't we?

Ben: Are you happy?

Ciara: I don't need a fortune cookie to tell me that we're gonna live happily ever after.

Justin: I advise you not to respond on the grounds that it might incriminate you.

Sami: There you go! That's more proof. Her lawyer wouldn't tell her to do that if she wasn't guilty.

[Tense music]

Duncan: Mr. Kiriakis, do you have any questions for this witness?

Justin: Uh, no, no questions, your honor. I think her testimony and mental state speak volumes.

Duncan: Ms. Spears, thank you. You are free to go.

Jan: [Mouths words] I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear it. I had to tell the truth.

Sami: Your honor, you said you needed proof. What more proof do you need that she is not a fit parent? I mean, nicole walker used-- took advantage of a young woman who was mentally unstable to try to get away with murder. My grandson's life is at stake. That woman cannot be allowed to raise my grandson.

Belle: Ciara is alive. I can feel it. And if anyone can get ben to remember what happened, it's my mom.

Shawn: You know, you've been so amazing through all of this, especially with what's happening with your dad and your sister, and... and you're here. You're here by my side.

Belle: I'm always gonna be by your side.

Shawn: Aw.


Belle: Hey. What are you thinking?

Shawn: Look, belle, I think that I should probably tell you that I, uh... I ran into philip.

Belle: Philip's in salem?

Shawn: Yeah, he said that he's here because he's going to stop running from his legacy, whatever that means.

Belle: Oh. So he's staying?

Shawn: I mean, that'S... that's what I got, yeah. And I gotta say that I'M... I'm not thrilled about it, because I thought that's the last that we've seen of him after that whole jan spears nightmare.

Justin: Your honor, you cannot render a decision based on the testimony of a woman who is obviously unstable, who allegedly committed a crime because nicole brady offered her something in return. Now, sami, what did you offer her in return to perform at today's hearing?

Sami: She told the truth, your honor.

Justin: The truth? The truth is, she's a dangerous woman. I can bring shawn and belle in here to testify to that.

Sami: Okay, there is no need to drag my sister into this, your honor.

Justin: Your honor, I'm asking the court to discount the testimony of jan spears and proceed on the ruling to award custody of baby boy horton to my clients.

[Dramatic music]

Ciara: So our little baby, bo, really wanted to give this to you himself, but he couldn't keep his eyes open for another minute, so...

Ben: Come on. Aw. He's the best. Pancakes?

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. "To daddy, from bo. I love you." This is some excellent penmanship.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: I'm assuming he had a little help from mommy?

Ciara: Eh, yeah, maybe just a little bit.

Ben: A little bit.

Ciara: A little bit, yeah. Go ahead. Open it. I know you're gonna love it.

Ben: What the hell is this? Ciara, wh-- why--why in the hell would you get me something like this?

[Suspenseful music]

Marlena: Ben.

Ben: Dr. Evans. You shouldn't be here right now. You should be with your husband.

Claire: How is grandpa?

Marlena: Oh, there's no change, but we're hopeful.

Claire: I'm gonna go sit with him for a while.

Marlena: You know what? He would like that. You sweetie. Mm. [Chuckles] Thanks.

Ben: [Sighs]

Marlena: I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to see you yesterday. But I'm here now. We're gonna solve this problem.

Ben: What if I did it? Dr. Evans, what if I killed ciara? Whatever eve and vincent did to my head, I fought it with everything in me, I swear to you, but the last thing I remember, I was losing. I was so afraid for ciara, just what I might do to her.

Marlena: We're gonna help you remember what happened. If it's okay with you, I'd like to hypnotize you again.

Ben: Like you did when everyone thought I set that fire at the cabin.

Marlena: Exactly. You were able to remember a few small details that changed everything. I think you can do that again. Ben? Are you ready?

Ben: I'm ready. We're at the movies and we need to silence our phone.

Duncan: Mr. Kiriakis makes some valid points.

Sami: Wait!

Duncan: No wait. This court has been very lenient with you. I've heard enough.

Sami: Okay, your honor, but this is jan spears' diary, and everything is in there, everything about how nicole coerced her into attempted murder. So, your honor, if there is even a kernel of truth to her testimony, you have to consider it. A child's life is at stake.

Justin: Your honor, this is ancient history, even if we can believe the words of an unstable woman, which, by the way, has no bearing whatsoever on these proceedings.

Sami: No, okay, just one more minute.

Justin: Oh, your honor, can we please put an end to these stunts?

Sami: Okay, but this is a letter from the head of shady pines stating that jan spears is just as sane as... most of the people in this courtroom. And in fact, she's being discharged. Jan spears is a free woman.

Nicole: [Mouthing words]

Belle: That maniac jan spears, god, she nearly turned our high school reunion into a bloodbath. And what she did to you was just...

Shawn: I thank god every single day that... that jan didn't get away with blowing you up...

Belle: [Scoffs]

Shawn: And everybody else.

Belle: Well, at least that maniac is locked up in the loony bin, where she can't hurt any of us ever again.

Shawn: Yeah.

Jan: Poor belle. As usual, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

[Tense music]

Marlena: You're doing great, ben. Be aware of your breathing. With every breath, double your relaxation.

I want you to look at your surroundings. Tell me what you see. Tell me what you remember.

Ciara: [Shrieks]

Ben: [Grunting] I can't stop! I can't! I can'T. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Ciara: [Sobbing] Oh, my--

Ben: I'm so sorry.

Ciara: Oh, oh!

Ben: I'm sorry. I just broke into the door into the bathroom.

[Unsettling music]

Ciara is there.

Ciara: [Breathes heavily]

Ben: She's telling me how strong I am... that I can fight... I don't want to do this. How we can fight whatever's going on in my head.

Ciara: Then fight it, ben. You have to fight it, okay?

[Sniffles] I know how strong you are. I know it. I know that you're stronger than whatever eve did to you, okay? You can take back your control. You can.

Ben: I'm trying. I'm trying.

Ciara: Ben, you can. You can leave here right now, and you can go get help. Or you can stay here, and I can help you. I can help you, ben. I love you so much.

[Sniffles] I love you, and I know that you are a kind, you are a caring, you are a wonderful, wonderful man. You're the man that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with. You could never hurt me.

[Sniffles] You could never take my life from me. You could never do that.

Ben: I love you too... ciara, with my whole heart.

Ciara: [Sniffles, gasps]

Ben: With my whole heart, I love you. You're my wife. You are my soul mate.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: She knows how much I love her. She loves me too. But I'm sorry. I have to do this.

Ciara: [Breathing shakily] No.

Ben: There's no choice. I had no choice.

Marlena: Ben, it's all right. Let's keep moving.

Ben: [Sighs]

Marlena: Tell me what happened next.

Ciara: You don't have to do this, ben. You don'T. You can fight whatever this brainwashing did to you. We can fight it together, okay, baby? Our love... our love can fight this, okay? You can do it. I know that you can do this.

Vincent: What the hell are you waiting for?

[Door bangs] Do it! Kill her now!

Ben: I remember. I remember everything.

[Tense music]

Ciara: Oh, my god. Ben... this is not the gift that I picked out for you. I swear, I would never do something like this.

Ben: Then who would?

Ciara: [Gasps]

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