Days Transcript Tuesday 9/1/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 9/1/20


Episode #13847 ~ Sami brings in a surprise witness to bolster her case; Will and Sonny say their final goodbyes to Salem; Philip and Xander battle for the title of Titan CEO; Brady and Marlena catch up.

Provided By Suzanne

Xander: I am not gonna be jerked around any longer. I will walk out that door now and never come back.

Victor: That's not what I want.

Xander: I'm done worrying about what you want, victor. What I want is an answer, and I want it now. Who are you gonna choose? Is it me?

Philip: Or me?

[Tense music]

'Cause if it isn't me, I'm gonna walk out that door. So it boils down to this. Do you want your son in your life or not?

Marlena: I really was hoping to hear your voice... maybe even see you smile.

[Sighs] I'm missing you so much. I'm feeling pretty alone.

Brady: You're not alone.

[Soft music]

Nicole: [Sniffling]

[Gasps] Oh, god. Eric, don't sneak up on me like that. I almost chopped my finger off.

Eric: I'm sorry. Hey, what's wrong?

Nicole: Nothing. [Sniffles] Onions.

Eric: Well, they look like cucumbers to me. Hey, nicole, why are you crying?

Nicole: [Exhales] I'm fine.

[Murmurs quietly]

Eric: You know, you went straight to bed last night after we came home from the hearing. We never got to talk.

Nicole: There's nothing to say.

Eric: You know, you have every right to be angry that I told sami about deimos's murder. I never thought-- or occurred to me that she would ever use it against you.

Nicole: Well, that's sami for you; she always finds a way.

Eric: Please forgive me.

Nicole: No, there's nothing to forgive.

Eric: Then what is it?

Nicole: [Sighs] You lied in court to cover for me. And you know I hate agreeing with sami, but when she said that I turned you into someone that she doesn't recognize, she was right. And I hate myself for it.

Sami: So what is it gonna be? A sizable donation from the ej dimera family trust? Or are you prepared for things to get uncomfortable for you and your operation? No. No, sir, this is definitely not a threat. I'd like to remind you that I am aware this is a breach of protocol for you, but that it is for a very worthy cause. Of course. I appreciate you giving it your due consideration. We'll talk soon. That had better work. [Sighs]

[Knock at door] Finally, you are here. I thought that- oh! Hey!

Will: Hey.

Sami: This is a surprise. Hi.

Will: Yeah, um... well, it might not be a good surprise when we tell you why we're here.

Sami: Okay.

Will: Sonny and i are, uh-- uh, leaving salem.

Sami: Yeah. [Clears throat] I know.

Sonny: No, I mean we're-- we're actually here to say goodbye because we're leaving today.

Sami: The hell you are.


Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eric: Nicole. Nicole. You haven't turned me into anything except the happiest man alive. And for the record, I don't regret lying, not for one minute. Deimos's death, it was... it was an accident.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Eric: And I wasn't about to risk you going to prison again after you've already paid such a deep price. And I wasn't gonna let allie's baby pay the same price, either.

Nicole: But you're paying a price. You were worried about getting into a custody battle with sami because you would--you knew she would stop at nothing--

Eric: And I'm ready for that fight.

Nicole: But you were right. She will never stop. Even if we do win, you will never stop being caught in the middle.

Eric: Listen, I understand that it could be messy.

Nicole: I just...


Eric: What?

Nicole: I don't think we should do this anymore.

Eric: Do what?

Nicole: I think we should drop the petition and let sami have custody of her grandson.

Sami: What are you talking about? My sister's not speaking to me and my twin brother's turned his back on me and he's siding with his crazy, baby-stealing wife--

Will: Mom. Mom--

Sami: They're gonna try to take my grandson away from me, and allie's already gone. I... can't lose you too.

Will: You're not gonna lose me. We're moving to arizona, not mars.

Sonny: Yeah, and sami, you-- you don't even live here, you know? It's only gonna be a couple more hours on the flight from europe.

Sami: But I'm here now. Just didn'T... I just didn't think it was gonna happen so soon. I...

Sami: What about gabi? What does she have to say about this? Taking ari to arizona. I sort of was counting on her to keep you in town, fighting about it for the next decade.

Sonny: Well, um... gabi's mother is actually very sick. So the whole family's going down to mexico to be with her.

Sami: What? You are not letting her take your baby out of the country! Have you lost your mind?

Will: No, mom--

Sami: I'm calling rafe.

Will: Mom! No, no, no. Mom. Mom, no, no, no; you're not-- you're not doing that. We're not losing her, okay? I promise you, it's all gonna work out.

Sami: Okay. Assuming that that's true, have you thought about john? I mean, wha-- what about him? Shouldn't you wait and--and just make sure that he's all right before you go?

Will: I--I talked to grandma, and I offered to stay, but she told us not to put our lives on hold anymore.

Sami: [Sighs]

Will: She gave us her blessing. So... now, um, we need yours.

Brady: Hi.

Marlena: Where have you been? We haven't heard from you in months.

Brady: I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was... I was with kristen and rachel.

Marlena: Oh. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You left with no warning. You told nobody where you were going. I should've expected that.

Brady: How is he?

Marlena: Oh, well, they're, um... they're keeping him sedated so the swelling in his brain goes down.

Brady: Medically induced coma?

Marlena: Yeah. Yeah, I guess he wasn't making as much progress as I had hoped. That's the hard part about being a doctor. You... you imagine what all the possible complications could be.

Brady: Well, he's a fighter. I know that. He won't give up, and so don't-- don't you give up either, okay?

Marlena: Oh, I'll never give up.

[Resonant music]

I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Will: So can you try and be happy for us, please? I mean, this is-- this is a good thing.

Sami: Yes. Yes, I am happy for you. I'm happy for you two to be together and happy. I just... I'm sorry. I--I'm really sorry for my part in keeping you from getting custody of that little baby.

Sonny: Thank you for saying that, but, you know, it just... wasn't meant to be.

[Cell phone rings]

Sami: Sorry. I have to take this. Um, hello? Oh. Yes. I'll be right there. Thank you for calling. The judge... has reached her decision.

Eric: Do you really wanna give up fighting for allie's baby? Now?

Nicole: I think it's best for everyone. And like I said, even if we win, sami will never stop.

Eric: Oh, we will win. The judge was going to rule in our favor right before sami started dredging up ancient history.

Nicole: Yeah, well, and it might've worked.

Eric: Nothing has changed. I don't want to quit when we're so close, nicole. Do you really want to let that baby go?

Nicole: No, of course not. I... [Breath hitches]

[Knocking at door]

Eric: [Sighs]

Justin: Hey.

Eric: Hey.

Justin: Nicole. What's the matter?

Nicole: Nothing. I'm just, um, getting ready for court.

Justin: Good, 'cause the judge is ready to announce her decision. And I have a very good feeling you're about to win custody.

Victor: My granddaughter is missing. Surely you can understand this is not my top priority.

Philip: We're all worried about ciara, but we both know, when it comes to titan, you never take your eye off the ball.

Xander: We know you've already made your decision about the company. There's no reason to keep us hanging.

[Cell phone beeps]

Victor: I have to go.

Philip: How convenient.

Xander: Golf emergency?

Victor: Just some unfinished business I have to take care of. We'll finish this conversation when I get back. In the meantime, try not to kill each other.

[Tense music]

Will: Um... good luck in court.

Sami: Do you mean that?

Will: Like I said, I-- I just what's best for that little boy. So...

Sami: Right. So to that end, uh, I'm gonna need a favor.

Will: [Chuckles] Okay.

Sami: It-- um, lucas is on his way here to watch the baby for me while I'm in court today. But I have to go right now. Would you mind watching the baby until he gets here?

Sonny: Well, our flight doesn't leave for a few hours. So...

Will: Y--yeah, but shouldn't you take the baby with you to court?

Sami: Oh, right, so I just have him on hand, ready to turn over in case I lose? Like hell I'm going to do that.

Will: Mom, you can't defy a court order.

Sami: Trust me. I know what I'm doing.

Will: Where have I heard that before?

[Heartfelt music]

Sami: Listen to me, will. You are my firstborn. You taught me how to be a mom.

Will: Oh, so now it's my fault.

Sami: Stop it. I'm trying to say something nice, here.

Will: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Sami: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the things. You know, for how young and foolish I was and how I dragged you into a million messes. I'm sorry that I made all my mistakes on you.

Will: Actually, I think you made mistakes on all of us.

Sami: [Chuckles]

Will: But, uh... [Chuckles]

Sami: It's true.

Will: We know you would do anything for us.

Sonny: Literally anything.

Sami: [Laughs] But it's true. It's true.

Will: I'm gonna miss you, mom. Mistakes and all. And, uh, I love you.

Sami: [Sobs] Oh, sweetheart. I love you so much. I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Eric: Okay. Shawn, thanks for the update. Bye.

Nicole: Hey. Any news about ciara?

Eric: Nothing.

Nicole: Oh, I'm sorry. I hate that your family is going through all of this at the same time.

Justin: Hey, there's no reason to be down, you two. Like I said earlier, we're gonna win this.

Nicole: Yeah, well, I'm worried about what happens next if we do.

Eric: When we do.

Justin: Worried about sami, I assume.

Nicole: How can I not be? Justin, if... when we do win this, what kind of recourse will she have?

Justin: Well, she could appeal, of course. But once the verdict is returned in our favor, which I'm sure it will... be.

Sami: I wouldn't be too sure of that if I were you.

Marlena: You know, just this morning, I was thinking about how nice it would be-- how helpful to have you here.

Brady: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was out of touch.

Marlena: Well... you need to see you family. I understand that. I'm--I'm so glad that you get time with your daughter.

Brady: Yeah. Me too. I'm just--I'm just sorry that I-- I wasn't here for dad at the time.

Marlena: You're here. Now. That's what matters. Now, in addition to, um, the stress of your father, I understand you're under a little more stress.

Brady: I guess you heard, then, huh?

Marlena: Mm. You stepped down as ceo of titan.

[Exhaling] Oh. What's next?

Xander: You are aware that your father made me ceo, right? Before you showed up

Philip: If he were shoughts. Hsecond thoughts emotional blackmail.

Philip: By reminding him I'm his son?

Xander: You've been mia for five years while I've been building this company back up again. We just posted record profits--

Philip: I know the numbers.

Xander: And I know what happened last time you ran titan. You did a piss-poor job and ran off with your tail between your legs.

Philip: That's not how it went down.

Xander: Why do you even want this? Are you bored? Maybe you just miss daddy's love? Is that it?

Philip: Or maybe you're just driven nuts with jealousy that my father's first loyalty is to me, his son.

Xander: Jealous of you?

[Scoffs] Please. No, philip, what I am...

[Sips, exhales] Is very protective of my uncle, who has clearly deluded himself over and over into thinking that you're his golden boy. You wanna reconcile with him? Fantastic. But don't ruin everything that he's worked so hard his whole life to build. Instead, how about you just apologize for not being here when he was stabbed and almost died? How about you just work on being a good, loving son for a change, hmm?

Philip: And how 'bout you work on not being such a presumptuous son of a bitch? Telling me how to behave around my father? Who--who do you think you are?

Xander: I think that I am someone who genuinely loves and respects the man, which is why I'm urging you to focus on being his son, which is what he needs from you right now. And I'll be his ceo.

[Tense music]

Judge: Please be seated. In the matter of baby boy horton, I'm ready to render my verdict.

Sami: Your honor, before you do, I would like to provide additional evidence.

Justin: Your honor, objection; this is completely inappropriate. The hearing is over. Mrs. Dimera clearly doesn't understand the rules of the court.

Judge: Which is the only reason I give her a little bit of leeway. Mrs. Dimera, proceed.

Sami: Thank you, your honor. Yesterday I was shocked when my brother, the ex-priest, chose to lie to you in front of this court and god.

Eric: Are you really gonna do this?

Sami: He admitted it as soon as you left the courtroom yesterday. He knows his wife killed deimos kiriakis. But, your honor, I have additional proof for you that nicole is an unfit parent and, in fact, she has a long and shocking history of murderous behavior.

Nicole: Oh, here we go.

Judge: Mrs. Brady, mm-mm.

Sami: Your honor, I would like to call to the stand victor kiriakis.

Philip: You think my father offered you the ceo job because you're competent? Or was it because you were willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill without so much as a shred of remorse?

Xander: For him. I did those things for him.

Philip: And that exonerates you? You think doing those things was noble because you were doing them for him? Are you so lacking in conscience, so devoid of morals that you actually believe that? Well, what brady and I did for him was make titan a business that he could be proud of.

Xander: Until brady deliberately tanked the profits.

Philip: Who could blame him?

Xander: Oh. So now you're on team brady?

Philip: Hardly. My god, you and my father made him think his kid was dead. He lost kristen and rachel, was apparently out of his mind with grief, and then you forced my dad to give you his job too!

Xander: We had an understanding.

Philip: An understanding? Bull. You know damn well the ceo job offered was a last resort.

Xander: And what about you, huh? Last time you were in salem, victor gave the ceo job to deimos, who everyone hates, just... to keep the company out of your hands.

Philip: He was trying to teach me a lesson.

Xander: The lesson being you're not good enough! So why don't you just acknowledge your unfitness for the job and trot off back to wherever the hell you came from?

Philip: I'm not going anywhere.

Brady: I'm not sure-- I'm not sure what I'm gonna do long term. All I know is, I plan to stick around as long as-- as long as dad needs me here.

Marlena: And kristen?

Brady: She wanted to come with me, but I... couldn't let her do it because, if she shows up in salem-- arrested on the spot. So...

Marlena: It's not your fault. If kristen hadn't lost her temper and gone after victor--

Brady: Oh, I don't-- I don't blame her for it. As usual, the old man asked for it.

Victor: Yes, your honor. I'm prepared to testify.

Judge: Mrs. Dimera, you may question the witness.

Sami: Thank you, your honor. Now, mr. Kiriakis, you are here today to testify to the murderous nature of your ex-wife, nicole walker brady. Is that correct?

Justin: Your honor, this is ridiculous. My uncle has no firsthand knowledge of the events on the night of deimos's death.

Sami: Murder, you mean.

Justin: If he had any knowledge, he would've shared it with the police a long time ago!

Sami: He's not here to discuss deimos's murder, your honor.

Justin: Really? Then whose murder are we here to discuss?

Victor: Mine.

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Sonny: Pretty amazing.

Will: Yeah, he is. And he has no idea that a bunch of crazy adults are fighting over who gets to keep him right now.

Sonny: Imagine how different our lives would be if we had gone through with the adoption.

Will: Well, we'd probably be headed to arizona in a minivan with a diaper genie and a new puppy.

[Both laugh]

[Tender music]

Sonny: Or maybe we-- we wouldn't be leaving.

Will: Yeah, maybe not.

Sonny: You know, I wasn't just being gracious when I told sami that I think things worked out this way for a reason.

Will: You... you believe we weren't meant to be his parents?

Sonny: But look what we have instead. I mean, we're--we're-- we're about to give ari this new, safe life in arizona. Her whole family is, like, on the run right now.

Will: I know. I hate that she had to say goodbye to her mom yet again.

Sonny: I do too. But I know it's not forever. Okay? We're gonna give ari a good and happy life. We are gonna have a good and happy life too.

Will: Yeah. And who knows? Maybe another baby and a new dog aren't in the too-distant future either.

Brady: I don't understand why sami's still fighting for custody.

Marlena: Because it's allie's child.

Brady: But allie made her intentions perfectly clear. She wants eric and nicole to raise her son.

Marlena: [Chuckles] And therein lies the problem. Sami doesn't want nicole to have anything to do with that child. And, as you know, sami does not back down from a fight.

Justin: Sami, I know you didn't go to law school-- or med school, for that matter-- but I think even you can see that my uncle is very much alive.

Sami: Your honor, I would like for my witness to have opportunity to speak.

Judge: Mr. Kiriakis, I'm gonna need you to elaborate on your so-called murder.

Victor: Certainly.

Sami: Go ahead, victor.

Victor: Well, for reasons that I can't begin to understand today, I made the egregious mistake of marrying that black widow. Nicole was desperate to get her hands on my money. And when she realized that that was never going to happen, she decided to push the issue.

Eric: Are you gonna let her do this?

Justin: There's nothing I can do.

Victor: One night, when I was relaxing in my bath--

Nicole: Thank you for putting that image in all of our brains.

Victor: I was almost electrocuted by a radio dropped into the tub. I narrowly escaped death.

Sami: That must've been terrifying for you, mr. Kiriakis. So as you can see, your honor, this is just one more example of the heinous crimes committed by nicole. In fact, if you have time--

Judge: We don'T.

Justin: Your honor, a sidebar with my client, if I might.

Judge: Yes.

[All whispering inaudibly]

Justin: Uh, your honor, may I question the witness, please?

Judge: Please do.

Justin: Uncle... [Sighs] Mr. Kiriakis, is it your testimony that nicole dropped this radio in the tub herself?

Victor: Well no, but...

Justin: Wasn't the act in question in fact perpetrated by another woman? Jan spears?

Sami: Objection, your honor. He is leading the witness.

Judge: Mr. Kiriakis, answer the question.

Victor: That loony jan spears did everything at nicole's direction.

Justin: Her direction. I see. Was nicole ever tried in a court of law?

Sami: Okay, your honor, jan ended up in a coma. So she was unable to speak for herself.

Justin: So you're saying that jan spears never even admitted on the record that nicole directed her to commit this alleged act.

Sami: "Alleged"? Your honor.

Justin: I'm through with this witness. Looks like you wasted a trip, uncle vic.

[Intense music]

Philip: I was here long before you, xander. I grew up watching my father run titan. And now that bo and isabella are gone, I'm his only living child.

Xander: How disappointing for him.

Philip: Brady's disappeared. Sonny's leaving town. Ciara's missing. Claire's dealing with her own mental health issues. And still... you're the dregs, xander. A total last resort. The worthless son of a brother he despised. So why don't you go back to spreading manure in the garden, 'cause that's a job you were actually good at.

Xander: Philip, I... who do you think you're talking to?

Philip: [Grunts]

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Philip: [Sniffs] True to form. Once a thug, always a thug. You can dress up in a suit all you want, but you just proved the kind of man you really are.

Xander: Oh, yeah? What kind of man are you, exactly? Too much of a coward to fight back? Come on, golden boy; hit me.

Philip: I was a marine, tough guy. You wanna see how I fight back?

Sami: Your honor, I would like you to consider that my grandson's safety is at stake. Nicole walker brady is a lying--

Judge: I've heard enough. Enough. I'm gonna take a short recess and I'm gonna consider what I've heard. And then I'm gonna come back and render my verdict. For real this time.

Nicole: Well, that didn't go the way you thought it would, now, did it?

Sami: She heard what I said.

Nicole: [Sighs] What both of you said made no sense, okay? So why would I hire a loony tune like jan spears to murder victor when I would get much more pleasure doing it myself?

Sami: Oh, so you admit you wanted victor dead? Should we get the judge back in here? You can tell her yourself.

Nicole: Who hasn't wanted victor dead?

Eric: How many times are you gonna cross the line, sami?

Sami: I'm crossing the line? I can't believe that you are living with this dangerous criminal.

Nicole: Oh, that's funny. Didn't he used to live with you?

Eric: Don't even stoop to her level.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Sami: The judge is out there, considering what I have presented. In fact, who knows what else might come up?

Eric: Sami, what are you up to now?

Sami: Me? Nothing.

Sonny: You okay?

Will: Yeah. Why?

Sonny: Just all these goodbyes. I know it's hard on you.

Will: Well, it's hard on you too.

Sonny: There's a lot of people in this town I'm gonna miss.

Will: Yeah. I wish we could say goodbye to ben and ciara before we go.

Sonny: [Exhales] We just have to pray that they're both gonna be okay.

Will: It just seems so dire right now.

Sonny: You know how many times things have seemed dire for us? And every single time, not only did we make it through, we found our way back to each other. I mean, look where we are now.

Will: Look where we are.

Sonny: There's nothing tougher than pretending to be someone you're not. Congratulations, man. Takes a lot of courage to come out.

Sonny: You're not pushing me away.

[Gentle acoustic music]

Will: As far as I know, there are no rules. So why don't we just make them up as we go?

Sonny: It's everything about you. You know, being with you, for the first time in my life, I've-- I feel secure in my own skin for the first time ever. For the first time, I feel like I know who I am. And I... I feel like I know exactly where I wanna be.

Will: Em forster once described love as "two imperfect souls" coming together to create something close to perfection. I feel like that every day. I respect you, I admire you, and I adore you. And most of all, I love you, sonny.

Will: This ring is never coming off my finger again.

I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Will: You know, it's, uh, basically a tradition that, whenever a horton leaves town, they come say goodbye to my great-grandparents. My dad promised he'd be back, and...and he is. You know, I think this will always be our home too.

Sonny: We've had some... challenging times over the past few years. Some sad losses, you know, especially for me... losing my mom. But you know, as we're getting ready to leave, I'm really only thinking of the happy times... with you.

Will: Well, we're gonna have a lot more of those wherever we go. Goodbye, grandma alice and grandpa tom.

Sonny: Goodbye, salem. For now.

[Uplifting music]

Brady: You leave this place for a couple months, and it seems like the whole world has changed.

Marlena: Yeah. Just like good old salem, hmm?

Brady: I'm really sorry to hear about ciara. I hope she's found safe and sound.

Marlena: Yes, we all hope that.

John: [Rasps]

Marlena: [Gasps] John? John?

Brady: Do you think... he can hear us? Do you--

Marlena: Talk to him.

Brady: Does he--does he--

Marlena: Talk to him.

Brady: Dad. Dad, it's--it's brady. Dad, listen. I know you... I know I haven't been around for a while, but I want you to know something. I'm gonna be here. I'm here now. I'm gonna be here for as long as you need me to be, okay?

Xander: Come on then, jarhead. Let's see what you've got. Go on, hit me.

Victor: What the hell is this? A duel to the death?

Philip: Something like that.

Victor: Pull yourselves together.

Xander: Listen, uncle vic--

Victor: The position of ceo of this company is not going to be decided by bare-knuckled brawling. I am going to make the decision. In fact, I already have. Son, reconciling with you is of major importance to me. Although I don't appreciate your forcing my hand, you do deserve a second chance. The job is yours.

Philip: Thank you, dad. I won't let you down.

Xander: Of course he will! He always does. I can't believe I let you jerk me around again after everything I've done for you.

Victor: That's not what I'm doing.

Xander: What do you call it, then?

Victor: Inspiration. You're not going anywhere, xander. You and philip will be co-ceos. You'll both be in charge.

Nicole: I can't believe you thought you could just waltz in here and start throwing around wild accusations.

Sami: Well, except that they are all true. You are a certified monster.

Eric: You still can't prove anything. Deimos is dead, and jan spears, she's still in a coma.

Sami: Actually, you're a little behind the times on that one.

Eric: What do you mean?

Sami: As it happens, jan woke up.

Nicole: What? When?

Sami: Oh, earlier this year. Pretty miraculous recovery, if you ask me.

Eric: Wait, why-- why didn't we hear about this?

Sami: I don't know, eric. Belle and shawn knew. I guess if you checked in with you family, one of them might've told you.

Nicole: And where is jan now, sami?

Sami: Why? You thinking of going and tracking her down so you can kill her to keep her quiet?

Eric: Sami! Answer her.

Sami: Well, as it happens, jan has been receiving some inpatient treatment at a heavily secured mental institution in new york.

Judge: Please be seated. Without further ado, I'm ready to render my decision. Mrs. Dimera, you presented some compelling information today-- information that could've affected my decision, had it been substantiated. However, the lack of proof confirms my original decision. Mr. And mrs. Brady, the restraining order has been terminated and custody of baby boy horton goes to--

Sami: Your honor, uh, I would like to present more evidence.

Eric: That's enough, sami.

Sami: I would like to call jan spears to the stand.

[Dark music]

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