Days Transcript Monday 8/31/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 8/31/20


Episode #13846 ~ Philip reunites with Kate and Lucas; Bonnie comforts Justin after he discovers Sonny is leaving Salem; Victor is faced with a difficult decision; while sitting vigil with John, Marlena is reunited with a loved one.

Provided By Suzanne

Kate: Well, honestly, Jennifer, I don't how you could viciously attack the mayor for making necessary budget cuts.

[Scoffs] "Unbiased"? I don't think so. I think what you were doing is pandering to the prejudices of your readers. Yeah, well, let me tell you something: Your next interview with the mayor is canceled. And the one after that? Canceled as well.

[Phone beeps]

Philip: Give 'em, hell, ma.

Kate: [Laughs] Philip.

Philip: Good to see you haven't changed a bit.

Kate: Oh, my gosh.

Victor: So you still have no idea where ciara is. All right, listen, hope: I know that your interrogation techniques are well, restricted. Mine are not. Give me ten minutes with that little worm and I promise you, he'll remember everything. My granddaughter is god knows where and you want me to do nothing? All right. Fine. Fine. Rubber hose eve donovan for me, will you?

Will: Well, this does not seem like a great time to tell him.

Sonny: Have you learned nothing? It's never a good time to tell uncle vic something he doesn't wanna hear.

[Door clicks open]

Sarah: Well, whatever you're staring at, I'm jealous.

Xander: It is very sexy. It's titan's fourth-quarter numbers.

Sarah: [Gasps] Oh, be still, my heart.

Xander: If you look here at brady's numbers-- and they're fine. You can't say they're not fine.

Sarah: I wasn't going to.

Xander: But then you look here, and... [Gasps] Here.

Sarah: Ooh.

Xander: It's every expectation that our fourth quarter will be all projection.

Sarah: Now let me ask you a question. There didn't happen to be a change in management between the third and fourth quarter? Those don't happen to be your numbers, are they? Xander, I'm so proud of you. You did such a good job.

Xander: It's hard to believe, isn't it? When I met you, I was victor's henchman. Now I'm running the company.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Thanks to you, I'm not a thug anyone.

Sarah: Hey, hey, hey. You don't go getting all refined on me, all right? 'Cause that thug had a certain... je ne sais quoi that I really kind of liked.

Marlena: Uh, n--n--h--honey. Honey. Honey, he's stable. There's no need for you to rush right back. Yeah, I will. Oh. Belle? Look, I--I know that you're upset with your sister, but right now, with the two of you not speaking to each other and allie being missing and this fight over custody, I just feel like my whole family is falling apart. Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. You know what? I must be so tired, I'm-- I'm sorry. Honey, everything is fine. It's just fine, and, uh, I will call you with any change. Okay. Buh-bye.

[Phone beeps] No. Everything's not fine.

Lucas: Everybody knows sami lashes out when she feels threatened. That's what she does. But john? I mean, what the hell did he do to her?

Justin: He had the temerity to say that he thought that eric and nicole should get custody of the child.

Lucas: Ah, that's a mess. Not good.

Justin: It didn't end there. Belle found out. She and sami had it out and the upshot is sami walked in to the hearing without a lawyer and represented herself.

Lucas: Great. And?

Justin: Well, she really, really ticked off the judge.

Lucas: That doesn't surprise me at all.

Justin: But I've known judge duncan for years, and she is scrupulously fair. She won't hold sami's behavior against her. But she also made it very clear that she puts a lot of stock in allie's letter. I think that she is, uh, going to award custody to eric and nicole.

Lucas: Great. Sami's never gonna give up.

Justin: No.

Lucas: This thing's gonna last forever now. I am so mad at allie. I could...

Justin: Yeah?

Lucas: For running away again like she did? I mean, come on. If she were here right now, she could clear this whole thing up like that. And I keep hoping she's gonna walk through that door any minute, but that hasn't happened yet.

[Whispering] Oh, no. No, no. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. Are you kidding me? Look. No, no, no, no, no. Don't look, don't look--

Bonnie: Hey!

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Bonnie: This is nice.

Lucas: No. No, it's not nice; not at all.

Bonnie: Oh, two of salem's most eligible bachelors in the same place. Ooh.

Lucas: I'm calling the cops. If you continue to stalk me, that's it; I'll call 'em.

Bonnie: My, don't we feel highly about ourselves? Fyi, I'm not stalking you. I'm here to consult my lawyer.

Lucas: What brainless idiot would be so hard up that they would have to agree to represent you?

Justin: Um... this brainless idiot.

Lucas: No.

Kate: Oh. Why didn't you let me know? I could have met you at the airport.

Philip: [Chuckles] With balloons?

Kate: Yes, maybe with balloons. Well, should we have a drink? No, never mind. It's a little early, even for me. What time did you, uh, leave? What time did you get here?

Philip: Actually, I've been home for about two days.

Kate: Two days. Wha--what is more important than seeing your mother?

Philip: Seeing my father.

Sonny: You want me to do this alone?

Will: [Sighs] Am I a jerk if I say "yes"?

Sonny: No, you're not a jerk. Uncle vic on a good day is not a walk on the beach, and what with ciara, you know, it's just-- it's not a--not a good day.

Will: Yeah. Well, I'll say goodbye to him, but I think you should be the one to break the news. And if it makes a difference, I'm not looking forward to telling my grandmas and lying to them about arianna.

Sonny: Yeah, but we agreed that it's safer if everyone thinks she's in mexico with gabi.

Will: I know. I just don't like lying.

Sonny: Well, I'm a kiriakis. So it's in the blood. Wish me luck.

[Intriguing music]

Uncle vic.

Victor: What now?

Sonny: Well, I have to tell you something. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Sarah: I really like waking up in the same bed as you. I'm so happy that we're us again.

Xander: Me too.

Sarah: It's kind of strange, having victor's approval.

Xander: Well, yeah. It took me a long time to figure out that, deep down, what he really wants...

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Is for his family to be happy. And I'm his family, and... he could see I would never be happy without you.

[Gentle music]

Sarah: I think my mom is worried about him. You can see the pain in his eyes.

Xander: Yeah. Ciara. The way she refuses to knuckle down to him like everyone else, he loves that-- well, love's not a strong enough word for how he feels about her. They have to find her soon.

Sarah: Well, I think it's really good that you're taking over as ceo with titan. You know? Just one less thing for him to worry about.

Xander: [Inhales deeply] Well, and even though I think he's a real twit...

[Sighs] It's good that philip's back.

Sarah: He is?

Xander: I didn't tell you?

Sarah: No.

Xander: Eh, it just... must have slipped my mind. Philip doesn't really register on my radar. It's weird that victor's son is so...

Sarah: Is what?

Xander: Let's just say that the stuff that makes victor victor-- it skipped a generation with philip. He's what I'd call a real skiver.

Kate: So how is the treacherous old coot? Sorry. Your father.

Philip: Remarkably the same.

Kate: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Philip: You don't really expect him to have changed, do you?

Kate: No, because victor never changes. Victor just gets more victor, right? He had to have been thrilled to see you, though.

Philip: Eh.

Kate: A no?

Philip: Well, I think he was thrilled to have his son back. Not really sure he was thrilled--or ever been thrilled--that I am that son.

Kate: Well, if you really feel that way, why did you come back?

Philip: Because I think it stopped bothering me.

Kate: I think that's very mature.

Philip: Not mature. Not mature. Resigned. Xander was there. Father had just made him ceo of titan again.

Kate: [Scoffing] Oh, god. Well, that had to bother you. I mean, you left town. You stopped talking to your father when he gave that job to deimos.

Philip: You know what that accomplished? Nothin'.

Kate: You stood up to him.

Philip: Nah, I ran away. But I'm back. I'm gonna give it one more shot. So I told him... if he wants me back in his life, he has to make me ceo of titan.

Sonny: We're leaving today.

Victor: You can't go.

Sonny: Why not?

Victor: 'Cause I don't want you to! I wanna hear ari in the morning. I--I wanna-- hear you and will laughing. You're my family. I can't have you leaving. Not now.

[Stirring music]

Sonny: Uncle vic, they're going to find ciara. It's gonna be okay.

Victor: You'd be stunned to learn that I was... thinking about myself just now.

Sonny: [Chuckles] Well, you never do that.

Victor: It was a momentary lapse. Is will on board with this?

Sonny: [Exhales] Ye--yeah. I mean, I think so. He's, uh-- you know, we're both... just ready for a fresh start. You know, after not getting allie's baby, it just kind of hit us-- hit us deep, you know? V--very hard.

Victor: I understand.

Sonny: Can you keep an eye on dad for me?

Victor: Oh, he doesn't pay any attention to anything I say.

Sonny: Well, if he ever starts listening to you, then you gotta call me and let me know, and I'll come back and rescue him.

I gotta get going, uncle vic. I, um... got a lot to do and a lot of goodbyes.

Victor: Sonny. There's something I wanna tell you. You're just like your mother. And I mean that as a compliment.

Marlena: [Laughs softly]

Will: So, um, how's john doing?

Marlena: Uh, he's the same. No, the doctors are keeping him sedated--unconscious-- just--just so we can let the swelling in his brain go down. I, um...

[Exhales] I wish he'd wake up pretty soon. I mean, so we can know what the effects of the aneurysms are.

Will: Yeah.

Marlena: I'm really glad you're here. It's gonna be kind of a long, tough day.

Lucas: What are you doing in the same room with this woman, let alone representing her?

Bonnie: Ah-ta-ta-ta-ta! That's privileged information between me and my lawyer.

Lucas: Unbelievable. You, I'm gonna pray for. I will. You, stay away from me. Don't touch. Don't touch.

Bonnie: It's so cute how jealous he gets.


Justin: Oh, he wasn't jealous. He was incredulous with good reason.

Bonnie: Oh, no, no, no, no. He was jealous of you and me. You just don't understand male psychology the way I do.

Justin: No one in the world understands anything the way you do, bonnie. And that's a good thing.

Bonnie: [Chuckles] So why'd you wanna see me?

Justin: Your publisher made us an offer...

Bonnie: [Gasps]

Justin: To settle.

Bonnie: [Giggling]

Justin: [Clears throat]

Bonnie: Holy moly. Justin... this is twice what I ever dreamed of about.

[Laughing] Oh, my god!

[Gasps] And what timing. I just saw a pair of shoes. I am a sucker for sling-backs. Wait, what? What?! What the hell are you doing?

[Shrieking] Stop!

[Intense music]

This week on

"the upper hands"...

Bonnie: You weren't representing me, were you? You were setting me up to pay me back for all the rotten stuff I did to adrienne.

Justin: No, that would have been unethical. Completely justified, but unethical.

Bonnie: [Scoffs] God knows you're lousy with ethical. So... what's up?

Justin: The fact that they made an offer means they know you have a case, but they are lowballing you.

Bonnie: Well, if that's lowballing, I can't wait to be highballed.

Justin: I think we can make that happen. Clearly they're scared of going to a trial.

Bonnie: [Gasps] And we do. And you put me on the stand. And won't wear any makeup. And I'll look all devastated and everything, and I can turn to the jury and say haltingly--

Justin: No, no, no! We are not going to trial.

Bonnie: But you just said they're afraid--

Justin: They're scared of a trial, but I am not gonna take the enormous risk of asking a jury to believe a single word that comes out of your mouth.

Bonnie: Hey.

Justin: Instead, we are going to parlay this into a better offer.

Bonnie: How much better?

Justin: Oh, I'll tell them to add two zeroes to that number...

Bonnie: Oh!

Justin: And they got a deal.

Bonnie: [Squeals] And then mama's got a new pair of shoes!

[Laughs] High five. High five, mister. Yeah! That's what I'm talking about.

Justin: [Chuckles]

Kate: Okay. So you went to your father and you issued an ultimatum?

Philip: I offered him a choice.

Kate: [Gasps] Choice. Well, are you prepared to hear him say no? Are you prepared to hear him say out loud, "no, I'm not going to make you ceo, even if it means losing you forever?"

Philip: Are you asking if I can process the rejection? I think I would welcome the certainty. You have to admit, it would clarify things between us.

Kate: Okay. So what if he says yes? Do you really want to run titan, or is this just a test of your father?

Philip: Okay. Okay. Here's what I've come to. You know, he always goes all greek about everything. Those stupid plays about "oikogéneia," "klepovonia"?

Kate: [Gasps] Okay, I'm gonna bite on this 'cause obviously, we've both heard a lot of those words over the years, and they mean what?

Philip: Family.

Kate: Mm.

Philip: Birthright. As in titan is my birthright. And I'm back to claim it.

Kate: Well, I wonder what xander's going to think of that?

Sarah: I take it "skiver" is not a term of respect.

Xander: Think, um, "parasite." Freeloader.

Sarah: Mm.

Xander: Leech.

Sarah: You think that philip came back to take over titan.

Xander: No. No, I don't think he's interested in titan at all. That would require work and a backbone.

Sarah: Now, I don't know philip very well, but you don't think it took a little bit of backbone to take off the way he did? Go at it alone?

Xander: I hardly think he was "going at it alone." He was probably just running through his trust fund.

Sarah: Oh, you don't know that.

Xander: [Starts, stops] Look, I know I'm not exactly inclined to like a guy like philip, somebody born with a silver spoon up their... but he--and brady too, for that matter-- it's like they take all this-- the mansion, the limos, the gardeners-- they take it all for granted. Victor came from nothing. Look what he built. They should respect that.

Sarah: But still... you can't see that having victor as your father or as your grandfather might be a bit complicated? I mean, maybe he's the reason that everyone keeps leaving him. Hmm? Did you think about that?


Xander: You are so right.

Sarah: [Laughs]

Sonny: I can't believe you just said that.

Victor: Well, our mother and I didn't always get along.

Sonny: You didn't ever get along.

Victor: I should have told her what... worthy adversary she was. Terrific mother, strong person. I was glad she was a member of our family. I didn't tell her when I had the chance. And now that chance is gone.

Sonny: [Sniffles] Well, I think she knew, uncle vic.

Victor: It's easy for a jerk like me to make people think that kindness is weak. Kindness requires great strength... like your mother had, like you have. You know, it's good that you're going to-- with your brothers to honor your mother.

Sonny: [Sniffles] You know, you should-- you should come see us sometime.

Victor: Oh, yeah. Maggie and I'll fire up the old rv and...

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Victor: Head down there and camp in your backyard every year.

Sonny: I would pay anything-- anything--to see you pull up in an rv, uncle vic.

[Both chuckle]

Victor: Well.

[Heartwarming music]

Well. Before you and will head off into the wild west, I... have something that you can take with you as you... follow the sunset.

Sonny: Oh, lord. What now?

Marlena: I ge-- I guess it's just second nature to me to try to be a pillar of strength when times are bad.

Will: You don't try to be a pillar of strength. You are a pillar of strength.

Marlena: Not now, will. Not now. I feel like I'm gonna need some help to get through this.

Will: [Sighs]

Marlena: What?

Will: Um...nothing.

Marlena: Nothing? Seriously?

Will: [Chuckles]

Marlena: Have you met me? I may be upset, but... I can tell when there's something on your mind. What is it?

Will: Uh... I, um... well--well, sonny and I...

Marlena: What? Just rip that band-aid off, okay? Just rip it off.

Will: Um, sonny and i are moving to arizona. So I--I came to say goodbye. - Oh. - What's going on?

Marlena: And what about arianna?

Will: We all agreed that she would go with gabi to mexico, and then we'll work out a formal agreement after.

Marlena: Okay.

Will: You know what? Uh, I'm gonna tell sonny to go on ahead without me.

Marlena: No. Don't do that.

Will: Well, I mean, you just said it--you're-- it's a really tough time right now.

Marlena: It's a tough time right now. I'm here with my husband, where I belong. You belong with your husband. I have a lot of family and friends here. Sonny wouldn't have anybody. He'd be alone.

Will: Well, I mean, s--he-- he--he's working with his brothers, you know? I'm sure sonny can cope for--

Marlena: It's not the same as having you with him. You know that.

Will: Do you know how many times I've leaned on you? I just think that, finally, you should be able to lean on me. And not long-distance leaning.

Marlena: [Exhales] You think I don't know how much you love me? That you would do anything for me? I know that. I will always know that, whether you are miles and miles and miles away or whether you're right beside me. I will always know that. I am so... I am so proud of you for so many reasons... the least of which is your exquisite kindness. I love you so much.

Will: I love you too.

[Both crying]

Bonnie: Speaking of shoes, what size are you? I'd like to get you some boots to go with your hat. Where is your hat?

Justin: I left it at the triple k with my lariat and six-shooter.

Bonnie: [Laughs] Okay. Triple K. I get it. Kiriakis, right? You're funny. I mean, you're not as dull as you seem, actually. I mean--

Justin: Thanks.

Bonnie: You know, the sun is pretty hot out, and you really should be wearing it. If not, at least some moisturizing sunscreen. You know what? I'm gonna get you started on a skin care regimen.

Justin: What?

Bonnie: No, listen. Because I don't my lawyer looking all prune-like and all. So--

Justin: Whoa, whoa, whoa--

Bonnie: No, really. This is good.

Justin: No, no, no, no. I don't eat quiche. I don't use moisturizer.

Bonnie: Sorry. Um. [Laughs] I'm getting pushy, aren't I?

Justin: Kinda.

Bonnie: It's just that I'm really grateful, you know? I mean, not just for the money. Just for you. No. Treating me like a human being. And I sure as hell don't deserve that from you. I just wanna thank you. Thank you.

Justin: Bonnie. I gotta go.

Sonny: Hey, dad. Am I interrupting?

Kate: Are you sure? I mean, I know it's morning, but it is late morning.

Philip: No, I need to keep my wits about me.

Kate: [Laughs] Right. So... about xander. Do you have a game plan?

Philip: Do I need one? Either father makes me ceo of titan or I walk. I don't see xander as part of the equation.

Kate: Okay. I think you're being just a little bit blasé about all of this, because, you know, victor and xander are thick as thieves, and, I mean, the last time you parted ways, you weren't exactly on the best of terms. So.

Philip: Every family has its ups and downs.

Kate: [Sighs] So you're gonna play this very close to the vest? Is that it?

Philip: [Chuckles]

Kate: What? What? What?

Philip: Well, I'm playing it close to the vest especially 'cause of you, mother dearest. You have a way of insinuating yourself into other people's business.

Kate: Well, that's a really wicked thing to say to the woman who gave you life. Let me say that.

Philip: Ah, come on. I say "titan ceo" and you twitch. It's a visceral response.

Kate: I want nothing to do with titan.

Philip: Oh, so you're completely fulfilled as a spin doctor to a small-town mayor? I hear you can make hundreds of dollars doing that.

Kate: Money's not the most important thing.


[Both laughing]

Lucas: Oh, what? Philip returns and the hilarity ensues?

Philip: Hey, lucas.

Lucas: Whoa, you didn't invite me? Hey, man. Good to see you. What are you doing back? What brings you back to salem?

Philip: What else? Family.

Xander: Hey. Any word on ciara? Sorry. I was heading to the office, but I have the fourth quarter numbers if you're interested. Or we can go over them later.

Victor: I've already seen them.

Xander: Of course. I should know by now that nothing goes on at titan that you don't get wind of.

Victor: It's true. There is something I need to tell you.

Xander: Is there a problem?

Victor: No. No, I think you should know why philip is really here. He intends to take over the company. My nunormal: Fewer asthma attacks.

Philip: I really am sorry to hear that about allie. It must be hell not knowing where she is.

Kate: Well, when sami got involved, I mean, allie really didn't have a choice except to get as far away as possible.

Lucas: Yeah, right, but we're not gonna go there, right, mom?

Kate: Mm-hmm. I got it, all right? I mean, I'm not going to interfere.

Philip: No, no. Not you. Not ever.

Lucas: Never. Good one, really. Good one.

Philip: Look, I've gotta go. But I'll call you sometime. We'll get dinner.

Lucas: Sounds good. You pay.

Kate: You will keep me updated, right? On everything.

Philip: Of course.

Kate: And philip, I have read your father's greek plays. And let me just say, when the son returns to his father's palace, it tends not to end well.

Philip: I'll keep that in mind. See you.

Lucas: All right, man.

Kate: Love you.

Lucas: What are you two up to now?

Xander: So he waltzes in here and says, "hey, daddy. I'm home. Make me ceo." And just like that, I'm out on my arse?

Victor: That's not what I said.

Xander: He flounces off in a huff, doesn't speak to you for five years. Meanwhile, I'm at your beck and call, doing everything that needs to be done, even if it's illegal, and that counts for nothing?

Victor: You're overreacting.

Xander: No, victor. I earned this, and you owe me. I'll be damned if I'm gonna give up what's rightfully mine without a fight.

Bonnie: I'm sorry, but this hat was not victor's hat to give.

Justin: Oh, no. Bonnie. Bonnie. Bonnie, please. Why did victor give you this hat?

Sonny: It was a going-away present because will and I are getting ready to leave. And I wanted to come and say goodbye to you, but I also didn't wanna interrupt, because you two seemed to be, I don't know, engaged, here.

Bonnie: I'm sorry. I'm gonna leave you two to... be together. I'm--sonny? Good luck.

Sonny: It's hard to go, but I'm glad I never have to see her again.

Justin: Wait, hold on a second, wha--I thought you were waiting to work out your custody arrangement with gabi?

Sonny: Yeah, it's done. Everyone's on board. We're gonna do what's best for ari. Alex called. He wants me there asap. Will's fine, so, I mean, we're going, dad. I came to say goodbye to you in person.

Justin: It's a little abrupt.

Sonny: I know. I know it is, okay? But before I go, I mean, I have to--I mean, I have a question for you. What the hell are you doing with bonnie lockhart?

Marlena: If I don't see sonny before you go, will you tell him I love him?

Will: Yes, I will.

Marlena: And will you please get a nice guest room in your next place? Because as soon as john is up and around, we're going to come see you.

Will: Grandma, what self-respecting gay couple does not have a great guest room?

Marlena: [Laughs] Ah! Ooh! I love you so much. I'm gonna miss you so much, so you need-- you need to go before I start crying.

[Sobs] Just go.

[Groans] Too late.

[Both laugh]


Did you know the source of odor in your home...

Victor: Damn it, sit down and shut up.

Xander: [Sighs]

Victor: I haven't given the job to philip. Yet.

Xander: Why not?

Victor: I'm weighing what's best for the company and this family.

Justin: I'm representing her. She's a client, okay?

Sonny: A client who did anything she could think of to ruin mom's life.

Justin: And I haven't forgotten that. Look, her publisher was taking advantage of her, and I tried to help her out. The case is-- it's almost closed. We almost got a settlement. And then I will never, ever see her again. Really.

Sonny: Do you hold hands with all of your clients?

Justin: Sonny. She was grateful.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Justin: Sonny, is this how we're gonna say goodbye? Arguing over her?

Sonny: I don't trust her, dad.

Justin: Fine. How about trusting me?

Sonny: [Sighs] I hate leaving you alone.

Justin: I promise to behave.

Sonny: You know that's not what I meant.

Justin: Sonny, we got through hell together. But we did get through it. We have our lives back. And do you know how happy it makes me to know that you and your wonderful husband are going off to work with your brothers in honor of your mom? And one more thing. Dude, there are planes and phones. Right? This isn't goodbye. This is "see you later."

Sonny: You're the best. I love you.

Justin: [Laughing]

Sonny: I love you so much, dad.

Justin: Right back at you, kiddo. I love you too.

Will: Hey.

Lucas: Hey.

Will: I'm glad I found you two together. I need to say goodbye.

Sarah: So I spoke with kayla. The swelling in john's brain hasn't gone down as much as we would've hoped.

Marlena: Oh... you're--you're not gonna wake him, then.

Sarah: Not today. We just have to wait. Another cleaning tip from mr. Clean.

Marlena: I really was hoping to hear your voice... maybe even see you smile.

[Sighs] I'm missing you so much. I'm feeling pretty alone.

Brady: You're not alone.

Justin: Isn't it a little early for this?

Bonnie: It's 5:00 somewhere, right? Are you okay?

Justin: Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm just really gonna miss my son.

Will: Keep an, uh-- uh, an eye on mom for me.

Lucas: You haven't told her yet.

Will: No. She's next on the list.

Lucas: Well, god help you.

Sonny: You guys still talking to me?

Lucas: Talk--of course we're still talking to you. Just wanna tell you how much we're gonna miss you both.

Sonny: You guys.

Kate: Aw. Oh. You'll take good care of my grandson, right?

Lucas: He always does.

Will: Okay. Guess it's time.

Kate: Love you.

Will: Love you.

Lucas: Take care.

Will: All right.

Kate: [Exhales]

Xander: I won't be jerked around any longer, victor. I will walk out that door and I will never come back.

Victor: That's not what I want.

Xander: I'm done worrying about what you want. You know what I want? I want an answer right now. Who're you gonna choose? Is it me?

Philip: Or me?

[Intense music]

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