Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/28/20
Episode #13845 ~ Ben has an explosive confrontation with Eve; Gabi is forced to make a heartbreaking decision; Gwen blows up at Jake; Rafe and Gabi say farewell to Salem.
Provided By Suzanne
Gwen: Break up? Are you crazy? We love each other.Jake: I do. I love you, gwen, and there's a part of me that always will, but I-- oh, crap.
Gwen: But? But? But? But what, jake? You slept with her once, and now what? You wanna be a couple?
Jake: I don't know. Okay, I-- I don't know what's gonna happen. But I know I'd like to find out. Gabi feels that way too.
Gwen: Oh, god. Oh, you are such a stupid idiot. Gabi feels like you can help her get in at dimera. Or pretend that you are her dead husband in bed. Either way, she is using you.
Gabi: I told you that I have a lot to deal with, so if you have a problem, take it somewhere else.
Eduardo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, i am taking it somewhere else, and I'm taking you with me. That's what's going on.
Gabi: Forget it; I'm not going anywhere with you.
Eduardo: You know, i understand you're upset. I need you to understand that staying here is not an option. Our lives are in danger.
Gabi: Hmm. Kay, what do you expect? I'm just gonna drop everything and just leave with you? In case you have forgotten, i have a life here. My daughter has a life here. My daughter, which--she wouldn't even know you if she tripped over you.
Eduardo: Arianna is in danger too. So obviously, she must come with us.
Gabi: Oh, "she must come with us." Why? Because you say so? You, who we haven't heard from in over a year. You, who obviously doesn't give a damn about us and never did. I am not going anywhere.
Sonny: What did marlena say?
Will: The doctors are keeping john sedated until the swelling goes down, and then they'll be able to tell if the aneurysm did any permanent damage.
Sonny: Will, I'm so sorry.
Will: I--I just feel bad for my grandmother.
Sonny: Look, if you wanna stay in town and be with her, I completely understand. Kay, so I know that we're getting ready to go to arizona soon, but--
Chad: So gabi wasn't lying? You two are really leaving salem?
Hope: Tell me what you just remembered. Tell me, ben.
Ben: [Sobbing] Ciara just told me that I didn't have to do it and that I could just leave and go get help.
Hope: So you let her go? Did you let her go? Tell me you let her go, ben.
Ben: I told her that i love her. With all my heart. But I didn't have a choice.
Hope: You what? Are you-- are you-- did you kill her? Did you kill ciara?
Ben: I tried to fight it, hope. I fought it with everything in me. I fought it with everything in me. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. God help me, I wanted to. I wanted to.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jake: Look. Gabi's going through a tough time right now.
Gwen: Oh, my god. I cannot believe the same man who screwed over the philadelphia mob could be snowed over by some opportunistic slut. Tell me, jake. What is it exactly that you see in her?
Jake: We get each other.
Gwen: You get each other.
Jake: Yeah.
Gwen: Right. Okay. Do you know the only reason that she knew you existed is because she thought you were stefan?
Jake: Well, she knows I'm not, and she still wants me.
Gwen: Oh, no, no, no. She wants you to use you.
Jake: Oh, yeah. You know, you are some person to be talking about using people, gwen. The moment you found out that i was a dimera, you started digging that gold. Could not wait to get out of that garage and into a mansion, with servants and fancy soap.
Gwen: Don't you even bloody dare! I only wanted you to get what you rightfully deserve. I had no idea you'd be seduced by that disgusting bitch!
Jake: No, you're getting it wrong. She didn't seduce me.
Gwen: Well, you know what?
Jake: It was mutual.
Gwen: Okay. Well, guess what? I think this is what you bloody well deserve. That's what you bloody deserve!
Jake: What is wrong with you? You're nuts!
Sonny: Yeah, my brothers and I, we've been trying to come up with a new business venture to honor my mom and one of the ideas finally hit.
Will: Yeah, it's a biotech startup that could revolutionize breast cancer treatment.
Sonny: It's very important work, and obviously, it's personally meaningful to me, and I just had to jump at the opportunity to run the company.
Will: Yeah. And I'm--I, you know, can probably find a job out there, so we're just gonna go for it.
Chad: I mean, that's-- that's amazing, and I know that it would make adrienne really proud. But selfishly, I really don't want my two best friends to leave.
Will: Yeah, we feel the same way, but you know what? There are airplanes, and we will have a guest bedroom wherever we go, so--
Chad: I'm sure. Gabi said you guys wanna take ari.
Will: Yeah, she is dead set against that.
Chad: Yeah, she is. Say, you don't think you could talk her into going with you guys, do you? Get her out of my hair?
Will: I don't see that happening.
Sonny: No, no. I don't either, but we are gonna have to come up with some, you know, reasonable arrangement with her.
Will: I know what you're thinking. Gabi, reasonable. Good luck with that.
Sonny: Well, she--I think once she calms down, we will come together and agree on what to do with ari.
Will: Yeah, I--I don't know. Eric and nicole are--
Chad: [Laughs]
Will: Are currently fighting my mom for custody of allie's baby and it got real ugly, real fast.
Eduardo: What can I say to get you to grasp how serious this is?
Gabi: Why don't you grasp my situation? In case you have forgotten, i share custody of arianna with her two fathers, who, by the way, are trying to take her away from me.
Rafe: Why would they do that?
Gabi: Oh, because sonny's got this new job in arizona and they're moving. And when they told me that they wanted to take arianna, I raised holy hell, of course, right? But--but why would they let me keep her if we're running for our lives? Which, by the way, we don't even know if this threat is real.
Eduardo: It's real! It's real! They already tried to kill dario.
Gabi: Oh, you're-- you're such a liar. You're just saying that to scare me.
Eduardo: Yeah, you don't believe me? You can ask him yourself.
[Line trilling] Hey, man. I need you to talk to your brother and sister. They're... what?
Rafe: What? What is it now?
Eduardo: Hey, hey, hey. Well, you--you move, man. He just got a message from them. They know where he is and they're on--they're on to him. They're coming for him, and they're coming for you two next.
Hope: Look at me. Do you remember killing her? Do you remember killing her?
Ben: No. No, hope, I swear to you. I just--I remember just being in the bathroom. I was standing over her with this tie in my hands and this-- this, like, force inside me. It was so strong. It was so powerful.
Hope: So where is she?
Ben: I couldn't have done it.
Hope: Where is she?
Ben: I couldn't have done it.
Hope: She's not there. Tell me.
Ben: I couldn't have, hope.
Hope: What happened to her?
Ben: I would never hurt her.
Hope: Ben. Ben. What happened to my daughter? Where is she?
Ben: May--maybe--
Hope: No!
Ben: Maybe--maybe she ran away. Maybe ciara ran away.
Hope: Why didn't she call? She'd find a way to call me. I have to find her.
Ben: Wait, hope, arrest me. Please. I terrorized ciara. You have to do this.
Hope: Because of eve.
Ben: Listen, I don't care. Whatever she did to me hasn't been undone, eve, and as long as I'm free, your daughter's not safe. Please. Just take me in. Take me in for ciara, please.
[Glass shatters]
Jake: Damn it. All right, gwen. I think you damn near broke about 100 grand in antiques, not to mention dented my head. Are you happy now, gwen?
Gwen: No. Not really.
[Breathing heavily] You know what, though? I think a little-- a little chat with gabi might just do the trick actually.
Jake: No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen!
Gwen: Out of the way. No!
Jake: Listen to me! You don't need to go after gabi. None of that matters. Because it's not gonna change my mind. You and me, we are done.
Gwen: [Sighs] What the hell am I gonna do now?
Jake: For starters, I think you should move out.
Gwen: [Choked laugh]
Chad: I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I actually feel bad for gabi. I mean, I know how hard it was for her to be away from ari when she was in prison.
Will: Yeah. Well, maybe we convince her to open a gabi chic at one of the arizona resorts. Right?
Chad: Separation is hard. You know? For parents and kids. I know that firsthand now with-- with abby being in florida.
Sonny: How's she doing?
Chad: She's--you know, she's working hard to get better. And, you know, we're both hopeful she'll be home soon. She's gonna be really bummed that you guys aren't gonna be here when she gets here.
Will: Well, I mean, like i said, arizona's not that far, and you can always come visit.
Chad: This is true. Meantime... you guys are gonna be great with ari. I mean, the three of you will figure it out. You always have. You know, circumstances are changing, but... that doesn't have to. You guys are gonna work it out.
Will: Thanks, man.
Chad: All right, I gotta go. Good luck with the move.
Sonny: [Sighs] We'll be in touch.
Chad: [Laughs] Hmm?
Will: Yeah.
Chad: Oh. I love you guys.
Sonny: Love you too.
Chad: Salem is not gonna be the same without you.
Rafe: Go. Now. Good luck. Dario has a place to hide out. So he's safe. For now.
Gabi: So real.
Rafe: Yeah.
Eduardo: Look, I... I don't have the words to express how sorry I am. But I swear, I'm gonna do everything in my power to make it up to both of you. But right now, we have to move.
Gabi: "We have to move." This is crazy. I'm a mother first, rafe. So I know. I know what I have to do to make sure that my daughter's safe.
[Foreboding music]
So, the story with depression...
Gwen: Move out? Where am I supposed to go, jake?
Jake: I don't know, how about back to philly?
Gwen: Oh, right. So that I can run into the philadelphia mob that you screwed over and just go end up swimming with the fishes. Okay.
Jake: You can't stay here. Not after what just happened.
Gwen: No, let'S... start again. You just--you had sex with gabi because I kissed chad. That's okay. We'll just--that's it. We're even. We're even now. Let's just--let's just pick up from where we left off. Do that.
Jake: Gwen? Can'T.
[Sighs] We can'T. Here. Should be enough for a motel room for a couple of nights or maybe even a plane ticket.
Gwen: [Laughs]
Jake: I think it'd be best if you left salem.
Gwen: [Laughs] So I don't have to see you and gabi? You are a real prince, jake. I don't want your money.
Jake: I'm gonna go clean up.
[Somber music]
For what it's worth, gwen... wherever you end up, I hope you find someone who makes you happy. That you have a good life.
Sonny: It's too bad that chad hates gabi, 'cause we could use a good mediator right now.
Will: I don't know. I mean, even if he would talk to her, I don't think she'd listen. She said when it comes to her daughter, she is never gonna compromise.
Sonny: I love gabi, I know you do, too, but 've seen how far she'll go to get what she wants.
Will: And clearly, what she wants is to keep ari in salem.
[Door opens]
Sonny: What is this? You brought the big guns?
Will: Gabi, come on. I mean, we're all family here. We can figure this out. We don't need to involve eduardo.
Gabi: My father came to tell me that my mom is sick. Very sick. So rafe and I, we're gonna be going to mexico with him to be with her. So at least for now, arianna's gonna stay with you guys.
Eduardo: Whoa, whoa, no. The plan is for arianna to come with us.
Gabi: Yeah, that plan changed.
Will: Wow, um... well, obviously we're--we would be thrilled to take arianna, but I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.
Sonny: Yeah, I'm so sorry. Look, with my new business venture, I have access to medical resources, okay? We can help your mom. And she's gonna get better care here than in mexico, so--
Eduardo: That's not possible.
Sonny: Why not? What is wrong with your mom?
Eduardo: It's private.
Sonny: Just say the word and I will send the kiriakis jet.
Eduardo: No thanks. If that's the way you're gonna handle it, you need to go say goodbye right now to your daughter.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: This is wrong. This is wrong. If we wanna keep arianna safe, will and sonny need to know the truth.
Eduardo: Leave it alone, gabi.
Gabi: No. My mom's not sick. My father pissed off some very important people, and now they wanna kill our entire family, including arianna.
Ben: How dare you? You did this to me!
Eli: Ben.
Ben: You made me wanna kill the woman I love!
Eve: No, I wanted you to feel the same kind of pain I felt when you murdered my daughter.
Ben: Then you come after me, eve! Leave ciara out of it!
Eve: I hope that your wife is alive for her sake and hope's, but not yours.
Ben: I pray to god I didn't kill ciara, but oh god, I could kill you right now. I could kill you right now.
Eli: Hey!
Rafe: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell's going on here?
Hope: I found eve at paige's gravesite. So I arrested her.
Rafe: That's good. Why is ben handcuffed?
Ben: Because eve decided to have her friend vincent brainwash me to kill ciara.
Rafe: What? Is that true?
Hope: I don't know.
Rafe: What do you mean, you don't know?
Hope: I don't know.
Rafe: Where's ciara?
Hope: I don't know! I don't know. We don't know anything.
Rafe: Does she know? Something great from mr. Clean.
Rafe: If you know where ciara is...
Eve: I don'T. I swear to god, I told hope everything that I know, rafe.
Rafe: You blew up a church full of people. Why should I believe you?
Hope: Rafe, she finally told me where to find ciara and ben. In paige's old dorm room. But when I got there, I only found ben, not ciara. She wasn't--be happening.
Rafe: It's okay.
Hope: It's not--
Rafe: We're gonna--
Hope: Okay. Okay. Okay.
Ben: Today's the anniversary of paige's death. So eve decided to have her friend brainwash me to go back to where paige died and try and kill my wife. But now I don't remember what I did. All I remember is that I trapped her in the bathroom. Look at me. I trapped her in the bathroom with a necktie in my hand. And I don't remember anything else.
Eli: Hey.
Rafe: What about vincent?
Eli: We have a apb out, but we don't have any leads. I'm gonna take her to a holding cell, and then I'll get right back to the search.
Eve: I'm truly sorry if I put ciara in danger. I--I was out of my mind with grief and rage. Oh, god, I hope ciara's okay.
Rafe: Get her out of here. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Hope: We need to find-- we need to find her. We need every officer at that campus, every inch of it. They need to search it.
Rafe: Of course.
Hope: Every inch of it.
Rafe: You guys hear that? We need officers at the campus, now. And I need to talk to you. In private.
Eduardo: You should've kept this in the family, gabi.
Gabi: Arianna's gonna be safer with her fathers, and if they're gonna protect her, then they need to know the truth.
Will: Gabi, are you sure this threat is real?
Gabi: Well, I didn't believe it at first, but then I spoke to dario, and he says they already tried once to attack him and they're gonna do it again. They're coming after all of us.
Sonny: Are you sure there's no better way to keep you safe than to go on the run?
Eduardo: I'm sorry, but there's not. So this is how we're gonna play it. We're gonna make it look like arianna's coming with us to mexico to see her abuela, but in reality, we're gonna trust her to you in arizona.
Gabi: You know, it's one thing to force me and rafe to lie for you, but now, you're force will and sonny to lie--
Sonny: Hey, it's okay. Honestly. We are gonna keep ari safe, I promise you. You just take care of yourself.
Eduardo: Thank you. And we have to go.
Will: Wait. Gabi, when are we gonna see you again?
Gabi: I don't know, but right now, I have to figure out a way to say goodbye to my daughter. Ta-da!
Chad: Gwen?
Gwen: Go away.
Chad: What in the hell happened?
Gwen: [Sighs] Sorry, I... I broke a few things 'cause jake broke up with me. It's all gabi's fault.
Will: It just never ends with you, does it?
Sonny: It's bad enough you unleashed orpheus on this town. Now you're tearing gabi away from her daughter.
Eduardo: I'm doing what's necessary to protect my family.
Sonny: What your family needs is protection from you. Hey.
Gabi: Hey.
Sonny: How did--how did ari take the news?
Gabi: Well, I told her as best I could, and she--she gave me her teddy bear to give to my mom. She made me promise that I would go visit you guys in arizona, and I told her I would, but I'm not even sure that that's even possible.
Will: Hey, no, it--oh, it is. Yeah. Oh, it is. You're gonna see ari again. We're gonna tell her that every day.
Sonny: Yeah.
Gabi: You know--you guys know I would never leave her unless I had to.
Sonny: Of course. Of course we know that.
Gabi: I'm so sorry.
Will: No, gabi. It's not your fault.
Gabi: Thank you. Thank you for understanding. You're gonna take care of our girl, okay? Yeah?
Will: Always.
Gabi: Okay. You too.
Sonny: Yeah. Hey, and no matter where you are, you're gonna be connected to ari, okay? She loves you and we love you. We love you so much.
Gabi: Okay.
Will: Let us know when you're safe. As soon as you're safe, please, let us know.
Gabi: Okay.
Eduardo: Yeah, okay. Okay, good. Now let's go get your brother. Come on.
Gabi: There's one more person I need to say goodbye to.
Eduardo: Who?
[Melancholy music]
Gabi: Just none of your damn business.
Eduardo: Please don't tell anyone else what's going on, gabi.
Gabi: Fine. But I am not leaving until I say goodbye to this one person, and by the way, rafe needs time to say his goodbyes too.
Hope: I talked to the campus police. I asked them if they'd seen ciara leave the campus, or ben leave and come back, but nothing.
Rafe: They're checking surveillance footage?
Hope: So far, there's no sign of her, rafe.
Rafe: What about her phone? Her phone. We'll track her phone.
Hope: No, I have her phone. Ben knocked it out of her hand at the dorm.
Rafe: What? You have it?
Hope: Damn it. I know my daughter. If she were safe, she'd find a way to get in touch with me, rafe. Oh, dear god. Honest to god. If you had seen the look in ben's face when I found him... and the things that he said to me were so terrifying.
Rafe: Hey, hope.
Hope: And he scared me. I've never been so scared in all my life.
Rafe: It's okay. Listen. Listen to me. Hey, can you look at me? There you go, look at me. I know how much ben loves ciara. I knew it; I know the love that they have is so strong, there's no way that anything eve or vincent could do that is gonna tear them apart. You have to believe that, okay? Are you with me?
Hope: I called you. I left you a message. Why did--didn't you get it? Did you--did you hear my message?
Eduardo: You cannot tell her.
Rafe: What are you do-- what are you doing?
Eduardo: You cannot tell anyone, especially not a fellow cop.
Rafe: I did. I got it. Just, I couldn't--I couldn't pick up.
Hope: Why not?
Rafe: Because of my father. He's the one that broke into my house and tripped my alarm. He had to see me because... because of my mother. She's very sick.
Hope: Oh, no.
Rafe: Yeah. So he--he broke in. He--he wants me and gabi to go back with him to mexico to see her. But I'm not leaving now. I'm not leaving you like this.
[Wistful music]
Chad: So... jake broke up with you.
Gwen: That's what I said, isn't it?
Chad: Well... he was mad that you kissed me. But I thought that was your thing. You guys make each other jealous.
Gwen: I said that he likes to make me jealous, but I wanted to make him jealous this time, but my stupid plan just completely backfired.
Chad: Right. Well, seems like an easy fix. Just tell him you kissed me to get under his skin.
Gwen: It's not just about you and I kissing. I found him in bed with gabi.
Chad: What?
Gwen: Yeah. Now he actually thinks he's got a shot with her.
Jake: Well, gwen and I had it out. As you can imagine, it did not go very well. You probably heard various objects crashing against the walls as she hurled them at my head. I'm sorry to say there were probably some pretty pricey antiques in there. Honestly, I can't tell the difference, but... anyway, I'm also sorry for... how she attacked you. Obviously, she wasn't very happy finding us in bed together, but even so, she told me she'd give me another chance. I told her I didn't want one. Told her that-- that we were through. Gabi, I know what happened between us was... unexpected, and I have no idea where things are headed, but I'd kinda like to find out. I was hoping maybe you would too. What is it? What happened?
Gabi: My mom... my mom is sick. So rafe and I and ari, we have to go right now, be with her in mexico.
Jake: I'm so sorry.
Gabi: This is goodbye.
Hope: No, rafe. Your place is with your mom.
Both: No.
Hope: No arguments.
Rafe: No, I'm not leaving now. Ciara's missing--
Hope: No. No. Your place right now-- your mom needs you, and that's where you need to be. And shawn and belle are here and eli and lani. I have a lot of support here.
Rafe: I know you do. It's not just about that. It's not about--it's-- it's about us.
Jake: Goodbye? Just because you're leaving, doesn't mean this has to end.
Gabi: Jake, my--my mom is seriously ill, and I don't know how long I will be away.
Jake: What if I went with you?
Gabi: No, you don't understand, it's--
Jake: No, no, no, you will be busy focusing on getting your mother well and taking care of her, and I will focus on taking care of you.
Gabi: Jake, please.
Jake: No. No, gabi. I wanna do this.
Gabi: You can't! When migraine strikes,
Chad: Well, I think you're freaking out for no reason. Gabi only slept with jake because she's trying to worm her way back in to dimera.
Gwen: Yeah, that's exactly what I said. But he's convinced that there's something more there.
[Sighs] Can you believe the bastard told me to move out? I mean, I don't have any money. I don't have anywhere to go.
Chad: That's kinda harsh.
Gwen: You know, I helped you spy on gabi. I brought you very important information that paid off. You said you owed me. Chad, can I stay here?
Chad: I don't know.
Gwen: Please. Please. This is the dimera mansion and you are a dimera.
Chad: Okay, yeah. For a little bit. Okay, that's--all right. Okay, that's good.
Gwen: Thank you.
Chad: You're welcome. Okay.
Gabi: Don't be ridiculous. You're not coming with me.
Jake: Why not?
Gabi: What do you think is going on here? I slept with you because you look like stefan and because I thought you could get me back in at dimera.
Jake: That's what gwen said, but I'm not buying it.
Gabi: Yeah, well, you should believe that moron. She's actually right. I was using you to get back where I belong: Ceo, running that company. And now? Now I have to put everything on hold.
Jake: Not forever, right? You're coming back, right?
Gabi: Oh, if you're insinuating that you will wait for me, please don'T. I have to go.
Jake: Look at me. Look at me in my eyes... and tell me you don't feel anything.
Gabi: I was attracted to you because you look like stefan. I also found you useful for that reason. But I have no use for you anymore. So you're never gonna take stefan's place. If I were you, I would go upstairs and try to patch things up with that train wreck. I have to go.
Rafe: We talked about this. You and me, we talked about it. We agreed we were--we were gonna give it another shot. The idea of walking away from you...
Hope: I... will be fine. Just like I know in my heart my daughter will be, and when I find her and I bring her home safe and sound, I'm gonna tell her the good news, and she's gonna be so happy, and when you come back...
Rafe: What?
Hope: The three of us are gonna celebrate, okay?
Rafe: Yeah. Yes. Yeah, we will. We will. I won't stop thinking about you. I love you.
Hope: I love you, rafael.
[Bittersweet music]
Rafe? Are you okay? Are you all right?
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Good. It's gonna be okay.
Hope: [Sobbing]
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