Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/27/20
Episode #13844 ~ A fearful Hope questions Ben; Gabi and Jake give in to their feelings for each other; Sami betrays Eric in order to nail Nicole; Eduardo puts Rafe in a tough spot.
Provided By Suzanne
Jake: Hey, come here.
[Sighs] What does this job have to do with your kid?
Gabi: Well, will and sonny, her fathers, uh, they're moving. They're moving, and they wanna take her with them. And I have to probably prove in court that I can provide for her, that she has a home here with me.
Jake: You think they're gonna take you to court?
Gabi: I don't know. I'm scared. I can't--I can't lose her. I can't, not after--after...
Jake: After you lost your husband.
Gabi: [Sighs] I miss him. Sometimes, I just can't--I can't stand it, and then... and then I see you... his face...
[Dramatic music]
Jake: I can't do this, gabi.
Eduardo: If we don't go right now, we'll both be dead.
Rafe: [Snorts softly] Pops, come on. Pops, you're laying it on a little thick, don't you think? I mean...
Eduardo: Sound like it, but it's true. I swear; it's true.
Rafe: Okay. Okay, then you better tell me what the hell's going on.
Justin: Mrs. Brady served her time. She paid for her crime.
Sami: That is not the only crime that she has committed.
Are you alleging another crime?
Sami: Yes, I am, your honor, the biggest crime of all-- murder.
Nicole: What? That's insane. I didn't kill anyone.
Justin: Your honor, please--
Sami: Nicole, are you saying that you have forgotten what you did to deimos kiriakis?
[Tense music]
Hope: [Grunts] Oh, my god. Ciara! Ben! Ben, what happened? What happened?
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Male announcer: Like sands ake: Gabi, I can'T. I have a girlfriend.
Gabi: And you seem like you can't get away from me.
Jake: Well, now you sound exactly like her.
Gabi: Well, maybe she's right; maybe that bimbo has a point.
Jake: What's that?
Gabi: That you want me, and you have for a long time.
Jake: You're nuts.
Gabi: Oh, you can deny it all you want, but I know ever since we met, there's been a whole lot of heat between us. We obviously want each other. You just have to admit it.
Eduardo: So I'm in, uh, some pretty big trouble. That's the reason I came back to salem. And I didn't wanna get into it on the phone.
Rafe: Okay, so--so what'd you do this time?
Eduardo: Well, after I got out of prison, you know, I went into business. Turns out, it was with the wrong people. Things went south, and now they're out for blood.
Rafe: Mm, well, so--so you're out of prison for, what, a year--it's radio silence. And then the minute that you do something stupid again, you have the nerve to call me because I'm supposed to bail you out. Why the hell should I give a damn?
Eduardo: Because it's not just me they're after. You're in danger too.
Justin: Your honor, I object.
Sami: I object back! This has to come out, your honor.
Justin: Clearly, mrs. Dimera is unhappy with your ruling, so now she is making a last-ditch effort to malign my client. Nicole brady is not on trial here. This is a custody hearing.
Sami: Okay, but what I have to say goes directly to nicole's fitness as a parent.
Duncan: You may proceed, mrs. Dimera. Everyone else, have a seat.
Sami: Thank you, your honor. As was reported widely four years ago, deimos kiriakis was found dead at the martin house, with a knife sticking out of his chest. What wasn't reported is that nicole walker is the one who stabbed him.
Hope: What is it? What did you do?
Ben: I'm so sorry.
Hope: Where's ciara? No, ben, ben, ben!
Ben: I don't know.
Hope: No, you need to pull it together, and you need to tell me where my daughter is. Where's ciara? Is she here? Is she here?
Ben: I'm sorry.
Hope: Ciara! Ciara! Ciara!
Hope: Ciara's not here. Where is she?
Ben: I don't know.
Hope: Answer me. Where is she? What did you do to her? Where is she?
Ben: I don't remember. I don't know.
Hope: [Sighs]
[Cell phone beeps]
[Cell phone ringing]
[Dramatic music]
It's ciara's phone.
[Cell phone rings, beeps off] Why is the screen cracked? Why is her screen cracked?
Ciara: I need to call my mom. Okay, we need to get help. Let's call. We need to call my mom--
Ben: No, no, no, no, no!
[Cell phone clangs] I knocked it out of her hand.
Hope: Why?
Ben: I don't know.
Hope: Think, think.
Ben: I don't know. I don't know; I can'T.
Hope: Ben!
Ben: I can't right now.
Hope: I need you--I need you to remember. You need--I need you to remember. You knocked the phone away from ciara, then what? What happened next?
Eduardo: Yeah, you may find this amusing, but your life is on the line.
Rafe: Wh--I'm a cop. Do you remember that? I am a cop, okay? I can handle myself. Oh, I am not happy with you, to put it mildly, but I don't wanna see you dead. So just--just tell these thugs that you're here in salem and get lost, and I will handle it, okay?
Eduardo: Well, I appreciate that, and I wish it were that simple, but it's not just the two of us that they're after. It's the whole family.
Rafe: Okay, I will protect them, okay? Get lost and I'll handle it.
Eduardo: It's way too late for that!
Rafe: What is that supposed to mean?
Gabi: I've already admitted that I'm attracted to you. Why can't you admit it goes both ways?
Jake: Because you're not really attracted to me, gabi. You just think you are because I look like your dead husband. But I'm not stefan.
Gabi: So you've said a million times since I've known you. The thing is, I don't care.
[Dramatic music]
Sami: Nicole stuck a knife through deimos' heart, literally.
Duncan: If memory serves me, deimos kiriakis' murder was never solved.
Justin: Correct, your honor. The victim happens to have been my uncle, so I've kept tabs on this case, and it remains cold to this day.
Duncan: Do you have any evidence of this very serious allegation?
Sami: I do, your honor.
Duncan: Why didn't you take it to the police?
Sami: Well, that wasn't my job; that was nicole's, and she didn't do it. Here's what happened. I went to nashville three years ago to look for kristen dimera. While I was there, I found my brother, and he was with nicole, who, at the time, was married to xander kiriakis. You can confirm that, can't you, eric? Nicole told me that xander had blackmailed her into marrying him.
Nicole: I never told sami why xander was blackmailing me and neither did you. So how could she possibly know?
Sami: What xander had on nicole, what he was using to force her into marrying him was nicole's confession to murdering deimos kiriakis.
Duncan: Mrs. Brady, is there any truth to this allegation?
Justin: Your honor, once again, I object to this entire line of questioning.
Duncan: Overruled. Mrs. Brady, is there any truth to this allegation?
Nicole: Absolutely not, your honor. I had nothing to do with deimos' murder.
Sami: That is a lie.
Duncan: Let her speak.
Nicole: I don't deny hating deimos. Everyone did. I mean, he was heartless and-- and cruel, and I'm not surprised someone killed him, but it certainly wasn't me.
Sami: Oh, wh--
Duncan: [Grunts] Let's go back. You were living in nashville?
Nicole: Yes, and, yes, sami showed up. Yes, I told her that xander had blackmailed me into marrying him because he was obsessed with me.
Sami: Oh, my god, seriously?
Duncan: Could you be quiet, huh?
Sami: Yes, ma'am, sorry.
Nicole: Years ago, um... I used xander to make my then-boyfriend jealous, and he never got over it. And he--he vowed to get revenge. So he tracked me down, and he forced me to marry him. And he told me if I didn't, I would lose my daughter, and I believed him because it is not the first time that xander has terrorized me using holly. So obviously I couldn't take any chances.
Duncan: All right, let me be clear. Xander kiriakis did blackmail you, but the threat was that he would harm your daughter, not that he'd reveal your confession of killing deimos kiriakis?
Nicole: I couldn't confess, your honor, because I didn't kill deimos. Sami is just making up this horrendous story because she doesn't want us to get custody of allie horton's little boy. She has no real argument, so instead she's using this vicious smear campaign. And it is really not fair! I don't understand why you're doing this.
Justin: And as I said before, your honor, nicole has taken responsibility for her actions. She's paid her debt to society, and ever since, she has proven herself to be a model citizen, a devoted mother, wife....
Sami: Oh, nicole? Are you serious? You're kidding me right now.
Duncan: Control yourself.
Sami: I'm sorry, your honor, but I cannot stand by and let him portray nicole as a saint when she is a murderer.
Justin: Mrs. Dimera is grasping at straws, using anything she can think of to discredit my client. She has no proof. She's making a mockery of this court.
Sami: Okay, I am telling you the truth. She is the one who is lying, but you don't have to take my word for it. You can believe my brother.
Rafe: What do you mean, "it's too late"?
Eduardo: I mean, they've already attacked someone we love.
Rafe: Oh, my god, was it mama?
Eduardo: It was dario.
Rafe: What happened? Is he okay?
Eduardo: They tried to kill him, man; they tried to shoot him in the street, and by the grace of god, they missed. He's off the grid now. He's got his head down, but they won't stop with him. They're coming for the whole family.
Rafe: Well, they're not gonna come after the police commissioner.
Eduardo: Well, they're not afraid of your badge, man. You don't know these guys. That'll only make them more determined to take you out.
Rafe: I can handle them, all right? I'll handle it!
Eduardo: They'll just move on to somebody else! They've already made threats against gabriella.
Rafe: Well, I'll protect her. I'll give her 24-hour security.
Eduardo: It's not enough! These are ruthless, fearless people, and they're on a mission to kill us! We gotta get gabi and get her out of salem now!
Gabi: [Panting]
[Both laugh]
Jake: Uh-huh. Well...that was, um-- that was fun.
Gabi: Yeah, it was.
Jake: So before we did that, you said that you know I'm not stefan, and you don't care.
Gabi: I remember.
Jake: What did you mean by that?
Gabi: I don't know. I don't know. I... yes, I was attracted to you initially because I thought you were my husband, and a dna test proved that you're his twin-- a man completely different from stefan, although alike in some ways. But I just knew that there was something there, and we've been denying it, but I think that we can do that anymore.
Jake: You're right, but I do have a girlfriend, who is on her way back home right now. So you should probably get out of here before she gets back.
[Door bangs open]
Gwen: Too late!
Jake: [Sighs]
Hope: Listen to me. I found eve; she's under arrest. She told me everything, ben. She told me how she had vincent brainwash you. And I know that whatever happened here wasn't what you wanted. I know that you only did it because you were programmed to do it. You need to tell me what you did. You need... we're family. You're--you're my family, and I care about you. We both love ciara. You need to tell me... you need to tell me what you did to her, ben. What did you do?
Ben: I have to do this. I have to kill you.
Hope: Eve told me that she wants you to suffer. She wants you to feel the same pain she felt when she lost her daughter.
Ben: I tried to stop myself. I really did. I kept trying. I tried to stop myself.
Ciara: It's now or never! No!
Ben: I pushed ciara into the bathroom. I'm sorry. I have to. And I stood over her with the tie in my hand.
Ciara: [Breathing shakily]
Ben: And for a second, I thought I might, hope, but I didn'T. I swear to you, I didn'T. Lock the door. Lock the door! I pulled the door closed. I told her to lock it...
Ciara: It's locked!
Ben: And not let me in no matter what.
Ciara: It's locked, ben! I locked it!
Ben: Don't let me in! But then I was-- I was freaking out. What did she do to me? I was crying. I was just sobbing. I guess ciara couldn't take it because she opened the bathroom door.
Ciara: Ben?
Ben: Shut the door! I screamed at her to go back inside and shut the door.
Ciara: Ben!
Ben: She did, and she locked it, but...
Ciara: You have to get help. Please call my mom, okay? Ben, call my mom, please.
Ben: I couldn't stop.
Ciara: [Screams]
Ben: [Grunting] I can't stop! I can't stop! I can't! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Ciara: [Sobbing] Oh, my...
Ben: I'm so sorry. I smashed the door until there was a hole big enough to put my hand through it. And then I reached in to turn the lock.
Hope: And did you go in?
Ben: Yes.
Hope: You went into the bathroom with this necktie? Did you try to strangle my daughter?
Ben: I don't know.
Hope: She's not here, ben! She's not here! Tell me you think she got away!
Ben: I'm telling you, I don't know. I'm telling you, I really don't know. I swear to you--I must have blacked out or something.
Hope: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. If you're afraid to tell me--
Ben: I'm not afraid to tell you, hope. I promise you, if there was something I knew about where she is to help, I would tell you.
Hope: Get up! Get up!
Ben: I swear to god.
Hope: Get up!
Ben: I swear to god. I swear to you. Hope, I swear to god.
Hope: Sit down. Sit down.
Ben: Hope, I swear--
Hope: Sit down! I'll do whatever I have to... to find my daughter.
Ben: Hope, I swear to you--
Hope: I will find her. Shut up!
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Rafe: Believe you did this to us again.
Eduardo: I'm sorry.
Both: Yeah!
[Cell phone rings]
Rafe: It's hope.
[Cell phone beeps]
Eduardo: Cannot tell...
Rafe: What'd you do? What are you doing?
Eduardo: You cannot tell anyone, especially not a fellow cop! Now let's go find your sister.
[Tense music]
Gwen: Bloody hell is all this? I'm gone for an hour and you just pounce on my boyfriend? And you--
Gabi: Oh, come on, don't act all superior. I caught you kissing chad yesterday, and he's married. So just shut your little--
Gwen: Okay, I might have kissed chad, but we didn't have sex, which is what has clearly happened here. Don't you even try to deny it.
Gabi: I'm not denying-- are you denying-- nobody's denying it. We had sex. It's great--really amazing.
Gwen: I'm gonna kill you! You're disgusting, you slut!
Gabi: Control her!
Gwen: [Grunting]
Nicole: Okay, you know what? That's it, sami. I know you're desperate, but this isn't gonna work, and I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you slander me because it's not right.
Duncan: No further outbursts, mrs. Brady, or I'm gonna ask you to leave.
Nicole: I apologize, your honor, it won't happen again.
Duncan: Why did you say your brother could verify your version of events?
Sami: Well, your honor, I will spare you the long, extended version of eric and nicole's relationship. What's important is that after a long period of time of them being forced apart, in nashville, they had finally reunited. They thought they could spend the rest of their lives together--stomach-turning, I know. Oh, sorry. Um...
[Clears throat] What's important is, they were finally back together when nicole "died" in this horrible warehouse fire.
Justin: Where are we going with this?
Duncan: Get to the point, mrs. Dimera.
Sami: Yes, yes, your honor. I will. So after the fire, eric was devastated. He thought he had lost nicole. He was filled with grief and rage, mostly at xander 'cause, you know, he forced her into this loveless marriage. Eric felt that xander had stolen their chance at being happy together.
Duncan: Mrs. Brady had stated that xander forced her into marriage by threatening her--her daughter. Are you saying that she is lying about that?
Sami: No, your honor, she would have lost holly. She would have gone to prison because she confessed to murdering deimos, and xander had her confession on tape.
Duncan: And you know this how?
Sami: 'Cause nicole told eric... and--and eric told me. We had just gotten back to salem after the fire, and eric was shattered. I've seen him in pain before, but not like this. He was raw, and he was angry. And one night, it all just came spilling out. He--he said, "that bastard had her on tape." You remember, don't you, eric? I know I'll never forget.
[Dramatic music]
Duncan: That's a very powerful account. Mr. Brady, is it true?
Hope: Rafe, I found ben in paige's old dorm room. Ciara wasn't herE.
[Sniffles] I have an officer outside. I need your help. Call me, please. Call me.
[Cell phone beeps]
Ben: Please, hope, let me come with you. Please, let me help.
Hope: No way in hell.
[Dramatic music]
Gabi: Back off, you crazy bitch!
Jake: All right, you stop. And you--
Gabi: I'm going! I am going! Oh, by the way, gwen, it was really, really amazing.
Gwen: Oh, you--
Jake: Gabi, just go.
Gwen: No!
[Grunts, sighs]
[Exhales] Really, how could you?
Sami: Can we get the bible for him to swear on? He used to be a priest.
Duncan: That won't be necessary. In a matter this important, I expect mr. Brady will tell the truth.
Sami: You're right, your honor. He will. That's who my brother is. He's a very honest person, unlike his pathological liar of a wife. My brother wouldn't lie to save his own life. So go ahead, eric. You tell them about our conversation when you told me that xander had a recording of nicole's confession to murder.
Eric: I have no idea what she's talking about, your honor. I don't remember the conversation at all.
Why are you doing this, eric? You never lie. How can you do this? This goes against everything that you believe in!
Duncan: Mrs. Dimera, you may sit down.
Sami: No, your honor, nicole has done this to him! She's turned you into someone that I don't even recognize! And you can't even see how she-- how she's manipulated our entire family, how she--how she got into allie's head, how she told you and belle what I said to john just to cause problems. She is an evil, toxic bitch!
Duncan: Sit down now!
Sami: I can't! Your honor, I am telling you the truth. I will take a lie detector test, or whatever you want! Eric told me what nicole said, that she had confessed--I--
Eric: I didn't! As we've--you can see we've established that my sister will go through great lengths to hold on to her grandson. She's not only threatened my wife and trash-talked her, but she's making up conversations. It never happened. It's all fiction.
Duncan: Do you have any evidence to back up your contentions, the tape of mrs. Brady's confession, for example? In that case, this court is adjourned. I will see you all back here tomorrow, when I will announce my decision.
Justin: Thank you, your honor.
Sami: No, your honor, this isn't over!
[Gavel pounds]
[Gasping] You are an officer of this court, and your clients are lying. You are gonna be in so much trouble!
Justin: Sami--sami, I advised you to ask for continuance, but you wouldn't listen to me.
Nicole: Justin, I'm--I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up at sami like that. I just couldn't help myself.
Justin: Don't worry. Don't worry; the ruling came down in your favor before sami threw that hail mary about deimos. And now that she knows that she was lying, I'm sure that things will go our way tomorrow.
Nicole: Thank you.
Eric: Thank you, justin.
Sami: I cannot believe you lied to that judge.
Eric: And I cannot believe that you would use something against me when I told you when I was going through so much pain.
Sami: Just like that, you admit it. Why am I not recording this conversation on my phone?
Eric: I know you're capable of doing some pretty low things, but this is lower than I can ever imagine you being. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never told you that sami knew about that voice recording. I never thought she'd use it against us.
Nicole: Sami would use anything to get what she wants. It's who she is.
Sami: You got away with murder, and I'm not gonna let you get away with stealing my grandson. The second this judge shows up here tomorrow, I'm going to tell her that you admitted that you told me about that tape.
Nicole: The hell you will.
Gwen: Put your shirt on.
Jake: We didn't plan this. It just happened.
Gwen: Oh, really? You're gonna use that stupid excuse? What the hell is this? Were you two playing some sort of a kinky dress-up game? Did gabi dress you up like her dead husband so that she could have sex with you and you just went along with it?
Jake: No, gabi brought me that suit because I didn't have the right thing to wear.
Gwen: For sex?
Jake: No, for kansas city. All right, gabi found out that chad's been making inroads on that deal that she made with collins, so she insisted that I go with her to help her out.
Gwen: Now?
Jake: Yeah, I asked her, "why all the urgency?" And she said ever since chad busted her for saying he's a slacker ceo, that chad's been sucking up to shin, trying to win his approval back and that if that happens, gabi will never end up in charge of dimera ever again. And apparently, that job is way more important to her than I ever imagined.
Gwen: Who cares about that stupid idiot slut? Jake, you and I agreed you were gonna cancel your trip to kansas city to show that I was your top priority.
Jake: I know; I know, and that's why I told her that she could fly solo. But she said that the only way that she'd get shin back on her side is if I was there to help her nail the deal.
Gwen: Oh, and instead, you nailed her!
Jake: No, I... I told her that we had dinner plans together, to go out.
Gwen: Then how did you go from "no" to jumping into the sack together, jake? Actually, you know what? I get it. You're getting back at me for kissing chad. You had revenge sex.
Jake: No. This doesn't have anything to do with you and chad. It's about me and gabi.
Eduardo: Gabi.
Rafe: Hey.
Gabi: Papi?
Eduardo: Yeah.
Gabi: What are you doing here?
Eduardo: Well, it's a long story; you look good, mi'ja.
Gabi: Wait, wha--how long did you--what--what's going on? When did you get out of prison? No calls, no texts, no letters-- nothing?
Eduardo: Yeah, look, I'm sorry about that; I've been meaning to get in touch--
Gabi: Save it--no, wait--wh-- wait, this is a lot. I've got a lot to deal with right now, okay? I got a business deal, ari is trying to be taken away by sonny and will, and I could not have more to lose right now!
Eduardo: Actually, you could. This is an emergency, and you could lose your life right now.
Gabi: Rafe, what the hell is he talking about?
Eduardo: Look, I'll tell you everything, but not here. Right now, we have to leave.
Gabi: No. No, you're not gonna come into my house and start ordering me around!
Rafe: Dad is in trouble.
Gabi: What kind of trouble?
Eduardo: The kind of trouble that means we have to leave now.
Rafe: And of course it's not just him. He has brought this hell upon us all, and we need to get you out of here now.
Ben: I couldn't have hurt ciara. I would never do it. Why can't I remember? Did you find ciara?
Hope: The campus police are checking all the security footage, but so far--nothing. Ben, you're the only person who can help my daughter. Right now, I need you to think. I need you to focus. Look at me. I need you to think. Focus. What happened to ciara? What happened to my daughter?
[Ominous music]
Ben: I remember.
Nicole: You will not say one word to the judge.
Sami: Try and stop me.
Eric: Don't worry about it. Sami, you go ahead. You tell that judge whatever you want. She'll never believe you. No one will.
Nicole: He's right because you've told too many lies.
Sami: Says the woman who should be in prison for murder. I cannot believe that you are standing by her.
Eric: I will always stand by my wife. The real question is, who's gonna stand by you, sami? You're gonna lose your grandson just like you lost everyone else in your life. So give up, sami.
[Solemn music]
Sami: I am not giving up, brother. And if you think I would, you don't know me at all.
Gwen: This is about you and gabi? What does that even mean, jake?
Jake: I think you can figure it out.
Gwen: I've already figured it out. You had sex to hurt me. But it's not gonna happen again.
[Sniffles] And if you're lucky, I'll forgive you, but you're gonna have to beg.
Jake: I'm not gonna beg, gwen. What happened with me and gabi, I don't know what's gonna come of it, but it made me realize one thing. We have to break up.
Gabi: If you're not abandoning your family, you're putting us all in danger. It never stops.
Eduardo: It'll stop. You have my word.
Gabi: Which means nothing! You tell us that you're gonna stop breaking law, and then you betray us by doing it. I've told you, I have a lot going on right now. So if you have some situation, take it somewhere else!
Eduardo: Yeah, yeah, yeah, i am gonna take it someplace else, and I'm taking you with me.
Gabi: Oh, forget it. I'm not going anywhere with you.
Ben: [Exhales deeply]
Hope: Tell me what you remember.
Ciara: [Sobbing softly]
[Ominous music]
[Breathes shakily]
Ben: I don't wanna do this.
Ciara: Then fight it, ben. You have to fight it, okay?
[Sniffles] I know how strong you are. I know it. I know that you're stronger than whatever eve did to you, okay? You can take back your control. You can.
Ben: I'm trying.
Ciara: You can.
Ben: I'm trying.
Ciara: Ben, you can. You can leave here right now, and you can go get help. Or you can stay here, and I can help you. I can help you, ben. I love you so much.
[Sniffles] I love you, and I know that you are a kind, you are a caring, you are a wonderful, wonderful man. You're the man that I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with. You could never hurt me.
[Sniffles] You could never take my life from me; you could never do that.
[Breathes shakily]
Ben: I love you too... ciara, with my whole heart.
Ciara: [Sniffles, gasps]
Ben: With my whole heart, I love you. You're my wife. You are my soul mate.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
[Cries softly]
Ben: But I'm sorry. I have to do this.
Ciara: [Breathing shakily] No.
Ben: [Sobs]
Hope: What did you do?
Ben: [Sobs]
Hope: What did you do? Ben?
Ben: [Sobbing]
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