Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/26/20
Episode #13843 ~ Sami makes a bold move at her grandson's custody hearing; Jake and Gabi kiss; Ciara is trapped in a dangerous situation; Rafe grills a surprising intruder in his home.
Provided By Suzanne
Gabi: [Sighs] I didn't know you had a subscription to "carburetor monthly."
Jake: Well, there's actually a very fascinating article in here about classic thunderbirds. Been thinking about buying one and restoring it.
Gabi: Oh, well, that sounds like a lot of fun, but I need you to postpone that particular bliss.
Jake: Why?
Gabi: We're going to kansas city.
Sami: Actually, I'm going to represent myself, and I'm going to win.
[Chuckles] What'd you think, nicole? I was just gonna give up? You thought I was gonna throw in the towel because you poisoned my lawyer against me?
Nicole: All I did was tell her what you said. I think you poisoned her against you.
Sami: Oh, really?
Eric: Sami, nicole, could you just not do what you always do?
Justin: Yeah, I think that's going to happen.
Eric: Sami, as your brother, as someone who loves you, I'm asking--I'm begging you, please, don't do this.
Sami: What, you gonna try to stop me? Oh, I think you already did and it didn't work.
Justin: Sami, eric is right. This is not a good idea. You need an experienced lawyer.
Sami: I don't know, I've been on trial loads of times, so i think I have plenty of experience, and frankly, you're a lawyer, so it can't be that hard.
Rafe: Put your hands in the air and turn around slowly.
[Dramatic music]
Eduardo: Would you mind putting that down? I really hate guns.
Rafe: What the hell are you doing here?
Eve: I need to be alone, hope.
Hope: Not going to happen.
Eve: You're a mother. You should understand that a mother needs some private time at her daughter's grave.
Hope: I have a warrant for your arrest for what you did to ben weston.
Ciara: Ben? What are you doing?
Ben: I already told you. I have to kill you.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Ben, please, no.
Ben: I'm sorry.
Ciara: Please, no, ben! No!
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Ciara: No, ben. Ben, this isn't you, okay? This isn't you. You would never hurt me. You could never, ever hurt me.
Eve: Kill ciara. End your pain.
Ben: [Screaming]
Ciara: Please don't kill me, ben.
Ben: [Screaming]
Ciara: Please don't kill me. Ben? Ben.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Eric: You're in way over your head. Why don't you just give this up before you embarrass yourself, sami?
Sami: Your concern for me is overwhelming, eric. Why are you trying so hard to get me to give up? Is it because you're afraid you're gonna lose?
Eric: That's what this is about, isn't it? It's not about what's best for the baby. It's about winning and losing. He's not a baby, he's a prize. He's a gold medal?
Sami: Oh, stop.
Eric: Is that what he is?
Sami: No.
Justin: Sami, sami, sami. Look, as an officer of the court, it is my duty to tell you that you can ask for continuance.
Sami: And if I do, your clients will postpone fighting for temporary custody?
Nicole: No.
Sami: As I thought. I'll be fine. Thanks, though, justin. I've been in lots of courtrooms. I think I've got the basics. And besides, I have right on my side.
Nicole: Well, you always think you do. So have at it, sami. Make a fool of yourself. Make an arrogant, self-absorbed, narcissistic fool of yourself, and then the judge will see exactly what kind of mother you would be to that baby.
Rafe: Do you have a phone?
Eduardo: What?
Rafe: A phone. A telephone. It's a device that you use to call or text people to let them know that you're coming instead of breaking into their freaking house and tripping the alarm?
Eduardo: Yeah, I'm sorry.
Rafe: Or maybe you could've called? Just once. Just once, right? That way, I could've congratulated you about being released from prison. What was that, a year ago?
Eduardo: Well, I didn't think you'd wanna hear from me.
Rafe: Oh, yes, yes. Exactly. I would much rather discover you in my den in the middle of the day with the shades drawn.
Eduardo: Well, yeah. That's a bad look.
Rafe: Yeah.
Eduardo: As usual. Let's just call it the latest in your long list of grievances. Just chalk it up. You know, I always regretted that your brother is, what, criminally inclined, but at least dario isn't quite as judgmental as you, rafe.
Rafe: I am so sorry. You know what? I'm gonna be--I'm gonna be much more easygoing.
Eduardo: No, no. Hey, no, no.
Rafe: Does that not work for you?
Eduardo: No, come on, don't even--don't try to change on my account. I'm--you know. But speaking of criminally inclined, how's your sister doing?
Rafe: Wow.
Jake: Gabi, gabi, gabi. How I enjoy you taking over my life, barging in here with your travel plans, your garment bags.
Gabi: Oh, grow up. Collins, in his good old boy way, wants to invite you to the best barbecue spot in kansas city.
Jake: That was a standing offer. He said sometime.
Gabi: Now. Now is sometime. I have the dimera plane that's being fueled up and we can be there in an hour.
Jake: You can. I'm not going.
Gabi: What do you mean?
Jake: I have plans. I'm taking gwen to dinner.
Hope: And you do understand your rights as I have explained them to you?
Eve: So they let you back on the force? They let you wear your tiara to work?
Hope: Let's go, eve. Come on. Game over. Let's go.
Eve: Not by a long shot.
Ciara: Okay, listen to me, ben. I don't know what's going on here. I have no idea what's going on, but whatever it is, we can deal with it, okay? You got better once before. You can do it again. Just let me help you, okay? You have to let me in.
Ben: You don't understand.
Eve: Kill ciara.
Ben: I have to do this.
Eve: End your pain.
Ben: I don't have a choice.
Gabi: You're taking gwen to dinner? All right, you know, you could go through the drive-through. Meet me at the airstrip.
Jake: There's not time for that, and we're going someplace nice.
Gabi: Oh, it was--is it a nice place where they have metal forks and knives?
Jake: They actually have an all-you-can-eat stuffed shrimp buffet.
Gabi: Mm. And bottomless cups of coffee, I'm sure.
Jake: They offer good food at a fair price, gabi, and I happen to love stuffed shrimp almost as much as you love staring down your nose at people.
Gabi: Okay. You can list all my faults on the plane, okay? But we have to do this tonight, jake.
Jake: No. I'm not doing it. Why? And don't tell me "because i said so."
Gabi: Chad is working overtime to convince shin that he wasn't slacking and I only made it look like he was, so if that really works, then I have lost my only chance to get control of dimera.
Rafe: I haven't seen you since you went off to prison. Did you just break in-- ah, I'm sorry, drop by to judge gabi?
Eduardo: You mean for gaslighting that woman? Or making that other woman dump a man she loved at the altar?
Rafe: Well, she lost a lot. Suffered a lot. Changed her.
Eduardo: Yeah, I'm sure that's true.
Rafe: Yeah.
Eduardo: And you're right. I'm in no position to judge anyone.
Rafe: Okay, great. Excellent. You know what? Now that we've cleared that up, I'm gonna actually go back to work, 'cause believe it or not, I was in the middle of an investigation when you tripped my alarm.
Eduardo: Hey, hey, hey, wait. So wait a minute. You--you got a--you got a bad guy to bring down?
Rafe: Yeah. Eve donovan. Remember her?
Hope: Sure I can't get you something? A latte? Lawyer?
Eve: Oh, I'm glad you think this is so funny. There's gonna be some serious consequences for you, hope. How do you think this is gonna play out? Your first arrest is for a person that you framed for committing a murder that you committed? Oh, let me-- let me correct myself. That was attempted murder.
Hope: I don't think you were in the right frame of mind when you blew up that church full of people, or when you tried to kill ben weston.
Eve: Wrong. I never tried to kill ben weston. I wanted him alive. More than anything. To continue his work.
Ciara: What do you mean, you don't have a choice?
Ben: This is who I am. The necktie killer. I used to think I could change, but now I know the truth. All I do is hurt people.
Eve: You snuffed the life out of her right in her prime. You are going to do to ciara exactly what you did to my paigey.
Ben: [Screams]
[Breathing heavily]
[Eerie music]
Eve: I want you to suffer the way that I suffered. I want you to feel the same kind of pain that I felt when you murdered my daughter.
Ben: Eve said she wanted me to suffer. And now I will. Because I'm gonna kill you just like I killed paige.
Ciara: No, no, no, no, no, baby, no. What do you mean, eve? What do you mean, eve told you? When did you speak to her, ben? When?
Judge: This hearing is to review the restraining order against the petitioners and to award temporary custody of baby boy horton. The only objective of this court is to determine an outcome that is best for the child. Are all parties present?
Justin: Your honor, justin kiriakis, representing the petitioners, mr. And mrs. Eric brady.
Sami: And I'm samantha dimera. I am the baby's grandmother.
Judge: Where's the attorney of record? Um... belle black?
Sami: She had a family emergency. Her father is extremely ill and, of course, the petitioners refuse to postpone.
Justin: That is inaccurate.
Judge: And irrelevant. Ms. Dimera, do you wish for the court to recess until you can get a new attorney?
Sami: No. I'm gonna represent myself, so we can just carry on. Shall we? It's my 4:10 no-excuses-on- game-day migraine medicine.
Justin: Your honor, the baby's mother, allie horton, has left the jurisdiction, but she did leave a letter stating her desire for mr. And mrs. Brady to take the child with the clear intention of raising--
Sami: Objection.
Judge: Grounds?
Sami: Well, my daughter had just had a baby when she wrote that letter. She was probably out of her mind on pain meds.
Judge: Ms. Dimera, that's not an objection. That's an argument. It may serve in your best interest to wait until you're called upon to speak.
Sami: Well--but I can't just let them say whatever they want.
Judge: So clearly, you don't understand what an objection is. Perhaps you'll understand contempt. Hint: It's not good.
Justin: For your own good, sit down. Your honor, I would like to submit allie's letter, and i think you will find that it's quite lucid.
Sami: Because nicole dictated it. She exercised undue influence. That's a thing, isn't it?
Judge: If it's substantiated, yes, and not just wild accusations.
Sami: And besides, that letter is not witnessed or notarized or anything. So in the absence of any legal documentation, the baby should remain with the closest living relative, and that is me.
Judge: Have you been paying attention at all? This is a court of law, not a reality show.
Sami: Yes, your honor. But--
Judge: You can't just blurt things out.
Sami: But your honor--
Judge: No buts. No buts. Clearly, clearly, let me make you understand. Legally and personally, you're on very thin ice right now.
Justin: Sami, don't push it. Your honor, may I continue?
Judge: Is that okay with you?
Sami: Yes, your honor.
Judge: Good to know. Mr. Kiriakis?
Justin: Thank you. I would just like to point out that allie's letter states that not only does she want the bradys to take her baby, but she specifically states that she does not want her mother to take the child.
Sami: Okay, your honor.
Judge: [Sighs] Clearly, this letter needs to be read with care and deliberation. And because we have an enemy of care and deliberation in our presence, I'm gonna take a short recess to read the letter. I want you to use this time to grow up.
Jake: So if you're the one who wants control of dimera, why don't you go to kansas city and eat barbecue with the guy?
Gabi: [Laughs] Well, because he doesn't have a man crush on me. He has a man crush on you.
Jake: Oh, now I really wanna go, gabi.
Gabi: Oh, stop. Stop being weird. He's just one of these guys that only feels comfortable around other men, and you happen to be male through and through without a hint of refinement, so he thinks you're a business genius. Just belch a couple times. He's gonna think you're the next warren buffett.
Jake: Hmm, do I sense a hint of resentment?
Gabi: Oh, no. No. I just love that you not using a napkin trumps my proven business record, but it is what it is and we have to make the most of it, so you need to sew up that deal.
Jake: And what, once I belch my way to a contract, you go to shin and take all the credit? Is that it?
Gabi: Do you really care? I mean, the other night, you were banging on about your natural business talent, so don't waste it, don't waste my time, and get in that damn suit.
Eduardo: Eve lost her daughter.
Rafe: My half sister?
Eduardo: Her daughter. There is no grief like that. You need to find a way to go easy on her, man.
Rafe: She kidnapped a man. She blew up a church full of people. Do you understand? There were children inside.
Eduardo: I'm sure she wasn't considering that. She was seeing the guy who killed her daughter getting married, happy, with paige gone forever.
Rafe: I understand that. Okay? It is pretty--I understand that. I understand her motive for revenge, but it's my job to stop her, and that's what I'm gonna do. You staying the night? I didn't think so. Just lock up when you leave, all right?
Eduardo: Rafe, you can't go back to work. You have to come with me. Right now.
Hope: That's not gonna fly. We have evidence that you blew up that church, then kidnapped ben. You did all of that, but you still wanted him alive?
Eve: If I wanted him dead, he'd be dead.
Hope: The only reason ben is still alive is 'cause ciara and I found him before you could kill him.
Eve: And how long did it take you to find him after the bombing, huh? What, do you think he and vincent were playing parcheesi the whole time, hope?
Hope: You said you wanted him alive.
Eve: To continue his work.
Hope: His work?
Eve: Is it sinking in? I had him brainwashed. Actually, a better term would be programmed. Programmed to kill ciara.
Ben: I'm sorry, I-- I don't remember anything else that eve said.
Ciara: You need to try to remember, ben, okay? It's very important. What about--what about the place where my mom and I found you? Try and remember what happened there.
Ben: [Screaming] I saw you. I saw you with a--with a tie around your neck and--
Ciara: Oh, dear god.
Ben: They made it... made it so I liked it.
Ciara: Okay. All right, no, ben. No, ben. You gotta listen to me.
Ben: Oh, it felt good.
Ciara: No, it did not feel good. It did not feel good! They tricked you into thinking that. They--they tortured you. They brainwashed you, ben. Don't you see that?
Ben: No, no, no, they said--
Ciara: No, screw what they said, ben! Screw it!
Ben: Said I need to do this.
Ciara: Ben.
Ben: I have to do this.
Ciara: No, you don'T. No, you don'T. They tortured you. Eve is worse than you ever, ever, ever were, and we have to fight it. You need to fight it right now. Damn it, ben, yes, you can! Yes, you can! We need to just--we need to call my mom, okay? We need to get help. We need to call-- we need to call my mom.
Ben: Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm sorry.
Ciara: No, ben! Please let go! No, stop it, ben.
Ben: I'm sorry; this has to happen. Ben: This has to.
Ciara: No!
Ben: I'm sorry. I have to. I have to.
Is now a good time
for a flare-up?
Nicole: That letter is crystal clear. Allie wants us to have the baby. I don't understand what is taking so long.
Justin: Judges hate custody cases. And a baby's entire future depends on their decision. They take it very, very seriously.
Nicole: Right. Well, I think sami played it all wrong. Judge didn't like how aggressive she was.
Eric: Okay, can we not gloat? Listen, the baby is the last connection that she has to allie. Sami's not giving up without a fight.
Justin: Rise.
Judge: I've read the letter very carefully. And I do not believe that it is legally binding.
Sami: Yes!
Judge: But I am inclined to give it some weight. Ms. Horton made it very clear what her intention was, and there was no evidence of pressure. Her wish was that her uncle and his wife take care of her son. And I'm inclined to honor that. Therefore, I am vacating the restraining order and awarding temporary custody to mr. And mrs. Brady as of today.
Rafe: And where would we be going?
Eduardo: Mexico. We're gonna get gabi and go visit your mother.
Rafe: Oh, wow. Okay. When would that be?
Eduardo: Now.
Rafe: Now. Is it now? Okay, so let me get this straight. So with absolutely no warning or reason, I'm just supposed to abandon my life and my job and go with you...because why? Because you want me to.
Eduardo: I wouldn't ask if it weren't important.
Rafe: Oh. "If it weren't important." Right, if it weren't important. Okay. So would I be prying too much if I were to ask, what is it that's so important that you want me to leave everything behind, or should I just trust you 'cause that's obviously worked out so well in the past?
Hope: You can't mean that.
Eve: Why not? Killing ben would be like putting down a rabid dog. Merciful. I don't want mercy. I want him to suffer the way that he made me suffer.
Hope: [Laughs] You can't make him do that. He loves ciara.
Eve: Well, it's amazing what a cocktail of psychotropic drugs and post-hypnotic suggestion can do. And my friend vincent? Wow. You know, he's an artist. Ben's his greatest creation. Even if ben wanted to, he couldn't stop himself from killing the love of his life. I think you'll find you're a little too late.
Ciara: [Panting]
Ben: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Lock the door. Lock the door! Lock the door!
Ciara: It's locked. It's locked, ben. I locked it.
Ben: Don't let me in. Don't let me in.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. When migraine strikes,
Justin: Thank you, your honor.
Judge: Mr. And mrs. Brady, mrs. Dimera, I know this is a emotional and volatile situation, but I am asking you, for the sake of the baby, to negotiate a smooth and calm transfer, to respect each other's feelings, and to do your very best to provide a stable home for this child.
Eric: We will, your honor. And thank you. Sami.
Sami: Your honor, you don't understand.
Judge: Ms. Dimera, I--
Sami: You can't let this happen. Nicole walker is an unfit mother.
Nicole: [Scoffs]
Jake: Thought you didn't want me to wear your dead husband's suit.
Gabi: Well, I realized that stefan will always be with me in spirit, and his material possessions mean nothing to me.
Jake: Hmm. I think what you realize is that I stand to make you a lot of money in this suit, and what will always be with you is greed.
Gabi: That--that is not true.
Jake: Mm.
Gabi: [Scoffs] I know what you think of me. I know what everybody thinks of me. That all I am is a greedy bitch. Jake, please. Please, I'm asking you to do this for me. I am begging you.
Jake: Why are you getting so upset about some stupid dinner in kansas city? It's just a job. You can always get a new job. Start another company. You've done it before, you can do it again. Why is this stupid job so important to you?
Gabi: Because this stupid job is the only way that I can keep my daughter.
Hope: Come on, ciara. Answer the phone. Hold on, baby.
Eve: Oh, maybe she's tied up and can't get to the phone.
Hope: I need an apb out on ben weston, now.
Eve: You headed to the salem inn? They won't be there.
Hope: That's it; you tell me where they are. You tell me now! I swear to god, I will--
Eve: Kill me?
Hope: Yeah.
Eve: Really? You can't stop ben. Nothing can now.
Ciara: Okay, ben. Ben, it's gonna be okay. All right? Everything's gonna be fine, but I just need you to pick up the phone and I need you to call my mom. Can you please call my mom?
[Dramatic music]
I know you won't hurt me, ben. Because you love me.
Ben: Why is this happening? Why is this happening? What is it?
Ciara: Ben? Ben, are you okay?
Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Sami: This isn't the first time she has stolen a baby.
Justin: Your honor, this is a legal proceeding. No one is trying to steal anyone.
Sami: She switched my baby. My little girl, sydney. She switched my child with another baby. She's tried to steal my child, and now she's trying to steal my grandson.
Eduardo: You don't really have anything keeping you around now but your job, right?
[Dramatic music]
You're the boss now, dude. Give yourself a vacation.
Rafe: Mm. Yeah. Well, the thing is, unlike you, I don't like to run away from my responsibilities.
Eduardo: Touché. You think I don't know how bad I screwed up? How bad I shamed myself with you, your mother, the whole family? I know. You don't really need to remind me.
Rafe: Okay. You're right. Yeah, I'm sorry. That wasn'T... I did not need to try and make you feel bad.
Eduardo: That's true, you don'T. Fact of the matter is, I don't feel anything but bad. I got a son like you, a guy that any dad would be proud of, and I... I hardly know you, man. That's on me.
Rafe: So this road trip is-- it's gonna be like one of those estranged father and son bonding movies, you know what I mean?
Eduardo: Yeah. Yeah, I like those movies.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, that's--coming together, learn a lot about each other.
Eduardo: Yeah, talk.
Rafe: Yeah. Yeah. Well, okay. Well, how about this? How 'bout I just tell you something and we skip the trip to mexico?
Eduardo: No, I think it'd be better if we stretched it out a little bit, you know? I'd like to know what's going on with--with you and hope, for instance.
Rafe: Funny you should mention that, actually. I may have a shot at getting hope back.
Hope: Okay. I'll beg. I understand. I understand what you're going through. I know the rage. I know the rage. I lost my son, eve. Zach. And even after all of these years, just out of the blue, I-- I'll start crying uncontrollably. I can't stop. And then I become paralyzed and I can't move and I can't think. I just wanted to lash out and hurt someone. Anyone; it didn't matter who it was. I just wanted them to feel my pain. I wanted them to feel the pain that I felt so deeply inside of me. I understand. Do you really want another woman, any woman--doesn't matter who it is--to go through what you went through? Do you want me to go through what you went through for a second time? Please. Tell me where they are, eve. Tell me.
[Door creaks]
Ciara: Ben?
Ben: Shut the door!
Ciara: No, ben!
[Sobbing] Oh, my god.
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Ciara: It's okay, ben.
[Indistinct] You need to be helped. You have to get help. Please call my mom, okay? Pick up the phone and call my mom, please.
Ben: [Grunting]
Ciara: Please.
[Dark music]
Ben: Open the door! I can't stop! I can't! I can't--I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Ciara: Oh, my--
Ben: I'm so sorry.
Judge: Does mrs. Brady refute ms. Dimera's allegations?
Justin: I think what mrs. Dimera is referring to is an event after mrs. Brady had suffered the loss of her own child. She was not in her right mind, and while that's certainly not an excuse, she was incarcerated.
Sami: For, like, two minutes.
Justin: She served her time. She paid for her crime.
Sami: And that would be fine if that was her only crime, which it isn'T.
Judge: You're alleging another crime?
Sami: Yes, your honor. The biggest crime of all. Murder.
Jake: Hey, come here. What does this job have to do with your kid?
Gabi: Well, will and sonny, her fathers, they're moving. They're moving and they wanna take her with them. And I have to probably prove in court that I can provide for her, that she has a home here with me.
Jake: You think they're gonna take you to court?
Gabi: I don't know. I'm scared. I can't--I can't lose her. I can'T. Not after--after...
Jake: After you lost your husband.
Gabi: I miss him. Sometimes, I--I just can't-- I can't stand it and then... and then I see you. His face.
Rafe: So, yeah. Sorry.
Eduardo: Yeah.
Rafe: Not leaving.
Eduardo: Well, I'm--I'm glad that you and hope may have a chance to work it out.
Rafe: Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
Eduardo: But the problem is, about us leaving, we don't really have a choice.
Rafe: Oh, god. Okay. What now?
Eduardo: If we don't go now, we'll both be dead.
Eve: I'm so sorry. You were right. I was so hell-bent on making ben weston pay that... I didn't care what I did to anybody. I told hope where they were. I hope it's not too late.
Hope: Ciara! Ben! Open this door! Ciara! Ben, open this door, now!
[Grunts] My god.
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