Days Transcript Tuesday 8/25/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/25/20


Episode #13842 ~ Ben struggles to overcome his brainwashing; Eve has a vision of Paige; Rafe and Hope make an important decision about their future; Nicole stirs the pot between Belle and Sami.

Provided By Suzanne

[Elevator bell dings]

Justin: Sami. Hey.

Sami: Justin.

Justin: Um, any news about john?

Sami: He's still critical. He had a seizure after the surgery.

Justin: I'm so sorry.

Sami: Thank you.

Justin: Are, uh, are eric and nicole with him?

Sami: No, they left. I don't know where they are.

Justin: Right, okay. Well, I'll give them another call, then.

Sami: Before you do that, actually, I think you and i should have a little talk.

[Tense music]

Belle: What sami did to my father? I--I don't know what you're talking about.

Nicole: Well, that's because she doesn't want you to know.

Belle: Well, why? I mean, if you know, just tell me. You said I'm gonna find out anyway.

Nicole: She just--she wasn't having a casual conversation when john collapsed. She was letting him have it, both barrels, about the custody suit.

Belle: She was letting my dad have it? I mean, that doesn't make sense.

Eric: No, no, no. No, it doesn'T. Nicole, can we not do this, please?

Belle: No, eric, we're definitely doing this right now. I want to know what nicole is talking about. What did sami say to my dad? Tell me!

Nicole: [Sighs] That, uh...that he wasn't part of her family. That he meant nothing to her or her grandson. Allie's baby.

Belle: [Scoffs] Well, she couldn't have said that--I mean, that would--

Nicole: Kill him?

[Romantic music]

Eve: This is the color of the rose that you carried on your junior prom night. You remember? You looked so beautiful that night. So happy. Oh, I would give anything... I would give anything to see you again, looking like that, happy, just to tell you I loved you.

Paige: Here I am.

Eve: Oh, my--oh, my god. Paige. You came back to me. Oh, my god, you're alive! Oh...

[Mysterious music]

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: [Scoffs] Um, this is a dorm room, baby.

Ben: Right.

Ciara: Uh-huh, and the entire building is completely abandoned, so why did we have to get all dressed up to come here?

Ben: Guess.

Ciara: Huh. Did we come here for you to tell me that you're planning on finishing your degree?

Ben: Nope.

Ciara: No? Um... are we meeting someone?

Ben: You're getting colder.

Ciara: Um...[Laughs] Honestly, babe, I--I have no idea. Why did you bring me here?

Ben: This is the room where I strangled paige larson.

Ciara: What? Oh, my god, ben, why--why-- why would you want to bring me here?

Ben: Because somebody wanted me to.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

[Soft music]

Rafe: Sorry.

Hope: You are? Why?

Rafe: Because I shouldn't have kissed you right--i shouldn't have done that. I mean, you were so sweet about the whole thing with paige, and I... took advantage of you.

Hope: No, I...didn't feel taken advantage of.

Rafe: Well, that's good. But I'm still your boss, and we're on duty right now, and we both agreed--we agreed that we were gonna be professional.

Hope: I know, I know, but... I'm not sure about that now.

Eve: Oh! Oh, paigey! Did rolf do this? Did--did he give you back to me, sweetheart? Oh...

Paige: No, mom, I'm not real. I'm just part of your imagination.

Eve: [Sighs] Of course. My god, it's happening. I'm--I'm losing it. I'm completely losing it.

Paige: Maybe a little, but it makes sense. I mean, you're in terrible pain, and you needed me. So here I am, just like after my funeral, remember?

Eve: When you told me i needed to forgive myself.

Paige: And I told you not to be angry for the rest of your life. As usual, you didn't listen to me, but you should have. Mom, I know what you're planning to do, and you're making a horrible mistake, one you'll always regret.

Ciara: Who? Who told you to bring me here?

Ben: When I--when I went to go see marlena, remember, I told you she--she canceled our appointment and she wanted to reschedule, but in the meantime, she referred me to another psychiatrist, and I--I met with him earlier, and we had a long talk.

Ciara: Okay, so why didn't you tell me?

Ben: Ciara, I wanted to, but he said it would be better if i just brought you here instead.

Ciara: So a psychiatrist told you to bring me here?

Ben: Yes, to--to come back to the scene of the crime, today. Here, now.

Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, it's because today is--

Ben: Because it's the anniversary of her death, ciara, yes, and I knew that nobody would be in this dorm. Obviously, it's gonna be vacant. No student's gonna wanna live here after what happened in this room.

[Eerie music]

When migraine strikes,

Justin: I'm thinking by "talk," you mean you talk and I listen?

Sami: You are trying to help nicole steal my grandson from me.

Justin: Uh, no, I am representing nicole and your brother, just like belle, is representing you.

Sami: You can't take sides in this.

Justin: I'm not taking sides. I'm representing a client. It's my job to advocate--wait, why am I trying to reason with you?

Sami: Let me try to reason with you, justin. You are my in-law, okay? You--you have to recuse yourself from this case.

Justin: Sonny and will almost broke up because of your boneheaded interference. My son and your son were about to adopt allie's baby, and they probably would have if it weren't for you.

Sami: So this is payback? Because your son didn't get to adopt my grandson, you're not gonna let me have him either? I'm not gonna let you get away with that.

Belle: I don't believe that. I mean, sami wouldn't say something like that to my dad. You know, they worked out their stuff years ago. He thinks of her as his own daughter.

Eric: Hey, nicole, are you sure about this? Are you sure they weren't talking, they were fighting?

Nicole: Well, I--I heard sami talking to your mother about it.

Eric: So you were eavesdropping?

Nicole: I went to the chapel to make sure your mother was okay, and sami was in mid-confession.

Eric: Well, confessions are confidential. You know that.

Nicole: So sami can throw a temper tantrum and send a man to the hospital, but I'm the one who's out of line? Honey, sami is coming after us. She would mow anyone down who would get between her and that baby, and sami will do, as she always does, anything to get what she wants. And I will be damned if I'm gonna abide by some random code of ethics while she gets away with murder.

Hope: [Laughs quietly] I talked to jennifer and kayla about us, and I explained that the pull or--okay, I can tell by the look on your face--okay, whatever you want to call it, it's still there between us, and I also explained that I'm afraid. I don't want to mess our friendship up, rafe.

Rafe: I'm afraid of the same thing. I feel the same way.

Hope: Wait, do you--do you have any idea how much it means to me, with all of the--the water under the bridge, over the bridge, the oceans of water, that you hired me? We're friends again; we're in this really great place again.

Rafe: I know, I know. Of course I know what it--yes, I know what it means, because I know what your friendship means to me and how much... you mean to me. Okay, okay. All right. So it looks like we're dealing with two things here, right? We've got our friendship and the...what'd you call it?

Hope: The pull.

Rafe: The pull.

Hope: The pull.

Rafe: Okay. Yeah, it works.

Hope: Okay.

Rafe: And I feel the pull, too, I do, although sometimes it really--it feels more like a push, like someone is pushing me into you, like what just happened a second ago, so... anyway, um, what did jennifer and kayla have to say about it?

Hope: They...think I should give a relationship another chance, and shawn--

Rafe: Shawn? You talked to shawn too?

Hope: Yeah.

Rafe: Wow.

Hope: To quote him, he said, "it wouldn't be so terrible to give rafe another shot."

Rafe: That's what ciara said, 'cause I talked to her, and eli. Eli and ciara, they both said the same thing.

Hope: So our--our family and friends, they...[Laughs] They think I should--they think we should give it another shot, huh?

Rafe: Yeah. Huh.

Hope: I guess the question is, what do we think?

Ciara: I knew this morning when you said that today was the anniversary that it really, really upset you.

Ben: Yeah, so I talked to that psychiatrist about it, and he said that I need to own what I did.

Ciara: Ben, you have confronted what you've done. You absolutely have. You were mentally ill back then. You were sick. You've gotten treatment, and you've taken responsibility for your actions--

Ben: It's not enough, ciara.

Ciara: Is he the one who's telling you that? Yeah, okay. I don't like this. Um, alarms are going off all over the place, ben, okay? This man who barely even knows you tells you to come here and then to bring me with you? I just--I don't know, ben. The doctors at bayview who-- who brought you back to health, by the way, didn't even come close to suggesting that you do something so--oh, my god.

Ben: I have to be here, ciara. I have to because he said I have to atone for my sins.

Ciara: "Atone for your sins"? "Atone for your sins"? Ben, this guy is a shrink. He's not a priest, all right? Hey, all right, let's--let's get out of here. We gotta go.

Ben: No, no, listen to me. Listen to me. There's just one more thing. I can't leave yet. I can'T. There's one more thing I have to do, today. Here.

It's totally normal

Justin: Samantha, I am not taking that baby away from you. A judge will be weighing all the different factors and then deciding what's best for that child, and news flash: What sami brady wants is not part of that equation.

Sami: I understand all of that. What I don't understand is why you are taking nicole's side.

Justin: Because I read allie's letter, and she made it crystal clear that she wants eric and nicole to raise her child.

Sami: Allie doesn't know what she wants.

Justin: Damn it, sami! The fact is, allie doesn't want what you want, and you can't accept that.

Sami: 'Cause nicole manipulated her. She preyed on her weaknesses.

Justin: Wow. Why in the world would your daughter run away from you when you have such faith and belief in her? What a comfort you must be to her.

Sami: That is a terrible thing to say to me.

Justin: [Sighs] Yeah, you're right, so I really don't see much point in continuing this conversation.

Sami: But we will at the court, where belle is gonna wipe the floor with you.

Justin: Oh, so this isn't about the baby? This is just about winning?

Sami: Why can't it be about both?

Belle: Nicole, you know, sami has been under a lot of stress.

Nicole: Self-manufactured stress, yes, but--

Belle: And maybe she said some things to my dad that she regrets.

Nicole: [Scoffs]

Eric: Of course she regrets it; that's why she told mom in private in a chapel, but there's no way that she caused john to have an aneurysm.

Nicole: She said horrible things to him. You don't think maybe that triggered something?

Eric: No, no, I don't, and we're also--we're not doctors, so we need to stop speculating and stop pointing the finger and blaming sami for the ills of the world.

Nicole: So you think that I'm being unfair, huh? Too harsh? Okay, you know what? Yes, yes, eric, okay, so she confessed to marlena to clear her conscience. So then now that there's no more pesky guilt, she can proceed to lie to everyone else and protect herself. That is classic sami! And belle, she needs you to represent her, which is why she couldn't tell you how she treated your father, and like you said, john thought of her as his own daughter, and she said those horrible things to him and lied to your face about it. Do you really want to represent someone like her?

[Dramatic music]

Rafe: You--you know--you know, there are a lot of stories about how cops pass their time on a stakeout, and I think that this is a first. The couples therapy? Yeah.

Hope: Well, we've always done things differently, haven't we? Our way?

Rafe: You know, there's another really big thing that we have in common that we're--

Hope: We have a lot in common...

Rafe: Yeah.

Hope: But one of the things is that we hate talking about our feelings.

Rafe: Yeah, but I think we've figured out our feelings. The question is, what are we gonna do about 'em?

Hope: We've worked really hard to get to a place where we can work together again.

Rafe: Yeah, which is great. It's great, because we work so well together, but uh, there's still a pull.

Hope: Which we have never been able to really handle or deny.

Rafe: Mm. Okay. I'm gonna think outside the box here.

Hope: I like when you think outside the box.

Rafe: Okay, good. So what if we tried it? What if we gave it another shot and we really focused on not messing it up?

Hope: Do you think we can "pull" it off?

Rafe: [Laughing] Wow.

Hope: I know, it's so lame. I'm sorry.

Rafe: I don't know. But I know how much I care about you, and...and um, I know i never, ever want to hurt you again.

Hope: You're afraid too?

Rafe: I mean, yeah. Yes, but look at us, right? We--here we are. We are faced with a second chance; we have a second chance. I mean, wouldn't it be silly not to try? I mean, should--should we try? I know my answer.

Hope: I think I have mine too.

Eve: No, baby girl, I'm not making a mistake. My god, beautiful, I'm doing this all for you.

Paige: For me?

Eve: Yes.

Paige: Brainwashing ben, making him kill ciara? Why in god's name would I want that?

Eve: Because he's an evil human being! And he needs to pay for what he did to you, sweetheart.

Paige: He has paid. You framed him for a crime he didn't commit. Don't you think you've made him suffer enough?

Eve: No, I haven't made him suffer enough! He killed you! He took you away for me. My god, baby girl, you should be having a beautiful, happy life right now. Married with children, but instead, he is the one that's married. He is the one that has a future. Do you know what it does to me every time I see him happy and alive? It fills me with such rage. Baby, it makes me physically ill.

Paige: [Whispers] I know. I know how much he's put you through. I know how much you suffer because of what he did, but what has ciara brady ever done to you?

Ciara: Ben, sweetheart, I think we should talk about this someplace else.

Ben: I can'T. I can't leave yet. Not yet, not un--not until I--

Ciara: Not until what? Not until what, ben? What is this doctor telling you to do? What?

Ben: Something I don't want to do.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: But I have to. I don't have a choice.

Ciara: No, of course you do.

Ben: I don't have a choice.

Ciara: Of course you have a choice, ben. No, yes, you do, you do. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. Do you hear me? You don't have to anything he tells you to. Listen, we're gonna talk to marlena. She's--she's gonna help you through this, okay? Baby, you're scaring me. Have to do what? What are you talking about? Ben, what is it that you have to do? Ben, tell me.

Ben: It's better if I show you. Back off!

Sami: Oh, hey. Sorry I'm late. I got hung up at the hospital, but I'll be ready.

Belle: And how's my dad doing?

Sami: [Sighs] Still the same. I'm sorry.

Belle: Are you? Sorry? Or is that just another lie?

Sami: What are you talking about?

Belle: I know what you said, sami. I know that you told my father that he wasn't part of your family and that he was nothing to allie's baby.

Sami: Oh, my god. I asked mom to not say anything to anyone.

Belle: Yeah, she didn'T. Nicole told me.

Paige: Why won't you answer me, mom? Oh, wait. I know. It's because there is no answer. Ciara brady has never done anything to hurt you.

Eve: She married a vile, evil man, knowing that he was vile and evil.

Paige: Know--knowing that, at one point in his life, he was mentally ill and did bad things.

Eve: Wait, you're excusing him now? Paigey, listen to me! He's a psychopath! But he does have a chink in his armor. Oh, god, he loves that girl. So when he kills ciara, he is finally gonna understand what he did to me.

Paige: So will hope. You will do to another mother the worst thing that ever happened to you.

Eve: Well, maybe hope will be not so quick to forgive him this time, huh?

Paige: You're not just mad at him, you're mad at everybody who forgave him.

Eve: Killing people is unforgivable, paige.

Paige: This from a woman who married a paid assassin.

Eve: Oh, god. That's not my fault! Your father never told me that. I didn't know that.

Paige: After I died, he came back and told you the truth, how much he regretted killing all those people, even those who deserved to be punished. It haunted him, just like it will haunt you when ben kills ciara on your orders.

Ciara: Ben...

Ben: This is how I killed paige. I followed her to her dorm... into this room, and I broke in. I was wearing a mask. She tried to get away, and I chased her into that bathroom.

[Dramatic music]

She was so scared. She tried to slam the door on me to try and get away.

Paige: Help!

Ben: But I fought through it.

Paige: [Screams]

Ben: By the time I put the tie around her neck... she was screaming, and she was grabbing at my mask. But I was stronger.

[Dramatic music]

She was kicking, and she was screaming, and she was gasping for breath--

Ciara: Okay, ben, that's enough--let's go, okay?

Ben: She was fighting me...

Ciara: Ben, let's go!

Ben: But I just kept pulling the tie tighter and tighter around her neck. I kept pulling it... until she was dead.

[Dramatic music]

Nicole: I know you wish that we could all just agree to do what's right for the baby, but sami won't have it. She won't reason with us, so we have to fight, for the baby's sake.

Eric: Listen, I'm gonna say something, and I know it could make you mad, but it's how I feel. I think what you're doing is not what's best for the baby. It's about beating sami.

Nicole: Well, I could see how you could think that, and maybe part of it's true, but eric, I mean, kids are everything to me. I mean, holly is the center of my world, and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think allie was right. The best thing for the baby is to be with us, and I will love that little boy as if he were my own, and I want him to have the best father in the

[Gentle music]

Justin: [Clears throat] Sorry to interrupt.

Nicole: Oh, no, no, no. No.

Justin: I can come back.

Nicole: I'm glad you're here. I'm glad you're here. Um...I have news.

Sami: Oh, that bitch! That bitch was spying on me?

Belle: No, sami. No. No diversions. This is not about nicole. It's about you and what you said to my father.

Sami: Look, I hate what i said to him, and I am going to apologize as soon as he wakes up, belle.

Belle: Right, yes, well, you always apologize later, but he still ended up in the hospital.

Sami: I know, and I hate that, and I'm sorry, but that isn't my fault. I talked to mom about it, and she said that he was gonna have that aneurysm, that it just happens sometimes, and it wasn't because of what I said. In fact, it was a good thing it happened now, when she was here to do cpr on him.

Belle: Oh, right. Yes, you practically saved his life. Wow, thank you, sami. How prescient of you to--to tell him that he wasn't part of your family and that he meant nothing to you.

Sami: Belle, I was upset.

Belle: Yeah, well, you know what? Now I'm upset. What you said to him could end up being the last words he ever hears.

Sami: No, no. Belle, he is gonna wake up. He's gonna get better.

Belle: You don't know that, and maybe you don't even care.

Sami: That's not... look, belle, you and I have to talk this out. I understand that, but we don't have time right now, right? We--we have to go. We have to get to the hearing.

Belle: Yeah, okay. Well, don't let me stand in your way.

Sami: What are you talking about? We both have to be there.

Belle: I'm not going anywhere with you, sami. You need to find a new attorney. I quit.

Rafe: Well...looks like we're, uh...

Hope: On the same page?

Rafe: Yeah. You know, I would really like to continue this discussion somewhere else besides this disgusting motel room when we're on duty in a stakeout.

Hope: Yeah, me too. I couldn't--I agree with you. I do agree with you on that. I'd like that too.

[Phone beeps]

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Hope: No, it's okay. Is it about eve?

Rafe: No, the alarm's going off at my house.

Hope: Go ahead. I'll wait here.

Rafe: [Mutters indistinctly] You sure?

Hope: No--yes. I can handle eve, can I not?

Rafe: You can.

Hope: Yes.

Rafe: Okay. You know what, though? I'm gonna send an officer to back you up and, um...

Hope: Okay.

Rafe: Oh, my, I don't think that I've ever been this anxious to...get off duty.

Hope: Good.

Rafe: Okay, so um, yeah.

Hope: Yeah.

Rafe: Goodbye, detective.

Hope: See you later, commissioner.

[Romantic music]

Ciara: Come on, we have to get out of here, okay?

Ben: No, no, I can'T. I can't yet. Not yet. I can't leave yet, ciara.

Ciara: Come on.

Ben: Shut that door. Shut the door! Ciara, shut the door!

Ciara: Okay, okay, okay.

Ben: I don't want anybody to see me like this. I don't want you--I don't even want you to look at me like this right now. Ciara, how can you even look at me?

[Sighs] I'm a monster.

Ciara: Okay, but ben, we've gone over it a million ti-- a million times, okay?

Ben: [Groans]

Ciara: You didn't know what you were doing.

Ben: I did know what I was doing, ciara. I was trying to frame chad. I wanted to keep abigail for myself. Nobody normal does something like that. Nobody normal does that.

Ciara: Listen, ben, the doctors already told you, okay? They already told you that you were sick, and the way that you grew up was what made you sick, and you fought it, and you're better now. You won, ben.

Ben: I won? Is this me winning? I'm sorry. How am I supposed to know? How am I supposed to know if that me is still in there?

Ciara: Okay, okay. Okay. You know what? Let's go talk about this outside, okay? Okay? I think it was a really, really bad idea to come here, okay? Let's just go outside, okay? Baby, come on, please. Please, let's go outside. Come on. Let's get out of here. I don't want to be here anymore.

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: [Breathing heavily] No, ben.

Ben: We're not going anywhere.

[] Life is busy,

Nicole: So there is a chance that belle is so angry at sami that she won't represent her?

Eric: What if belle drops the case?

Justin: Well, sami will have to ask for a continuance, or she could forfeit the whole thing. In any event, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get this restraining order against the two of you dismissed.

Eric: Okay.

Nicole: Does that mean we could get custody until the case is settled?

Justin: Well, there's a strong argument for it.

Nicole: Well, I mean, maybe we'll get lucky and sami will give up.

Sami: Belle, you can't just quit on me. The hearing is about to start.

Belle: Yeah, well, I need to go to the hospital to see my father.

Sami: Okay, you are just being spiteful. You are trying to pay me back for what I said.

Belle: Maybe you should've thought of that before you lied to me, to everyone.

Sami: Belle, I was going to tell you the truth.

Belle: Yeah, after I got you what you wanted.

Sami: Wh--

Belle: Yeah. You wanted to keep me in the dark because you thought that i would drop the case if I knew what you did, and you know what? Ta-da! You were right.

[Tense music]

Rafe: Freeze!

Hope: "Miss larson was strangled with a necktie, just like serena mason, found in her dorm room."

[Phone beeping]

[Line ringing] Hey, dozer, are you on your way here still? All right, get here as soon as you can. I need to take off. I think I know where eve donovan is.

Eve: Sweetheart, ben, he's getting exactly what he deserves. Now, don't make me feel guilty about that.

Paige: You know I'm right.

Eve: I have to do this. Don't you understand? I have failed you so many times, over and over again, and I-- I have to do this, baby. I have to do it to make it up to you. I--I have to do it because... because I love you so much.

Paige: I love you too.

Eve: I know.

Paige: But this is wrong. You know it's wrong.

Eve: I can't help it. I can't help myself.

Paige: [Scoffs quietly] You never could. All I can do now is pray for your soul. Goodbye, mom.

Eve: No! Paigey, don't go! Paige, no! No.


[Lock clicks]

[Disquieting music]

Ciara: Ben, what are you doing?

Ben: We can't leave yet.

Ciara: [Mouthing word] Why not? Why can't we leave, ben?


Ben: I don't want to do this. I don't want to do this to you.

Ciara: What?

Ben: Ciara, please...

Ciara: Ben.

Ben: Just know that I don't want to do this.

Ciara: Know what, ben? Do what? What--what are you doing?

Ben: I have to do this. I don't have a choice. I have to kill you.

[Dramatic music]

I wanted more from my copd medicine,

Nicole: Well, it's, uh, it's time. The judge will be here any second.

Eric: Maybe sami is dropping the case.

Sami: You bitch.

Nicole: Where's belle? I thought she was representing you.

Sami: No thanks to you, she dropped the case.

Nicole: I think you mean she dropped you.

Sami: [Scoffs]

Justin: Sami, so are you here to withdraw your case?

Sami: No, justin, I'm gonna represent myself, and I'm gonna win.

Rafe: Put your hands in the air and turn around slowly.

[Tense music]


Eve: No, paigey... no, paigey, don't leave me. Oh, my god, baby girl, please come back to me. I need you so much.

[Sobbing] I need you. Oh, you came back.


Ciara: What are you talking about, ben?

Ben: I told you. I have to kill you.

Ciara: No, you don'T.

Ben: I do.

Ciara: No, you don't, ben. Please, don'T. Please, don'T. Please.

[Sniffling] Oh, my god.

Ben: I'm sorry.

Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

Ben: I'm so sorry.

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