Days Transcript Monday 8/24/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 8/24/20


Episode #13841 ~ Hope and Rafe get a tip on Eve's whereabouts; Ciara is unnerved when Ben takes her to a creepy location; Eric tries to find a compromise with Belle; Sami confesses the truth to Marlena.

Provided By Suzanne

Sami: Go ahead and sleep, little man. One of us should be able to. I'm so sorry that you heard what I said to john yesterday. I was so upset. I said horrible things, and he ended up having a burst blood vessel in his brain. Please, god, let john be okay, and plse don't let anyone else find out what I said to him.

[Sighs] It'll just be our little secret, okay?

Belle: What little secret are you keeping now, sami?

[Elevator bell dings]

Nicole: Uh, so did your mom stay the night here?

Eric: Well, she'd never leave him alone like this. Kayla did say that shawn took belle home last night. So you know what? I'd better find her. I don't want her to be alone.

Nicole: Okay.

Eric: Okay?

Nicole: Yeah.

Eric: Thank you.

Nicole: Mm.

Eric: Mom!

Marlena: Oh.

Eric: Hey.

Marlena: Hi, honey.

Eric: So, um, how's john doing?

[Soft dramatic music]

[Telephone ringing]

Rafe: [Grunts softly] Commissioner hernandez. Great. Thanks. I know where eve donovan is.

Hope: Where is she?

Rafe: Sleep tite motel off route 7. An employee there recognized eve and vincent from a photo.

Hope: Let's get them.

[Woman vocalizing]

[Soft music]

Eve: Oh, baby.

I will get justice for you if it's the last thing that I do.

The day that you died was the worst day of my life. So today... the son of a bitch who took you from me-- well, today... it's gonna be the worst day of his life.

[Unsettling music]

Ciara: Hey. So I just talked to rafe, and he said that they're close to finding out where eve and that creepy vincent guy are. Baby? Baby, can you look at me?

What's with the tie?

Ben: It's a surprise.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Ciara: What do you mean, it's a surprise? What are you doing with a necktie, ben?

Ben: It's--it's not a--a bad thing. Really, uh... hey, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: I'm sorry.

Ciara: I'm fine. You didn't scare me. It's okay. It's okay, and you know what? I'm assuming that your session with dr. Evans went really well, since you're getting, you know, all dressed up and everything.

Ben: Actually, I didn't have my session with dr. Evans.

Ciara: Well, why not?

Ben: Her husband got rushed to the hospital.

Marlena: John had a seizure.

Nicole: Oh, no.

Eric: How's he doing now? I mean--

Marlena: He's stable now, and this isn't really uncommon with brain surgery.

Nicole: Well, you must have been terrified.

Marlena: Well, I still am. The doctors are running a lot of tests right now. They've asked me to wait out here.

Eric: Do you want us to take you home?

Marlena: Oh, honey, no, no. I'm--I'm gonna stay by john.

Nicole: Okay, we'll stay here with you.

Eric: Yeah. Um, just--this must have happened to john right after he asked us to go home.

Marlena: Oh, did he seem, um, fine to you?

Eric: Yeah. Yeah, he did. Actually, he was quite nice about it. I mean, he just said that we should respect the--you know, the restraining order.

Marlena: Oh.

Nicole: And we had no idea that sami took the baby to your place. Otherwise we would have never shown up.

Marlena: No, no, no, this is not your fault.

Nicole: John walked in on a pretty bad scene between sami and me.

Marlena: Oh.

[Stammers] Sami said after you left, um, she and john had a--a very civilized visit.

Nicole: Civilized? Really?

Marlena: [Sighs] Look, these things happen, you know? Truly, it's not your fault.

Sami: Um, what secret?

Belle: The one I heard you talking about with the baby just now.

Sami: Oh. You are not my father! You are not allie's grandfather! You are nothing to that baby! John, john! John. Um, okay, I'll tell you.

Belle: [Chuckles]

Sami: [Sighs] I got sick of calling him baby, so I gave him a name.

Belle: Oh, you did? What is it?

Sami: It's just between me and the little guy.

Belle: Why?

Sami: Because if nicole and eric found out, they would think I was being presumptuous, you know, giving him a name before I have legal custody? They'll use it against me. Why aren't you saying anything?

Belle: Um, the reason I left the hospital is because I heard from the court clerk. Nicole and eric have requested an emergency hearing.

Sami: What?

Belle: Yeah. Justin's gonna argue to overturn the restraining order and give nicole and eric temporary custody.

Sami: They can't do that.

Belle: Yeah, they can, and they just did, so we're gonna have to be at court at 3:00.

Sami: Today?

Belle: Yes, today, and listen, if-- if the judge rules in their favor, this could go really fast.

Sami: What does that mean?

Belle: It means I think that you should pack up some of the baby's things. If things don't go your way, you're gonna have to hand him over today.

From prom dresses...

Eric: Why don't we sit down?

Marlena: Honey, john understands. He--he knows that you're just trying to do what allie wanted, and then sami got involved and overstepped and brought a lawyer--well, brought--she brought belle in. But I just think that the baby belongs with you, and I told sami that.

Nicole: You did?

Marlena: I did.

Nicole: Well, I--I hate to ask you this under these circumstances, but would you be willing to say that to a judge?

Marlena: Judge? Already?

Eric: Well, nicole and I, we were going to the courthouse to see if we could get the restraining order overturned.

Nicole: And we also were gonna ask for temporary custody.

Marlena: Oh. Guess I was hoping this wouldn't end up in court.

Eric: Yeah, well, I'm sorry, mom. Nicole and I, we decided this before we knew about john. It's--it's just that there's a hearing scheduled for this afternoon.

Sami: [Scoffs] I just can't believe that nicole and eric are doing this to you. Your father just had brain surgery.

Belle: Oh, no, justin filed this motion before dad collapsed. It's not their fault.

Sami: But don't you want to be with john today? Can't we find a way to postpone the hearing?

Belle: No.

Sami: Why the hell not?

Belle: Because I've already agreed for us to be there, and listen, there's nothing i can do for dad right now anyway but wait and pray.

Sami: How's he doing today?

Belle: [Sighs] Mom called. Um, he had a seizure.

Sami: Oh, my god. Belle, no.

Belle: But he is stable now. The doctors are with him. We just can't see him, so I'd just rather be busy, you know?

Sami: Okay, well, what about mom? Should someone be with her?

Belle: Yes, but I--I have to prepare for the hearing.

Sami: Right. Okay. Well, if you could prepare for the hearing here, you could watch the baby and I could go be with mom. I already have some bottles ready in the fridge in case he wakes up.

Belle: Um, yeah, okay. Do you want me to pack up some of his stuff?

Sami: No, don't worry about it.

Belle: Sami--

Sami: No. I am not handing my grandson over to nicole walker. Not today, and not ever.

[Door slams]

Belle: Great. Yeah. Just great.

Ciara: Oh, my god. I can't believe that. Did marlena say if john was gonna be okay?

Ben: She said he made it through surgery. That was all she knew.

Ciara: [Sighs] Okay, so that means you're not gonna be able to see her for a while, right?

Ben: Doesn't sound like it.

Ciara: [Sighs] And I was really, really looking forward to marlena helping you with the whole eve and vincent situation.

Ben: Actually, I'm feeling a lot better.

Ciara: Yeah?

Ben: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Ciara: [Chuckles] Good. Good, baby. That's great.

Ben: Mm-hmm.

Ciara: Do you have any idea why?

Vincent: Are you clear about what it is that you need to do?

Ben: If I want to get past this once and for all, I think i know what I have to do.

Rafe: Desk clerk said the woman's in this room.

[Dramatic music]

[Knocking] Police! Open up!

[Woman vocalizing]

[Dramatic rock music playing]

Rafe: You stay here. I'm gonna check vincent's room.

[Knocking] Police! Open up!

[Door bangs]

[Music clicks off] Damn it. No sign of vincent either.

Hope: Lamp's still warm. We just missed her.

Rafe: Damn.

[Dramatic music]

Eve: Oh, paigey.

[Sighs] I miss you so, so much.


Ciara: How come you're suddenly so clear on what you have to do?

Ben: I just remember everything that marlena told me during therapy about everything that happened to me as a kid and everything that eve and vincent put me through. It's called cumulative trauma. I have to come to terms with my past, or I'm not gonna have much of a future.

Ciara: Okay. So do you think that you can do that?

Ben: Yeah. But I need your help.

Ciara: Okay. Just tell me what you need.

Nicole: I--I know you can't come to court today because you need to stay with john, but a written statement would be helpful.

Marlena: I'm not sure that it would. I'm just so--

[Sighs] I'm so frazzled right now.

Eric: Of course you are. You know what? Don't give the hearing another thought. You know what? Maybe I can walk you over to the chapel.

Marlena: Yes, that would be great.

Eric: Okay.

Nicole: We'll see you soon.

Marlena: Mm-hmm.

[Elevator bell dings]

Sami: What the hell are you doing here?

Nicole: I'm here with my husband, your brother. Like it or not, sami, I'm a family member.

Sami: Oh, you will never be a member of my family.

Nicole: Look, eric took marlena to the chapel because john had a seizure, so--

Sami: Oh, I know what happened. Look at you. You can't even fake that you care. You're so busy trying to get me into court today.

Nicole: You're the one who got a restraining order, sami. You started this.

Sami: I did it to protect that little baby to make sure he goes home with someone who's gonna take good care of him.

Nicole: Oh, yeah, really? Then why aren't you with him right now?

Sami: I asked my sister to watch him so that I could come check on my mother.

Nicole: Okay. You look exhausted.

Sami: I'm worried about john, and the baby didn't sleep well last night.

Nicole: Oh. That's what newborns do. When's the last time you raised one? Because sydney is practically grown up now, so--

Sami: Okay, you know what? You remember just as well as i do that I didn't get to be a part of sydney's childhood. I didn't know she was mine when she was a newborn, and that's because of you, because you take what you want and you don't care about anyone else. You are poison to everything you touch--brady, eric. Your own sister won't have anything to do with you.

Nicole: Me? What about you? No one knows where your daughter is. She was so desperate to get away from you because you're so--you're toxic!

[Both grunting] Sami. When migraine strikes,

Eric: Please keep john in your loving care and see him through this. We ask this in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Amen.

Marlena: Mm.

Eric: I love you.

Marlena: Oh, honey, love you.

Eric: I just wanted to say I'm sorry that nicole put you on the spot just now.

Marlena: No, no, no, no, no. Please don't worry about that.

Eric: I know you don't want to take my side against sami, and I understand.

Marlena: Yeah, what does, uh--what does justin say your chances are here?

Eric: We have allie's note and a stable home, but sami's gonna testify that allie wasn't in her right mind when she wrote that note. Bottom line is that we'd be better off if allie was here to say what she wanted.

Marlena: I wish we knew where allie was. Sami's out of her mind with worry. Yeah. Well, she's behaving so badly.

Eric: Well, when sami gets like this, I know what she's capable of, but it was nicole who was so determined to fight for what allie wanted. Mom, that's when I saw and i knew that this was the right thing to do.

Marlena: I'm sure you are praying for everything to come out the best way possible, have a very good outcome for everybody involved.

Nicole: Sami, if you really cared about this baby, you would just--

Sami: If I care? We are talking about my grandson here.

Nicole: I understand that.

Sami: I am not letting you steal another child from me!

Eric: Listen! If the judge hears about this, there's no way we're gonna get custody of this baby, and allie--nobody wants allie's baby in foster care. Mom is in the chapel, so why don't you go sit with her? She's not in good shape, so try not to make things any worse than they already are.

Sami: Why don't you try telling that to your wife?

Nicole: [Scoffs] Ooh!

[Sighs] Eric, I--I'm so sorry. It's--sami is unhinged.

Eric: I know.

Nicole: And--and I'm--I'm sorry if you feel like you're in the middle of all of this.

Eric: I don't feel like I'm in the middle. I'm on your side.

Nicole: And we're both on allie's side. I--

Eric: I know. I just wish there was some way we could do this without going to court...

Nicole: Oh.

Eric: Or dragging belle in. You know what? Maybe justin, he can ask for a continuance and we can try to settle this out of court.

Nicole: Psh, are you kidding? The only thing sami will accept is full custody.

Eric: Or I can go see belle.

Nicole: No, you can'T. She's at your mom's house watching the baby.

Eric: I don't think she's gonna enforce the restraining order if you're not with me, and I'm not gonna push my way through the door demanding to see the baby. I'm worried about belle. I need to see how she's doing.

Belle: You've been asleep a long time. I bet you didn't sleep well last night. New crib, new place, all these new people. You know, all of them want you. My baby went through something similar when she was your age. Shawn and philip fighting over her-- ugh, I was miserable. I wonder sometimes if claire remembers that time and if somehow that's what's made her so sad inside all these years. Oh, baby. I sure do hope this ends quickly, 'cause there's nothing worse than seeing a child suffer.

Eve: [Grunts] Damn it, vincent, you had no business following me here and coming up behind me and scaring me half to death! I mean, this is a graveyard!

Vincent: I knew I was intruding on a private moment and just wanted to make you aware of my presence.

Eve: Well, what are--what are you doing here, huh? What?

Vincent: I came to inform you that I've given ben his final instructions and he received them without resistance. He has been completely programmed.

Eve: So nobody saw you? What?

Vincent: She came home before I had a chance to disappear.

Eve: Are you talking about ciara?

Vincent: Don't worry. I hid before she saw me, and ben distracted her so I could get out of the room.

Eve: [Scoffs] Well, you don't think that, uh, he'll bail on your instruction, do you, and--and tell her everything? I mean--

Vincent: I own him now. He could have killed ciara on the spot. But he's biding his time until he can inflict the maximum amount of pain. He'll destroy ciara soon and ultimately...himself.

Eve: Good. Good.

Ciara: What can I do to help you?

Ben: I need a distraction.

Ciara: Okay. What kind of distraction?

Ben: We haven't had fun in a pretty long time. So I'm gonna go put on my suit. I want you to put on your favorite dress. And I'm going to give you a night that you'll never forget.

Ciara: Okay, where are we going?

Ben: It's a surprise.

Tide power pods one up the

cleaning power of liquid.

Rafe: Tell all units the suspect could be riding in a black sedan, plate number rxk 4607.

Hope: You think someone tipped her off?

Rafe: Well, I don't know. Obviously they left here in a hurry. They even left the music playing. Yep, she'll be back.

Rafe: What makes you say that?

Hope: Because eve never would have left this kind of stuff behind, no matter what.

Rafe: Oh, man.

Hope: It's her connection to paige. I have a video of zack singing "happy birthday" to julie. I've watched it over and over again. I...

[Clears throat] Never want to forget the sound of his sweet little voice.

[Sighs] She forgot to shut the recording off before she left, and, uh, all of her things are here.

Rafe: Yeah, vincent's room is, uh, full of stuff too, so... they're coming back.

Hope: And we'll be waiting for them.

Eve: Vincent, I just want you to know I know you took a big risk helping me with this plan, and I'm grateful.

Vincent: I did it for the money. I told you that. And it's very satisfying for me to think of ben weston suffering.

Eve: Well, it looks like it's actually gonna happen. If--if you don't mind, I would actually like to be alone--alone with my daughter before all this goes down.

Vincent: I understand. Something I need to take care of too.

[Dark music]

[Knock at door]

Eric: Before you say anything, I know I'm not supposed to be here. I just--I'm so sorry to hear about john.

Belle: I know. I know you love him.

Eric: I do. I do.

Belle: Um, I hope you know I would never turn you away, and neither would sami, unless nicole was with you, of course.

Eric: I know our hearing is set for this afternoon. I would never drag you into court if I'd known that this was gonna happen.

Belle: Oh, no. How would you know? How could anyone have known? I was hoping that we could come up with some kind of compromise, honestly.

Eric: That's why I'm here.

Sami: Mom?

Marlena: Oh.

Sami: Oh, mom.

Marlena: No, no. I--I'm--I'm sorry. I wish I could be stronger for you.

Sami: No, you don't have to be strong for me. I'm not a little girl anymore, mom. You have to feel whatever you're feeling, okay? Don't push them down. This should not have happened to him.

Marlena: I'm sorry.

Sami: No, stop it, okay? Stop saying you're sorry. Look, mom. No, mom, wait. Um, I have to tell you that I'm--I'm the one who's sorry. Just sit. Just sit. I'm sorry, okay? And there's something important I have to tell you. Mom, what happened to john is all my fault. Got it?

Sami: I know I should have told you the truth right from the beginning, but I was afraid. I--I was afraid of what belle would do. I thought she would just drop me as a client.

Marlena: Sami, what did you do?

Sami: You know how I told you that john and I were just talking when he collapsed? Well, that was a lie.

Marlena: What do you mean?

Sami: He asked eric and nicole to leave, and I thought that that meant he was on my side, and-- and it didn'T. He was angry at me for what I'm doing. He told me that I was wrong, and I just got so angry at him. I mean, all the past feelings and all my resentment towards him just came flooding out, and I started yelling at him, and i told him that--that he's not my family, and I--I yelled at him that he's nothing to allie and-- and nothing to my grandson. I didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it, mom. I was just so mad, and before i could tell him that, before i could take it back, that's-- that's when he grabbed the back of his head and--and he collapsed. I'm so sorry. It's my fault that he's hurt. He could die, and it's all because of me.

Eric: I don't know how things work at the courthouse, but is it possible we can postpone the hearing?

Belle: [Sighs] Yes, but I--I just don't think that's a good idea, you know? I think that the--the sooner we get this resolved, the better it is for everyone.

Eric: And the hearing's the only way?

Belle: Yes. A judge has to decide this now.

[Baby fussing] Oh, he's awake. Um, I'm gonna go get a bottle for him.

Eric: Hey, how you doing?

Belle: Oh, I--I'm--I'm good. I'm--I'm just tired, you know? I was at the hospital all night last night, and I'm just scared about dad, and, you know, this has just been a lot more stressful than I thought it was gonna be, and it's just sad, you know? You and sami have always been so close. I just can't believe it's happening.

Eric: Neither can I.

Belle: I told sami I would see her through this, and i just--I have to do that now. I'm sorry.

[Soft dramatic music]

Sami: I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes. I mean, I just get so angry, and then I just start yelling at people, and john could be dead because--

Marlena: Sami--

Sami: I know you're mad, okay? And I don't blame you. You have every right to be mad at me, but I'm asking you, please, please don't tell belle what I said, okay?

Marlena: Sami--

Sami: I don't want her to be mad at me and--

Marlena: Sami--

Sami: I know you think that eric and nicole would be better for that baby than I am, especially now that I've told you what I did.


[Somber music]

Eve: You should be having such a happy life right now. Degree from stanford, career, love of a good man, maybe some babies... my grandbabies. No, you... you're here because you got in ben weston's way. Oh, paigey. You were the best thing that ever happened--that ever happened to me. You'll always live in my heart.

[Sighs] But that is not enough.

Hope: Eve and vincent are still out there. Ciara and ben need to know about it.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Line trills]

[Telephone rings]

Ben: Hello.

Hope: Hey, ben, rafe and i found where eve and vincent have been hiding out. Actually, we're in eve's room right now. Unfortunately neither one of them was here when we arrived, but I'm confident we'll have them in custody soon.

Ben: Ciara said you were close.

Hope: She's with you?

Ben: Yeah. She's in the shower.

Hope: Good, keep her with you, and don't leave the inn until I tell you we picked them up, okay? Hopefully this nightmare will be over by tonight. Ben, are you there?

Ben: Yeah. I'm here.

Hope: You'll stay put and you won't leave until I tell you it's safe?

Ben: Yes, we will.

Ciara: [Sighs] Who was that on the phone?

Ben: It was a robocall. Are you ready?

Ciara: Yes.

Ben: Then let's go.

[Suspenseful music]

[Soft music]

Hope: You okay?

Rafe: Yeah. Paige and I had the same father. Just, I never knew till after she was gone. My old man, you know? Oh, he was a piece of work. Oh, yes. He ran out on eve and paige just like he did our family. Maybe I could have done something. I don't know. Maybe if I'd have known her, I could have done something.

Hope: Rafe... you didn't know the truth. You can't blame yourself for this. you have any idea how many people look up to you? How much you mean to them? It's true. No, it's true. I'm one of those people.

Rafe: Really? Really? Even after everything that we've been through?

Hope: You still mean the world to me.

Sami: Please, mom. Please just don't tell belle, okay? She'll hate me, and she'll--

Marlena: Sami, sami, please, don't do this. Listen to me. You did not cause john's collapse.

Sami: I didn't?

Marlena: An aneurysm is caused by a--by a defect in the blood vessel, and sometimes that--that can be there from birth and never be a problem, and sometimes there can just be a rupture.

Sami: Right, but what causes the rupture?

Marlena: Well, it can be caused by hardening of the arteries or high blood pressure, something like that. The point is that this could have happened to john when i wasn't there, when I wasn't there to--to give him cpr or to call the paramedics.

Sami: So you're saying, really, it's not my fault?

Marlena: No. It absolutely is not your fault.

Sami: [Chuckles] Thank you. Thank you for saying that, mom. I'm so relieved. Mom, listen to me, okay? John is strong. He's gonna pull through this. He's gonna be okay.

Belle: Oh, I just got the baby back to sleep, but I don't think he's gonna give sami much rest tonight, that's for sure.

[Doorbell rings]

Eric: Oh. Let me get that. Honey. You, uh--you're not supposed to be here.

Nicole: I--I know. I know, but I--I had to come. Hi, belle. Um... you might want to rethink representing sami.

Belle: W-why?

Nicole: Well, because, um...

Belle: Oh, just tell me.

[Chuckles] Okay, uh, you're probably gonna find out anyway, so--

Belle: Find out what?

Nicole: What sami did to your father.

Eve: Oh, this was the color of--of the rose that you carried on your junior prom, remember? You were so beautiful that night. So happy. I would give anything to see you again, to hear your voice, let me tell you that I love you.

Paige: Here I am.

Eve: Oh!


[Dramatic music]

Ben: [Sighs]

Ciara: [Chuckles] Um... this is a dorm room, baby.

Ben: Right.

Ciara: Uh-huh, and the entire building is completely abandoned, so why did we have to get all dressed up to come here?

Ben: Guess.

Ciara: Huh. Did we come here for you to tell me that you're planning on finishing your degree?

Ben: Nope.

Ciara: No? Um, are we meeting someone?

Ben: You're getting colder.

Ciara: Um...

[Laughs] Honestly, babe, I--I have no idea. Why did you bring me here?

Ben: This is the room where I strangled paige larson.

Ciara: Oh, my god, ben, why-- why--why would you want to bring me here?

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