Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/21/20
Episode #13840 ~ Steve sits vigil for John; Kayla and Jennifer give Hope advice about Rafe; Ben comforts Marlena; Eve marks the anniversary of her daughter's death.
Provided By Suzanne
Jennifer: We want an update on your search for eve donovan.
Rafe: Come on. You know how this works. I can't comment on an open investigation.
Jack: Understood, but we're not here for "the spectator." This is personal, rafe.
Jennifer: Yes, and the quicker you get her behind bars, the better, because we know better than anyone what a vindictive witch she is.
[Tense music]
Eve: [Exhales] Oh, my paige. I still miss you so much. Six years ago today. Six years, baby girl.
Vincent: You're dressed for a funeral.
Eve: I'm dressed for a celebration because today ben weston is gonna feel my pain.
Ben: Damn it.
Ciara: Hi, baby.
Ben: [Exhales]
Ciara: What's wrong?
Ben: I can't get this damn knot right.
Ciara: Oh, well here. Let me help you. It's easy. The wide end is the fox. The narrow end is the rabbit, and the fox is gonna chase the rabbit, but the rabbit is gonna run, and the rabbit is gonna get away.
Eve: Wrong! This time the rabbit doesn't get away. This time the fox catches the rabbit and pulls as hard as she can until she's dead!
Ben: No!
Ciara: Ben? Ben, are you okay?
Hope: Oh, my god, marlena. Oh, god, I'm so sorry.
Steve: I know you want to be here for your mom, sami, but everyone understands you need to stay there with allie's baby.
[Grunts] Yeah. I will, I promise. Soon as we know something, someone will give you a call. Okay.
[Phone beeps] Hey. How'd the surgery go? How's john?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Kayla: Uh, john made it through the surgery and he's in recovery.
Steve: Oh, thank you, baby. Thank you.
Marlena: John is still with us.
Hope: Okay. Thank god. Okay.
Marlena: Yeah, he's, uh--he's out of surgery. I'm just waiting for him to come back.
Hope: I thought belle was with you.
Marlena: Belle was exhausted, so I've asked shawn to take her home and she can get some rest.
Hope: Have you had any sleep at all?
Marlena: No. I'm not going to sleep until i know john is all right.
Hope: No, of course. Whatever I can do to help. I'm here.
Steve: I knew john would pull through. When can I see him?
Kayla: Steve--
Steve: What?
Kayla: I just--I just want you to understand that john isn't out of the woods. There are so many factors. I mean, we don't even know the full impact of the aneurism until he wakes up. I mean, even if I--
Steve: If? What are you saying, kayla? John is gonna wake up and he's gonna be okay, right?
Kayla: I wanna give you the answer to the questions we both have, but the truth is we don't know.
Hope: Hi. I was just with marlena. She said john's in recovery. Kay, how did it go?
Kayla: As good as can be expected.
Hope: Okay, well, we'll hang on to that. What can I do to help?
Steve: Baby, you must be hungry. How about--kayla's been in surgery all night. Can you take her to get something to eat? I'll stay here and watch out for john and marlena, okay?
Kayla: Are you sure you're okay? I mean, I don't wanna leave you.
Steve: I'm fine. So, you go get something to eat with hope and I'll call you when he wakes up.
Kayla: All right, then.
Steve: Okay, babe. Bye-bye.
[Exhales sharply]
Rafe: This is off the record. Understood?
Jack: Absolutely.
Jennifer: Okay, does that mean there's a lead?
Rafe: Well, no, nothing that's panned out yet.
Jack: Damn it, rafe, we need eve donovan caught.
Rafe: Trust me, I know that, okay? I've brought hope back in here. She's chasing down every lead. We're not gonna stop until eve is where she belongs.
Jennifer: Okay, well, you better do it soon before she hurts someone else.
Ciara: Did you have another nightmare?
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: I'm so sorry, baby.
Ben: [Exhales sharply]
Ciara: I'm so sorry.
Ben: [Exhales]
Ciara: Do you remember what it was about?
Ben: No clue. It just, like--like, slips away. I don't--I don't know.
Ciara: Okay. All right, well, I'm pretty sure that whatever it is about has a lot to do with what eve and vincent did to you, so... thank goodness that, uh, you have that rescheduled appointment with marlena this morning, hmm? I'm pretty sure she can help you. I really hope that she can.
Ben: Was that today?
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: [Exhales]
Ciara: What's wrong?
Ben: Six years ago today, I murdered eve donovan's daughter.
Eve: It is finally happening, and what better day than today? Finally, justice for my daughter. I was so excited, I could barely sleep last night.
Vincent: Sleep is important.
Eve: Yes, it is, but you know what's even better? The idea that I got as I was staring up at the ceiling. I've come up with a way to, um, make my revenge against ben even sweeter. Are you interested?
Vincent: I'm all ears. When migraine strikes,
Ciara: I, uh--I remember hearing about paige's death. I just--I didn't realize that it was today's date.
Ben: I can't believe I forgot. This might sound crazy, but i don't ever want to forget.
Ciara: Why?
Ben: I don't ever want to forget how much pain I caused these people--so many people, and if their pain goes on forever, ciara, maybe mine should, too.
Ciara: What? Or maybe it's time that you finally forgive yourself, ben.
Ben: How do I do that? I used to think that was possible, ciara. I really, really did, but now after everything that's gone down with eve, I've realized that forgiveness isn't possible.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: There is no forgiveness for the damage that I've done.
Ciara: All right, i understand your guilt. I get it, but you were sick back then, all right? You and I both know that you were a different person, and you have done your work. You have proved to me and to so many other people that you are not capable of doing something like that ever again.
Ben: I would really, really like to believe that.
Ciara: Okay, so believe it. Please believe it, ben, because you are such an amazing man, okay? You cannot let the horrors that--that eve and vincent put you through make you doubt yourself. You are--you are an amazing person.
Ben: Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I deserve whatever else they do, ciara.
Ciara: Ben, don't say that. What are you saying? Excuse me? Don't--don't say that, okay? It's over. Eve will get caught and they're going to send her to prison, ben. You are safe. You are safe and you are free, and you have to believe that, okay? And no person that loves you is ever gonna let eve do anything to hurt you again. Especially me.
Jack: Okay, thank you. Thanks for the information.
Jennifer: So?
Jack: Well, my source at the salem pd confirms what rafe told us. They got leads, but nothing solid.
Jennifer: Right, so then every day that goes by, jack, and they don't find her--
Jack: Well, they will find--
Jennifer: What if they don't find her, jack? What if they don't?
Jack: They're gonna find eve. It's gonna be--the whole--oh, wait a--oh, kayla! Hey, please, join us.
Kayla: Hi.
Jack: Join us right here.
Kayla: Oh, really?
Jennifer: Well, what's going--how--how was the--hi. Are--are you exhausted? Tell us what's happening.
Kayla: Uh, well, I was in surgery all night.
Jennifer: Okay, and what happened? Tell us.
Hope: We have news about john.
[Machines beeping]
Marlena: I'm gonna be here with you. You know, so many people love you and are praying for you and your recovery.
Steve: Hey. There anything I can do for you?
Marlena: Um, you know, uh, would you sit with him for a bit so I can go back to my office and cancel my appointments? I may wanna be here when he wakes up.
Steve: Sure. Go ahead.
Marlena: [Sighs]
Steve: [Exhales sharply] Buddy... kayla just said some nonsense about you maybe not waking up, but I don't believe it. Not for a second. You can'T. These are real people, not actors,
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: Hey.
Rafe: Hey.
Ciara: Do you have a minute?
Rafe: Yeah, come on in.
Ciara: Okay, cool.
Rafe: Have a seat.
Ciara: Um, do you have any news on eve?
Rafe: No, not yet. Do you know I brought your mom back? She's here. She's chasing down every lead and so, uh, I'm hopeful.
Ciara: I need more than hope, rafe, because I'm terrified and I'm extremely worried about ben.
Rafe: What'd ben do? Remember what eve and, uh, vincent did to him?
Ciara: No, not yet, and he doesn't really feel like himself lately. He's not acting like himself, and I'm just--I don't know. I'm just--I'm--I'm--I'm so scared that whatever eve and vincent put him through affected him a lot more than he realizes and that he's not gonna be okay until that woman is caught and put behind bars for what she did.
Eve: [Humming] Oh, you're so cute.
[Cell phone ringing]
[Humming] Oh, what a surprise.
[Phone beeps] Well, I should have known that I'd hear from you today.
Ben: Sorry I'm late. I really appreciate you taking the time to see me.
Marlena: Um, look, I need to apologize to you.
Ben: For what?
Marlena: Well, I was about to call you and cancel our session, and I--it feels so--so wrong to me after I canceled our last session. It's just there's so much going on with john.
Ben: Well, what is it? What happened to john?
Jennifer: An aneurism? Oh, my god!
Kayla: Well, the surgery was a success, but we won't know the extent of the damage until he wakes up. Steve's at the hospital with john right now.
Jake: I--I should go to the hospital to be there for steve.
Kayla: You know, that would really be great. I mean, steve plays all tough, but john is just, you know, so weak and helpless and his recovery's unknown. I think steve's pretty shaken.
[Machines beeping]
Steve: This is not the way it ends. Heroes don't die laying in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines. You know that, right? That's what you are, john black. You're a hero. And I'll never admit to this, and I'll kick your ass if you ever repeat it, but you're my hero. You're my partner. I need you to come back. I need you to wake up. Wake up! It's the 6:10 woke-up-like-this migraine medicine.
[Dramatic music]
Marlena: John had an aneurism.
Ben: [Exhales]
Marlena: He's just coming out of a surgery now.
Ben: How is he?
Marlena: Well, he's still unconscious. We won't know anything until he wakes up. I--I'm so sorry for canceling your appointment again. I'm so sorry.
Ben: Do not apologize. Of course you had to be with him. Of course. How are you doing?
Marlena: Oh, I'm okay.
Ben: Dr. Evans, on my wedding day, you sat on the groom's side, remember? You made me feel like I actually had family. Family's always there for one another. Maybe right now you could let me be there for you.
Marlena: [Crying]
Hope: One blt sandwich with extra avocado and chips for you, cuz.
Kayla: Eh, wow, that's great. I'm going to save half for marlena and take it back to her. You know, she always takes care of everybody else but forgets about herself.
Jennifer: Oh, my goodness. I can't even imagine what she's going through right now.
Kayla: Well, how about everybody at this table? Is there any word on the whereabouts of eve?
Jennifer: No, jack and I were just at the police station with rafe, and see, he said there are still no new leads.
Hope: Yeah, I'm afraid not, but you know I won't stop until she's arrested.
Kayla: It's so good that you are back on the force.
Hope: Rafe has been amazing, to even offer me a job in the first place.
Jennifer: Yeah, I mean, is that weird at all?
Hope: Weird? What? No. Of course not. Why would it be weird? We're friends. We're in a great place. I--I personally could not be happier.
Jennifer: That's weird. I mean, when I just said, "is that weird," I meant because you were his boss and now he's your boss and now I'm thinking this is weird because you're talking about just being friends, and that is way more interesting.
Kayla: Super, super interesting.
Jennifer: Yes. What--is there something going on with you and rafe?
Rafe: Listen, with your mom on the case, eve behind bars is pretty much a done deal because when hope brady wants something, she does not stop until it happens.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. So are you saying that as her boss or, like, as her--
Rafe: As what?
Ciara: Nothing! It just--
Rafe: It just what? Would you l--listen to me, okay?
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: My relationship with your mom is strictly professional. We've agreed on that.
Ciara: So there's been a discussion?
Rafe: No, there's no discussion... exactly.
Ciara: You have a tell. You know that, right?
Rafe: No, I don'T.
Ciara: Yeah, you do.
Rafe: No, I don'T.
Ciara: Yeah, you do! The tips of your ears get all red. It's like they're blushing.
Rafe: No, I don't blush.
Ciara: Yeah, you do. You're definitely blushing.
Rafe: I'm not.
Ciara: [Chuckling]
Hope: Uh, rafe and i are colleagues. He's my boss. That's it.
Jennifer: There is definitely more "it" going on here.
Kayla: Uh, yeah, there is, so you know what? You might as well tell us because we're just gonna hound you until you come clean.
Hope: What--you girls--are we--uh, seriously, are we back in high school? I mean--
Kayla: Yes, we are, for sure.
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah.
Hope okay, there was a hug.
[Both gasping]
Jennifer: There was a hug?
Hope: A hug.
Jennifer: That's a start.
Kayla: You liked it, didn't you? I bet he really liked it.
Hope: No, he--he was just welcoming me back to the force. You guys are making more--
Jennifer: What else?
Hope: Nothing. Nothing happened.
Jennifer: What else?
Hope: Okay, he came over and fixed the kink in my washer.
Jennifer: Oh!
Kayla: Is that some kind of code for something?
Jennifer: Kink in her washer!
Hope: No, no, no, you're getting the wrong--no-- the wrong--no. My washer, it wasn't working.
Jennifer: Okay.
Kayla: Uh-huh.
Jennifer: Right, but there's definitely something going on because you know what? Now that I think about it, jack and I were just at the police station, and when rafe was talking about you, there was something about his face. It was different.
Hope: Okay, you know what? You know what? You guys, you're making me heat up over here.
Jennifer: [Laughs]
Hope: I think what you both need to realize is that rafe and I cannot be more relieved that we're in such a good place right now. He was so happy to--to be past all the anger and the sadness of our divorce.
Kayla: Yeah.
Hope: We're friends and we're in a good place, and now we're colleagues and I think the best possible thing that either one of us could do is just to leave it alone, right? Don't you think?
Both: Wrong.
Kayla: Absolutely wrong.
Jennifer: Wrong. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Rafe: Look, ciara, I appreciate you, um, being curious about my relationship with your mother, but frankly right now, this... is making me uncomfortable.
Ciara: Oh, okay. All right, um, I'm sorry. That's--that's not what I was trying to do at all. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I just--I don't know, rafe. When I walked in on you guys yesterday, it seemed like I was walking in on a little bit more than you just welcoming a former detective back to the force. Look, I--I promise that I will not pry anymore after this. I just have to ask you, is there something?
Rafe: I don't know. Maybe.
Ciara: Mm?
[Both laughing]
Rafe: Okay, definitely...
Ciara: Okay.
Rafe: Something, but I don't know. I... I don't know if your mom feels the same way that i do, okay?
Ciara: Okay.
Rafe: Okay?
Ciara: Okay. Um, all right. Do you remember henry mendelson?
Rafe: Henry mendelson. Henry mendelson?
Ciara: Henry mendelson.
Rafe: Yeah, of course i remember henry. Yeah, he looked like harry potter. He looked just like him and--
Ciara: Yes.
Rafe: Was that seventh grade?
Ciara: Mm-hmm, it was the seventh grade. He sat behind me. I was completely unbelievably crazy about him, but I was also terrified to make a move, and you were the one who told me to just go for it.
Rafe: Yeah, I did.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: And, uh--and he--he turned you down flat, didn't he?
Ciara: He did.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: Yep.
Rafe: I still--I feel terrible about that to this day. I'm sorry.
Ciara: It's okay. It's okay. I know you feel terrible, and i know he rejected me, but the point is...
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: I--I'm glad that I knew. I wanted to know because that way I could just stop obsessing over him, you know? So, what--okay. You helped me get the courage to go for it back then, and that's what I wanna do for you right now.
Kayla: Since when are you a coward?
Hope: What? Coward, me?
Jennifer: Yes, yes. Kayla is right. If you and rafe are feeling something for each other again, you have to pursue this, girl.
Hope: You're assuming we both feel something. How rafe feels--
Jennifer: You need to ask him. I'm--I'm serious, if that's what it takes, because what you and rafe had was so amazing!
Kayla: I mean, if the spark is still there--
Jennifer: Yeah, you have to listen to it. Don't ignore it.
Hope: What if--
Kayla: You know, you can waste a lot of time worrying about the "what ifs" and do nothing, or you can trust your feelings and just talk to him. Really, you know, I just left john unconscious in his hospital room. What more proof do you need that now is the time?
Jennifer: That's right, so you need to get over yourself and go for it.
[Machines beeping]
Jack: [Exhales sharply] John black, john black, john black. I'm so sorry. Um, mind if I sit here with you for a while? Don't have to talk or anything.
Steve: No, it's all right.
Jack: [Exhales] I know john was always more of a brother to you than I ever was, but, um, I'm here for you.
Steve: You're right. John is my brother. But you're my brother, too.
Marlena: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry.
Ben: Oh, don't-- don't apologize.
Marlena: No, that's completely-- completely inappropriate.
Ben: See, I don't know about that. Seems to me to be exactly like what one friend would do for another.
Marlena: Yeah. Um, tell me how you are.
Ben: [Grunts] Honestly, I, um--I can't seem to shake the feeling that something's not right. Whatever eve and vincent did to me... it's the not remembering that freaks me out. If I could just remember what happened then maybe I--I could sort things out and I could try to start to move on.
Marlena: I'm so--I'm so sorry I can't work this through with you.
Ben: No, it's okay. I've--I've--I've taken enough of your time. You need to be with your husband and, you know, once john's in better shape, we'll reschedule.
Marlena: I'm concerned about you. You know what? I, um--I'm gonna give you the name of someone else to call.
Ben: Why did I do that? Why did I let you go?
Vincent: Because I told you to. I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to doing what I tell you to do.
Marlena: Ben? Are you remembering something?
Ben: No, it--it makes zero sense, but when you just mentioned having me talk to somebody else, I--I had the strangest sense of déjà vu.
Marlena: All right. Well, let's--let's take some time with that.
Ben: No, no, no, no, no.
Marlena: Maybe it'll come back.
Ben: No, you've already--I've already taken enough of your time. Seriously, thank--thank--I'll take this. Thank you. I will call dr. Morseburg today. I'll do that. I really just hope john's okay and gets well soon.
Marlena: Thank you.
[Exhales sharply]
[Breathing heavily]
Ciara: [Exhales sharply] Okay, would you at least talk to my mom about this little something, something?
Rafe: Your mom just got back to the force. We are in a good place. I really do not wanna screw that up.
Ciara: Okay, and you will be in a much better place if you just talk to her.
Rafe: You are relentless.
Ciara: It's only because i love you so much, rafe. I mean, like, you're, like, the best stepdad ever, and I love my mom, and what better man for her than the guy who actually walked me down the aisle? Am I right?
Rafe: I don't know.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Rafe: I dunno. I--
Ciara: Okay, okay. Your ears are blushing again.
Rafe: Stop.
Ciara: Um, can you just promise me that you'll think about it?
Rafe: I will.
Ciara: Okay. Good. Oh, and, um, find eve.
Rafe: I will.
Ciara: Okay.
Rafe: Okay.
Eve: You know, eddie, i really don't wanna hear it. I don'T. You're boo-hooing about how there's no justice for our daughter. Oh, but you can't shut up about what a big man you are and how important family is. It's been six long years to the day that that monster took paige away from us, and what have you done, huh? Nothing! Pretty much what you did the whole time that she was with us and then you always left me to fix things. Well, I don't--
[Scoffs] I don't need your help, eddie! I don't want your sympathy, and I don't need a call asking how I'm doing because I'm never gonna be okay until ben weston pays for what he did!
[Phone beeps]
[Exhales sharply]
Vincent: Hello again, ben. Back off!
Kayla: I wonder if hope will listen to us.
Jennifer: I hope she does, because I think that rafe feels exactly the same way that she does.
Kayla: I bet. You know, it's days like this that I know how important it is to surround yourself with people you love. I just hope that rafe and hope don't waste another second. Hey, listen. My break is over. I need to get back to the hospital and check on john and make sure that steve is--
Jennifer: Yeah, you know what? I'm--I'm gonna go with you. Um, I just think that john and marlena need all the love and support they can get right now.
Kayla: Yeah. Let's do it.
Steve: I'm telling you, man, nobody believed we'd get back alive, but john-- john made it happen.
Jack: Wish I had been there to see it.
Steve: Well, I'm glad you're here now.
Marlena: Oh, jack.
Jack: Oh, hey.
Marlena: Hi.
Jack: Hey.
Marlena: Has there been any change?
Steve: No, not so far. I was just telling jack some black patch war stories.
[Both chuckling]
Marlena: I'll bet john just loved hearing the sound of your voice in the room.
Steve: Well, luckily he'll wake up so he can tell me to shut the hell up.
[All laughing]
Marlena: Yeah.
Rafe: Yeah?
Hope: Hey.
Rafe: Hey.
Hope: Do you have a minute?
Rafe: Of course, for you.
Hope: We need to talk.
Rafe: I agree.
Ben: What the hell are you doing here? Get out of my room.
Vincent: I'm not going anywhere.
Ben: Then I'm calling the cops.
Vincent: No, you're not, ben. You're going to obey me, just like last time you saw me. Oh, yes. You're gonna do exactly what i tell you to do, and how I'm telling you to do it. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
[Monitors beeping]
Marlena: You know, everybody has all these stories about amazing adventures they've had with you, but me... I have more memories than all of those stories put together. We have such an amazing life. Such an astonishing love.
[Chuckles] You know, these, uh...
[Sniffles] These charms remind me of how much more time we have of our future. I just--I need you... to wake up and come back to me so we can keep on making more amazing memories.
[Inhales deeply] Oh. Mm.
Kayla: Is everything okay?
Steve: Yeah.
Jack: Yeah.
Steve: Fine.
Jennifer: Good.
Kayla: That's great.
Jack: Hey.
[Phone rings]
Rafe: [Scoffs]
[Phone rings] Commissioner hernandez. Great. Thanks. I know where eve donovan is.
Eve: Oh. My sweet paigey. I know you're looking down on me, so you know it's just a matter of time before I make the life of the man who took you from me a living hell.
Vincent: Are you clear about what it is that you need to do?
Ciara: Hey, claire. Um, I just wanted to let you know that rafe said the police are still looking for eve and that creepy vincent guy.
[Scoffs] Those two better hope that they get caught by the police, 'cause if I see either one of them first, I swear to god, I'm gonna kill them.
[Phone beeps]
Marlena: Everyone is praying for you.
[Machines beeping] Oh, my, we love you so much.
John: [Groans]
Marlena: [Shouts] John, no! No!
[Machines beeping rapidly]
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