Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/20/20
Episode #13839 ~ Gwen tries to use Chad to make Jake jealous; Gabi doesn't react well to Will and Sonny's big decision; Rafe comes to Hope's rescue; Vincent puts the final nail in Ciara's coffin.
Provided By Suzanne
Chad: I mean, I can't believe how fast collins works. Yeah. No, you already sent the term sheet. You must really want this deal to go through.
[Dramatic music]
What are you doing?
Gwen: I need you now.
[Chatter on tv]
Jake: [Laughs] I love that guy. [Laughs]
Gabi: Would you turn that down? I'm trying to get some work done around here.
Jake: Hey, I'm sorry. Just watching this great old movie.
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Turns tv off] I don't care.
Jake: Hm. "What are you watching, jake?" Well, gabi, I'm glad you asked. It's this great classic movie that reminded me of our dinner last night with the client. It's called "how to succeed in business without really trying."
[Laughs] Oh.
Eve: Damn you, claire. I should've known that you'd run to your grandmother the first chance that you got.
Vincent: Something wrong?
Eve: Yeah, something is wrong. There's an apb out for my arrest, and the police know that I'm in salem.
Hope: I wish I had better news. I really thought we were closing in on her.
Ciara: There's no sign of eve, not since claire saw her at the park.
Hope: But we will find her soon, I promise you, ciara. She can't hide forever, honey. I mean, I have been chasing down every lead. And I'll do whatever I have to to protect you and ben.
Ciara: I know you will, mom. I always feel a lot safer knowing that you're there protecting me.
Hope: That'll never stop. I love you so much, baby.
Ciara: I love you too.
Hope: What? What are you looking at?
Ciara: [Gasps] Oh, my god. Ben. [Chuckles] What are you doing?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: What--you get your filthy feet off the--do you know how much that costs?
Jake: Oh, please. With the money dimera stands to make from this collins deal, I can buy all new furniture. Besides, this place needs a refresh, it's not really my taste.
Gabi: Oh, I didn't know you had any.
Jake: Wow. You know, when gwen and I first moved in here, I kept thinking to myself, I am not cut out for this life-- all the fancy suits and the wheeling and the dealing. Turns out, when you got raw, natural talent like I do, who needs any of that other stuff?
Gabi: Raw talent, huh?
Jake: Yeah, you saw the way the client ate up everything i did like I'm the second coming of stefano dimera himself. What can I say, gabs? I'm a natural. And who would I be to deny the dimera family of those gifts? And hey, this is benefitting you, too. I don't understand why you're so mad.
Gabi: I'm not mad. I'm not mad, no. You simply--you just get on my nerves, you really just get under my skin. Let me tell you something, a piece of advice. Instead of worrying about the family business, I'd worry about your relationship.
Jake: What does any of this have to do with gwen?
Gabi: Oh, it's--I forgot. Slipped my mind to tell you that I caught your girlfriend kissing your brother.
Chad: Okay, you know what? Would you just stop? Okay, I don't have time for this, all right? I told you I'm a happily married man.
Gwen: Yes, I know, you did mention that.
Chad: Okay, well, then you would know I have no interest in sleeping with you--not to make jake jealous, and not for any other reason, all right? Would you put your clothes back on?
Gwen: For your information, I was actually just about to take a very luxurious bubble bath.
Chad: [Laughs] Look, all right, then why did you pull me in the room?
Gwen: Because you had walked out of it earlier, which, by the way, very rude.
Chad: Well, yeah, I--
Gwen: We were in the middle of a conversation.
Chad: I was on the phone.
Gwen: The phone, yes, the collins deal. It went through, didn't it?
Chad: It did.
Gwen: Well, that's interesting, isn't it? Because earlier you thought it was going to fall through, and then things turned around. What happened, chad?
Chad: I don't know. Why don't you ask your boyfriend?
Hope: What?
Rafe: What is "what"?
Hope: [Stammers] Nothing, nothing, I just, um-- the way you were looking at me, I thought maybe you wanted to ask me something. Do you?
Rafe: Oh, yeah, I--I-- yes, I actually do wanna ask you if you have any leads on the eve front.
Hope: No, unfortunately I've tracked down every possible lead, but so far nothing's panned out.
Rafe: Yeah. Okay, well, why don't you go on home?
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: It's been a long day.
Hope: I will, I will, soon. There's just a few more leads I wanna run down.
Rafe: Yeah, right.
Hope: Okay, what's that look? That--that one.
Rafe: Yeah, this one?
Hope: That one right there.
Rafe: Because we both know that if you think you're gonna find something that is gonna lead you to eve, you're gonna stay here all night.
Hope: But maybe I will.
Rafe: And maybe you're gonna burn out on your first day back. Go home.
Hope: Is that an order?
Rafe: I need my officers rested.
Hope: I'll take it as a yes.
Rafe: See you in the morning, detective.
Hope: Commish.
Rafe: Oh, and hope?
Hope: Yeah?
Rafe: Thanks for a great first day back. It's, you know, it's really good to have you back.
Hope: It is good to be back, commish. It is.
Rafe: Go home, okay.
Hope: It is, yes.
Eve: I just can't believe claire would rat me out like that. After everything that I did for that little girl. Oh, man.
[Sighs] I mean, it's not my fault that she got blamed for what I did.
Vincent: I understand you feel betrayed, eve, but according to this, police have no clue where you are.
Eve: My god, it's just a matter of time before they track me down.
Vincent: I tried to warn you it was a risk coming back to salem.
Eve: I would've been long gone by now if you'd already given ben that drug. But no, I'm held up in this rat-infested hotel, waiting until ben weston snaps.
Ciara: [Chuckles] Ben, are you okay?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. You forgot this.
Ciara: Okay. Um, it's just that you seem, like, a little distracted.
Ben: Yeah, I'm just on edge knowing eve's back in town.
Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, I know the feeling. Um-- well, you know, according to my mother that there hasn't really been a trace of eve, so--
Ben: Okay, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Ciara: You know what? I don't care. I don't care, I just-- let's forget eve donovan, and let's just go home. Let's just spend the night at home, okay, baby? Just me and you.
Ben: Yeah, I do like the sound of that.
Ciara: Yeah. Okay. Copd makes it hard to breathe.
Vincent: I'm sorry I wasn't able to give ben the final dose of the drug. I tried, I really tried. If I hadn't been interrupted--
Eve: There's no need to go back over it.
Vincent: But as I said before, the amount of conditioning we've given ben already, it's only a matter of time before he kills ciara.
Eve: Well, I hope you're right. I'm actually kinda glad that ben hasn't killed ciara yet.
Vincent: You are? But you hate it here.
Eve: Oh, you're right. I don't like being in this nasty hotel, but... all the days seem to have melted into one, and I just kinda lost track of what the date was.
Vincent: What about it?
Eve: I don't know, maybe it's fate, you know? All the delays--maybe it's meant to be.
Vincent: I'm not sure I'm following.
Eve: Vincent, of all the days on the calendar, the perfect day for ben weston to murder his wife just happens to be tomorrow.
Ciara: [Sighs] I am so glad that this day is finally over. Ben?
Ben: Yeah, me too.
Ciara: You're still thinking about eve, aren't you?
Ben: I can't help it.
Ciara: Of course you can'T. You rescheduled your appointment with dr. Evans, right?
Ben: Yeah, I'm gonna see her tomorrow. Hopefully she can help me figure out why I've been having this weird feeling ever since I got away from eve.
Ciara: All right, so this weird feeling, can you describe it for me?
Ben: It's just like... I just know something bad is coming, and I don't know how to stop it.
Ciara: Well, I may not be a doctor like marlena, but I think I know a way that I can try to take your mind off of it.
Ben: Yeah?
Ciara: Yeah.
Gwen: So jake closed the deal, eh?
Chad: Apparently.
Gwen: How'd he do that?
Chad: Who the hell knows? I don't know, apparently collins took a real shine to him. Wants to fly old jakey down to kansas city to have some famous ribs.
Gwen: Hm, well, never underestimate my jake. He might have dirt under his nails, but he's no dummy.
Chad: Yeah, he's warren buffet in a leather jacket.
Gwen: He's a threat, chad. It's in his blood. Just like how it's in your blood. Do you know what? If you were smart, you'd be on his best side before it's too late. Or you could ask him to bring you back some barbecue sauce from kc.
Chad: I'll pass. I need you to do me a favor.
Gwen: And what might that be?
Chad: Talk jake out of going.
Jake: Chad's kissing gwen? Is that the best you can do to get under my skin?
Gabi: I'm telling you the truth. Your girl's messing around behind your back.
Jake: How do you know that?
Gabi: I saw it with my own eyes, chad and gwen kissing. Actually, making out in your bedroom just a few hours ago.
Jake: And you're just telling me about this now?
Gabi: Well, yeah, I would've told you sooner, but you were gloating about your deal. Listen, if you don't believe me, go and ask her yourself.
Rafe: Hey, cifelli, I'm headed out. I'll see you in the morning.
[Cell phone rings] Didn't I just say good night to you?
Hope: I know, I am so sorry to bother you. It's just that, um, well, I have a little emergency. I, um-- I--I just didn't know who else to call, oh-- would you mind terribly coming over?
Rafe: I'll be right there.
Rafe: Seems pretty calm around here. What exactly is the emergency?
Hope: Well, when I got home, I decide to throw a load of laundry in the washer, and I-- okay, I know, I know I don't usually, but I-- anyway, I pushed start, and nothing.
Rafe: Your washing machine isn't working? That's why you called me?
Hope: Well, I know it's not an international crisis, but, i mean, clean clothes are important, right?
Rafe: Oh, well, yes, most people would say a necessity.
Hope: Exactly.
Rafe: Mm.
Hope: Any ideas?
Rafe: Well, as I recall, last time it was, what, a kink in the water line, yes?
Hope: And you know, I tried everything to fix that, but you're the one who always had the magic touch.
Rafe: Oh, right, yeah, I also remember last time I told you to get a new washing machine.
Hope: You did?
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Hm, I must've missed that.
Rafe: Uh-huh.
Hope: Besides, why would i need a new machine when I have one that works?
Rafe: Well, except that it doesn't work.
Hope: But it could be just a kink in the water line, like-- are you gonna help me or not?
Rafe: Of course I am, I mean, why else would I be here?
Hope: I don't know. Why?
Rafe: [Chuckles] Right. Okay. Well, let's see if I still have the magic touch. Thank you.
Gwen: Why would I tell jake not to go to kansas city?
Chad: 'Cause if you do this favor for me, then I will do one for you.
Gwen: And what favor might that be, chad?
Chad: I'll help you get gabi out of jake's life.
Gwen: No, actually, I don't really need your help with that. Jake and I are just fine, thank you.
Chad: Come on, you know gabi's a threat. Neither one of us want them to team up. I'll make sure that doesn't happen, with or without your help.
Gwen: So then why should i bother?
Chad: Out of the goodness of your heart.
Gwen: You are assuming that there's goodness in my heart.
Chad: I believe in you, gwen.
Gwen: Mm, touching. Now, see, if you really want my help... you're going to have to give me what I really want.
[Door opens]
Jake: What the hell's this?
Gabi: [Sighs] Such a pig.
Sonny: Hey, did we interrupt movie night?
Gabi: Not mine.
Will: Ah, well, sorry for dropping by unannounced,
Gabi: No, that's fine. It's nice to see some friendly faces after the night I've had.
Will: Uh-oh. You okay?
Gabi: Oh, yeah, long story. What's up?
Sonny: Well, we have some news.
Gabi: Good news or bad news?
Will: Good news, I hope. Yeah.
Gabi: Good news--[Gasps] Are you having another baby? Did allie say yes to the adoption?
Will: Uh, no, we're not adopting allie's baby, unfortunately, and we're not having one of our own, either.
Gabi: Okay, well then, what is it?
Sonny: We're moving to arizona.
Ben: Oh, I love you.
[Both panting]
Ciara: What's wrong?
Ben: [Sighs] I love you. I love you so much.
Vincent: Why is tomorrow such an important date?
Eve: My life was changed forever. My beautiful daughter was found strangled to death in her dorm room, at the hands of ben weston.
Vincent: I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
Eve: And I have never felt that kind of pain before. I didn't think I would survive it.
Vincent: I'm so sorry.
Eve: That's why it has to happen tomorrow, because I want ben to feel as terrible on that day as I do. I want tomorrow to make him suffer the way it's made me suffer. But you know what? It's actually--it's gonna be worse for him. Because every time it appears on the calendar, he is gonna be reminded that his beautiful wife is his own hand. - Oh. - What's going on?
Vincent: It would truly be poetic justice, wouldn't it, if ben murdered his wife on the same day that you lost your daughter.
Eve: Do you happen to have the final dose of that drug handy?
Vincent: I do. To be certain that it works tomorrow, it needs to be administered tonight.
Eve: Well, then, what are you waiting for? On the anniversary of my beautiful daughter's death, I'm gonna give her a special gift. Her killer is gonna murder his wife.
Ciara: [Sighs] What are you thinking?
Ben: How lucky I am to have you. After all the horrible things I've done in my life... I just never thought I would deserve somebody like you.
Ciara: You do, ben. You deserve happiness.
Ben: I don't know about that. But I hope the universe can learn to live with its mistake. Because I'm never giving you up.
Ciara: Oh. That is a very, very good thing because I'm not giving you up either, ben weston.
Ben: [Sighs]
Ciara: Okay, enough-- enough with this kissy, kissy stuff. You know what--I'm starving.
Ben: You're starving? Didn't we just have dinner?
Ciara: Yeah, but, I mean, clearly, we just worked all that off, so--[Laughs]
Ben: Clearly.
Ciara: Yes, I'm thinking something like... a hot fudge sundae.
Ben: A hot fudge sundae?
Ciara: A hot fudge sundae, yes.
Ben: All right, that does sound pretty good, all right.
Ciara: Right.
Ben: I'm in.
Ciara: All right. All right, you... you call room service. Ask for two spoons.
Ben: Two spoons.
Ciara: Uh-huh. And I'm gonna take a quick shower. I'll be right back.
Ben: Two spoons.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: One hot fudge sundae. Extra whipped cream.
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: Chocolate sauce.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: Butterscotch.
Ciara: Mm-hmm.
Ben: [Sighs]
[Hissing sound]
Rafe: Son of a bitch!
Hope: Rafe? Is everything okay in there?
Rafe: Ohh! Ohh--
Hope: Oh, my gosh. Are you okay?
Rafe: Damn it.
Hope: What is it? What-- what happened, what happened?
Rafe: What happened, what happened, it would appear as though I lost my magic touch is what happened.
Hope: [Laughs]
Rafe: Oh, this is funny to you? Oh, that's great.
Hope: That's hilarious.
Rafe: Is it? Good. I'm glad it's funny, 'cause i feel like--I feel like I was sitting in front row at sea world.
Hope: I'm sorry. Take your shirt off, I'll throw it in the dryer.
Rafe: Oh, you're sure that that works?
Hope: We'll find out.
Rafe: It's fine.
Hope: Take it off.
Rafe: No, it's fine. I'll just air dry.
Hope: Take it off--take it off, come on, take it off.
Rafe: Okay, fine. I'll take it off.
Hope: Just--you can dry it in the dryer in five minutes.
Rafe: Yeah, of course. I can spare ten minutes.
Hope: Got you a beer.
Rafe: Cheers.
Gwen: Dear, what are you all worked up about?
Jake: Oh, I don't know, gwen. This!
Gwen: We were just talking.
Jake: Talking. Is this how you dress for conversation?
Gwen: I don't know. It depends on the conversation. Come on, darling. What's the matter? You don't trust me?
Jake: Gabi told me that she saw the two of you making out in this very room. Or are you gonna deny that you're going behind my back with my brother?
Gwen: Well, I guess there's no sense in lying since the truth is out now.
Jake: So you admit it?
Gwen: [Sighs] You know, ever since you and i moved in here--[Clears throat] Chad and I have had this real attraction to each other. Haven't we? Yes, we have. And we've been fighting it ever since, but today we gave into each other, didn't we?
Jake: Is that what happened? You're cheating on your wife with your brother's girlfriend?
Chad: Well, actually... yeah.
Gabi: You're moving. When? Why?
Will: Well, sonny's brothers are starting a new business venture, and they want him to be ceo.
Sonny: Yeah, they've been talking about it for a while, and one of the projects finally got funding.
Gabi: Well, what's this business?
Will: It is a biotech startup that, according to alex, could revolutionize the way we detect breast cancer.
Gabi: That is amazing.
Will: It is.
Sonny: It could really change the world and we're able to honor my mother's memory at the same time, so--
Will: Yeah.
Gabi: That's wonderful. I know she'd be very proud of both of you.
Will: Thanks, yeah. We're proud, too.
Gabi: I mean, I'm gonna miss you guys a lot. And, obviously, arianna, too. But if this is what you wanted, it's great. And you know I'm always gonna make things work.
Will: Ye--yeah. Uh, well, you know, actually, we were hoping that we would take ari with us.
Gabi: The hell you will. If stress worsens your digestive issues,
try new align digestive
Sonny: Look, we know, gabi, that this is a big request.
Gabi: [Scoffs] A request. Let me get this straight. You call taking my daughter across the country a request?
Will: Ari is our daughter, too.
Gabi: So you realize what you're doing to her. You're just taking her out of her life, away from her mother. You do realize you're making her start over. She just started her school year. After everything that she's got going on in her life--
Will: Okay, okay. How about this? We will wait until we're settled. We'll find a house, and we'll get ari enrolled in a good school, and then we'll bring her after christmas break.
Gabi: Christmas break. Are you kidding me? She's gonna be settled in her life, with her activities, with her friends. You're gonna pull her out in the middle of a school year.
Will: [Sighs]
Sonny: Well, then, why don't we wait until the end of this school year? Have ari come out to arizona in the summer, and you can come, too. Come visit for a little while.
Gabi: You know that's impossible. I have a career, in case you haven't noticed. Oh, and by the way, I signed up ari for horse camp.
Will: Okay, well, then, you know what, we'll find her a horse camp in arizona.
Gabi: Yeah, well, that's what everybody wants to do, ride horses in the middle of the desert with 150 degree weather.
Will: Okay, then we'll find something else for her to do.
Gabi: Something else that doesn't uproot her life for you?
Will: All right, I'm sorry. That's part of being in a family. Ari's gonna have to learn to compromise, and so are you.
Jake: I thought you were better than this.
Chad: Well, you know, gwen's right. Ever since you guys moved in, there's just--there's been this thing between us.
Jake: This thing.
Chad: Yeah, a spark, I mean, every time we're in the room together, I--I wasn't gonna act on it, but abigail's been away, and I've been--I've been lonely. And then I walked in here and saw her dressed like this, i mean, what do you expect me to do? [Chuckles]
Jake: How about you keep your filthy paws off my girl?
Chad: Sure. Stay out of my business.
Jake: The hell's that even mean?
Chad: It means I'm the only one that deals with collins. You stay the hell out of dimera.
Jake: [Laughs] Yeah, really?
[Knock at door]
Vincent: Room service.
Ben: Ciara, your hot fudge sundae's here.
[Ominous music]
Vincent: Good evening, sir. I have your order. May I come in? Oh, I almost forgot. I have something else for you, too. Will that be all, sir? Then I hope you and your lady have a pleasant evening.
Gabi: I need to compromise? That's your advice when you're threatening to take away my child?
Will: No one is threatening you, gabi.
Gabi: I tell you both, I will never, ever compromise when it comes to my daughter.
Sonny: Okay, hey, let's just all, like, calm down for a minute.
Gabi: Calm down? How can i calm down when you come and just drop this on me?
Sonny: Because what matters most is we all love ari, and we want what's best for her.
Gabi: I know what's best for her.
Sonny: Well, let's just sleep on it, okay, and we can come up with a resolution in the morning.
Will: Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, right?
Gabi: [Sighs] I'm sorry. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I got angry with both of you. I love you very much and ari loves you very much. I'm telling you that no amount of sleep is ever gonna change my mind. You're never gonna take away my daughter.
Jake: I really don't think you're in any position to be making demands.
Chad: I was running this company before you knew who you were.
Jake: Hm. Must make it sting even more that I out-played you. Now get the hell out of here before I beat your ass.
Chad: Okay, all right. There's no need for violence. We're both businessmen.
Gwen: I think you should go now, chad.
Chad: Yes, I know, gladly. Uh--I said what I had to say. Clearly, you two have a lot to talk about.
Hope: The dryer should be done pretty soon.
Rafe: No, that's all right. Not in a rush.
Hope: Sure about that? You keep looking at the time and clock.
Rafe: No, no, no, I was-- no, I'm not in a rush, I was just--I was looking at the clock because isn't that the clock that julie gave you for our wedding gift?
Hope: It is.
Rafe: Yeah, um-- it doesn't keep time.
Hope: Never has.
Rafe: No.
Hope: No.
Rafe: You just--you said you were keeping it out in case she came over.
Hope: And julie loves to pop in unannounced, you know that.
Rafe: Yeah, she does. Yeah.
Hope: Why are you asking about it?
Rafe: I was just--
Hope: What?
Rafe: I was just thinking that now that we're divorced, that she would understand that you don't have to keep it out.
Hope: Well... maybe it's grown on me. If I put it away now, I'm afraid I may miss it.
Rafe: Right.
[Dryer buzzes]
Hope: Ah! The dryer.
Rafe: Dryer.
Hope: Okay. It's, um--
Rafe: It works.
Hope: It--well, we don't know.
Rafe: Maybe.
You must go and I must bide
Rafe: Mm, nice and toasty. Ah, there's nothing like a fresh shirt from the dryer, right?
Hope: Yeah, that's my favorite, it's nice and warm and cozy.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: I'm really sorry that my washer tried to drown you.
Rafe: Oh, it's okay. It's, you know-- actually, it would totally be worth it if you got rid of that old thing.
Hope: Maybe you're right. Could be time for a fresh start.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Hm. Maybe.
Rafe: All righty, um-- well, see you tomorrow.
Hope: Yeah, of course. And thank you so much for helping me with that emergency. Well, you know, my kind of emergency.
Rafe: Yeah, no, of course. Anytime. Okay, well, I'll see you tomorrow.
Hope: Okay.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: Okay. Yeah.
Hope: Okay, if you're gonna shake my hand, then shake it.
Rafe: I am shaking it.
Hope: No--
Rafe: I didn't wanna crush it.
Hope: You could never crush my hand. Don't crush me. I won't crush you.
Rafe: I won'T.
[Both laugh]
Hope: Thank you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Yeah. Oh, here.
Rafe: My jacket.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: Thanks.
Hope: You're welcome.
Rafe: Just--
Hope: Forgot how heavy those are. Yeah, okay, so--
Rafe: See you in the morning.
Hope: Yeah. Um-- drive safely.
Rafe: Night.
Hope: Yep. It is a good night. I mean, good night. Bye, and thank you--
Rafe: Mm.
Jake: I can't believe that son of a bitch kissed you.
Gwen: Yeah, well, you know it...kinda went both ways, really.
Jake: I want you to stay the hell away from him.
Gwen: You do? Well, that might be hard, seeing as we both live under the same roof.
Jake: I don't care. I don't want you going anywhere near him.
Gwen: Okay. I'll try. It's not like you'd really notice anyway, though.
Jake: The hell's that mean?
Gwen: [Sighs] It means that you're always running off with bloody gabi.
Jake: On business!
Gwen: Yeah, that's what you keep saying. Look, the truth is, you're always leaving me here alone, so how can you blame me for seeking attention from somewhere else, jake?
Jake: So that's why you made a play for chad. You're jealous of gabi.
Gwen: I just want to know that I am... I am still your top priority.
Jake: And how can I prove that to you?
Gwen: Cancel your trip to kansas city.
Gabi: Compromise, I'll show you compromise. I'm gonna stay here with ari, and then you can go away. That's my compromise.
Chad: Problem?
Gabi: Yes, I have a problem. Your two best friends are trying to take my daughter a thousand miles away.
Chad: What?
Gabi: Oh, you didn't hear? Will and sonny are leaving salem.
Sonny: Well, that went better than expected.
Will: Are you kidding? We're lucky we got out of there with our lives.
Sonny: Yeah. Well, she didn't throw anything at our head, so that's a positive.
Will: Well, at one point, she looked like she wanted to. And I was ready to duck in case the popcorn bowl went flying.
Sonny: You know, I can't blame her. You know, I don't wanna uproot ari's life and take her away from her mother. But I also can't see us moving to arizona without our daughter.
Will: Yeah, neither can I. Well, the good news is we don't have to decide anything tonight. And whatever it is, we'll figure it out together.
[Light pop music]
[Door opens]
Eve: Well?
Vincent: Well... I delivered ben a delicious- looking hot fudge sundae with two cherries... and the final dose of the drug.
Eve: Oh, you got him!
Vincent: By tomorrow morning, he'll be primed and ready to murder ciara.
Eve: And finally, I will have justice for my little girl. Finally.
[Door opens]
Ciara: I thought I heard the room service guy come in. Oh. Wow. Oh, my gosh, ben, they gave us two cherries. This must be my lucky day or something because, wow-- you don't want one, right? I hope you don't want one, 'cause-- ben? Are you okay?
Ben: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Ciara: Yeah? Good, good, because we have got some work to do.
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