Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/19/20
Episode #13838 ~ Marlena receives grave news about John's condition; Xander is threatened by Philip's unexpected return; Sami keeps the truth from her family; Sonny is offered an opportunity he cannot refuse.
Provided By Suzanne
[Phone beeps]
Sarah: Yes!
Maggie: Okay, I know you love your work, but all of this excitement, what's it about?
Sarah: Your husband just made xander's dreams come true.
Maggie: Oh.
Victor: Point is, you've proven yourself to me. You're the right man--you're the only man for the job.
Xander: Truly?
Victor: Titan is a family business. Belongs in the hands of the family, so nothing more to say other than welcome home, son.
Philip: Thanks, dad.
Xander: Philip?
Philip: Ah, it's been a long time.
Victor: You're back.
Philip: Did you miss me?
Belle: Well, I think it's terrific that your mom's going back to the force. It's where she belongs.
Shawn: I couldn't agree with you more.
Belle: Yeah. It definitely helps that she and rafe are back on good terms, right? No awkward moments.
Shawn: I wouldn't say that that's necessarily true.
Sonny: Hey.
Will: There you are.
Sonny: Sorry I'm late. Any word on allie?
Will: No, my dad hasn't heard from her yet, and I was gonna check in with mom. Uh, you know, she feels really guilty about our fight, so i wanna let her know that you and I made up, so--
Sonny: Well, before you make that call, um, I have some news, and it could change everything.
Sami: How could you take eric and nicole's side? I am that baby's grandmother.
John: Because I don't like the way you handled this situation. You made it all about yourself and how much you have suffered, completely ignoring what your daughter's going through and how difficult this is for her.
Sami: This is difficult for everyone. My little girl just had a baby with a man we don't even know. We--we don't even know his name. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?
John: You know, at this point, how you feel is not of major relevance to me because i am more concerned about your daughter and that little baby, and you know what else? I am totally appalled at how you got your sister to side with you against your own brother.
Sami: Okay, she offered to help me.
John: It didn't have to go this far, samantha, and I'm gonna call her. I'm gonna get your sister over here and we're all gonna sit down and we're gonna talk about getting this damn restraining order rescinded!
Sami: Oh, really? Why would I do that?
John: Because it's wrong! You know it and she knows it.
Sami: I know no such thing.
John: I'll tell you what I know. You have turned this into an ugly, destructive mess that's gonna hurt everybody in my family, including your mother, and I will not let that happen!
Sami: Okay, damn it, john, I'm sick of this, okay? Look, we have been through a lot and I thought we had finally come to a place where we could get along, but you know what? This is none of your damn business! You are not my father! You are not allie's grandfather! You are not related to that baby at all. You are nothing to him, so why don't you mind your own damn business?
John: [Exhales sharply]
Sami: John? John, oh, my god. John, hey! What's the--john, wake up! Are you okay? John?
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Sarah: Victor just rehired xander as ceo of titan.
Maggie: Well, that's wonderful.
Sarah: Xander is, like, beyond thrilled. Victor's respect means absolutely everything to him.
Maggie: I got a feeling there's more news you wanna share.
Sarah: Mm-hmm, well, as a matter of fact, yeah. Xander and I are back together, and honestly I couldn't be happier, mom.
Maggie: Oh, I'm so happy. Oh, that's great. Mm.
Victor: You didn't tell me you were coming home.
Philip: I wanted to surprise you. Hope that's all right.
Victor: All right? It's better than all right. I--I think about you all the time, wondering how you're doing, making sure everything's all right, wishing I'd hear from you.
Xander: Welcome home, philip.
Philip: Hey, cuz. Last time I saw you, you were terrorizing salem with clyde and orpheus. I'm surprised you're not still serving time for that.
Xander: I paid my debt to society and to this family.
Philip: If you say so.
Victor: My son is home again and this calls for a drink.
Philip: Ah, don't get up. I got this. Same as usual?
Victor: Yeah.
Philip: Xander?
Xander: I'll pass.
[Glasses clinking]
Victor: My son's returned. I can't believe it. I mean, it doesn't seem real, but then there you are.
Xander: I can't believe it, either. So tell us. Why'd you come back?
Sami: John, come on. John, you gotta wake up. What's happening? Is this your way of making me apologize? Because it's working, all right? I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I--I just say things, you know? I say things when I get upset that I don't mean, and I didn't mean this. I'm sorry! You are a part of our family. You're the most important part. You're--you're a rock. You're a rock for everyone. Please, john! Please, you have to get better. Come on. Wake up, please! I don't know what to do!
Marlena: Okay, i got diapers--
Sami: Mom!
Marlena: Oh! John, john!
Sami: Mom!
Marlena: John.
You must go and I must bide
Will: Sounds serious. Let me guess. Ari wants two puppies now.
Sonny: No, no, no, no. It's nothing like that. Um, I got a call from my brother, alex.
Will: Is everything okay?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, every--i mean, better than okay. Um, last year soon after my mom died, my brothers and I, we wanted to start a business venture in honor of her, and one of the ideas actually got funding, and it's about to take off.
Will: That's awesome.
Sonny: Yeah.
Will: Cool. How does this change things for us?
Sonny: Um, I wanna take on a leadership role with this project. I wanna run the company.
Belle: Your mom's been back to work for, like, a day. Are she and rafe not getting along?
Shawn: No, actually, I think that they might be getting along a little too well.
Belle: Too we--oh. Oh. A little spark getting reignited?
Shawn: Apparently there was, uh, a moment.
Belle: Ooh, a moment. Moments are good.
Shawn: Yeah, my mom thinks that she's reading a little too much into it.
Belle: Well, what does rafe say?
Shawn: Well, that's the question.
Belle: Aww, she should just go talk to him.
Shawn: That's exactly what i told her.
Belle: I mean, it would be wonderful if they got back together.
Shawn: I agree. I agree. My mom was really happy with rafe, but of course, I mean, they did have their share of problems.
Belle: Yeah, like rafe sleeping with my sister.
Shawn: Which my mom forgave him for that eventually. I mean--
Belle: Yeah. Forgiving is one thing. Forgetting? I mean, I think it's possible they might not be able to get past that.
Shawn: Come on, I don't know about that. I mean, look at us. You and I, we overcame a similar marriage crisis.
Belle: Yeah. We did.
Shawn: [Grunts] Philip. You know, I used to--I used to have trouble saying his name, but now I'm okay. I'm okay because you and I, we worked it out, and now we're better than ever.
Belle: Yeah, we are. I'm so grateful for that.
Philip: Why wouldn't i be here? This is my home.
Xander: True, technically, but you haven't set foot in this house in, what, five years?
Philip: I've been busy.
Xander: Too busy to visit your father after he had a stroke?
Victor: Xander--
Philip: No, xander's right. I should have come home to see how you were doing in person. I'm sorry.
Victor: Well, you're here now. That's what counts.
Xander: For nothing. Oh, I'm sorry. I just think you deserve a bit more respect and attention from the son you've hardly heard from all these years.
Philip: Look at you being all protective. Last I heard, you couldn't even stand to be in the same room with this guy.
Xander: Victor and I have come a long way. In fact, we're working together.
Philip: Not to be too critical, but I did see the shrubs out front could use a trim.
Xander: I'm not the gardener anymore. I'm the ceo of titan.
Sami: We were just talking about allie's baby and the custody situation and--and then he had this funny look on his face and he grabbed the back of his head, and then he just collapsed.
Marlena: He's not breathing.
Sami: Okay.
Marlena: Call 911.
Sami: Okay. Okay.
Marlena: Oh, god, john.
[Phone beeps]
[Phone trilling] These days, everyone expects you to like everything
Will: I--I think it's great that you found something that excites you. I mean, so--so what is this company about?
Sonny: Well, um, where do I start? Um, we partnered with a research scientist and he developed an ai program that can actually analyze mammogram results on a deeper level. This could revolutionize detecting and treating breast cancer, and in some cases even predict it.
Will: Wow. So, I mean--so you're going big, obviously.
Sonny: Yeah. Well, you know my mom. She was a proud cancer survivor, and our company will be able to allow her strength and her light to live on and--and help people, you know, who--who need that hope and--and healing.
Will: Yeah. Adrienne would be so proud of you. I--so, I mean, how does--how does this work? And, like, when--when would you start?
Sonny: Well, we would start, uh, immediately.
Will: Immediately?
Sonny: Yes.
Will: Cool.
Sonny: There--there is just, um, one hitch.
Will: Okay. Oh, so now we get to the part about how this changes things for us.
Sonny: Yes, yes, 'cause it definitely would. Um, we're building the facility in phoenix, where my brothers are.
Will: Phoenix?
Sonny: Yeah, so if I--if i wanna run the company, I need to move to arizona.
Will: So you're--you're-- you're leaving me?
Belle: You know, it's still difficult for me to say his name, too. I know that I've said this many, many times before, but I am truly, deeply sorry for how much I hurt you, and I want you to know that philip is out of my system for good. You're the only man for me, shawn-douglas. I love you. You are the only man I will ever love.
Shawn: I know, and you've more than proven that to me.
Belle: I hope so.
Shawn: You and I--
[Grunts] We're golden.
Belle: I do still feel guilty, though, about your relationship with philip, or that you don't really have a relationship with him anymore.
Shawn: Yeah, I don't, and I'm okay with that, but I--I do gotta admit that, um, just the sight of the guy, I wanna do things that I regret.
Belle: [Laughs] Well, I can understand that. Lucky for us, philip's nowhere near salem.
> Philip: Last I heard, brady was back in charge of titan.
Victor: He stepped down today.
Philip: So you gave the job back to xander? Didn't you just fire him?
Xander: There were extenuating circumstances at the time. Victor had no choice. It certainly had nothing to do with my job performance.
Victor: Xander's proven himself a very astute businessman.
Philip: Good for you.
Victor: Xander, could, uh, i have a little time alone with my son?
Xander: Ah. Should probably get to the office. Get a jump on things. Philip.
Philip: Xandy.
Victor: Xander's been a real help. He deserves some respect.
Philip: My bad. Respect it is. I really am sorry I've been away for so long.
Victor: I'm just glad you're here now. I hope this means we'll have some time to repair our relationship.
Philip: That would depend on you, dad.
Sarah: I actually have victor to thank.
Maggie: Victor?
Sarah: Mm-hmm. Yep. He gave me the push to make me realize just how much i love xander.
Maggie: Okay, if I remember correctly, was that push that sent you to xander's room?
Sarah: Right, yes.
Maggie: Mm-hmm.
Sarah: And I thought he was there with a hooker but it ended up being this, like, huge misunderstanding, and then when we were at ciara and ben's wedding, or after the explosion, the way that xander scooped up allie and carried her all the way to the hospital, I just--i got to see the xander that i fell in love with. You know, the one that's selfless and caring.
Maggie: Mm-hmm. He hasn't always been a hero.
Sarah: No, I know.
Maggie: No. Yeah.
Sarah: But I would rather be with an imperfect man than be alone and miserable.
Maggie: Okay, missy. Are you throwing my own words back at me?
Sarah: Technically victor quoted you and I'm just following your lead.
Maggie: Okay. Victor and xander are two of a kind. They're a lot alike. They're stubborn and they're willing to risk anything if they believe in it, right or wrong, but I think few people love more deeply.
Sarah: Then you're happy for me?
Maggie: Yep. Yep.
[Laughing] Oh! Now, it might not be smooth sailing, but you will never be bored.
Sarah: Oh, I already figured that out.
Maggie: You have?
[Both laughing]
Sarah: I really wish that i got to be with xander to celebrate his good news, but my shift doesn't end until forever, so I'm stuck here.
Maggie: Okay, what do you want me to do?
Sarah: Maybe you could do me a favor?
Maggie: I can do that.
Sami: Yes, yes. Please, please, just hurry, okay? Okay, the ambulance is on their way, mom. How is he?
Marlena: He's still not breathing.
Sami: Oh, god! Is there something I can do? I mean, I have to do something.
Marlena: Start to pray.
[Exhales sharply] Come on, john. Come on, breathe. Please, just breathe. Oh! Oh, good. Oh, okay. He's breathing. Are you--oh, thank god, john. The ambulance is on the way. You're gonna be just fine. It's gonna be okay. Just stay with me. Stay with me, baby. Just stay with me. Back off!
Will: You wanna just abandon me and move to arizona? I mean, is this because of our fight?
Sonny: No, no, no, no. Not at all. No, I--I--did I, like, sound angry when I was telling you this?
Will: No, you didn'T.
Sonny: I want us to move together as a family. You, me, and ari.
Will: Oh. Oh, but what about gabi?
Sonny: She can come visit as much as she wants. She can stay with us, and I was even thinking, too, that during the summer, ari can be here in salem and then during the school year she can be in arizona with us.
Will: I--I mean, would gabi even agree to that?
Sonny: I hope so.
Will: And do you think it's-- would it be good for--for ari, even? You know, splitting her time between two cities?
Sonny: Look, I--I know this is, like, crazy, okay? And I--I don't--I don't wanna just, like, uproot our lives, and you're right about ari and gabi, but I don't wanna do anything that's not good for them, but the thing that I'm concerned about most is you. I don't want you to feel like you're being railroaded or pressured into this at all. I want you to be 100% comfortable, because if you're not, I will tell my brothers to go on and do this without me.
Will: A--and pass up the opportunity that means so much to you?
Sonny: You and ari, your happiness means more to me than anything.
Will: Well, I mean, there are a lot of factors to consider.
[Chuckles] Number one being our daughter, like you said.
Sonny: I agree. I agree, yeah. You know, but she--she loves phoenix. I mean, she loves hanging out with her cousins.
Will: Yeah, I mean, you mean she never wants to leave their swimming pools.
Sonny: Well, you know, there are--there are, uh, more things in arizona than just swimming pools. There's a lot of great newspapers, and with you being such a brilliant writer, you could find a job in no time.
Will: [Groans] Well, but still, what--what about gabi?
Sonny: I don't know. I think we just have to talk to her, but I think she'll be okay with it as long as she can see ari whenever she wants, and then she's gonna have ari every summer.
Will: You--you really wanna do this, don't you?
Sonny: I really do. So? So, what do you think?
Maggie: You haven't wasted any time at all, have you?
Xander: For me?
Maggie: [Laughing] Yes, they are for you.
Xander: Oh, you shouldn't-- oh, you shouldn't have.
Maggie: I didn'T. Sarah did.
Xander: "Feel better soon." "Welcome baby boy." Is there something i should know?
Maggie: No.
[Chuckles] Sarah was just determined she wanted you to have something to show you how proud she is of you. That's the best the hospital gift shop had to offer, and just for the record, I'm very proud of you, too. I know how much being ceo means to you and how much you've missed it.
Xander: It does feel really good to be back, but it's, uh-- it's not about the title and the power this time. It's--it's that victor really finally seems to accept me as part of the family, and to have sarah to share it with I... I don't think I've ever been this happy. You are okay with us getting back together, right?
Maggie: [Stammers] I am very pleased.
[Both laughing]
Both: Whoo!
Maggie: Oh, my goodness. And what was that for?
Xander: Maggie, you were one of the first people in this town to take a chance on me. I--I'll never forget that.
Maggie: Xander, you saved my life. Uh, I think we're kind of even. Just make sure that you treat my daughter well.
Xander: [Groans] I will treat sarah like the goddess she is. No more screw-ups ever.
Maggie: Those are very big words.
Xander: I mean them. Your daughter is the most important person in the world to me now. I'm a changed man, a new man because of her. I will never take that or her for granted.
Maggie: If you do, you will answer to me.
[Both chuckling] I, um--I better get home. Victor's probably wondering where I am.
Xander: Mm, victor was quite occupied when I left him, with his son.
Maggie: His son?
Xander: Yeah, philip's come home.
Maggie: Hmm.
Victor: I know you were unhappy with me before you left town.
Philip: Unhappy? Deimos kidnapped me, drugged me, and you took his side. Totally disillusioned might be a better way to put it. I--I felt betrayed.
Victor: I was just trying to do what I thought was best for the family.
Philip: I was collateral damage. Guess some family members are more important than others.
Victor: I made a very bad mistake, and I've regretted it ever since. Please. I'm so sorry. Let me make it up to you.
Philip: Make it up to me how?
Victor: That's for you to decide. You're my only living child. I would like nothing better than to be close again.
Philip: I'd like that, too, and actually, I know exactly how you can make it right.
Victor: Just tell me, whatever it is.
Philip: Make me ceo of titan.
Shawn: So I suggest that we discuss something that's a little more uplifting than talking about philip.
Belle: Yes. Good idea. Yes.
Shawn: I mean, tell me--tell me about your day. How was it?
Belle: Oh, I'm gonna--I'm gonna need some more wine for that.
Shawn: Was it re--really that bad?
Belle: Oh, gosh. Yeah, I mean, there's nothing fun about serving your brother with your sister's restraining order. Um, you know, eric and nicole were really excited to take that baby home and it's just a mess. The whole thing's a mess.
Shawn: Oh, no, I'm sorry, babe. I'm sorry that--I hate that you're stuck in the middle of that.
Belle: Yeah, me, too. I mean, I get it. Sami wants what's best for her grandson and eric wants the same thing. They're just on opposite sides of how to get there.
Shawn: And it's--it's gotten ugly.
Belle: Yeah. Babies are supposed to bring families together and it's just ripping mine apart.
Shawn: Is there any way that you can find a compromise?
Belle: [Chuckles] Sami brady compromise? Yeah, no, I don't think so.
Shawn: I mean, it doesn't hurt to ask.
Belle: [Scoffs] I mean, yeah, maybe. I mean, what have I got to lose, right? Except maybe my head.
[Laughs] I mean, it--it's, uh--it's still early, so no time like the present, I guess.
Shawn: There you go.
Belle: Wish me luck?
Shawn: Good luck.
Belle: Yes.
Shawn: Mm. Bye.
Belle: [Giggles]
Marlena: Okay, they're putting john in the ambulance. I'm gonna ride along.
Sami: Okay, I'll go with you. Let me just get the baby.
Marlena: No, no, honey, please, please. He's sound asleep. Just stay here with him. Would you do that for me, please?
Sami: Okay, but you have to call me, okay? Just call me when you know anything.
Marlena: I will. Of course I will.
Sami: All right. M--mom--
Marlena: Yeah?
Sami: Um, john is so strong. He is going to be okay.
Marlena: Yeah. I'll call you.
Sami: Okay.
[Door closes] He has to be okay. He just has to be okay. These are real people, not actors,
Maggie: I didn't know that philip was coming to town.
Xander: Popped in out of the blue.
Maggie: Victor and philip, they didn't part on the best of terms, and it's been years. Did philip say why he was in town, how long he's gonna stay?
Xander: Mm, maybe he ran out of money and just came back to beg daddy for a loan.
Maggie: Oh. That was a bit ungracious.
Xander: Mm, sorry. You know, philip and I, oil and water.
Maggie: Well, whatever the reason, philip has returned. I'm sure victor's over the moon. Victor thinks the world of his son.
Victor: You wanna be ceo? I don't understand, philip. Before you left, you said you never wanted to have anything to do with titan.
Philip: I was angry, obviously, but it's been a few years. I've cooled off, and I think i wanna give it another shot.
Victor: I just gave the job to xander.
Philip: Can't you just un-give it to him?
Victor: I don't wanna jerk him around one more time. I already did it once with brady.
Philip: So he's used to it by now.
Victor: Philip.
Philip: I--I don't get it. You've always treated xander like--like dirt. Couldn't stand the guy. Now you're worried about his feelings?
Victor: Xander has earned his way into this family. He's gone above and beyond more than once.
Philip: But he's your nephew. I'm your son.
Victor: Whom I love very much.
Philip: And whom you just told you would do anything to make things right with, which is why you'll give me the job.
Victor: What if I make you executive vice president? Any division you want.
Philip: Eh, I'm not gonna stick around salem to play second fiddle to xander cook.
Victor: So if I don't do this, you'll leave again?
Philip: I know it's a big ask, but I--I know you need time to think about it. I'll give you that time. It's great to be home.
Sami: This cannot be happening. Oh, belle.
Belle: Oh, good, you're here. Listen, sami, we need to talk, okay? We--
Sami: What?
Belle: We have to find a compromise, sami...
Sami: But--
Belle: For everyone involved. Especially for that sweet baby before, you know, all this stuff just gets out of hand.
Sami: Well, it's too late for that, so--
Belle: Why? What do you mean?
Sami: Nicole and eric were here earlier and--
Belle: Oh, right, okay. So let me guess. You made things worse?
Sami: Well, actually, they are the ones who came barging in, but that's not important right now, okay? Belle, there's something you need to know.
[Machines beeping]
Marlena: Uh, sami, uh, said he grabbed his head before he passed out.
Sarah: Has he been complaining of any other symptoms lately?
Marlena: No, no.
Sarah: And what was he doing before he lost consciousness?
Marlena: Uh, sami said they were talking and then he just collapsed. Sarah, you gotta figure this out. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back,
Will: [Exhales] Phoenix is a long way away.
Sonny: You don't wanna move?
Will: I mean, it's not that. I mean, I--I love salem. Um, I love our--our lives here, you know? And most of our family is here and who knows how long my mom's gonna stick around? Uh, on second thought, let's do it.
Sonny: Do what?
Will: Move.
Sonny: Very funny. Are you serious?
Will: Yeah, yeah. I am. This is an amazing opportunity, and I love you and you deserve to pursue your dream.
Sonny: Are you sure?
Will: Yeah. Well, I mean, let's not book the plane tickets yet. I mean, there's still one big hurdle we have to overcome.
Belle: So you and my dad were just talking and he passed out?
Sami: It was just really sudden and--and then he stopped breathing and--
> Belle: He what?
Sami: Yeah, mom said that he wasn't breathing, but she was here and she did cpr and--and she got him breathing again, but I guess he was unresponsive, and so the paramedics had to take him to the hospital.
Belle: Oh, my god. So, what? Is it, like, a--a heart attack or a stroke? What?
Sami: I don't--I don't know. They--they didn't know. They--mom said she would call us as soon as she finds out anything.
Belle: This just doesn't make any sense, you know? He's in perfect health. What could have caused this?
Sami: Sometimes these things just happen.
Belle: Well, thank god you were here when he collapsed. Oh, my god. Sami, you probably saved his life.
Sami: Belle, um, I--
Belle: I am just so grateful to you. I'm gonna get to the hospital.
Sami: Oh, uh, hey, will you call me if you find out anything?
Belle: Yes, of course.
Sami: Please, and belle, I'm sorry. I'm--I'm so sorry.
Belle: It's okay.
[Door closes]
Sami: [Crying]
[Machines beeping]
Marlena: What do you think?
Sarah: Well, we won't know for certain until I run some tests, but given his motor responses and his brain stem reflexes, if I had to guess...
Marlena: Ruptured aneurism?
Sarah: Yes. We'll get a ct scan, cta, an mri, and I will do every test i can to rule out a heart attack or tumor.
Marlena: [Chuckles] Thank you.
[Door closes] I am right here with you and I'm not going anywhere. Not till you come back to me. I wanted more from my copd medicine,
Will: If we're gonna take ari to arizona, that little thing called "shared custody," we--we gotta get gabi on board first, like I said.
Sonny: Yeah, well, 'cause being 2,000 miles apart, we can't divide the week up like we're doing now, but I do believe we can figure out some sort of arrangement, right?
Will: I--I hope so.
Sonny: I think gabi is gonna be on board because, you know, right now, her whole life is, you know, in flux and I--I think she knows that ari is better off with us right now.
Will: We know that. I'm not sure she knows that.
[Both laughing]
Sonny: Well, then let's-- let's go talk to her.
Will: Tonight?
Sonny: Yeah. B--better off just getting it over with, right? So we know where we stand?
Will: True, good point. Okay. Uh, hold on. One second.
Sonny: [Laughing]
Will: Oh!
Sonny: You ready?
Will: Ready as I'll ever be.
Sami: I have never made it easy for you to be a part of this family, john, but you've always had my back. Y--you've always been there for me and--and the things I said today, I didn't mean them. I really didn'T. So you have to get better, okay? Please. Please get better, john, so that I can make things right.
Belle: Mom? How's dad?
Marlena: Oh, oh. Honey, they're, uh--they're running some tests.
Belle: Well, do they know what's wrong with him?
Marlena: Oh, nobody's quite sure yet. They're, uh--they're thinking maybe it's a brain aneurism.
Belle: Oh, my god. Wait, he's gonna be okay, though, right?
Marlena: Yeah. Of course he is.
[Door closes]
Maggie: I just left xander. He tells me philip is back. Where is he?
Victor: He went for a walk.
Maggie: Oh. Well, you must be so thrilled. Philip has been mia for so long for him to just show up. I can't wait to see him, and i am very happy to see you.
Victor: [Groans]
Maggie: Oh! And that second one is for you hiring xander back and for helping his reconciliation with sarah.
Victor: [Chuckles]
Maggie: He's on cloud nine, and it's all thanks to you.
Victor: Yes, well, I'm afraid his happiness may be short lived.
Maggie: Why?
Victor: I have some news.
Xander: Thank you for my balloons, darling. I'll wait to celebrate with you tonight.
[Exhales sharply] I have you back, my job. Everything is right with the world.
Shawn: So what are you doing in town?
Philip: I could ask you the same thing. Figured you and belle'd be living it up in hong kong.
Shawn: We're here for my sister's wedding, and then we decided to stick around a little while to spend some time with claire.
Philip: How is she? I heard there was some issues.
Shawn: Claire's fine. I don't suppose you're just passing through.
Philip: Actually, I finally decided to stop running from my legacy and embrace it.
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