Days Transcript Tuesday 8/18/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/18/20


Episode #13837 ~ Nicole and Eric have a heated confrontation with Sami; John collapses; Philip returns to Salem; Xander gets good news.

Provided By Suzanne

[Romantic music]

 Oh yeah with every touch every move my love is yours alone I'll always be here holding you near I'll never let go so remember tonight and your hand in mine whenever you feel alone just close your eyes and I'm by your side I'll never let go I can't say good-bye to my heart so every beat is a promise from me I'll never let go you'll never be alone no, no I gave you my heart every part I'll never let go no no, no, no

Xander: Welcome home, uncle.

Victor: Oh.

Xander: How was the old country?

Victor: Maggie and I had a wonderful trip.

Xander: I actually have some happy news of my own to share. Sarah and I have decided to give it another go.

Victor: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure maggie will be too.

Xander: I heard that you put in a good word for me. That's appreciated. I know we've had our ups and downs.

Victor: Oh, I would say more downs than ups.

Xander: Well, it means a lot you finally believe in me. I assume you've called me here to discuss where I fit in at titan after brady goes.

Victor: You assume correctly.

Xander: As soon as you told me that I was your first choice to replace him, I started brainstorming and--

Victor: Well, before you go any further, I... offering you that ceo job, I think I spoke too soon.

Xander: What do you mean, you spoke too soon?

Victor: I mean, I don't think I can offer you the ceo job.

[Dramatic music]

Shawn: Well, look who's back on the job.

Hope: Hey, honey.

Shawn: How does it feel, detective?

Hope: Well, let you know in a few days?

Shawn: Yeah, sure. What is it we're searching for here?

Hope: Well, I was hoping that eve left some kind of clue behind when she ran into claire.

Shawn: Any luck?

Hope: Canvassed the whole area, talked to as many witnesses as I could find, but so far, there's no sign of eve anywhere.

Shawn: We're gonna find her.

Hope: [Sighs] It's my first day on the job and I already feel like I've let everyone down. And not just ciara. Rafe too.

Rafe: Hey, man. Lani around? She was supposed to write up that report on claire's encounter with eve donovan.

Eli: I am finishing up for her right now.

Rafe: Oh, yeah? How come?

Eli: She said she needed some fresh air. She went back to the park to investigate the crime. Here, let me get it for you.

Rafe: All right.

[Elevator dings]

Lani: Sarah.

Sarah: Hey, lani. What's up?

Lani: I think there's something wrong with the babies.

Sami: Aren't you the sweetest little angel? Yes, you are. You are such a little sweetheart. Don't you worry about anything. I'm gonna get this all worked out for you.

[Knocking] Now I'm gonna find out who's at the door right now. Yes, I am. So what are you doing here?

Nicole: You got a restraining order against us? You crazy, selfish--

Eric: All right. Hey, nicole. Stop it.

Nicole: You don't think about anybody but--

Eric: That's not what we're-- sami? Sami, we need to talk about allie's baby. Sami.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Xander: Do I... do I need to remind you of our conversation? When you told me you thought brady would be stepping down?

Victor: I remember.

Xander: Well, then you'll also remember that you explicitly told me that should that happen, I was your first choice for the job.

Victor: Xander, I can assure you, my mind is as sharp as ever.

Xander: Well, I'm very glad to hear it, uncle, because when you called me here, I just assumed that brady had offered his resignation and you had good news for me.

Victor: Then you assume incorrectly.

Xander: What is that guy's problem? I mean, how much longer can he keep stringing you along and leaving the company in the lurch? He either needs to do the job or step aside and let somebody else do it.

Victor: Xander, I am not saying that the job is not going to be yours.

Xander: That seems to be exactly what you're saying.

Victor: Look, being in greece made me realize how important family is to me. I decided I can't make any changes until I'm sure brady is onboard with them.

Xander: That's a weak move, uncle vic, and you know it.

Eric: Sami, come on, please. Open up the door. Sami.

Sami: Hey, hey, keep it down. You're gonna wake the baby.

Nicole: [Gasps]

Eric: Wait, you brought the baby home from the hospital?

Sami: Yeah. Mom's helping me take care of him.

Eric: Sami.

Nicole: That's outrageous. You had no right.

Sami: Actually, I have every right. I am that baby's grandmother.

Nicole: That's not what allie wanted. Is that even legal?

Sami: Yeah, and the hospital would've stopped me if it wasn't and they didn'T.

Nicole: Well, they should've.

Eric: And we were supposed to take him home.

Nicole: Yeah, until you stopped us by having your sister slap us with a restraining order.

Eric: Okay.

Sami: Okay, you know what? If you don't pipe down, I'm gonna have to slam this door in your stupid face again.

Eric: All right, that's eno--

Nicole: Oh, my stupid face?

Eric: You know what? Stop it. We're not gonna shout anymore. We're gonna be calm and we're gonna work this out rationally.

Nicole: Rationally? How are we supposed to work this out rationally with a crazy person?

Sami: Oh, you wanna talk crazy? You wanna compare resumes?

Nicole: Sure.

Eric: All right, stop. Just let us in 'cause we're not going anywhere.

Sami: Fine. Come on in. I don't want you banging on the door and waking him up. When migraine strikes,

Lani: The contractions aren't as strong as what I remember with david and they're not regular, but they are unpleasant.

Sarah: Okay. Well, let's get you in an exam room and we'll see what's going on, okay? Do you want me to call eli?

Lani: No. No.

Sarah: Are you sure? I know he'd wanna be here with you.

Lani: Yeah, I know he would too, but I just... I don't wanna worry him until I know exactly what's going on.

Sarah: So he doesn't know you're here?

Lani: No, I lied to him about where I was going.

Sarah: All right. Come with me.

Eli: All right. Done. Here you go.

Rafe: Good. Hey, thanks for pitching in.

Eli: Yeah, anytime. Lani and I, we're a team.

Rafe: Yeah. Hey, did you hear that hope's coming back to the force?

Eli: What?

Rafe: Mm-hmm.

Eli: No. That's great, but how'd that happen?

Rafe: Well, you know that she has been super focused on finding eve after what happened at the church. We just made it official.

Eli: Well, there's nobody more qualified to bring eve to justice than her. That's excellent news.

Rafe: Yeah. Hopefully.

Eli: "Hopefully"? What, do you think there's gonna be some people that are gonna have a negative reaction to hope being back?

Rafe: No. No, I don'T. I'm not worried about that. It's just...yeah.

Eli: Yeah? Well, then, what's the problem?

Rafe: Well, it's not professional. It's personal.

Shawn: Mom, ciara knows that you are doing everything that you possibly can.

Hope: Yeah, well, it doesn't seem like enough.

Shawn: And one of the good things that came out of this is you're back on the force again.

Hope: Yeah.

Shawn: Yeah, and you're working with rafe again. I mean, you guys make a great team.

Hope: Do we?

Shawn: What do you mean? Are you--is there a problem with you and rafe?

Xander: Why are you still so loyal to brady? He admitted he only took the ceo job to tank titan.

Victor: That's because he was angry with me for my part in the baby switch.

Xander: Exactly. He pretended to be on your side and all he wanted was revenge.

Victor: We got past that.

Xander: Did you, though? He's been mia for weeks. How can he call himself ceo and then completely abandon the company?

Victor: I've got calls into him.

Xander: Why bother? I've been keeping an eye on the company's operations in his absence.

Victor: You don't work for the company.

Xander: This is in my blood, uncle vic. Even without title or compensation, I care about titan. I want it to be the kind of company that people respect and envy and fear. Whereas brady, well, he was more than happy just to run the company into the ground to prove a point. How can you ever trust him again?

Victor: I give him credit for telling the truth.

Xander: Credit.

Victor: Not everyone admits to their mistakes. Now that brady's gotten some distance from the situation, he may decide that he wants to keep the job after all.

Xander: But why would you want him there after everything he's done to you?

Victor: Because if I were to remove him and put you back in charge, he may feel as I've betrayed him.

Xander: So?

Victor: So he's my grandson. I don't wanna lose him again.

Eric: That restraining order was out of line. You blindsided us and you pressured belle.

Sami: I had to protect my grandson.

Nicole: From your own brother?

Sami: No, of course not. From you. You are a joke and everyone knows it. You manipulated allie into writing that note to say that you could raise her son. And you're just doing it because you want her baby.

Nicole: Oh, for god's sake.

Eric: We've already heard all this.

Sami: Oh, I'm happy to go over all of it again, eric, because you need to wake up and see that she doesn't care about allie. She doesn't care about that baby.

Nicole: Of course I do.

Sami: Oh, it is just an insurance policy to you.

Eric: What does that mean?

Sami: It mean that you've been vulnerable ever since you lost mackenzie. You wanna be a dad and she knows it, so she's hoping that you'll attach yourself to this baby and then she can keep you with it.

Nicole: That's ridiculous.

Sami: Is it? You know someday, eric is gonna wake up and see you for who you really are, and you're just hoping that by then, he won't leave you because of the baby.

Eric: Sami, that's not true. Nicole never asked for this.

Sami: Oh, please.

Eric: She's only doing what allie asked her to do in the letter.

Sami: That letter means nothing.

Eric: But sami, you only heard the first few lines and then you--once you heard nicole's name, you stormed out of there. You didn't read the rest of what allie wanted.

Sami: Okay. Show it to me.

Nicole: We don't have it. We gave it to our attorney.

Sami: Your attorney?

Nicole: Yes. You're not the only one who lawyered up. You started this fight and we are not gonna back down.

Sami: You're gonna take me to court?

Nicole: If we have to. And between your daughter's letter and your twin brother on the opposing side, you don't have a chance.

From prom dresses...

Eric: Nicole, please. I think we're getting ahead of ourself.

Nicole: She left us no choice.

Eric: Yeah, but justin never mentioned anything about going to court.

Sami: Justin? Justin kiriakis is your attorney?

Nicole: Yes. He is.

Sami: Fine. Bring it on.

Nicole: Oh, it's already been brought on.

Eric: All right, hang on, the both of you. We shouldn't even be talking about going to court.

Sami: Hey, you are the one who came barging in here, banging on the door, issuing threats.

Eric: We came here to work out an agreement without it getting ugly.

Sami: Well, I think it's a bit late for that. You brought her, didn't you?

Nicole: What--you seriously didn't just say that. Are you--what--

Eric: Would you stop please, the both of you?

Sami: I think, you know what, you're just gonna have to get used to it. Why don't we just let belle and justin battle it out in court?

Eric: You really wanna drag your grandson through court? I mean, you know better than anybody what damage that can do to you.

Sami: Well, then I think you should back off.

Eric: Sami, I know how much you love allie. We do too, and that letter spells what's in her heart.

Sami: I know my daughter.

Eric: Then listen to her. We can talk this out like adults and put the best interest of the child first.

Sami: Okay, eric. I'm listening.

[Dramatic music]

Sarah: Well, the good news is you are not going into premature labor.

Lani: [Sighs] Thank god. But those contractions felt so real.

Sarah: Yeah, I mean, it's probably braxton hicks.

Lani: Isn't it too soon for that?

Sarah: A little, but you're having twins, so it's not unusual.

Lani: Okay. So I don't need to be on bed rest or anything like that?

Sarah: No, no, no, no, no. You haven't had any contractions since you left the office and came here, right?

Lani: Mm-mm, no.

Sarah: Okay, so braxton hicks can subside if you change your position, so getting up and moving around after you've been sitting for a long time.

Lani: Okay.

Sarah: So just drink a lot of water and try to take some deep breaths, okay? And you can take a warm bath.

Lani: Okay. I guess I have been sitting a lot. I've been doing so much paperwork lately.

Sarah: Oh, my god, I totally understand. Maybe you should take a little time off work if you need it.

Lani: I actually used work as my excuse to eli. I told him that I was on my way to the park to investigate eve donovan's case.

Sarah: You don't think he suspects a thing?

Lani: Mm-mm. He is so sweet, he even offered to finish typing my report for me.

Sarah: He's the best.

Lani: He is.

Sarah: Lani? You okay?

Lani: Remember when I told you I didn't wanna worry him? That was only part of the story.

Sarah: Okay. What's the other part?

Lani: I am afraid that he is gonna think that I am losing my mind, and maybe I am.


Xander: If you're so worried about poor brady's feelings, why don't you just call him, ask him if he still wants to be ceo?

Victor: I've called him dozens of times, left countless messages. He doesn't return them.

Xander: Hmm. That's a quality you want in your ceo.

Victor: He'll call when he's ready.

Xander: How long can you wait? How long can titan wait?

Victor: I need to talk to him before I can offer you the job.

Xander: Well, let's do it, shall we?

Victor: What are you doing?

Xander: Thought we'd give brady a little call right now.

Victor: He won't answer.

Xander: Well, there's only one way to find out, isn't there? Brady.

Xander: Oh, yes, I'm quite aware this is victor's phone. In fact, I'm with him right now. Apparently, you haven't been returning his calls, brady.

Victor: Let me talk to my grandson.

Xander: You know, I think that's rather rude.

Victor: Give me the damn phone.

Xander: He's all yours.

Victor: Brady. I've been trying to call you. I see. No, it's about titan. Wondering if you were coming back to salem, if... you wanted to keep your job as ceo before I offered it to someone else.

Eli: Personal? Does that mean something's going on between you and hope again?

Rafe: No. No, man. Of course not. No, we're just friends. All right? That's it.

Eli: Okay.

Rafe: Okay. Just, you know--

Eli: This isn't an-- an interrogation, rafe. Like, I may be one of your detectives, but I'm also your friend. You can talk to me.

Rafe: All right. Right. I'm sorry. Sorry. My bad, okay? Sorry I got defensive. It's just... just when hope agreed to come back to the job, well, we shared A... a moment.

Eli: What kind of moment?

Rafe: Hmm. I'm just--um, here. There you go, so, uh... um...welcome back.

Shawn: Mom? I asked what kind of a moment that you had with rafe?

Hope: A moment?

Shawn: Yeah. Yeah, you said that something happened after he gave you your badge back and then you just-- you sort of, like, drifted, like you were thinking about it.

Hope: I was. I've been thinking about it a lot.

Eric: I wish I had the letter with me.

Sami: Aw, except for that you had to give it to your attorney to make me look bad.

Nicole: Hey. You know what's in it, eric.

Eric: You're right. I read it many times. I know everything that allie wrote in that letter.

Sami: Okay. Go ahead. Tell me what she said in your own words.

Eric: Well, first off, allie wants what's best for the baby. She believes what's best for the baby is that nicole raise him. And she made it clear that she-- she sees me in the picture. "Packaged deal," she called it.

Sami: "A packaged deal." That's sweet.

Eric: She felt it would be best for everyone involved.

Sami: That's lovely and all, but she's hardly in a position to know what's best.

Nicole: She's the mother.

Sami: She's a child. She has done nothing but demonstrate poor judgment, setting aside her pregnancy itself. She talked to rafe briefly and decided that he should have the child, and then she decided that will and sonny should have the child, and then she decided the two of you should have the child. How long before she changes her mind again?

Nicole: You don't have any idea what you're doing. You keep telling her over and over and over again that you don't trust her. That she's not capable of making her own decisions.

Sami: Well, because she's not.

Nicole: Well, you put all kinds of pressure on her to do what you want, and when she doesn't do what you want, you go around her and you put pressure on other people.

Sami: Like who?

Nicole: Like rafe. Like will. And look, we haven't even told you what allie said in the rest of the letter. How she feels betrayed by will because he protected you. How you never learn your lesson. How you manipulate and try to take control of her.

Sami: Hey, nicole? It's called parenting. I am trying to steer her in the right direction.

Nicole: And she knew that you would freak out because she wants us to raise her son, but she doesn't care because you're toxic, sami.

Sami: Okay, you know what? Shut the hell up, nicole!

Eric: All right, sami--

Sami: I've had enough out of this; you are going to leave right now.

Eric: Sami, please.

Sami: Get out of my--of this house, get out of my life, and get out of my grandson's life.

Nicole: Like hell I will. I will not.

Eric: Sami, let's not do this. Stop. You both need to stop.

John: Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey! What the hell's going on in here? Are you one of the millions of americans

Sarah: Of course you are not losing your mind.

Lani: No? Then why is it that everything that I feel in my body practically sends me into a panic? I spend half of my day on medical websites searching "twins" and "premature labor" and "miscarriages"--

Sarah: Okay, lani.

Lani: And if I feel this--

Sarah: Lani, look at me. No more dr. Internet. Okay? Not when you have the real thing right here. And you can call me anytime. You can call me day or night. I need you to hear me because I mean it.

Lani: So you don't think that I am worrying too much?

Sarah: No. I think that you are acting like a mom. A really good one.

Lani: Thank you.

Sarah: Look, lani, we... we both have been through losing a child. And there's nothing, nothing in this world that is worse than that. But I couldn't be happier that you are bringing two little lives into this world, and I get to help.

[Phone ringing] I'm so sorry. Do you mind?

Lani: No, no, no.

Sarah: Okay.

Lani: It's fine.

[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps]

Lani: Not who you were hoping for?

Sarah: I kinda thought it was xander.

[Both laugh]

Lani: I did notice that he was your date at ciara's wedding. Are you two back together?

Sarah: We made it official last night.

Lani: Good for you. Yes.

Sarah: Thank you for saying that, by the way. Like, not everyone is as supportive. Look, xander has done... questionable things, but I really do believe that it's gonna be good this time, especially because he's on the verge of getting his job back as ceo of titan.

Lani: That's great.

Sarah: Yeah, he's with victor as we speak right now.

Victor: Yes. Yes, I understand, and I'll handle it. Yes, brady. We're on the same page. I'll see you soon.

[Phone beeps]

Xander: So? What did he say?

Shawn: So are you gonna tell me what happened between you and rafe or not?

Hope: Nothing. Nothing really happened. There was a hug. I'm probably imagining... there was more to it than there really was.

Rafe: You know, I realize now that I was probably just imagining things. Misreading signals, 'cause, you know, hope... she's grateful to have her job back. That's it. That's all. The hell you smiling at, man? Huh?

Eli: It's just that... look, you and hope being back together, it sounds like a good thing to me.

Rafe: Ah.

Shawn: Now look, would it be so terrible if you gave rafe another shot? I mean, come on, you-- you work well together, you've always cared about each other, and you still--you're still good friends, right?

Hope: The best. Which is why we should stay that way. He feels the same. Yeah, I'm pretty sure of it.

Rafe: Look, eli, it took... it took hope and me a long time to get back to the point where we were just friends. I do not wanna do anything to screw that up.

Eli: But what if this could be even better?

Rafe: What if it could be worse? Right? Right? That's okay. It's fine 'cause we're-- it's all good; we worked it out.

Eli: How'd you do that?

Rafe: Well, we agreed that instead of hugging, we should've just shaken hands.

Eli: [Laughs]

Rafe: So we did.

Eli: You shook hands?

Rafe: We--yeah. We shook hands.

Eli: I don't know, man. I don't think you worked things out at all. In fact, I think you should sit down with hope...

Rafe: Mm.

Eli: And tell her how you really feel.

Shawn: I don't know, mom. It doesn't sound to me like you two are being straight with each other. Or yourselves. I think you just-- look, I think you just need to talk to him again and tell him how you really feel.

Victor: Brady and I had a nice chat.

Xander: I should've known. Out of luck again. You know you could've at least had the decency to be honest with me so that all--

Victor: Will you just wait and let me finish? He's ready to step down.

Xander: What?

Victor: He doesn't want the job. He's fine with whoever I wanna give it to.

Xander: Whoever you wanna give it to? So are you saying...

Victor: Congratulations. The job is yours.

Eli: Hey. There's my beautiful wife. I gave rafe the report.

Lani: Thank you so much for doing that.

Eli: Yeah. Did you find anything new at the park?

Lani: No. I, um...

Eli: What? Something wrong?

Lani: [Sighs] Eli, I--I lied. I didn't go to the park. And I'm--I'm sorry.

Eli: Where were you?

Lani: You mind if we talk privately?

Eli: Yeah. Yeah. Let's go to the interrogation room.

Rafe: Well, I want you to follow up on that eve donovan lead. Could be another false positive, but still. I'll call you back.

Hope: Hey, um...

Rafe: Hi.

Hope: Hi. Do you have a minute to talk?

Rafe: Of course. Of course. I actually wanna talk to you too.

Nicole: We came here to work out an understanding with sami.

Eric: We only wanna do what is best for the baby.

John: We all do.

Sami: And that all sounds great, except for that everything nicole just told you is a lie.

Nicole: Oh, my god, what--

Sami: It just is. Because if what eric said allie wrote in that letter is true, then either she tricked allie into writing it, or she forged it herself.

Nicole: That's insane.

Eric: Yeah, and that's impossible. She wouldn't do that, sami, as you were with us when we found the letter.

Sami: She could've planted it.

John: Okay, okay, come on, sami, that's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

Sami: For nicole, anything is possible.

Eric: Listen, we came here to deescalate this whole situation, but as you can see, sami's making it impossible.

Sami: Nicole makes it impossible, but I'm happy to deescalate it by calling the police and letting them know that you're violating the restraining order.

John: No, no, no, no, no. You don't have to do that. Eric, nicole, I understand how you feel, I understand why you're here, but I think the best thing to do right now is just... both of you need to respect that restraining order.

Nicole: You want us to leave?

John: For now. For now. It''s kinda clear you're not gonna get anywhere today.

Eric: He's right. We came here to reason with sami, but she's not ready to listen.

Nicole: This isn't over, sami.

Sami: Oh, you're damn right it's not. Hey, thank you for taking my side.

John: Damn it, sami, I'm not on your side. I'm on theirs. It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine

Lani: I was really scared, eli. I--I thought I was going into premature labor.

Eli: Oh, my god. Are you okay?

Lani: Yeah, I'm fine. I went to the hospital. Sarah checked me out.

Eli: And the babies?

Lani: Everything is normal. Sarah thinks that it's braxton hicks. The contractions have stopped now and I know exactly what to do if it happens again.

Eli: Well, that's good.

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: I mean, how are you feeling though?

Lani: Much better. Sarah was amazing and said that I could call her at any time.

Eli: I'm so glad there's nothing wrong.

Lani: Yeah?

Eli: And you did the right thing.

Lani: I know that I-- I should've told you where I was going.

Eli: Hey, hey. It's okay, all right? You were just trying to protect me.

Lani: That's not the only part. I was also afraid of what you would think.

Eli: What I think?

Lani: Yeah. I was afraid that you would think that I was being paranoid or hysterical or something.

Eli: Lani. Hey. No. It's okay. All right, I--look. You got worried. All right? You freaked out. I get scared too. It's all right.

Lani: You do?

Eli: Yeah, I do. Look, after everything that we've been through, I-- I just want everything to go right. I want us to start our family. So you don't have to stress and freak out--

Lani: [Laughs]

Eli: By yourself. I love you.

Lani: I love you too.

Eli: Come here.

Rafe: I was hope--

Hope: I came here because--

Rafe: [Laughs] You first.

Hope: I came here to talk to you about... my search of the park when eve ran into claire.

Rafe: Oh, that'S... that is so weird because that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about too. Let's--let's go to my office.

Victor: Texting sarah, I presume?

Xander: She'll be very excited for me.

Victor: Well, she should be. It's what you've always wanted.

Xander: Well, except for the fact that I'm only getting it because brady doesn't want it anymore. As usual, I'm your second choice.

Victor: No, that's not true.

Xander: I was standing right here.

Victor: I just had to be sure that brady was okay with stepping down. And he was. Doesn't mean he was the best man for the job.

Xander: And I am?

Victor: You and I have had a rocky history, to say the least. Took us a long time to get to where we are today.

Xander: You called me incompetent for years.

Victor: And untrustworthy, unreliable, dim...

Xander: Right, got the point.

Victor: The point is that you've proven yourself to me. You're the right man... actually, the only man for this job.

Xander: Truly?

Victor: Titan is a family business. Belongs in the hands of the family. So there's nothing more to say other than "welcome home, son."

Philip: Thanks, dad.

Xander: Philip?

[Dramatic music]

Nicole: Eric. I'm so sorry to put you in the middle of this mess with your sister. I try so hard to keep it together, but every time I'm in the same room with her, I can't help but just wanna wrap my hands around her throat.

Eric: Yeah, well, I wouldn't advise that.

Nicole: I--


Eric: I understand why you would. I mean, everything that's happened to sami and her grandson is her own fault. She put herself in that position.

Nicole: So you're ready to fight sami?

Eric: She's just gone too far this time. I hate to say it about my own sister, but... she needs to be stopped before she destroys any more lives.

Sami: How can you be on eric and nicole's side? I am the grandmother.

John: 'Cause I'm not happy the way you're handling this situation. You know what you've done again? You turned it all around to you and how you are suffering, completely ignoring what your daughter is going through and how difficult this has been for her.

Sami: I am not ignoring that at all! My baby girl had a child with a man we don't even know. I don't even know his name, john! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?

John: You know, at this point, how you feel is not of major relevance to me, and you know why? Because I am more concerned about your daughter and that little baby. You know what, I'm really appalled at how you got your sister on your side against your own brother.

Sami: Belle actually offered to help me.

John: You didn't have to go this far. So I'm gonna call your sister. I'm gonna call isabella. She's gonna come over here, we're gonna sit down, and we're gonna talk about getting that restraining order rescinded.

Sami: Why would I do that?

John: Because it's wrong. You know it and she knows it.

Sami: I know nothing of the kind.

John: I'll tell you what I know. You are turning this into an ugly, destructive mess that's gonna hurt everybody in my family, including your mother, and I'm not gonna let that happen.

Sami: Okay, I've had enough out of you, john, damn it! I thought we had finally come to a good place. After all these years, we finally figure something out, and now you just need to stay out of this! Mind your own damn business! You are not my father, you are not allie's grandfather, you are nothing to that baby! John! John! John? John? John! John! Oh, my god. John? John, john?

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