Days Transcript Monday 8/17/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 8/17/20


Episode #13836 ~ Eric and Nicole receive a restraining order from Sami; Marlena and Kate argue over what's best for Allie's baby; Sarah and Xander share a romantic afternoon; Victor and Bonnie spar.

Provided By Suzanne

Victor: The greek islands were better than I remembered, but a man wants to be in his own home. To the peace and tranquility of a quiet house.

Bonnie: Hey, anybody h--

Victor: [Coughs]

Bonnie: Oh, my god. Are you okay?

Victor: [Coughing]


Sami: Allie, it's your mom again. Um, I just wanted you to know that your son gained two more ounces. I hope you got the photos that I texted. I hope you're looking at them. The pediatrician says that he is doing great, but I'm sure he misses you, 'cause we all miss you. Anyway, I just hope you'll be in touch because I just wanna know that you're doing all right. Your dad and I love you very much, allie.

[Phone beeps]

[Door closes]


Lucas: What? Come on, what happened?

Sami: [Crying] I sent allie pictures of the baby and she hasn't responded to them, and I'm just worried that she's gone and that we're never gonna see our little girl again.

Lucas: Oh, stop, come here.

[Whispering] Stop that. Come on.

Sami: Lucas.


Marlena: Uh, ben, it's dr. Evans. Uh, I--I'm sorry that I had to cancel our session on such short notice but especially upset because the emergency wasn't really that much of an emergency, so if you'd be so kind, give me a call and we will reschedule. Thanks. Bye.

Kate: Hello. You got a moment?

Marlena: For you? Come in.

Kate: Okay.

Marlena: Okay.

Kate: So, lucas has not heard a word from allie. I'm really hoping that you have.

Marlena: No, I haven'T. Maybe you'll hear from her when she runs out of money.

Kate: Well, I'm not giving her another dime. Not unless she reaches out to you.

Marlena: Okay, I will let you know if she does. I'm just so sorry that she didn't contact one of us before she left town.

Kate: I know. I know, and there's no way we can track her down. It's just--I just feel really badly for the baby. He doesn't even have a name.

Nicole: Oh, uh, sarah.

Sarah: Hi. So, I have some good news about baby boy horton.

Nicole: That's great.

Sarah: He's doing great.

Eric: Awesome.

Sarah: And he has hit his target weight so you guys can take him home today.

Nicole: Oh.

Eric: Um, like, today? I mean, we haven't even had time to finish, you know, the nursery.

Nicole: And we don't have formula or diapers.

Sarah: Uh, well, I could, um--I could write an order to have him stay for another day of observation.

Nicole: Mm, um--


Eric: [Grunts]

[Phone peeps]

Sarah: Mm-hmm. Uh...

Nicole: [Chuckles]

Sarah: Will you excuse me?


[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Camera shutter clicks]

Nicole: [Giggles]

Sarah: Sorry about that.

Nicole: It's okay. Um, listen, we--we don't want the baby to spend another night here, so we'll get ready as fast as we can.

Eric: Yeah.

[Phone beeps] Everything okay?

Sarah: Yeah, yeah, everything is good. Why don't you two figure out how much time you need and then i will just write the order after lunch?

Eric: Sounds good.

[Phone beeps]

Sarah: [Giggles]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps] Um, does that sound okay to you guys?

Nicole: Yes.

Sarah: Okay.

Nicole: That sounds fine. Yeah, we get to take the baby home.

Eric: I know, right?

[Phone beeps]

Sarah: I'm so sorry. Uh, I really--I have to go.

Eric: It's okay. Thank you for everything, sarah.

Sarah: Good news. Yay!

Nicole: [Chuckles]

Eric: You know what? The one thing I do wish is that we had enough time to nail this custody down.

Nicole: Me, too, but at least allie wrote a letter saying that she wants us to have the baby.

Eric: That's not legally binding, and when sami finds out that this baby is with us, she's gonna go ballistic.

Nicole: Um, I'm starting to think that maybe you're changing your mind about keeping the baby at all.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Xander: Oh, look who got here in record time.

Sarah: "Just get here"? Since when do you give me orders?

Xander: I missed you.

Sarah: It's been two hours!

Xander: We have so much time to make up for. Have I told you how much I love your new hairdo?

Sarah: Yes, you did.

Xander: Actually...

Sarah: Mm-hmm?

Xander: I love everything about you, especially your eyes and these lips.

Sarah: No, you are just trying to butter me up.

Xander: Just being truthful.

Sarah: No, you're trying to make up for being a bossy pants.

Xander: Me?

Sarah: Yeah.

[Giggles] Xander, I am not just some bimbo who drops everything when you get lonely--I actually have a full schedule today.

Xander: Don't you think you should eat something, then? You know, keep your strength up?

Sarah: I mean, well, that's a three-course meal. I was just gonna get a yogurt out of a vending machine.

Xander: Well here's a better idea. Why don't we skip straight to dessert?

Lucas: Hey, you know what? Um, I went to the hospital and, um, one of the nurses there told me that the baby's gonna be discharged today, so...

Sami: Today?

Lucas: Yeah, today. I guess he's eating like a champ, so everything's good. I just, uh, you know--I thought you should know that.

Sami: Wait, where are you going?

Lucas: To will and sonny'S. I got 'em, um, a baby carriage. You know, a carrier, but I guess they won't be needing that now. Maybe I'll just give it to nicole and eric.

Sami: The hell you will! Nicole is not taking my grandson anywhere.

> Eric: If we bring him home, sami's gonna go into high gear. She's gonna make our lives a nightmare.

Nicole: She's counting on you to think that way. That's how she gets what she wants.

Eric: She's my sister.

Nicole: Yeah.

Eric: I love her.

Nicole: She's also a bully.

Eric: Who's gonna hire a platoon of lawyers.

Nicole: So it doesn't matter what allie wants, right? Is that what you're saying?

Eric: No, I'm saying that allie chose us before she was alone with sami. I'm pretty sure she was thinking, "what would drive my mother the craziest?"

Nicole: She didn't do it to just stick it to sami. Look, she stayed with us. She trusts us, and that's because unlike sami, we didn't try to make up her mind for her, and she knows that we wouldn't do that to her son, either.

Eric: The only thing is that we don't know how this is gonna work out.

Nicole: That baby needs a home, and I want it to be with us, even if it's not forever.

Eric: Well, we better go by some stores if we're gonna take that baby home.

[Both chuckling]

Nicole: Okay.


Belle: I'm sorry. I can't let you do that. When migraine strikes,

Victor: Who let you in here?

Bonnie: Henderson.

Victor: Well, I should have pensioned him off years ago.

Bonnie: I brought you presents.

Victor: Strange. I don't hear it ticking.

Bonnie: [Laughs] Don't be silly. Now, this is very valuable. First edition, autographed by yours truly.

Victor: "Love made me looney"?

Bonnie: Catchy, isn't it?

Victor: Right up there with "remembrance of things fast."

Bonnie: Why would someone wanna read a book title like that?

Victor: So, they let you out of prison? You came straight here, huh?

Bonnie: Well, yeah. I have good reason to be here.

Victor: Well, I'm not interested in your book or anything else that you're peddling.

Bonnie: Well, don't flatter yourself, you old goat. I've moved on. In fact, I have so much to offer.

Victor: Offer it to somebody else. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.

Bonnie: For your information, I'm here to see justin.

Victor: Oh.

[Chuckles] You think that you can get your meathooks into him now that he's broken off with kayla, huh? Is that it? Well, he'll kick you out before you get a chance to shake your maracas.

Bonnie: Really? Well, I don't think he'd kick out his client.

Victor: Client, you?

Bonnie: Mm-hmm.

Victor: He would no sooner have you as a client--

Justin: Actually, I, uh, already agreed to do just that.

Eric: What do you mean, we can't take the baby home?

Belle: I've agreed to act as sami's attorney.

Nicole: Why am i not surprised?

Belle: Listen, if it hadn't been me, it would have been some other lawyer. Sami's just--she's terrified about allie, and I think that she's concerned about her decision to ask you two to adopt the baby. I think she thinks it was impulsive.

Eric: Yeah, we're very aware of sami's feelings.

Belle: Has anyone even bothered to ask about your feelings?

Nicole: What do you mean?

Belle: I mean, did allie even discuss this decision with you before she disappeared?

Eric: No.

Belle: So she never even asked you if you wanted to be responsible for raising this baby?

Nicole: Okay, eric and I have agreed that we wanted to carry out allie's wishes.

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: Okay, it makes all the sense in the world, so thank you for your concern, but you don't really have a say in it.

Belle: Oh, but I do.

Eric: What is this?

Belle: It's a restraining order. It prevents you from taking custody of baby boy horton.

Kate: I just find it really difficult to believe that allie actually wants nicole to raise her baby.

Marlena: You know, allie stayed with them for a while when she was here, and she and nicole got very close.

Kate: Yeah, I--she only came up with the plan because sami stopped rafe and will from adopting the baby. I mean, nicole was her third choice--she has no idea who the real nicole is--come on.

Marlena: Well, the real nicole has been a very good mother to holly and a good wife to my son.

Kate: Yeah, well, she wasn't a good wife to my son.

Marlena: I'm sorry, but allie has asked them to adopt her child, and I'm sure they will be very good parents.

Kate: Oh. So did you express that opinion to sami?

Marlena: I did.

Kate: Let me guess. What did she say? "Hey, mom, since you put it that way, I see the light."

Marlena: No, she said that she despises the idea and she would never, ever, ever, ever change her mind.

Sami: So I've got belle representing me.

Lucas: You do? Really? Belle took that on? For you? What, did you twist her arm or something?

Sami: No, she was happy to help, and in fact she's already gotten a judge to issue a restraining order.

Lucas: Really? What kind of restraining order?

Sami: The kind that stops nicole from taking that baby out of the hospital.

Lucas: And what happens to the baby then?

Sami: I'm gonna take him home, and then the day after tomorrow I'll take him to italy with me.

Lucas: Like hell you will.

[Both giggling]

Sarah: Mmm. That's delicious.

[Both laughing]

Xander: There's plenty more where that came from.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Xander: Mmm.

Sarah: I wish I didn't have to go back to work, but next week I can spend a whole day here having dessert.

Xander: I might not have a whole day to spend with you next week or for weeks to come.

Sarah: Why not?

Xander: Well, that got your attention, didn't it?

Sarah: I said, "why not?"

Xander: Victor's due back from greece today.

Sarah: So?

Xander: So, you and I might not have much time to play once he puts me back to work at titan.

Sarah: You really think he might do that?

Xander: Yeah. Hopefully as ceo.

Sarah: Mm.

Victor: What the hell is wrong with you? You forgotten what this tramp did to your late wife?

Bonnie: Hello, standing here.

Justin: No, I haven't forgotten, and I never will.

Victor: Well, then why the hell would you take her on as a client?

Justin: Because her publishing house is taking unfair advantage of her.

Victor: She hasn't been taken advantage of since god was a boy.

Justin: I read the contract. She has every reason to sue.

Bonnie: See?

Victor: I--you--you're a damn fool.

Bonnie: And you're just plain rude.

Victor: I told you to get the hell out!

Justin: You can't throw her out, okay? She's here to see me.

Victor: Justin, she may look like adrienne on the outside, but on the inside--night and day.

Justin: I'm not gonna change my mind.

Victor: Well, either she goes or I do.

Victor: Whatever.

Nicole: Is sami suing for custody?

Belle: Well, I can't discuss her plans with you.

Eric: How did she get you to do her dirty work?

Belle: I think she thinks nicole manipulated allie into giving you two custody.

Nicole: That is not true. I didn't say one word to allie about taking the baby, okay? I was shocked when I read the letter.

Belle: I believe you, I do, and for whatever it's worth, i think you two could make excellent parents to that baby, but I think we can all agree that allie wasn't actually making an informed decision. She'd just given birth. She was under all kinds of pressure.

Nicole: From sami.

Eric: Yeah, and sami doesn't even know what allie's decision was because she ran out of here last time before she even finished the letter.

Belle: Do you think that if she read the whole letter, she would have changed her mind?

Eric: No, but--[Huffs]

Nicole: So, in less than 24 hours, she got a restraining order against us?

Eric: Did you suggest to sami that maybe we should all get together and talk this out? Maybe find a rational decision? What's best for allie's baby?

Belle: A rational decision? This is sami.

Nicole: Okay, if--if you feel that way, then why are you representing her? And don't you care about what your niece wants?

Belle: Of course I do, but as a mother, you know, I feel bad for sami.

Nicole: [Groans]

Belle: [Scoffs] Listen, she blew it with her daughter just like I did, and I'm getting a second chance to make things right with claire, and I think that she deserves that same opportunity.

Nicole: This isn't about sami fixing things with her daughter. She doesn't care about her. She doesn't care about her grandson. She's doing this because she doesn't want me to have him because she's the same selfish bitch she's always been.

Belle: Okay, I think that's a little harsh.

Nicole: Do you?

Belle: Yes.

Nicole: We genuinely care about that baby, so you tell your client that we will not give him up without a fight.

Lucas: You are not talking my tiny grandson on a plane unvaccinated--you're not taking him away from his family.

Sami: But lucas, I have to get back to ej.

Lucas: You know what? While you're hovering over what's left of ej, who's gonna take care of the baby? An italian nanny?

Sami: No, of course I'm gonna make time for the baby.

Lucas: Like you did with allie, right? It's your fault she got pregnant by someone she doesn't even care about.

Sami: Okay, that is not fair. First of all, your mother was the one who was egging her on and giving her all that money. I am a good mother.

Lucas: Really? You're a good mother? Such a great mother that your own daughter wants nothing to do with you, won't even let you anywhere near her child? You're a good mother--really?

Sami: If you're trying to hurt me, it's working.

Lucas: Listen, I am sick and tired...

Sami: Stop it.

Lucas: About worrying about your feelings.

Sami: Leave me alone, lucas!

Lucas: Listen to me. It's all I do is worry about your feelings.

Sami: Cut it--

Lucas: You push too hard. You pushed allie too hard, and look what happened. She's gone because of you, all right? She hates you. She wants nothing to do with you.

[Both grunting]

Sami: Ow.


Lucas: This whole thing is your fault. What good is having clean clothes...

Bonnie: Hey, victor! You forgot your copy of my book.

Justin: Yeah, just ignore him. He's, uh, jet lagged and cranky.

Bonnie: Really? 'Cause he kinda seems like he always does. Of course, you know, you really shouldn't cover for him. I did do rotten things to adrienne. Him and maggie, too. "Love made me looney."

[Laughs] You know?

Justin: So if you're here for an update on your case, I have not received any response from your publisher about your press conference.

Bonnie: No, I--I know you'll get back to me as soon as you hear something. I actually just, um, came by to give you a present.

Justin: Bonnie--

Bonnie: No, it's so nice of you to be my lawyer for free.

Justin: It's not for free. I will be taking a percentage of any settlement I negotiate with your publisher, remember?

Bonnie: Well, yeah, but if i don't get any money from him, you're out, too, and this is just a--it's just a token of my affection.

Justin: You really, really don't have to do that.

Bonnie: When I saw it in the store, I thought of you just like that. Now, come on. Open it.

Justin: Okay.

[Clears throat] You saw this and thought of me?

Bonnie: Well, yeah. I thought it might help loosen you up a little. Well, like, come on, now. Doesn't that feel better?

Justin: Not during business hours.

Bonnie: [Laughs] You know, people have told me that you can sing.

Justin: I'm a virtuoso in the shower.

Bonnie: Now, don't get down on yourself. Pipes like yours and this hat-- you could be the next chris gaines.

Justin: I don't even know who that is.

Bonnie: Oh, boy. I do have my work cut out for me here.

[Chuckles] Try it on.

Justin: [Clears throat]

Bonnie: Looking good, cowboy.


Justin: Thank you. Well, thank you. That's very thoughtful of you.

Bonnie: Well, just think of me when you wear it, okay?

Justin: Oh, I will. I definitely will.

Bonnie: I think I just need to fix it just a little bit, though, 'cause... yeah. Yeah, that's better.

Sami: Just let me make sure it's okay.

Lucas: I'm fine, I'm fine I'm fine--you always had a pretty good slap to you, didn't you?

Sami: Well, you said some very hurtful things to me.

Lucas: And what'd you do? You lawyered up. Went behind my back and got a restraining order without even talking to me. Listen, I don't wanna fight with you, okay? But this is important. We need to figure this out together.

Sami: Yeah, I've already figured it out, lucas.

Lucas: Really? You got a restraining order against nicole and eric. That doesn't give you the right to take someone else's baby out of the country.

Sami: But it's my grandson.

Lucas: It's my grandson, too, and I don't want him to go.

Sami: Oh, okay. So you want nicole to raise him all the sudden?

Lucas: No, I don't want that, either.

Sami: Okay. Then what do you want, o wise one?

Lucas: Well, you know, maybe he could live with me at dimera mansion. You know, with me and my mom.

Kate: So sami's up in arms again. What's your plan?

Marlena: Well, sami has hired belle to represent her. So belle has gotten a retraining order to keep eric and nicole from taking the baby away from the hospital.

Kate: Wow, that was fast.

Marlena: I--I just wish that sami had not dragged belle into this.

Kate: Well, we've all been dragged into it. You know, the--the thing is, i would just prefer to see the baby with sami or lucas, not with nicole.

Marlena: Well, it's not just nicole who's adopting the baby. I mean, it really is eric and nicole.

Kate: Okay, I'm just gonna say this. A lot of people might see that as you favoring your son over your daughter.

Belle: I'm--wow. I'm really sorry about this. I didn't realize you felt so strongly about taking custody.

[Scoffs] Honestly, I just hope allie comes back and says she's changed her mind and wants to raise the baby herself.

Eric: And she still might do that.

Belle: Whatever happens, i just hope that we can work through this in a civilized way so nobody gets hurt. You're my brother. I love you.

Eric: Love you, too.

Belle: Okay. Take care.

Nicole: You, too. Eric, I... what belle said about allie changing her didn't occur to me. If we do win and get to take the baby home, what if allie does come back, or sami pulls a fast one?

Eric: Or the baby's father comes out of the woodwork?

Nicole: Then your heart will be broken again, just like you said. So if you want to pull out of this, I'm backing you 100%.

Eric: I said that before i knew what sami was up to. You were right. She's not thinking about the baby. She just doesn't want you to have him. So, we have to be grown-ups in that room and we have to do what's best for that baby.

Nicole: Okay. Great, yes.

Eric: I just wish I knew what the next step would be.

Nicole: I think I do. Come with me. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Sarah: So what are you going to get into this afternoon while I'm at the hospital?

Xander: Very important business. I'm gonna hire a skywriter to put "I love sarah horton" right above the hospital.

Sarah: That is not funny.

Xander: Yes, it is.

Sarah: [Scoffs] You see my other shoe?

Xander: Oh.

[Phone beeps] Oh. Actually, looks like I'll be meeting with uncle victor. Seems like they're back.

Sarah: Do you really think he's gonna replace brady with you?

Xander: Well, before he left, he said brady was probably gonna step down. If he did, I was his first choice to replace him. Seems my uncle is ready to get the ball rolling.

Sarah: Getting that kind of approval from victor--I know how much that means to you. I'm very proud of you.

Xander: This has been the most amazing 24 hours in my life.

Sarah: Mine, too.

Bonnie: Mm-hmm. Oh, no!

[Laughing] See, you made it crooked again. You gotta just keep it low.

Eric: Oh, I'm--I'm sorry, justin. I--I thought you were alone.

Justin: Uh, bonnie's a client.

Nicole: I'm so sorry. We should have called first. W--we're gonna go.

Justin: No, no, no. That's not necessary. Our meeting's over, right?

Bonnie: Huh? Yeah. Uh, yeah. I was just about to take off, I think. Yeah.

Justin: Okay, so I'll, uh-- I'll call you as soon as I hear back from your publisher's legal department.

Bonnie: Awesome. Thank you.

Justin: Uh-huh. For everything, seriously.

Justin: And thanks.

Bonnie: Oh, you're welcome. Hey.

Justin: [Clears throat]

Nicole: Bye.

Eric: Look right nice in that hat.

[All laughing]

Justin: Shut up.

Nicole: Why did you have it on?

Justin: Uh, bonnie thought i needed to loosen up.

Nicole: Oh, so she's an expert in loosening up now?

Eric: [Chuckles]

Justin: Well, you know, as soon as I solve this problem she's having with her publisher, I won't be seeing her anymore.

Eric: Justin, you do not have to explain.

Justin: So, what can I do for you two?

Nicole: Oh, well, I hope you have time for two more clients, because we could really use your help.

Marlena: Hey, if I'm taking anybody's side, it's allie'S. I mean, she's the birth mother and she has--she has a right to be respected here.

Kate: Okay, look. Allie abandoned her baby. So I think for the time being, she's given up any right to have a say in the matter.

Marlena: I'd think you'd have a little more compassion. Look, we're both mothers. We've both been through so much with our children.

Kate: That's true. We have. We have. I understand that. I think you're a wonderful mother, and I think you're a great friend. How's that?

Marlena: I think you're a great friend, and I know you're a great mother.

Kate: Problem with the situation is...that this whole thing is just pushing a lot of old buttons for both of us. Don't you think?

Marlena: I do. I agree with that.

Kate: We're both on the same side. All we want is the best possible care for the baby from the best possible person.

Marlena: I agree.

Kate: The thing is, I guess we're really lucky that there are so many people who love him and wanna take him in, right?

Marlena: Mm-hmm. He's very lucky.

Kate: Do you remember the hell that will went through when sami and lucas were battling over custody? I just wouldn't--I wouldn't wanna see any child go through that again.

Marlena: No, i wouldn't, either.

Kate: Well, let's hope it doesn't happen.

Sami: So let me see if I have this straight. I can't take our grandbaby to a beautiful villa in italy, but you wanna take him to the house of usher with crazy gabi hernandez and your horrible mother?

Lucas: You know, I don't mind you having custody, as long as you don't leave salem.

Sami: Well, lucas, I don't live here anymore. I don't--I don't even have a place to stay here.

Lucas: Can't stay with your mom or john? Stay with them, you know? Until you find a place of your own.

Sami: What about ej?

Lucas: What about him? This is it. Final offer.

It's totally normal

Sarah: Mm, mm. We have to stop. We have to stop now.

Xander: Yeah, I was totally gonna say the same thing.

Sarah: [Laughs] But I very much would like to pick up where we left off when i get off duty. Celebrate your new job.

Xander: Well, can't count on that yet. This is victor. He does so love to pull the rug out from under a bloke.

Sarah: Well, I think he's gonna go through with it. You are my bloke and I believe in you.


[Door closes]

Nicole: So the baby can be released today, but sami's fixed it so we can't bring him home with us.

Justin: Do you have allie's letter with you?

Nicole: Oh, uh, yes.

Eric: Yeah. We realize it's not a legal document.

Justin: Yeah, uh, it's too bad nobody could reach allie because if, you know--if she had signed guardianship papers or made a statement in person, you'd have a stronger case.

Eric: Yeah, well, we're not giving up looking for allie, and I know sami and lucas are


Nicole: Do you think we have any kind of case without allie?

Justin: I do.

Nicole: But...

Eric: Justin, we don't wanna put you in an awkward position. We know that you were helping will and sonny, you know, with the adoption process before it fell through.

Justin: Well, they'll understand that this is what allie wants, and they'll know that I'm just trying to help you make that happen, but I don't need to tell the two of you that sami is going to be a formidable opponent.

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: Yes, we know that.

Eric: That's why we need to hire the best.

Nicole: Assuming you'll take the case.

Justin: I'll take the case, but I can't make any guarantees.

Kate: Well, it may take a village to raise a child, but what happens when that child has a suburb of people who all want different things?

Lucas: It's about to get way more complicated.

Sami: Like a family reunion.

Lucas: Yep.

Marlena: Except the two sides of the family aren't speaking to each other.

Sami: Right, well, it is what it is.

Marlena: No, it doesn't have to be like that. Doesn't have to at all. I mean, people could just relax about their issues and--and all get along for the baby.

Sami: I'm happy to do that... as long as we don't include nicole. But, uh, actually, lucas and i have come to a decision as the next of kin after allie to this baby.

Marlena: You have?

Kate: Really?

Sami: Yes, but we're gonna need your help, mom.

Marlena: I see, and what is it you need me to do?

Sami: Well, uh, I was hoping you would let me bring the baby home to your house.

Marlena: Oh. Sure, for how long?

Sami: Indefinitely. Copd makes it hard to breathe.

Sami: Here you go, little guy. Welcome to your new digs. So much nicer than that stuffy old hospital, huh? Listen, mom, I know that i sprung this on you. Thank you so much for letting us stay here.

Marlena: I am not happy about being in the middle of this. You slapped that restraining order on your brother just because he was trying to do what was right for allie and the baby.

Sami: Because of that--if it had been eric, I wouldn't have had a problem, but nicole?

Marlena: Nicole is a very good mother.

Sami: So am I.

Marlena: I never said you weren'T. Look, you've gotten what you want. Now I want something from you.

Sami: What's that?

Marlena: I want you to have a civilized conversation with eric and nicole.

Sami: Okay. I mean, I'll do my best.

Marlena: Good. I've gotta go to the market and get some more formula.

Sami: No, no, uh, now?

Marlena: Now. We're almost out. We'll be out by tomorrow.

Sami: Oh, okay. I'll do it, mom. You don't have to do this.

Marlena: No, you don't need to. I will go. I need some air anyway.

Sami: Well, if you're sure.

Marlena: I'm sure. I'll see you later.

Sami: [Exhales sharply] Hey, buddy. Don't you worry about a thing. This whole family, everybody loves you so much. I love you so much.

Lucas: Well, for a second there, I thought marlena was gonna turn sami down.

Kate: Uh, in the end, marlena can never say no to sami the same way you two never say no to allie.

Lucas: Yeah, yeah. Look who's talking.

Kate: Touché.

Lucas: You think we're ever gonna see her again?

Kate: I have no doubt in my mind.

Lucas: Well, you call me if you hear from her.

Kate: I will, honey.

Lucas: All right.

Kate: Love you.

Lucas: Love you, too.

Bonnie: Ohh-- hey, what's the matter with you? You drunk or something?

Lucas: Relax, will ya? Knock it off.

Bonnie: Hey, I'm not the one who staggered into someone else, hon.

Lucas: No, you're the one who climbed into bed with a man who didn't want you there.

Bonnie: Well, don't you worry your pretty little face about that, because that won't ever be happening again 'cause I am so over you now.

Lucas: Yeah, right.

Bonnie: Mm-hmm.

Lucas: What, do you got your sights set on somebody else?

Justin: [Exhales sharply]



Victor: [Clears throat]

Xander: Well, welcome home, uncle.

Victor: Oh.

Xander: How was the old country?

Victor: Maggie and I had a wonderful trip.

Xander: Actually have some happy news of my own to share. Sarah and I have decided to give it another go.

Victor: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I'm sure maggie will be, too.

Xander: Well, I heard that you put in a good word for me. That's appreciated. I know we've had our ups and downs.

Victor: Oh, I would say more downs than ups.

Xander: Well, it means a lot you finally believe in me. I assume you've called me here to discuss where I fit in at titan after brady goes.

Victor: You assume correctly.

Xander: As soon as you told me that I was your first choice to replace him, I started brainstorming and I--

Victor: Well, before you go any further, I think I should tell you that my offering of that job was a bit too soon.

Sami: Aren't you the sweetest little angel? Yes, you are. You are such a little sweetheart. Don't you worry about anything. I'm gonna get this all worked out for you.

[Knocking on door] Now I'm gonna find out who's at the door right now. Yes, I am. We miss you.

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