Days Transcript Friday 8/14/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/14/20


Episode #13835 ~ Ben encounters Vincent in Marlena's office; Eve pleads with Claire not to turn her in; Gabi and Jake get surprising news; Gwen kisses Chad.

Provided By Suzanne

Eve: Yes, that's what i said. Ben weston is on his way over to that headshrinker marlena evan's office right now for a session to find out why he was having a nightmare last night.

Vincent: And what would you like me to do about it?

Eve: What I want you to do about it is to make sure this session never happens, all right? And give him a dose guaranteed to make him have absolutely no feelings for ciara so he will kill her. No more excuses!

[Phone beeps]

Jake: See, gwen was not happy last night when I walked out on her to help you.

Gabi: You know, her jealousy is really annoying me.

Jake: I think there's more to it than that. When I got home last night, i told gwen that you needed my help on that meeting because chad flaked out. I also told her it didn't go so well.

Gabi: And then all of a sudden, chad's back.

Jake: She just said to me a few moments ago that-- she's certain chad is putting an end to your manipulative games "as we speak." It's as if she knew he was here. She tried to backpedal, but--no. There's no way. She wouldn'T.

Gabi: Like hell, she wouldn'T. That little--yeah, that little tramp tipped off chad.

Gwen: There's no shot in hell that jake could ever pull off a "business dinner." Yeah, I mean, he can fix his transmission blindfolded, but,

[Chuckles] He eats like jabba the hutt.

Chad: Well, it's a good thing that shin is looking for a ceo and not a mechanic.

Gwen: Do you wanna know the best part here? It's that while jake's got the barbecue sauce all over his hands, gabi's got egg on her face.

Chad: Almost everybody I know wants something bad to happen to gabi.

Gwen: Yeah, well, it sure does make my day.

Chad: Right. Well, I have to clean up the mess they made. So thanks for the heads up.

Gwen: Pleasure. Chad, really, no, it's been nice working with you, it has. Almost as nice as screwing gabi over.

Chad: Yeah, it's been a good arrangement. So as long as we can keep our alliances secret, I think we can stay a few steps ahead of them.

Gabi: You know it was gwen that tipped off chad about our dinner with shin.

Jake: Actually, we don't know that for sure.

Gabi: Oh, come on, that tramp can't keep her mouth shut any more than she can her legs.

Jake: Oh, yeah, she's not honorable and demure like you.

Gabi: You know, you should be learning how to use a fork and a knife instead of giving me grief.

Jake: And you know what, you're wrong. She's not a tramp. She's a one-man woman, and like it or not, I'm that man.

Rafe: I'm so happy. Well, I mean-- hope. Got it? Hm?

Ciara: Hey, rafe, I just, uh--

Rafe: Ciara.

Ciara: Oh. Um-- well, it looks like I might be interrupting.

Hope: No, not at all.

Rafe: It's not the best time.

Hope: No, no.

Ciara: I didn't think so.

Ben: Dr. Evans? Thank you for fitting me in.

[Dramatic music]

Vincent: We meet again.

Ben: Where's dr. Evans?

Vincent: I'm afraid she won't be joining us. It's just you and me. We're gonna pick up where we left off.

Claire: Oh. Oh, my god. I'm so sorry, I wasn't-- hey, eve, is that you? Oh, my god. It is you.

Eve: I don't have time for this, claire.

Claire: Too bad.

Eve: I will give you a call when I have--

Claire: No, you won'T. There is only one reason you're back in salem, and you and i both know what it is.

Eve: I just need you to--

Claire: No. I am not gonna let you hurt ben, ciara, or anyone else.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eve: [Grunts] Well... I certainly love that high moral tone you're taking there, claire. Have you set any fires lately? What are you doing?

Claire: What do you think I'm doing? I'm calling the police.

Eve: No, you--give me the phone. Sorry, I can't let you do that.

Rafe: It's not the worst time, I mean, I was just welcoming your mom back to the force.

Ciara: Mm-hmm. Really?

Hope: Yeah.

Rafe: Yup.

Ciara: Okay.

Hope: Yeah, rafe asked me to come back, and I thought maybe i could make up for some of the damage I've caused.

Rafe: Right.

Ciara: Okay, um, you were brainwashed, mom, so it wasn't your fault. So I really need you to stop talking about all this damage that you've done because it wasn't you. It was someone else making you do these things.

Ben: Where is she? What did you do to dr. Evans?

Vincent: I saw to it that she had an emergency. A very dire emergency. It demanded her immediate attention, so you and i can continue our treatment.

Ben: If you did anything to her, I swear to god, I will--

Vincent: What you'll do is let me go. I said let me go.

Ben: [Sighs] What the hell did you do to me?

Vincent: Let's just say i picked up where your father left off.

Gabi: I wouldn't be so smug about gwen's devotion to you.

Jake: Smug? No, I'm just confident in it.

Gabi: Oh, well, to me, it's got kind of a stalker vibe to it, the way she overreacted when I interrupted your little film shoot.

Jake: Overreacted? No, you were being an interfering nebby-nose, and she didn't like it

Gabi: Didn't like it? She went straight to chad to ruin any chance you had of being anything but a mechanic. Her personal, exclusive mechanic.

Jake: Like I said before, we don't know for sure.

Gabi: No, we don'T. But I know how I can find out.

Chad: Okay, you know that there is something you should know about gabi. One setback isn't gonna stop her.

Gwen: Mm-hmm, I sort of noticed when she kept flinging herself incessantly at jake even though he was obviously not interested in her.

Chad: No, listen. I'm serious. Gabi wants money and power more than any man I've ever met. Okay, this war isn't gonna be over after one battle. So I need to know if I can continue to count on your support.

Gwen: You mean will i continue to spy on gabi? You betcha. I will do anything it takes to bring that bitch down.

Chad: Works for me.

Gwen: Um, chad, I do have a favor, though.

Chad: [Clears throat] Well, where have I heard that before?

Gwen: Well, I'm helping you control your multi-million dollar company, aren't I? I think it's only fair that you sweeten my end of the deal just a little bit.

Chad: Okay, fine. What do you want?

Gwen: I want you in my bed.

Rafe: We still haven't found eve. Nypd's still on the case. Having your mom back is gonna be a tremendous help because, frankly, she's the best detective there is.

Ciara: Uh-huh, mm-hmm. Okay, um, you're gonna go after that slimeball vincent, too, though, right?

Hope: Oh, we won't stop until we find him.

Ciara: Okay, well, I guess the good news is it seems that eve has left salem.

Hope: Well, we can't be sure of that, honey. So don't let your guard down. Tell ben the same thing.

Rafe: Exactly. And the thing about obsessives-- and clearly, eve is obsessive-- they don't give up.

Hope: Ben is still at risk.

Rafe: That's right. The fact of the matter is, we still don't know where eve is, but we don't know where that freak vincent is, either.

Claire: Yeah, I'm not afraid of you.

Eve: Of course you're not, you silly girl. And why would anybody be afraid of little old me.

Claire: Do not be cute. Everybody knows what you did, how you blew up that church full of people, kidnapped ben, and now you're back here trying to get him again.

Eve: You know, here's what i don't understand is why you care about what happens to ben weston.

Ben: Why did I do that? Why did I let you go?

Vincent: Because I told you to. I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to doing what I tell you to do.

Ben: [Screaming]




Eve: Kill ciara... and your baby.

Ben: I try-- I try to remember, but I can't remember what happened, what you did.

Vincent: Because I don't want you to. You can't remember our last session, and you won't remember this one. You won't even remember seeing me here. That's the beauty of working with the subconscious. No pesky memories clouding the issue.

Ben: What issue?

Vincent: Your will. Getting it under my control. Conditioning you to do as you're told.

Ben: What was I told?

Vincent: To murder your wife. These are real people, not actors,

Chad: Put your clothes on. You're being ridiculous.

Gwen: [Sighs] Relax, I said that I want you in my bed. I didn't say I wanted to have sex with you.

Chad: Yeah? You just wanna cuddle?

Gwen: I've sent jake down to go get me a coffee, and he's going to be back here with a double espresso any minute so--

Chad: Oh, so you want jake to find me in bed with you.

Gwen: Pretending to make love to me.

Chad: What, did you steal gabi's playbook?

Gwen: Look, I know that jake might have a wandering eye, but he loves me, okay? And he just likes to make me jealous from time to time.

Chad: And turnabout is fair play.

Gwen: But it's gonna make him so crazy.

Chad: Yeah, exactly. And who's he gonna take that crazy out on? Me. I'm not gonna get the crap kicked out of me so you can, you know, get your little revenge.

Gwen: Shh, shh.


[Sighs] Oh. [Chuckles]

Chad: [Clears throat]

Ciara: So eve is coming back to town?

Rafe: Well, she might already be here.

Ciara: After everything she did? I mean, she can't possibly take the risk of people recognizing her.

Hope: I don't think she thinks about the risk. She's just focused on getting--

Ciara: Getting ben.

Hope: Right.

Ciara: Yeah, I know. You're right. Mom, I wish that this was all over.

Rafe: How is ben?

Ciara: Physically, he's okay, but mentally, I just-- I don't know, rafe. Whatever happened to him really, really got to him.

Hope: Honey, maybe he should get some help.

Ciara: Yeah, he thinks so, too. He's actually seeing dr. Evans right now.

Eve: There you go. It's all right, it's all right, it's all right. You can do this, ben. You can do this. All right? Kill ciara... and your baby.

[Disturbing music]

Ciara: Please don't kill me, ben. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

Ben: You told me to kill ciara.

Vincent: You know, I'm sorry. I find that name just so pretentious. Like, we're not midwestern bourgeoisie, we're celtic royalty. I know. Part of you wants to lunge at me... defend her honor. But ben, it's just not in the cards anymore.

Ben: I'll never hurt her. You may have messed with my mind, tried to brainwash me--

Vincent: I don't like that term--brainwash. It's not accurate.

Ben: There's nothing that you or anybody else can do to make me hurt her, ever.

Vincent: Keep telling yourself that. When it comes to killing pretty, young women, you just can't help yourself.

Claire: You know, even if I thought you had the right to take revenge out on ben--

Eve: It's not a right. It's my duty. You didn't exactly zero in on him. You blew up a church full of people--innocent people.

Eve: People who were celebrating a murderer getting everything he wanted.

Claire: Allie horton was pregnant.

Eve: You know, why don't you just can it, okay? 'Cause when you were setting that fire to the cabin, did you stop and think, "oh, my gosh, what would happen if the fire spread?" Hell no!

[Laughs] Ciara, she hurt your feelings and you felt you had the right to burn her alive. You listen to me. He strangled the life out of my little girl. He killed her. And I don't care about those people who are ready to forget everything that he did to paige, to will, and on and on. My little girl's dead! Do you hear me? And those people were out there buying a crock pot for the son of a bitch who murdered her. So if there was a death or two, just collateral damage.

Claire: You're scaring me.

Eve: Good!

[Sighs] When you were going through your own personal hell, I didn't turn you in. I was--I was there for you. I want you to walk away and forget you ever saw me. Please. Let me get the justice I deserve.

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Gabi: Oh, please, do not let me stop you. I'm gonna copy both of you when I send this to abigail.

Chad: You know what? You never disappoint. What, were you two in this together?

Gwen: No.

Chad: Well, you sure as hell think alike.

Gabi: Nice try, chad. And now I have proof that you two are in bed together. Are you gonna tell jake about this, or are you gonna leave it up to me?

Claire: I can't do that, eve. I can't let you hurt more people.

Eve: You know... I always thought of you as a daughter. Sharper than a serpent's tooth.

Claire: [Chuckles] Am I supposed to be grateful to you? Can you spell enabler? You know, I was nuts, and you just kept cheering me on.

Eve: Sounds like someone's been listening to their shrink. But I was your friend.

Claire: Oh--

Eve: I was there for you. I was looking out for you.

Claire: Were you looking out for me when you framed me for blowing up that church? For kidnapping ben? You know, because of you, everybody thought I was crazy again. You know, my parents and my grandparents, even ciara.

Eve: Wait, stop a minute. Frame you? I don't even know what you're talking about here.

Rafe: So has ben started to remember what eve and that guy vincent did to him?

Ciara: No, but... I don't know, I actually think that's kind of a good thing. Ben keeps saying that he doesn't feel like himself, so I'm really hoping that marlena can help him with that. He should actually just be about finished, so I should probably go meet up with him.

Hope: All right, okay. Be careful.

Ciara: I will.

Hope: And don't let your guard down, not for a second. I love you.

Ciara: I love you. Oh, and, rafe?

Rafe: Yeah?

Ciara: Now that you have my mom back, try not to let her go this time, okay?

Hope: Ciara alice brady weston.

Ciara: All right, I love you. La, la, la, I love you.

Hope: Her telling you not to let me go, she was talking about us working together, you know.

Rafe: Yeah, yeah. Or whatever. Actually, I think it was excellent advice.

Vincent: Ben, randomly strangling young women isn't a bad habit. It's a compulsion. There isn't a patch you can wear to curb the desire to kill.

Ben: I'm not that same person.

Vincent: Oh, but you are. And granted, maybe you don't want to be, but you are. Now, if you weren't, you know, bat guano crazy--

Ben: I'm not crazy.

Vincent: If you weren't deep down a murdering psychopath, I couldn't make you kill anyone. Especially not your little wifey. But here's a part of you that wants to kill, likes to kill. And I know how to get to that part of you.

Ben: No, you don'T. You may have messed with my mind, you made me nuts, but I'll never hurt ciara. I will get as far away from her as I possibly have to. I will never see her again if I have to.

Vincent: Sorry, as much as you hate it, I'm the boss of you. Now, that doesn't mean that these impassioned outbursts of yours aren't sincere. It's just your conscious mind trying to battle your subconscious. I'm about to give your subconscious a first-class power boost. Think of this as a performance enhancing drug for psychos.

Ben: No.

Vincent: Ben... don't fight your own destiny. Think of it. You killed four people. Three of them permanently. Made headlines. Was assigned a sobriquet. Got caught and convicted, and got out and wooed and married the daughter of the police commissioner, with her blessing. Son, when you strangle ciara, you'll assure yourself a place in the serial killer hall of fame. And now, one last dose of mind-altering drug to get you into line. Having dry skin is a struggle.

Chad: [Laughs] Wow, what a good plan you came up with. It worked out so well.

Gabi: What is it that they say when you lie down with bimbos?

Chad: Oh, you're the one that had to tie yourself to a guy that needs to be hosed off after he eats.

Gabi: Well, at least he was there. Do you think shin didn't notice your absence? Hey, you're the ceo. Isn't showing up one of your major duties? Hm, okay, I'm gonna go get jake up to speed and let him know you were out here auditioning to be a stand-in in your little movie. And remember, when you're back in florida trying to save your marriage, I'm gonna be right here making sure you lose dimera. All right, play nice, you two.


Hope: I don't think ciara was presuming to give you advice.

Rafe: Mm. Right. I think that she was just noticing and encouraging because she liked what she saw.

Hope: All she saw was us being friendly, that was it.

Rafe: Right, right. But I also think that she sensed that we were, um, in a different place. Better place.

Hope: Which we are. Which is such a relief, being comfortable with each other again, and I'm happy about that.

Rafe: Yes, me too. Okay. Elephant in the room. [Chuckles]

Hope: What elephant?

Rafe: Mm, right. Yeah. Well, time to get to work. Let's, uh--

Hope: Yeah, uh, these are, I presume, some of the files.

Rafe: Yes.

Hope: Right now, my top priority is finding eve donovan and that degenerate she found who went after my daughter and my son-in-law.

Vincent: Give me your arm.

Ben: [Exhales]

Vincent: So this drug will assure that the next time you see your wife, you'll put your hands around her pretty, little neck and kill her.

[Knock at door]

Ciara: Ben? Dr. Evans? It's me.

Claire: You wanna deny that you framed me, that you made it look like I was some sort of sicko that could blow up a church, kidnap ben.

[Laughs] You know what? Fine. You know, because everyone knows it was you, I don't give a damn. But what I do give a damn about is you, eve.

Eve: Oh, right.

Claire: You need help.

Eve: Right, you know what, I don't have time for this.

Claire: No, no, no. You have to turn yourself in, eve.

Eve: Let me go.

Claire: And just listen to me, okay? Because I know what I'm talking about because I have done the same kind of horrible things that you have. I was crazy, and I was dangerous, but I'm not now. And you still are. You need help, eve. You don't need revenge. Killing ben is not gonna bring paige back.

Eve: Don't you dare say my little girl's name!

Claire: It will kill any chance you have of being a person, a human being. Because right now, you are not that. You're pathetic. Ow. And you know who'd agree with me? Paige. If she were standing here right now, she would be saying the exact same thing that I am. She would want you to get help. But she's not. But maybe there is some sort of reason that we bumped into each other today. Maybe I can help you. Just let me do that for paige.

Ben: Ciara.

Ciara: Ben. Um, you didn't hear me knocking? Ben? Ben, is everything okay?

Gwen: I think you should go. Jake's gonna come storming in here any minute now, and you really should phone your wife. You should-- you should really speak to her before gabi does. I'll back you up. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to screw up your marriage.

Chad: Please. Abby knows i don't want anyone but her.

Gwen: [Sighs] Oh. Now I feel like an ass.

Chad: Yeah, and you should. I need to go talk to shin. I would say this ends our working arrangement.

Gwen: Really?

Chad: Well, jake blew the deal. And that blows gabi's chances of scoring with shin, so--

Gwen: You know, I don't think that it's gabi that you need to be worried about.

Chad: You think I need to be worried about jake? I don't think so.

Li: Ah, there you are. I have some news about the collins deal.

Gabi: Uh, mr. Shin, I am so sorry. Look, whatever jake told you, I will call collins to make sure everything is right.

Li: I'm afraid it's too late for that.

Eve: No, claire, the only help I need is for ben to feel the same kind of pain that i feel, and I've already found somebody to help me do that.

Claire: No, no, eve, listen.

Eve: No, you listen to me, okay? If you think ben and ciara and all those people who claim they care so much about you are gonna be there for you when you do something wrong, well you better think again because you really are crazy. My advice to you, sweetie, is to forget about them. Don't trust them because you're gonna make a mistake. You hear me? You're gonna make a mistake, and they're gonna lock you up and they're gonna go about living their lives as if you don't matter at all. Have a nice day.

Claire: No, no. Please--

Eve: Let go of me!

Claire: [Grunts]

[Inhales sharply] Damn it. Ah, eve! Eve, stop!

Hope: Great, well, I will get through all of these, and get back to you as soon as I'm up to speed.

Rafe: Great. Good to have you back, detective.

Hope: Good to be back, commish.

Rafe: Wait, um-- missed one--this--yeah.

Hope: Thanks. Well, I'll get to work.

Rafe: Okay.

Hope: No, no, no, no, no. Wrong. The elephant in the room is not going away, is it?

Rafe: Uh, no, I don't think so.

Hope: I think we need to talk about what was happening when ciara came in.

Ciara: Uh, where's dr. Evans?

Ben: Oh, she had an emergency.

Ciara: Okay, so you decided to stay in her office?

Ben: Uh, yeah, I guess so. Just figured I'd see if maybe she came back. Obviously, she didn'T. I wanna go home. I wanna be alone with you.

Ciara: Well, that can definitely be arranged. Come on.

Gwen: Don't you laugh. Jake is smarter than he looks. The philadelphia mob underestimated him, and they're not laughing now.

[Cell phone rings]

Chad: Dimera. Well, wait, I'm sorry. Did you just say that the deal with collins was closed?

Gwen: Told you so.

Gabi: The deal has closed?

Li: Turns out collins liked jake, said he was a breath of fresh air.

Jake: I knew that guy had his head screwed on straight.

Li: [Laughs]

Gabi: Why didn't you guys close the deal last night?

Li: He said he was having too much fun, didn't wanna mix business with pleasure. In fact, he said he's gonna take jake out to his favorite rib joint in kansas city.

Gabi: Oh.

Li: So, miss hernandez, thank you for bringing jake to that meeting. Good work.

Jake: Thank you.

Li: Mm. Call you later.

Jake: [Laughs]

Gabi: I--I don't know what to say.

Jake: How about "thank you"?

Rafe: Okay. So what happened when ciara walked in? You and I were alone. A lot of things happened at once. The cop in me was damn glad that the best cop I know was back on the force. And the man in me was--he was grateful that my friend, who had been to hell and back, was finally back to her old, wonderful self. The guy in me, well... he just kinda came out. Sorry.

Hope: Hey, I like that cop. I like that man. And... I really like that guy.

Rafe: [Chuckles] But--

Hope: Let'S... just be friends... for now, just be cops for a while. Good cops, doing our job well.

Rafe: Right. Just good cop friends. Okay. I am so looking forward to working with you. Welcome back to the force, detective brady.

Hope: It's really good to be back, commissioner.

Rafe: Yes.

Hope: [Sighs]

Rafe: Good.

Hope: Thank you.

Rafe: Oh.

Ciara: Ben? What's wrong?

Ben: I just wish I could've talked to dr. Evans.

Ciara: Yeah, me too.

Ben: I'm fine. I'm sorry.

Ciara: But it's okay, ben. You don't have to be fine. I mean, god only knows what you went through, okay? So we will see dr. Evans, and she will make you feel better. And plus, you know, mom and rafe are looking for eve and that-- that other jerk.

Ben: His name is vincent. Vincent.

Ciara: Is there something wrong with my necklace?

Claire: [Sighs] Oh, my god. There you are. I just saw eve. She's back. She's back in salem.

Eve: He's gonna pay, sweetheart. He's gonna pay, paige, for what he did to you, I promise you that. Is it done?

Vincent: No.

Eve: No? My god, why not? What happened?

Vincent: Because the wife was walking in, and I thought it was better that she didn't see that I was back and drugging her husband.

Eve: [Sighs]

Vincent: But the treatment is working. He no longer has a will of his own. He'll do exactly as I tell him.

Eve: Good. Because he will finally kill ciara, and he will understand what he did to me.

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