Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/13/20
Episode #13834 ~ Ben has a nightmare of strangling Ciara; Rafe and Hope share a close moment; Eve arrives in Salem; Jake and Gwen fight over his relationship with Gabi.
Provided By Suzanne
Jake: [Exhales]
Gwen: [Moans]
[Chuckles] Good morning. Let's start the morning off right, shall we?
Jake: I'm not in the mood.
Gwen: What? Oh, god, are you ill?
Jake: No, I'm just not feeling it.
Gwen: [Laughs] Since when are you not feeling it? You're always feeling it, then
you're feeling some more things, aren't you?
Jake: I've just--I got a lot on my mind.
Gwen: It sure as hell better not be Gabi.
Gabi: Yes, you did insist that a flesh and blood Dimera be there to meet mar.
Collins, and Jake was the only one available. I, however, am here and I am at
your disposal in case you need anything, unlike Chad who obviously has other
priorities. Right. Okay. Bye-bye. Thank you.
[Phone beeps]
Chad: You were saying?
Claire: Allie, it's Claire. Uh, you probably have your phone turned off, but
whenever you get where you're going, could you just shoot me a quick text to let
me know you're okay? I'm worried about you.
[Phone beeps]
Marlena: Who are you worried about, sweetie?
Hope: Hey, hi. Uh, just, can I talk to you? Any word on eve?
Rafe: Not yet. The authorities in new York are looking for her but no word yet.
Hope: How is this even possible? How can that woman still be out there?
Rafe: [Exhales]
Eve: Don't worry. Nobody tailed me. I took all the back roads to get here.
Vincent: Still, coming to Salem was risky.
Eve: Yeah.
Vincent: Have you forgotten? We're both wanted by the police.
Eve: No, Vincent, I haven't forgotten, but it's a risk I had to take because I
had to see for myself the pain on Ben Weston's face when he realizes that he has
choked the life out of his beloved bride.
Ciara: Good morning, husband.
[Suspenseful music]
[Gasps] Uh, Ben. Ben, that hurts. Stop.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our
[Soft orchestration]
Gabi: Chad. I thought you were in Florida with Abigail.
Chad: Well, I was until I found out about that little stunt you pulled last
Gabi: What are you talking about?
Chad: Come on. Don't play stupid, Gabi. I know you called Mr.. Shin's office
pretending to be my assistant and moved up the dinner I had scheduled with Mr..
Collins later this week. See, I know that you figured you'd swoop in and try to
score some points with big boss, but it just didn't work out that way, now, did
Gabi: Where--where did you get that crazy idea?
Gwen: You don't wanna have sex with me 'cause you're thinking about Gabi, aren't
you? God, Jake, you're such a sucker.
Jake: What does that mean?
Gwen: It means that...
[Exhales sharply] Just because she's put you in your brother's suit and is
parading you around to these business meetings doesn't mean that she cares about
you. Here's some news for you, love. She's using you to get what she wants.
Jake: No, Gwen, she's not using me. I volunteered to do her a favor. It was no
big deal.
Gwen: Yeah, okay, you keep telling yourself that. The truth is she's sucking you
in to this war with Chad over the family company. Why do you wanna be involved
in that? Just let the two of them go at it, and then you and I can have
champagne by the pool. By the indoor heated pool.
Jake: It's not who I am.
Gwen: Well then, why don't you put on some silk pajamas and fake it?
Jake: [Grunts]
Gwen: Look, if you're going to side with Gabi, this is not going to end well,
Jake. Besides, Chad's probably putting an end to her manipulative ways as we
Jake: Chad's in Florida. Why would you think that?
Claire: I was just leaving a message for Ciara. I wanted to make sure she and
Ben are okay.
Marlena: That's very sweet of you. You don't have to worry. They're back in
Salem, safe and sound.
Claire: Still, what they went through was so awful.
Marlena: It was awful, but the worst is behind them now and eve can't hurt them
Claire: [Gasping] Ben, wake up.
Ben: [Shouting]
Claire: Oh, Ben, hey. Hey, are you okay?
Ben: [Gasping] Oh, my god. Ciara.
Ciara: I'm right here, baby. I'm right here.
Ben: [Breathing heavily] I just had the most horrible dream.
Ciara: [Gasps] I could tell.
Ben: [Exhales sharply]
Ciara: You wanna tell me about it?
Is now a good time
for a flare-up?
Chad: Last night's not the first time you've tried to, you know, do a little
maneuvering to make me look bad.
Gabi: Excuse me?
Chad: I know--I know that you're desperate to worm you way back into Dimera, but
I did not think that you were stupid enough to invite my brother Jake to a
business meeting. I mean, listen. It doesn't surprise me that he made awkward
jokes or he acted like a buffoon, but did he really lick barbecue sauce off of
his fingers?
Gabi: [Exhales] There will be other deals.
Chad: None that you're gonna be a part of, but Mr.. Shin is onto you. I'm
definitely on to you, and now I have to do damage control for my company.
Jake: Chad's out of town with his wife. So why do you think he's busting Gabi?
Gwen: Well, Jake, you're the one who told me about this business meeting, right?
And that it didn't go so well, so, I don't know. I'm just assuming that this
shin bloke phoned Chad pissed off and then Chad phoned Gabi to have a go at her
and then--why are we talking about this, anyway? Why are we even talking at all,
Jake? Where are you going?
Jake: To grab breakfast.
Gwen: Why don't we have breakfast in bed? We can stay here all day and have a
cuddle and watch the "housewives of" wherever, and, you know, do some other
Jake: Can't. I gotta work. I don't know. Later?
[Door closes]
Hope: When was the last time you heard from NYPD?
Rafe: Little while ago.
Hope: Well, can't you tell them to step it up?
Rafe: I wish I could. Look, you know the deal. It's not my jurisdiction so I
have no control over the investigation, but I promise you this. The minute they
find eve, they will call me.
Hope: What if eve's not in New York?
Rafe: What--you don't really think she really came back to Salem, do you?
Hope: A rational person wouldn't risk it, returning to a place where so many
people would recognize her, but we are talking about Eve Donovan here. She blew
up a church full of people, Rafe. She tortured Ben. I think it's safe to say
that that woman passed rational a long time ago.
Eve: Well, I was hoping to hear that there was a homicide at Salem inn last
night. Vincent, are you sure that you saw Ciara and Ben both walk into the
Vincent: 100% certain.
Eve: Then why isn't all the people in Salem out in the streets crying over
Ciara, huh? Then finally--finally crucifying Ben Weston for the heartless
murderer that he is?
Ciara: Tell me about your dream.
Ben: [Gasps] I wish I could. I... I can't remember. I just know something bad
was happening.
Ciara: Okay. Um, do you know where?
Ben: Uh, I think here in this bed with you. I don't know, Ciara. Some of it's
coming back to me. W--we were kissing.
Ciara: Okay, and then what happened?
Ben: Ciara, I'm sorry. I don't know. I don't--I don't--I don't remember. I don't
understand why I'd even be having a horrible nightmare like this. I just--I'm
home now. I'm safe sleeping next to my beautiful wife.
Ciara: I mean, I--I wouldn't really wonder that after what you've been through.
Ben: It's over now. I'm fine.
Ciara: No.
Ben: I'm fine.
Ciara: Ben, I really--I-- I'm sorry. I really don't think that you're fine,
okay? I think that you're still suffering and you need some help so how about we
call dr. Marlena, okay? And see if she can squeeze you in?
Marlena: I'm glad you're up. There's something I wanna talk to you about before
I go to the hospital.
Claire: No, no, it's not my fault, grandma. I swear I was only trying to help.
Marlena: What's not your fault?
Claire: It, uh--it--it sounded like you were about to blame me for something
and, well, I--I broke one of your coffee mugs yesterday. I was putting it in the
dishwasher and it just slipped out of my hand onto the floor.
Marlena: Okay. Thanks for letting me know.
Claire: Sure, and I'm gonna buy you a new one to replace it.
Marlena: No, that's not necessary.
Claire: No, no, I'm doing it. No arguments. So, um, what did you want to talk to
me about?
Marlena: Well, um, it's about your mother. Uh, she came by yesterday to check on
you when you were, uh, babysitting.
Claire: Oh, right. And by the way, that is the best gig ever. Holly is an angel.
It was smooth sailing the whole way. Seriously, not one bad thing happened, in
case you were wondering.
Marlena: No, I wasn't wondering about it. You're fabulous with children.
Claire: Right, thanks. Thanks.
Marlena: You just seem a little distracted to me. You know, you can tell me
anything at all.
Claire: [Exhales] Something bad did happen last night.
Marlena: With holly?
Claire: No, no, no, no. Um, with Allie. My husband and I have never eaten
Claire: Grandma, it's so sad. Allie left town without her baby.
Marlena: I know.
Claire: You do?
Marlena: I do. Yeah, um, you're--you're right. It's very sad and it's also very
worrisome, especially for Sami.
Claire: Tell me about it. She came by Eric's last night looking for her.
Marlena: Yeah, she came by here, too.
Claire: So, ha--has anyone heard from Allie?
Marlena: No, not as far as I know.
Claire: I just hope the baby's okay. She just left him in the hospital.
Marlena: Well, no, no, wait. She--she actually left a--a note asking that Eric
and Nicole raise her son.
Claire: Oh. So, is--is that the plan?
Marlena: Well, it's not actually a plan. Eric and Nicole are gonna take care of
the baby until Allie comes back, and hopefully that will be soon.
Hope: Please put out an APB on eve. Please?
Rafe: I do not think that eve would dare show her face in Salem again, but if
it'll make you happy, I would be happy to put out an APB on her. Of course.
Hope: Thank you. Just the idea of anything happening to Ciara, I...
Rafe: I know. Hey. Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything that you're going
through and this probably does not make you feel better at all, but I'm going
through the same thing, all right? I--I love Ciara. I mean, she's not my flesh
and blood, but I love her like she was. I love the hell out of that kid. I would
do anything for your daughter and for you. All right? You know that.
Hope: Thank you. Rafe, thank you.
Rafe: Of course. Of course. Here. Yeah.
Hope: Well, I had spent so much time trying to put Ben Weston behind bars and
Ciara did everything she possibly could to convince me that--that he changed,
that he, um--he was a good man worthy of her love, and you know what? She was
Rafe: Yeah, yeah.
Hope: My daughter was right. I just want them to have a good life. I want them
to be happy.
Rafe: Same here.
Hope: [Chuckles] I remember what it was like being a newlywed.
Rafe: Oh.
Hope: [Chuckles] I mean, don't you? I mean, just the feeling of the possibility
that anything was possible? The joy and the excitement and... plus with the
heartache when it all falls apart.
Ben: Thank you.
[Phone beeps] Dr. Evans' assistant agreed to squeeze me in after her 9:30
Claire: Good. That's good. Marlena has always been able to help you before, so
I'm pretty sure she can do it now.
Ben: Yeah.
Claire: Do you remember anything about your dream?
Ben: Only what I already told you. Just how it made me feel.
Ciara: Well, I'm sure it had something to do with what eve put you through.
Ben: I just know it was dark. It felt like death.
Ciara: Your own?
Ben: I don't know, Ciara. I'm not sure. I--I--I can't remember.
Ciara: Hmm, well, um, you know, they say that--that you can't die in your own
dream. Like, you just--you wake yourself up before you actually die.
Ben: Yeah, except you woke me up.
Ciara: Uh, yeah, okay, but I'm pretty sure you would have woken up whether I was
here or not.
Ben: I'm just glad you were here.
Ciara: Yeah?
Ben: Can't imagine my life without you.
Ciara: You don't have to, Ben. In sickness and in health, for better or for
worse, I'm yours, Ben Weston. And you're mine.
Ben: Forever?
Ciara: And beyond. Back off!
Chad: Oh, sorry. I, um--sorry. I--I spotted Jake coming down the stairs and I
thought it'd be a good time to talk.
Gwen: No, it's fine.
Chad: Is everything okay?
Gwen: Nope. Told Jake that Gabi's using him and he refuses to believe it. Put
him in a really sour mood. How does he not see what a two-faced miserable little
schemer she is? I see it, you see it.
Chad: I do. Look, you, um--you did me a major solid when you called me and
warned me she was up to something. I owe you one.
Jake: Good morning. Pour you a cup?
Gabi: I'll pass.
Jake: If you're still upset about how that meeting went last night, I've been
giving it some thought. I think that deal is still salvageable.
Gabi: I'm sorry, wait, you're--you're kidding, right?
Jake: No, I'm very serious. I'd like another shot with Collins.
Gabi: For what? So you could tell him more of your lame jokes, make a bigger
fool of yourself? I don't think so.
Jake: I'm telling you, the guy liked me.
Gabi: I--okay, what gave you that impression, Jake? Was it the look of horror on
his face when you ordered a round of shots to get things started?
Jake: I'll admit, I was a little nervous when we started out. I--I didn't know
how to loosen the guy up or--or what to talk about but by the end of the night,
I'm telling you, we had a connection. I swear it was over sports!
Gabi: Sports?
Jake: Yes, we're both Philly fans, so give me another shot. Get him on the
phone. Call him over here and we'll have lunch. We'll have a meeting. I'll go
put on Stefan's suit.
Gabi: Don't you dare.
Claire: So, what else did you and mom talk about?
Marlena: Let me think.
Claire: Mm-hmm.
Marlena: We talked about the idea of you staying in Salem and, um, she's on
Claire: She is?
Marlena: She is.
Claire: Grandma! This is so great!
[Both laughing] So what is the catch?
Marlena: Well, there's not a--th--there's more of a bonus. You know, your--your
parents know that you're a grown-up and that you're independent and you want to
lead your own life, and, well, they're just worried about how much they'll be
missing you, so they're planning on staying in Salem a little while longer.
Claire: So they can keep an eye on me because they think I'm gonna go off the
rails again.
Marlena: No, that's not true. They just--they just wanna be here for you. Honey,
they know you've had a little bit of a rough time. They want to make sure that
they're there for you.
Claire: I know, I know. Grandma, I just--I want to get back to being a good
person. I want to love myself enough so that I don't have to be jealous of
anyone else again. I wanna be kind and generous like you.
Marlena: Oh, sweetie.
Claire: And I really, really want to make things right with Ciara. I know that I
have a long way to go, but maybe now that she knows that it was eve targeting
Ben and not me, we can slowly work our way back to being close again.
[Both breathing heavily]
Ben: What's wrong?
Ciara: Nothing. I just--I don't want you to feel pressured.
Ben: Pressured to do what?
Ciara: To make love.
Ben: Oh.
Ciara: I mean, last night we said that we weren't gonna do it because you
weren't feeling ready, and I don't know. This nightmare kinda tells me
that--that maybe you're still not ready, but that--that is totally okay.
Ben: Actually, that nightmare tells me that I need to be closer to you now more
than ever.
Ciara: Really?
Ben: Really.
Ciara: Well, I mean, if you say so.
Ben: I say so. You're my best friend. You're my wife. You are my everything,
Ciara, and I know the best way for me to start to heal again is to be with you.
Ciara: Then don't say another word.
Eve: [Scoffs] Damn it! There's still no report of Ciara's murder.
Vincent: Patience, eve.
Eve: Don't tell me to be patient, Vincent! I paid you a boatload of money. Now,
if that drug turns out to be a dud--
Vincent: I assure you the drug was formulated very precisely.
Eve: Well, it better be. In the meantime, I'm gonna go to Salem inn and do a
little snooping around 'cause if Ben hasn't killed Ciara already, I need him to
do it as soon as possible. Do you understand? 'Cause when he does, he is gonna
know pain like he's never known before. Relentless, unforgiving, never ending
kind of agony. Kind of agony I felt every single second of every single day
since that monster took my little girl from me.
Rafe: Do you ever think about our--
[Chuckles] Stupid question. It's not--
Hope: Do I ever think back to what?
Rafe: Our marriage. You know.
Hope: Yeah, sometimes I do.
Rafe: Yeah?
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: Me, too. Just--they're mostly the good times.
Hope: Only.
[Both laughing] Only the good times.
Rafe: Yeah. It's, uh... anyway.
Hope: Yeah.
Rafe: We were talking about Ben and Ciara and, um... I need to put out an APB on
eve Donovan. That's right. Okay. Put any calls directly through to me. Yes.
Okay, done.
Hope: Thank you, Rafe.
Rafe: Of course.
Hope: Gonna keep everyone in Salem safe.
Rafe: Yeah? If you really wanna do that, you know, there's, uh, a highly
effective way to do it.
Hope: Okay. I'm listening.
Rafe: Why don't you rejoin the force? These are real people, not actors,
Claire: I guess it's kind of nice mom will be in town.
Marlena: Yeah, and for Sami, too. Sami's asked for your mom's help in making
sure that Nicole doesn't raise her grandson.
Claire: Legal help?
Marlena: Yeah, well, Sami's very determined.
Claire: But it's Allie's baby. Shouldn't it be her decision?
[Cell phone ringing]
Marlena: Um...
[Phone beeps] Dr. Evans. Oh, no, that's okay. I'll, uh--I'll head right in.
Thanks. Bye. Uh, my assistant.
Claire: Oh, is everything okay?
Marlena: Um, uh, why, sure. Uh, I just have an appointment, uh, first thing this
Claire: Well, maybe I could go catch up with Ciara.
Marlena: All right. I will drop you.
Claire: Thank you.
Marlena: Let's go.
Ciara: [Laughs] So, um, did that make you feel better?
Ben: Much better.
Ciara: Mm.
[Both moaning]
Ben: Is there a rule saying we can't consummate our marriage twice?
Ciara: [Chuckles] No, but that would make you late for your appointment with
Marlena, and that would be very rude because she did agree to squeeze you in,
Ben: I know. I'll head over there now and hope that she can figure out why the
hell I had that nightmare.
Ciara: I think she can, Ben.
Ben: Because I really don't want anything that happened with eve coming in
between our happiness.
Ciara: I promise you, Ben Weston, it won't. Mm.
Hope: That isn't exactly what I--that I didn't expect you to ask me.
Rafe: Okay, you know what? Actually, I had been planning on asking you for a
while now. Yeah, I am not sure how much longer Lani can keep working. She's
carrying twins, you know.
Hope: But I thought Eli was up for all of that overtime. He has two babies on
the way.
Rafe: Right, yeah. Um, I can always use a first rate detective.
Hope: Thank you, but it--it shouldn't be me.
Rafe: Why would you say that?
Hope: Rafe, for more than a year, I--I treated this department like it was my
own personal playground, showing nothing but contempt and disrespect for this
place, and everyone in it, so I highly doubt that anyone here would be thrilled
to see me back here.
Rafe: I would. I want you back.
Ciara: Oh, my god!
Claire: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt. I, um--I just wanted to tell you that I'm
so glad that Ben's all right.
[Exhales] Okay.
[Chuckles] What was that for?
Ben: To say thank you. I heard that you were the person that figured out that
eve could have been the person targeting me, and now I'm home, Claire. Cops are
closing in on her. I'm grateful.
Ciara: Yeah, so am I.
Ben: And I also wanted to apologize for the way I treated you. You swore you
weren't trying to sabotage our wedding. I didn't believe you and that was wrong.
I'm sorry.
Claire: Don't--don't worry about it.
[Chuckles] I totally understand why you would have suspected me. I, um--I'm
just--I'm just so happy that you're okay because I know how much Ciara loves you
and I truly, truly just want the two of you to be happy.
Ben: We are.
Ciara: So, so happy.
Eve: Not for long. People used to care. Heck, they'd come
Gwen: Damn right, you owe me one, and this is what I want. Get Gabi out of here.
Chad: I'm working on it.
Gwen: Well, work faster, 'cause whatever this is that's going on between them, I
don't like it. First he invites her as his plus one to that bloody wedding and
now he's doing favors for her.
Chad: Look, last night didn't go very well so I'm sure Gabi and Jake's alliance
is--is over.
Gwen: Ah, yeah, that's what I thought, too, but now I'm not so sure.
Chad: Why? What happened?
Gwen: Well, let's just say what didn't happen, shall we? He wasn't as
enthusiastic about me in bed this morning as he normally is.
Chad: [Clears throat] So you think that he's into Gabi?
Jake: Okay, I'm sorry. You don't want me near Stefan's stuff. I get it. I'll get
my own suit.
Gabi: It's not about the suit, okay? It--it's about you, Jake. To put it
bluntly, you are just not made out for this corporate world, okay? Closing
deals, schmoozing clients, it--it takes a certain set of skills that you just
don't have. Not even close.
Jake: Okay. Teach me. You told me last night what a brilliant business woman you
are, how you built Gabi chic from the ground up, so if there's anybody in this
world who can teach me how to be a corporate shark, it's you.
Gabi: I know. No, I know. It's just probably too late.
Jake: It's too late? Why?
Gabi: Chad's back.
Jake: I thought--I thought the guy just left for Florida.
Gabi: Yes, but then he called shin last night and found out what happened. That
makes no sense.
Jake: What doesn't?
Gabi: Okay, Chad was all about being with Abigail because he thought the meeting
with Collins was later in the week. Why? Why would he call shin?
Jake: I think I have an answer for that.
Hope: Just because you want me back doesn't--
Rafe: Just because? Really? Just be-- do you happen to know I have a lot of
clout around here? Did you not know that? That's--come on. Do--listen. We
were--we were great together. We were the best, and every time that I was
thinking something, you always knew what it was. It was like--like you were
reading my mind.
Hope: I wasn't reading your mind. I was--I was reading your heart. You wear it
on your sleeve, Hernandez.
Rafe: Are you calling me a softie?
Hope: No, not at all. You're one of the toughest guys I know.
Rafe: Mm.
Hope: You're also compassionate and kind. Sometimes funny.
Rafe: Wow.
Hope: It's a rare combination in this line of work.
Rafe: Thank you. That, um--that means a lot to me. Now, enough with the
flattery. Do you want the job or not, kid?
Ciara: So I'll meet you after your appointment?
Ben: Yeah. I have a therapy session with dr. Evans.
Ciara: Yeah, uh, Ben--Ben had a pretty bad dream last night and it--it left him
really upset so--
Claire: I'm so sorry.
Ciara: Yeah, we just--we both think that it has something to do with what eve
put him through.
Ben: Hopefully dr. Evans can jog my memory and can figure out what the hell's
going on in my head.
Claire: Okay. Good luck. I hope you're feeling better.
Ben: Thank you. I'll see you soon.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. Bye.
Ben: Bye.
Claire: It is--it's so good to see you guys so happy.
Ciara: Yeah, well, that's kinda thanks to you, Claire. I mean, if you hadn't
helped me find Ben, I--you know.
Claire: Like I said, I'm just--I'm so happy that you guys are okay and I would
really like us to be okay, too. You know, slowly work our way back to being
close again.
Ciara: I really want that, too.
Claire: Yeah.
Ciara: I mean, you're family, Claire. You're more than a friend and I know that
it's gonna take a while, I guess, but, um, hopefully--I don't know--we can
slowly work our way to being close again.
Claire: Yeah.
Eve: Yes, that's what I said. Ben Weston is on his way over to that head
shrinker Marlena Evans' office right now for a session to find out why he was
having a nightmare last night.
Vincent: And what would you like me to do about it?
Eve: What I want you to do about it is to make sure this session never happens,
all right? And give him a dose guaranteed to have absolutely no feelings for
Ciara so he will kill her. No more excuses!
[Phone beeps]
[Phone beeps]
Eve: [Exhales] I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Gwen: Just no idea how he could be into that miserable little shrew when he
could have all of this. Me. I do know one thing, though. My boyfriend and I
moved into this mansion because we wanted to live properly and not be hassled
24/7 by some mental bitch.
Chad: Look, I want her gone, too, but we have to be smart.
Gwen: Honestly, I'd rather just slap the crap out of her.
Chad: I know. Just hang in there. Look, you're doing a great job. Just keep
watching her. Report back to me. That's it.
Gwen: And if she's on to us?
Chad: She's not, okay? She thinks that I called shin last night and that's how I
found out about the client dinner. She has no clue you're my secret spy.
Jake: See, Gwen was not happy last night when I walked out on her to help you.
Gabi: Ah, you know, her jealousy is really annoying me.
Jake: I think there's more to it than that. When I got home last night, I told
Gwen that you needed my help on that meeting because Chad flaked out. I also
told her it didn't go so well.
Gabi: And then all of a sudden Chad's back.
Jake: She just said to me a few moments ago that she's certain Chad is putting
an end to your manipulative games, quote, "as we speak." It's as if she knew he
was here. She tried to backpedal, but--no. There's no way. She wouldn't.
Gabi: Like hell she wouldn't! That little--yeah, that little tramp tipped off
Rafe: Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't--I don't wanna push, okay? You
just--you let me know if you want your job back, and it's yours, okay? That's
Hope: Okay.
Rafe: Okay.
Hope: I accept.
Rafe: What? Really?
Hope: Really.
Rafe: Oh, my god. I cannot tell you how happy you just made me right now. I'm
just--um, here. There you go. So, uh... yeah. Um, welcome back.
Claire: Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't--hey, eve. Is that you?
Ben: Dr. Evans? Thank you for fitting me in.
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