Days Transcript Wednesday 8/12/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/12/20


Episode #13833 ~ Sami, Nicole and Eric search for Allie; Sami seeks help from Belle; Sonny and Will work on their relationship; Claire covers for Allie.

Provided By Suzanne

Sami: No one in the nurse's station has seen her. How is that even possible? What is that? Is that from her?

Eric: It says, "don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I just have to get out of here. I finally figured out what's best for the baby and it isn't with me. What I want is--"

Sami: Oh, my god.


Eric: It's you, nicole. She wants you to raise her son.

Will: Yes, dad, I talked to sonny.

Lucas: And? You two work things out?

Will: I tried, but, um, he's still pretty angry with me. And I'll try again once he tells ari that she's not gonna get a little baby brother or sister after all, but... honestly, dad, I don't know if sonny's gonna forgive me.

[Soft dramatic music]

Marlena: [Chuckles] Yay!

Belle: I'm sorry for coming by so late.

Marlena: Oh, no, I just love seeing you.

Belle: Oh, well, shawn just told me everything that's been going on with ben. I mean, what a horrific ordeal.

Marlena: Mm-hmm. Thanks to eve donovan.

Belle: Yeah, I mean, I get that she wants to avenge her daughter's death, but kidnapping and torture? I mean.

[Chuckles softly]

Marlena: But you know what? Claire was the one who realized that eve was the one who had the motive to hurt ben. Obviously, she was the one who saved his life.

Belle: I know. I can't wait to tell her how proud I am of her.

Marlena: Oh, oh, honey, she's not here.

Belle: What do you mean? Where is she?


[Tense music]

Claire: Get the hell out of here or I'll bash your face in!

Eric: Hey. Well, security's checking the surveillance footage, see if allie left the hospital.

Nicole: Okay, well, I searched the room. Nothing left in there but the letter, and I tried calling her and it went straight to voicemail.

Eric: She probably disabled the phone, right?

Nicole: Yeah.

Sami: Hey.

Eric: Did you find allie?

Sami: Guard said that he saw a girl matching allie's description get into a cab.

Nicole: Oh, no.

Sami: Oh, yes. Yes. My little girl is missing and it is all your fault.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Abe: Well, I tell you, that was, um... that was a lovely working dinner.

Kate: It was. I got a lot done, and it didn't even seem like work.

Abe: Really?


Kate: [Gasps]

Will: Um, dad, I gotta go. Sonny just walked in.

Lucas: Well, let me know how it goes, okay? Good luck.

Will: So, um, how did ari take the news?

Sonny: That we're not getting allie's baby? She totally flipped out.

Will: [Sighs]

Marlena: Oh, oh, no, no. She's, uh, she's over at eric'S. He and nicole got caught up at the hospital and so she went over to spell their babysitter.

Belle: Oh. Oh, she's babysitting? Oh, good.

Marlena: Yeah.

Belle: Okay. Well, it's not like she can get in any trouble doing that, right?

Marlena: [Chuckles]

Allie: Claire, what are you doing here?

Claire: Eric asked me to babysit for holly. What are you doing here, allie? My god, didn't you just have a baby? Shouldn't you be with him instead of cat burgling?

Allie: I just came to get my passport. I'm leaving salem.

Claire: So it's true. You're really gonna let will and sonny raise your kid?

Allie: That was the plan, but not anymore. My mother ruined everything.

Nicole: It is not my fault allie took off.

Sami: The hell it isn'T. From the moment she knocked on your door, you've been working on her, getting inside her mind, convincing her that you're a saint and I'm the devil.

Nicole: That last part you did on your own.

Eric: Okay, sami, I know you're upset, but you gotta stop with the insults and the accusations. Nicole has done nothing wrong.

Sami: Wake up, eric. She's done a lot wrong, first of all. And she doesn't have any problem with stealing other people's babies, if you'll remember sydney. I'm not gonna let her do it to my grandson, you hear me? I am not going to let you take my grandson.

This is ava.

Kate: It's on me.

Abe: I thought dinner was supposed to be my treat.

Kate: Yeah, well, you're getting your raise, so it's my treat.

Abe: What's the catch?

Kate: [Chuckles and scoffs] There is no catch. And don't look so shocked, okay? You're supposed to be seeing the best in me.

Abe: Well, um, thank you. I'll see you in the office tomorrow.

Kate: Or you could come home with me.

Abe: [Chokes] Um, is that the catch?

Kate: Oh, my god. No, that's not what I meant. That contract you wanted to see? I have it at home.

Abe: Ah.

Kate: Mm.

Abe: Well, that's-- it's on the way. Why not?

Kate: [Chuckles]

Will: I gotta make this right.

Sonny: No, no, no, no, no. It's not--it's not that dire.

Will: You just said that ari flipped out.

Sonny: Yes, because she assumed because she wasn't getting a new brother that she wouldn't be getting a puppy, okay? But I assured her that that's not the case.

Will: Oh, okay, so--

[Chuckles] So ari's fine that we're not getting the baby?

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's--she's fine. But I'm not.

Eric: Sami, that's enough. Nicole never planned to take allie's baby.

Sami: [Scoffs] You know what, eric? Someday, the light bulb is gonna go off and you are going to realize the two-faced, conniving snake you married. But you know what? I don't have time to convince you right now, because I have to go find my daughter.

Nicole: Eric, I swear I had no idea allie was gonna do this.

Eric: Of course you didn'T. Neither of us did. I'm really sorry about sami being so hard at you right now.

Nicole: Oh, I'm used to it. But right now, I'm just concerned about allie.

Eric: Me too. We didn't finish reading the rest of that letter. Maybe we should go finish it and see if it gives us any clues to where she's headed.

Nicole: Okay, that's a good idea.

Marlena: Claire was so pleased that eric and nicole asked her to babysit.

Belle: Yeah, well, I'm sure she was. It shows they trust her. I feel like that's all claire's been trying to do since she got home, is prove to everybody that she's trustworthy.

Marlena: I know. It's been a rough time for her. You know, once she began to settle in, then she was accused of trying to sabotage ciara's wedding.

Belle: Right, well, thank god she was innocent, which I knew all along, but still.

Marlena: Honey, I know it's been hard on you. Hard on everybody who loves her so.

Belle: Yeah, well, I'm just ready to put it all behind us, get back to hong kong where shawn and I can really take care of our daughter.

Marlena: Well, I know why you'd feel that way. I just don't think she's gonna want to do that.

Allie: So my mom went behind my back and talked rafe out of adopting my baby, undid my choice because she wanted will and sonny to have him instead.

Claire: I thought you said will and sonny aren't getting your baby.

Allie: They're not. Turns out, will's just as selfish as my mother. He knew what she did and he never said a word to me.

Claire: Oh, man. You must feel so betrayed.

Allie: Yeah, by all of them. I mean, my dad knew and he lied to my face.

Claire: I'm so sorry, allie. This really sucks, but you can't just take off and leave your baby here. Unless-- is your mom gonna raise him?

Allie: That's what she's wanted from the moment she found out I was pregnant. There's no way I'm gonna let that happen. My mother is out of my baby's life. And mine.

[Knock at door]

Sami: Allie? Allie! Are you in there?

Abe: Well, this contract looks good.

Kate: [Gasps] Well, then.

Abe: Well, thank you very much.

Kate: Cheers.

[Both chuckling] Hey, honey. So. Will and sonny, did they appreciate your gift?

[Gasps] Lucas gave the boys this adorable baby carrier to bring allie's baby home from the hospital tomorrow.

Lucas: Yeah, about that. Uh, there's been a chance of plans.

[Soft dramatic music]

Will: Sonny, you have every right to be upset with me. More than upset, right? Just disappointed, disillusioned--

Sonny: Just enough with the mea culpa, will. I have heard this before. Then you're gonna start with your excuses that you didn't conspire with your mom, you just kept quiet about it, that you lied to me 'cause you didn't want me involved in the mess. I've heard this before.

Will: [Stutters] I know, and I know I screwed up, and I know what I did was--was so stupid, and it was selfish, and it was hurtful, but please, listen-- come on, let's not throw away our marriage because of my mistake.

Belle: What do you mean? Claire doesn't want to go back to hong kong? Why? Is she--is she mad at me and shawn? What?

Marlena: No, oh, no, no. No, of course not. Why would she be, honey? It's just that she wants her life to be here. This feels like home to her.

Belle: Yeah, but shawn and i want to be with her.

Marlena: I know you do. The thing is that she's-- she's not a little girl anymore. She's growing up and she actually is an adult. She wants to live her life the way she wants to live it, and she wants that life to be right here.

Belle: [Mouthing] Okay. A world away from her parents.

Marlena: She has family here, too. Look, I know if she continues with her therapy, and is around people who truly support her, she will thrive. She'll be just fine.

Belle: No, I'm-- I'm her mother. I want to support her.

Marlena: I know you do. But you know what? She is so much stronger than you think she is.

Sami: Allie, if you are in there, please open up.

Allie: Help me. What are you doing?

Claire: Letting her in. So hurry up and hide while I get rid of her.

Allie: [Sighs] Thank you.

[Dramatic music]

Sami: Oh, claire. What are you doing here?

Claire: Uh, babysitting for holly. Why are you here?

Sami: Well, I'm looking for allie. She ran off from the hospital and I have been searching for her everywhere. I thought maybe she would've come back here to get her stuff.

Nicole: Go ahead, honey. Read it.

Eric: It says, "don't worry about me; I'll be fine. I just have to get out of here. I finally figured out what's best for the baby, and it isn't me. What I want is for nicole to raise my baby."

Nicole: Well, we got that far earlier. What does the rest of the letter say?

Eric: Well, it says "I've seen first-hand what an incredible mother nicole is to holly, so I know my son will be in very good hands, not just with aunt nicole, but also uncle eric. I obviously want him to raise the baby, too. Since they're married, it's a great package deal."

Nicole: [Chuckles softly]

Eric: "I know the plan was to have will and sonny raise my child, but my brother broke my trust, and my mother broke everything." "She ruined it all, just like she always does. No matter how many times it happens, she never learns her lesson."

[Melancholy music]

Claire: I don't understand why allie would leave her baby at the hospital.

Sami: Believe me, I don't understand it either. She hasn't exactly been making good decisions since the moment she found out she was pregnant. I mean, first of all, she turned to nicole instead of to me, and then nicole took advantage of it and turned her against me.

Claire: Why would she do that?

Sami: Because nicole wants to get her hands on my grandson. And allie went right along with it. She wrote a note saying she wants nicole to raise her son. I'm not gonna stand by and let that happen.

Claire: Uh, what are you doing?

Sami: Well, I need to see if allie was hiding from me or maybe she left a clue as to where she's headed. I mean, I need look around--

Claire: No, you can'T.

Lucas: When allie found out that her mother convinced rafe not to adopt the baby, she totally freaked out.

Kate: Well, honey, I told you that secret was going to come out.

Abe: What? You knew what sami did?

Kate: [Scoffs] Trust me, abe, lucas has a terrible poker face.

Lucas: Listen, I feel awful about keeping allie in the dark. I do, and if I had the chance to do it over again, I would change everything. I'd make better decisions and I'm sure will would, too.

Kate: [Sighs] Obviously, sami forced will to stay quiet.

Lucas: [Sighs] Yes, mom, obviously, but it doesn't matter. The bottom line is is allie won't let her brother adopt the baby.

Kate: Well, I feel badly for will and for sonny. They really were looking forward to adopting another child.

Abe: Well, you know, maybe they could go to allie and apologize.

Lucas: Only problem with that is sonny has no idea what's going on. I mean, will chose to keep quiet about this whole thing, and now it looks like the whole adoption's blowing up in his face, and it looks like his marriage is about to blow up, too.

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: I thought our marriage was over when you were in prison and asked me for a divorce. And then, after months of sheer hell, we found out that you weren't responsible for the accident that killed my mom. And you were free. We were free to live our lives together. Like, do you know what an incredible gift that is?

Will: Of course I do.

Sonny: Do you? Because it feels like you're taking it for granted, like you're taking us for granted. Otherwise, you wouldn't treat me this way. Like, how could you risk everything that we have?

Will: What? Sonny, I wanted something good-- I wanted a child for our family. I wanted it so bad, that, yeah, I put aside my best judgment to get it. But sonny, I--

[Sighs] I have learned from that mistake, and listen, I know words seem cheap at this moment, but I swear to you, that will never, ever happen again, ever.

Sonny: [Sighs] Do you really, like, really mean it? Because if you do, then--then I'll forgive you, okay? Because I know that you're a good person and I know that I've made my...

[Takes deep breath] Fair share of mistakes. And you made this mistake-- it was all about doing something out of love for us and for ari. And I do love you so much.

Will: I love you.

[Gentle music]

Belle: Well, I guess I've just been so focused on everything that could go wrong with claire, I haven't really seen everything that's gone right, so.

Marlena: Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. You know, you came here to tell claire how proud you are of her. And now maybe you can give her your blessing to stay.

Belle: Well, I can make her an offer.

Marlena: Oh, what would that be, counselor?

Belle: [Chuckles] I think that shawn and I could probably honor her wishes to live here, but maybe we would also stay for a bit. Just make sure she's really okay. What do you think?

Marlena: [Laughs] Oh! I think that would be swell.

Belle: [Laughs]

Marlena: [Sighs]

Eric: It says, "I know who I want to raise my child. I haven't said why. Let's start with nicole. What impressed me about her most is that she listened to my concerns and let me make my own decisions. Unlike my mother, she never tried to control or manipulate me. She saw me and heard me and, most of all, respected me."

Nicole: [Chuckles] That's so nice. May I?

Eric: Yeah.

Nicole: "And uncle eric has so many qualities a child would want in a father. You can tell him anything without fear of being judged."

[Laughs] "That doesn't mean he'll approve of everything you do."

[Both laughing] "But instead of rattling off all the ways you screwed up, he'll offer you guidance and support. That seems like the best way to parent: With compassion and understanding. That's what eric and nicole have shown me, and why I'm completely confident that they are the best people to raise my son."

Eric: You know that wasn't some random decision. Allie took a lot of time. Think about that.

[Both laugh softly]

Nicole: You know, earlier, I mentioned that, you know, maybe we should adopt a brother or sister for holly. Maybe this is meant to be.

Sami: What is the matter with you, claire? I just want to see if my daughter was here.

Claire: I've been in this apartment all afternoon. I think I would know if allie stopped by.

Sami: Well, I wouldn't be too sure. She can be sneaky.

Claire: I'm telling you, there is no way allie could've come in here without me knowing about it. Now, I really don't want you waking holly, so I would like you to leave now.

Sami: Okay, well, I will leave when I am good and ready. You know, when allie went into labor, we had to rush out of here pretty fast. Maybe she left something here she's gonna need to come back for?

Claire: You're wasting your time, but I guess that gives allie more time to get away.

Sami: Well, you make a good point there.

Claire: Good-bye now.

Sami: Are you okay? You seem very tense.

Claire: Uh, nicole just told me not to let anyone in, so.

Sami: But I'm not just anyone, I'm your aunt, I'm allie's mom, and who cares what that idiot thinks, anyway? You tell her I was here and you tell her I'm not gonna let her get her hands on my grandson.

[Door slams] Okay, well, then why don't you sign the papers?

Allie: What is with you? This entire time, you've been pushing me to keep the baby, and now you're pushing me to sign?

Sami: I am not pushing you.

Allie: Yes, you are.

Eric: All right, why don't we just stand back, take a minute, and cool off?

Nicole: He's right.

Sami: Oh, you butt out.

Allie: No, you butt out. You try to run everything.

Sami: No, I don'T.

Allie: Yes, you do.

Sami: I'm not trying--

Allie: You do, and aunt nicole and uncle eric try to referee, and you just bite their heads off because they're getting in your way. I-it's your way or the highway, and you know what? I choose the highway, because I am so tired of you trying to run everything in my life. This is my body, and my baby, and my life, and you just--


Sami: Allie, are you okay?

Eric: Allie.

Sami: Are you okay? Are you in labor?

Allie: Oh, my god. I don't know, what does labor feel like?

Sami: It feels like really, really bad cramps.

Allie: Yeah, I'm in it.

Sami: Okay, uh, okay, uh, yeah, just breathe, just breathe. In, yeah, and out. No, slow, slower.

[Breathing together] Yeah. Your water broke already?

Nicole: We have to get you to the hospital.

Eric: I'm gonna get the car and I'll bring it around front.

Sami: Good idea.

Allie: I don't have a bag packed or anything.

Nicole: [Stutters] We'll take care of everything, all right? Just sit tight.

Sami: Well, you can't have your water break already. It's too soon. You're not ready!

Allie: Why are you yelling at me?

Sami: I'm not yelling!

Allie: Yes, you are. You're yelling at me like this is my fault. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours.

Sami: How is it my fault?

Allie: 'Cause you went to rafe, and you talked to him behind my back, and you got him to bail out of my adoption.

Sami: Okay, allie, focus. That doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Allie: Yes, it does, 'cause you started a fight, and then arguing with you made me go into labor and now--


Sami: Okay, okay, okay.

Allie: Unbelievable.

Claire: Well, at least she didn't see you.

Allie: I mean, she's still at it. She's doing everything in her power to screw up my decisions about my baby. You know what? I'm actually glad that I heard all of this, because it made me even more sure about giving my baby to nicole. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Will: [Sighs] To say I'm relieved would be... um... I wasn't sure you were gonna forgive me, and it was-- it was torture, honestly, to think-- thank you. I'm--I'm so grateful.

Sonny: You know, my mom always said that forgiveness is the highest form of love, and I think she's right.

Will: Well, your mom was always right, so. I promise you, I will make this up to you, okay? I promise. And I think maybe a good place to start is by finding a surrogate.

Sonny: Whoa.

Will: What? Oh, too soon?

Sonny: A little too soon. Um, I think there's something more important we should figure out.

Nicole: Go ahead, my love. You read the rest.

[Dramatic music]

Eric: "I know my mom is going to freak when she finds out that I want nicole to raise her grandson, but this is my decision, not hers. I know nicole and eric will welcome my son into their lives the way they welcomed me. Allie."

Nicole: It's touching that she believes in us, but--

Eric: But what?

Nicole: [Sighs] But she's right. When sami hears the rest of this letter, she's gonna completely lose it.

Allie: I mean, do you hear the way my mother talks about me, call me crazy and sneaky?

Claire: She did seem genuinely worried about you.

Allie: No. What she's worried about is nicole getting to raise my son.

Claire: So what are you gonna do about it?

Allie: What do you mean?

Claire: Well, you obviously care about what happens to that little boy.

Allie: Of course I do. I'm his mother.

Claire: Look, allie, I'm not judging you. I completely understand why you would want to run, but isn't there a small part of you that feels bad about leaving him behind?

Allie: [Sighs] After I gave birth, sarah asked me if I wanted to hold my son, and I said no because I'd already decided to give him up, and I just thought that it would make it harder to let him go, but then when I found out what my mother did, everything was up in the air again, so--

[Sighs] I don't know. I was so confused, and I thought maybe holding him might help me make up my mind.

Claire: So did you?

Allie: Yeah. And... I was blown away by this perfect little person who was a part of me.

Claire: You obviously felt something really powerful in that moment, so I have to ask, are you sure that leaving town is what's best for your son?

Lucas: I just hope that will finds a way to get sonny to forgive him, you know?

Abe: Well, you know, the two of them have overcome so much. I'm sure they're gonna get through this too.

Kate: Will just needs to tell sonny the truth, okay? It's sami's fault.

Lucas: Mom, stop.

Kate: What are you talking about? You--you know that's true. Allie did everything she possibly could to keep her pregnancy a secret from her mother, and we don't blame her because we know the truth. Sami's totally capable of making any situation chaotic.

Sami: Shut the hell up, kate.

This is ava.

Will: So what's this important thing that we need to figure out?

Sonny: [Inhales deeply] The adoption.

Will: But, uh, you just said it was--

Sonny: A dog, will.

Will: Oh.

Sonny: Yeah, our daughter has her heart set on adopting a dog, so, um, I think we should focus our energy on that.

[Both laugh]

Will: Yeah, um, good idea. Why don't we look at some rescue websites and see if we can make ari's dream come true?

Kate: It's the truth. You know it. You need to learn to stay out of your children's business.

Sami: [Laughs] That is actually hilarious, coming from you.

Lucas: All right, you two. Please stop it.

Sami: Okay, listen. Allie took off from the hospital. She's disappeared, and she left a note saying that she wants nicole to raise her son, so I'm just here because I wanna know if she hit granny warbucks up for some cash.

Kate: No, she didn'T.

Sami: Okay. Well, if she does, please, kate, do the responsible, decent thing and do not give it to her.

Lucas: Wait a minute. Sami, wait. Wait a minute.

[Dramatic music]

Belle: [Laughs softly] Yeah. I think my sticking around salem could-- well, claire might resist the idea, but I think it could be really good for her.

Marlena: And for sami, too. She's been so stressed about the situation with allie.

Belle: Oh, I know. I felt so bad when I heard allie didn't even want to tell sami she was pregnant. I mean, I get it, but...

Marlena: Oh, sure. She knew that she would react, and she certainly wasn't wrong about that.

Belle: I know. You know, you just want to protect your child, but it's just so hard sometimes.

[Inhales deeply] God knows I've been there.

Marlena: Yeah. You and sami have both been through issues with your daughters. So now, maybe you can support each other through this, no matter--no matter what comes.

Allie: I did feel something for my child when I held him, but... I also remember how I felt when I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared and overwhelmed, and the thought of being responsible for another human...

[Sighs] It's just too much.

Claire: So you just decided to give him up?

Allie: I didn't just decide. I talked to a lot of people that I love and trust about my options, but I know that I'm just not ready to raise that little boy.

Claire: It's not like you'd be on your own. You'd have help from our whole family, and, my god, I love kids. I would babysit for you any time you needed for free.

Allie: That's very sweet, claire. But... the best option for my son is to leave him with nicole and eric. And my letter makes my wishes clear. And I know that, if my mom fights, nicole will fight back.

Claire: It's your decision.

[Soft dramatic music]

You have your phone?

Allie: Yeah. I turned it off so no one could track me.

Claire: This is all the cash that I have. Take it.

Allie: Claire, I can'T.

Claire: I insist. I'm also gonna make you some food, and I have gummy bears in my bag.

Allie: Thank you. You have been so incredible tonight, which I wasn't really expecting because of the maid of honor thing, you know? Ciara giving me the nod instead of you.

Claire: It was all just a big misunderstanding. But I am really sorry to see you leave, 'cause I think you are really cool, and I think, if we spent more time together, we'd be close.

Allie: Yeah, I think so, too.

[Soft dramatic music]

What good is having clean clothes...

Sonny: You know, they say that dogs look like their owners, so, um, maybe we should go with a sheepdog, you know?

Will: [Laughs]

Sonny: 'Cause that one actually, you know, that strikes a great resemblance to what's going on here.

Will: Okay, okay. Um, well, I actually think this little mutt looks a lot like you.

Sonny: Yeah?

Will: Oh, the eyes? Totally. The expression? So adorable and lovable. I think I'd take him right now, but we should probably let ari decide.

Sonny: Yeah, yeah, let her-- yeah. Whatever her little heart wants.

Will: [Chuckles] Yeah. And, by the way, thank you for finding it in your big heart to forgive me.

[Peaceful music]

Kate: Sami and I don't agree on a lot, but we both want what's best for allie's baby, and that is not nicole walker.

Abe: Nicole is a good mother.

Kate: Okay, but, like, I know that she's a friend of yours, but you're totally deluding yourself if you think she's reliable, because she is not a stable person. Lucas, who are you talking to?

Lucas: I'm leaving a message, all right? Allie, it's your dad. Um...

Belle: Okay, well, I'm gonna go and find shawn and talk to him about staying for a while.

Marlena: Wonderful. Keep me posted, please? Keep me posted.

Belle: Oh, of course I will. Bye, mommy.

Marlena: Thanks, girl.

Belle: Okay.

Sami: Is she here?

Marlena: [Stammering] Is who here?

Sami: Allie. She bolted from the hospital.

Marlena: She left the hospital? With--with the baby?

Sami: No, no. She left her son behind with a note saying she wants nicole to raise him.

[Dramatic music]

[Phone chimes]

Claire: This should last you a while.

Allie: Thank you so much. I'm just turning it on so I can look at flights and then I'm gonna turn it right back off. Whoa, a ton of voicemails.

Lucas: Uh, allie, it's your dad. Um... wherever you are, please come home. We love you. We want to help you. You're not in this alone.

Allie: [Sighs] Um... can I ask you one more favor?

Claire: Anything.

Allie: If you ever babysit for my little boy, give him a kiss for me?

Claire: Oh, I will.

Allie: Thanks.

Claire: Of course. Hey, we're family.

Allie: Yeah.


[Sniffles] Okay.

[Dramatic music]

Nicole: My priority is doing what's best for that baby.

Eric: Allie said she thinks that her baby is better off being raised by someone else.

Nicole: Yes, I know, and we thought that someone else was rafe, and then sonny and will, and now she wants it to be us. I mean, eric--[Stutters] I hate in any way to be intimidated by sami, but you heard her.

Eric: Yeah, I heard her. Sami made it very clear that she won't let you have any part in raising her grandson.

Nicole: And with sami, that's not a threat. That's a promise.



Eric: Hey.

Sami: So allie's gone awol and she wants nicole walker to raise her child.

Marlena: Wait, I thought will and sonny were gonna raise the baby. What made allie change her mind?

Sami: Oh, who knows? I mean, allie hasn't made any rational decisions since she got pregnant.

Belle: All right, well, just try to stay calm. I'll help you find her. I'll help you any way I can.

Sami: Really? Belle, you mean that?

Belle: Sami, of course. You're my sister. I'm always here for you.

Sami: Okay, but I don't need you as a sister. I need you as a lawyer. You have to help me stop nicole from getting anywhere near my grandson.

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