Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/11/20
Episode #13832 ~ Ben hides his unease from Ciara; Gabi and Jake have a huge blow up; Kate recounts to Abe her bitter rivalry with Vivian; Justin has a surprise for Bonnie.
Provided By Suzanne
Bonnie: [Mutters] The faster I get out of here, the better, before they find out I skipped out on my bill.
Justin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, bonnie. Is that you?
Bonnie: [Sighs sharply] What do you want?
Justin: Well actually, I was trying to reach you.
Bonnie: Really? For what? To tell me how much you hate my guts still, and how much you won't help me with my contract?
Justin: No. No, actually, quite the opposite. Um, can you talk?
Bonnie: Y-you know what?
Justin: Now?
Bonnie: I've got a bus to catch, and I already paid for the ticket, so really, I got to go--
Justin: Okay, well, hold on a second. I-- there's a bus later, and... I'll pay for a new one.
Bonnie: Really?
Justin: Sure.
Bonnie: Well, um, in that case, uh, maybe we could talk somewhere a little more private. Um, maybe, like, that way. Quickly. Faster.
Abe: Well, I'm sorry I'm late.
Kate: No apologies necessary. This is a business dinner, and I'm on the clock.
Abe: [Chuckles] I have a great excuse, though. I just came from lani and eli'S.
Kate: Is everything okay with the baby?
Abe: Oh, everything's more than okay. They tell me that I am going to be a grandfather--twice over.
Kate: What? Oh, my gosh. That's fantastic. That's really great. Congratulations.
Abe: Well, and to you too. I heard that allie had her baby.
Kate: Yes, yes, she did.
Abe: Well, we have a lot to celebrate.
Kate: We certainly do. And vivian's dead. [Chuckles]
Jack: How I missed this. Just holding you in my arms, just having a little bit of alone time with my wife.
Gwen: [Groans]
Jack: Whoa.
Gwen: Ugh, thank gosh. Just what I needed.
Jack: Uh, we're drinking that.
Gwen: [Sighs heavily] Oh yeah, don't worry. There's plenty more in the cellar. Plus, after the night I've had, I need this much more than you do.
[Foreboding music]
Jake: Wow, getting dressed up, dining in fancy restaurants, not really my thing.
Gabi: Never would've guessed.
Jake: Oh, what's with the attitude? Huh? I impressed the hell out of that dimera client-- totally nailed it.
Gabi: [Scoffs] Are you-- are you delusional? That was a total disaster!
Ciara: [Giggling] You don't have to do this, baby. You just got out of the hospital.
Ben: Don't worry. I'm not gonna drop you.
Ciara: I know. I know that; that's why I love you so much.
[Sighs] Gosh, ben, I'm so happy to have you back. You have no idea.
[Eerie music] What?
Ben: I have to do something first.
[Woman vocalizing]
There. Now I have you all to myself.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Jack: You must be gwen.
Jennifer: Who's gwen?
Jack: Uh, gwen... stefan's twin brother's girlfriend.
Jennifer: Okay, what is she doing?
Jack: What--um, I think she and this jake have moved in here and in the process, lucas has been pushed out of his room.
Jennifer: What?!
Jake: Um, lucas is jennifer's brother.
Gwen: Oh, yeah, sorry about that. Really, it's nothing personal. I just--I just wanted a room that's close to the kitchen, because I tend to get hungry.
Jennifer: Oh. Okay. What, is chad okay with all of this? What's going on?
Gwen: Yes, he is absolutely, 100% okay. He has asked jake and I to live here as his guests. Oh, you must be the in-laws.
Jennifer: Yes, I am chad's mother-in-law, jennifer. This is my husband jack.
Jack: Hi.
Gwen: Pleasure to meet you.
Jack: Pleasure all mine.
Gwen: Excellent taste in wine, by the way.
Jack: I know.
Gwen: There's a little bit left here, if you want.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no.
Jennifer: No, thank you.
Jack: No, no, no. [Chuckles]
Jennifer: You, uh--you said a rough night?
Jack: Oh, don't, don'T. Don't encourage her. She'll just stay--
Gwen: Ugh! It's a long story. Okay, but... in a nutshell... gabi has hijacked my boyfriend.
[Dramatic music]
Jake: What are you talking about? The guy was eating out of the palm of my hand.
Gabi: Oh, and unfortunately, so were you. Did you notice you had utensils?
Jake: I ordered ribs, gabi. You're supposed to eat ribs with your hands!
Gabi: You're not supposed to gnaw at them like a dog with a bone; it's disgusting! And then you licked your fingers!
Jake: Well, yeah, I'm not gonna waste the sauce. And who cares if it got a little messy? The important thing is, the guy really liked me.
Gabi: Oh, and you know this how?
Jake: Because he laughed at all my jokes.
Gabi: Your stupid, unfunny jokes, really? He laughed to be polite. And it was a phony laugh, at that. Did you notice he didn't-- he turned down dessert and coffee.
Jake: Doesn't mean anything. Maybe the guy's got diabetes!
Gabi: Oh, please. He was trying to get out of there as quick as possible. And you know what's worse than that? He didn't even bring up making the deal, and why would he? Why would he want to work with someone that has no manners and is an incompetent jerk?!
Jake: Wow. So glad I agreed to do you a favor.
Gabi: You were just supposed to grease the wheels, okay? Jake, you were supposed to go impress the client with the dimera style and image, but you know what? You don'T. It doesn't matter that you're a dimera; everything else about you is low-class and pathetic. You had one job tonight, jake, one job! And you failed miserably!
Ciara: Hey, um... are you sure that still up for celebrating our wedding night?
Ben: What? Of course.
Ciara: No, because it's totally okay if you're not. I mean, ben, you've been through so much. I really understand if you just want to take it easy and relax.
Ben: Relax? Listen to me, ciara, the last thing I want to do right now is relax. We've postponed our wedding night long enough.
Ciara: Mm, okay. Oh, in that case, let me... go put on what I was planning on wearing on our wedding night. I... will be right back.
Ben: [Sighs]
[Ominous music]
My husband and I have never eaten healthier.
Abe: Yeah, I heard about vivian's untimely demise.
Kate: [Laughs] Well, I don't know about untimely. But I know this time she's not coming back.
Abe: What do you mean?
Kate: Well, I went to her sad little funeral, and I looked in the coffin. Yeah, maybe I should've driven a stake through her heart just to be safe.
Abe: Uh, you two did have quite a history.
Kate: Quite a history? Abe, she made my life hell. I mean, seriously, do I have to go over the number of things she did to me?
Abe: No, no, that's not--
Kate: I mean, she tried to steal victor from me. You know, and when she couldn't do that, she actually stole philip's embryo and she implanted it inside of her.
Abe: Yeah, well, I don't need to know--
Kate: And I can't tell you the number of times that she tried to kill me. I mean, the time that she made my plane go down--my plane crashed, and I ended up stranded on a fishing boat. I was in prison there. I was in prison there for over a year.
Justin: Have a seat.
Bonnie: Uh... [Clears throat]
Justin: Bonnie?
Bonnie: You know, if you're gonna lecture me about how stupid I was to sign that publishing contract or tell me how much you're enjoying my being screwed royally, I think I'd rather stand.
Justin: That's not why I want to talk to you.
Bonnie: Really. Then what do you want?
Justin: [Sighs] I can't quite believe I'm saying this, but... I want to help you.
Bonnie: Bless your ginormous and forgiving heart, justin kiriakis. Ooh!
Jake: [Chuckling] Well. Hey, everybody, let's file this under, "no good dead goes unpunished!"
Gabi: What deed? You made me look like an idiot in there.
>Jake: And that's my fault? You think I wanted to come to some boring business meeting? No! It was your idea to drag me down here in the first place!
Gabi: I would've never done that if I would've known you were gonna be a disaster!
Jake: Lady, I did you a favor. So the least you can do instead of sitting here and ripping me to shreds is say thank you!
Gabi: Thank you, jake. Thank you for ruining everything. I was slowly but surely gaining shin's confidence, but now you have tanked that all with your disgusting eating habits and your lame jokes. I better get control of dimera because if I don't, it's gonna be your fault.
Ciara: So?
Ben: Oh!
Ciara: What do you think?
Ben: [Exhales] That you look amazing, and i can't wait to take you into this bed and make love to you.
Ciara: Mmm, great minds, but--first hold that thought. Just real quick. Huh. That's weird.
Ben: What's wrong?
Ciara: Um... well, okay, I could have sworn that I hung my wedding dress up behind the bathroom door, and it wasn't there, so I thought that maybe housekeeping put it up in my closet.
Ben: It's not there?
Ciara: No. It's not. Where could it be?
Ben: [Grunts]
[Ominous music]
Your mission:
Bonnie: So what changed your mind? I mean... how'd you go from hating my guts to wanting to help me?
Justin: Actually, I still hate you for what you did to adrienne.
Bonnie: Okay.
Justin: But I also hate when people twist the law around to serve their own ends, which is exactly what this shady publisher did to you.
Bonnie: Well, how do you know that?
Justin: Well, my curiosity got the best of me, so I took a look at the contract that you got behind, and what this company is trying to pull over on you is just flat-out wrong. So... I want to make it right.
[Reflective music]
Jack: Uh, I may as well tell you that, um, jennifer and i aren't exactly fans of gabi either.
Gwen: Right. That's right, because she fried your daughter's brain.
Jennifer: Among other things.
Gwen: So just you wait until you hear what she did to me, okay? So, jake and I, we're in between the sheets, you know. And, um, it's about to get good. I mean, like, it's about to get really, really, really good, when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, bam! Gabi just storms in and literally grabs jake out of bed! And there goes my sex tape. Totally ruined.
Jack: I hate it when that happens.
Gwen: Yeah, see? You know what I'm talking about, don't you?
Jack: Mm.
Gwen: It's just so rude. And do you know what the worst part is? It's that jake was just perfectly happy to just go on with her, you know? Just help that miserable little schemer.
Jennifer: Help her with what?
Gwen: [Sighs] I don't know. I wish I knew.
[Foreboding music]
Jake: Explain something to me. What exactly is your endgame here, huh? Why are you so determined to get dimera back?
Gabi: Well, for one thing, they own my company. I built gabi chic from the ground up, and chad put it in limbo just to spite me. I need to revive it, but I need to be ceo to do that.
Jake: Okay, but that doesn't really answer my question.
Gabi: Well, for another thing, I know that stefan would want me to take over dimera. Dimera was supposed to be his, and since he is gone, it is only right that it goes to his widow.
Jake: As opposed to an actual dimera, like say, chad, or, I don't know, me?
Gabi: Oh, please. You?
Jake: Oh, relax, okay? I'm not even saying I'm remotely interested; I'm just saying your claim is a little bit iffy.
Gabi: My claim isn't in the least bit iffy! And I don't know why you're weighing in on any of this. You wouldn't even know a good business deal if it bit you in the ass.
Jake: Wow, okay, fine. Fine, I've offended you, and I'm sorry. Okay? But it's not that my opinion matters anyway. And as far as I'm concerned, you and chad can duke it out over dimera to the death. All I care about is I don't have to wear one of these damn suits and ties ever again!
Gabi: That suit cost more than you make in your entire year!
Jake: Great, congratulations! Then give it to one of these uppity bastards who can appreciate it!
Gabi: I will, I will. I'm gonna give it to 'em because you obviously don't! You're just some stupid grease monkey, and you're not fit to wear stefan's clothes!
Jake: Oh, is that right?
Gabi: Yes, it is right! You may look like stefan, but otherwise you're nothing like him! Stefan was classy and sophisticated and charming, and you're--
Jake: What, I'm not? I get it, okay? But you know what, I got one thing going for me that your husband stefan doesn't! I'm alive, damn it! And unlike your darling stefan, who is literally heartless and dead as a doornail, and he ain't ever coming back!
Ciara: Okay, thank you. Okay, so I called the front desk, and they said that they will talk to housekeeping and see if any of the staff remembers moving my wedding dress.
Ben: I hope it's not lost.
Ciara: Yeah, I mean, it has to turn up somewhere, right? I mean, it's not like somebody broke in and stole it.
Ben: Yeah. Right.
Ciara: Ah, I wonder if my grandma julie took it to the cleaners. You know what? Doesn't even matter. I can't even think about that right now because I have way, way more important things to focus on.
[Sensual music]
[Eerie music]
Ben: [Screaming]
[Panting] If stress worsens your digestive issues,
try new align digestive
Abe: Well, you may not want to hear this. But you and vivian were a lot alike.
Kate: What? Why the hell would you say something like that?
Abe: Well, she was a strong and successful woman. Passionate about what she wanted and driven to get it. Certainly... the same could be said of you as well. You know, I think in another life, you and vivian could've been friends.
Kate: Oh, my god. No. No. We would never be friends. Not in this life, and not in another life, believe me.
Abe: Admit it. Isn't there a small part of you that feels bad that she's gone?
Kate: Nope, I don't feel badly at all. I'm glad the viper's dead.
Gwen: The nerve of that woman. Clearly, she doesn't understand that she was interrupting this beautiful... intimate moment between two people in love.
Jake: How terribly insensitive.
Gwen: Ugh! God! And that was after I heard her tell jake that I look like a cheap whore. Do I look like a cheap whore to you?
Both: No!
Jack: No, no, no.
Jennifer: Not at all.
Jack: No, no.
Gwen: That's why she's a really nasty piece of work, that one. It's like she'S... got control over jake. God only knows why. Argh! I'm so angry I could scream.
Jack: Oh no, don't, please. Just, uh--maybe you should just take this time to go upstairs, hit the sack, go to sleep. Sleep on it, and in the morning, you'll see things so much more clearly.
Gwen: Yeah.
[Sighs] Okay, yes, that seems like a good idea. [Clears throat] Right, well, it was a pleasure meeting you both.
Jack: Pleasure's all ours.
Gwen: Thank you for listening. And, um, thank you. Thanks for the wine. You can have that. Right.
[Light music]
Gabi: You're right. Stefan's gone. And it was my mistake to think that you could ever replace him. You're not half the man he was.
Jake: So you said. Over and over again.
Gabi: Stefan would have had collins and shin wrapped around his little finger. You know, he had this way of connecting with people. When he talked to you, he made you feel like you were the only person in the room, in the world. It was one of the things I loved about him. I miss that. I miss him. More all the time.
Jake: Gabi--
Gabi: Don't you dare, don't you dare feel sorry for me. I may never get over the loss of my husband, the loss of the love of my life, but I will have a life. If not for my sake, for my daughter's, because I am a good mom. And I am a strong woman.
Jake: [Exhales]
[Somber music]
Ciara: Ben...
Ben: [Sighs sharply]
Ciara: Are you okay? What's wrong?
Ben: I don't know, I'm sorry. I don't know... I don't know why I reacted that way.
Ciara: I do. It's because you're still traumatized from what eve and that vincent guy put you through.
Ben: Yeah.
Ciara: Yeah, but ben, all that matters to me is that you're okay. And I know that you're pretending that you are because you want to give me the wedding night that you think that i deserve--
Ben: No, I know you deserve it.
Ciara: Okay, but I don't need it. Not if you're not ready. Listen--look, look, look. We are married now. You're my husband. We're gonna be together forever. And we're gonna have plenty, plenty of other nights to make love.
Ben: I'm looking forward to plenty of those nights, but this is supposed to be special; I want it to be special. It's our first night as husband and wife, ciara.
Ciara: I have an idea.
Abe: Yeah. Why don't we put aside any and all thoughts of vivian alamain and get down to business? You were gonna update me on the latest polling.
Kate: Yes, and it is all good news. There's been an uptick in your approval rating.
Abe: Really?
Kate: Mm-hmm. And I assume it's due to the positive press that you have been receiving lately, thanks to me.
Abe: [Chuckles] I figured you would assume that.
Kate: Well...
Abe: Okay, well joking aside, I've seen how hard you've been working, from the keys to the city ceremony with hope and steve to refocusing on our community outreach through the social media platform. You're doing a great job.
Kate: That's why I deserve a raise.
Abe: You've only been working for me for three months.
Kate: Exactly. And in that short time, I've proved myself invaluable. Don't you think?
Abe: [Exhales] Well... I guess I could look into my, uh, discretionary fund. Um... how about a 5% hike?
Kate: Ten.
Abe: Don't push it.
Bonnie: I can't believe this. Um... I'm speechless, I-- maybe for the first time ever.
Justin: Just say you'll let me take your case so I can sue these crooks into next week.
Bonnie: Well, there's still one tiny, little snag here. No cashola.
Justin: You know, this... isn't about the money. This is about what's fair, what's right. I don't like seeing anybody being taken advantage like this. Even you.
Bonnie: Okay, then. Then thank you... so much. I would be... [Clears throat] Eternally grateful for you to take my case.
Justin: Great.
Bonnie: Great. [Laughs] So what do we do? I mean, what do we do first?
Justin: First... we, uh, put these cheating bastards on notice.
[Soft dramatic music]
Gabi: Today is just not my day.
Jack: I know what you mean.
Gabi: [Sighs] What are you two gawking at?
Jack: Nothing.
Jennifer: Nothing at all.
Jack: Do you think maybe it's something the cook put in the food, phases of the moon?
Gwen: I actually need some more of that wine. Well. Look what the cat dragged in. Where's jake?
Gabi: I don't know, and I don't care.
Ben: I gotta say...
Ciara: Mm?
Ben: This hits the spot.
Ciara: [Laughs] Good. And here, you can have the last honey walnut shrimp. Come on!
Ben: Mm-mm.
Ciara: [Scoffs] Okay. What?
Ben: I'm just thinking about how many nights we're gonna be able to sit on top of the bed insisting on each other to finish the last honey walnut shrimp.
Ciara: [Laughs] That doesn't seem boring to you?
Ben: It sounds incredible to me.
[Warm music]
Are you sure you're not disappointed that our wedding night turned out this way? I mean, I... I don't know, I just wanted it to be romantic.
Ciara: Ben... after that explosion, I really thought that I lost you. And I thought that I would never have another moment like this with you ever again, so as far as I'm concerned, this is a perfect night. Perfect. Wedding or not. This is all the romantic I could ever ask for. As long as I have you beside me.
Justin: You know what? I'll do you one better. As soon as I hang up here, I am going to be calling a press conference, and I will make sure the public knows exactly how this company treats its authors. Well, you can go to hell yourself. Miss lockhart and I will see you in court.
Bonnie: [Laughs] Oh, my god, that was amazing! You really let 'em have it!
Justin: You know, I-- I don't like losing my cool like that, but I just had to let them know they won't push you around! They took advantage of you, bonnie, and I can't let them get away with it.
Bonnie: God. Thank you. I absolutely do not deserve this, I know, but I have to tell you, I really appreciate it.
Gwen: Did gabi say anything to you about jake?
Jennifer: No, she just walked right in and went straight to the bar.
Gwen: [Sighs] Well, that's interesting. I wonder what happened.
Jack: I guess we'll never know. Now, if you'll excuse us, my wife and I are going to enjoy what remains of this lovely evening alone...
Jennifer: Yes.
Jack: Together.
Both: Excuse us.
Jack: Yes. All right. Whoa.
Gwen: Well, it's about bloody time. Where have you been?
Jake: I... nice to meet you.
Jack: Yes.
Jake: I'm sorry about tonight, all right? I... I shouldn't have ditched out on you.
Gwen: Yeah, damn right you shouldn't have. It's just gabi really needed my help.
Gwen: I got that. With what?
Jake: I guess chad flaked out on some business meeting, and-- oh, my god, this suit is so uncomfortable.
Gwen: And gabi needed you why?
Jake: It doesn't matter, all right? It didn't work out.
[Sighs heavily]
Gwen: I see.
Jake: Hey. You're still mad at me?
Gwen: A bit.
Jake: Ah. Well, how about you come up to bed? I'll make it up to you. Hmm?
Gwen: Naughty. All right, you go on. Go on, I'll be up in a minute.
[Sensual music]
Gabi: When I saw jake wearing your favorite suit, looking almost as handsome as you... it was comforting. Then... he had to go and act like a caveman at dinner, eating like an animal and making stupid jokes. Yeah, that pretty much knocked me back into reality. But for a little while... just--I didn't expect it to be so hard to be around somebody that looks like you but isn't you.
[Knock at door] Come in.
Jake: Thought you might want this back.
Gabi: About time. I hope the dry cleaners can get that garage smell out. Thank you. You can go.
Jake: Not until you hear what I have to say.
Ben: I think that was the best chinese food I've ever had.
Ciara: Are you feeling better?
Ben: Yeah. Actually I am. I just don't know, I feel like more myself.
Ciara: Oh, good. And maybe tomorrow you can make an appointment with marlena, talk about what you went through.
Ben: I will.
Ciara: I almost forgot. We didn't even eat dessert yet!
Ben: That's the best part. How could you forget?
Ciara: I know, I know. Here you go.
[Tender music]
What does it say?
[Eerie music]
Kate: So, thank you for agreeing to the raise, even though you had your doubts about hiring me.
Abe: [Chuckles]
Kate: Just being funny. Kinda. Because actually, I have my doubts about how this relationship would work out professionally. But I have to say that I really do enjoy working with you. Even when you're cranky.
Abe: Cranky?
Kate: Mm-hmm.
Abe: Me?
Kate: Yes, you. Cranky. But still, you always manage to see the best in people. Including me, and I've been told it's a real challenge to do that, so...
Abe: It's a challenge I welcome. Builds character.
Kate: Well, that's one way to put it.
Abe: What do you say we celebrate your raise? And lani's twins, and your new great... grandson.
[Both laugh]
Kate: Okay. Okay. Yeah, I would like that. Is it your treat?
Abe: Yes, yes, it's-- it's my treat.
Kate: That is perfect.
Abe: [Chuckles]
Justin: Now, I'll just arrange that press conference.
Bonnie: Wait. Um--
Justin: Eh, don't worry. I'll do all the talking. You just need to stand there and look aggrieved.
Bonnie: It's not that, it'S... I just want to tell you again how much this means to me. And you're obviously a great lawyer, but... you're also a good man. And you--you kinda remind me of my mickey.
Justin: High praise.
Bonnie: You earned it.
[Laughs softly]
Gwen: Chad, it's gwen. Hey, I've got an update for you regarding gabi. Something about her pulling a stunt involving dimera. Yeah, apparently you flaked on some business meeting or something like that? No, I don't have any other details, other than her plan involved using my boyfriend.
Gabi: Jake, it has been a very long night, and I don't have the energy to fight with you.
Jake: That's not... I don't want to fight with you either, okay? I just came up here to say I'm sorry. What I said before, I... I went too far. I know how much you still miss stefan. And I... what I said was insensitive. So again, I--I'm sorry.
Gabi: Thank you.
[Soft dramatic music]
Ciara: Ben? What is it? What does yours say?
Ben: [Laughs softly] "Things don't always go as planned."
Ciara: [Laughs] No! Everything always goes according to plan in my life.
Ben: Yeah? Luck you.
Ciara: [Laughs]
Ben: What does yours say?
Ciara: It says... "true love always triumphs." Hmm. I think you and I are proof of that. Come here.
[Warm music]
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