Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 8/10/20
Episode #13831 ~ Ben is haunted by his brainwashing; Will and Sami reconcile; Claire and Marlena discuss Claire's plans for the future; Allie leaves a letter with a shocking request.
Provided By Suzanne
Will: Mom, what if he never forgives me?
Sami: He will. I know he
will. The question I have is, will you forgive me?
Will: So, all you
really care about is getting yourself off the hook with me?
Sami: No.
Will: Surprise, surprise.
Sami: No, that is not all I care about. I
know it's my fault that Allie backed out of letting you and Sonny adopt that
baby. Sonny should be furious at me, not you.
Will: Oh, he is furious at
you. Don't worry about that.
Sami: Will, I am so sorry that I screwed
this up for you.
Will: You told me to keep my mouth shut about you
convincing Rafe not to adopt the baby. But-- but I could have said no. I could
have said I'm not gonna doing it. You know, I-- you didn't force me to lie to
Sonny and Allie. I made that stupid choice on my own, so now I--I-- I just have
to live with the consequences.
Nicole: Hi.
Eric: I didn't expect
to find you two here.
Allie: Yeah.
Nicole: Well, I asked Allie if
she was sure if she didn't want to hold the baby.
Yeah. I decided it
might help me make up my mind about the adoption.
Eric: And has it?
Allie: Not really.
Nicole: Well, are you ready to go back to your
room, sweetie?
Allie: I said I didn't want to hold him earlier. Do you
think it's too late to change my mind about that, too?
Marlena: Oh, I'm
so glad you're here.
Claire: Me, too. Thank god we found Ben.
Marlena: Yes, thank god. I will have to check on him in a bit.
Yeah. He actually seems like he's gonna be all right.
Marlena: Good. And
if you had not realized that Eve was the person that had the motivation to
kidnap Ben...I don't know. This would have been a whole different conversation
we're having, and Hope never would have been able to rescue him before it was
too late.
Hope: Hey.
Rafe: Hey! Great job in New York. Great!
Hope: Thanks.
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Thank goodness Claire and
Chloe put us on to Eve.
Rafe: How's Ben?
Hope: Ciara's at the
hospital with him -- he's getting checked out. You know, that guy Eve hired,
Vincent, gave him a pretty bad beating.
Rafe: I heard you gave him a
beating...yeah, with your bare hands. In fact, I heard that you took his belt,
you tied him up with it, didn't you?
Hope: He and Eve got away. I--
Rafe: You still got it. I put an APB out on him, soon as I got the call.
Hope: Rafe, you've gotta track him down. You've got to. As long as they're
still out there, Ciara and Ben are still in danger.
Vincent: I know that
things didn't turn out the way you wanted, but it could be worse. At least Hope
Brady and her daughter triggered that alarm and gave you time to escape. Don't
worry about me. I'm fine and in Salem. Of course no one saw me. Don't worry.
You've been perfectly clear about what you want me to do. Look, I'll keep you
posted, and as long as those checks don't bounce, I'll see this through to the
bitter end.
[Monitors beeping]
[Ben screams]
[Screams continue]
Ben: [Gasps]
Ciara: What just
happened? Ben?
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Ben, what's wrong?
Ben: [Screams]
Nicole: Allie, he's your baby.
Of course you can hold him. You know, why don't you have uncle Eric take you
back to your room and I'll talk to the nurse, okay?
Allie: You would do
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: Of course she will.
[Chuckles] Okay.
Eric: You okay?
Allie: I'm pretty confused. I had
two great options for him. You know, Rafe, and will and sonny. Now I have none.
You still pray, right?
Eric: Right.
Allie: You think maybe you
could pray that I don't screw this up? Seems like I've only got one more shot to
get it right.
Will: Look, I--I--I knew you were making a mistake, but for
whatever reason, I decided not to tell Allie or sonny about it, and if I'm being
honest, i thought that if I did, you know, maybe she would make up with Rafe and
we wouldn't get the baby. So selfish, you know?
Sami: [Exhales]
Will: And I'm still being selfish right now by forgiving you.
You're forgiving me?
Will: [Chuckles]
Don't I always?
I'm so glad.
[Sniffles] Oh!
[Crying] Wait a second.
[Sniffles] Why is that being selfish?
Will: Well, because I'm-- because
I'm still mad at you, but if I don't forgive you, then how can I expect sonny to
do the same for me?
Vincent: There is one small problem. The cavalry
showed up before i was able to complete the treatment.
Eve: [Screaming]
Vincent: Would you please get yourself under control? I managed to sneak
into the hospital. Of course I was careful. I wore scrubs and pretended to be an
attending physician. Eased my way into Weston's room. The final dose of
mind-altering drugs should be coursing through his veins as we speak. The Brady
girl joined him after I left. I'm sure he's in her arms and itching to wring her
pretty little neck.
[Machines beeping]
Ciara: Ben?
[Breathing heavily]
Ciara: Hey, are you okay?
Ben: [Breathing
Ciara: Oh, Ben. You just had a nightmare.
Listen, you've been through a horrible, horrible time, but it's over. It's over.
Eve can't do anything else to you. It's all over now.
Ben: It's all over
Eric: How you doing?
Allie: Trying to get used to the idea
that I'm probably going to turn my baby over to a complete stranger.
Eric: That's not your only option. You know that.
Allie: You mean keep
it? Do it mom's way?
Eric: Don't decide against it just to spite your
Allie: I wouldn't do that. Wait a minute. Did mom send me here to
talk me into doing what she wants?
Rafe: What I don't get is why eve went
to all the trouble to kidnap Ben? She hires this Vincent guy to torture him? Why
not just kill him on the spot?
Hope: Well, hopefully Ben will be able to
tell us once the drugs wear off, 'cause right now he has--he has no idea what
happened to him.
Ben: [Coughing]
Ciara: Okay. Okay, okay, what's
the matter? Help you? Yeah? Okay.
[Clears throat]
[Monitors beeping]
[Exhales sharply] I was just starting to feel more
like myself and now I'm--this feels strange again.
Ciara: Strange how?
Ben: I don't know. I--that's just it. I--I don't even know how to describe
Claire: Grandma hope was the real hero. She and Ciara.
Marlena: You stayed loyal to Ciara even though she wrongly accused you of trying
to sabotage her wedding.
Claire: Yeah, well, I had to convince her that I
would never hurt her again. I'm not the same person I used to be.
Marlena: I know you're not. I know how hard you've worked to change and you've
done it. I'm so incredibly proud of you.
Claire: And I know that you
would not say that if you didn't mean it, and that means the world to me, so
thank you. I really don't know what I would do without you.
Sami: You and
sonny are gonna be okay. You know that, right? I mean, you've been through too
much to let this stand in your way. I just hope I can say the same thing about
Allie and me. I asked Eric to go talk to her but, um, then we ended up having a
fight, so he might not do that.
Oh, man. Well, I mean, what did you want
him to talk to her about? Did you--do you want him to pressure her into making
peace with you? Don't you think it's a little too soon for that?
Why does everyone keep saying it as though there's so much time? She has to make
this huge, life-changing decision and she has to do it before she leaves the
hospital, will. I mean, who is she gonna talk this through with? Nicole?
Will: [Grunts] What? What--mom, where are you going?
Sami: Uh, I have to
go. It's--[Grunts] Allie needs me. Bye, will. I love you.
Eric: First of
all, I would never try to talk you out of doing what you think is best for your
baby. Secondly, your mom didn't ask me to do anything like that, but she did ask
me to talk to you.
Allie: Oh, god. She never gives up.
Eric: She's
desperate for your forgiveness.
Allie: Yeah, well, tell her to forget it.
Eric: Allie, you have every right to be furious at her.
Allie: Yeah,
she went behind my back to--to Rafe and will.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, she did,
but is it possible that your anger at her could be possibly clouding your
ability to make decisions, or an option that you can live with? Is it possible
that you're deciding against will and sonny adopting the baby because you'd be
giving your mom what she wants? Maybe you should consider giving will another
Nicole: Oh, my goodness. Your son does not like to be swaddled.
I'll tell you that. He's feisty. He's feisty. You wanna hold him?
Nicole: Okay, here we go. Here we go, baby. Okay, now...
Allie: [Sniffles]
[Baby cooing] Hey, little man.
[Baby cooing] Do you know who I am? I'm your mom.
Lucas: Get out! Look what I got! I know you and sonny haven't
had time to get anything yet, but look at this thing!
Will: Dad--
Lucas: No, no, this is gonna be great. You know, I know the baby's still in the
hospital, but you're gonna need this before you know it. Trust me. I got this
Will: I guess you, uh--you haven't heard.
Lucas: Haven't
heard what?
Will: We're not getting the baby.
Allie: [Sniffles] So
these are the same feet that kicked me awake in the middle of the night?
Eric: [Chuckles]
Allie: Oh! Look at your little tiny fingernails.
Nicole: He definitely has a Brady nose.
Allie: [Sniffles]
I never thought of you as anything but a problem. You know, the one who--who
made me feel sick and get fat and have to say no to going out with my friends.
When your doctor first showed me your ultrasound, that was like, "whoa. That
is--that is a life, with a little L."
[Sniffles] Now look at you. You're
a whole person. You're a little perfect person.
Eric: Allie, you went
through a lot to bring a happy, healthy boy into this world.
Allie: Yeah,
now I have to keep him that way.
[Baby crying]
Sami: Allie, you're
holding him.
[Gasps] Did she change her mind about keeping the baby?
Claire: I always knew that i could count on you. I just cannot believe that
i used to think I could count on eve.
Marlena: Yeah. Honey, she recruited
you because she thought you might be useful.
Claire: Yeah, well, I mean,
she was the one, grandma. She was the one who ruined the dress, stole the ring,
poisoned Ciara's drink. I mean, she was setting me up 'cause she wanted everyone
to think that I was the one who bombed the church.
Marlena: Yeah. You know, eve has been through the worst thing that any parent
could ever go through. Her daughter was murdered. Ever since that happened, i
think she's been trying to strike out at everybody, especially Ben, and now
seeing Ben so happy, it's just unbearable for her.
Claire: I used to be
like that. Yeah, I mean, I was completely miserable and I just decided that
Ciara made me that way. I--I couldn't see that I was just making myself
miserable. That's never gonna happen again. Nope, I swear. I genuinely hope that
Ciara and Ben have a long and beautiful and totally boring life together.
[Both laughing]
Marlena: Well, they've been through so much, I--I
imagine they might just welcome a little boring.
Claire: [Chuckles]
[Machines beeping]
Ciara: Ah, so that is good news, what the nurse
said, huh?
Ben: I can't believe it. I'm going home as soon as that bag of
stuff runs through my arm.
Ciara: [Chuckles] You're going home and I'm
gonna take such good care of you, Ben.
Ben: I really feel like I'm right
on the edge of remembering what happened to me.
Ciara: You are?
Ben: I just--I can't quite--
Ciara: Please don't kill me, Ben. Please
don't kill me. What is it? Hey, did you just remember something?
Ben: No,
still all blank.
Marlena: You know, before this whole thing with Ben and
Ciara, you were planning on going to Hong Kong. Now that, uh, Ben is back, what
are you thinking?
Claire: Um, well, what would you think about me
possibly staying here?
Marlena: [Chuckles] I would love that. Ooh, what
changed your mind?
Claire: Um, well, I mean, of course I wanna be with my
mom and dad, but I've hardly spent any time in Hong Kong. Salem is my home.
Marlena: Yes, be it ever so humble.
Claire: Uh-huh.
Well, Ciara's finally starting to trust me again and, oh, i definitely don't
wanna miss seeing Allie's baby once it's born. Marlena: Oh, you don't know. Uh,
she already had the baby. Yeah, while you were--while you were in new york.
Claire: Wait a minute. That's really early, isn't it?
Marlena: Mm-mm,
just a couple weeks.
Claire: Okay.
Marlena: But everything is
fine. He's a--he's a fine, healthy baby.
Eric: I thought you were gonna
give Allie some space.
Sami: And I did.
Eric: Listen, I meant more
than an hour.
Allie: Mom, I haven't made any decisions yet, and having
you here is a major distraction.
Sami: But you didn't even wanna hold the
Allie: It was Nicole's idea.
Eric: Nicole, why don't we go
get some coffee?
Nicole: Okay, does anyone want anything?
No, thanks.
Allie: You guys can't leave me alone with her.
Honey, you're not alone.
Eric: I think it's best if you hear what she has
to say.
Sami: Thank you.
Eric: Don't blow it. You might not get
another chance.
[Door closes]
Allie: Mom, if you're gonna start in
on me about keeping him--
Sami: I'm not, okay? I, um--I just came here to
[Machines beeping]
Ciara: Remember the last time you
were here? You were running a fever and i sponged you down, and you said that it
made you feel better. I could do that again.
Ben: Not here.
Ben: When we get home. I wanna be in a real tub with my wife.
Ciara: Your wife?
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Your wife. Oh, my gosh, I
love the sound of that word. I'm an actual wife.
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: I'm your wife.
Ben: Mm-hmm.
Ciara: Oh, my god! I'm sorry.
Ben: It's okay. We never even had a real wedding night.
Ciara: You
know, the first time I came into that room after everything happened and you
were missing, it was so beautiful, Ben. The rose petals and the twinkly lights,
I mean, you made it incredibly, incredibly romantic.
Ben: We are gonna
have that night tonight. Maybe no rose petals, but it's gonna be much more
Vincent: Tonight will be special. That much is certain.
Rafe: Can you believe that Ben's tox screen came back practically clean?
Hope: What?
Rafe: Yeah.
Hope: Really? Wow, I guess whatever they
gave him's out of his system now.
Rafe: Yeah, well, at least he can go
Hope: Well, once he finishes his last unit of fluids, and i just
pray to god that whatever drug it was that eve gave him doesn't have any after
Rafe: She was working with Rolf, right?
Hope: Yeah,
that's how she got her hands on jack in the first place. I just hope she didn't
also get her hands on the experimental drugs Rolf was cooking up in that lab of
Rafe: Yeah.
[Elevator door dings] Well, let's go see Ben.
Hope: Thanks.
[Clears throat] I'm glad to see that you're feeling so
much better, Ben.
Ciara: Hi.
Hope: Huh?
Ben: Yeah, yeah.
Hope: Hi.
Ben: My head's finally starting to clear up.
Good, good. Uh, with that said, you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Ben: Uh, yeah, go for it.
Nicole: Hey.
Eric: Thank you.
Nicole: Must be hard for you being around here.
Eric: Yeah, it's where
Mackenzie died.
Nicole: I know.
Eric: You know, I never got to
hold her. I never got to stand next to that window next to some stranger saying,
"hey, you see that little girl right there? That one right there? That's...
that's my baby."
Sami: Rafe was always going to say that he couldn't
adopt your baby. You know that, right? It didn't matter what I said to him.
Allie: Is this what you mean by saying you're sorry? Just telling me that
you didn't do anything wrong?
Sami: Allie, I can't apologize for wanting
you to live your best life. I want that for all of my kids.
Allie: Yeah,
but living our best lives just means doing what you want.
Sami: No--
Allie: I mean, like you have all the answers?
Sami: No. I don't have
all the answers. I know I'm not the wisest woman in the world, but I do know one
thing that you are learning right now. This precious little baby, he's been a
part of you for almost nine months while he was inside of you, but--but now
you're learning that he is gonna be a part of you forever, whether you raise him
or someone else does. And I know you have spent months trying to do what every
mother is trying to do--make the right decision, make the best decision for
their baby, and... and now here you are holding him in your arms.
Sami: And you know he knows who you are. He recognizes your
heartbeat, and you know him, and this... this feeling, this bond you have, it's
like nothing else you will ever experience in your entire life.
[Breathing deeply] Okay. Yes, there's a bond.
[Sniffles] But that doesn't
mean I'll be a good mother to him. I don't even know who I am yet, and I don't
wanna screw him up.
Sami: Well, sweetheart, maybe you could just learn
from all of the mistakes that I made with you and--and then you will be the most
amazing mom in the entire world.
[Both crying]
Lucas: Wait. Sami
made you lie to sonny?
Will: No. It was me. Mom told me what she was
gonna say to Rafe and she asked me to keep my mouth shut, but I didn't have to
do it, you know? It was--it was my decision not to say anything to sonny and
Lucas: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It sounds like she had you, you know,
between a rock and a hard place, but you know what? Sonny's a great guy. He's
gonna forgive you once he calms down. He'll understand, and as for Allie, she'll
just blame Sami, so--
[Both chuckling]
Will: I, um--I wish I was
as optimistic as you are about all this.
Lucas: Well, you know Allie.
Allie acts on impulse.
Will: Yeah, I wonder where she gets that from?
Lucas: Yeah, tell me about it, right? But she's also very practical, so, you
know, when she told you and sonny that you couldn't adopt the baby, maybe she
was acting on impulse. Maybe she'll change her mind.
Will: I hope so.
Lucas: Don't lose hope.
Will: Yeah.
Lucas: Don't do that. You
may still be able to adopt your nephew yet.
Allie: Okay, so, that's it,
then? Just think about everything you did and do the opposite and I'm mother of
the year?
Sami: It's a start.
Allie: [Sniffles] Oh, god's sake,
mom, I mean, you didn't in--you didn't mean to have any of us.
Sami: But
I love you all.
Allie: Yeah, I mean, you loved us so much that you let
will think dad was his uncle for years. You got pregnant with twins by two
different guys, then you slept with E.J. again and you had Sydney, and he was so
awful back then that you didn't even want him to know she was his.
None of you were planned.
Allie: Not planned? We were mistakes.
Sami: No. No. Maybe an accident, but that is completely different, okay? I
didn't know how much I wanted to be a mom until I had will. I didn't know how it
would change me, and now I-- I would walk through fire for all four of you, and
you can't tell me that you aren't feeling exactly the same way.
[Exhales sharply]
[Crying] Yeah, that's exactly how I feel.
[Inhales sharply] I never thought I could love anyone this much.
And that love just grows and grows every single day.
Allie: Um, I'm
really glad we had this talk.
Sami: You are?
Allie: Yeah, because
now i know exactly what I need to do.
[Both shouting]
Claire: Look
at this one! It's so cute! He looks like he's waving at you. Oh. Oh, my god.
What a precious little face. Wow. I just--I don't know how Allie can stand to
give him up.
Marlena: Well, darling, she wants what's best for him, and
she may decide that that's not being with her. Whatever she decides, we will
support her wholeheartedly.
Sami: So you held him in your arms and now
you know what you have to do?
Allie: Yeah.
Sami: Well, I'm really
glad i could be here to help you with that.
Allie: Ooh.
Uh, I think someone needs a diaper change.
Sami: Allie, would you, um--
would you mind if I held him? And I could--I could take him back to the nursery
for you.
Allie: Okay.
Sami: Really?
Allie: Yeah.
Sami: Okay.
[Baby cooing] Oh, hey, sweetheart. Hey, boy. Gotcha. Gotcha.
Yeah. Look at his little hand!
[Sniffles] I love you so much, little guy.
And I love you, too.
Nicole: If anyone was born to be a father, it's you.
Eric: But I am one. I'm holly's dad. Biology does not make you a dad.
Nicole: You're absolutely right, and you know what? Maybe we should think
about adopting a brother or a sister for holly.
Eric: Hey. Hey, how'd it
go with Allie?
Sami: I know you're not gonna believe me, but, um, thank
you, Nicole.
Nicole: Well, you're right. I--I don't believe you.
Sami: [Scoffs] You convinced Allie to see the baby. You
convinced her to hold him and--and now she says that she knows what she has to
do, so i really think she's gonna keep him.
Nicole: Aw.
Nicole: [Laughs]
Ben: I know somebody worked me over but
that's because of how I feel. I don't remember any of it.
Rafe: Hmm.
Okay. Well, hopefully it'll all come back to you soon enough.
Rafe, what do you think eve was trying to do to Ben?
Rafe: Oh, boy. Well,
my--my best guess is she couldn't stand seeing the two of you so happy, and
based on the crime scene photos and knowing what happened to him, um, she
probably wanted him to die a slow, painful death.
Ciara: Oh, my god.
Hope: Maybe you should get some rest. You look exhausted.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ben: I am exhausted. I just want to go home. Ciara, can you just get my
clothes, please?
Ciara: [Scoffs] Okay.
Ben: Please.
Okay, Ben, slow it down. You still have half a bag of fluid left. Someone needs
to come here and take out your iv. Oh, my god! Benjamin Oliver Weston, what--
Ben: I'm sorry, and I hope I didn't gross you guys out, but really, I just
want to go home. I want to be alone with this beautiful woman that I married.
Sami: Where is she?
Nicole: Uh, maybe she went to the bathroom.
Eric: Oh.
Sami: She left her hospital gown, and her backpack was
there on the chair. She's gone. Eric, she--she's gone.
[Tense music]
Vincent: Our boy just took Ciara into the Salem inn. She's going to have a
memorable night. Her last night on this earth.
Ciara: You don't have to
do this. Baby, you just got out of the hospital.
Ben: Don't worry. I'm
not gonna drop you.
Ciara: I know. I know that. That's why I love you so
[Exhales] Gosh, Ben, I'm so happy to have you back. You have no
[Both breathing heavily] What?
Ben: I have to do something
Ciara: [Exhales]
[Suspenseful music]
Claire: Now,
are you sure that you're okay with me staying here in Salem?
Marlena: I
am beyond sure, and john--oh! John will be over the moon.
Claire: Yay!
Wow. Thank y'all so much for believing in me. I really don't know what I would
do without you.
Marlena: Darling, we will always, always be here for you.
Claire: Thank you. Oh!
Marlena: [Groans]
Will: One thing I
know for sure is I am never going to pressure Allie into anything ever again.
Mom went over to the hospital. I'm sure she's giving Allie the hard sell about
keeping the baby herself. I thought that's what you wanted, too. Will, you know,
it's one thing I've learned in my life. Doesn't really matter what i want now.
When you get to be my age, the only thing that matters is your kids. I just want
you to be happy, Allie to be happy, and I want my grandchild to be safe.
Sami: No one in the nurse's station has seen her. How is that even possible?
What is that? Is that from her?
Eric: It says, "don't worry about me.
I'll be fine. I just have to get out of here. Finally figured out what's best
for the baby, and it isn't me. What I want is--"
Sami: Oh, my god.
Eric: It's you, Nicole. She wants you to raise her son.
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