Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 8/7/20
Episode #13830 ~ Nicole encourages Allie to see her son; Eric gives Sami advice about her children; Sarah and Xander reconnect, Gabi enlists Jake's help to get Shin on her side.
Provided By Suzanne
Xander: It's well after eight.[Sighs] I guess sarah isn't gonna show.
[Light music]
You look beautiful.
Sarah: I-I-I'm so sorry that I'm late. I got held up at the hospital and then I had to go home and change and...
Xander: You're right on time.
Gabi: Must be tough, old man. Staring down, helpless to stop me from outsmarting your son. Who's on the way to florida right now to help his addled wife. But his very savvy assistant, that would be me, just got off the phone with li shin's office, and I have confirmed that we're gonna have a very important dinner. Mr. Shin is gonna be so disappointed in chad when he gets here and sees that his ceo is awol, and I will be back on top where I belong. What do you have to say about that?
Jake: Sounds good to me.
Will: Hi. Did you, uh, did you get my voicemails?
Sonny: I heard them.
Will: But you didn't call me back.
Sonny: Why would I? We're not getting your sister's baby because of you. You blew it. So there's nothing to talk about.
Nicole: Hi.
Allie: Hey.
Nicole: How are you doing?
Allie: Hi. Honestly, not so great.
Nicole: I'm sorry, allie.
Allie: It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry about. My mother is the one who ruined everything.
Sami: Eric, come on, open up!
Eric: Sami, listen--
Sami: We need to talk.
Eric: Listen, if this is about allie--
Sarah: Well, of course it's about allie. You need to help me fix the mess your horrible wife created.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Allie: This is not how this was supposed to happen.
Nicole: I know.
Allie: Rafe would have been the perfect dad. My mom had no right to talk him out of the adoption.
Nicole: I should have never told you what she did.
Allie: No, I'm glad you did. You and eric are the only ones I can trust.
Nicole: Allie, that's not true.
Allie: Yes, it is. I thought I could trust my brother, but he was lying to me too.
Will: Sonny, I know you're upset. And you have every right to be, but it's not like I conspired with my mom. She went to rafe all on her own. All I did was just not say anything about it.
Sonny: That's not all you did. You lied to me. And I don't understand why.
Eric: First of all, you will never insult my wife again, at least not in my presence. Do you understand?
Sami: Yes, yes. Okay, okay, sorry. But you can't blame me for being angry at her. She opened up her big mouth and ratted me out to my own daughter.
Eric: Sami, she decided that she wanted rafe to adopt her child, and you decided that it wouldn't happen. Allie deserved to know the truth.
Sami: Yeah, it was not nicole walker's place to tell her. She butted her nose in my business, and now my daughter hates me. Hey, what-- hey, what are you doing?
Eric: Turn around. Look. There's only one person to blame and you're staring at her.
Gabi: What are--what are-- why are you here?
Jake: I live here, remember?
Gabi: I mean downstairs. I thought you were going upstairs to be with your horny girlfriend.
Jake: Ha, yes, I seem to have dropped my phone somewhere.
Gabi: Well, I don't know where it is. Goodnight, go.
Jake: What, you don't wanna help me look for it, gabi?
Gabi: No.
Jake: Ah, thanks a lot.
Gabi: So you heard--you heard part of my conversation?
Jake: Oh, what, your conversation with dear old dad? Just enough to know that you like being on top, which personally I find pretty hot.
Gabi: You're disgusting.
Jake: Guilty.
Gabi: Well, what is it--i don't know where your phone is. Why do you even need it right now? I'm expecting company. Can you hurry up?
Jake: Because I'm kind of in the middle of a film project of sorts.
Gabi: What do you mean a film pro--oh, that's disgusting. Oh, my god.
Jake: Yep, you said that already. It's the 11:05 endless-orders migraine medicine
Jake: Ah-ha! Found it!
Gabi: Good, now get out.
Jake: You really have a problem with me living here, don't you?
Gabi: Just please leave me alone and go enjoy your moviemaking, spielberg.
Jake: Oh, no, I'm more of a tarantino guy. He really knows how to use the long lens, if you know what I'm saying.
Gabi: That is not even clever.
Jake: I'm just trying to make friendly conversation. Beats chatting up a portrait. Night, gabs. Night, pops.
[Soft knocking]
Li shin: Oh, gabi.
Gabi: Hi, how are you? Good to see you.
Li shin: Where's chad? Clients are waiting for us at the bistro.
Gabi: Now? Tonight?
Li shin: Yes, tonight.
Gabi: That's--that's bizarre. I saw him heading out to the airport. Did he not tell you that he was gonna go to florida?
Li shin: Wh--um. His assistant confirmed he'd be here. This is a very important meeting.
Gabi: I guess abigail is more important.
Li shin: [Sighs] I promised the client a face-to-face with the ceo.
Gabi: Well, I--I know it's not the same thing, but I'd be happy to pitch in.
Li shin: Yeah, that's not gonna work this time. They are expecting a dimera.
Gabi: I'm a dimera.
Li shin: Yeah, by marriage, but this has to be a family member.
Gabi: Well, we made a great team last time. I know that we can pull this off.
Li shin: Gabi, I'm sorry. It's just not possible. I'm gonna have to cancel the meeting.
Gabi: Wait, li. I have an idea. Sit tight, have a drink, and I will be right back, okay?
Li shin: [Sighs]
Sarah: Thank you, sir.
Xander: My pleasure, of course. Are you sure you're comfy? I can sit on the other side if you want, or we can move to a different table.
Sarah: No, everything is perfect. I'm just grateful that you stuck around. And I'm really sorry that I didn't call you when I realized that I was going to be late.
Xander: It's fine. I would have waited all night.
Sarah: Yeah, but still, you had to have been worried, I don't know, maybe I wasn't gonna show or...
Xander: All that matters is that you're here now. Was there an emergency at the hospital?
Sarah: Lani and eli came in, and they thought something was wrong with the baby.
Xander: Is everything okay?
Sarah: Everything is fine. Actually, they're having twins.
Xander: Wow, twins. Good for them.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, they're very lucky.
Xander: And I'm sure that's difficult for you.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah, you know, being around pregnant women and delivering babies and talking about babies, it just reminds me of everything that I've lost.
Nicole: What did will do?
Allie: Turns out he knew about my mom talking to rafe to not adopt my baby.
Nicole: Well, why didn't he say something?
Allie: Because he wanted the baby for himself and sonny.
Nicole: I see.
Allie: Yeah. And I'm just glad that I found that out before I signed those papers.
Nicole: So you're not gonna give him the baby?
Allie: No way. Not only did he lie to me, but he kept it a secret from his own husband.
Nicole: Sonny had no idea?
Allie: No. And he was really angry. I mean, how could you not be? I don't know how you could keep something that big from somebody that you love.
Nicole: It happens more often than you'd think.
Allie: What do you mean?
Nicole: You know, will's not the only one who's made a mistake like that. I did something like that too.
Allie: To my uncle eric?
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: Why don't you just take a long, hard look. Because if there's anybody to blame, there she is. She's staring right back at you.
Sami: No, no, I am not gonna blame myself for this. Your wife is the one who opened her big mouth to allie.
Eric: There wouldn't have been anything for nicole to tell rafe if you hadn't gone to him in the first place.
Sami: What? I was trying to be a responsible parent.
Eric: By not respecting your daughter's wishes.
Sami: Her wishes? She was treating the adoption of her child like it was a first come, first serve ice cream parlor, come on!
Eric: You know what, fine. What's done is done. You came here for a reason, so out with it. What do you want?
Sami: Well-- I-I need my brother.
Eric: Oh, now you want me.
Sami: No, I always want and need your help. You're my brother. Come on, please. My kids hate me. Allie won't even be in the same room with me. I need you to help me. How do I fix this? Ta-da!
Xander: I wish there was something I could do to make you happy, to make you feel better, take your pain away.
Sarah: It's okay. Honestly, I don't think that there's anything that anyone can do.
Xander: Well, you said eli and lani are having twins, and...
Sarah: And what? What were you gonna say?
Xander: Just that we should order some champagne and, you know, toast our good news.
Sarah: Champagne.
Xander: I know it's not much, but might lift your spirits a bit.
Sarah: I mean, it's worth a try.
Eric: Well, the first step in winning your kids back is to ask for forgiveness.
Sami: But I was only trying--
Eric: You know what? Never mind, obviously you're not ready to hear it.
Sami: No, no, I am, please. Go ahead, I'm listening.
Eric: It's simple, sami. You need to stop blaming nicole for everything. Start with saying "I'm sorry." Admitting that you were wrong.
Sami: You may have noticed that that is really hard for me.
Eric: Yeah, I've noticed, but I know you can do it.
Sami: Okay, I can. I can swallow my pride and go to my kids and make it right. I can tell them I'm sorry.
Eric: I'm glad to hear that.
Sami: Okay.
Eric: Okay. Wait, where you going?
Sami: Well, I'm gonna go to the hospital and talk to allie.
Eric: No, hold on. That's the last place you need to go right now.
Sami: What?
Allie: If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to eric?
Nicole: When I found out sarah was pregnant with eric's baby, I didn't tell him. And I know it was stupid and selfish, and I kept my mouth shut because I was insecure.
Allie: Mm-hmm. You were scared that he might leave you if he found out.
Nicole: Yeah. Eric's a good person, and I was worried that he would feel obligated to make it work with sarah.
Allie: Yeah, I can see why you'd think that.
Nicole: It was a terrible decision, obviously, but that's why I can't judge will for keeping quiet. And especially because your mom pushed him to keep her secret, and because, well... she's his mom. And in spite all, he loves her. And he doesn't want to defy her. And I would imagine that he felt like he didn't have much of a choice.
Allie: Yeah. I guess not.
Nicole: So now that you can relate to or at least maybe understand why will did what he did, do you think maybe you could forgive him and change your mind about letting him and sonny adopt the baby?
Will: The reason that I lied is because I didn't want to drag you down into my mom's mess, and I'm--
Sonny: But I am your husband. And I was totally caught off guard.
Will: I'm sorry. I obviously--I didn't think it was gonna happen like that.
Sonny: You mean you thought I wouldn't find out.
Will: Sonny.
Sonny: What about ari?
Will: What are you-- what about her?
Sonny: We told her that she was gonna get a little brother or sister. I never would have done that if I knew this would blow up in our faces.
Will: I'm so sorry.
Sonny: No, damn it, will! This was supposed to be a done deal! Done deal! Now what am I supposed to tell her?
Jake: All right, did anyone tell you your timing really sucks?
Gabi: Anybody ever tell you I don't care? I need your help.
Jake: My help?
Gabi: Yes, I need your help. I need you to get dressed and come with me to the bistro.
Jake: What? Why?
Gabi: I will explain everything in the car. Just get dressed, just do it!
Jake: Why would I do that?
Gabi: Because I'm asking nicely.
Jake: Oh, I'm sorry, I must have missed the nicely part.
Gabi: Okay, fine, fine. Will you please, please with a cherry on top do this little favor for me? I will make it up to you.
Jake: How?
Gabi: I don't know, but I'll--I'll owe you one.
Jake: Hmm. Fine. I'll do it.
Gabi: Yes, thank you. Thank you.
Gwen: Get your ass back in my bed.
[Smack] Now! To be honest... a little dust?
Gwen: What the hell are you doing with her? Get back to bed.
Gabi: He'll be back in a few hours.
Gwen: Pardon?
Gabi: Jake's helping me with something.
Gwen: [Scoffs] The hell you are. Come on, tell her to screw off.
Jake: I'll be back as soon as I can, and we will finish our movie, I--
[Smack] Ooh-ooh, I promise.
Gwen: Just so you know, jake, I am really, really not happy right now.
Jake: All right, that favor you owe me, it just doubled in size.
Gabi: Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Hurry up and get dressed. Put on a suit.
Jake: A what?
Gabi: A suit. A suit and a tie.
Jake: I don't have a suit.
Allie: I love my brother, but I don't think I can let him adopt my baby.
Nicole: Can I ask why?
Allie: Because right now it just feels wrong. You know, I thought me and will were on the same side, that he understood that I did not want my mom involved. But now, I see that she has way more control over him than I thought.
Nicole: It was just one time.
Allie: Was it? What about next time? I don't know, I mean, what if she tells him how to raise the baby? Or what if I give the baby to will and then she convinces him to give the kid to her?
Nicole: She wouldn't do that, allie.
Allie: It's my mother. I'm not putting anything past her.
Sami: But you just told me that I should go ask allie for forgiveness.
Eric: And you do. But she's in an emotional state right now. She just gave birth to a child she's about to give up for adoption.
Sami: That's why she needs me.
Eric: She needs a little space from you right now.
Sami: So I'm supposed to do nothing?
Eric: Sami, she's not the only child who was affected by your actions. If you wanna start this whole redemption tour, maybe you should start with will.
Will: Ari's gonna be fine. She wasn't even that excited about the baby in the first place, sonny. She wanted a puppy.
Sonny: This is not about a puppy or a baby. This is about our family. I thought this time we'd promised each other to build our marriage on trust.
Will: I know that keeping my mom's secret was wrong. It was a terrible mistake. But sonny, the reason that I did that--
Sonny: It doesn't matter why you did it. It doesn't matter! You lied to me! Our marriage was tested after what happened to my mom. And now it's being tested again because of yours.
Xander: How's the champagne?
Sarah: It's good.
Xander: It's the most expensive one they have, but if you don't like it we'll send it back.
Sarah: I like it. And I'm starting to feel better now too, so thank you.
Xander: Are you sure? Because I just--
[Phone beeps] Is it the hospital?
Sarah: No, it is a reminder to take my car to the shop.
Xander: Oh, what's wrong with your car?
Sarah: I don't know. It, like, makes that "reeeee" noise when I hit the brakes, so I don't really know what that is, but hopefully they can just fix it.
Xander: Or I could just buy you a new car.
Sarah: What?
Xander: I can buy you a new car.
Sarah: You wanna buy me a new car?
Xander: Least I could do.
Sarah: That's not the least you could do. That's, like, nowhere near the least you could do. It's completely unnecessary, xander.
Xander: I knew I'd blow this.
Sarah: You're not blowing it.
Xander: I know I am, aren't I? I mean, who does that? I just want so badly to make you happy and can't help but go overboard. You're not gonna believe this, but I even almost suggested that you adopt one of eli and lani's twins.
Sarah: What?
Xander: It's ridiculous, right?
Sarah: It's completely ridiculous. First of all, I have zero desire to adopt a baby right now, and secondly, and most importantly, why on earth would lani and eli give up one of their children?
Xander: Well, of course they wouldn't, and...I caught myself immediately and realized what an insane thought that was to even have, but all I'm saying is it just speaks to how utterly desperate I am to try to find a way to take away your pain, to make you happy.
Sarah: You have to stop being so desperate to do that. It's not up to you. And besides, being with you is fun. It makes me happy. And that's all that I need right now for tonight, so will you please just relax and be yourself?
Xander: Being myself is how I got into trouble in the first place.
Sarah: That is not true.
Xander: It sort of is.
Sarah: You know, victor pointed out to me that I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I got involved with you. I knew that you were far from perfect, but you have an enormous heart. So as long as you're honest with me, we're good.
Xander: Really?
Sarah: Yes. Really.
Xander: Well, okay then. How 'bout we start over?
Sarah: Thank you for a wonderful evening. I had a lot of fun.
Xander: You mean after I quit trying to buy you a new car?
Sarah: Yes, that's right, when you became the xander that I know and...
Xander: Well, if you change your mind and decide that you would like me to buy you a new car--
Sarah: You can stop it, 'cause you're not gonna buy me a car.
Xander: All right, fair enough. But seriously, if you're having car trouble, the least I can do is drive you home.
Sarah: Oh, you don't have to drive me home.
Xander: I mean, if the brakes are bad, it's probably not a good idea for--
Sarah: No, no, uh, no. That's not what I meant. You don't have to drive me home because... I was hoping I could stay the night with you.
Xander: Are you sure?
Sarah: Yeah. I missed you. I miss you.
Xander: I miss you too.
[Gentle music]
Gabi: You are a grown man.
Jake: I am.
Gabi: What grown man doesn't own a suit?
Jake: Me! All right? You were with me at ben's wedding, remember?
Gabi: I thought it was lack of manners and bad fashion sense.
Jake: Oh, wow, you know, I can go back to bed with gwen if you want. Our movie was just about to reach the climax.
Gabi: No, no, okay. I'm sorry, you're right. Not everybody lives in a privileged world. I did not grow up in it either.
Jake: Well, for what it's worth, I did own a suit, but gwen burned it back in philly when she moved out.
Gabi: Gwen burned your clothes?
Jake: That's funny?
Gabi: A little.
Jake: Why don't I wear something else? How 'bout my leather jacket?
Gabi: No, yeah, that's not gonna work. Hold-- hold on. You can wear this. It was stefan'S.
Will: Sonny, this is not at all like what happened after your mom died. I mean, what we went through then. I mean, we barely made it to the other side. How could you think this is anything close to that? I messed up. I know I did. I'm sorry, I wish I could blame it on my mom, but the truth it was my choice not to tell you, and that choice was wrong. But the reason that I did, I've been trying to tell you, the reason is I wanted us to have another kid. I wanted it for us. Sonny, I wanted it for you. I mean, I-- listen, of course, I wanted it for myself, but I was picturing how happy you would be. You have this way with ari and with--just with kids. Sonny, come on. Can you forgive me?
Sami: You want me to apologize to will
Eric: You don't think you owe him that?
Sami: No, of course, I do, but I think allie's situation is a little more immediate.
Eric: Yeah, well, I think you just need to give her a little bit more time.
Sami: I just want to get her to understand why I did what I did.
Eric: I know, but just let her cool down.
Sami: Okay. Maybe there's-- maybe you could talk to her.
Eric: Me?
Sami: Yeah, you. She trusts you way more than she trusts me, and--and, you know, you could talk to her, lay the groundwork. Do you think you'd do that for me?
Eric: [Sighs] Sure, I guess I can do that.
Sami: But what would you say?
Eric: That nobody knows my sister better than I do? And nobody knows better than i do how much she loves her kids.
Sami: You'd really tell them that for me?
Eric: Yeah. I would because I want you to be happy, I want your kids to be happy.
Sami: Thank you. I love you so much. Thank you so much.
Eric: And I also want you to say I'm sorry to nicole.
Sami: What? Hell no, I am not apologizing to her. She should be the one apologizing to me.
Eric: For what? By telling allie the truth?
Sami: Yes! Yes. I know damn well, and so do you, that it wasn't about telling allie the truth. She did it to make my daughter hate me, and she took advantage of the opportunity to make herself seem wonderful and noble at my expense. Eric, there is no way in hell I am apologizing to her for anything. You know what, never mind. I don't need your help with my kids. I'll do it myself, and I will do it my way.
[Door slams]
Eric: [Sighs]
Nicole: So what are you gonna do about the baby?
Allie: I mean, I asked rafe to adopt him again, but he still turned me down.
Nicole: So rafe won't do it, and you're not willing to let will and sonny adopt the baby. That really narrows down your options.
Allie: I don't know, I mean, I guess I could talk to a social worker or contact an agency. I don't know. I really don't know where to start.
Nicole: I have an idea.
Allie: What?
Nicole: Maybe it would help if you... went to visit your son. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.
Allie: Why would seeing the baby help me make a decision?
Nicole: If it's still too painful, I understand, but it's entirely up to you.
Allie: Just...I mean, I want to see his face, but... holding him in my arms, I don't know. Wait.
Nicole: What?
Allie: You're not trying to--
Nicole: Change your mind?
Allie: Yeah.
Nicole: About keeping the baby. No.
Allie: Okay.
Nicole: Allie, I respect your decision. You know that. But no matter where he goes, he is still your son.
Allie: Have you seen him?
Nicole: Eric and I went to visit him. He's beautiful, no surprise there, but maybe seeing him will give you clarity or closure.
Allie: Yeah, closure.
Nicole: But if you don't want to, I'll let it go. Like I said, it's-- it's up to you.
Will: Come on, please. Please forgive me.
Sami: Sonny, if you need someone to blame, you can blame me.
Gabi: Please, I need this. Please, put this suit on and go downstairs. I promise you, it'll be worth it to you.
Jake: Just when I thought my life couldn't get any weirder.
Gabi: [Sighs]
[Phone beeps]
[Gentle music]
Xander: Are you sure you want this?
Sarah: I want this. I want you.
With every touch
every move
my love is yours alone
I'll always be here
holding you near
I'll never let go
so remember tonight
and your hand in mine
whenever you feel
just close your eyes
and I'm by your side
I'll never let go
I can't say good-bye
to my heart
so every beat
is a promise from me
I'll never let go
you'll never be
I gave you my heart
every part
I'll never let go
so hold me tight
let me get lost in you
with our souls entwined
know this much is true
I'll always
love you
so remember tonight
and your hand in mine
whenever you feel alone
just close your eyes
and I'm by your side
I'll never let go
you'll never be
I gave you my heart
every part
I'll never let go
you'll never be
I gave you my heart
every part
I'll never let go
so hold me tight
let me get lost in you
with our souls entwined
know this much is true
I'll always
love you
so remember tonight
and your hand in mine
whenever you feel alone
just close your eyes
and I'm by your side
I'll never let go
you'll never be
I gave you my heart
every part
I'll never let go
no, no, no
my husband and I have never eaten healthier.
[Gentle music]
Xander: You're not saying anything.
Sarah: I'm afraid I'll jinx it by saying how I actually feel.
Xander: Well, maybe if you just whisper it to me.
Sarah: Yeah. I could do that. This just feels right.
Xander: I feel the same way.
Sarah: I'm sorry I shut you out of my life for so long.
Xander: I understand why you had to do it. And I promise I'll never do anything to jeopardize what we have again.
Sarah: You better not.
[Gentle music]
Li shin: I don't have time for these games.
Gabi: I promise you this is not a game; I have a flesh and blood dimera for you to present to the client.
Li shin: Okay, what dimera? If it's tony--
Gabi: It's not tony. It's not tony. The person I'm talking about is on the way. They're right there actually right now.
[Uneasy music]
Sami: Please don't blame will. I'm so sorry that I dragged him into this. He deserves your forgiveness.
Sonny: I'm sorry, but I don't have time for this right now, because I have to go find my daughter and let her know that she's not getting a little brother or sister anytime soon.
Will: Sonny.
Sami: No, just--just let him go.
Will: He's very upset.
Sami: I know, I know, but I just learned from a very wise person that sometimes you gotta give them space to cool off.
Will: I mean, easy for you to say because he might never forgive me.
Sami: Oh, he will. I know he will forgive you, 'cause he loves you. I just, uh--I just hope you can find a way to forgive me.
Nicole: Do you see him?
Allie: Yeah. That's him.
Nicole: Hmm. [Chuckles]
Allie: That's my son.
Nicole: Yeah.
[Gentle music]
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