Days Transcript Thursday 8/6/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 8/6/20


Episode #13829 ~ Gwen spies on Gabi for Chad; Eli and Lani discover surprising news about her pregnancy; Xander admits to Jack he's worried he's going to blow his second chance with Sarah; Steve and Kayla's romantic evening gets thrown off course.

Provided By Suzanne

Eli: Oh, thank god. They found ben.

Lani: [Sighs]

Eli: Hey, thanks for filling me in. Okay, will do. Bye.

Lani: This is great news.

Eli: Yeah, sure as hell is.

Lani: So what happened? What did she say?

Eli: She and ciara found ben outside of new york city. Get this: Eve donovan kidnapped him.

Lani: Are you serious? Eve was behind that explosion?

Eli: Yes.

Lani: What, she acted alone?

Eli: Hope didn't have time to fill me in on the details, but the important thing is, is that ben is alive and he's safe. And...

Lani: [Sighs]

Eli: You know what this means.

Lani: Eve is going to prison, and then ben and ciara can have their happily ever after.

Eli: Yes, and we...

[Snaps fingers] Unh, unh. Are off-duty.

Lani: [Laughs]

Eli: Off-duty.

Lani: Right.

Eli: Yes.

Lani: So we can finally go home and have some dinner?


Eli: Lani, what's wrong?

Lani: Ooh. Well, I felt, um, a weird twinge or something.

Eli: Is it the baby?

Lani: I don't know.

[Cell phone ringing]

Sarah: Hey, you.

Xander: Did I catch you at a bad time?

Sarah: No, no, not at all. Um, my shift just ended-- my very long shift, and so I'm just finishing up with some paperwork.

Xander: And after that, you'll be free?

Sarah: Free for what, exactly?

Xander: After the wedding, you promised me a date. So how about tonight?

[Cell phone rings]

Jack: Oh. Jennifer? Shouldn't you be boarding now? Well--oversold the flight? Yeah, but that's-- right, damn. Well-- no--no other flights, right? Well, you'll be here first thing in the morning, right? Bright and early? I know. I know. I know. I'm sorry, I-- honey, I miss you too. Yeah, I can't wait. I love you. Right, okay. Well, keep me posted. Keep me posted. Thank you. Love you.

[Light music]

Kate: Hey. So you're off to florida, huh?

Chad: Yes, I am, so jennifer can come home. I just have a little time before my flight, so...

[Sighs] What's going on?

Kate: Um, well, what's going on is that you're leaving me in a house full of strangers.

Chad: Oh, yeah, gwen and jake.

Kate: Yeah, mm-hmm, gwen and jake. So I was passing lucas' bedroom this morning, and gwen is there lounging on his bed. I confronted her, and she said that it's her room and she's your guest.

Chad: True, she's my guest.

Kate: Mm-hmm. Why?

Chad: So she, uh-- so she can spy on gabi.

[Suspenseful music]

Gwen: Hello? Anyone here?


[Gasps] Wow. My jake really is a dead ringer for your husband. Or maybe it's the other way around, since it's your husband who's dead.

Gabi: Harold, did you pick up my dry cleaning? What the hell?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eli: Sarah checked you out right after the explosion. I mean, she said the baby was fine.

Lani: I know, and I'm officially in my second trimester, so that's a huge relief, but I felt something.

>Eli: Could it be the baby kicking?

Lani: Possibly, but I think it's a little too early.

Eli: Well, lani, look. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'm gonna take you to the hospital just to be safe.

Lani: Okay.

Sarah: Why, xander, whatever do you mean?

Xander: Well, I didn't want to be presumptuous, so I thought I'd wait for an answer before making plans. So does tonight work? I've been looking forward to it ever since you agreed.

Sarah: Me too. More than I realized.

Xander: But you did say that you've had a long day, so I understand if--

Sarah: No, no, no, I can totally rally. I just need to shower and change and then I can come meet you.

Xander: [Sighs] Wonderful. Should we say horton town square at 8:00?

Sarah: It's a date.

Xander: Whoo!


Jack: What happened? Did you just win the lottery?

Xander: Even better. I have a date with the woman I love.

Kate: Okay, let's see if I have this straight. So jake and his girlfriend show up at the mansion and they announce that they're moving in?

Chad: Yes, uh, gwen said that it's the dimera home, and jake's a dimera, so...

Kate: Okay, um, so we both know that gabi is a schemer. I get it, but is there a specific something that you want gwen to be spying on?

Chad: Are you not paying attention? Gabi believes that she's entitled to a position at dimera.

Kate: But...[Scoffs] The board fired her for the escapade with julie.

Chad: Right, but ever since gabi was acquitted of poisoning abigail, she's been trying to worm her way back into the company. And lately, she's stepped up her game.

Kate: How?

Chad: Well, when I came back from florida, she was in the study with li shin.

Kate: [Scoffs]

Chad: Wine glasses raised, toasting to their latest successes.

Kate: Okay, I mean, seriously? What, with li shin? Why would they be cel--why would he be celebrating with gabi?

Chad: Well, apparently, apparently, uh, shin flew into town to introduce me to some potential investor, and my assistant had neglected to tell him that I would be out of town and there was only a brief window for us to meet, so gabi stepped in to help and, while doing so, started trying to convince him that I was shirking my duties because I didn't want to leave my wife alone in florida.

Kate: [Chuckling] Oh, my god. Well, we know that gabi always has an angle, right? So, you know, maybe now that she's found out that her mechanic isn't stefan, maybe she's gonna use her assets to go after shin?

Chad: I'm thinking the exact same thing, which is why I could use an extra set of eyes.

Kate: Gwen's eyes.

Chad: I don't like the idea of her and jake moving in either, but I saw an angle, so I played it.

Kate: So gwen--seriously, this woman has no problem with doing this for you?

Chad: Oh, she's all in. Gwen hates that gabi's going after jake, so she jumped at the chance to be my spy.

Gabi: Harold, how many times have I told you to take the plastic off my dry cleaning?

[Groans] Which one of these is more fab, this little number or this-- oh, well. Hello. Mr. Shin, please. Yes, I'm--

[Door clicks open]

[Dramatic music]

The thing with depression, you get...stuck.

Gabi: I'll call you right back. Something just came up. What do you want?

Jake: I need to borrow some soap. We ran out.

Gabi: Why are you covered in grease?

Jake: Just came from work.

Gabi: Oh, you're still working? Thought you'd quit after you moved from that little, tiny apartment to this huge mansion.

Jake: I still need some spending money, unless my new digs come with an allowance.

Gabi: Don't press your luck. And frankly, I don't even know why chad invited you and your gold-digging girlfriend to stay here. The reason why you're out of soap is because harold told me gwen spends all day in the bathtub, eating chocolates, drinking champagne.

Jake: Well, she always did have a thing for living the good life.

Gabi: Are you kidding? She doesn't know the difference between a french milled soap and a bar of lye, and even little charlotte has better table manners. Don't get me started on her clothes and her makeup. Nothing about her says luxury. She's nothing but a cheap whore.

Kate: Okay, obviously it's wrong of gabi to take advantage of this situation with abigail. Never mind.

Chad: What? No, say it.

Kate: Chad, I know that abigail is more important to you than the company, okay? I know that, and I think maybe there's a possibility that you neglected your duties a little bit.

Chad: No. No, I didn'T. Like I told shin, I'm perfectly capable of balancing my personal life and work, all right? As long as I have a phone and a computer, I can work from anywhere.

Kate: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, and yet you missed the big meeting, right?

Chad: Because my assistant didn't--

[Sighs] Never mind. It's not important. Look, I've spoken to her and it's not gonna happen again, so...

Kate: Mm-hmm. You need my help.

Chad: I don'T.

Kate: Hmm?

Chad: You already had-- you're working for abe.

[Sighs] Look, I've spoken with shin. I told him that I was going out of town tonight and, you know, we have this other-- this meeting with this other potential investor scheduled for later in the week, so...

Kate: So you have this all locked down? No chance for miscommunication?

Chad: Yes, I spoke to shin myself. So I'll just be able to enjoy some quality time with my wife.

Kayla: You know...

Steve: Mm?

Kayla: Since you did the heavy lifting for dinner, I was thinking maybe I could rustle up some dessert.

Steve: Mm.

Kayla: Like maybe, um, some pie à la mode?

Steve: Mm. No, baby. I want some sweetness à la mode.

Kayla: Let's go.

Steve: Yeah.

Kayla: Let's do it.

Steve: Let's go.

[Knock at door]

Steve: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Shushes] Don't answer it. Come on.

Kayla: Okay.

Roman: Sis, I know you're in there. Let your big brother in.

Kayla: Roman.

Steve: Just ignore him. Come on.

Roman: I know you're trying to ignore me. Not gonna happen. Let me in.

Steve: [Sighs]

Kayla: I have to do it. I--I have to.

Roman: [Laughs]

Kayla: Hi.

Roman: Congratulations... both of you. Give me a hug, man.

Steve: Hey, man.

Roman: [Chuckles]

Steve: All right.

Roman: That's incredible that you two are back together again.

Kayla: [Chuckling] Yeah.

Roman: [Chuckles]

Jack: I thought you'd given up on sarah.

Xander: Me? Never.

Jack: Well, I know you'd never give up on her, but I mean, you were saying that you thought it would be for the best that you didn't want to hurt her again.

Xander: Right, right. Yeah, I made a real mess of things, but you told me things could eventually work out and you were right.

Jack: I was right, so what happened?

Xander: Well, yeah, I thought I'd lost sarah for good. But everything changed for the better right after she accused me of sleeping with a hooker.

[Playful dramatic music]

Lani: Sarah, thank god you're here.

Sarah: Hey, what's going on?

Lani: Eli and I were leaving work and I just-- I felt this weird twinge.

Eli: Lani really wanted to see you, but I mean, if you're on your way out--

Sarah: No, no, no, no, no. Um, I'm not gonna go anywhere until we get it figured out, all right? I'm gonna go get you a room and I will be right in.

Lani: Thank you.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Hey. Everything's gonna be okay.

Lani: We don't know that. I'm really scared.

Eli: Come here. Listen, never forget, whatever happens, we're in this together. Okay?

Lani: Okay. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Jack: You slept with a hooker?

Xander: [Scoffs] She wasn't a hooker. She was a masseuse. And I didn't sleep with her, but sarah thought that I did. She came by my room and saw me unbuttoning my shirt and welcoming in a woman, and...

Jack: Oh, oh, I see.

Xander: And after we cleared it up, I asked sarah why she'd come by my room in the first place, and that's when I realized it's 'cause she still cared about me.

Lani: [Sighs]

Sarah: Just remember that everything was fine when i examined you after the explosion.

Eli: That's what I told lani. It's probably nothing.

Lani: Uh, what's wrong?

Sarah: Uh, uh, just give me a second, 'cause, um, this wasn't what I was expecting.

Jake: I didn't come in here to listen to you trash my girlfriend. You know what? I think I'll go ask harold where the soap is.

Gabi: Jake, I'm--I'm sorry. I just think you could do so much better.

Jake: I didn't come in here for advice on my love life either.

Gabi: So you love her?

Jake: [Chuckles] Where I come from, guys don't really talk about their feelings.

Gabi: You kind of opened up to me after your mother died.

Jake: Yeah, well, maybe a little. I was feeling lost, and, uh, well, I promise never to let it happen again. Now, about that soap.

Gabi: It's down the hall to your-- I'll show you, come on.

[Dramatic music]

Gwen: [With american accent] "Don't even get me started on her hair and makeup."

[Normal voice] Really, bitch? Why don't you say that to my face? Then I'll show you where I'm gonna put that bloody soap. (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?

Gwen: [Sighs] If anyone's a whore, it's that bloody gabi. I saw how she was looking at my man.

[Cell phone rings] Yeah, hello?

Chad: It's chad. Anything with gabi?

Gwen: Nothing. I did hear her make a call to a mr. Shin's office.

Chad: What'd she say?

Gwen: [Sighs] Nothing. She got interrupted and then she just hung up.

Chad: Uh, well, I'm leaving town tonight, so, um, just keep me posted.

[Dramatic music]

Everything okay?

Kate: Yup. Abe just wants to meet and go over his speech. What about you?

Chad: Yeah, um, gwen heard gabi calling shin but was interrupted before she could say anything.

Kate: Hmm, you think she's up to something?

Chad: Of course she is.

Gabi: Yes, hi. This is chad dimera's assistant. I'm so sorry I had to get off the phone earlier. I was just calling back to let you know there's been a change of plans for the important investor meeting that we had scheduled for friday. Yeah, yes, mr. Dimera unfortunately has to go back to florida to see his wife. I was just hoping to see if we can move the meeting for tonight. I know the investor and mr. Shin are in town, so we're hoping that we can move that up? Yes, of course, I will hold.

[Suspenseful music]

Mr. Shin is available? Okay, great. Perfect, thank you. Okay, why doesn't-- yeah, why doesn't he come over to the dimera mansion and then mr. Dimera can discuss details about the meeting and then they can meet the investor at the bistro? Great, thank you so much. Will you please-- yes, thank mr. Shin for being so accommodating. Great.

Kayla: So when they told me that steve's plane had left the gate, my heart sank.

Steve: Yeah, but I didn't leave. I couldn'T. And I never will again.

Roman: Well, like I said, I could not be happier for both of you. I mean, you two together, that's the way it's supposed to be. I wish I could've congratulated you earlier, but I was away. Went up north to the lake to do some trout fishing.

Steve: Oh.

Kayla: Well, we'd love to hear all about it, but, um...

Steve: Yeah, maybe tomorrow over breakfast?

Kayla: Yeah.

Roman: No, no, I get that. Let me give you a little taste, though, 'cause I wanna take you up there, steve. I mean, we're out on the lake, all right? I mean, we're sitting there. Nothing is happening. I mean, time goes by. We're getting bored. We want to leave. And then boom, boom, boom, boom, they start hitting 'em like crazy.

Xander: And once I knew sarah was open to reconciliation, I thought I'd just leave it at that, not push my luck. But then she mentioned she was gonna go home and get ready for ben and ciara's wedding, so I suggested we go together.

Jack: Just like that?

Xander: Well, I didn't plan on saying it, but I did, and she said yes.

[Sighs] Being at the wedding with sarah was incredible, but the best part was right after the church blew up.

Jack: Wait a minute. The building was almost destroyed, people were hurt, almost killed, so...

Xander: Oh, no, it was awful, and I feel sorry for anybody who suffered, but I'm talking about me and sarah, and yes, okay, so I carried allie all the way to the hospital because, yeah, I mean, she's a lovely girl and she's in a delicate condition, but it was an added bonus that sarah found that pretty heroic. And now we're having dinner together tonight.

Eli: Sarah, please, what's going on?

Sarah: Uh, give me one second. Okay. Everything's fine. I'm so sorry I didn't say that immediately. Um, I was just confirming something I suspected.

Eli: W-what you suspected?

Sarah: Lani, eli, your baby is fine.

Lani: [Sighs]

Sarah: Actually, they both are.

Eli: Both?

Sarah: Yeah. You guys are having twins. Did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn

Lani: Twins?

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Eli: Two?

Sarah: [Laughs] Yep.

Eli: Yeah.

Lani: Oh, my god.

Eli: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Um... wouldn't we have known sooner?

Sarah: Yeah, um, one embryo was likely positioned behind the other one. Like I said, it is rare to be this surprised this far along, but it is not unheard of. Let me show you.

Lani: [Chuckles]

Sarah: There is baby number one and that is baby number two. So that twinge you felt was probably just one of the babies kicking.

Lani: Yeah. And they're both okay?

Sarah: Oh, they're perfect.

Lani: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Sarah: I'm so sorry that I didn't catch this sooner.

Eli: No, no, no. It's good. We're good?

Lani: Yeah. [Laughs]

Sarah: Okay, I'm gonna print you out a photo of your babies.

Lani: Okay.

Sarah: And then I'm gonna go, 'cause I have dinner plans.

Lani: [Chuckles]

Sarah: So do you have any questions for now?

Eli: No.

Lani: No, no, not at the moment.

Sarah: Okay.

Lani: [Sighs and laughs]

Sarah: I'll see you at your next appointment, and... picture of your babies.

Lani: Thank you.

Sarah: Congratulations, you guys.

Lani: Thank you.

Eli: Thank you.

[Light music]


Lani: Yeah. Wow.


Xander: Oh, jack, this feels like the moment I've been waiting for, hoping for, praying for. I really think sarah and i might finally be getting back together.

Jack: I'm so happy for you, xander.

Xander: I've gone from thinking there's no chance she'll even speak to me again to feeling there's a real hope we could be a couple again. And tonight's my chance to seal the deal, to have the love of my life back.

Jack: You got a lot riding on your dinner tonight.

Xander: Just my future happiness. Oh, no. What if I blow it?

Kate: So what makes you think that you can trust this gwen to keep an eye on gabi, hmm?

Chad: We have a common goal. We both hate gabi, both want to bring her down.

Kate: Okay, so what if gwen ends up wanting more, like a piece of the dimera fortune?

Chad: Let me just worry about one gold digger at a time. Compared to gabi, gwen is an amateur.

Kate: Yeah, well, I'm not going to disagree with that one.

[Sighs] But I'll tell you what. I'm going to keep an eye on things while you're away.

Chad: Well, I appreciate that, but I'm sure gwen will do just fine... I hope.

[Suspenseful music]

Jake: [Sighs]

Gwen: You clean up nice, don't you?

Jake: Thanks.

Gwen: Look, I think you should quit your job and just ask your brother for money.

Jake: I don't need to be asking for handouts.

Gwen: It's not a handout, jake. You are a dimera, and you are entitled to that money, money were cheated out of since the day you were born.

Jake: Okay, we're here in this house living like royalty. How about we just try to enjoy that?

Gwen: How do you expect me to enjoy it when gabi just treats me like bloody rubbish all the time?

Jake: How'd this just become about gabi all of a sudden?

Gwen: I know you were in her room half naked. Don't you even try to deny it.

Jake: You're right. I was in her room half naked, looking for a bar of soap. The question is, how did you know that? Do I use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth?

Jake: Gwennie, I asked you a question. How did you know that i was in gabi's room?

Gwen: Well, I was checking out the house, you know, exploring.

Jake: Exploring?

Gwen: Yes, exploring.

Jake: Huh.

Gwen: I was upstairs and then that's when I saw gabi and you in nothing but a towel leave her room and go down the hall. I mean, what the hell, jake?

Jake: Like I said, I was looking for a bar of soap.

Gwen: Soap?

Jake: Yes.

Gwen: Really?

Jake: Mm-hmm.

Gwen: Let me guess. Did she ask you to wash her back for her too?

Jake: How many times do I have to tell you, gwen? There's nothing going on between me and gabi.

Gwen: Yeah, well, she sure as hell would like it to be otherwise, which means that that bitch wants me out of the way, and I swear to you, jake, if she says one more other nasty thing about me or... any other insult, she's going down.

Jake: Why didn't you tell her that when you had the chance?

Gwen: [Sighs] What do you mean?

Jake: Well, you said that you saw me and gabi walk out of her room. Why didn't you confront her then and there? It's not like you're a shy person, gwen.

Gwen: [Sighs] Well, maybe I didn't want to give her the satisfaction.

Gabi: What kind of satisfaction, gwen?

Roman: [Chuckles] Okay, well, even better news than the fishing trip, allie had her baby.

Kayla: Yeah, we heard.

Steve: Yeah.

Kayla: Congratulations.

Roman: Yeah, little boy. Now, we know the, uh, circumstances aren't the best, it's a little complicated, but another member of the brady family? Nothing wrong with that.

>Kayla: Nothing wrong with that.

Steve: Have you seen the little dude yet?

Roman: Uh, no, not yet. I'm gonna head over there as soon as I leave here.

Steve: Come on, man. It's your great-grandson we're talking about. You gotta get over there right now.

[Both chuckle] Hey, listen. I got something for you.

Roman: Huh, okay.

Steve: Brought these havanas back from canada. I was gonna give 'em to john, but you take 'em. Pass 'em out at the hospital, huh?

Kayla: Nice.

Roman: All right, well, uh, I guess I'll head on out.

Steve: Yeah, yeah. Give everybody our best, okay?

Kayla: Yeah, and take some pictures and send them to us, okay?

Roman: Oh, I will do that. Okay, and, uh, congratulations, both of you.

Steve: Thanks, man.

Kayla: See you soon. Thank you.

Roman: Yeah.

Steve: [Sighs]

Kayla: Ooh.

Steve: Why didn't you invite him to stay for a movie?

Kayla: Oh, I should've done that. I'm bad.

Steve: Mm, yeah, you are bad. Tell me something.

Kayla: What?

Steve: How could somebody be so bad and so sweet at the same time?

[Light music]


Kayla: [Chuckles]

Xander: I can't screw this up, jack. My entire future with sarah is riding on tonight.

Jack: Well, you're not gonna screw it up. You've been planning this for months.

Xander: Well, in my heart, yes, but as for an actual plan, I have nothing. I told sarah to meet me at the square at 8:00. But that's it. I don't have any reservations or anything. I asked sarah to a dinner, the dinner, and I have no dinner!

Jack: Well, you still have plenty of time. Take it easy.

Xander: Yeah, you're right. It's not too late to pull together something special.

Jack: Okay, how about a bit of chateaubriand for two, maybe a chocolate soufflé at the bistro?

Xander: More like fly to her paris and book the eiffel tower.

Jack: Uh, if I could make a suggestion. Don't overdo it. That's when things certainly go wrong. Just keep it simple.

Xander: Simple, yeah.

Jack: Hey, uh, look. How about some flowers? I was gonna give them to jennifer, but, you know, she couldn't make her flight, so...

Xander: Another woman's flowers? Maybe not the best idea.

Jack: Good point. Very good point.

Xander: I should, uh, get going.

Jack: All right. Well, good luck on tonight.

Xander: Thanks, jack. And thanks for the advice. It's good to have a mate, you know?

[Both chuckle] I'm not exactly loaded down with them at the moment, you know?

Jack: [Sighs]

Lani: It's exciting, right? Two babies at once?

Eli: Two babies.

Lani: Yeah. It's a lot to process.

Eli: Baby, that's two babies.

Lani: God, I know. Where are we gonna put a second crib?

Eli: Oh, my god.

Lani: How do i breastfeed twins?

Eli: Oh, my god. Well, people have twins, right? I know they have twins, but, like, they do fine, right?

Lani: Yeah, they do. It's just double the fun.

Eli: And double the diapers.

Lani: [Chuckles]

Eli: Double the college tuition. I need to double my shifts.

Lani: [Laughs] No. Not if that means leaving me at home with two babies all day.

[Sighs] Here, I thought something was wrong with our baby, and it just turns out that we are getting two little angels to love, two.


Eli: Well, in my case, that makes three-- three angels.

Lani: This is great, isn't it? We're having twins.

[Both laugh]

Eli: Yeah.

Lani: Yeah.

Eli: Yeah, it--it is.

Lani: We're having twins.

Eli: Come here.

Lani: Oh! [Chuckles] Oh, my god. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Gabi: You said something about satisfaction? You not getting any?

Gwen: [Scoffs, laughs] Oh, no, sweetie pie, that would be you.

Jake: Okay, ladies, there's--

Gwen: No, no, no, no, no. Everything is just lovely jubbly. You know, I saw you and jake leaving your room earlier, but no matter. I've just let it go. Do you know why? Because I have nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to be jealous of. So jake needed a bar of soap. He's a dirty boy.

Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah, uh, I showed him where harold keeps it. Fyi, harold runs this mansion. He has better things to do than wait on you, but yeah.

Gwen: Oh, I'm happy to help myself. To this, perhaps?

[Glasses clink] Oh, my goodness. Jake. [Sniffs] Is that you, darling? You smell absolutely divine, like you just rolled around in a field of french lavender. How about now that you're all nice and clean, why don't we get you dirty again?

Jake: [Chuckles]

Gwen: Come on.

[Soft dramatic music]

Steve: Mm, mm, mm-mm, mm-mm.

Kayla: You know, at some point, we're gonna have to be more hospitable and invite people over.

Jack: [Groans softly]

Kayla: Especially family members.

Steve: I suppose so, but not now, because we have to make up for lost time. Right?

Kayla: Yeah, we do.

>Steve: Yeah. How we gonna do that?

Kayla: You're gonna come with me.

Steve: Oh.

Kayla: This way.

Steve: Okay.

[Both chuckle]

Roman: [Sighs]

Kate: Hey.

Roman: Hey, hey. Okay, which one is our great-grandson?

Kate: That one right over there.

Roman: Uh-huh.

Kate: [Chuckles]

Roman: Good-sized boy. How much did he weigh?

Kate: Seven pounds, four ounces. [Chuckles]

Roman: Good-looking boy. Um, cuban?

Kate: Hey, don't mind if I do.

Roman: [Chuckles]

Kate: You know, it's hard to believe we're actually great-grandparents again.

Roman: Yeah. Hell, kate, you don't look old enough to be a grandmother.

Kate: Honey, you don't look old enough to be a grandfather.



Lani: I am so lucky.

Eli: We both are.

Lani: [Chuckles] Even though this is gonna be overwhelming...

Eli: Twins, what?

Lani: [Laughs] We are going to have so much support. Oh, I can't wait to tell our family. They are gonna be over the moon. My dad, your mom...

Both: And julie.

Eli: Oh, my god.

Lani: [Sighs] Yes, it's gonna be twice the work, but it's also gonna be twice the love and joy. You know how blessed we are?

Eli: Doubly blessed.

Lani: Doubly blessed.

Eli: Doubly blessed.

Lani: [Laughs]

[Sighs] I love you so much.

Eli: I love you too.

Lani: Twins.

Eli: Twins.

Jack: [Sighs]

[Light music]


[Cell phone beeps]

Jennifer: No waiting necessary.

Jack: [Chuckles]

Jennifer: Somebody didn't show up and I got the last seat.

Jack: [Chuckles] Oh, sweetheart.

Jennifer: I'm home.

Jack: Welcome home.

Gabi: Going back to florida already? Feels like you just got back. Do give abigail my best.

Chad: And say hello to shin for me. I'm sure the second I walk out that door, you'll be working him again.

Gabi: What--[Scoffs] What could I possibly do? You have everything under control.

Chad: Yeah, despite your best efforts. Have a good evening, gabi.

[Dramatic music]

Xander: It's well after 8:00.

[Breathes deeply] I guess sarah isn't gonna show.

[Light music]

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