Days Transcript Wednesday 8/5/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 8/5/20


Episode #13828 ~ Hope and Ciara find Ben; Sonny is upset to learn of Will's betrayal; Steve and Kayla strengthen their bond; Bonnie asks Justin to be her lawyer.

Provided By Suzanne

Kayla: Yeah, I just wanted to check on mrs. Linder's condition. Oh, great. All right, that's good news. All right, let me know if the condition changes, okay? All right, thanks.


[Knock at door]

[Clears throat] Oh, hello.

Steve: Hello. I was hoping you'd be here.

Kayla: Oh, really? What's going on?

Steve: Did you forget already, baby? I'm moving in.

Bonnie: What are you talking about? We had a deal! Of course I read the contract! Kind of. No, I'm telling you, this is not fair. You can't do this to me! I am the writer! I-- hello? Hello? Ugh!

Justin: Uh, I think you just threw something.

Bonnie: Oh, god. You are not gonna believe what just happened to me.

Justin: Probably not. Uh, no, actually--

Bonnie: Just wait until you hear, seriously. Wait.

Allie: I'm sorry, but I'm not signing these.

Sonny: What do you mean you're not signing the papers? Did you decide to give the baby to rafe after all?

Sami: Yeah, so you had already told allie that you weren't going to adopt her baby, so what did she wanna talk to you about?

Rafe: She wanted more information as to why I turned her down.

Sami: And what did you say to her?

Rafe: The truth.

Sami: [Scoffs]

Ciara: Mom, this place, it looks totally abandoned.

Hope: It does.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Hope: What is it?

Ciara: This is the tie he wore. Mom--mom, this is the tie that ben wore to our wedding.

Hope: Oh, my god. Okay.

[Suspenseful music]

Ciara: Ben! Oh.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sami: Okay, so what "truth" are you talking about? What exactly did you say to her?

Rafe: That you came to me and asked me not to adopt your grandchild.

Sami: Oh, okay. Well, she already knew that because nicole couldn't keep her big mouth shut. So it seems like--well, what else did you talk about?

Rafe: Well, she wanted to know whether or not I would have said "yes" had you not interfered or pressured me.

Sami: Okay, so what was your answer?

Allie: Rafe and I just had a nice, little talk, and he for one was actually honest with me.

Will: Uh, honest about...

Allie: Well, now that I know our maniac mother pressured him more than once to claim that he didn't want to adopt my baby, i wanted to hear his side of the story. And so my question is, if my mom had never bullied you, insisted that you turn down my offer, what would you have done? Would you have said "yes" to adopting my baby?

Rafe: Oh, allie. You know, maybe it's for the best.

Allie: Rafe, my parents have never had any trouble lying to me, but never you. You've always been honest with me. So, please, be honest now.

Rafe: Okay. Okay, I mean...if your mom hadn't talked to me--I mean, it's no secret that I've always wanted to be a father and to have kids. So...I might have said "yes."

Allie: Then that settles it. I want you to adopt my baby.

[Dramatic music]

Sonny: So rafe is adopting your baby then?

Allie: Actually, no, he's not.

Ciara: Ben? Ben?

Hope: Is he...

Ciara: No, he's alive. He's alive, thank god. Ben?

[Sniffles] Okay, his breathing is really, really shallow. Mom, he's not responding.

Hope: I can't get service. Damn it. My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Steve: So how's your patient doing?

Kayla: Uh, mrs. Linder?

Steve: Mm-hmm.

Kayla: Much better, thank you.

Steve: That's good. I bet you didn't get a wink of sleep, though, did you?

Kayla: Well, I just got home.

Steve: You know, I didn't sleep much last night either, and I'm pretty sure it's because I was missing you so much.

Kayla: I missed you too. But since you weren't here last night, I just figured that maybe you had second thoughts about moving in here, which I would understand.

Steve: Sweetness, what did i tell you? I don't care where I live as long as I'm with you.

Kayla: Hmm.

Steve: And since you're here, I am too.

Bonnie: So then my publisher sends me a copy of this contract. Apparently, there's something called a "rider" buried deep in all those words that says I'm not getting my royalties that i thought I was getting because i haven't sold enough books. I put my heart and soul into this book, and I am getting screwed over.

Justin: You signed the contract, bonnie.

Bonnie: Yeah, but they tricked me. Justin, they told me one thing and then they put something else in black and white. It's an outrage. It's fraud. I just gotta find a lawyer to sue their asses. I just wish I knew one.

Justin: [Chuckles] No.

Bonnie: No, no, no. I haven't even asked yet.

Justin: The answer is still no.

Sami: Wait, so allie asked you to adopt her baby again, and you still said "no"?

Rafe: That's right.

Sami: Why?

Rafe: When I originally told you that I didn't want to adopt your baby because I wasn't over losing david, that was true.

Allie: Yeah, and I get that, but you just told me that if my mom hadn't pressured you, you might have said "yes."

Rafe: Well, I might have. That's why I said "I might have," but--honestly, I've thought a lot about it then, and I realized that I would have been saying "yes" for the wrong reasons.

Allie: What wrong reasons?

Rafe: It would have been a mistake. I--okay, in other words, to adopt your baby because I'm still grieving over having lost david, that would be wrong. Not to mention the fact that you already told will and sonny that they could adopt your baby.

Allie: Yeah, but that was only because you said "no." You have always been my first choice; they know that. They'll understand.

Rafe: No, allie--

Allie: No, please, whatever doubts you're having, it just proves what a good person you are.

Rafe: Oh, allie. Allie--

Allie: And it just shows what a great dad you'll be. Please, please just say "yes."

Rafe: No, you see, this whole thing, it's just...I'm sorry. It's just--it's too complicated. It doesn't feel right, you know. It...

Allie: Yes. It's complicated because of my mom, the wrecking ball, but it doesn't have to be. This is between you and me, and I choose you for my baby.

Rafe: No, it's not just between you and me. That's the point. Don't you see that there are other people involved--other people's feelings? Look, I just--I think it's better for everyone, including your son, if I just take a step back. I'm sorry. The answer is still no.

Sonny: Rafe's a decent guy. He's just trying to do what he thinks is the right thing. But what I don't get, though, is if you're not giving him the baby, why aren't you giving it to us?

Allie: [Sighs] Because of my brother.

Sonny: Because of will? Why? Wha--what did he do?

Allie: You said you were on my side no matter what, my big brother who would protect me from our scheming, selfish mother, but you were in on it the whole time.

Sonny: What is she talking about?

Allie: All this time, you and mom were plotting behind my back to make sure rafe didn't get my baby.

Ciara: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, mom, he stopped breathing.

Hope: Come on, ben, you can do this.

Ciara: Okay. Okay, okay.

Hope: Come on.

Ciara: Okay.

Hope: Come on, ben.

Ciara: Come on, please.

Ben: [Coughs]

Ciara: Oh, god! Oh, my god!

Ben: [Coughing]

Ciara: Oh.

Ben: [Gasping]

Ciara: Oh, my god. Thank god he's okay. Hi.

Ben: It's you. Is that really you?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: Is that really you?

Ciara: Yeah.

Ben: You're here?

Ciara: I'm here. I'm here, baby, and you're gonna be okay. Do you think you can sit up? Come here. Come on.

Ben: [Yells]

Hope: Come on.

Ciara: There you go.

Hope: Ben. Ben. Ben. Ben, are you okay? Ben?

Ciara: Oh, god. Oh, my god, what happened? What happened to you? How did you end up like this?

Ben: [Grunts] Something great from mr. Clean.

Kayla: Well, why don't we get you settled? We can take your bag to the bedroom and get you unpacked.

Steve: Sounds good. Hey, look at us. We look like babies. Where'd that come from?

Kayla: Um, I guess justin found it in the drawer when he was moving out. Um, after I asked justin to move in, I was clearing out some things, and I came across this. I was really trying to start fresh, determined to only look ahead. But I just--I couldn't bring myself to throw this away. Even then, I knew....I could never let you go.

Justin: You can't seriously think that I would ever represent you.

Bonnie: You're the best lawyer in town. Everybody knows it, and I need the best for this. Please.

Justin: Forget it. There's no way I'd ever take your case.

Bonnie: Oh, come on, justy. This isn't personal. It's business. I mean, yeah, you might have to pro bono it, but think about what it would do for your reputation.

Justin: Oh, my reputation is fine, thank you.

Bonnie: Okay, look. I deserve this, all right? I deserve your hatred and your scorn. I pretended to be your wife and let her rot in prison while i did it, and it was horrible. And I am so sorry!

Justin: I've heard it before, bonnie.

Bonnie: If you would just please read my book. It's all in here, how the guilt ate me alive, eventually, and how I'm filled with remorse every single day. Look, please consider it your free copy. I'll even autograph it for you.

Justin: Bonnie, I am not gonna read your damn book. I am not going to help you.

Bonnie: But you'll--

Justin: I am not going to forgive you.

Bonnie: But just--

Justin: No, don't you see? I can never, ever get the time i lost with adrienne back, and that's because of you.

Hope: Ben, what happened? Who did this to you?

Ben: I don't remember. I don't know.

[Tense music]

This is really you, right? This isn't a dream?

Ciara: It's not a dream. It's really me, ben. I'm here. I'm right here.

Ben: Where are we?

Hope: Outside manhattan.

Ben: New york? How? I don't understand. What--how did I get here? What happened?

Hope: The first order of business is to get your injuries looked at. I'm gonna step outside, see if i can get cell service. Be right back. Hang in there, okay?

Ben: I don't know.

Hope: Be right back.

[Door closes]

Ben: I don't understand. I don't know how I got here. I don't remember what happened.

Ciara: Baby, don't worry. Don't worry about it, okay? Because I'm right here, and we're gonna figure this out. We're gonna figure it out together, okay? I'm right here. I'm right here.

Hope: Come on, come on, come on. Damn it.


- When I noticed my sister moving differently,

Ben: I don't remember anything. Babe, why don't I remember?

Ciara: It's okay. Okay? You've been--you've been through something so incredibly traumatic, so it's okay. All right? Let's just, um--let's start at the beginning. Do you remember our wedding?

Ben: There's no way I would ever forget. When I saw you walking in that took my breath away. With this ring, I thee wed.

[Sentimental music]

Ciara: With this ring...i thee wed...

[Sniffles] So you remember that we're married?

Ben: I remember walking down the aisle together. We were so happy. It was the best of my life. I walked ahead of you...into the vestibule, went back to hug your mom. I put my hand out for you to join me. You looked at me, and you were smiling. You started walking towards me. Then the world blew up. That explosion was--is everybody okay?

Ciara: Yeah, everyone's fine. Ben, we were all just looking for you. We couldn't find you. We thought that you were under this big pile of rubble, but then when we searched it, it was like you just vanished. Ben, do you have any idea how you got from the church to here?

Hope: You must be vincent.

Vincent: And you are?

Hope: I need to talk you about eve donovan and what you did to ben.

Vincent: Ben weston, you will kill ciara brady. I don't have to answer your questions.

Hope: We need to talk.

Steve: I remember this. This is when I gave you that photo album. You remember?

Kayla: I do remember. It's when we were about to start a whole new life together, and now we're doing it again.

Bonnie: Don't you think i know how deeply I hurt you? And I spent years in prison paying for it.

Justin: Years? I think that's a bit of a stretch, and it wasn't nearly long enough.

Bonnie: Justin, I regret what I did to you and adrienne every single day. And if it makes you feel better, I am still paying for it. Thanks to what I did, my daughter barely speaks to me. And you know damn well that lucas has given me the boot for good. This book was the only thing i had left in my life. It was the only thing that gave me hope. Look. I even had business cards made.

Justin: "Bonnie lockhart, writer."

Bonnie: Writing this book was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I could finally hold my head up high. I could finally be proud of something that I did, for a change. And now these sobs, they just wanna take it all away from me again!


Sami: Oh, thank god you told her that you won't adopt her baby. You have no idea how much that means to me, rafe. Thank you.

Rafe: I didn't do it for you, sami. I did it for me and for allie. She's about to make the biggest decision of her life, and now she has all the facts.

Sonny: Will wasn't scheming with sami. He wouldn't do that. We both agreed that whatever you decided, we would respect your choice.

Allie: Yeah, well, not so much.

Sonny: This is crazy. This is--this is totally untrue. Okay, who told you this?

Allie: Rafe. Of course mom ruined everything. Why am I surprised? It's bad enough she lied to me, but then she forces other people to keep her nasty little secrets too.


Rafe: Don't blame will. It's not his fault. Your mom forced him to stay quiet.

Allie: I was just talking about my dad. Will knew too? It's not like rafe threw you under the bus. He's not that kind of guy. He's honest and cool. But when I was complaining about mom forcing people to keep her secrets, I meant dad, but rafe thought I was talking about you.

Sonny: Will someone please tell me what is going on here?

Allie: It's simple. All this time, my brother has said he's on my side, but really he's been plotting with my mom to make sure rafe doesn't get my baby.

Sonny: Is this true?

Allie: You knew--you knew what she was doing, and you never said anything, will. All this time, I thought that you were the only person in our stupid family that I could trust. But this whole time, all you cared about was getting the baby for yourself and sonny.

Sami: "All the facts"? I don't like how you just said that. What else did you tell allie?

Rafe: Well, I thought that allie knew that will was aware that you had talked to me about not adopting the baby.

Sami: You told allie that will knew what I did? Oh, no. Rafe, she's gonna be furious.

Rafe: Well, maybe I should give will a heads-up.

Sami: Uh, it's a bit late for that.

Allie: I can't believe my own brother would play me. How could you be so selfish?

Sonny: Is it true?

Will: I'm sorry. I--allie, you gotta know that sonny did not know anything about this.

Allie: Oh, so you lied to him too, your own husband? Just so you could get whatever you wanted. I mean, why would I give my baby to someone like you?

Will: I didn't mean to lie to you or you.

Allie: No, you know what? I thought you were different, but, no. You are just as bad as mom. No, you know what? Actually, you're worse because you came in here with your whole good guy act, fluffing my pillows and bringing me gummy bears--acting like you give a damn.

Will: I do, allie. I'm--I'm--I'm sorry.

Allie: Oh, what, you're sorry? Yeah, it's too late, and it's not good enough!

Will: If you just let me explain!

Allie: No! No!

Sonny: It is very clear to both of us what happened. Allie, I don't know what to say except I am really sorry. I am so sorry.

Allie: Just get out. Go.


Kayla: What is it?

Steve: I remember something else about this picture.

Kayla: You're different somehow. You're cold. It's like somebody took your soul.

[Dramatic music]

Look at this. This. We were happy. We were in love. How could you just throw that away? What happened to the man in this picture?

Steve: I was so cruel to you when I was stefano. You thought it was me. I only remember bits and pieces of the things I did during that time, and I'm ashamed of all of it.

Kayla: It's in the past.

Steve: I don't know if it'll ever be in the past for me.

Kayla: None of it was your fault...and I forgive you.

Steve: Thank you, baby.

Vincent: Get out of my way.

Hope: I'm not going anywhere.

Vincent: This is my property. You're trespassing.

Hope: There's a badly beaten man inside. How did he get there? What did you do to him, vincent? The bombing at the church in salem, do you know about that?

Vincent: You have no authority here.

Hope: I have the authority to make a citizen's arrest.

Vincent: That would be a very big mistake.

Hope: For you!

Ben: I'm not sure what i remember.

Ciara: Okay, um...all right, well, maybe--maybe if you take a look around, it might trigger your you got here, what happened to you after you did.

Ben: I woke up, and I was alone. My hands and my--my--my legs were tied. I was so worried about you. I called out for you. I was screaming for you.

Ciara: I'm here. I'm here.

Ben: How did you find me?

Ciara: A lot of people were worried about you, ben. A lot. And they all helped me and mom track you down, and we found out that this place belongs to a man named vincent. Is that familiar to you? Does that ring a bell--vincent?

Ben: Vincent.

Ciara: Vincent.

Ben: When I came to, he was here in this room with me.

Ciara: Okay.

Ben: He...

Ciara: Okay, good. What else do you remember?

Ben: He said he was the one who planted the bomb at the church. When I asked him--I asked him why, he--he said that somebody hired him. And when I asked him who, he started beating me with a baton until somebody else just walked into the room.

Ciara: Was that person eve donovan?

Hope: [Grunts] Sit tight.

Ben: Eve.

Ciara: Eve. We found a connection between her and vincent, ben. Was she here?

Ben: Yes.

Ciara: Yes? Okay, do you remember what she said to you?

Ben: I don't know. I can't remember. It's, like, jumbled. It's a mess, ciara. I don't know. I just--I just remember...i remember her hate.

[Sniffles] I remember her rage. I remember...what I deserved. Her daughter, ciara, I killed her daughter. She said something about getting justice and finding a way to make me pay.

Ciara: How was she gonna make you pay?

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Ben: Damn it! Why can't I remember? Why can't I remember anything?

Ciara: Ben, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Ben: [Groans]

Ciara: It's okay.

Ben: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Ciara: What?

Ben: No, I do remember something else. Eve. She stuck me with a syringe.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Ben: That's when it all went dark; it was after that. It was after that, ciara. She stuck me with a syringe and everything went dark until you walked in. Then there was light. I'm sorry. I don't know. I can't remember anything else. I don't know.

Ciara: It's okay. It's okay. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because the only thing that matters is that I found you and that you're here, and you're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay, okay? Because nothing's ever gonna come between us ever again.

Ben: Nothing.

Ciara: Mm-mm.

Ben: Nothing.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Steve: You know what?

Kayla: Hmm?

Steve: Besides not having any sleep, I bet you haven't had anything to eat yet either, have you?

Kayla: Well, now that you mention it...

Steve: Okay. And I'm gonna make you something.

Kayla: Really?

Steve: How about a big, beautiful, fluffy omelet?

Kayla: [Laughs]

Steve: Huh? But first, these have to go into a vase. Got a vase somewhere.

Kayla: You want me to help you out with that?

Steve: Yeah.

Kayla: I'll do it.

Steve: Thanks.

Kayla: Yeah-huh.

Steve: I'll get to the omelet. You got eggs, right?

Kayla: Yes, of course I do.

Steve: Ah.

Kayla: Excuse me.

Steve: Eggs. Oh, spinach.

Kayla: Mm-hmm.

Steve: It's gonna be good. Cheese. Butter. Now we're cooking. Uh, I'm gonna need a pan. Where are the pans?

Kayla: In the drawer.

Steve: Pans in a drawer?

Kayla: Well, I have limited-- limited cupboard space.

Steve: Okay, got a dish, got a bowl. Now I gotta get the bacon and eggs in there.

Kayla: Do you want some help?

Steve: No, no, no, no, no. Nuh-uh. It is my mission to take care of you from now on. Love of my life...mother of my children...sweetest, most beautiful person I've ever known...I'm taking care of you.

Kayla: Steve.

Steve: Yeah?

Kayla: Can you just look at me for a second? Wait.

Steve: What?

Kayla: Wait. Look, I know you wanna take care of me, and I love you for that, even though it's completely not necessary. But are you sure starting our new life in this place is gonna work for you?

Bonnie: [Sniffling] You don't care...obviously. You know what? I don't expect you to, so just forget it. I might as well go back to cleaning houses. I'll just tell maggie I'm available, if she'll even hire me again.

[Scoffs] I guess I won't need this anymore.


Rafe: I'm really sorry. I didn't--you know, I didn't know about that.

Sami: Rafe, it's not your fault, okay? But you know allie, how she's so dramatic about stuff. She's just gonna use it as another reason to be ticked off at me.

[Elevator dings]

Will: Sonny, come on.

Sonny: There's nothing more to talk about. There's nothing more to talk about; stay away from me.

Will: Ca...

[Somber music]

Sami: Hey, will. Are you okay?

Will: No. No, I'm not okay, and it's your fault.

This is hal.

Steve: You keep asking me if starting our life here works for me. But what about for you, sweetness? As hard as it is for me to say this, I know that you felt love for justin. I know that, and I also know that our love is as strong as it ever was. That's never changed. But this can't be any easy transition for you. So I want you to take it easy, take it slow. Whatever you wanna do, wherever you want to fine with me...anywhere on this planet. My home is you, sweetness.

Kayla: I love you. Thank you. Thank you.

Justin: I'm sorry, bonnie, but you made your bed.

Bonnie: [Laughs] So I just lie in it? So what that I'm getting screwed over, right? I deserve it, right? Isn't that right?

[Dramatic music]

Will: Allie knows that I kept quiet about you pressuring rafe, and now she does not want sonny and me to adopt her child.

Sami: I am so sorry, will.

Will: Why did I keep my mouth shut? What the hell was I thinking?

Sami: I'll talk to allie.

Will: No, you won't!

Sami: What? Will, no, stop.

Will: No, you won'T. Do you have any idea how excited sonny and I were when we got here, and we saw that little boy that we thought was gonna be our son?

Sami: I had no idea that was gonna mess this up for you so badly, will, but you and allie are friends. You'll talk to her.

Will: No. No. It's over. Okay? It's over. Allie hates me, and my husband is devastated because I betrayed him.

Sami: Please...

Justin: Hey, sonny. Hey, I thought you might be passing out cigars.

Sonny: Not exactly.

Justin: What's wrong? Was there a problem with the adoption papers I drew up?

Sonny: Oh, no, the papers were perfect. The problem is, allie didn't sign them. We're not getting the baby.

Justin: [Sighs]

Rafe: Allie. Allie! What are you doing?

Allie: The adoption's off.

Rafe: Allie...

Allie: No, I tried so hard to do the right thing, to make the right decision, and it's a disaster.

Rafe: I'm so sorry.

Allie: Not sorry enough to want my baby.

Rafe: I don't think that's the answer.

Allie: Then what is? Because you don't want my kid, and there's no way I'm giving my little boy to my lying brother. So what am I supposed to do?

Hope: [Exhales] Damn it.


Ciara: I was so worried about you. I was just so afraid that...oh, my god. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't find you, ben.

Ben: But you did.

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Ben: You did it.

Ciara: Mm-hmm. As soon as my mom gets back, we're gonna get you out of here. We're gonna get you back home. You're gonna go home, ben, where you belong, okay?

Ben: I love you so much.

Ciara: Love you. I love you. And I promise everything's gonna be okay. I promise.

[Suspenseful music]

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