Days Transcript Tuesday 8/4/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 8/4/20


Episode #13827 ~ Ben attempts to make his escape; Chloe provides key information about Ben's captor; Allie makes a decision about her baby's adoption; Sonny blasts Sami for her interference.

Provided By Suzanne

Lucas: Listen, I am so sorry that I missed the birth of your child. I--I really am. It wasn't my fault. It was my phone. My phone was on silent because grandma kate told me to do it.

Allie: Dad, dad, it's fine.

Lucas: No, it's not okay. I missed everything, all because my ringer was off. I'm a terrible dad. I'm sorry.

Allie: Look, the baby--the baby came early. You couldn't have known.

Lucas: But I just wish i would have been here for you, you know? Or maybe you didn't want me here.

Allie: What?

Lucas: Well, by the way i reacted when you told me you were pregnant.

Allie: Dad--

Lucas: I blew it, didn't I?

Allie: No, dad, I am--I am not upset with you about that at all, and I'm really happy that you're here now.

Lucas: You are?

Allie: Yes.

Lucas: Good. Me, too.

Allie: Yeah. The only person I don't want around me right now is my mother.

Sonny: I'm out of here.

Will: What? Wh--

Sonny: I'm gonna go find sami and tell her to stay the hell out of our business.

Will: Whoa, sonny, come on. Let's--let's talk about this.

Sonny: No, everyone in the family seems to be afraid of her, but I'm not. I'm a kiriakis, and she's gonna pay for what she did.

Sami: Will. Sonny.

Sonny: And there she is, right on cue.

Sami: Yeah.

Sonny: You here to cause even more trouble? There's no doubt about it.

Sami: What? What's wrong?

Sonny: What's wrong is that you screwed everything up for us.

Sami: I don't know what you're talking about.

Sonny: Drop the innocent act. We know what happened. We know exactly what you did.

[Phones ringing]

[Cell phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone beeps]

[Cell phone rings]

[Phone beeps]

Rafe: Hope. Hi.

Hope: Hi. Everything okay?

Rafe: Yeah, just, um, nicole just texted me. I thought it was gonna be her. Uh, allie just had, uh, the baby.

Hope: Wow, um, but I thought she wasn't due yet.

Rafe: Uh, no, the baby came early. It's, uh--but he's-- he's healthy. Momma and baby are doing fine.

Hope: Well, that's great news. Congratulations. I'm thrilled for you. I am.

Rafe: Oh, no need to congratulate me. I'm, um--I'm not adopting her baby. I, uh, declined allie's offer.

Hope: What? But I thought--

Rafe: Yeah, uh, I don't wanna talk about it right now.

Hope: Sure, but--

Rafe: Later? Please?

Hope: Okay.

Rafe: So you been able to question eve yet?

Hope: No luck finding her but I think our luck is about to change.

Shawn: So you have no idea where she is?

Chloe: No, I don'T. Actually, eve and I don't really speak much anymore. We kind of drifted apart. Why are you looking for her?

Shawn: Well, because we have reason to believe that she is responsible for the bombing of a church back in salem.

Ciara: And then she kidnapped my husband.

Ben: [Grunts]

Eve: Come on, ben. Sit up.


Ben: [Grunts]

Eve: It's all right. There you go. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. You can do this, ben. You can do this. All right?

Ben: [Breathing heavily]

Eve: Kill ciara. End your pain.

[Suspenseful music]

Ciara: Please don't kill me, ben. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Sami: I don't understand. Why is sonny attacking me like this?

Sonny: As if you didn't know.

Will: Sonny, please.

Sami: Will--

Will: Please.

Sonny: Why didn't you call us last night?

Sami: My grandson had just been born prematurely, and he's okay, thank god, but i was excited. I was practically beside myself.

Sonny: Oh, so because of all that excitement, I mean, you couldn't call and you managed to pressure eric not to call us as well? Why would you do that?

Sami: Well, you're here now, right? We're all here. Let's go check on my grandson. Come on. Let's go see--

Sonny: No, no, no, no, no, no! Not until you understand what you have done to your son and me.

Sami: What are those?

Sonny: What do you think they are? They're the adoption papers that allie refused to sign.

Sami: What?

Sonny: That's right. She's having second thoughts about giving us the baby ever since she found out that you were trying to control the situation that is none of your damn business.

Sami: No, no, okay? I was--

Sonny: Don't! Don't even try to deny it. We know that you bullied rafe into dropping out of the adoption.

Sami: Uh, how do you know?

Will: Nicole told us.

Lucas: Your mother loves you very much.

Allie: Do you know how sick i am of hearing that? About how much my mother loves me? I mean, really, what--what mother doesn't love their kids? It's kind of a given, don't you think?

Lucas: Yeah.

Allie: And yet everyone acts like sami brady deserves a medal for loving her kids, but I'm here to tell you that she doesn'T. It's not enough, dad. What we need--what any child needs, and therefore what would make her a decent mother--is if she respected us. Okay? Do you know--do you know that she had the nerve to go to rafe and push him to say no to taking my baby? And then she didn't tell me because she knew I would be so angry. Why aren't you saying anything?

Lucas: [Grunts]

Allie: Wait. You knew.

Lucas: I didn't find out till after the fact. I--I really didn'T.

Allie: So--so when I saw you and mom talking, this is what you were discussing?

Lucas: Yeah.

Allie: And yet when i confronted you, you told me it was about claire, about her being cleared in the bombing of ciara's wedding. Why did you lie to me, dad? Why?

Hope: So no new leads in salem, either?

Rafe: Nothing yet. How's ciara doing? No, that's a stupid question. She's gotta be going through hell right now.

Hope: Yeah. Yeah, she is. Uh, she's--we all are determined to find ben and bring him home.

Rafe: Yeah. I hear you. Okay, well, uh, do me a favor and give her my love, will you?

Hope: I will. Thanks. I'll keep you posted.

[Phone beeps]

Chloe: Oh, my god. That's just pure evil. Bombing a church during a wedding and kidnapping the groom? That couldn't have been eve.

Hope: You sure about that? It's not inconceivable. She's wanted to avenge her daughter's death from the moment she lost her and she found the perfect opportunity to do so: At ben's wedding.

Chloe: I don't know.

Hope: Ciara and ben had just been married, about to start their--their happy life together. Can you imagine how insane that must have driven eve? I mean, how angry that must have made her that--that ben was gonna be happy? And given her history, I think she was more than capable of orchestrating the bomb and then kidnapping ben. Anything to destroy ben. Anything to destroy his happiness. And given the look on your face, I think you agree with me on that, don't you?

[Suspenseful music]

Ciara: I know you won't hurt me, ben, because you love me. Don't you love me, ben? I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Chloe: No, I don't believe that eve is capable of that. I mean, my god. Bombing a church?

Shawn: Okay, chloe, I mean, how well do you actually know her, though? Are--are you friends with her? Are you just--are you close friends with her?

Chloe: Well, it depends on how you define that. Uh, we've spent a lot of time together here in new york and we bonded over our love of music. We went to music shows and listened to jazz, cabaret, that sort of thing.

Hope: When's the last time you saw her?

Chloe: Well, I've been busy. She's been busy. I've been meaning to call her.

Hope: So it's been a while.

Chloe: Yeah, it's--it's been a while.

Eve: Why hasn't he done it yet?

Vincent: He will.

Ben: [Breathing heavily]

[Breathing heavily]

[Inhales sharply] Ciara.

[Breathing heavily]

[Inhales and exhales sharply]


Ciara: Run. Run.

Ben: [Gasping]


Sami: Of course, I should have known that it was nicole's fault. All she's been doing is badmouthing me, turning people against me my entire life. I mean, she made it her mission to make people hate me.

Sonny: Sami, sami, sami, stop. This is not about your decades- long feud with nicole walker. This is about your son and me and something that was extremely important to us, and you ruined that!

Sami: What's he talking about, will?

Sonny: And not only did you ruin it for your son and me, which would have been bad enough, but you hurt your granddaughter because we already told her that she was getting a little brother, and now it might not happen because of you, and that's gonna make her extremely unhappy, because you stuck your nose where it doesn't belong, and you screwed everything up for us!

Will: Mom, I think we--

Sami: Uh--


Sonny: So? What do you have to say for yourself?

Sami: Just one question, really. How is this my fault?

Allie: [Exhales sharply] Answer me, dad. Why did you lie to me?

Lucas: I didn't wanna make trouble, all right? And your mother swore me to secrecy.

Allie: And you're okay with that? I mean, why wouldn't you just tell her you wouldn't keep her damn secret? I mean, what's the worst she could do? Sue you? Why is everyone so afraid of sami brady?

Lucas: It's not--I'm not afraid of her. It's not the point. I just didn't wanna stir things up with you. I didn't want to upset you.

Allie: Yeah, well, look how-- look how good that decision turned out for you.

Lucas: If I had to do it over again, I would.

Allie: Well, you can't, okay? You can'T. The damage is done. My god, the only person that's here for me is my brother. Will is the only person I can count on through all of this.

Lucas: Allie, don't say that. I'm here for you now.

Allie: No. Just go. I want you to go. I need to rest.

Lucas: Allie, please. Come on.

Allie: Go, please. Leave.

Lucas: I'm sorry.

[Door closes]

[Phone beeps]

[Cell phone trilling]

Allie: [Exhales sharply]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Phone beeps]

Rafe: Hey, allie.

Allie: Hey, rafe. Bad time?

Rafe: No. No, it's fine. You okay?

Allie: Yeah, I'm fine, physically.

Rafe: Good, good. Hey, congratulations. I heard you had the baby.

Allie: I did. He's perfect.

Rafe: Ah, that's great.

Allie: Um, rafe, I--I really need to talk to you. Could you come to the hospital right now? I'm in the maternity ward, room 306.

Rafe: Right now? Um, yeah, I can do that. 306. Okay, uh, I'll see you soon.

Allie: Okay, thanks.

[Phone beeps] So, the story with depression...

Sami: Look, how is it my fault that allie didn't sign those papers? She has a mind of her own. Allie does what she wants. Believe me.

Sonny: Well, that'd be great to hear if you actually believed it, if you hadn't manipulated her decision behind her back!

Will: Sonny, sonny, mom wants us to have the baby.

Sonny: Does she?

Sami: What is that supposed to mean?

Sonny: You bullied rafe into telling allie that he doesn't want to adopt the baby, and once she found that out, she didn't sign the papers, and now she's having second thoughts about giving us the baby because she knows it wasn't rafe's decision. It was your decision. Is that what you wanted all along? For us not to have the baby, either?

Will: There's something i need to say.


Rafe: Hey, allie.

Allie: Hey. That was fast.

Rafe: Hey. Uh, put the sirens on.

Allie: [Chuckles]

Rafe: You feeling okay?

Allie: Yeah, I am.

Rafe: And the baby? The baby's all right?

Allie: He's fine. He is beautiful.

Rafe: Oh, that's great. That's great. I--congratulations.

Allie: Thanks.

Rafe: I can't wait to meet him.

Allie: [Chuckles]

Rafe: So you said you wanted to talk to me about something.

Allie: Rafe, I know what my mom did. I know she talked you out of adopting my baby.

Chloe: Well, eve did get back in touch with me in january back when she moved to new york and, uh--

Hope: And--chloe, if there's anything you can tell us that might help--

Ciara: Please. Please, chloe.

Chloe: Well, I guess i couldn't help but notice that she changed.

Shawn: Changed? What do you mean? How did she change?

Chloe: Well, eve has--she's always had a dark side, but underneath that darkness, there was always a light, a kindness and a humor, and I know that a lot of people didn't see that, but I did and I know brady did, and I'm sure you did, too, claire, when you two were close, but I don't know. This time around when she moved back, she was just different and I don't know if it's because of everything that's happened in her life with all the losses and disappointments, but it was like that--like her light finally went out.

Ben: [Grunting]

[Blow lands]


[Blow lands]



Eve: He almost got away.

Vincent: His resistance to reconditioning, never seen anything like it. The man must be crazy about his wife.

Eve: Well, of course he's crazy about his wife! He just married her, but you said you can turn this around. You swore that you could do it, vincent.

Vincent: And I will. We need to intensify his treatments.

Eve: Well, then do it. Do it now!

Vincent: Ben weston, you will kill ciara brady.

Chloe: It just got more and more difficult to spend time with her. It was just depressing, you know, to be around somebody who's bitter. I would say to her, "eve, you can't live like this, constantly railing against people and complaining that you're being treated poorly, and you're only hurting yourself," but it's all that she would ever want to talk about when we would hang out, about how people have been treating her poorly and that she's been cheated on and wounded, and it was exhausting. I would just try to divert her and tell her to focus that energy into something positive like maybe teaching music classes again or doing volunteer work or anything, but she wasn't interested. She'd gone to a pretty dark place and seemed committed to staying there.

Ciara: Did she, um--did she ever talk about ben?

Chloe: Uh, well, you know, the loss of her daughter was far and away the worst tragedy of her life, but I'm stating the obvious, right? So, yeah, she did talk about ben, but--

[Clears throat] She was more, like, spewing venom about him. She'd say things like, "if he burned in hell for eternity, it'd be too good for him." Yeah, she wanted so badly to avenge paige's death, and I know that she wanted him to pay for what he'd done. Maybe--oh, god, I hate even thinking this now.

Hope: Thinking that eve was the one who bombed the church where ciara and ben were married, and then kidnapped ben?

Chloe: Well, the more I think about it now, I mean, yeah, i think it's possible. At the persil stain lab our scientists work hard.

Will: Sonny, um, I--what i want to say is--

Sami: No, will, sweetheart, now's not the right moment to defend me.

Sonny: Oh, no? Are you--are you gonna defend yourself? I mean, do you have an excuse for telling eric not to call us? I mean, what were you hoping for? That allie would decide to keep the baby?

Sami: Look, I've made no secret that my first choice would be for my grandson to be raised by his own mother. That's what I believe, but the truth is--and you can ask your big-mouthed friend nicole to back this up--I was trying to get allie to sign the adoption papers when she went into labor. I was trying to make it official that you two would get that child.

Sonny: Why don't i believe you?

Sami: You believe what you want. Will knows the truth. Don't you, will? You know, better yet, I'll prove it. Take these papers to allie right now. I will make this right. I will get her to sign them asap.

Rafe: Okay, yes, sami and i did talk about my adopting your baby, and yes, she made it clear that she thought it was a bad idea.

Allie: Why didn't you tell me this?

Rafe: I didn't wanna upset you.

Allie: That's not a good enough reason, rafe.

Rafe: Okay, look. Sami's problem with my adopting your baby aside, what I told you before, that I was going through a really rough time getting over losing david, that was 100% true. Even getting rid of the last of his stuff has been a challenge.

Allie: I'm sure that's been really hard.

Rafe: Yeah. Yeah, it has, and I've almost gotten rid of all of it. You know, I got rid of his toy box and his little boy bed and, yeah. I mean, there is one thing i still haven't been able to get rid of.

Allie: What's that?

Rafe: Well, I promised david that we would go to the zoo, and of course as luck would have it, the day that we were gonna go, wouldn't you know it? It's raining, so he's disappointed, I'm disappointed, and anyway, we decided that we were gonna paint his bedroom wall, so, uh, we did.

[Chuckles] You know, painted it with lions and tigers and monkeys, gorillas, and, um, anyway, when he left, I went and I got a couple cans of paint to paint over it, and yeah. I, uh--I haven't been able to do it. Then gabi, she says that--that, uh, it's her favorite room in the house and that I should keep it. Yeah, maybe she's right.

Allie: [Exhales] Thank you.

Rafe: Mm.

Allie: For being honest with me. That, along with that sweet story you just told, is one of the many reasons that I know you would make a great dad.

Rafe: [Chuckles]

Chloe: Yeah, eve talked incessantly about how ben had killed her daughter and she was horrified that he hadn't been executed for his own sister's murder. Felt like he had escaped the justice that he deserved. She told me this one night when we were at a restaurant and she was just crying really hard and then she got drunk, which just made her angrier, and then she started yelling and she made this huge scene, and I had to literally drag her out of that place.

Hope: Did you tell her she should get help?

Chloe: Yeah, of course. On many occasions, I urged her to see somebody--a therapist, anybody--to help her deal with that rage she was harboring before it destroyed her, but she refused, and that's when i realized that it was just too sad and depressing and toxic to be around her, so I just slowly distanced myself. I just--I didn't wanna be around that darkness anymore.

Hope: Well, that's understandable.

Chloe: Mm, but it's weird that I saw her a few months later, and she seemed different again. We went to coffee and we talked and she seemed like she had some new purpose in life.

Shawn: So what is-- what changed?

Chloe: Well, that's what i asked her, and she said she felt like her life was finally coming back together again because she'd met someone.

Hope: A man?

Chloe: Yeah, though she wouldn't give me any details, which is strange because eve usually loves to over share about stuff like that, but i didn't really think about it. I thought maybe she didn't wanna jinx it because it's a new relationship, she's being hopeful, or she's in love. She just lit up when she talked about him.

Hope: Chloe, did she give you a name?

Chloe: Uh, yeah. Vincent.

[Woman vocalizing softly]

Vincent: We need to give this dose a few minutes. Then we can resume the process.

Eve: It wasn't long ago, ben, that you were strapped to a gurney just like this, iv in your arm, ready to shoot poison into your body. Then no, no, no. Ciara came to the rescue and justice was denied.

Ben: I didn't do it. I didn't kill my sister.

Eve: But you killed my little girl, didn't you? You killed my beautiful, beautiful baby girl, and for that, ben, you deserve to die!

Ben: Then kill me! Kill me! Do it! Press the button! Shock my heart till it stops! Go ahead! I'm the one who hurt you! I'm the one who murdered paige! I'm the one who should pay! Get justice for your daughter, but leave ciara alone.

Ciara: Okay, um, so this vincent guy, did he give you his last name?

Chloe: Uh, no, but she did say that he has a really good job just outside the city. He works at some clinic.

Ciara: Did she tell you the name of the clinic?

Chloe: Yeah, it was daylight. No, daybreak? Day--I think it's daybreak.

Claire: Okay. Uh, daybreak clinic. Daybreak clinic. Um, here it is, and look at that. It's less than a 30 minute drive from here.

Ciara: Let's go.

Shawn: Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, hold on, wait.

Ciara: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what for? Why are we waiting?

Shawn: We don't even know if the guy vincent's gonna be there.

Ciara: All right, but he might be, and it's worth a try, isn't it?

Claire: Yeah, and it's not like it's gonna be dangerous. It's a clinic, right? His place of work?

Ciara: Okay, come on, please. Mom, shawn, please. It is our only, only lead right now and it could really help us out.

Hope: All right, fine. I'll go with you.

Ciara: Yes?

Hope: Yes.

Ciara: Yes, oh, thank you, mom.

Claire: Okay, I'll go, too.

Hope: Hey, oh, no. You're gonna stay here, wait for csi to call in, okay? Let us know if any evidence is found at eve'S.

Shawn: Okay.

Hope: Let's go.

Ciara: Okay, and then mom and I are gonna go find this vincent.

Shawn: Just be safe.

Hope: I've got it. I'll drop a pin if we find him.

Claire: Bye!

Oh, oh, oh, ozempicŪ!

Sonny: Oh, no, no, no. You're not gonna do anything further to screw this up for us. We are gonna go talk to allie, right?

Will: Sure.

Sonny: And we're gonna find out what she wants, and then we're gonna support whatever decision she makes.

Sami: That's great. Works for me. I mean, I feel quite confident that allie will make the right choice.

Allie: Honestly, rafe, when i think about you raising my child, it all just makes sense. You know, whenever I'm feeling sad or worried, or I'm down on myself for getting pregnant in the first place, I just think about you and how lucky any kid would be to have you as their dad.

Rafe: Mm.

Allie: And it just cheers me right up.

Rafe: Allie. That's really kind of you.

Allie: I'm not being kind. I'm just telling you how I feel.

[Exhales sharply] And so my question is, if my mom hadn't bullied you, insisted that you said no to my offer, what would you have done? Would you have said yes to adopting my baby?

Eve: I am so tempted to do exactly what you want, put you out of your misery.

Ben: [Breathing heavily]

[Woman vocalizing softly]

Eve: Mm!

That would be too damn easy.

You hear that music, ben? Hmm? You know who wrote that music? It's beautiful, isn't it? My little girl wrote that music right before you killed her, and sadly she never got to finish it, write the lyrics because you took that tie and you took her voice away. So I've never been able to hear her call me momma. I've never heard her say she loves me again, and for that i will always blame you for letting you get away with it. I will blame the world, and right now I don't give a damn who I hurt because I want you and the rest of the world to feel my pain! You got it?

Ben: [Breathing heavily] Hurting me or hurting ciara, eve, isn't going to bring paige back.

Eve: What, and you think-- what, you think I don't know that, ben? You think that I don't know that I'm gonna suffer for the rest of my life? No, I'm always gonna feel this pain and it's never gonna go away while you--you, you murderer, you get to live the rest of your life happy with the woman that you love? Well let me tell you something. Not this time. Not this time.

[Exhales sharply] Do it.

[Woman vocalizing softly]

How about poor fred wilson?

Lucas: Cute little guy, huh?

Sami: [Chuckles] He sure is. How's allie?

Lucas: Not happy, with either of us.

Sami: I'm sorry about that. I--I really am.

Lucas: Well, that's all right. I know a lot of this has been my fault, too. I haven't been too brilliant handling things.

Sami: That's nice of you to say, but I know I'm the culprit here.

Lucas: It doesn't matter, does it? Let's just focus on what we have, beautiful grandchild like that. We should get somebody to help us so we can hold him. Come on.

Sami: That's a great idea.

Lucas: Yeah, let's go.

Allie: Hey, guys.

Sonny: Hey. How you feeling?

Allie: I'm fine. I'm just tired.

Will: Okay, well, we won't, uh, keep you too long.

Sonny: Yeah, we just wanted to tell you that we heard about what happened last night from eric and nicole and we read your mom the riot act. She has no business interfering with the decision that you make for your child.

Allie: I agree.

Sonny: Allie, will and i promise that your little boy will be loved and cherished, okay? We just feel--we feel so grateful that you've chosen us to raise your child. So all that's left is for you to sign the papers and we'll take care of everything else.

Claire: [Groans] Why haven't we heard from them yet?

Shawn: It has not been that long, honey, okay?

Chloe: Well, I've gotta get going myself. I've gotta pick up parker from my parents. Say that ten times fast.

[All laughing]

Shawn: Chloe, thank you so much for your help.

Claire: Yeah.

Chloe: Of course, and claire, if you ever want someone to talk to--a friend, if you need someone to help you with your music--I would be honored.

Claire: Thank you. That's really sweet. Thank you so much. Hey, give parker a big hug for me, okay?

Chloe: I will. He misses you.

Claire: I miss him, too.

Chloe: Bye, shawn.

Shawn: Bye, chloe.

Chloe: Bye.

[Both groaning]

Shawn: Thank you again.

Chloe: And you know, I--i really hope that eve is not behind this church bombing and ben's disappearance, because either way, she's clearly in a lot of pain and I just hope that she finds some peace someday, somehow.

Shawn: Get home safe.

Chloe: Okay.

[Door closes]

[Electric sparking]

Ben: [Screaming]

Eve: Pour it on. Do it.

[Electric sparking]

Ben: [Screaming]

Eve: Do it!

Ben: [Screaming]

[Sparking continues]

[Breathing heavily]


[Electric sparking]

[Screaming continues] My husband and I have never eaten healthier.

Sami: Precious little guy, looking so peaceful. I made your momma so mad today, but someday she'll understand, and so will you, that everything I did was just--just to keep you in our family. Hey.

Rafe: Hey, sami.

Sami: Rafe, hi. What are you doing here?

Rafe: Uh, well, allie asked me to come. She wanted to talk to me about her baby.

Sami: [Chuckles]

Allie: I'm sorry, but I'm not signing these.

Claire: God, why haven't they called or at least texted? I mean, they must have gotten there by now.

Shawn: Listen, I'm sure that they're okay, all right? We just--we just gotta be patient, all right?

Claire: I know, I know. God, I'm just--I'm scared for ciara and I'm just starting to think after all that chloe said about eve that it'll be better for ben if she wasn't the one who took him.

Ciara: Mom, this place, it looks totally abandoned.

Hope: It does.

Ciara: Oh, my god.

Hope: What is it?

Ciara: This is the tie he wore. Mom, mom, this is the tie that ben wore to our wedding.

Hope: Okay.

Ciara: [Gasps]

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