Days of Our Lives Transcript Monday 8/3/20
Episode #13826 ~ Ben's torment begins; Hope, Shawn, Ciara and Claire arrive in New York to look for Ben; Sami tells Belle she is angry at Nicole for coming between her and Allie; Nicole blabs to Sonny and Will.
Provided By Suzanne
[Both gasping]Ciara: Hey, baby, baby, baby, what's wrong? What's wrong? Ben.
Ben: Oh, god.
Ciara: What?
Ben: Thank god it was a dream.
Ciara: Tell me about it.
Ben: [Breathing heavily] We were at our wedding, anwe had just gotten married. We were walking down the aisle, and the whole church exploded.
Ciara: Okay. Well, that was definitely a nightmare, because we did get married, and nothing exploded, and now we are waking up in our bed an old married couple.
Ben: Just keep talking.
Ciara: Mm-hmm. Well, I might as well keep talking since we didn't get much talking done last night. I mean, we were so, uh, let's say single-minded that, uh, we didn't even drink our champagne.
Ben: [Exhales sharply]
[Uneasy music]
[Breathing erratically]
Eve: Wakey, wakey. Hi, ben. Remember me?
Will: Hey. What are you doing over there? You're never up this early.
Sonny: Oh, I'm just working my way through these expletive deleted adoption forms.
Will: I thought your dad said it was all straightforward.
Sonny: Well, yeah, the forms for human beings are simple, but these? These are for a puppy. Will, tell me. Do you know canine cpr? Have you ever spoken crossly to a dog? Do you eat animal crackers?
Will: Aww.
[Kisses] I love it when you're cranky. Thanks for doing this, by the way. Ari thanks you, too.
Sonny: You know, the way that she bribed us into getting a puppy is pure brady. "I'd love a little brother or sister, if and when I get a puppy."
Will: [Laughing] You--you--you softie. You want a puppy just as much as she does.
Sonny: I just wanna get this done so we have enough time to housebreak this little creature before the baby comes.
Will: Okay, well, let me help.
[Cell phone rings]
[Phone beeps] Hey, dad. What's up? No, what? Really? We might not have as much time as we thought. Allie's had her baby!
Sonny: Oh, my god!!
Eric: You're up so early.
Nicole: Oh.
Eric: Mm.
Nicole: Yeah.
Eric: You know, it's still our honeymoon. You can come back to bed now.
Nicole: [Chuckles]
Eric: What's that?
Nicole: It's the adoption papers justin drew up for will and sonny. Allie didn't sign them.
Belle: So you guys got in okay? Any news? Okay. Well, tell claire I love her and please keep an eye on her for me. Okay.
[Phone beeps] Coffee?
Sami: Yeah, yeah, thank you. Who was that on the phone? You seemed so worried.
Belle: Um, shawn. He and claire went to new york with hope and ciara.
Sami: Why did they go to new york now?
Belle: Well, they think they have a lead in finding ben.
Claire: [Coughs] God, this is awful.
Shawn: Would you keep your voice down? My friend kevin owns this place.
Claire: Oh, sorry. Does your friend kevin have any taste buds?
Shawn: You find anything?
Hope: There's no record of eve flying to salem, at least not under her own name.
Claire: Mm, she must have used her broomstick.
Shawn: Do you remember how i didn't want you coming along? You're not really doing anything to change my mind right now.
Claire: Oh, okay, I'm sorry. Am I supposed to be cheerful? Mm-hmm. While we look for the person who, uh, blew up a church and kidnapped ciara's husband?
Ciara: All right, claire, would you just be quiet, please?
Hope: Claire. Honey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sweetie. I think we need to find ben, like, asap, or else ciara is gonna lose it.
[Discordant string music]
Eve: Did you have sweet dreams, ben? Because your nightmare is just beginning.
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Will: Yeah, uh, thank you for letting us know. Well, uh, we'll see you soon. All right, love you, dad.
[Phone beeps] Allie went into premature labor, but, I mean, everything turned out fine. Mother and baby are all good.
Sonny: Baby what?
Will: Baby boy.
Sonny: Oh, my god! That's amazing! We have one of each! Let's go tell ari she has a brother, and let's go meet our son.
Will: Okay.
Sonny: Okay.
[Both chuckle]
Nicole: I just feel awful.
Eric: Yeah, well, I think you needed to tell allie the truth. She needed to know what sami did.
Nicole: But will and sonny-- they had their hearts set on getting this baby. It's just so unfair.
Eric: Just so sami. I mean, how many times do we have to tell her to back off? It's allie's decision to make. You know, I'm beginning to understand why allie ran away in the first place.
Nicole: Mm.
Eric: However, I am surprised at rafe caving on her.
Nicole: He didn't cave. All along, he's been trying to make sure that he doesn't replace david, that he would be a good father to this baby, and then along came sami.
Eric: Doesn't she ever get tired?
Nicole: You know the one good thing is that no matter who allie picks--rafe or will and sonny--this baby is gonna be loved and happy, but if she does decide that she wants rafe to adopt, then these--these poor guys. This is a mess, a sorry sad mess.
Eric: Will said that he and rafe spoke and they would support whatever decision allie made with the baby. If will and sonny aren't the parents, rafe said that he would make sure that they are very much involved in this child's life. Vice-versa.
Nicole: All's well that ends well, right?
Eric: I don't think it's gonna end very well for sami.
Nicole: [Chuckles]
Eric: She's not only gonna lose allie and will. She could lose her grandson as well.
Nicole: Yes, and then she'll blame me.
Sami: Well, if eve donovan did blow up that church, i get it.
Belle: Wait, you get it?
Sami: Well, think about it. I mean, that man killed her daughter, and he gets to walk down the aisle and get married and live happily ever after? I mean, come on. I can understand how she wouldn't be okay with that. Are you kidding? If it were me, imagine my reaction if I hadn't gotten will back.
Belle: Mm. But, you know, no big deal about the other people in the church. I mean, what about allie?
Sami: No, of course it's terrible. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying, you know, you lose a kid, it does something to you. It kills something inside of you, and eve wasn't exactly on solid ground to begin with.
Belle: Yeah, well, that's putting it mildly.
Sami: Yep. So what are they gonna do when they find her?
Belle: I don't know. I mean, what I do know is that hope and shawn are super worried about ciara because her husband is missing from their wedding, of course, and claire's just determined to find ben so she can redeem herself to ciara somehow.
Sami: I hope she does.
Claire: Hey, ciara, I'm sorry.
Ciara: It's okay.
Claire: No, mm-mm. No, it's not. Look, I--I'm mad and scared, and I get nervous, and I act like a jerk, so I--I'm sorry.
Hope: Let's just all try to calm down, okay?
Claire: Okay.
Hope: Are you sure you won't eat something, honey? It's really not that bad.
Ciara: Um--
Shawn: Well, we can go someplace else if you want to.
Ciara: Mm-mm. No, I just--what I really wanna do is just get this over with, okay? We know eve's address, so let's just go find her and get her to tell us where ben is.
Hope: I'm sorry, sweetie, but that's not gonna happen.
Ciara: [Exhales sharply]
Ben: [Grunting]
Eve: How you feeling there, ben? You feel a little off? Hmm? See that iv? It's delivering a mind-altering drug right into you, and in the history of the world, there's never been a mind that needs more altering than yours. Are you feeling maybe a little groggy, disoriented, but vulnerable to suggestion? And the thing with this, this motif, hmm?
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Eve: Remembrances of times past, lives past.
Ben: What do you want? What do you want?
Eve: Ben, have you forgotten already? I'm--[Scoffs] I told you that I was gonna turn you back into the necktie killer.
Ben: Can'T.
Eve: Really? No? Hmm. When's the last time you took your meds, ben? You know, those meds that you take to fake everybody out as if you're, like, human, right? But I don't want you to worry, because we have some lovely new meds here for you, don't we? And we also have some, uh, other special surprises.
Ben: What's that?
Eve: Oh, yes. All designed to break you down, to make you mine, and choke the life out of your precious ciara.
Ben: No.
Eve: Yes!
Ben: [Screams]
Eve: Ben, yes! Just like you choked the life out of my precious paige! Yes!
Ben: [Shouts]
Eve: I want you to know how I feel.
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Hope: Your brother and I are gonna talk to eve. You two are gonna stay here.
Claire: What--no!
Shawn: Yes. If eve does know something, it's not gonna be easy to get it out of her. You two--you're a liability. You're too closely involved. You're both also emotionally shaky.
Claire: I mean, no. I mean, we're okay now, right?
Hope: No, no, no, no. No, your father is right. If there's any reason to suspect that eve was behind the explosion, we'll go right to the nypd and let them handle it. Okay? Okay?
Ciara: Yeah, okay.
Claire: Okay.
Hope: All right, wish us luck.
Ciara: Good luck.
Shawn: We'll be back.
Claire: Good luck.
Ciara: I love you, mom.
Hope: I love you, honey.
Claire: Bye.
Ciara: Um, okay, and where do you think you're going?
Claire: Um, well, they're not taking us and they won't give us an address, so our only shot is to follow them! Come on! You're strong.
Belle: Shawn, it's me again. Just wanna get an update. Please let me know what's going on, okay? You can call me, text me, whatever. I love you.
[Phone beeps]
Sami: You know that's the third call you've made in an hour.
Belle: Yeah, well, I'm worried, obviously. I mean, I was worried about claire's stress level before this whole explosion, and now I'm just--I don't know. I just didn't want her to go. You know, I just wanted to grab her and say, "don't do it! Just do what I'm telling you to do!"
Sami: But it is a good thing you let her go, because if you didn't let her go, she's just gonna push you away, and that is awful.
Sonny: You know, ari seemed happy to find out that she's getting a little brother, even though she does think boys are annoying.
Will: Well, she does have a point.
Sonny: And I want her to have an integral part in this experience, but we're not actually gonna name the baby scruffy, right?
Will: I don't know. Scruffy horton-kiriakis kinda has a nice ring to it.
[Phone beeps] Sorry.
Sonny: What is it? Something wrong?
Will: Oh, um, just my source at salem pd says they haven't found ben yet, but apparently they have a lead.
Ciara: No, claire, we're not gonna follow them, okay?
Claire: Why not? I mean, come on. We didn't come all the way to new york just to sit in some coffee shop.
Ciara: You know what? Okay, look. Um, my mom was right, okay? I'm way too--I just--
[Sniffles] Can you please just sit here and stay with me?
Claire: Yeah.
Ciara: For now, please?
Claire: I'm sorry. It's whatever you want. I just wanna help, and I sure don't wanna upset you more than I already have.
Claire: You are helping. Just by being here, you're definitely helping me, so thank you. Claire, if eve did this, if she really did--I mean, what if it's too late? What if ben's already--
Claire: Hey, hey, hey. No. No, you're not gonna go there, okay? You gotta think about this logically, okay? If eve wanted him dead, she could have just killed him at the wedding instead of taking him away. No, if she's behind this, she took him for a reason, okay?
Ben: [Shouting] I know I hurt you. I hurt you, but ciara didn'T.
[Shouting] Do whatever you want to me. Kill me. Kill me. Just leave her alone! Leave her--[Grunts]
Eve: Oh.
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Eve: You know, ben, maybe there is a higher power. A divine plan. When they let you go, I went to my baby's grave, and i cursed god. Thought, "how could he do that? How could he let you live and my baby girl be dead?" And then I realized, well, maybe it's because you needed to find love, and you love--you love ciara, right? I mean, you love her more than anything in the whole world, right?
Ben: Yes.
Eve: That was it. I mean, that's--
Ben: [Breathing heavily]
Eve: That's why it had to happen. You had to live so--so you would know what real love is, so you would feel it, know it, and then know what it felt like when it was killed. God gave you ciara so I could make you kill her so then you could stand at her grave and curse god just like I did. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
Belle: So, wait. Allie had her baby and you didn't tell me? Is something wrong? Is everything okay?
Sami: Yes, yes, everything is okay. The baby--he's okay. He was a bit premature, but he's gonna be fine. She's okay, too.
Belle: Well then...
Sami: I am happy, okay? I'm super happy, but I am also sad because allie didn't want me there, you know? She asked nicole--nicole walker--to be her birthing coach.
Belle: Okay, reality check. Just because nicole was her birthing coach does not negate the fact that you have a grandbaby and allie is fine. Why don't you just focus on that?
Sami: I would love to, I swear. It's just--it wasn't just that allie didn't want me there, didn't want me as her birthing coach. It's that she doesn't want me at all. She doesn't want me in her life, and it is all my own fault.
Will: I know he's premature, but he looks really strong, doesn't he?
Sonny: He looks perfect. Are you gonna cry?
Will: Probably.
Sonny: I know. Me, too.
Will: But you know they're gonna be strong, manly tears.
Sonny: Of course, yeah. Me too.
Will: Yeah.
Sonny: Oh, my god. He's so beautiful.
Will: He is our son. We're so lucky. We're so incredibly lucky.
Eric: Sonny, will.
Will: Hey!
Sonny: Hey! Kind of snuck up on us there.
Will: Can we, uh--can we introduce you to our son?
Nicole: Oh, wow!
Eric: Oh, congratulations. Congratulations.
Will: Thank you.
Nicole: Congratulations.
Sonny: Thank you.
Eric: Well, actually, we've already met the baby. Nicole was allie's birthing coach.
Sonny: Oh, you were here, and you didn't call us?
Eric: Well, allie--she went into labor at our apartment and everything was happening so fast.
Will: Yeah, yeah. I mean, but--I mean, couldn't have called us--why didn't you call us, you know, after the baby was born?
Nicole: Your mother told us not to.
Ben: I would never hurt ciara. Never.
Eve: Yep.
Ben: [Groans]
Eve: We'll just have to see about that, won't we? Vincent here is a protégé of dr. Rolf, and he's been doing some very interesting things with mind control--before the fda shut him down, of course.
Vincent: Talk about government overreach.
Eve: [Chuckles] So, ben, here's what's gonna happen. You ready? You're gonna go through hell and basically be dying to do whatever I want you to do, and you're gonna have no will of your own whatsoever. So, what do you say, boys? Should we get this party started?
[Electric sizzling]
Vincent: No time like the present.
[Dramatic music]
Ciara: Claire, would you just please stop staring at your phone, okay? They just left. They're probably not even there yet, and we have no idea if eve is even in new york.
Claire: I know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just hate waiting.
Ciara: Yeah, tell me about it. Claire, this has--this has gotta work, okay? Because I have this horrible, horrible feeling in my gut that ben is running out of time.
Victor: Human beings are somewhat simple creatures. If we like something, we keep doing it. If we don't, we do everything we can to avoid it. It's called conditioned responses.
Ben: You son of a bitch.
Vincent: I do hope you're not taking this personally, ben. It's certainly not personal for me. I'm a scientist, you see. Dedicated my life to learning about human behavior. Now, you see this green button? It controls a dose of a pleasure-enhancing drug. The red one? It serves a dose of painful electric shock. A word of advice. Struggling will only lead to more pain. Allow me to demonstrate.
[Electric sizzling]
Ben: [Shouting]
Vincent: Now, let's get started, shall we? These are real people, not actors,
Sami: Part of what killed me about allie asking nicole to be her birthing coach is just how nicole has always taken such great pleasure in causing me pain.
Belle: No, I don't think that's true anymore. Nicole is totally devoted to our brother, who loves you, so why would nicole want to hurt you?
Sami: Because it still brings her pleasure. Nicole is the reason that allie's freezing me out.
Belle: What do you mean?
Sami: Well, she told allie something that I did that made allie mad at me. Really mad.
Belle: What did you do this time?
Will: Okay, I don't, uh, understand that. Why would mom not want us here when the baby's born?
Nicole: Well, maybe she thought if you weren't here that allie would bond with the baby and decide to keep him.
Will: No, that's not--
Sami: The key is that you just have to keep your mouth shut.
Will: I--I have to keep my mouth shut?
Sami: Yeah. Will, this is just between you and me, okay? You can't tell sonny. You can't tell anyone else. I am here to help, okay? This is all gonna work out. As long as you stay quiet, i think I can really get through to rafe, and then you and sonny will both be able to raise allie's baby.
Eric: That's not what, will?
Sonny: Allie made it very clear that she wasn't ready to be a mother, so I don't care what sami wants. Allie wants us to have the baby. I mean, it's--it's a done deal.
Nicole: Not exactly.
Will: What do you--what does that mean?
Nicole: Guys-- [Stammers] There's something I have to tell you.
Eve: Ben, ben. Hey there. Are you a fan of immersive art? Because you are about to be immersed in some sensations. Some are gonna be pleasant, and some are not gonna be so pleasant, but we're also gonna take you down a visual trip down memory lane. So vincent, are we ready?
Vincent: Yes, ma'am.
Eve: Mm. I love that he's so polite. Don't you? So here's how it's gonna work. I'm gonna project some images right there on the screen. Vincent here--he will track your reactions and eventually control your reactions, so let's let those games begin, shall we?
[Suspenseful music]
Claire: It's okay, it's okay.
Ciara: Oh, my god. Look, I made a fool of myself.
Claire: No, no, no, no. Hey, it's new york. No one even noticed. Do you wanna, like, get out of here and take a walk or something? I--I can just text my dad and tell him.
Ciara: No, um, you're very sweet, but I'll--I'll be okay.
Claire: Well, if it's any consolation, I think you're doing great. Nobody should have to go through something like this.
Ciara: Wow. You know, claire, I really wish that I'd believed you. I really wish that you were my maid of honor.
Claire: Aww. Well, I'm standing up for you now.
Ciara: [Sniffles]
Ben: How did you--
Eve: Ben, come on. I told you I was at the wedding watching from the shadows. I just took the liberty of capturing a few of the special events right on film for my own purposes.
[Suspenseful music]
Hope: Thank you. Well, here we are. Eve's apartment. Ooh. (Avo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?
Will: Allie didn't sign them. Wh--why did allie not sign them?
Eric: Well, she was about to, but before she could--
Sonny: What, she went into labor?
Nicole: They need to know.
Eric: Right before allie was about to sign the papers, she found out that your mother convinced rafe not to adopt the baby.
Belle: Okay. So you got rafe to go along with you, and then you got lucas and will to promise not to tell allie that you went behind her back and interfered in the biggest decision she's ever had to make.
Sami: Yeah, exactly my point, and she wasn't thinking straight.
Belle: Neither are you! This was her decision to make, and the only reason you didn't go along with this decision is because it's not what you wanted. Sami, wow, you--you really screwed it up this time.
Sami: Well, I know that, belle.
Belle: So allie knows you went to rafe.
Sami: But because that damn nicole told her.
Belle: That damn nicole told allie what allie deserved to know. Does she know that lucas and-- and will covered for you?
Sami: No.
Belle: No. Well, you mean not yet, right? I mean, you do realize that you've just isolated her from her family, that you got her father and her brother to conspire against her?
Sami: Oh, it was not like that.
Belle: How else is allie gonna see it?
Sami: Well, I'll explain it to her.
Belle: Okay. I think it's probably gonna be a good long while before she's gonna wanna see you, much less forgive you.
[Disquieting music]
Vincent: The monitor indicates that you find the images of your wedding pleasurable.
Ben: It's ciara. She's happy. I love to see ciara happy.
Eve: Well, that is about to change, ben.
[Electric sparking]
Ben: [Shouting]
Vincent: You like that picture, ben, don't you?
[Electric sparking]
Ben: [Shouting]
Hope: We convinced the landlord to let us in.
Shawn: And she wasn't there, obviously.
Ciara: Okay, but you found something?
Hope: Yeah, we did. I'm just not sure what. I was at eve's earlier this year, and her place was neat and clean, but this morning, it was pretty messy. Dirty. Uh, dead plants, dirty dishes in the sink, spoiled food in the fridge.
Shawn: Yeah, the landlord said that the rent's been paid three months in advance but she hasn't seen her in weeks.
Claire: Well, okay, where the hell is she?
[Electric sparking]
Ben: [Shouting]
[Electric sparking]
[Electric sparking]
[Breathing heavily]
[Electric sparking]
[Electric sparking]
[Electric sparking]
This is hal.
Sami: You know, for the record, I didn't blackmail rafe. I didn't pay him off. He was having doubts about adopting that child before i even spoke to him.
Belle: Mm.
[Chuckles] Here we go again.
Sami: What is that supposed to mean?
Belle: No, it just means that you run full speed ahead, trying to run everybody's life, right? And then you express some really heartfelt remorse, and then you take a breath and you just justify everything you just said.
Sami: Okay, for the record--
Belle: You should run for congress!
Sami: All right, it's not funny, belle. My remorse is heartfelt, and i just have to explain that to allie, okay? She needs to know that rafe really was having second thoughts about adopting her child.
Belle: That's not the point. The point is, you took matters into your own hands. You have got to give allie some space before you make a really bad situation even worse.
Sami: Really? And how would you feel if someone told you you had to give claire some "space?"
Belle: Oh, my god! I just did! I had to!
Sami: Well, I can't, okay? I can't just leave it like that. I have to go find allie. I have to talk to her. I have to make her see that everything that I did, I was doing for her.
[Door closes]
Belle: Why do I even try?
Sonny: None of this is making any sense. Allie told us rafe said he wasn't ready to be a parent again.
Nicole: Sami bullied rafe into backing off just like she bullied eric not to call you.
Eric: Listen, you know what? We have to go see allie. So just take a step back. Take a breath, okay? I mean, this could all work out, right?
Nicole: Yeah. So...
Sonny: Damn her. I'm sorry. I know she's your mother, okay? I shouldn't have s--I--no.
Will: No, no, I understand.
Sonny: I know you're sami brady's son, but thank god you are nothing like her.
Shawn: Okay, so I just called in a favor. I got a friend of mine in the nypd csi unit. They're gonna go to eve's place. Gonna see if they can find anything linking her to the bomb.
Claire: Okay, but we still don't know where eve is.
Shawn: You know what? Think I might know somebody who might be able to help us.
Ben: Ciara.
Eve: Would you like to see ciara again? I think we can arrange that.
[Humming richard wagner's "bridal chorus"]
Ben: That's her wedding dress.
Eve: Why, yes it is. Last night, while you were unconscious, I went to the salem inn, to the bridal suite, and i borrowed it. I'm assuming she doesn't want to dye it and wear it to work.
[Unsettling music]
So, the story with depression...
Sonny: I'm out of here.
Will: What? Wh--
Sonny: I'm gonna go find sami and tell her to stay the hell out of our business.
Will: Whoa, sonny, come on. Let's--let's talk about this.
Sonny: No, everyone in the family seems to be afraid of her, but I'm not. I'm a kiriakis, and she's gonna pay for what she did!
Sami: Will. Sonny.
[Dramatic beating music]
Chloe: Hey, you guys.
Shawn: Oh, chloe!
Hope: Hey, chloe.
Shawn: Hey. Hey, thank you so much for coming down.
Chloe: Yeah, absolutely. How can I help you guys?
Claire: Uh, we need to find eve.
Ciara: It's a matter of life and death.
Eve: Come on, ben. Sit up. Come on.
Ben: [Gasps]
Eve: It's all right. There you go. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. Here you go. See, you can do this. You can do this. All right? Kill ciara. End your pain.
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