Days of Our Lives Transcript Friday 7/31/20
Episode #13825 ~ Ciara and Claire come to a stunning revelation; Ben is horrified when his captor reveals their diabolical plans; to Sami's dismay, Nicole helps Allie deliver her baby; Gwen and Jake move into the DiMera mansion.
Provided By Suzanne
Sami: Allie is my daughter. I should be the one coaching her through her labor, not nicole.
Eric: Allie was very clear, sami; this is what she wants.
Sami: She wasn't clear. She's scared out of her mind. She doesn't know what she wants.
Eric: Isn't that the kind of thinking that got you in trouble in the first place?
Sami: Oh, thanks a lot. You know what I don't need is you telling me how to raise my own daughter.
Eric: Well, maybe if you had listened to us in the first place, none of this would be happening.
Sami: Are you suggesting that you agree with allie? You think it is my fault that she went into premature labor?
Sarah: You're doing great, allie. You're almost fully dilated, so it's not gonna be long now.
Allie: Oh, thank god. That last contraction was bad. Like, really bad.
[Sighs] I don't know if I can do this.
Nicole: Hey, allie, look at me, you can, okay? You can do this, I know it.
Allie: Okay. It just hurts.
Nicole: I know.
Allie: So much.
Nicole: I know, I know it does, okay? But you just have to be strong, which you are. I just saw you stand up to your mother, and if you can stand up to sami brady, you--
Allie: [Screams]
Nicole: Okay.
Allie: [Breathing heavily]
Sarah: You're doing great.
Jake: You must be my brother, chad. Jake.
Chad: Sor--I don't mean to stare. It's just you look exactly like stefan.
Jake: Maybe that's why they call us identical twins.
Chad: It must be.
Gabi: So I hate to break up this little family reunion here, but did somebody mention something about moving in?
Gwen: Yes, this is the dimera house, is it not? And jake is a dimera. So it seems only fair that we should enjoy the family manse. I can't wait to pick out our room.
Gabi: Over my dead body.
Ciara: Thank you. Just being here with me, it really helps. And offering to help me find ben, you have no idea how much that means to me.
Claire: Hey, you don't have to thank me. I would do anything for you.
Ciara: Okay, so where do we even start? I mean--
Claire: Um, well, we've gotta think about this logically. So first, we will make a list of all the suspects. Okay.
Ciara: All right, so we can eliminate clyde. We can eliminate orpheus. I mean, ever since he got transferred to that supermax prison, he hasn't had contact with anybody from the outside. So we've just gotta think about who else would wanna hurt ben.
Claire: Well, not to be mean, but this is going to be a very long list.
Ben: I'm warning you, eve. You lay one finger on my wife, I swear to god--
Eve: What are you gonna do, ben? What are you gonna do, huh? Are you gonna strangle me, huh? Are you gonna strangle me like you strangled my daughter? Good luck with that!
Ben: Don't you dare hurt her.
Eve: Oh, why don't you calm down. I'm not gonna kill ciara. You are. In fact... you're gonna use your own bare hands.
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Claire: Okay, um, I really hate to point fingers at our own family, but do you think it could be pop-pop?
Ciara: Pop-pop? No. No, no, no, no, no. Whoever did this risked hurting a lot of innocent people, and pop-pop would never do something like that, plus he would never, ever risk hurting me.
Claire: No, you're right, you're right. I'm sorry I even mentioned him. Um, okay. What if it was sonny?
Ciara: Sonny?
Claire: Yeah. No, I know that will agreed to be ben's best man and everything, and everything's chill between them now, but have you noticed how sonny kind of tenses up every time he sees them together?
Ciara: All right, but no matter how sonny feels about ben, he's still a really, really good guy. I really don't think that he would do something so horrible.
Claire: Well, what if he snapped? Did you see him at the church? Was he acting weird or anything?
Ciara: Actually, no, I didn't see him at the church.
Claire: Ah-ha! Yeah, you see?
Ciara: No, no, no, like you said, will was ben's best man. Sonny wouldn't do anything to risk hurting him either, and like I said, he is a really great guy, and I really don't see him doing something so sick and destructive.
Claire: Nah, you're right again. Okay, so...who else could it be?
Ciara: [Sighs]
Ben: What the hell are you talking about? I would never hurt ciara.
Eve: Come on, ben. You don't expect me to do it myself, do you? I don't like getting my hands dirty. That's why I had vincent rough you up a little bit. Of course, I really would have enjoyed inflicting that pain on you myself. But I don't wanna break a nail. Besides, I had a man to do the grunt work for me, so to speak.
Ben: Like plant a bomb in a church that could have killed half of salem?
Eve: No, come on, I made it very clear to vincent that i didn't want anybody to die in that explosion, and nobody did. Nobody. Everybody that attended your wedding is alive and kicking, including your precious ciara. But that is about to change, ben. When you murder her. So, the story with depression...
Gabi: Sorry, gweny, there's no room at the inn.
Gwen: Are you joking? Really, I mean, this place could house an army.
Gabi: This place is not a halfway house for wayward grifters, so you need to leave.
Gwen: No, you can't kick us out.
Gabi: The hell I can't? This is my house. I inherited it from stefan.
Gwen: Who was jake's twin brother, which means he is entitled to half of what he owned.
Gabi: Are you a complete moron? Because that makes no sense.
Chad: Oh, I actually think gwen has a point. I'm sure stefan would have gladly shared half of everything with his twin brother.
Gwen: Oh, see?
Gabi: Is that what you think, chad? He's only saying that because he hates me. Jake has no legal claim to this house, and if he did, it would be him that would be moving in here, not you. So get your bags and get out.
Eric: I'm sorry. I wasn't blaming you for sending allie into labor.
Sami: It sure sounded like it.
Eric: I just meant that maybe you and allie would be on better terms if you weren'
Sami: Oh, well, great. That's helpful.
Eric: Okay, I'm sorry. What I'm--despite what you may think, I'm only trying to help, and I hate that you two aren't getting along.
Sami: I do too. My little girl's in there having a baby, and I just want to be there for her.
Eric: Listen, allie knows you're here if she needs you.
Sami: I feel terrible that she was so upset. But she wouldn't have been so upset in the first place if nicole had just kept her big mouth shut.
Eric: Okay, and maybe if you hadn't gone behind allie's back and talked rafe out of adopting the baby-- I'm sorry, which reminds me, I should call will and sonny and remind them that allie's--
Sami: Wait, no. Maybe don't do that just yet.
Allie: [Groans] I don't think I can do this anymore.
Nicole: Allie, listen, okay. We won't talk about your mother anymore, all right? From here on out, only positive thoughts.
Sarah: That's a good idea.
Allie: Yeah, but the problem is I don't have any positive thoughts. My life is a mess.
Nicole: Okay, I get it. I do. You know what? When I was your age, I was lost too. I didn't think my life would amount to anything. I didn't think my dreams would come true, but now, look, I have this beautiful daughter and a wonderful, wonderful husband who loves me more than life itself. And I have you, a wonderful niece. So you see, things can change, allie. You just--you just have to work hard and be strong.
Allie: I'm not very good at either of those things.
Nicole: Neither was I.
Allie: [Screams]
Sarah: Okay, yeah, that's it. Allie, the baby is ready, okay?
Allie: Okay.
Sarah: All right, so on the count of three, I'm gonna have you give me a very strong push, okay?
Allie: Okay.
Sarah: Okay, one, two, three. Push.
Allie: [Screams]
Sarah: There you go. Okay, good, good, good, good. Push, push, push!
Claire: Hey, what if the person who kidnapped ben was tripp?
Ciara: Tripp? No, claire, tripp would never do something like plant a bomb.
Claire: Keep in mind that when I first came to town, he tried to kill aunt kayla. Ciara, he was completely obsessed with revenge.
Ciara: Yeah, until he realized that he was wrong.
Claire: Okay, well, maybe he reverted back to his own ways. He did hate ben for stealing you away from him. You know what, maybe if he still had a thing for you, he would do whatever he had to to keep you from marrying him.
Ciara: Uh-uh, I really don't think so. I mean, when tripp left town, he had already moved on. Plus, I'm not sure if you know this 'cause you were already in bayview, but at that point in time, tripp had feelings for haley, not me.
Claire: [Chuckles] See? God I always knew there was something going on between those two.
Ciara: You know, it's okay, because nothing ever happened. So, you know.
Claire: Okay, I'm fine.
Ciara: Good. And also, I mean, if tripp was competitive with anyone, it was jj, not ben.
Claire: Wait a minute.
Ciara: What?
Claire: Ciara, what if the person who kidnapped ben was jj?
Ben: I would never hurt ciara. Never.
Eve: Because you are changed, right? Is that the line you're selling these days, huh? That you are reformed? You're an upstanding citizen. "I couldn't hurt a fly so you don't have to worry about me." I really wish some of your victims could hear you say that. Like, um, serena. Serena mason. What about that midwife? What was her name? Do you remember?
Ben: Wendy.
Eve: Excuse me. I didn't hear you.
Ben: It was wendy!
Eve: Wendy, yes, wendy. Wow. I actually think she'd be happy that you remembered her name. Of course, I think she might be happier to still be delivering babies, bringing new life into this world, hmm? I think I'm forgetting one more person. Hmm, let me think. Who could it be, ben? Oh, right. It's my daughter, paigey. Do you remember her? You snuffed the life out of her right in her prime. You are going to do to ciara exactly what you did to my paigey.
Ben: I'll never do it, eve.
Eve: No, really?
Ben: I'll never--
Eve: Really? What-what-what, so all this serial killer stuff, it was just a phase, huh? Is that what you're telling me? That you don't have it in you, ben? You don't?
Ben: I don'T. I don'T.
Eve: Really?
Ben: I swear to god--
Eve: Oh, then you know what?
Ben: I swear to god.
Eve: You might not now. But you will when I am finished with you.
[Dramatic music]
How about poor fred wilson?
Ciara: Yeah, but jj? He's also a really, really good person.
Claire: Okay, but what if he's back on drugs? Ciara, this would not be the first time that jj has gone after him. Oh, my god, do you remember when ben was in police custody? He almost shot the dude. He was trying to avenge paige's death.
Ciara: Right, yeah, okay, but think about it. I mean, ben has been living in salem for years now. Jj has had plenty of opportunities to get him. Why would he choose now?
Claire: Well, maybe he's been nursing a grudge this entire time.
Ciara: Maybe.
Claire: And I just remembered back when jj was using, he flew all the way to italy to kill kristen dimera to avenge haley's death.
Ciara: Yeah, but you just said he was on drugs at the time.
Claire: Okay, well, maybe he's back on drugs. That happens. And, you know, this means that he was probably oblivious to all the innocent people he might hurt. He really did love paige, so... oh, my god.
Ciara: What?
Claire: [Chuckles] That's it. I mean, of course, jj would want to avenge paige's death. But, ciara, so would her mother. Eve.
Ben: What the hell are you talking about, eve? Huh? What do you think you're gonna do to me?
Eve: Your sister was so right about you, ben. There is evil inside you. And there always will be. You just need the right person to bring it out.
Ben: Well, it's not ciara.
Eve: It's not ciara. It's me. I am going to turn you back into the necktie killer.
Jake: Gabi, we didn't mean to upset you.
Gwen: Oh, god, who cares if she's upset. You have every right to live here, and so do I.
Gabi: How the hell do you figure that? You're not his wife. You're his girlfriend, and not even a serious girlfriend at that, since you seem to be dating, right? We were--oh, did you know that I was his date for the wedding? It wasn't just casual. I was his plus one.
Gwen: Oh, yes, I did know that, sweetie pie. But at the time, jake and i weren't really sure about our relationship, but we made sure to smooth that out this afternoon, didn't we? And now we're back together and we're stronger than ever.
Gabi: Really? Is that true?
Jake: We had a talk and--
Gwen: Oh, come on. Don't be shy, darling. We didn't really do much talking, if you know what I mean. Did we? No, we didn'T.
Eric: Will and sonny are adopting allie's baby. They wanna be here. Why wouldn't I call them?
Sami: No, you should. I just, uh--I just think it can wait.
Eric: Wait, why?
Sami: Well, I mean, if anyone's gonna adopt allie's baby, I would want it to be will and sonny.
Eric: If?
Sami: Yes, I still think that there's a chance that allie might look at her baby, she might hold it in her arms and she might decide to keep it for herself.
Eric: Sami, you know damn well allie's adamant about someone adopting her baby. She's already made a commitment to her brother and sonny.
Sami: She can change her mind if she wants to. She's the mother. Nothing's official. And I know better than anyone not to underestimate the bond between a mother and child.
Allie: [Screams] Why won't this baby come out of me?
Nicole: Hang in there, honey, all right? Just rest when you can. Keep up your strength.
Allie: I don't have any strength left.
Sarah: Allie, listen to me. Okay, on the next contraction, I want you to push. Push harder than you did the last time.
Allie: Yeah, it's easy for you to say.
Sarah: All right, here we go.
Nicole: Atta girl. Push, push. Atta girl.
Sarah: Keep pushing, allie.
Allie: [Screams]
Sarah: You're almost there. Come on, push, push, push, push, push!
[Baby crying] You did it.
Allie: Oh, my god.
Nicole: Oh, yes. There it is.
Sarah: Congratulations, it's a boy.
Nicole: Ohh. A boy.
[Baby crying] Are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
Allie: [Breathes heavily] A boy? Is he okay?
Sarah: He is. He's got a nice strong cry, as you can hear.
Allie: Yeah, I can.
[Baby cries]
Sarah: Listen, we need to take him to the nicu. Do you want to hold him before we go?
Nicole: It's up to you, sweetie. Whatever you decide, no one's gonna judge you.
[Baby crying]
Allie: No. Thanks. Just take care of him.
[Crying continues] I-I wanted to hold him. I really did. But I couldn'T. I just couldn'T.
[Somber music]
Nicole: It's okay.
Sami: Sarah, hi. Hey, so how's allie doing? Has she had the baby?
Sarah: She did. You have a grandson.
Sami: A boy.
Sarah: Mm-hmm.
Sami: It's a boy.
Eric: You have a boy.
Sami: It's a boy. Is he okay?
Sarah: He's on his way to the nicu, and I'm gonna do a more thorough exam there, but he seems really healthy.
Sami: Oh, that's wonderful news. And how's allie doing?
Sarah: She's resting. But she did really great. She did. You'd be very proud. Congratulations.
Sami: Thank you. I have to go. I can't--I have to see my daughter.
Eric: Gotta go, let's go.
Gwen: [Chuckles]
Gabi: All right, okay, listen, this is not the back alley of some dive bar, okay? Have some self-respect.
Gwen: Excuse me.
Gabi: I said have some self-respect. You're grossing me out.
Jake: All right, you know what, maybe this was a bad idea moving in here.
Chad: Well, I think it's a great idea.
Gabi: Excuse me?
Chad: Well, like I said, I wanna get to know jake. After all, he is my brother.
Jake: Stefan was your brother too. From what I heard, you hated the guy.
Chad: That's right, but stefan was a psychopath who raped my wife. You and I, we have a clean slate, so I don't see why there's any reason you and gwen can't stay here.
Gabi: So touching. Oh, wow, that is so generous of you, chad, but you have no say in this matter.
Chad: Well, I do live here.
Gabi: As my guest, okay? And I allow you to enjoy that privilege because I don't want your innocent children to be out on the street.
Chad: This one, she's all heart, isn't she?
Gabi: Don't push your luck.
Chad: Gabi's right, this isn't my home, but there's nothing in our arrangement that says I can't have houseguests. So I don't see why there's any reason that the two of you can't stay indefinitely.
Gwen: Aw, well, look at that. That works for us, doesn't it, darling? Come on, let's go pick out our room.
Chad: Any one you want.
Gabi: What the hell are you up to?
Claire: Of course, that's it. That's it, it has to be her! I don't know why I didn't think of this before.
Ciara: Why didn't I? I mean, how could I forget that she even attacked ben once before?
Claire: Oh, my god, she did way worse than that, ciara. Remember back when jack deveraux made her police commissioner, she was hell bent on bringing ben down. She tried to pin all those fires that I set on him. You know, she tried to frame him for my crimes, and now she's trying to frame me for her crimes. Oh, my god, this is totally her mo. It has to be eve.
Ben: You're gonna turn me back into the necktie killer, huh? How the hell do you think you're gonna do that? Huh?
Eve: I want you to think about this, okay? How did stefano turn john black into the pawn? Steve johnson into his own personal super soldier? Or andre dimera, now how did he get chad to betray abigail to go after belle?
Ben: What are you saying? What are-what are you saying? You're gonna brainwash me?
Eve: Oh, ding, ding, ding! Good for you. That, ben--look at me. That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Did you know the source of odor in your home...
Gwen: Ooh, wow. This room is lovely. Let's take this one.
Jake: It looks like somebody's already staying in here. Lucas horton.
Gwen: Doesn't sound like a dimera to me, and guess who gets priority.
Jake: We've already made enough enemies in this house, right? Gabi's already pissed off at us.
Gwen: God, who cares about gabi? This is your birthright. Okay?
[Gasps] Oh, my god, this is the new bonnie lockhart memoir. I've been dying to read this.
Gabi: Why would you want jake and his skanky girlfriend to live here?
Chad: Like I said, I, uh, I wanna get to know my brother.
Gabi: Bull. You know that jake has a legitimate claim at dimera. He's a direct threat to your position of power.
Chad: That guy? No, he's a mechanic. He doesn't wanna be the ceo of an international corporation.
Gabi: Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but down the line, who knows. Is this a "keep your enemies closer" kinda thing?
Chad: Maybe. Maybe not. What, you have an objection?
Gabi: Yeah, first of all, I don't wanna have a reminder of my dead husband walking around in this house. And, you know, another reason is I think his girlfriend is obnoxious.
Chad: Well, I think she's cool.
Gabi: What?
Chad: I love a british accent.
Gabi: No, you don'T. I find it irritating, and you, you just like it that she pushes my buttons.
Chad: Why would I-- oh, I get it. You're jealous.
Gabi: No, I'm not. I told you I'm not interested in him.
Chad: I don't know. They were getting pretty hot and heavy. Anyway, I better go make sure our new houseguest have everything that they need.
Ciara: Yes, it had to have been eve who planted the bomb. I mean, she definitely has the motive. And it would totally make sense for her to use you to cover her trail. I mean, she had a front row seat to all the bad stuff that happened between us.
Claire: Uh-huh, and now she's using that to her advantage. Wow.
Ciara: Yeah, but... I don't know. Still, claire, I know that she's done some really, really crazy things, but, I mean, would she go that far?
Claire: To avenge her daughter's death? Hell yes.
[Tense music]
Ben: You know how to brainwash people, eve?
Eve: No. I-I don'T. But... vincent does.
Ben: [Sighs]
Eve: What's so funny, ben?
Ben: This is insane. And it's never gonna work.
Eve: Oh, my god, stop being such a pessimist. It just takes the right motivation, okay? Now I am going to leave you for just a few moments, but, ah, don't you go away.
[Tense music]
When migraine strikes,
Gwen: This is the ultimate scam. Get it, bonnie.
[Knocking at door] Come in.
Chad: Brought you some towels.
Gwen: Oh, thank you. Hey, have you read this? Bonnie lockhart, right, she's this woman that just takes over this other woman's life, and she moves into this huge, big, fancy mansion. I swear to god, she's a woman after my own heart.
Chad: I have not, no. If you need anything else, you can just check with harold, okay?
Gwen: Harold? Is that your manservant?
Chad: Uh, yeah, we don't call him that.
Gwen: Right, well, okay. Whatever you call him. Harold will do. I'll have a word with him. Listen, thank you. Thank you for sticking up for us downstairs.
Chad: Yeah, it was my pleasure.
Gwen: You sure you don't mind us invading your space?
Chad: Are you kidding? It's a big house. Besides, once I saw how much it bothered gabi, I couldn't resist.
Gwen: God, you really loathe her, don't you?
Chad: Like I said, she's been a big reason why my wife has been through hell over the past few years. Which is why I could really use some help keeping tabs on her.
Gwen: Are you asking me to spy on gabi?
Chad: You don't have a problem with that, do you?
Gwen: No. Actually, I'm rather keen on the idea.
Chad: I thought you might be. I think with the two of us working together, we might be able to bring her down once and for all.
[Knocks gently]
Jake: You got a minute?
Gabi: What do you want?
Jake: I know you're not thrilled with me and gwen moving in here, but--
Gabi: Good, I was worried I was being too subtle.
Jake: I just wanted to talk to you because I know we've started to become friends, and I...I hope didn't spoil that.
Gabi: No, of course not. Forcing yourself into my home has really endeared you to me. Oh, and your very classy girlfriend, I can't wait to get to know her.
Jake: Sorry about gwen. I know she comes on a little strong.
Gabi: A little?
Jake: She's just being protective over me. She wants me to get my piece of the dimera pie too.
Gabi: What? Are you-are you kidding me? She wants to have the piece of the pie for herself. Are you really that naive? And she's not gonna stop with just moving in here. She's gonna force you to go after the dimera fortune and twist her arm to marry her.
Jake: Oh, wow, you got it all figured out, don't you? It's my decision what I do with this family fortune. Not gwen'S. And I haven't even figured that out yet.
Gabi: Whatever decision you make, I hope you do it for yourself and not for her. Because that woman cannot be trusted. I don't even know what you see in her. But you know what, that's none of my business.
Jake: No, it's not.
Gabi: So are you really back together? Oh, there I go again. Not my business, sorry.
Jake: That's okay. I'm gonna be living here. Might as well be honest. Yeah, gwen and I are-- we're trying to work things out.
Gabi: So when you hesitated before...
Jake: It was because... you know, there was a chance that I had this other life. And now that that's not so and you're not my wife, I-- I don't see any reason why gwen and I shouldn't try to work things out, right?
Allie: You must think I'm a horrible person, not wanting to hold my baby.
Nicole: No. No, honey, I don'T. I totally understand.
Allie: I didn't even really get a good look at him, which is probably for the best.
Nicole: Yeah. It probably is.
Claire: Thank you so much for being here with me. I don't think I could have done this without you.
Nicole: Oh, kiddo.
Sami: Hey. We just heard the good news. You had a little boy. Did you get a chance to hold him?
Allie: No. Is dad here?
Sami: I haven't been able to reach him. I texted and I left a message.
Allie: Thanks.
Sami: How are you feeling?
Allie: I'm feeling like I want you to leave.
Sami: Sweetie.
Allie: I don't want you here. You're the reason I went into labor.
Eric: Allie, we don't know that.
Allie: I don't care. I don't wanna see her. I need rest.
Sami: Okay. You do need rest. I'm sure you must be so tired. But alice caroline, I love you very, very much. You can push me away all you want, but I want you to know I'm never, ever giving up on you.
[Gentle music]
[Door closes]
This is hal.
Gwen: So I assume that once we do get gabi out of the way, there will be room for jake and me at the dimera table.
Chad: Of course. Yeah, absolutely. But may I offer you a word of caution?
Gwen: Go on.
Chad: I don't know you very well, but I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good judge of character, and I can sense that you're driven, you have big dreams... you can be ruthless.
Gwen: You sense right. And your word of caution?
Chad: Just keep your ambitions in check. I can be a very good ally. But you do not want me for an enemy.
Gwen: Duly noted.
[Door closes]
Gabi: You make it sound like you reconciled with gwen as a default. Not exactly the stuff of romance novels.
Jake: I know you're not thrilled about it, but we're gonna make this work. Us living in this house with you.
Gabi: Not gonna kick you out just yet.
Jake: Hmm. Mighty decent of you.
Gabi: Jake, uh, wait. I know chad must have been acting like the world's best brother, but you need to watch your back.
Jake: I may not be as business savvy as stefan was, but I'm not an idiot. I know chad has an agenda.
Gabi: Good. As long as you're going into this with your eyes open.
Jake: Wide open.
Nicole: Hm.
Eric: I can't tell you how grateful I am for what you did for my niece today.
Nicole: I feel lucky for the privilege. Watching her bring this new life into the world.
Eric: I feel lucky too. For my amazing wife.
Nicole: Oh, well, I have an amazing husband, too.
[Monitor beeping]
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Hmm?
Eric: Why don't we take a walk down to the nursery and go see my new great-nephew?
Nicole: I would love that. But allie asked me to stay here and make sure sami doesn't come back.
Eric: Oh, right.
Nicole: What?
Eric: Uh, it's just that, you know, I know sami screwed up, but I have to admit I kinda feel bad for her.
[Gentle music]
Sami: Welcome to the world, little one. Your grandma loves you very much. And I promise you, I am going to be there for you. No matter what.
Claire: Okay, um, we gotta track eve down and question her, stat.
Ciara: Yeah, but she left town last christmas.
Claire: Okay, well, where did she go, back to new york?
Ciara: I can't remember, but you know what, my mom knows where she is, because my mom went and saw her to apologize to her for what she did as princess gina.
Claire: Okay, well, what are we waiting for? Let's go talk to your mom. Okay.
Ben: [Groaning]
Eve: Ben, ben, please, don't waste your time. You can't break those. Nobody can.
Ben: Eve, what the hell is that? Please, no, no, no-- what is that? What is that, eve? What the hell was that?
Eve: Well, it was just, um...
[Chuckles] A little something to get you ready for tomorrow, ben. Because that's when the real fun begins.
[Dramatic music]
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