Days Transcript Thursday 7/30/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Thursday 7/30/20


Episode #13824 ~ Ben's past comes back to haunt him; Ciara and Claire decide to team up; Allie goes into labor; Chad learns Gabi has been making inroads at DiMera behind his back.

Provided By Suzanne

Sami: Okay, well,then why don't you sign the papers?

Allie: What is with you? This entire time, you've been pushing me to keep the baby, and now you're pushing me to sign?

Sami: I am not pushing you.

Allie: Yes, you are. You are.

Eric: All right. Why don't we just step back, take a minute, and cool off?

Nicole: He's right.

Sami: Oh, you butt out.

Allie: No, you butt out! You try to run everything.

Sami: No, I don't!

Allie: Yes, you do!

Sami: I am not trying--

Allie: You do, and nicole and uncle eric try to referee and you just bite their heads off because they're getting in your way. I--it's your way or the highway, and you know what? I choose the highway because i am so tired of you trying to run everything in my life. This is my body and my baby and my life, and you just--ah.

Sami: Allie.

Allie: [Groans] Ow.

Eric: Allie...

Sami: Are you okay? Are you in labor?

Allie: Oh, my god. I don't know. What does labor feel like?

Sami: It feels like really, really bad cramps.

Allie: Then, yeah, I'm in it.

Sami: Okay, uh...

Allie: Ah!

Sami: Okay, yeah, just breathe, just, yeah, and out. No, slow--slower.

[Both breathe deeply] Yeah, just like that.

Gabi: Why don't we come in here and sit down and finish that wine we had for lunch?

Li: Sounds good to me. Oh, the food was excellent...

Gabi: Thank you.

Li: And so is the wine.

Gabi: Only the best for you from stefano dimera's cellar, mr. Shin.

Li: Mr. Shin is my father. Please, call me li.

Gabi: Really?

Li: Of course. After what you did for me and the company today, I'm in your debt.

Gabi: Well, I'm just very happy to help. Why don't we toast to our success?

Li: Oh. To our success. Mmm.

Chad: What's going on here?

[Dramatic music]

Gwen: Well, there you are. God, I move all my bloody things in here, thinking that we're back together and you just pull a disappearing act. Where the hell have you been?

Allie: [Groans] It stopped, the cramp.

Sami: Okay, good.

Allie: Worst cramp I've ever had.

Eric: Do you think she's in labor?

Sami: Well, she can't be in labor; she's only eight months along. It's probably braxton hicks.

Allie: Isn't that the lame band you and dad used to listen to on the yacht rock channel?

Nicole: No, braxton hicks is false labor.

Allie: Oh.

[Sighs] Well, whatever this was, it didn't feel false to me.

Sami: Well, this is your first time having a baby. How do you--how do you know?

Allie: Uh, maybe water just broke.

Nicole: Oh.

Ciara: Rafe can fill you in on all the details about orpheus later, but it looks like he is not the one who was responsible for planting the bomb. Yeah, I just came to grab a change of clothes so I can finish looking for ben. No.

[Alarm beeps] No, no, mom. It's absolutely fine. You do not need to come over. I actually need a few minutes to get my head together, you know. Yeah. Yeah, I'll call you later. I love you too.


[Phone beeps]

[Suspenseful music]

Ben: Eve donovan?

Eve: Hello, ben. Long time, no see.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Eve: Oh, wow. You don't look so good there, ben. Poor guy. Hmm. I guess my new friend vincent just doesn't know his own strength, I'm afraid. But you know what? You can't blame him. He was only following orders.

Ben: You?

Eve: Yes. Yes, me. I'm responsible for your current predicament. I took you away from your beautiful bride.

Ben: Ciara better be--

Eve: She's fine.

Ben: [Sighs] Thank god.

Eve: You should be thanking me, ben. 'Cause I'm the only reason you and ciara are alive. Although, I have to say, you won't be taking that honeymoon that you were hoping for.

Ciara: How the hell did you get in here, claire?

Claire: Um, I told the sweet guy at the front desk that we're family.

Ciara: Oh, okay. Well, did you also tell him that you were committed to a mental hospital for trying to kill me in a fire?

Claire: Ciara, I told you i would never hurt you again, and I meant it, okay?

Ciara: Okay, all right. All right, and yet somehow, bad things keep happening when you're around.

Claire: The police found a video that proved I was nowhere near the church. Ciara, I did not set off that bomb, and I am not responsible for ben's disappearance. You know this, right?

Jake: Been out searching for ben. Bomb went off at his wedding. Did you get my text?

Gwen: Yes, I did. I was so worried. Did you find him?

Jake: No sign of him yet.

Gwen: God.

Jake: [Sighs]

Gwen: What kind of a sicko bombs a wedding? Do you think the police have any idea who it might be?

Jake: No, I don't know. No clue. You know, for a second, i thought that maybe the bomb was meant for me, a little gift from my old friends back in philly.

Gwen: You thought the mob was maybe trying to blow you up?

Jake: No, relax, okay? The more I thought about it, i realized that...many easier ways to kill me than blowing up an entire church full of people.

Gwen: Hang on a second. If you thought even for one second that the mob might be after you, why didn't you--why didn't you come here, to check on me?

Jake: I couldn'T.

Gwen: Why? Answer me, jake.

Jake: I had to help out gabi.

Li: Welcome home, chad.

Chad: Li, I wasn't expecting you.

Li: Clearly.

Chad: What are you doing here?

Li: Well, I came all the way to salem to introduce an important potential investor to you, but apparently you had business elsewhere.

Chad: Right, yeah, I was in, um--I was in florida, visiting my wife.

Gabi: Hmm.

Chad: My--my assistant was supposed to inform you of that.

Li: Oh, I never got the message.

Chad: I'm sorry. Um, look I was--I--I don't know why they--I don't know why you weren't informed of that or why I wasn't told that you were even coming. I was reachable. I would have come right home.

Li: There was no point. We had only a brief window to woo this investor.

Chad: Okay, great. Then let's get him on the phone.

Li: That won't be necessary. Fortunately, gabi stepped up, saved the day.

Chad: She did?

Li: Mm-hmm.

Gabi: Yes, that's right, chad. I did.

Sami: Your water broke already?

Nicole: We have to get you to the hospital.

Eric: Listen, I'll get the car, and I'll bring it around front.

Sami: Good idea.

Allie: I don't have a bag packed or anything.

Nicole: I haven't--we'll take care of everything, all right? Just sit tight.

Sami: You can't have your water break already. It's too soon. You're not ready!

Allie: Why are you yelling at me?

Sami: I'm not yelling.

Allie: Yes, you are; you're yelling at me like this is my fault. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours.

Sami: How is it my fault?

Allie: Because you went to rafe, and you talked to him behind my back, and you got him to bail out of my adoption.

Sami: Okay, allie, focus. That doesn't have anything to do with anything.

Allie: Yes it does 'cause you started a fight and then arguing with you made me go into labor, and now--ahh!

Sami: Okay, okay. Okay, let's just get your shoes...

Gwen: You were helping gabi?

Jake: She hurt her ankle in the explosion, so I gave her a ride home.

Gwen: Really? And there was no one else at this wedding that could drive her home, like some other guests or her brother, perhaps?

Jake: Her brother is a cop, so he had a job to do, and as for the other guests...gabi doesn't really have very many friends.

Gwen: [Laughs] I know. Well, then why did ben and ciara invite her to the wedding in the first place?

Jake: They didn'T. I did.

Chad: I'm not sure how, uh-- how gabi could help. She's not with dimera anymore.

Li: True, but she knows all the players and the synergy of our company.

Gabi: I was ceo not too long ago.

Li: Plus, she's a natural born salesperson not to mention totally charming.

Gabi: Thank you.

Chad: Not to mention...

Gabi: Bottom line is, I made it happen.

Chad: You secured the investor?

Li: We were just toasting to it when you walked in.

Chad: That's excellent news.

Gabi: Right? I was just so happy to help.

Li: And I am very grateful.

Chad: Let's not forget why gabi was dismissed in the first place.

Li: Hmm.

Gabi: My late husband was a dimera. So I'm always gonna be supportive of his family. Li--li needed me. Dimera needed me, and, um--and i know, right now, for you, it's more of a priority to take care of your sick wife in florida...

Li: Mm-hmm.

Gabi: Than this company.

Nicole: Okay, now just breathe--in, out.

Sami: She can scream if she wants to. Ugh, for god's sake.

Nicole: Okay, I was just trying to help.

Sami: Yeah, well, I'm here. I'm her mother. We don't need you. And if it weren't for you, she would be home in europe...

Allie: Stop.

Sami: Not in premature labor.

Allie: Mom, stop it.

Sami: Okay, sorry, sorry. Here, just take my hand, hold it, squeeze--squeeze when it hurts, okay?

Allie: Shouldn't someone be timing out how far apart the contractions are?

Sami: Oh, yeah, timing the contractions, yes. Let me get my phone.

Nicole: Oh, no, look, look, look, I got it. You're about six minutes apart.

Sami: Six minutes? We're gonna get there, okay? Yeah, yeah. You're doing great, sweetheart.

Eric: Hey, the car's out front; I called the hospital, and they'll be on their way soon. Are we ready?

Allie: Uh, no, but let's go.

Nicole: I've got you, I've got you.

Sami: Hey, hey, get your hands off my daughter. All right, sweetie, I'll walk you down to the car.

Allie: I don't want you to.

Sami: Yeah, well, it's too bad 'cause I'm not letting go.

Eric: It's okay.

Nicole: I love you, but your sister makes me wanna just--

Eric: Okay, let's just get to the hospital. Grab your purse.

Ciara: I know that you were cleared of the bombing, okay? I know that, but that doesn't explain why you snuck into my room.

Claire: Um, because it was probably the only way you'd talk to me.

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right about that.

Claire: Ciara, I know I did horrible things, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life, but it is in the past.

Ciara: Is it?

Claire: Yes! I swear, okay, I did not ruin your dress, I did not steal your engagement ring, and I sure as hell did not drug you or bomb your wedding. Somebody set me up, okay? And I'm not leaving salem until I find out exactly who it was.

Eve: I have to was a beautiful wedding.

Ben: You--you were there?

Eve: Of course I was there, ben. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Plus, now I know that my invitation was lost in the mail, so I had to watch from the shadows.

Ben: Why?

Eve: Because I had to see it for myself, and I did. Ciara was absolutely beautiful walking down the aisle. She looked like an angel. You, ben, are one lucky man, but I know that you know that. I know that because you were so happy standing there with her. But you know, I had to leave before the end of the ceremony, but I heard... [Laughs] That it was a real blast. Ben: It was you who blew up my wedding? I should have known.

Eve: Oh, yeah, you...

Ben: I should have known!

Eve: Should have known. That's right, you should have known. You had to have known that I'd still be holding a grudge against you, since you murdered my daughter! You had to have known that I've wanted to see you dead ever since you strangled the life out of her. You know what? And I thought the state was gonna take care of that for me a few months ago. And the day of your execution, i sat by my tv, and I waited--i waited to hear that it was over, that it was over. But, no, you skated. Once again--one more time, you escaped your punishment. Well, let me tell you something right now. You're not gonna escape this time, you hear me? You are not.

Ciara: Claire, you think that someone is framing you for everything that's happened?

Claire: Is it not obvious? Look, whoever did this knew that I was your maid of honor and that I would be helping you with your dress.

Ciara: Okay, and so you think that they put nail polish on my dress to make you look bad?

Claire: Yeah, yeah! And same thing with the engagement ring, and they could have easily slipped something in your drink when I took you out the night before your wedding. Ciara, whoever did this knew that everyone would just go right ahead and blame me for all of it, including the bomb. I mean, you see it, right? You believe me?

Ciara: [Scoffs] I don't know what to believe anymore, claire.

Gwen: You took gabi as your date to ben's wedding?

Jake: She was my guest. Yes.

Gwen: What the hell? I'm your girlfriend, jake.

Jake: Okay, gwen, I know that you say that you're my girlfriend, and we're back together, but we haven't exactly had a chance to discuss where things stand.

Gwen: Where things stand?

Jake: Yeah.

Gwen: We are bloody sleeping together. I thought that that meant something to you.

Jake: We slept together, and that was one time.

Gwen: Are you saying that it doesn't mean anything to you?

Jake: No, that's not what I'm saying, gwen. I'm just saying, this is all happening so fast, including you moving all your stuff in here!

Gwen: Don't you put that on me. Okay, I understand that you didn't maybe want to commit to me when you thought that you were gabi's husband...but you're not. You are not stefan dimera. You're his twin brother, and gabi means nothing to you.

Jake: I wouldn't say nothing.

Gwen: Excuse me?

Jake: Yeah. Gabi and I have become friends.

Gwen: Friends?

Jake: Mm-hmm.

Gwen: Would a friend jab you with a needle full of god knows what?

Jake: She thought I was her husband.

Gwen: Why are you defending her, jake? Is there something more going on between the two of you? Were you really looking for ben? Tell me. Were you just trying to shack up with gabi?

Chad: My wife is sick because of gabi.

Li: It's my understanding she was found not guilty by a jury.

Gabi: That's right.

Chad: You know, we can talk about that another time. Um, I'm sorry that you weren't informed that I was out of town. I won't let it happen again.

Li: I should hope not. Gabi, it was lovely to see you again.

Gabi: Same for me.

Li: I'm so sorry about your ordeal, but thankfully, you are safe and as stunning as always.

Gabi: Thank you.

Li: Chad.

Chad: Yep.

Gabi: Mm.

Chad: I know what you're trying to do. I'm not gonna let it happen.

Sarah: Okay, we are looking good.

[Monitor beeping] Eric, you can come back in.

Sami: So how is she doing?

Sarah: Well, she is at six centimeters, which means that your body is just about ready to push out that baby, with your help, of course.

Eric: How you feeling, kid?

Allie: It's hurting a lot more than I thought it would. I'm--I'm kind of scared.

Sami: That's totally normal, especially for your first one. But don't worry. I will be with you every step of the way, okay?

Allie: Is that allowed? Can someone stay with me?

Sarah: Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, everybody gets a coach through labor. Usually, it's your partner or whoever, but you can have whoever you want.

Sami: Yeah, how 'bout me? I'll be your coach.

Allie: But I don't want you.

Sami: Allie, I am your mother. I will be your coach.

Allie: That sounds like a threat.

Sarah: I will let you all sort this out. I'm gonna go alert the delivery team. Allie, you are doing amazing. You're gonna be great.

Sami: Okay, allie, I know that you are upset with me for talking to rafe about not adopting--

Allie: Upset? I'm furious.

Sami: You're also scared. You just admitted it yourself. You can't go through labor alone, sweetheart.

Allie: I won't be alone. Uncle eric will be my coach.

Sami: Uncle eric? Yeah, uh, no. That's probably not best. I mean, he's never even had a kid; I've had four. One of them is you.

Eric: Allie, I'm happy to help and hold your hand, but i think your mom makes a good point.

Allie: Then nicole. Nicole will be my coach.

Sami: What?

Allie: I want nicole by my side.

Nicole: I'd be honored.

Sami: No freaking way.

Chad: Trying to worm your way back into dimera?

Gabi: Are we really gonna go there again?

Chad: I'm surprised he doesn't see right through it.

Gabi: He likes me, and I like him.

Chad: You're working him. What was the, uh--that stuff about an "ordeal"? You come up with some story to make him have sympathy for you?

Gabi: Come up--I didn't come up with some story. I almost died in that bombing.

Chad: Bombing?

Gabi: Yes, at ben and ciara's wedding.

Chad: You were there?

Gabi: And lucky to be alive.

Chad: Why were you there? They wouldn't invite you.

Gabi: I was jake's date. Jake, as in your brother.

Jake: I was not "shacking up" with gabi, all right? I took her home--like I said-- and I've been looking for ben.

Gwen: Are you sure you weren't trying to take advantage of her while she was upset?

Jake: No! Gwen, I don't appreciate you accusing me of lying! All right? Look, we may have had our issues, but you are the one who stole a book and almost got us killed because of it.

Gwen: Actually wrong--you are because you took that book from the mob in the first place.

Jake: Okay, fine. You know what I mean, though. You're the one who destroyed our relationship with your paranoia, and, look, you're doing it again!

Gwen: [Scoffs] Fine. You're right. I'm sorry. I just...

[Sighs] You hurt my feelings when you took gabi with you. I am supposed to be your woman.

[Sultry music]

I am your woman, right?

Jake: Like I said, we need to take time to talk about it.

Gwen: Well, we're talking now, aren't we? So just--just say what it is that you want to say...okay?

Jake: Yeah. You're my woman.

Gwen: Yeah?

Jake: Yeah.

Gwen: Talk is cheap. Prove it.


Claire: Okay, look. I know that I have given you plenty of reasons not to trust me, but, ciara, I swear this is all somebody else's work, okay-- somebody who knows our history, and I was the perfect fall guy, you know, and everyone almost fell for it, including you.

Ciara: Claire--

Claire: Ciara, please. I am telling you the truth. Somebody used me to destroy you and ben. And, I mean, what are we gonna do, just let them get away with it? No, no, we are gonna find out who it was, and we are gonna take them down.

Eve: I have waited a lifetime to watch you get what you deserve, ben. Daughter because you took her from me. You stole the one thing that i love most, and you turned my life into a dark, painful place. That wait...

Ben: Oh, god!

Eve: Is over.

Ben: Okay! Okay! Eve, enough. Enough, enough, enough. My god, if you're gonna kill me, do it. Just do it! Eve, can you hear my voice? Get it over with.


Jake: [Sighs]

[Romantic music]

Gwen: We're always so good together, aren't we?

Jake: Mm. We still are; that part hasn't changed.

Gwen: Mm-hmm.

Jake: Where are you going?

Gwen: Well, I figured I'd start packing.

Jake: You just moved in here.

Gwen: Yeah, and maybe we'd still be stuck in this dump if you were jake lambert, the mechanic. You're not. You're jake dimera, heir to the dimera fortune.

Jake: Huh.

Gwen: So why spend another minute in a shoebox over a garage, when you could be in your family's ancestral home?

Chad: You and jake?

[Laughs] Seriously?

Gabi: Yeah, we're just--we're friends, though. He's stefan's brother, so I'm always gonna feel a connection to him. We bonded after his mother died. I was the one that told him.

Chad: Oh, vivian's dead? That's great news.

Gabi: Oh, wow, we agree on something for once.

Chad: What's your angle with him? Is he your way back into dimera?

Gabi: You know what, chad? You think you could be a human being for once? The man I love is dead. I was almost killed by that mad bomber.

Chad: [Laughing]

Ben: [Grunts]

Eve: When I planned all this, thought a lot about killing you, taking the tie and wrapping it around your neck and squeezing it until the life left your face.

Ben: Why didn't you?

Eve: Well, then because that would just be letting you off too easy.

Ben: Huh. So instead, you planted a bomb.

Eve: Aww, that was a mere distraction, ben. Vincent came in and whisked you away.

Ben: You could have killed so many people.

Eve: Come on. There's a couple people at the wedding that got some bumps and bruises, but you can't make a revenge omelet without cracking a few eggs, right?

Ben: Well, now you got me here. What are you gonna do to me?

Ciara: All right, look. All I care about right now--the only thing that I care about in this world is finding ben.

Claire: I know. Me too. And this is why you have to trust me, okay? Because ben's life could depend on it and, honestly, ours too. Okay? Because whoever did this is evil and dangerous, and they want us fighting with each other instead of going after them. So let's not give them what they want.

Ciara: [Snorts softly] Wait a second. You want us to team up?

Claire: Yeah! Yeah, I mean, we have to join forces, ciara. We have a common enemy, okay? We gotta find ben and take down whoever did this to all of us.

Ciara: Yeah, okay, but the last time I trusted you, claire, I nearly paid for it with my life.

Claire: I know. I know, and maybe after all the pain I've caused you, I don't deserve for you to trust me ever again. I can't really force you to believe me. I just know this. Um, I am going to find the person who framed me, and i really hope that I find ben too.

Ciara: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait.

Allie: [Sighs] Mom, this is not your decision; it's mine. I want nicole to be my coach.

Sami: I know what you think, honey, but it was actually her friend chloe who carried holly. Chole's the one who gave birth to that child, not nicole.

Nicole: Okay, well, now hang on a minute. I may not have given birth to holly, but I was with chloe alone, stranded in a snowstorm, okay? I delivered my own child with no doctor and no hospital.

Allie: And that makes you the perfect coach. You're hired.

Sami: I am sick and tired of you trying to take my place with my daughter.

Nicole: Look, sami, that is not what I am trying to do.

Sami: The hell it isn'T. I want you out of here.

Nicole: Look, I'm not gonna leave until allie asks me to.

Sami: Okay, well, let's make sure--

Sarah: Allie, have you decided who your coach is gonna be?

Sami: No.

Nicole: Yes.

Allie: Yes.

Sarah: Um...

[Clears throat]

Allie: Nicole will be my coach.

Sami: She doesn't know what she's saying.

Eric: Sami, your daughter has made her decision.

Sami: She needs me. I'm her mother, not that ex-porn star wife of yours.

Eric: Okay, that is enough.

Allie: Can someone get her out of here? Ahh!

Nicole: Honey, hold my hand. Hold my hand.

Sami: Allie, this is wrong.

Sarah: Just breathe. You are doing just fine.

Sami: This is--ugh, stop!

Allie: [Breathing deeply]

Chad: [Laughs] Wait, do you think that I am gonna feel sorry for you?

Gabi: It's funny to you that I almost died, that a bomb went off right near me?

Chad: Near you and a lot of other people.

Gabi: I was hurt in that blast.

Chad: Did you break a nail?

Gabi: I twisted my ankle. I could barely walk.

Chad: Did you go to the hospital?

Gabi: No, thankfully, jake carried me and took me home.

Jake: You know that jake has got a girlfriend, right?

Gabi: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I know all about gwen.

Chad: Yeah, so what? Then you're gonna make a play for him behind her back.

Jake: Yeah, that's a--that's a great idea, gwen. Let's just...

[Whistles] Move right into the dimera mansion.

Gwen: Well, why not? Unless you don't want to live in a big, beautiful, opulent house with art and servants and goodness knows what else.

Jake: How do you know what it's like?

Gwen: Well, I, um, had a few drinks at the bar, and your brother chad was just sitting next me, and he's very polite. He took me back to his place to sleep it off.

Jake: Oh, so chad took you home drunk? And you're getting all jealous about me and gabi.

Gwen: Oh, stop. Relax. Nothing happened. And don't you change the subject. You took gabi home, so you know exactly what that palace looks like. Unless you still want to live here, amongst bikes and grease. You can hardly make ends meet.

Jake: I'm just fine, thanks.

Gwen: No. No, you're not. You can hardly keep this place afloat unless ben comes back.

Jake: I'm worried about ben just coming back alive right now; that's it.

Gwen: I know, I know you are. But you have to take care of yourself. Jake, you are a dimera. Bloody hell, you deserve your own manservant.

Jake: I don't know. The whole idea of somebody... sitting around, waiting on me, it's kind of weird.

Gwen: Well, I have a feeling you'll get used to it. I know I could. Besides...if you really do think that the mob is after you, don't you think you'd be much safer there?

Ciara: Please don't go.

Claire: Do you believe me?

Ciara: We're still family, and right now, I need all the help that I can get to find ben.

Claire: I will do whatever i can, okay? I will devote all my time and energy to it. I swear.

Ciara: I'm scared. I'm so scared, claire.

Claire: I know. I know. It's okay. It's okay. We're gonna find him, okay? I promise.

Ciara: I mean, he's been my husband for one day. One day, and I'm already afraid that I'm never gonna see him again for the rest of my life.

Claire: Hey, hey! Somebody--somebody has him, okay, somebody who planned this whole thing.

Ciara: We, uh--we've eliminated all obvious suspects, but in my gut, claire, I know that you're right. I think that someone has him, and he needs me to save him.

[Ominous music]

Eve: I want you to suffer the way that I've suffered. I want you to feel the same kind of pain that I felt when you murdered my daughter. And you--you don't have a daughter. But, ben... you have a wife.

Sami: She better not have been going through my stuff. I can't believe nicole just weaseled her way into that delivery room; it's my child.

Eric: That's not what happened.

Sami: Are you kidding me? She just brags about how she delivered a baby in the middle of the woods all by herself with her bare hands and her teeth.

Eric: Yeah, well, she's only been trying to be there for your daughter allie.

Sami: Yeah, she doesn't need to be there; I'm her mother. I should be in there. That's my grandchild being born.

Eric: Yeah, well, maybe if you hadn't interfered with rafe or been so judgmental...

Sami: I'm being judgmental?

Eric: Or insulting my wife. And you should be grateful as hell that nicole's been there and supportive to your daughter. So instead of ragging on nicole, why don't you go say a prayer that everything is right with allie's labor and that your grandchild is born healthy?

Allie: [Screams]

Nicole: That contraction was a lot closer, but you're doing great with your breathing.

Allie: [Breathing heavily]

Nicole: Yeah.

Allie: Thanks for the crash course.

Nicole: Of course.

Sarah: Allie, I think it's really wonderful that you wanna do this naturally, but if at any point, the pain gets to be too much, it's not too late for other options.

Allie: Okay.

Sarah: Mm-hmm.

Allie: This is really happening, isn't it?

Sarah: Yep, it is. You're about to have a baby. You ready?

Nicole: Oh, she's ready. Aren't you?

Allie: If you say so.

Nicole: Look, allie. Oh.

Allie: Okay.

Nicole: You can do this.

Allie: I'm ready.

Nicole: You can do it.

Allie: [Screams]

Nicole: Okay. It's okay. We'll do it together. Atta girl. Yes. We're almost there.

Sarah: Just breathe.

Nicole: Atta girl.

Allie: [Breathing heavily]

Nicole: Good job.

Gabi: I'm not making a play for jake. He's nothing like stefan. Well, except he's equally gorgeous.

Chad: Wow. Wow.

Gabi: Okay, I'm not into him, and he probably didn't invite gwen to the wedding because he thought she would embarrass him.

Chad: Why would she do that? She's an attractive woman.

Gabi: No, she's not. She's a needy kook with a foul mouth. Who would settle for ground beef when you can have filet mignon?

Gwen: Did you say "filet mignon"? Tell the chef that we like ours medium-rare, don't we?

Chad: What are you guys doing here?

Gwen: What does it look like? We're moving in.

[Dramatic music]

Claire: All right, listen up. Ciara...

Ciara: Mm-hmm.

Claire: Whoever did this is not gonna get away with it. We are gonna find that freak, and then we are gonna bring ben home, safe and sound. Do you hear me?

Ciara: Yes.

Claire: I said, do you hear me?

Ciara: Yes.

Claire: Okay, good. And then once he's back, you two are gonna go on your wonderful honeymoon together and start your wonderful life together. Are you with me?

Ciara: Yes.

Claire: Are you with me? What are we gonna do?

Ciara: We're gonna find ben, and we're gonna bring him home.

Claire: Yeah-huh. Okay, good.

Ben: I'm warning you. Do not lay a finger on my wife, or I swear to god...

Eve: What are you gonna do?

Ben: I will make sure...

Eve: What are you gonna do, ben? Are you gonna strangle me? Huh? You gonna strangle me like you strangled my daughter? I don't think so.

Ben: Don't you dare touch her.

Eve: Why don't you just calm down? Because I ain't--am not gonna kill ciara. You are.

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