Days Transcript Wednesday 7/29/20

Days of Our Lives Transcript Wednesday 7/29/20


Episode #13823 ~ Nicole exposes Sami's machinations to Allie; Will and Sonny share their good news with Ari; Ciara shares a new theory with Rafe about Ben; Ben's captor reveals their identity.

Provided By Suzanne

Will: I gotta tell you I was worried for a minute. I mean, allie seemed a little overwhelmed by the paperwork, but you're great with her.

Sonny: Well, thank you. You know, I would like her even if we weren't adopting her baby.

Will: [Laughs] But we are. I mean, right? She seems committed.

Sonny: I know. I know, everything's just happening, like, so fast.

[Both chuckling] Whoa, wait, where'd you get that?

Will:, Uh, texted henderson when you weren't looking.

Sonny: Ah. I mean, don't you think it's a little early to be drinking?

Will: It's never too early for champagne, is what I say. Ah, also...

[Cork pops] Um, it's not every day you find out you're gonna be a dad again. So here you go. To baby horton kiriakis. Or, uh, kiriakis horton.

Sonny: To our child.

Will: Can you believe it? I mean, we're gonna have another baby!

Sonny: I totally can't believe it. I mean, I--I thought for sure that rafe would say yes when allie asked him.

Will: Yeah, um, he didn't feel right. I mean, who knew?

Sami: You heard about the wedding, huh?

Will: Yeah, grandma and allie told me how you ruined it and how you went nuts when you found out that allie was thinking about giving her baby to rafe.

Sami: Yeah, I just came from talking to him.

Will: Mom, why? Why would you do that?

Sami: Would you stop complaining, please? I am on your side here. If your sister does not want to raise her own child then I want you and sonny to get the nod.

Will: I--and did you tell rafe that?

Sami: Of course I did. I mean, I had to explain to him what a terrible idea it is for him to adopt his stepdaughter's child.

Will: And, well, what did he say?

Sami: Well, he didn't really, but I think I really got through to him and, um, the key is that you just have to keep your mouth shut.

Will: I--I have to keep my mouth shut?

Sami: Yeah. Will, this is just between you and me, okay? You can't tell sonny. You cannot tell anyone else.

Will: No, no, no, no, mom.

Sami: I am here to help, okay? This is all gonna work out. As long as you stay quiet, i think I can really get through to rafe, and then you and sonny will be able to raise allie's baby.

Sonny: Oh, we're ready. No doubt about that. You remember how cool it was when we were taking care of ari as a baby?

Will: Oh, yeah. I mean, allie could be signing those papers right now.

Eric: We are unpacked. You read them over?

Allie: Yeah. You know, now that I've calmed down a little, I don't see why a lawyer needs to look at these. I mean, like I have a lawyer.

Eric: Well, that can be arranged. I mean, I think it's a good idea.

Allie: Yeah, but sonny said justin could explain it all. I trust him.

Nicole: Who's ready to chow down?

Allie: Me. I am just so relieved that this decision is made. I just wanna sign the adoption papers and make it real.

Nicole: When did you get the papers?

Allie: Uh, a little while ago.

Eric: Yeah, will and sonny just brought them over.

Nicole: Oh, uh, sweetie, before you sign anything, there's something I think you should know.

Allie: What? What should I know?

Nicole: It's about your mom.

Allie: Oh, my god. What did she do now?

[Door closes]

Rafe: Sami, I am in the middle of a major manhunt right now.

Sami: Yes, I understand that, and this will only take a second. I just wanted to thank you. I heard about how you talked to allie and told her that you weren't interested in adopting her child and I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Rafe: You're welcome. Okay, you're still here.

Sami: Yeah.

Rafe: Mm.

Sami: Because I have a small favor to ask.

Rafe: Seriously? Wh--oh, my--

Sami: Yes. So, allie thinks that you, you know, made this decision totally on your own, which of course you did.

Rafe: Right.

Sami: But she doesn't know that I spoke to you about it, and I really need to keep it that way.

Rafe: Why?

Sami: Because if allie finds out that I talked to you, it could ruin everything.

Ciara: What the hell does orpheus have against me?

Clyde: Well, that son of his, christian, or evan, or whatever the hell his name is, he's gonna be behind bars for a good long time because you held a gun on him till he admitted killing jordan, right?

Ciara: Okay, but you really think that he would blow up a church full of people just to get back at me for that?

Clyde: Well, he definitely knows how to hold onto a grudge, and what better way to hurt you than to take your husband away from you?

Ciara: So you think that ben was kidnapped?

Clyde: [Scoffs] Well, from what you tell me about the explosion, doesn't sound like ben just up and walked away on his own power, right? So think about it. Orpheus loves explosives, and didn't your mama just get a key to the city for stopping him from blowing up john and marlena?

Ciara: Mm-hmm, that's right.

Clyde: Yeah.

Ciara: And they were also at the wedding.

Clyde: So it makes sense, right? He could have killed a whole lot of birds with that one bomb.

Ciara: Where the hell is that guard? Guard!

Clyde: Hey, what are you doing?

Ciara: Well, I'm gonna have to talk to the warden if I'm gonna question orpheus.

Clyde: You're not gonna question orpheus.

Ciara: I'm not? And why am I not gonna do that?

Clyde: 'Cause orpheus isn't here.

Ciara: What the hell are you talking about?

Clyde: [Scoffs] Like I said, orpheus is not in this prison anymore.

Ben: At least have the guts to show your face, you bastard. Who's there? Who the hell are you?

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."

[Soft orchestration]

Lucas: Mom.

Kate: I didn't hear you come in.

Lucas: Well, that's 'cause you were concentrating pretty hard there. I actually have some news for you.

Kate: Okay, you can just stop right there. I already know you slept with bonnie. I don't need the details. I just wanna know why the hell would you do that?

Rafe: Well, all I told allie was that after what happened with david, I wasn't ready to adopt her baby, uh, which is true, and I did not say a word to her about you, and I intend to keep it that way.

Sami: Okay.

Rafe: Okay.

Sami: Great. Lucas is the only other one who knows and he definitely isn't gonna tell allie, so I'm off the hook. Thank you.

Rafe: Yeah, maybe not.

Allie: You know what? I changed my mind. I don't want to know what mom did now. She wants me to keep the baby and she will tell anyone who will listen. She was running her mouth to some nurse about it today at the hospital. She doesn't even know the woman.

Eric: Yeah, well, sami does tend to obsess on things.

Allie: Yeah, tell me about it. It doesn't matter what she does. She's not going to change my mind about giving this baby up for adoption.

Nicole: But you did make up your mind about giving the baby to rafe.

Allie: Yeah, well, he's not an option anymore. He says he's not ready to take on another baby.

Nicole: I know that's what he told you, but it's not exactly the truth.

Ciara: So if orpheus isn't here, then where the hell is he, clyde?

Clyde: I don't know.

Ciara: Why?

Clyde: A few weeks ago, he just disappeared.

Ciara: [Chuckles] He disappeared? He just disappeared? Are you kidding me? What, did they throw him in solitary or something? Oh, no, don't tell me that that daughter of his got him released.

Clyde: I don't know what the hell happened to him and neither does anyone on the inmate grapevine. I tried asking guards about him. They wouldn't give me a straight answer. I kept after them. They said, "mind your own business and stop asking questions."

Ciara: Oh, my god, okay. Okay, so if orpheus really did get out, then he could definitely be responsible for planting that bomb at my wedding. He could have done this to ben. We have to find him, clyde.

Ben: I said who the hell is there?

[Sinister music]

Vincent: Hello, mr. Weston. My name is vincent.

Ben: Is that supposed to mean something to me?

Vincent: I should think so, since I'm the man who blew your wedding to smithereens. Something great from mr. Clean.

Ben: My wedding?

Vincent: Lovely affair. Only problem was the bomb i planted in the vestibule. I waited for just the right moment to detonate it, right after you and your lovely ciara were pronounced man and wife.

Ben: Where the hell is ciara?

Vincent: Relax, mr. Weston. Mrs. Weston's just fine. She wasn't the target. It was you.

Ciara: Look, I know you still have contacts on the outside that do what you say. You have to get them to find orpheus or some members of his gang or whatever.

Clyde: Well, orpheus doesn't have a gang. He usually works by himself, but I will get the word out to my people.

Ciara: You have to help me, clyde.

Clyde: Problem is if he's gone into witness protection or cut a deal with the isa.

Ciara: Again? Another one?

Clyde: Yeah, that will make it very hard to find him. It wouldn't stop him from getting back at his enemies. Lord knows he wanted to put a hurt on a whole lot of people at that wedding.

Ciara: Why?

Clyde: Think about it. Hey, don't just count on me, 'cause you need a whole 'nother level of help here.

Ciara: All right, but the cops are already on it. I don't know what you mean.

Clyde: You're in tight with rafe hernandez, right? You get him to lean on the warden, you find out what they did with orpheus, and you go from there.

Ciara: Okay. I'll try.

Clyde: No. You do better than that. You're his wife now. You are responsible for his well-being, and I am counting on you, ciara. You saved his life once before. I need you to do it again.

Lucas: Who told you I slept with bonnie?

Kate: Harold.

Lucas: Harold, really?

Kate: Yes, harold saw her leaving your room this morning buttoning her blouse! Lucas. Honey, did you fall off the wagon? I mean, that's the only explanation that I--i can imagine.

Lucas: I didn't fall off the wagon, okay? And bonnie is definitely the last woman I would sleep with on this earth, okay?

Kate: Okay, well then, what's the explanation of what harold saw?

Lucas: When I woke up, she was in my bed.

Kate: What?

Lucas: Yes, it was weird, and I kicked her out immediately.

Kate: Well, I--I--of course. I mean, I don't blame you. I mean, this is the same woman that tried to pass off her daughter's baby as a baby she conceived with you. It's just--oh, my god. I--I'm so relieved. I mean, I really am.

Lucas: Yeah, I couldn't believe it.

Kate: So anyway, what did, um--what did you wanna tell me?

Lucas: Will is gonna adopt allie's baby.

Will: You know, if you and i and allie are on the same page, this could move really fast. I mean, we--we need to get all the stuff that babies need, right? I--I think we gave ari's baby clothes away so we're gonna have to just start from scratch.

Sonny: Wait, wait, what are you doing?

Will: Um, I'm gonna make a list.

Sonny: Now, before you get carried away, there's something important we need to do first.

Sami: Did you tell someone that I talked to you about turning allie down?

Rafe: Yeah.

Sami: But you said that you didn'T.

Rafe: No, I said that i didn't tell allie.

Sami: Okay. So who did you tell?

Rafe: Uh, well, I, um--I ran into nicole and--

Sami: When? How? She's away on her honeymoon.

Rafe: She's back.

Sami: And you told nicole walker that I had talked to you about turning allie down and not adopting her baby? Have you lost your mind? She hates me! Nicole would just tell allie to make sure that she turns against me. I mean, how could you do this?

Rafe: Hold on. Listen. It's not--she didn't understand why I didn't want to adopt the baby. She didn't get it, okay?

Sami: Okay, so then you just say to nicole, "hey, sorry, but you know what? It's not your business."

Rafe: Oh, come on. We're friends. She knows me. She knows how broken up I was about not getting david and that I want kids and by the way, she just wanted to make sure I was making the right decision, and also, uh, she very much guessed that you'd interfere.

Sami: And you didn't deny it.

Rafe: I didn'T.

Sami: Oh. You threw me under the bus.

Rafe: Oh, come on, no. It was not like that. I did not throw you under the bus.

Sami: Yes, you did. Thanks, rafe. Thanks for nothing.

Rafe: Where are you going?

Sami: Well, I have to go find nicole and shut her up!

[Door closes]

Rafe: Okay. That didn't go well.

Eric: What are you talking about, nicole?

Nicole: Well, when I was coming home from getting the food, I ran into rafe.

Allie: And?

Nicole: Well, we were talking about you and--and your baby and he told me why he turned you down.

Allie: Yeah, he told me, too. It's too much after everything with david.

Nicole: But that's not the only reason why he decided not to adopt your baby.

Eric: All right, so what's the real reason?

Nicole: He said, uh, adopting allie's baby was complicated enough already.

Allie: What does that mean?

Nicole: Your mom. Sami got to him.

Allie: What?

Nicole: Look, I--I'm so sorry but--but rafe hadn't made a decision until sami made up his mind for him.

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Arianna: You said I could watch "american ninja warrior kids," and then daddy came and got me.

Sonny: You can watch the rest of it later. I promise, but there's something we need to talk to you about, and it's very important.

Arianna: Did I do something bad?

Will: No, no, no, no. Uh, it's good news, actually. It's about something that you said that you wanted.

Arianna: We're going to the american girl store for my birthday?

Will: No, but you're getting a present that is way better than a doll.

Arianna: I know what it is.

Will: Are you happy?

Arianna: We're finally getting a puppy!

Kate: You know, I'm kind of confused by that because didn't allie ask rafe to adopt the baby?

Lucas: I guess it just seems like, uh, rafe, uh, changed his mind about having another kid.

Kate: Really? Hmm. 'Cause he's talked to me a number of times about the disappointment of his life is that he didn't have children.

Lucas: Well, you know, maybe it was because he invested all that time in jordan's son and--and you know the aunt got custody so maybe he's just waiting to try again.

Kate: Yeah, well, I guess. I mean, I understand how it feels, like, to have a child taken away from you. Believe me, but, um, you know, in this case, david's aunt is still friendly with rafe so i know he's still involved in david's life and, I mean, allie--it's not like she's gonna just turn around and change her mind and want the baby back. You know? She's determined about what she's doing, so I just think it's kind of weird. It's kind of odd that rafe turned her down.

Lucas: Well, you might wanna ask him about that. I'll see you later.

Kate: Lucas!

Lucas: What?

Kate: What are you keeping from me?

Lucas: [Exhales sharply]

Allie: Mom did this? She's the one who made rafe say he can't adopt my baby?

Eric: All right, allie, i need you to calm down. You just got out of the hospital.

Allie: No, I don't wanna calm down! I wanna know what mom said.

Nicole: Okay, all right. I--I--I don't know what her exact words were, but rafe said something like being a father to sami's grandchild would be very complicated, and when I pressed him on it, he admitted that it came from sami and that she made a big point.

Allie: Oh, my god! She has no right to butt into my life or rafe's, either. Just wait till I get my hands on her. Oh, my--


Sami: Nicole, I know you're in there. Come on. Open the door.

[Dramatic pounding music]

[Phones ringing]

Rafe: Hey, did you talk to clyde?

Ciara: He swears he didn't do it.

Rafe: Do you believe him?

Ciara: Yeah. I do. I mean, you should have seen the look on his face when I told him that ben was missing. He was completely freaking out.

Rafe: Then what was all that about sending a gift?

Ciara: Well, um, clyde said that he put a bunch of money together so that ben and I could have something in the bank.

Rafe: Oh. So clyde's just a dead end.

Ciara: Maybe not. Clyde said that there's a chance that orpheus could have planted the bomb.

Rafe: Orpheus? What the hell would he get out of that?

Ciara: Well, clyde thinks he was trying to get to me.

Ben: I was the--the target?

Vincent: Since you're the one who's tied up, I'd say so. The explosion was specifically designed so that you take the brunt of the blast. It knocked you out long enough for me to drag you out of the church and into the trunk of my car without anyone seeing us. I brought you here.

Ben: Let me ask you a question.

Vincent: Go ahead.

Ben: You went through an awful lot of trouble to get me here. Why? When migraine strikes,

Ben: Answer me! Why? Why did you blow up my wedding? Why did you take me out of there to bring me here?

Vincent: Well, that's easy. I did it because I was paid to.

Ciara: I'm the one who dragged christian into that prison. I made him confess, and I'm the reason why orpheus's son is in prison right now.

Rafe: He didn't kill you, so he grabbed your husband.

Ciara: Maybe.

Rafe: Well, you know, bombs are orpheus's specialty. He tried to kill jennifer that way.

Ciara: Yeah, and marlena and john, who were at the wedding. You know, he could have, uh, settled a lot of grudges with that one explosion.

Rafe: Yeah, of course. So then why put the bomb in the vestibule and why not put it in the chapel? You do a lot more damage.

Ciara: Don't know, rafe

Rafe: Looks like I need to have a chat with orpheus.

Ciara: Well, you can'T.

Rafe: Why not?

Ciara: Because clyde says he's not in prison anymore.

Rafe: What--no, no. That's not possible.

Ciara: No, it's true. Clyde said that he's been missing for weeks, the prisoners don't know why, and the guards aren't saying anything.

Rafe: Did you talk to the warden?

Ciara: Yeah. I mean, I tried, but after what I did when they almost executed ben, the warden wouldn't even see me, so--

Rafe: You mean keeping an innocent man from being executed?

Ciara: Yeah, I know, right? So I was hoping that maybe you could call the warden and you can get him to answer some questions.

Rafe: This department should have been notified before orpheus was moved anywhere. They damn well better give me some answers.

Arianna: When are we getting the puppy? Today?

Will: Uh, no. Not--no.

Arianna: When? I wanna tell mommy.

Will: Um, ari, we're not, uh--we're not actually getting a puppy.

Sonny: Well, not yet, anyway.

Arianna: Why not?

Will: Uh, well, because i think it'd be a little much to get a new puppy and a new baby at the same time.

Sonny: Did you hear that, sweetie? You're getting a little brother or sister!

Will: Isn't that great?

Kate: Okay, so you and sami just picked up allie from the hospital, correct?

Lucas: Yeah. Yeah, we did. What's that got to do with anything?

Kate: Yeah, well, you sure you don't know the whole story about why rafe turned down allie, huh?

Sami: Rafe had better figure out who set that bomb as soon as possible.

Lucas: Well, rafe's going through a crisis right now, and here you are putting pressure on him just to say no to adopting allie's baby.

Sami: What pressure?

[Scoffs] I'm supposed to be honest, aren't I?

Lucas: Well, I've never known you to have an issue with being dishonest, have I?

Sami: All I said was that he's a great guy and he'd make a great father but it would upset me if my ex-husband was adopting my grandchild.

Lucas: Yeah, he wouldn't wanna piss you off, would he?

Sami: Well, isn't that lovely?

Lucas: It's the truth.

Sami: I just hope it works.

Lucas: You know, you better hope that allie never finds out. If she finds out that you forced rafe's hand, she is never gonna forgive you. You know, you need to let it go, okay? I have no idea why rafe changed his mind. I don'T.

Kate: Lucas horton, you are lying to me.

Lucas: [Scoffs]

Sami: Allie. Why aren't you at your grandma's?

Allie: I'm not staying at grandma's anymore.

Sami: Whose idea was that?

Allie: Mine.

Sami: Okay, so we'll talk about that later. Uh, I have to talk to nicole right now in private.

Allie: Oh, yeah? About what?

Sami: That's between me and nicole.

Allie: So me and uncle eric are supposed to what? Stand in the kitchen while you threaten aunt nicole to keep her mouth shut?

Sami: I don't know why you think I would do something like that.

Allie: Because she knows the truth, and now thanks to her, so do I.

Sami: I don't know what you mean.

Allie: Oh, save it. You would have busted down that door if I hadn't been the one who opened it. The only reason you're here is because aunt nicole knows that you're the one who talked rafe out of taking my baby.

[Dramatic music]

-That's how a home and auto bundle is made.

Sonny: So, what do you think, honey? You told us you always wanted a little brother or sister.

Arianna: Where are we getting the baby?

Will: Um, do you remember when aunt allie came over and she told us that she was gonna have a baby?

Sonny: Well, you see, aunt allie, um, doesn't feel like she's ready to take care of the baby so she's letting us adopt him or her.

Will: And then, you know, we all--the three of us--we can raise him or her together. Come on! Isn't it--won't that be great?

Kate: You are hiding something form me. What is it?

Lucas: I don't know what you're talking about. Stop.

Kate: Oh, my god, you are such a terrible liar. You're a terrible liar. You have been since you were a little boy. I mean, thank god you didn't play poker. We would be in the poor house right now.

Lucas: I--you never told me i was a terrible liar before. That's new.

Kate: Oh, no, that's not new. That's not new. I always know whether you're telling the truth or not. You know, for instance, about not sleeping with bonnie, not falling off the wagon, I knew that was true.

Lucas: Yeah, there you go.

Kate: Yeah, but as soon as we started talking about allie and the baby, your face changed.

Lucas: My face didn't change. How did my face change?

Kate: Oh, yes it did, because you looked me in the eye, and that eyebrow--your left eyebrow starts twitching, lucas. Twitching just like it is now. Twitching, twitching, twitching!

[Groans] See? See? Lucas, what? Come on. What are you hiding from me?

Lucas: Mom, I can't, okay? I can't tell you.

Kate: Oh, my god. Are you covering for sami again?

Sami: For someone who just got back from the airport, you've been a busy girl.

Eric: Sami, leave her alone.

Sami: You're defending her? Why don't you tell her to mind her own business?

Allie: I'd like to say the same thing to you, mom.

Sami: Except for that I'm your mother.

Allie: Yeah, well, at least aunt nicole thinks about me and what I want.

Sami: I am thinking about what is best for you.

Nicole: Okay, come on, sami. Allie deserves to know all the facts before she signs those papers.

Sami: What papers?

Eric: Will and sonny were here. They had justin draw up some preliminary adoption papers. She was just about to sign them.

Sami: Well then that's great.


Allie: That's before I found out what you did.

[Phone beeps]

Ciara: What did the warden say?

Rafe: The warden said that the feds showed up, proper documentation, and took orpheus into custody.

Ciara: [Exhales sharply] All right, well, um, clyde said that there's a possibility that he made another deal with the isa or he could be in witness protection right now. He could be a free man right now, rafe.

Rafe: All I know is that someone high up is pulling some strings, and I am damn sick of it.

Ciara: Yeah, me, too.

Rafe: I'm gonna call my old buddy shane at isa and find out what the hell is going on.

Ben: Who's this employer of yours?

Victor: The same person who hired me to deliver that little wedding gift.

Ben: Wedding gift?

Will: Okay, that's awfully sentimental for clyde.

Ben: Honestly, will, I think he was upset that I didn't want him there. He said he was gonna send me some kind of wedding gift.

Will: From prison?

Ben: You know he has his ways. Clyde? Clyde was the one who put you up to this?

Victor: Clyde weston?

[Laughing] No, but if you think it possible, you must have quite a complicated father-son relationship.

Ben: If clyde wasn't the one who put you up to this, who was it? Who was it? Tell me!

This is ava.

Ben: I deserve to know. Who put you up to this?

Vincent: You're in no position to be making demands, mr. Weston.

[Blow lands]

Ben: [Screams]

Rafe: Yeah, I know I'm putting you on the spot, shane, but I am sick and tired of orpheus showing up in this town and wreaking havoc every few years, so I don't give a damn what your boss says. Now, if orpheus planted a bomb, blew up a church, and kidnapped a young man from his own damn wedding, I want that son of a bitch. Okay. Thank you.

[Phone beeps]

[Exhales sharply]

Ciara: Well, that was, like, really awesome, rafe. Thank you. Oh, my god, I knew that you would do something to be able to help me.

Rafe: Of course I will. I'm always trying to help you. You know that.

Ciara: Clyde said that because I am ben's wife now, i have to be the one to save him.

Rafe: Yeah, well, sounds like something he'd say.

Ciara: And I want to. I want to so bad but I don't even know where to start. I have no idea what to do. I mean, I'm so scared, rafe. I don't even know if ben's alive or not.

Rafe: He is. He is and we're gonna find him. We'll find him, I promise you. All right, we're gonna find him, okay?

Sonny: So you know what this baby does, right?

Arianna: Cries and makes dirty diapers?

Sonny: Yes, but it also makes you a big sister.

Will: And I'm a big brother, and I gotta say, it's pretty awesome.

Arianna: I really wanted a puppy. Can I go watch my show now?

Will: Uh, sure, yeah. Well, I think we can say that that did not go as planned.

Sonny: I think we need to give her time, you know? It just isn't real for her yet.

Will: [Sighs]

Sonny: You know, we--we could sweeten the pot.

Will: No, no, no. I know what you're thinking. There's no way that we can handle a newborn baby and housebreaking a puppy at the same time.

Sonny: Even if it makes ari so happy that she accepts the baby?

Will: Are you trying to bribe our daughter?

Sonny: Do you have a problem with that?

Will: No, no. Absolutely not.

Kate: You don't even have to say anything because I know exactly how sami works. She convinced rafe not to adopt the baby, right? And now she doesn't want allie to know, correct?

Lucas: Yes, and the sad thing is is that sami and allie need each other. They really do, but sami keeps interfering with her life and if she does that, she's gonna lose her daughter forever.

Kate: So I was right.

Lucas: Yes, you were right. Good job. You did it, but please, don't tell allie. Don't tell her, or I'm telling you, if you say anything, you're gonna have a problem with me.

Sami: I didn't do anything.

Allie: You talked to rafe behind my back.

Sami: Okay, well, yes, i talked to rafe, but not the way you think. I mean, rafe is his own man. I learned a long time ago that rafe hernandez does not do anything that he doesn't really want to do.

Allie: So tell me what you said to him.

Sami: Okay, well, mostly we talked about how complicated the situation would be.

Allie: Yeah, because of you. You made it that way.

Sami: Look, I understand that you are angry at me, but you have to know that rafe is at peace with the decision that he made, and will and sonny are thrilled and honored, and they can't wait to adopt your baby. They love this idea, and everyone would be happy, and we wouldn't even be having this conversation if nicole had just stayed out of it. So please. You found a wonderful loving home for this baby. Just sign those papers and be done with it. The thing with depression, you get...stuck.

Will: All right, so, daddy sonny and I have been talking, and we have decided that once the new baby is here and settled in, then we can start looking for a new puppy.

Arianna: Really?

Sonny: Really. You are the greatest little girl in the whole world, and if you want a puppy, you're getting a puppy.

Arianna: Yay, my very own puppy! Is this a bribe to make me want the baby?

Will: Um, how did you learn a word like bribe?

Arianna: Mommy taught me. She does it all the time.

Sonny: Well, does it work?

Arianna: Sometimes.

Will: Get over here.

Sonny: Get over here.


Kate: So, I am supposed to cover for sami?

Lucas: Kind of. Not really, but just think of it from a different angle, okay? If allie finds out what sami did, the way she forced rafe's hand like that, she might not give the baby to will, and if she does that, my family's gonna fight. It's gonna be hell for me. Please don't let that happen. Just zip your lip, all right?

Kate: Well, allie is not going to find out anything from me, okay? But I will say the truth is going to come out eventually, lucas.

Sami: Okay, well then why don't you sign the papers?

Allie: What is with you? This entire time you've been pushing me to keep the baby and now you're pushing me to sign?

Sami: I am not pushing you.

Allie: Yes, you are!

Eric: Why don't we just step back, take a minute, and cool off?

Nicole: He's right.

Sami: Oh, you butt out.

Allie: No, you butt out! You try to run everything!

Sami: No, I don't!

Allie: Yes, you do! You do, and aunt nicole and uncle eric try to referee, and you just bite their heads off because they're getting in your way. I--it's your way or the highway, and you know what? I choose the highway because i am so tired of you trying to run everything in my life. This is my body and my baby and my life, and you just--


Sami: Allie.

Allie: [Groaning]

Eric: Allie.

Sami: Are you okay? Are you in labor?

Allie: Oh, my god! I--I don't know. What does labor feel like?

Sami: It feels like really, really bad cramps.

Allie: Yeah, I'm in it.

Sami: Okay. Uh, okay, yeah, just breathe. Just breathe in with--yeah, and out. No, slow--slower.

[Both breathing heavily] Yeah, just like that.

Rafe: Hey. Here you go, kiddo. Sorry, it's all I could scrounge up in the squad room. When was the last time you ate?

Ciara: [Chuckles] I can't even remember.

> Rafe: All right.

Ciara: Thank you, though.

[Phone ringing]

Rafe: Oh, hey.

[Beeps] Hernandez. Yeah, shane. Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it. Seriously? You sure? Okay. Okay, man. Thanks a lot. I owe you one. Bye. It wasn't orpheus. He was transferred to a federal supermax prison. He's not going anywhere.

Ciara: Wow, and, uh, shane is sure about this?

Rafe: Oh, yeah. He's sure. There's absolutely no way that orpheus could have planted a bomb and orchestrated a kidnapping from there. No way.

Ciara: Great. Okay, so now we're back to square one. If it wasn't orpheus, then who the hell was it, rafe?

[Blow lands]

Ben: [Screams]

Eve: That's enough, vincent. I'll take it from here.

Ben: [Grunting]

[Breathing heavily]

Ben: Eve donovan?

Eve: Hello, ben.

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