Days of Our Lives Transcript Tuesday 7/28/20
Episode #13822 ~ Ciara confronts Clyde; Will and Sonny move forward with their adoption plans; Sami pleads with Rafe to keep her secret; Eric and Nicole return from their honeymoon and find out disturbing news.
Provided By Suzanne
Nicole: [Chuckles] Oh, I can't believe just yesterday we were in a hot air balloon flying over the serengeti.
Eric: [Chuckles] You know, I lived there for years, and it still thrills me.
Nicole: Oh, we have to go back.
Eric: Yeah, and take holly.
Nicole: [Gasps] She would love it. But maybe for her birthday.
Eric: Man, that would be one balloon she will not forget.
Nicole: [Chuckles] Um, groom.
Eric: Yes, wife?
Nicole: You know what we did just there?
Eric: Hmm?
Nicole: We made plans. Like an old married couple just making plans.
Eric: Aww.
Nicole: I love it.
[Both chuckling]
Eric: I love you.
Nicole: Well, since holly is still in day camp, gives us a little extra time to "unpack."
Eric: Um, yes. And we can officially end our honeymoon.
Nicole: Mm, or actually, I was thinking we could prolong it.
Eric: Mm.
[Nicole chuckling]
Sami: Hey, lucas, there you are. Where have you been?
Lucas: I got held up. Don't worry about it. Allie's signing her release papers right now. She's getting her things together.
Sami: Okay, okay.
Lucas: Now, I can only assume that you know that she's offered the baby to will and sonny because rafe turned her down.
Sami: No, I didn't know about will and sonny, but I did know about rafe--you're welcome.
Lucas: What did you do?
Sami: Well, I'm not going to stand by and put up with the fact that my ex-husband wants to adopt my grandchild, so I convinced rafe to tell allie that he's not interested.
Lucas: You did what?
Sami: Why are you freaking out? You don't want him raising that kid, either.
Lucas: You went behind your daughter's back and you instigated this whole thing? Really? When she finds out, she's gonna go ballistic.
Sami: Hey, keep your voice down. She's not gonna find out, okay? That's not gonna happen because allie doesn't know anything about it.
Allie: I don't know anything about what? What did you do this time, mom?
Sami: [Scoffs]
Will: Ben got a call from his father from prison.
Rafe: Well, what did clyde want?
Will: Apparently, he wanted to wish ben well, but ben had the sense that he was upset that he wasn't invited to the wedding. Not like he'd be able to go, but...
Rafe: Yeah.
Will: It was more like the fact that ben didn't want him there, you know?
Rafe: Uh-huh. You remember anything else?
Will: Um, yes! Yes, clyde mentioned something about sending him a wedding present.
Rafe: Oh. A bomb would be a hell of a wedding present, now, wouldn't it?
Will: And it would be very, very clyde.
Rafe: Remember anything else?
Ben: Honestly, will, I think he was upset that I didn't want him there. He said he was gonna send me some kind of wedding gift.
Will: From prison?
Ben: You know he has his ways.
Will: Ben said that clyde had a way of doing things that other people can't manage.
[Soft music]
Ben: My story was not supposed to be this, it was not supposed to be a love story. By some kind of miracle... you... it is. When you met me, my heart, and my soul, everything about me was broken until you loved me. Ciara, your love fixed me.
Ciara: You know, part of me thinks that, uh, I might be dreaming right now.
Ben: Tell me about it.
[Chuckles] I've pretty much given up the idea of ever being happy, let alone this. This!
[Sighs] This is... this is something else. This is more than happy. With this ring, I thee wed.
Ciara: I have something really, really important to tell you.
Ben: Me, too. I'll go first.
Ciara: Okay.
Ben: I love you. I've never loved anyone like this in my entire life.
Ciara: You say that I'm the one who fixed you. And that may be true, but I was just as broken as you were when we first met. And it turns out that your love was the only thing that could fix me, too. I love you, too. With this ring, I thee wed.
[Gasps and pants] Mom. I can't believe I actually fell asleep.
Hope: Ciara-- they found ben. He's dead, he's dead.
Ciara: No! [Pants]
[Tense music]
Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the "days of our lives."
[Soft orchestration]
Ciara: [Crying]
Hope: Ciara, it's all right. Honey, it's all right. Baby, baby, baby, it's all right, it's all right. Oh, my god, honey, it's all right, oh, my gosh. You're all right. It's all right, it's all right.
Ciara: You said that ben was dead.
Hope: It was a nightmare, baby, it was just a bad dream.
Ciara: Was my wedding day just a bad dream?
Hope: No, that happened. Baby, you're exhausted. Why don't you try to go back to sleep, okay?
Ciara: No, no, mom, because if I go back to sleep, then I'm just gonna have another nightmare.
[Sniffles] Mom, is there any new news at all?
Hope: Actually, I just got off the phone with shawn. The police cleared claire. She didn't have anything to do with the explosion, ciara.
Ciara: Oh, wow. Wait, so how did they do it? How did that happen? How did they clear her?
Hope: Your brother and rafe went over the surveillance footage, which proved that claire was in the park at the time that she said.
Ciara: [Groans]
Hope: Honey, she wasn't anywhere near the church yesterday.
Ciara: Okay, so then she had the bomb sent there. She had it delivered or something.
Hope: Ciara, I know you want to believe she's guilty, but--
Ciara: No, mom, what I want-- what I want is to know where my husband is. That's what I want, mom.
Hope: I know, I know, baby, I know.
Ciara: [Crying]
Rafe: That's true. Clyde does have his ways, but why? 'Cause he wasn't invited to the wedding?
Will: Honestly, I would be worried if I could understand why clyde does anything.
Rafe: The fact that ben's missing... maybe that's the point. Maybe he didn't wander off. Maybe he was taken.
Will: Yeah, but where?
Ben: [Coughing]
Ben: Where am I? When migraine strikes,
Sonny: Thank you, yeah, no, it's pretty exciting. Okay, I'll talk to you soon.
[Phone beeps] That was my dad and he's already working on the adoption papers.
Will: Great.
Sonny: I know. So did you talk to rafe? How did that go?
Will: Um, it went well, I mean, he thinks it's great that we're adopting allie's baby. I mean, we decided before not to let it come between us, no matter who got the baby, so.
Sonny: Exactly, I know that. Um, any word on ben?
Will: No, but apparently, they cleared claire.
Sonny: Okay, well, that's a good thing.
Will: Yeah, but now they have no idea who planted the bomb.
Sami: I didn't do anything. I don't know why you're always accusing me of stuff.
Allie: Well, I'm usually right. What do I not know anything about?
Sami: Well, I was just telling your father that claire wasn't anywhere near the church, so she's not a suspect anymore. Isn't that great?
Allie: Terrific. What does it have to do with me?
Sami: Well, you were with her and ciara, right? The night before the wedding? So I thought you'd be happy to hear that she's innocent.
Allie: So that's what I don't know anything about?
Sami: I was just hearing from your father that you decided to let will and sonny adopt the baby--I think you made the right choice.
Allie: Yeah, mom. You have made that very clear.
Lucas: You know what? Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else, okay?
Sami: Good idea.
Lucas: Let's go back to john and marlena's--come on.
Sami: Yes, okay.
Allie: Okay, yeah, but I just got the most insane cravings. Um, mom, do you think you could maybe get me some gummy bears for the road?
Sami: Right now?
Allie: Mm-hmm. Yeah, please. From the vending machine.
Sami: Aww, I just remember those cravings. Okay, yes, I'll be right back.
Lucas: Did you just get rid of your mother?
Allie: Yeah.
Lucas: [Chuckles] Why?
Allie: Because I'm not going to grandma'S.
Lucas: Okay, why not?
Allie: 'Cause mom is staying there and I can't take her anymore. I'm just gonna stay at uncle eric'S.
Lucas: Eric and nicole just got back from their honeymoon. That might be weird.
Allie: Why?
Lucas: Well, I'm just saying I mean, you'd rather stay with them than your mother? Come on.
Allie: [Scoffs] Yeah. Who wouldn't?
Lucas: [Sighs] Listen, I think you need to give your mom a break--she's trying hard, she really is.
Allie: Dad, just don't worry about me, all right? I'll grab a cab.
Lucas: You don't have to do--
Allie: Don't tell mom I'm not going to grandma'S. I mean it.
Lucas: Allie, come on.
Sami: Hey, okay, lucas, allie, I got the-- where'd she go?
Lucas: Uh, she took a cab.
Sami: What? Without her gummy bears? I thought she was craving them.
Lucas: I can try to go get her if you want me to.
Sami: No, no, no. It's okay, let her go.
Eric: Mm, mm.
Nicole: Unless, of course, you're too tired or jet lagged or something.
Eric: Oh, no. I slept on the plane.
Nicole: [Chuckles] I think I really like being married.
Ciara: That's it. I can't stand it, mom. I can't just sit here. I have to go find ben, I--
Hope: Please don't, you're just getting in their way. They're gonna find him, they're going to find him.
[Knock at door]
Rafe: Hey.
Ciara: Oh, my god. He's dead, isn't he?
Rafe: What? No, no, no, no, ciara, no, no, no. Oh, my god, I should've called first. Listen, I'm here because we might have a lead.
Ciara: Really?
Rafe: Yeah, I need to ask you about it.
Ciara: Okay, what? What is it?
Rafe: Okay, will remembered ben getting a call from clyde. Clyde was upset because he wasn't invited to the wedding. He said he would be sending a wedding present.
Hope: Do you think that was the bomb?
Rafe: Maybe. Did clyde contact you? Did he send you anything?
Ciara: No, no, but, um-- rafe, that doesn't make sense, okay? Clyde is ben's father. He loves him.
Hope: We're talking about clyde weston, here.
Rafe: Yeah, yeah, well, I certainly think it's worth pursuing. I'm gonna go to the prison.
Hope: Okay.
Ciara: Rafe, you can'T. You're a cop--clyde isn't gonna say anything to you. I need to be the one to talk to him. Me.
[Tense music]
Ben: [Shouts] Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?
[Eerie notes]
Nicole: Where are you going?
Eric: I got you a little something. Souvenir.
Nicole: Oh. Well, I hope it's not an elephant statue.
Eric: No.
Nicole: Okay.
[Gasps] Oh!
Eric: You like them?
Nicole: Honey... I love them.
Eric: They're tanzanite. I got 'em from the foothills of mount kilimanjaro.
Nicole: Oh, they're beautiful. Mm.
Eric: They really look beautiful on you.
Nicole: [Chuckles] Oh, well, I feel bad. I didn't get you anything.
Eric: Oh, there's ways you can make it up to me.
Nicole: Oh, hmm.
Allie: Oh. Well.
Eric: Oh.
Allie: It's official-- my timing sucks.
Eric: No, it's okay. Come in.
Nicole: You're back!
Allie: Yeah, um, I hope you don't mind.
Eric: No, no, no, not at all. What's up?
Allie: Um, well, mom doesn't know I'm here, so just don't tell her.
Eric: All right, well, you know she's gonna find out.
Allie: I know, but not today, okay?
Eric: Oh.
Nicole: Oh. Um, what's with this? Are you all right?
Allie: I'm fine--now.
Eric: Now? What happened?
Allie: How much time do you guys have?
Sami: She's avoiding me, isn't she? That's why she took a cab to my mom and john'S.
Lucas: No, just you know, she's been through a lot the last 24 hours. She just probably wants to be alone.
Sami: It's not good for her to think of her mom as the enemy.
Lucas: She doesn't think of you as the enemy.
Sami: Why is she always pushing me away, then?
Lucas: Maybe because you're always getting in her face, you know? You're kind of like one of those inflatable clowns. They get at you, they try to push 'em away and they just keep bouncing back, you know what I mean?
Sami: I love it when you use metaphors...because seriously, I always have.
Lucas: Thank you, I appreciate that. But you did say that you didn't think claire was a suspect. Were you lying about that or were you telling the truth? Because if allie finds out, that's gonna make things worse between the two of you.
Sami: I was not lying.
Lucas: You weren't? Really?
Sami: Well, not about that.
Lucas: So if claire isn't the suspect, then who blew up the church?
Hope: No, no. Ciara, absolutely not. You're in no shape to go all the way to the prison or to confront clyde.
Ciara: I'm going, mom. He'll talk to me.
Hope: You don't know anything about interrogating someone. Rafe does--let him do it. Let him go.
Ciara: Mom! Both of my parents were cops. I know all about interrogations and I was actually on the receiving end of a couple of them, remember?
Rafe: Hope, I hate to say it, but she's got a point. She's clyde's daughter-in-law now--she's definitely our best shot at getting something out of him.
Hope: Fine, okay. But we're going with you.
Rafe: Yeah.
Ciara: No, no. If either of you guys show up, clyde's gonna know what's up. He needs to think that I'm there to talk to him about ben. He's gotta trust me, mom.
[Dramatic music]
Ben: [Groans and moans]
[Glass shattering]
[Masonry cracking] Oh, my god. Ciara.
[Unsettling music]
This is my body of proof.
Sonny: Look what my dad just sent over.
Will: The adoption papers? Wow, that was fast.
Sonny: I know, yeah, he said it was pretty much just boilerplate, very straightforward, so all we have to do now is have allie sign the papers.
Will: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.
Nicole: So now it's will and sonny. Okay, well, I thought you decided on rafe.
Allie: Well, I know that will and sonny are gonna be great fathers, and I know I was weirded out about being an aunt and also the mom, but then it hit me that will has been through it himself. He found out that dad was his dad and not his uncle, so he'll know how to handle all that.
Eric: Eh, will and sonny, they're gonna be great parents, no doubt about it.
Nicole: I'm just surprised that rafe decided not to adopt the baby.
Allie: Yeah, well, after everything with david, he just wasn't ready. I get that. Uh, do you guys mind if I get some food? I couldn't handle the hospital slop.
Nicole: Uh, well, our cupboards are bare, but I'll go get something.
Eric: No, no, no, I'll go.
Nicole: Honey, stay with allie. I'll just freshen up and I'll be right back.
Rafe: Mmm, thanks. I was starving. I didn't even know it.
Hope: You haven't had any sleep, either, have you?
Rafe: No, not really. Listen, I hope you're not upset at me for taking ciara's side just now.
Hope: No, no, no, you had a point. You were right. Not doing anything's kind of driving me crazy. I want to do more than order room service and drink tea.
Rafe: Well, I hope you mean that, 'cause there's actually something you could do.
Clyde: Hey. What are you doing here? Where's ben?
Ciara: That's what I came to tell you. There was an explosion at the wedding, clyde.
Clyde: What?
Ciara: Ben was buried underneath all this rubble, and when they moved it away, he was gone.
Clyde: My god. Where the hell is he?
Ben: Ciara! Hello? Anybody, please?
[Sobs] Let me out of here! Let me out of here, please.
Hope: How can I help?
Rafe: Well, we have collected surveillance footage from all over town, but I simply do not have enough manpower to go through it all, and I'd rather have my men on the streets looking for ben.
Hope: Me, too, yeah.
Rafe: Okay, good. So hopefully you and shawn can go through the footage. If you see something funky, you'll spot it?
Hope: Absolutely. Shawn and I will handle it.
Rafe: Okay, great, great. I better get back to the squad room and I'll keep you posted, okay?
Hope: Okay, yeah...[Stutters] Thanks.
Rafe: No, thank you.
Sami: Rafe had better figure out who set that bomb as soon as possible.
Lucas: Well, rafe's going through a crisis right now and here you are putting pressure on him just to say no to adopting allie's baby.
Sami: What pressure? I'm supposed to be honest, aren't I?
Lucas: Well, I've never known you to have an issue with being dishonest, have I?
Sami: All I said was that he's a great guy and he'd make a great father, but it would upset me if my ex-husband was adopting my grandchild.
Lucas: Yeah, he wouldn't want to piss you off, would he?
Sami: Wasn't that lovely?
Lucas: It's the truth.
Sami: I just hope it works.
Lucas: You know, you better hope that allie never finds out. If she finds out that you forced rafe's hand, she is never gonna forgive you.
Allie: I'm really sorry that I barged in on you and aunt nicole before.
Eric: It's okay.
Allie: Mom is just driving me crazy and I couldn't stand bunking with her at grandma marlena'S.
Eric: I understand. Remember that you do what you want to do, not what she wants, okay?
Allie: Yeah, is just doesn't seem like that sometimes.
[Sighs] I don't know. Maybe now that I've made a decision about the baby that she'll be happy with, she'll butt out--she can start driving will crazy.
Eric: [Chuckles]
[Knock at door] Excuse me.
Will: Hey.
Eric: Hey.
Will: Um, sorry, we were just wondering if you knew where allie is, 'cause grandma said she's not--
Allie: Hi.
Will: Hi!
Allie: Hi.
Eric: Come on in.
Will: Hey.
Allie: What's up?
Sonny: [Clears throat] Well, dad drew up the adoption agreement. And there's gonna be more paperwork after the baby's born, but these are all the terms that we discussed.
Will: Um... something wrong?
Nicole: Rafe, hi.
Rafe: Hey, nicole. Hey.
Nicole: It's so good to see you.
Rafe: Yeah, it's good to see you, too. Look, I'm kind of in a hurry.
Nicole: Yeah, I hear you're working on a pretty major case.
Rafe: Uh, yeah. Pretty major is right. I'm actually waiting for a call from forensics right now, so... hey, how's married life treating you, good?
Nicole: So far, so good, yes. We just got back from our honeymoon.
Rafe: Oh, man. Reality bites, huh?
Nicole: Yeah, you better believe it. We haven't even unpacked yet, and allie is already knocking on our door.
Rafe: Why?
Nicole: Well, she wants to live with us instead of at marlena'S. She's had it with sami.
Rafe: Ah.
Nicole: And she told us that you decided against adopting her baby.
Rafe: I did, yeah, I did.
Nicole: I'm just so surprised, you know? Because it's one of the things we bonded over. You know, we both wanted to have children of our own.
Rafe: Yeah. But listen,
[Stutters] I definitely--i still have kids, it's just, um, I told her know, after losing david, it was really rough for me and I just wasn't really ready and, you know, the adoption process, the whole thing, I mean it was gonna be complicated as it is, so, um, anyway, listen, I gotta get going.
Nicole: Wait, one more minute. Just complicated how?
Rafe: Well, you know, uh, being the father of sami's grandchild?
Nicole: And you let that stop you from adopting allie's baby?
Rafe: No, no, no, no, no. I told you, it was--
Nicole: It was sami. Sami got to you, didn't she?
Rafe: [Sighs]
Ciara: The police are all over this, but here's the thing, clyde. They don't have a lot of information. They still have no idea who was the person who set the bomb.
Clyde: You're here because you think it was me.
Ciara: I mean, you did tell ben you were sending him a wedding present.
Clyde: [Chuckles] I put some money together on the outside to help you kids get started. Do you really think I'd try to blow up my own son?
Ciara: No, I don't want to believe that. No part of me wants to believe that, but we have to figure out what the hell happened to ben.
Clyde: Listen, I'm the guy that broke him out of prison to keep him from the needle that was waiting for him here. Do you remember that? I hurt him plenty when he was a kid. I wouldn't lay a finger on him now.
Ciara: Even if he was marrying me?
Clyde: Sweetheart, I know it was you that ultimately saved him from that needle.
Ciara: Right, okay, so you have to help me figure out who did this. Okay, did ben have any enemies that I wasn't aware of? Anybody from poplar bluff or from statesville, right here? Anyone?
Clyde: Not that I know of. But what makes you think ben was the target?
Ciara: What do you mean?
Clyde: Maybe somebody was after you.
Ciara: Who?
Clyde: Orpheus.
Has asthma pushed you
into a smaller life?
Nicole: I'm right, aren't I?
Rafe: Mm.
Nicole: Sami told you she didn't want you to adopt allie's baby, and you knew if you went through with it, sami would make the baby a rope in a tug-of-war between you and her. And being the gentleman that you are, you backed off.
Rafe: Look, I--well, look. You know what? It's probably for the best. You know, better that she said something now than to do what you said. Oh, I gotta go, okay?
Nicole: [Groans] Rafe, rafe. Allie...allie wanted you to raise her baby. She's wanted that from the beginning and I can't believe sami-- wait, what am I talking about? Of course I believe that sami could. I mean, she didn't even know her own daughter was pregnant. She doesn't even live in this hemisphere, and of course sami has to make it about herself, and it's just driving me--
Rafe: Okay, nicole... as much as I would like to stay here and argue with you about this, I have to go, okay?
Nicole: Okay, I'm sorry.
Rafe: I've got a job to do.
Nicole: I know, I didn't mean to start things up, I--
Rafe: No, no, thank you. Thank you for caring so much about me, being a great friend. And congratulations, okay, to you and eric. You guys deserve it.
Nicole: Thank you.
Rafe: Okay?
Nicole: Thank you.
Rafe: All right, all right.
Sami: You know, I really don't see the big deal with me talking to rafe, anyway.
Lucas: Well, if it's not such a big deal, why are you so concerned allie's gonna find out?
Sami: Okay, yeah, okay, you got me.
Lucas: This is what she wanted, okay? She was sure.
Sami: When I was that age, I wanted austin to be will's father, and you remember how great that turned out.
Lucas: It's her life.
Sami: She's still a kid, lucas.
Lucas: You know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of when allie played peewee soccer and that coach didn't start her. Remember what you did? What'd you do? You baked him brownies, those horrible brownies that you bake.
Sami: Okay, okay.
Lucas: Where the guy almost got sick, he didn't put her in the starting lineup, and then what happened? What did you do? You took her off the team. That's unbelievable.
Sami: What are you talking about? Look, she wasn't being treated fairly on that team, anyway.
Lucas: She cried her eyes out. It was an important thing for her to be on that team.
Sami: She got over it. She wasn't meant for soccer. It wasn't even her sport, come on.
Lucas: She was five years old. You come on. You might be able to get away with telling her what to do then, but now, I don't think you can get away with it. If she finds out what you did. I mean, you didn't tell anybody else about this, did you?
Sami: No. Well, maybe.
Lucas: Who? Who did you tell?
Sami: Just will. But I told him to shut his mouth and not even to tell sonny and he won'T.
Lucas: Great, now you got our son lying to his husband. Great job.
Sami: He's not lying to sonny, he's just withholding a really specific piece of information that sonny doesn't need to know anyway.
Lucas: Hmm, nice. Nice justification there.
Sami: You're not gonna tell allie, are you? Please?
Lucas: No, I'm not going to. No, I won't do that.
Sami: Thank you. Lucas, I am just looking out for our little girl.
Lucas: Really? Because I know better. You only look out for one person, and that's good old sami brady.
Allie: Yeah, I--I just didn't expect it to be so many pages.
Sonny: You know, you can talk to my dad about it. He's really good at explaining things. Or you can get your own lawyer if you want them to look it over.
Eric: It's a good idea. Don't sign anything you don't understand.
Will: Yeah, I mean, we want you to be comfortable with the terms, with everything, so...
Allie: "Proper prenatal care"? "Maternal visitation"?
Will: Yeah, I mean, obviously we don't want to shut you out of your child's life.
Allie: [Chuckles softly] Thank you. That means so much to me.
Ciara: Orpheus? What the hell does orpheus have against me?
Clyde: Well, that son of his, christian, or evan-- or whatever the hell his name is-- he's gonna be behind bars for a good, long time because you held a gun on him till he admitted killing jordan, right?
Ciara: Right. Okay, but you really think that he would blow up a church full of people just to get back at me for that?
Clyde: Well, he definitely knows how to hold on to a grudge. And what better way to hurt you than to take your husband away from you?
Ciara: So you think that ben was kidnapped?
Clyde: [Scoffs] Well, from what you tell me about the explosion, it doesn't sound like ben just up and walked away on his own power, right? So think about it. Orpheus loves explosives. And didn't your mama just get a key to the city for stopping him from blowing up john and marlena?
Ciara: Mm-hmm. That's right.
Clyde: Yeah.
Ciara: And they were also at the wedding.
Clyde: So it makes sense, right? He could've killed a whole lot of birds with that one bomb.
[Tense music]
Ben: Whoever you are, let me out of here. Please.
It's totally normal
Will: I gotta tell you, I was worried for a minute. I mean, allie seemed a little overwhelmed by the paperwork, but you were great with her.
Sonny: [Chuckles] Well, thank you. You know, I would like her even if we weren't adopting her baby.
Will: [Chuckles] But, we are, I mean, right? She seems committed.
Sonny: I know, I know. Everything's just happening like so fast. Whoa, wait, where'd you get that?
Will: I, uh, texted henderson when you weren't looking.
Sonny: Ah. I mean, don't you think it's a little early to be drinking?
Will: "Never too early for champagne," is what I always say. Also...
[Cork pops] Um, it's not every day you find out you're gonna be a dad again. So here you go. To baby horton-kiriakis. Or kiriakis-horton.
Sonny: To our child.
Rafe: Maybe the surveillance footage will tell us something. I know, I know, just keep looking.
Sami: Oh, hi.
Rafe: Sami, I'm in the middle of a major manhunt right now.
Sami: This will just take a second. Look, I heard that you told allie that you weren't going to adopt her baby, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Rafe: Yeah, hey, you're welcome. You're still here.
Sami: Yeah. I have, um, one more tiny little favor to ask you.
Rafe: Seriously?
Sami: So allie believes that it was your idea that you didn't want to adopt the baby, and it is...
Rafe: Right.
Sami: Your decision, uh, but she can't know that I had anything to do with it.
Eric: Well, we are unpacked. You read them over?
Allie: Yeah. You know, now that I've calmed down a little, I don't see why a lawyer needs to look at these. I mean, like I have a lawyer.
Eric: Well, that can be arranged. I mean, I think it's a good idea.
Allie: Yeah, but sonny said justin could explain it all. I trust him.
Nicole: Hey.
Eric: Hey.
Nicole: Mm, ready to chow?
Allie: [Chuckles] Yeah. Now that I have this decision made, I'm feeling so relieved. I just want to sign the adoption papers and make it real.
Nicole: When did you get the papers?
Allie: A little while ago.
Eric: Yeah, will and sonny brought 'em over.
Nicole: Um, sweetie? Before you sign anything, I think there's something you should know.
Ciara: Where the hell is that guard? Guard!
Clyde: Hey, what are you doing?
Ciara: Well, I'm gonna have to talk to the warden if I'm gonna question orpheus.
Clyde: You're not gonna question orpheus.
Ciara: I'm not? And why am I not gonna do that?
Clyde: 'Cause orpheus isn't here.
Ben: [Breathing heavily] At least have the guts to show your face, you bastard.
[Dramatic music]
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